AUST! N 1 7870 1

June 11, 1968

Miss Eunice 323B Marguerit Corona del Mar, Calif. 92625

Dear Miss

I've just come across your query concerning the Reeves­ Rives-Crooke families in The Virginia Genealogist, Vol 8, No . 2, April-June, 1964

During the past several years I've done a great deal of work on the Reeves-Rieves-Rives family, including two inter­ marriages with people named Crook or Crooke. I'm a descendant of Burgess Reeves (Burgis Rives) , born in 1746 in what became Granville Co., N. C., and died in the Pendleton District, South Carolina, from which district he served in the South Carolina militia during the Revolution. I've followed sub­ stantially all of his descendants and hope to publish a gene­ alogy of the Reeves-Rives family in the next few years.

Burgess was the son of Wm. Rives III, born around 1690- 1700 in Virginia, died 1751 in Granville Co., N. C. He was the son of Wm. Ryves II, born around 1672, probably in Vir­ ginia and died in Virginia (no proof), son of Wm. Rives or Ryves I .

William Ryves or Rives I was born circa 1636, presumably in Oxfordshire, England, baptised at St. Mary and Magdalen, Oxford; died after 1695 in America, probably in Southern part of Virginia. In 1684-5 he was listed amon8 the tax payers in Southworke Parish, Surry Co . , Virginia. He had sons George, Robert, Johm, Timothy, and William.

The Parish Register of Albemarle Parish, Virginia, 1717-1778, lists children of Georg~ John, Christopher, and Richard Rives baptised there between 1742 and 1778, and innumerable Rives, both men and women, acted as sponsors of other children there. Page 2

I don't know whether or not the William Ryves called the "emigrant" is the Wm . Reeves listed by Nugent in "Cavaliers and Pioneers," as coming to America in 1652 .

There was a Wm . Rives in Chowan Precinct, N. c., in 1718 when he sold 15 acs . on the Moraltuck River.

I have a reference to the will of George Rives (born c. 1660 - died after 1719) who was in Prince George Co . , Va . , and his nephew George Rives (son of Timothy) born c. 1698, died 6/1/1746, Surry Co . , Va .

I have no proof (except tradition) that Wm . Ryves, the emigrant, was the son of Timothy Ryves (born c. 1588 in Eng­ land; died 9/1/1643 in Oxford, England), a "Gentleman and steward" of the University of Oxford . In 1644 he was a sub­ stantial tax payer in Oxford . His first wife Mary died 11/8/1629 , his second wife Elizabeth died 1/6/ 1643, both in Oxford .

Timothy was the son of Richard Ryves (born c . 1547), who was the son of John Ryves and Amye Harvey. John lived at Damory Court, Blandford Forum, County Dorset (21 miles S. W. of Salisbury, England), which I visited in 1966. The old 3 or 4 story house known as Damory Court had been turned into a hotel . The alms house George Ryves . gave the town of Bland­ ford Forum is still operating and has the Ryves crest on its south wall with an inscription "George Ryves, Armiger," then some Latin, and the date 1682. The Ryves chapel, windows, and effigies in the church of St. and Paul, Blandford Forum, were destroyed in the "Great Fire of 1731" which des­ troyed most of the town.

John Ryves was the son of Robert Ryves and his wife Joan, who received several grants from Henry VIII, including Damory Court. Robert was born circa 1490 possibly in France, came to Dorsetshire with Roger de Amory, a French knight, and died at Blandford Forum 2/11/1551. Robert is the earliest one I know of.

If this appears to be your Rives line, I'd like very much to know what additional information you may have, especially as to William Ryves, emigrant. I have more details as to collateral lines in each generation. I'll be glad to hear from you . Y~e:~t\2w Louise Kirk 1631 Donalor Drive Escondido CA 92027 March 28, 1976 Dear Mis~, Thank you for your response to my query. First, I'm sorry but t here was a typoeraphical error and 11 Vav11 shoul d have been Van Reeves. I have James Reeves will written in 1822 in Stark County Ohio. In it he names the following children: Johanna, Nelly, Aaron (he possibly moved to New Jersey), Martha, Abi gail, Eunice, James, Manassa, and Van VanMeter Reeves. He names his wife as Sarah. Both he and his wife died in 1827 in Stark County Ohio. To d~te I have not found a county histD17Y that gi ves me any information. James Downing was an executor of the est at e .

The Van Reeves you found in Brown County Ohio in 1850 is James ' son. Van, first married Rachal e ~llenton 11 Sept. 1817 in Stark County. She died 5 Sept. 1835 in Guernsey County Ohio. Their children were: John m. Lydia Sims, l~nassa m. Mary McFaland 2nd. Matilda Hall Hawkes , Rach;:iel, Hester, Nathaniel, Permelia m. Davidson, Mari a m. Sieler, ~ra m. Stull and Van Van Meter (died in Civil 1"1'ar ). He second married Matilda Stull (no date, mut ma'Bt have been immedi ately since first child was born July 1836. Children by second wi fe : Hannah, William , Lydia m. John Feustal, Ma rgar et Reeves , ~nd rew J . Reeves m. Ella Dimick. By 1847 this family was in Hamilton County Ohio. The family moved to Muscct ine County Iowa wher e I find them in 1860. He died in 1872 in Rock Island County, Illinois which is just across the Mississpppi River from Muscatine County. They seem to have moved back and forth between the t wo counties. His second wife died in 1881. I do not find them in a cQ.lnty histovy either.

Ma.nassah Reeves married Mary McFarland in Ross County Ohio in 1842 She died in Nuscstine county Iowa in 1861. In 1862 he married Matilda !fall hawkes . He was in the Civil War and I hawe his r ecords. Matilda lived until 1923. I have found them in a history of Rock Island County.

From Manassah on I have a pr etty good r ecord of t he family and quite a lot on Van Van Met er. Sometime I see the name as Van Meter without the first Van .

Sincerely, \ ' i




Anyone who is interested in the pedigrees of any person in the following alphabetical listing should send S.A.S.E. to the above address. Information will include family groups, ancestors and descendents as far as is known. l'-IAME SORTED LI ST

8/B/ 1 '-188 Paqce 1 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent r;: I l'-1 Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

,Mrs. Moses T. A *Bradley,Addiniram-959 ( Feaq l es) • Mrs. 1·1oses T. A *Bradley,Addiniram-959 • ?'1bj <,;iai 1 1705 Randal 1, John-·91

1 ,;bi qa:i l 9·39 Booth,Abraham-938 ,?.Uic: Bur·· 1 ey, Ir i:1-LI nr;i . c d.he1r i ne 916 l64l Bir i ggs, John-915 .Cllr1stian 848 1610 f'.:111 en. John-84 7 • Do1rothy 328 Reynolds,Isaac-327 .Dorothy 858 1583 1673 Brown.John Gentleman-857 , Drnrot:hy llc>3 Stiles,Ebenezer-462 , E.l :i ~: abE~th 3:36 Purchase,John P-335 ,El :i;:abeth :::;.:~;8 Nash, Franci s-:537 .Eli:;:abeth 447 Gilbert,-446 Reiner,William-448 , El :i.:z.abeth 4~5,1 1668 Perkins,Jacob-453 .Elizabeth <;;72 Wc1od. John-907 • Ell urra 118 Randall,Murray

