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IGARSS 2018 – 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS 2018 – 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Valencia, Spain 22-27 July 2018 Pages 1-660 IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18IGA-POD ISBN: 978-1-5386-7151-1 1/14 Copyright © 2018 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All Rights Reserved Copyright and Reprint Permissions: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limit of U.S. copyright law for private use of patrons those articles in this volume that carry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. For other copying, reprint or republication permission, write to IEEE Copyrights Manager, IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. All rights reserved. *** This is a print representation of what appears in the IEEE Digital Library. Some format issues inherent in the e-media version may also appear in this print version. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18IGA-POD ISBN (Print-On-Demand): 978-1-5386-7151-1 ISBN (Online): 978-1-5386-7150-4 ISSN: 2153-6996 Additional Copies of This Publication Are Available From: Curran Associates, Inc 57 Morehouse Lane Red Hook, NY 12571 USA Phone: (845) 758-0400 Fax: (845) 758-2633 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.proceedings.com 7$%/(2)&217(176 025'$7$)86,21$1'08/7,02'$/,7<, 025*$%25:$9(/(7%$6(')($785((;75$&7,21$1')86,21)25 +<3(563(&75$/$1'/,'$55(027(6(16,1*'$7$ Sen Jia, Meng Zhang, Jiasong Zhu, College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, China 02508/7,)($785(%$6(''(&,6,21)86,21)5$0(:25.)25 +<3(563(&75$/,0$*(5<&/$66,),&$7,21 Sen Jia, Junjian Xian, Shenzhen University, China 025&20%,1(5()/(&7$1&(:,7+6+$',1*&20321(17)25 +<3(563(&75$/,0$*(&/$66,),&$7,21 Xudong Jin, Yanfeng Gu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 0252%-(&7'(7(&7,21)25+,*+5(62/87,216$5,0$*(681'(57+( 63$7,$/&21675$,1762)237,&$/,0$*(6 Qi Li, Ye Zhang, Hao Chen, Guangjiao Zhou, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 025$8720$7,&$662&,$7,21%(7:((16$5$1'237,&$/,0$*(6%$6('21 =(526+27/($51,1* Takahiro Toizumi, Kazutoshi Sagi, Yuzo Senda, NEC Corporation, Japan 0257$5*(7'(7(&7,21,16$5,0$*(6 02552//$%/(/$7(1763$&()25$=,087+,19$5,$176$57$5*(7 5(&2*1,7,21 Kazutoshi Sagi, Takahiro Toizumi, Yuzo Senda, NEC Corporation, Japan 025,16+25(6+,3'(7(&7,21,16$5,0$*(6%$6('21'((31(85$/ 1(7:25.6 Lei Liu, Guowei Chen, Zongxu Pan, Bin Lei, Quanzhi An, Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 025$&+,(9,1*6$57$5*(7&21),*85$7,215(&2*1,7,21%<&20%,1,1* 63$56(*5$3+$1'/2&$/,7<35(6(59,1*352-(&7,216 Ming Liu, Shaanxi Normal University, China; Shichao Chen, Fugang Lu, Jun Wang, Xi’an Modern Control Technology Research Institute, China; Jie Wu, Shaanxi Normal University, China; Taoli Yang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China 0257+(,1)/8(1&(2)6$5,0$*(48$17,=$7,210(7+2'21'(7(&7,21 35(&,6,21 Bing Sun, Zhixiong Zuo, Pengbo Wang, Beihang University, China 