• l'li':ll'"" v .l:s:~~7 f-\i c:h,;,rclson 1 Thnm.::1s c:;·--8:~:.1 • Mr.H"\( BLlf.:i 1 :'59 j J.6118 Bosworth,Edward-845 ~ t·lr.u-y El6•1 Butterworth,John-863 • PhebE? 441 1 \.JO._:,£ , -:• Gould.Zaccheus-440 • F:ebecca 91)6 l\lood • Thomas-905

~..,C'C:" • 11e:?heccc:i. I 1Ji..J Al 1 en. J ohn·-75'1 • flllobay ,..).=!""":~..:...·-··-' 1772 1822 Howard~Timothy Rev.-232

1 Sa1rah 818 165(1 Bumpas, John-·817 , Sc3rah 9'28 D:inoley,John-927 1 "7"7 ,( • Sa1·· i::~h 219 I I \..') 1862 Granqer,Joseph-218 • !:lu1:;ann;:1h 757 Allen.Ralph Jr.-756 ?Df:~n n i s. f'..)n n B56 16~)2 Brown,John Ensiqn-855 Adams. As;eneth 962 Feaqles.Philo-946 ~id ams. Le 1 ah 130 Randall.John Wesley J-129 Adams.Lois 667 Wade.R:i.chard-665

(-U qr~ 1r. AnnE! B87 Fi. tch 1 Thomr.~s--886 Al 1 en. r1. L..uc:::i u:; 74:3 l8Hl 1 IJ::!:E3 :::~44 *Allen.Jude (Judah)-734 r-u 1 en. Al bE?r·t. 742 2Lf-4 *Allen,Jude

B/8/ 1 <:;>88 Page 2 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent F:IN Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

Allen,Eva M. 952 1858 241 ~o 24t> lJ:i11i;am L. .. 949 1838 :1.841 241 *Allen,Erastus-722 (.U l ~=n !I Zoet: h 74c_;> 1760 24·=; ·M-Al I en, John-74·6 Annis,Alexander C. ::::;66 Annis!, Amandc::t 3~57 Salisbury,George S.-344 t~\nni s!, S;al l y ~;67 Salisbury,Royal S.-346 t~\ U EH'.. , 1-161 ~-! {-? ]. 201 :l. 9:l :L 196<71 Randall,Harvey Brunner-45 l~u!::.. t j, n, Mc-:\1·· y :3;5.1~. 17'?7 181.~f3 Salisbury,Abraham W-341 Babbs!, Hel e:.m 871 Peck,Robert (Jr.l-870 Bc::\bbs, Nichol c:\!:; 873 Backus, Elizabeth 29 :~;:24 Prince,Judith-930 Be:1r ker, F 1 :~:: :::;:L6 IAl:i ng !' ,J ohn-·S) :I. 2 Batchelder,Stephen F

8/8/1988 Page 3 ======~ Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent Name RIN Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

Batt,Clarence M. 405 1863 154 *Batt,Lewis Daniel-396 Batt,Cornelia H. 401 1849 153 Markham,Theodore-419 Batt,George N. 402 1851 153 *Batt,Samuel Gould-393 Batt, R. 407 1898 155 *Batt,Lewis Daniel-396 Batt,Harriet En 399 1844 1904 1~7JJ Swift,Alfred-417 Batt, Julia E. 400 1847 153 Weidley,Jchn-418 Batt,Kittie Mina 14 1876 1959 9 Randall,Earle W-13 Batt,Leola r'· 411 158 *Batt,Cla~ence Mp-405 Batt,Lewis Daniel 396 1837 153 Burley,Rachel-404 Davis,Melinda Shedd M-406 Ross,Harriet An-408 Batt,Louisa M. 397 1840 153 Markham,Marcus-414 Batt,Luther Mills 24 1839 1921 153 Allen,Phebe Elizabeth-25 Batt,Melincia A. 398 1842 153 Ellis,John-416 0 Batt,Nellie Zena 460 1872 1957 I Bates,Rae W. M.D.-26 Barnum,John-461 Batt,Sarnuel Gould 393 1803 1875 165 Mills,Matilda-394 Batt,William 395 1835 153 *Batt,Samuel Gould-393 Batt,William 420 1759 1828 Gould,Mehitable-421 Batterson,Mary Ellen 709 Iles,Robert-700 Beckman,Charles G. 213 Randall,Mary Anna-208 Beciell,John 896 Bedell,Margery 893 305 Brock,William-892 Benson, 767 1793 1852 251 *Benson,Elihu-760 Benson, Elihu 760 1756 1804 252 Brown,Hulda-761 Benson,~lizabeth 769 1796 1885 251 *Benson,Elihu-760 Benson,Hannah 780 1754 252 *Benson,Job-773 Benson,Hannah 793 1705 1776 254 *Benson,Isaac-788 Benson,Hannah 808 1672 256 *Benson,John Jr.-799 Benson, Isaac 787 1739 1818 253 *Benson,John-783 Benson, Isaac 788 1669 1746 256 Bumpas,Mary-789 Benson,Jacob 772 1802 1885 251 *Benson,Elihu-760 Benson,Jacob 775 1743 1825 252 *Benson,Job-773 Benson,Jacob 786 1730 253 *Benson,John-783 Benson,Jacob 795 1710 254 *Benson,Isaac-788 Benson,Jacob 807 1671 256 *Benson,John Jr.-799 Benson,Job 771 1801 1880 251 *Benson,Elihu-760 Benson~Job 773 1722 1801 253 Richardson,Mary-774 Benson~Job 781 1762 1836 252 *Benson,Job-773 Benson,Job 791 1703 254 *Benson,Isaac-788 Benson,John 778 1750 1839 252 *Benson,Job-773 Benson,John 783 1700 1758 254 ,Judith-784 Benson, John 797 1608 1678 Williams,Mary-798 NAME SORTED LIST

8/B/1.988 Paqe 4 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

Bens;c1n !I John I I I 805 1665 1725 256 *Benson,John Jr.-799 BE"mson, John Jr .. 785 1725 25'.3; *Benson,John-783 Benson,John Jr .. 795> 1635 1711 255 Marsh,Elizabeth-804 Benson, ~Joseph 801 :L640 1706 255 *Benson,John-797 Benson, Joseph 806 :1.667 1737 256 *Benson,John Jr.-799 F.<:H"1 !' M i:!H' .. th a 80~:; :L644 2~5:5 *Benson,John-797 B<::?n ~;cm , McEl.I'"' y 7'76 l 74~5 2!52 ·iE- B+:-?n 1scm , ~J c:)b ·-'7'7~:; BE~n son, Mai"· y 800 16'.T7 255 *Benson,John-797 Benson!• Ph£-:be 7:3;5 :t 781 1B4·1 251 Allen,Jude (Judah)-734 Benson,Rachel 794 :1.707 254 *Benson,Isaac-788 Benson, l:;:ufus 768 1795 1s1+~; 251 *Benson,Elihu-760 Benson,Rut:h 792 :1.704 254 *Benson,Isaac-788 B£-mson, Simon 796 1715 1795 254 *Benson,Isaac-788 B<::~n!:;on :•Sc)]. omon 76!:; :I. 791 25 :t *Benson,Elihu-760 F. l 60!:-j l.69:3; !' Hannah··-F.J20 EfC:)Oth !I ?ib:i qai J. <;>18 :I. 7 J1. .q. :::.\2B 1<£:-?en !• I s;ac3c:·-·9 :I. 7 Bc:ir.3th, i-ibr c:\h am 9::::s 17'.30 :~::2c;> , r~b i ~Jc:\ i 1 --93c1 Booth, John 940 Bostr.ior-th, EdtioJair·d f34~j 1585 16:;.\4 !I l'"lary--846 Bosworth,Mary 844 1611 1687 276 Buckland!IWilliam-843 11 11 11 11 Bowling, ?kd.:hony Tony 140 37 *Bo\.\ll i ng !• RobE~rt Bob - :l 39 Bot·\ll i ng :• Cc::H""ol yn 142 ._,I"':r"7 ·ii-Bowling!, Rober-·t. 11 Bob 11 -139 11 11 Bt:wJ 1 :i n g , Mr.:u,.. i J. yn 1·1.1·1 ~\7 ·IE-Bowl i n<;J i• Robert Bc.1b --l. 39 11 11 Bowl :i nt;;J !' l~obert Bob :L::::;9 Randall,Elaise-132 BDti•JfficE\1'1, Cr i:ii g 6~56 :2:,~3 *Bowman,Keith-654 Bowman!' l 16 Br i ~rn s !I Sa1'"· ah 911 1641 168<7> 3:1.7 Wing,Stephen-910 Br<:Jc:k !I John 89-<~. :1.509 Wiseman,Agnes-895 Br- oc k !' Mary 8'-'f :t. :l~j66 ::;:0:3 Rc-1eve, ,J ohn·-Bc10 Broe: k !• l>Ji 11 :i. am B<;>2 15:3:8 1 !:jt;il8 :$04 Bedell,Margery-893 Brc)c:kie~, Colin 676 King,Caroline-599 Brockie,Diane Kay 678 L~29 *Brockie,Colin-676 '?'?CJ Broc:kie,Linc:la 677 ..:.•• .:.. .I Baldwin,Bruce-679 Broe: kman, Louise 120 Randall,Ray An Jrn-119 Brown, Dani £~1 94<;> 1726 1803 27'? Wood,Elizabeth-850 B1·-<:Jwn :1 Dan:i. el <;>6B :t6s:3 1684 280 *Brown,John Capt.-853 Brown,Daniel E3~51 :1.686 1nso 2BO Mi:1son !I Sc.-\rah·-.. 852 B1···c)l,.Jll :• Ebc::~nf?Z er <;>6<;> :L685 2BO *Brown,John Captu-853 1 ·71:--7 E

8/B/198B Page 5 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent Nam'::~ Rif\I Vear Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

Etrot.'m, John <;>65 1675 2BO *Brown,John Capt.-853 B1r·own, '-1ohn Capt .. 95:3 1650 17oc; 281 Mc:tson, l~nne--854 Brown,John Ensign 855 :J.62~: 1662 282 ?Dennis,Ann-EJ56 Brown,John Gentleman 857 157c7 1662 , Doi,..othy-858 Brown, J ose:~ph 971 :J.690 280 *Brown,John Capt.-853 Brown!' Liva ~:.56 Salisbury,Guy Mn-343 Brotrm !I Lydia 9\-S6 1679 280 *Brown,John Capt.-853 B1,..own, Marthc.-\ 967 1681 280 *Brown,John Capt.-853 Br·m·m, Stephen S170 :l688 280 *Brown,John Capt.-853 Brunner.. , Dai..·m 44 Randall,Howard M.-40 Bue k 1 and, Bc:11,.. ctk 839 1666 173<7 274,.,-,,::- Woodcock,Alice-840 Bue: kl and!' ,Joseph 841 l.t':_\33 1718 •.:.. I ._J Allen,Deborah-842 Bue k 1 and, Sar· ah 822 :1.700 2/:3 Richardson,Johnathan-821 Buckland,William 84~~; 1.606 :l.iJB3 Bosworth,Mary-844 Bumpas, John 817 1636 262 , Sa1'"" ah-818 Bump a:. !I l"Jar· 'l 789 167:L 1715 261 Benson,Isaac-788 Burley, I1· .. e:i 409 ,Caroline-410 Bur· l ey, Rach<=l 404 :J.863 157 Batt,Lewis Daniel-396 Burrows!' Fanny 245 H<:Jward, Asa-2::.m Buskirk !I Helen ~i62 Hayes,Benjamin-556 Butterworth,Henry 865 Butterworth,John 86~; l.600 2B6 !!Mary-864 ButtertrJorth, Mary 862 :L6:.2s :1. 714 2s5 Mason,Sampson-861 Cc:d. n, Eli :z: i:\beth 942 1.8Lj.Lj. Feagles,William-941 Carrick,Charles H" 171. :1.86'» 5l *Carrick,Charles W.-169 Carrick,Charles W" 169 :1.842 Randall,Helen Mar-164 Carrick,William H.. 170 :l.B66 51 *Carrick,Charles W.-169 Casebee1r·, L1:.-\r-ry 621 21 !:i *Casebeer,Warren-620 1"\#"\ Cc:\sebeer !'Linda 6 ..:: . ..:;. 21 !:i *Casebeer,Warren-620 i. r-;.·~r Casebee1,.., Lc3ui se O ..:..·-• *Casebeer,Warren-620 Casebeer,Warren 6:.20 l<:i ng, Huth·--610 Caton, {.\ndr-c;?l.r•J M .. ~::.76 Salisbury,Priscilla 0-360 Cc:\v:i. nd<=r, Di an<= ~:j :l Randall,Howard-48 Cecil,Mary Helen 702 I l. es!' Duane·-·69<71 C:t. ,;ir· k, Prud+?nce 4.1::::: l::;!o!ss, \J<:)hn-.l~12 Collier, Mary <;i:;:;4 1601 :L67:::. 327 Prince,Thomas G-933 1 Col 1 i<:1,.. !I l;Ji 11 i am s :;:6 :l ;.:)}."36 167 :I. Curt<~!S !I J c:tne·-9:::.7 Con ce, Let i ti a 228 Howard,Alonson B-223 C<:Jol c-:~y !• 1-le:\r-mon 244 Howard,Rhobay-237 Cc3C) 1 <-?Y, Or- r- :i. n 1-lc)ward !I Nancy--236 Cottrell,Eleanor s:~' :l 715 Randall,Nathan-78 Cc:Jttrel 1 !• M,-ary 7'?., :1.7:1. l 173~i Randall,Nathan-78 Crull,Frank Ferguson ~50 :1.859 1<;>:L0 Gray,Cora Helen-31 Crull,Georgia Eileen 16 :1.88/" :1.965 11 HousehCJlder,David A-15 Curt es, Jan<~ 937 1 ,1.._,7~3 Collie~,William-936 Cur-ti s, Mai·- <.:;J 1'::1.r et 569 Hayes,Frederick W-557 Danby!• Sar ah 378 Salisbury,Harmon L~-362 Davis,Melinda Shedd Mrs .. 406 1882 Batt,Lewis Daniel-396 Decamp, A1,...t:hur J .. 214 Randall,Ednah Agnes-209 Dingley,Hannah 922 322 Keene,Josias-921 0'?7 Dinq1ey,John I •.:.. I 1608 16:58 ,Sai-ah-928 DCJr-r- is, Lizzie-? 954 Allen,James Jp-951 NAME SORTED LIST