025,'(17,7<5(*8/$5,=('63$56(5(35(6(17$7,21)25$8720$7,& 7$5*(75(&2*1,7,21,16$5,0$*(6 Zongxu Pan, Lei Liu, Bin Lei, Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 0250,&52:$9(%$&.6&$77(5,1*02'(/6)256($685)$&( 025,19(67,*$7,212)'233/(563(&75$2)6($%$&.6&$77(57+528*+ /$5*(6&$/(0217(&$5/26,08/$7,216',5(&7180(5,&$/62/87,21$1' $3352;,0$7(02'(/6 Jakov Toporkov, Mark Sletten, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, United States [YLL 0253+<6,&$/02'(/,1*2)2,/$76($$33/,&$7,21)250,&52:$9( &232/$5,=('5$'$5,0$*(5< 2OLYLHU%RLVRW6pEDVWLHQ$QJHOOLDXPH2৽FH1DWLRQDOG¶(WXGHVHWGH5HFKHUFKHV$pURVSDWLDOHV 21(5$ )UDQFH&KDUOHV $QWRLQH*XpULQ0HGLWHUUDQHDQ,QVWLWXWHRI2FHDQRJUDSK\ 0,2 )UDQFH 0256($2,/6((3021,725,1*86,1*$7,0(6(5,(62)&2±32/$5,=(' &2+(5(176$50($685(0(176 Carina R. de Macedo, Andrea Buono, Ferdinando Nunziata, Università di Napoli Parthenope, Italy; Domenico Velotto, German $HURVSDFH&HQWHU '/5 *HUPDQ\0DXUL]LR0LJOLDFFLR8QLYHUVLWjGL1DSROL3DUWKHQRSH,WDO\ 0251250$/,=('5$'$5&52666(&7,2162)6($685)$&((67,0$7('86,1* $6<03727,&$1'6(0,(03,5,&$/0(7+2'6,1&%$1' Honglei Zheng, Ali Khenchaf, Ghanmi Helmi, ENSTA Bretagne, France; Yunhua Wang, Chaofang Zhao, Ocean University of China, China 025$678'<2)&526632/$5,=('6($&/877(586,1*7+(66$+,*+ )5(48(1&<$3352;,0$7,21$1'7+(7:26&$/(02'(/ Shanka Wijesundara, Joel Johnson, The Ohio State University, United States 0256$5,17(5)(520(75<$/21*$1'$&5266, 025&2+(5(1&(&+$1*('(7(&7,21)256(17,1(/6$50(7+2'6$1' $33/,&$7,216 $QGUHD0RQWL*XDUQLHUL0DULD$QWRQLD%URYHOOL0DXUR0DULRWWLG¶$OHVVDQGUR0DUFR0DQ]RQL0RQLD(OLVD0ROLQDUL'DQLHOH Oxoli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 025,16$50,66,21/(9(/352'8&7621'(0$1'±'2:(1((' 5$1*('233/(5" Howard Zebker, Stanford University, United States 0257+(/22.6723602'((1+$1&('6(16,7,9,7<72*5281' ',63/$&(0(17,1$=,087+',5(&7,21:,7+%856702'(6$56<67(06 '(021675$7,21:,7+7(55$6$5; 1HVWRU<DJXH0DUWLQH]3DX3UDWV,UDROD6WHৼHQ:ROOVWDGW'/5*HUPDQ$HURVSDFH&HQWHU*HUPDQ\ 0257:2',0(16,21$/',63/$&(0(17$1$/<6,6:,7+6$5,0$*(6%$6('21 3(56,67(176&$77(5(5&/867(5,1* Daisuke Ikefuji, Taichi Tanaka, Osamu Hoshuyama, NEC Corporation, Japan 02562,/02,6785(9$/,'$7,21 025685)$&(62,/02,6785((67,0$7,21)52002',6$33$5(177+(50$/ ,1(57,$$&203$5,621:,7+6026$1'60$362,/02,6785(352'8&76 0LULDP3DEORVÈQJHO*RQ]iOH]=DPRUD1LOGD6iQFKH]8QLYHUVLW\RI6DODPDQFD6SDLQ*HUDUG3RUWDO0HUFq9DOOOORVVHUD 8QLYHUVLWDW3ROLWqFQLFDGH&DWDOXQ\D6SDLQ-RVp0DUWtQH])HUQiQGH]8QLYHUVLW\RI6DODPDQFD6SDLQ 0259$/,'$7,212)62,/02,6785(,17+(%5$=,/,$16(0,$5,'86,1*6026 6$7(//,7(352'8&7$1'6,0$*5,02'(/ /XFLDQD5RVVDWR0HUFq9DOOOORVVHUD$GULDQR&DPSV*HUDUG3RUWDO8QLYHUVLWDW3ROLWqFQLFDGH&DWDOXQ\D,((&83&DQG SMOS Barcelona Expert Centre, Spain; Jojhy Sakuragi, Carlos Frederico Angelis, Marcelo Zeri, National Centre for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters, Brazil; Humberto Barbosa, Franklin Paredes, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil 025,17(5&$/,%5$7,212)/2:)5(48(1&<%5,*+71(667(03(5$785( 0($685(0(176)25/21*7(5062,/02,6785(5(&25' (PPDQXHO'LQQDW&KDSPDQ8QLYHUVLW\ 