f3/B/1988 Paqe 6 ======Br /Ch Dt /Bu F"an~nt F

D<::nt.Jns!• 1"1el :i ssa S .. 160 1.844 1BT::.:: Randall,Freedom-158 Duxford, Katherine a::::o 1!:56S"> :1.6:.:::l. Richardson,Thomas J-829 Edmonds(Edwardsl,Cynthia Howard,Alonsan B-223 Eisenman,Carrie Mary 126 18~50 Randall,John Wesley-34 Eldridge,Earline Ray 124 :1.907 1 44 179<1 1870 330 P,:1rker!• Sai,..ah--957 FE?c.-tgl e~:.!, Jc.-tmes 947 330 *Feagles,William-941 Feagles,Jennie (Johnson) <;>~:SB *Feagles,Jacob-944 Feaql es, ,John 943 *Feagles,William-941 Feaqles!I Ph:i.1 D 4-6 1846 :3:3o Adams,Aseneth-962 Ff.-:~1gl es, Sal <;.~m ,J .. 96:::. :l 8 4 <"7 :3: :3; C.""> *Feagles,Philo-946 Fe:~aql es, Se:,11 y 9.~~.5 1804 1 El5<;> 3:3:o Bradley,Addiniram-959 Feagles,Samuel Ha 964 18LW 1866 :3:36 *Feagles,Philo-946 ""7' ..... "':'' Feagles,Sinia Blakely I ..:.., ... ;. 1815 1El8l ::;;:;_:;o Allen,Erastus-722 Fe·?agl es.!, Thomas 94-8 *Feagles,William-941 Fc:=aq 1 c~=-, i'H 11 i am <741 1850 Cain,Elizabeth-942 Fi 0?1 cl, Ebenez e1·- 4::n Gould, S,:.,rah--424 Fi skc~, Ma1,..v :l6~35 16~~5 183 Perkins,John Sgt.-451 1 Fiske !I Phi ne1:\S 45S Fiske,Thomas Captain 45B 18.ll. *Fiske,Phineas-459 Fitch, Geon;1e 882 298 Thurgood,Joan-883 Fit.ch, ,John 878 :L61~i 296 Sutton,Mary-879 Fitch !I ,John 888 :3:01 *Fitch,William-889 Fi t.c:h !I F:oq9 !' Marqei•"y-885 Fitch!' Sarc-:\h 860 1656 1;1 1.9 29~; Mason, Noah--85c.? 1 t. -:r•") Fi t<:h !•Thomas 880 15<",">0 .0-...•..:.. 29'7 RE~eve !' Anne:~·-8B 1 Fitch, Thomas 886 :::::oo Al gel'", Anne--887 Fi tc:h, l>Ji 11 i am sss> 1·400 Foster,Sarah 481 1744 lB09 Mills,Peter Captain-480 Fr eem,:i.n , Susan 379 Salisbury,Harmon L.-362 Freer,Martha 380 Salisbury,Alexander C-365 F1,..f2nch, Hannah 391 Hayward,Benjamin Jr.-390 Fl'·y<=!I Elizabeth 46~5 :ts<;) Stiles,Robert-464 Frye, John 466 1601 16S13 Ful 1 er·· !I Debor· ah 826 1650 269 Richardson,Isaac-825 Ful 1 EH,.., John s:::::6 Fu1ler,Ralph 271 *Fuller,John-836 Fuller,Thomas Lt. 833 l618 1698 270 Tidd,Elizabeth-834 Gilbert,Benjamin Lt. 44:2 1691 1760 176 Perkins,Esther-443 Gilbert, Humphrey 446 1616 l.667 , El izi:.';\bet.h·-447 1 7-1 Gilbert,John Deacon 444 1665 1722 ·' .. Killam,Elizabeth-445 Gilbert, Sarah 423 1726 1816 175 Gould,Samuel Lt.-422 Gou Id, Bul i:'\h ·W29 1781 166 *Gould,Samuel Lt.-422 Gauld!' Dani el 428 1760 :J.66 *Gould,Samuel Lt.-422 f3ou1 d !•El :i 430 166 Johnson,Bernice-433 1 -·1c-c:- C'.3oul d !I Esthe1,.. 426 :I. 75~;. I ~.:J 166 *Gould,Samuel Lta-422 Gauld!• I SC:lac: 427 1758 l.66 Thayer,Dlive-432 Gauld, ~John Capt., 438 16::::;~5 1709 :LT:::: Baker, Sar ah-·4~!8 NAME SORTED LIST

8/8/1988 Page 7 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent Name RIN Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

Gould,Mehitable 421 1766 166 Batt 9 William-420 Gould,Samuel Jr. 425 1755 1776 166 *Gould,Samuel Ltu-422 Gould,Samuel Jr" 434 1701 171 Stiles,Mehitable-435 Gould,Samuel Lt. 422 1727 1791 170 Gilbert,Sarah-423 Gould,Samuel Sr" 436 1669 1724 172 Stone,Margaret-437 Gould,Sarah 424 1751 166 Field,Ebenezer-431 Gould,Zaccheus 440 1589 1670 ,Phebe-441 Granger,Joseph 218 ,Sarah-219 Granger, Lucinda 62 1793 1844 70 Randall,John-61 Granger,Sylvester 227 Howard,Sophronia Mn-222 Gray,Cora Helen 31 1863 1956 Crull,Frank Ferguson-30 Gridley, Cathy 652 222 *Gridley,Erwin-641 Gridley, Clinton 638 King,Ethel-597 Gridley, Dorothy 642 220 Bowman,Keith-654 Gridley, Ernest 644 220 *Gridley,Clinton-638 Gridley, Erwin 641 220 Maurer,Joyce-640 Gridley, Garreth 650 222 *Gridley,Erwin-641 Gridley,Lois Mary 643 220 Russell,Lloyd-658 Gridley, Luci le 639 220 Little,Richard-645 Gridley, Stephen 653 222 *Gridley,Erwin-641 Gridley, Susan 651 222 *Gridley,Erwin-641 Griffin,Marja A. 377 Salisbury,Stephen Vu-361 Grover,Walter 262 Howard;Rebecca-257 Grundeman,Beverly 715 238 *Grundeman,Richard-713 Grundeman,Douglas 714 238 *Grundeman,Richard-713 Grundeman,Eugene 716 238 *Grundeman,Richard-713 Grundeman,Marcella 717 238 *Grundeman,Richard-713 Grundeman,Richard 713 Iles,Dora Jean-701 Hale, Elizabeth 902 1707 Wood,Noah-901 Halloran,Theresa Mary 540 1931 Stephens,John Mills-539 Hartman, Jon 215 Randall,Gwyn Dawn-200 Harwick, Lucinda 370 Salisbury,Harmon Ln-348 Hayes, Benjamin 556 200 Buskirk,Helen-562 Hayes, Bernice 563 201 *Hayes,Benjamin-556 Hayes,Cecil B­ 560 202 McKiver,Gladys-587 Hayes,Della 558 202 Kane,Edward-579 Hayes,Fred L­ 570 203 Leister,Sharon K.-575 Hayes,Frederick 555 Mills,Luella-552 Hayes,Frederick Wesley 557 202 Curtis,Margaret-569 Hayes, Ira 567 200 Shaw,Marie-568 Hayes, Margaret 574 203 *Hayes,Frederick W-557 Hayes, Marjorie 565 201 *Hayes,Benjamin-556 Hayes, Michael 572 203 *Hayes,Frederick W-557 Hayes, Nancy 585 207 *Hayes~Philip Lu-559 Hayes,Philip L. 559 202 Miller,Barbara-583 Hayes, Robin 203 *Hayes,Frederick W-557 Hayes,Ronald 586 207 *Hayes,Philip Lu-559 Hayes,Shirley A. 561 202 Schmitt,John-590 Hayes, Sidney 571 203 Lewis,Sharon Kn-577 Hayes, Susan 589 208 *Hayes,Cecil B.-560 Hayes, Timothy 576 204 *Hayes,Fred L.-570 Hayes, Todd 578 2()!5 *Hayes,Sidney-571 NAME SORTED LIST

8/8/1988 Page 8 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent Name RIN Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name ------Hc:\ves!, VE!!l ma 564 201. *Hayes,Benjamin-556 Hc::\y<::~s, r../i cki 584 207 *Hayes,Philip L.-559 Hayes,'v'irgin:ia 566 201 *Hayes,Benjamin-556 Hayes, ~vi 11 i i:\m 588 208 *Hayes,Cecil Bn-560 Hays,Mary Amanda :1. B6:3 1 s>oo Stephens,Richard S-528 Hayward,Benjamin Jr. 152 Fr-ench,Hannah-391 Hayward,Benjamin Sr" 392 Hc:u~el, Ell en 69!5 McCullough,William-685 1-1<:-?c:\rn<=, (-)~Jnes Bn5 Lawrence,John R-874 Hearne,William 877 Henderson,Nor-ma 606 King, Ma>:-604 Hi nk:t <~Y!• Nancy 241 Howard,Barnard M.-234 Hoche~,Georges Amin M.D. 6 :t9~:.4 Reeves,Mary Kathryn R.N.-4 Holtan,Archie Gilbert 1947 115 Perkins,Carol Ann-322 Holtan,Dorothea Jane 19!:j2 :1.15 Barnes,William Robert-323 Holtan,Irvin Nordean ::;;;i7 Lang,Lois Margaret-316 Holtan,Mildred Ardella 31B 19Ll-2 11 !:) Pritchett,Raymond E-321 Householder,Anne Louise 29 :1.880 10 *Householder,Francis M-27 Householder,David Andrew 15 1884 l.cl42 10 Crull,Georgia Eileen-:1.6 Householder,Eleanor Rhoda 12 1908 ·7 Randall,Tom Rolland-7 Householder,Francis M 27 1841 1897 Myers,Sallie E.-28 Householder,Frank Crull 17 1909 1979 7 *l-louseholder,David A-15 -... -, Howard,Alonson B. 220 17CJ3 1871 I" Salisbury!lPriscilla-221 Howard,Alonson Bingley M :L 82'.:~ 1EH33 71 Cone,Letitia-228 Edmonds(Edwards),C-229 "7"7 1-kwJar d, Asa 238 1.BO:L 1B42 I I Burrows,Fanny-245 Howi:\r·d, Az ~,,,.. :i ah 25!:'..i 177:1. :J.817 86 *Howard/Hayward,Noah-249 Howard,Barnard M. 2:34 1791 1f350 77 Hinkley,Nancy-241 Howard, Benjamin 252 1762 19.. :1.2 86 Birge,Rhoda-260 Howard,Benjamin Jr. 264 :L786 HH7 88 Martin !1 Lc)i s-276 11 11 ,..·low«:u .. ·d :r Ca.th 1-ar i ne Cc:H,.. I'" i <= :::H 1 :LS<:t6 l.9Tl 110 Lang,Archie Everett-315 Howard~Charles Bodman :::::07 1886 1887 110 *Howard,George F-296 HotrJc:H,..d, Cornelia 28-4 1830 :1.892 97 Ketchum,Richard-298 Howr.Rr-d, Deli 1:\ M .. 289 lE-346 l. CJ20 97 Preston,Joseph E-303 Howard,Dexter Mason 266 1 7<;>(> 1B71 88 Parkhurst,Rosina-279 0'7 Howan::f, Dt.\ti ght 290 1848 191 :t I J Wilder,Emily-304 Hcn.-Jard ~·El ber-t F. 306 1884 18CJ.cl 11 (l *Howard,George F-296 H<;,1.r•JC:-ll'"d, El <:-?etc:\ 274 :l808 l.B91 88 Scott,Andrew-293 Wilcox,Hiram-294 Howard, Elizabeth 282 1823 1873 97 Kenyon,Silas-291 Howard,George Franklin 296 :J.858 15144 :l02 Palmer,Annette-305 Howard,George Salisbury 22.lf. 1826 l 8<':?<'1 71. *Howard,Alonson Bp-220 Howard,Henrietta 285 193:3 188 97 Vine,Wendell-299 1-101.r•Jard, Isaac 258 1777 1854 86 *Howard/Hayward,Noah-249 l-IC)trJc:\l,..d, ,J c:\c:c:>b :L/'83 88 Willis,Abiga:il-275 C'.)'7 Howard,John Steven 286 18::'8 19:1.6 I J Ritchey,Angeline-300 Howard,Jonathan M. 240 1808 1883 77 Whipple,Emiline-247 Johnson,Sophie-248 Hc::ctr>Jar··d :•Juli c:\ :1.80!5 l.8:~:;6 BB Kimball,Andrew-292 Howard, Jul :i e:1 1-1. 28'7 :L840 1883 97 Whitney,Alston-301 Howard,June Ethelyn ~d.O :t89~; 1978 110 Turner,Leslie Elliott-314 Howard,Leola Marie 308 :L888 1925 11.0 Thompson,Mark J.-312 NAME SORTED LIST