1$6$*6)&8QLWHG6WDWHV0DULNR6%XUJLQ$QGUHDV&ROOLDQGHU&KXQVLN&KDH-HW 3URSXOVLRQ/DERUDWRU\&DOLIRUQLD,QVWLWXWHRI7HFKQRORJ\8QLWHG6WDWHV0LFKDHO+&RVK86'$$56+\GURORJ\DQG5HPRWH Sensing Laboratory, United States; Ying Gao, Monash University, Australia [YLLL 025(9$/8$7,212)/$1'685)$&(02'(/$*$,16760$3$1',16,78 2%6(59$7,216)25,1',$15(*,21 Kamal Das, Jitendra Singh, RSM, IBM Research, India; Jagabondhu Hazra, Manager, IBM Research, India, India; Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Sr Manager, IBM Research, India, India 025'(7(50,1$7,212)%(67/2:)5(48(1&<0,&52:$9($17(11$ $3352$&+)25)8785(+,*+5(62/87,210($685(0(176)52063$&( 3HJJ\2¶1HLOO5DMDW%LQGOLVK-HৼUH\3LHSPHLHU'DYLG/H9LQH'HUHN+XGVRQ/LKXD/L*HUDGR&UX]2UWL]'DYLG2OQH\ NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, United States 02562,/3$5$0(7(56)5200,&52:$9($1'27+(5)5(48(1&,(6, 025$),56725'(55$',$7,9(75$16)(502'(/)25*/2%$/62,/02,6785( 5(75,(9$/681'(59(*(7$7,21&$123,(6 Andrew Feldman, Ruzbeh Akbar, Dara Entekhabi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States 025,'(17,)<,1*6026$1'60$33,;(/67+$7(;+,%,7',67,1&7 528*+1(669(*(7$7,213$77(516,1/(9(/237,&$/7+,&.1(665(75,(9$/6 Victoria Walker, Brian K. Hornbuckle, Brian Gelder, Iowa State University, United States 02581&(57$,17<2)())(&7,9(528*+1(663$5$0(7(56&$/,%5$7('21 %$5($*5,&8/785$//$1'86,1*6(17,1(/6$5 +DUP-DQ)%HQQLQJD5RJLHUYDQGHU9HOGH=KRQJER6X8QLYHUVLW\RI7ZHQWH1HWKHUODQGV 025,55,*$7,210$33,1*86,1*67$7,67,&62)6(17,1(/7,0(6(5,(6 Qi Gao, isardSAT, Spain; Mehrez Zribi, CESBIO, France; Maria Jose Escorihuela, isardSAT, Spain; Nicolas Baghdadi, IRSTEA, )UDQFH3HUH4XLQWDQD6HJXL2EVHUYDWRULGHO¶(EUH6SDLQ 0252&($1%,2/2*<$1':$7(548$/,7<, 025/,1.,1*:($7+(53$77(516:$7(548$/,7<$1',19$6,9(0866(/ ',675,%87,216,17+('(9(/230(17$1'$33/,&$7,212)$:$7(5&/$5,7<,1'(; )257+(*5($7/$.(6 Varis Ransibrahmanakul, U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, United States; Simon Pittman, Plymouth University, United Kingdom; Douglas Pirhalla, U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, United States; Scott Sheridan, Cameron Lee, Kent State University, United States; Brian Barnes, Chuanmin Hu, University of South Florida, United States; Karsten Shein, U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, United States 0255(75,(9$/2)&$6(:$7(548$/,7<3$5$0(7(56:,7+0$&+,1( /($51,1* $QD%HOHQ5XHVFDV*RQ]DOR0DWHR*DUFtD*XVWDX&DPSV9DOOV8QLYHUVLW\RI9DOHQFLD6SDLQ0DUWLQ+LHURQ\PL+HOPKROW] Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany 025())(&762)12181,)2509(57,&$/352),/(62)6863(1'(' 3$57,&/(6215(027(6(16,1*5()/(&7$1&(2)785%,':$7(5 Jue Huang, Tao Jiang, Shandong University of Science and Technology, China 025(9$/8$7,212)7,'$/())(&721:$7(5&2167,78(179$5,$7,216 86,1*237,&$/2%6(59$7,216$1'7,'(*$8*(5(&25'6,17+('87&+:$''(16($ Behnaz Arabi, Mhd.Suhyb Salama, Wouter Verhoef, University of Twente, Netherlands 0256+$//2::$7(52&($1&2/252%6(59$7,216,19(56,2186,1* 3$57,&/(6:$50237,0,=$7,21$1'*(1(7,&$/*25,7+0 Srinivas Kolluru, Shirish S.
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