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Howard , Lev :i. 272 1so:;:; 1869 88 Stevens,Rebecca-281 l-klv'Ja1,..cl, Lucinda 271 1801 1886 88 Kimball,William-280 Howard, Mal'·y (Molly) 25:3 1764 86 Baker·, John Christian-261 ...... Hm\la1,..d, Melinda 239 1805 184<;) l l F'rat.t,Joseph-246 Hot.•Jard, Nancy 2::.:;6 l.797 18L~ :f. 77 Cooley,Orrin-243 Howard, Ni n,3 Edi t:h :::::09 :L890 j_j_() Morris,Robert-313 Hc)t.\IC.o\rd !' Nclc.".\h 2~54 :1.767 1815 t36 *Howard/Hayward,Noah-249 Howa1'"d !I F~1ac:hel 251 :L760 B6 F'<:Jmer oy !' 1-1-259 Hot.'.liard !• l~ebecc;a 257 l.774 1846 86 Grover,Walter-262 '?"":!'7 HcJward, Rhobay L·-1 1 1799 1825 77 Cooley,Harmon-244 Howe:-\ rd, Rhoda 265 1788 187'.:::; 88 Tibbits,Henry-277 Howard, Rhc)da Malinda 33 1821 1887 71 Randall,Harvey-32 Howar·d !I Samc-:mtha Salisbury 16'.3 1815 71 Randall,Charles G-6L~ ,..., •••• t::'. -1-1 HotrJa1,..d, Sampson ..:;. ..)IJ 1795 1865 I .I Salisbury,Amanda-242 Hrn·\li:\l'""d, Sc:\I'" ah 256 1773 f.36 *Howard/Hayward,Noah-249 Hc)tt\la1'"d !• Sr:\r c:\h 2 :f.Bf.:8 BB Steves,Joshua-278 Hc::ilt\lard !' Sc-:u·· c.-th '"1enni f:? ::~~~~l.1 l.s:~:;5 :f.887 71 St1,..ong, C .. f:;:u -231 n-: Hov.1;a1,..d, Seth B .. 288 1843 1s>30 i I Nichols,Ruth-302 Hm\lard, Seth Evelyn 297 :1.863 1946 102 *Howard,Thomas-283 How al'"" d, Si me cm 269 1797 1840 88 *Howard,Benjamin-252 Howard,Sophronia M. 222 181B 1896 71 Granger,Sylvester-227 Howard, Theodosia 268 88 *Howard,Benjamin-252 1-J()ward,Thomas 2B3 :J.828 l.906 9"7 Ketchum,Catherine-295 Hc)trJi:\rd, Ti m<:)thy 270 88 *Howard,Benjamin-252 Hc.)t.\lar·d, Ti mcrl:hy l~ev .. ~·~3:2 :1.769 1825 86 !' l~hClChl":\y·-·23~~\ Howc:H'""d, Wi 11 i am Wall i:1ce 225 :L 9:::;;1 :J.8S19 7:1. Stray!• Ph Hughes,James 11 Jimmy 11 145 :38 *Hughes,James-144 Hunt!' Eli l~ e:1 3·7::;: Salisbury,Sampson-350 I l. e5;, Bonni f:? 70:~; ~.7:!:~~6 ·lf I 1 f?s, Dt.tr.me-t.;99 I 1 E~s !'Dew· c-1 Jean 70:l :2:3;~5 Grundeman,Richard-713 Ile!s!IDuane 699 2::::;~3 Cf:=c i l !' M~o\ry Helen-702 I 1 e!:>, Edward 11 Ecldie" 705 236 *I 1 es, Du an e-6519 Iles, ~ !I Leu,.. et ta 708 236 -M· I 1 es!' Duane-699 I 1 e~s, Miar J. £~nf.-:o 704 :~~:~:6 ·it.-I 1 es, I'.h..tc:me·-699 I l <:!::>, N8 l 1-laye-~s !'Dell a-558 Kane?!• Lynne 581 206 *Kane,Edward-579 J<<:H::H1 !I 1 Sc\c:\C: 917 1696 1726 ::.;;19 Booth,Abigail-918 NAME SDliTED LIST

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l :l. 1 Leister,Sharon K. 57~5 Hayes,Fred Lu-570 Let.\1:i. s!, Shi:\rDn I< .. ~377 Hayes,Sidney-571 Li t·tl e, EstheH,.. 647 221 *LittJ.e,Richard-645 Little!!Francis 900 NAME SORTED LIST

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Litt 1 e, GE~n:tl d 6lt6 221 *Little,Richard-645 Litt l E?, \Julianna 898 1678 ::::.os Sut. ton, i.John--897 Little,Ke:dth 649 *Little,Richard-645 Lit. t 1 e, Ric: h anj 645 Gridley,Lucile-639 Little, F:odney 648 *Little,Richard-645 Lock£~, Johns;on 368 Salisbury,Melinda-345 Machin,Mary Lou 696 McCullough,Maurice-686 Mahrle,James "Jimmy" 6H3 214 *Mahrle,John-615 Mahl"' 1 <-?, John t>15 King, Evel yn-·609 Mahr-1 e, Myron 616 21 L. *Mahrle,John-615 Mahrl e, Sand1'""a 617 214 *Mahrle,John-615 Mah1·· 1 e, Thomas 619 214 *Mahrle,John-615 Manchestel"',Phoebe :::::ss Murray,Edward-387 Markham, f"'lal'·c:u!:; 414 Batt,Louisa M.-397 Markham, Theodore 41 <;> Batt,Cornelia Hu-401 Mc:W sh, Elizabeth 80-l.f· l.646 1704 257 Benson,John Jr.-799 Mar· sh, John 811 1611 16:74 258 Skelton,Susanna-812 Marsh,John 813 15T7 MC:H'"" t :i n !I Led. !:"5 276 Howard,Benjamin Jrn-264 1"1as;c:m, r~nne.~ 854 1650 28"7 Brown,John Capt..-853 MasDn, Beth:i. c( <;>04 Wood, John·-·903 Mc:~son, John Capt. 866 1600 1672 Peek, ~\nne-·B6 7 Ma~:=.on !I f\Joah 859 1651 1670 284 Fitch, Sarah--860 1"1ason, Sampson 861 1b76 Butterworth,Mary-862 l""la son, Si::1r· ah 852 i 688 2£-r~:: Brown,Daniel (Sr")-851 M~lurer··, Joye:<:= 640 Gric:lley,Erwin-641 Mc:Cullough,Alicia 693 232 *McCullough,Earl-684 McCullough, Carleen 682 Kin<:_..}!' Elsi ~~-··600 McCullough, Charlene 6<;>(> *McCullough,Earl-684 McCullough, Earl 684 23l a~Dell,Frances-687 McCullough, Janette 692 *McCullough,Earl-684 McCullough, Jeffrey 697 *McCullough,Maurice-686 McCullough, Keitha 688 *McCullough,Earl-684 Mc:Cullough,Leila May 68C"";i 232 *McCullough,Earl-684 McCullough,Lillian 68::::: 231 *McCullough,Carleen-682 Mc:Cullough,Maurice 686 Machin,Mary Lou-696 McCullough,Rosemary 6CH 2~.'..\2 *McCullough,Earl-684 Mc: Cul 1 ough !'Ten'"· i 694 2~:2 *McCullough,Earl-684 McCullough, William 685 1-laz e~l , El 1 en-6<;>5 Mclo *Mills,Caleb Deacon-467 Mi 11 s, ?imos 482 1766 191 *Mills,Peter Captain-4BO Mi 11 s, r:".\rchabi:d d 49::::; 1 <;>2 *Mills,Peter Jrn-483 Mi 11 s, Ar· chi bald ~50~3 19:::;; *Mills,James-494 Mi 11 s !I r1sEmeth 49~5 l. S"'2 *Mills,Peter Jr.-483 Mi 11 s, E<;> 192 *Mills,Peter Jr.-483 Mi 11 s!, Charl ces E. 5oc7 19:3 *Mills,James-494 NAME SORTED LIST

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Mills,Coe Gale 514 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Coe Howell 502 192 *Mills,Peter Jr.-483 Mills,Cora 551 1868 198 Miller,Fred-554 Mills, Daniel 490 1784 191 *Mills,Peter Captain-480 Mills,David 470 1813 1823 190 *Mills,Caleb Deacon-467 Mills,David 488 1779 191 *Mills,Peter Captain-480 Mills,Deborah Ann 511 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Deborah Jane 501 192 *Mills,Peter Jr.-483 Mills,Ella 719 1896 239 Purdy,Charles M.-720 Mills,Ezra 471 1816 1823 190 *Mills,Caleb Deacon-467 Mills,Ezra 496 192 *Mills,Peter Jrn-483 Mills, Frances 497 192 *Mills,Peter Jrn-483 Mills, George 473 1820 190 *Mills,Caleb Deacon-467 Mills,Henry Clay 515 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Holly 477 1831 190 *Mills,Caleb Deacon-467 Mills,Horace Fields 516 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Hulda 474 1822 190 *Mills,Caleb Deacon-467 Mills, Ira 469 1810 1878 190 *Mills,Caleb Deacon-467 Mills, Isaac 489 1781 191 *Mills,Peter Captain-480 Mills,James 485 1773 191 *Mills,Peter Captain-480 Mills,James 494 1795 1879 192 Wells,Temperance-503 Mills,James Little 506 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Jennie Evelyn 533 195 *Stephens,Richard S-528 Mills,John 487 1777 191 *Mills,Peter Captain-480 Mills,Lawrence Riley 472 1818 1892 190 Blanchard,Permelia Au-718 Mills,Luella 1869 1966 198 Hayes,Frederick-555 Mills, Maria 504 1819 1907 193 Stephens,Holloway W-519 Mills,Mary 486 1775 191 *Mills,Peter Captain-480 Mills,Mary Frances 518 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Matilda 394 1812 1888 190 Batt,Samuel Gould-393 Mills,Moses 491 1790 191 *Mills,Peter Captain-480 Mills,Nathan Wells 508 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Oscar Howell 513 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Pamela Ellen 517 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Peter Captain 480 1743 1830 Foster,Sarah CSally)-481 Mills,Peter Dewitt 512 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Peter III 500 192 *Mills,Peter Jrn-483 Mills,Peter JrQ 483 1768 1831 191 Howell,Deborah-492 Mills,Rolland 479 1836 190 *Mills,Caleb Deacon-467 Mills,Sarah Maria 498 192 *Mills,Peter Jr.-483 Mills, Susannah 484 1770 191 *Mills,Peter Captain-480 Mills,Temperance G. 510 193 *Mills,James-494 Mills,Wesley 476 1828 190 Knapp,Sarah-550 Mills,William Chauncey 507 193 *Mills,James-494 Mitchell,Malissa A" 192 1838 Randall,Harvey Rhodes-156 Morris, Robert 313 Howard,Nina Edith-309 Morton,Elizabeth 110 Randall,John-108 Murray, Edward 387 Manchester,Phoebe-388 Murray,John B. 389 150 *Murray,Edward-387 Murray,Lydia A. 1820 1900 150 Tucker,Thomas Wu-56 Myers,Ella Tucker 59 17 *Tucker;Thomas Wn-56 Myers,Sallie E. 28 1848 1916 Householder,Francis M-27 NAME SORTED LIST

8/8/ :lS>BS ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent RIN Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name l\lash, s "'":!··-:r-, Franc:i ·-'·-• / ,Elizabeth-338 Nash, 1"1argc::wet 33(> 126 Niles,John-329 Nelson,Marqaret 135 R~n-dall,John Wesley B-134 Newcomb, Margaret 326 Niles, John-::::24 Net...,C 53 *Olney,Elias Benjamin-174 0l ney, Eli as Benjamin 174 :1.s2::::: Randall,Sally Ann-65 OJ. nfay, Geol'.. H<-? :1.80 :l.f:356 5~5 *Olney,Elias Benjamin-174 01 ney, Ha\rtni:th :ts::::: :l.f366 ~33 *Dlney,Elias Benjamin-174 OJ. ney, J c:U'H2 :l 7 6 :l.B5:1. 5:3: *Olney,Elias Benjamin-174 Cllney,John 17'11 1855 !5:3 *Dlney,Elias Benjamin-174 Olney,Mary {~ .. 184 :l.8~56 1862 Randall,Francis-66 Dl ney, Dm<;w· 182 :L862 53 *Dlney,Elias Benjamin-174 Dsl::n.trn, Lu<:: i 1 e 608 l

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":!"-!'") P1•"c:\tt, Emc:\l i ne-:~ ·-'I ..:... Salisbury,Samuel-349 Pratt~' Joseph 246 Howard,Melinda-239 Preston,Joseph Emerson 3(>3 Howard,Delia M.-289 Prince,Juclith :;;;25 Barker,Isaac-929 Prince,Thomas CSr.) 935 Prince,Thomas Governor 1600 1673 :3:26 Collier,Mary-934 Pritchett,Raymond Everett 321 Holtan,Mildred A-318 Purchase,John CPurchis) ::.::;:::;:~::; !•El :i z abeth--'.:.\'.;.~6 Purchase,John Jrn ~5Lf.C'J 1656 :L25 *Purchase,John P-335 ,..,.._ _.... ,.." ::. 165S, 1 '7~C::- 1 '-H:::' Pu1'-c:hase, Mc:t1--y ... I ·-•\:J ~·-' Niles,Increase-331 Pun:ly, Charles M. 720 Mi 11 s, El J. a·-71. (7 F:i:1nd,:i.l l 197 Randall,John Wesley IV-136 Rc:mdal 1, Abi gai 1 99 170::; 22 *Randall,John-91 Randall,Ada Priscilla 166 1851 ·'1·8 *Randall,Charles G-64 Randall,Alice Almira 37 1855 :1.2 *Randall,Harvey-32 Randall,Alinda 6 :I.Bo<;> 1873 57 King,Mary Ann-202 l=i:ancla11 !•Eleanor :1.887 1887 8 *Randall,Arah Howard-18 Randial l, Eleanor 87 :I. 74~:; 21 *Randall,Nathan-78 F:c:1nd;al 1 !I El :i. nor 11 !:j :;;~4 ~h··::i qht !• Dr,, -1 :1.6 Randall,Elizabeth <;>4 :2:;;~ *F:andi:\l l, "lohn-91 Randc:111 !'Eloise 132 ::;;4. Bowling, Rober·t. 11 Bob 11 -1 :~9 Randall,Francis 66 18'.33 18 Olney,Mary An-184 Sander-s,Cordelia En-188 Randi::\! I, Frank M .. 187 1861 54 *Randall,Francis-66 f{andal 1, Fre~edom 158 1842 45 Downs,Melissa Su-160 Smith, Mary·-~l.62 Randall,Gwyn Dawn 200 6!:; Hc.-\1,...tmr.:tn ~' '1 on~-215 NAME SORTED LIST

B/B/:1.988 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent Namf;? Vear Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

1= :l684 25 Morton,Elizabeth-110 RandaJ.1,John s> i :l 66!:j 26 !I {~b j_ {~a i 1 --<;>::.\ Baldwin,Mary Palmer-100 Randall,John 3rd. (':/7 1701. 1761 :22 *Randall,John-91 Randall,John Gilbert 63 1814 184-4 18 Howe,Alma-155 Randall,John Wesley ~\4 l.843 12 Eisenman,Carrie Mary-126 Rand13.l l, John l.Vesl ey "BLld 11 I 134 1919 1988 34 Nelson,Margaret-135 Ranciall,John Wesley IV :t::::6 Randc.-\l l --197 Randall,John Wesley Jrn :L 2<;> Adams:, Lel ah·-130 Randall,John Wesley V l.S1B :I. r;;94 *Randall,John Wesley IV-136 -71::• Randall,Johnathan ·' ,_J :l.78C,"> *Randall,Nicholas 9-67 Randall,Johnathan 95 1698 *Randall,John-91 F:r::1ndal 1 , \Jc)nas 0'?.. ..:.. 1756 21 *Randall,Nathan-78 Rc.-\nd;al 1, Joseph 104 17:1.5 17l5 23 *Randall,John-91 Randal 1 !•Joseph 107 1720 *Randall,John-91 Randall.!' tloseph 81 1733 20 *Randall,Nathan-78 F:andal 1, \Julie 5:::;; 16 *Randall,Howard-48 Randall,Kathryn Ann R.Nn 1 :1.c.134 68 Reeves,George I II-2 Randall,Lucinda Malinda 16!5 :J.844 .r!j.£! Strong,Harrison F.-172 Randall,Lucy Jane 186 1859 5L~ *Randall,Francis-66 :J. '?-1 Randall,Luella W •.:.. I 1872 *Randall,John Wesley-34 Randal 1 :1 L.ydi a CJ(; 1751 21 *Randall!INathan-78 Randall,Marjorie 148 1932 41 Laird,Robert-149 Handal 1, Mi:ffy 55 16 *Randall,Howard-48 t={anda11 !' Mar-y <;>6 1700 22 *Randall,John-91 Randall,Mary

B/8/ lS>88 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent l::::IN Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name ------Randall,Nathan Jrn 80 1T51 l733 20 *Randall,Nathan-78 FLJ.6 15 Hughes,James-:L44 Thompson,M .. D. 11 Doc 11 --146 Randall,Sally Ann 65 1820 18 Olney,Elias Benjamin-174 F:i:mc:t~1l l , Si:H.. ah :l.Ol 1707 :1.712 23 *Randall,John-91 Randal 1, Si::\1,..ah 10:~; :1.714 :1.714 2:~; *Randall,John-91 C:-i:::' Randall,Schuyler Colfax :t.9:1. :1.870 ...J-.:J *Randall,Francis-66 Rr:u1dal 1, Scott .lj.6 :1.918 :1.4 Warren,Margaret R.Na-47 1=~andal l, Sc:cJtt ~:;4 :L6 *Randall,Howard-48 1=o :I. l <;>72 6 Householder,Eleancw R-12 Randall,Ulysses S" Grant 190 186El 55 *Randall,Francis-66 Randall,Victor Hugo 19<;> 1865 55 *Randall,Francis-66 Randall,Wesley H. .q.3 :l8CJ4 1c174 1:3; Newcomer,Olive-147 Raymond,Lucellia 386 Tucker,Israel-385 l= 827 :L608 1.651 267 C?Baldwin>,Mary-828 Richardson,Thomas (Jr.) 829 1564 l 6~~==~ 268 Duxford,Katherine-830 Richardson,Thomas

Pt:\qf?. :I. '7 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent f·UN Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

Ro<;.~ er· s !I F!et ta 167 1844 1874 Randall,Edgar-159 F 127 Bathrick,Lisender-374 Salisbury,Priscilla 221 :1.795 :1.B65 127 Howard,Alonson Bn-220 Salisbury,Priscilla On :::.\60 :1.:::::2 Caton,Andrew M.-376 Salisbury,Royal S .. 346 :L807 :1.2'7 Anni s!1Sal1 y-367 Salisbury, Sampson :3:50 l81t· 18'7·tl· 127 Hunt, Eliz a·-:~'7::.\ Sc:,1 i sbury, Samuel :;4.<;> 1s1::::: 1 BB'? :l2'7 Pratt,Emaline-372 Salisbury,Stephen V. ::::~6:l 1:32 Griffin,Marja A.-377 Salisbury,William W 342 :1.797 127 Wilder,Deborah-355 Sanders,Cordelia F 1.88 :1.828 Randall,F~ancis-66 Ekhau!f Cathet'"i ne 624 lJarren-6 :L :L Sc:hmitt,John !:j90 Hayes,Shirley A.-561 Schmitt, Linda 5s>1 20s> *Schmitt,John-590 Sc:hmi ·tt !•Loretta 59:3; 209 *Schmitt,John-590 Schm:itt!IMartha 209 *Schmitt,John-590 Scc:itt !I Andr·ew Howard,Electa-274 Seavey,Gideon Webster 210 Randall,Amy Catherine-205 Sh aw, Mai·- i £-.? 5l:J8 H1aye:;, Ir·a-567 Sheilds,Margaret E 353 Salisbury,Gideon-352 Skelton!' Samuel 81.4 15Ci2 1634 Travis,Susanna-815 Skel tcm, Susanna 81 ~;;~ :L61::::: 259 Mar sh!' ,Jc,hn-811 Smi ech :1 Lc-?G? Ann f3 195::-:; Reeves,Thomas Charles-3 Smith,Elsa Hayner 122 Randall,Murray

8/B/1988 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent F< I 1\1 Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

Smith !I Ma1·-y 162 :J.851 Randall,Freedom-158 Spencer!IAlwilda 603 King, Be1r·t-5S,5 Sp1r· i ng, Henr-y 375 Salisbury,Annis A.-358 Stahl!ILoretta M.. 206 Randall,Sumner King-203 Stephens, Angeline 526 :L94 *Stephens,Holloway W-519 Stephens,Eben Benton !527 :l.94 *Btephens,Holloway W-519 Stephens,Floyd Mills 5:32 :1.ssc1 l c;>~; Sundberg,Mary J-536 Stephens,Harriet Ann 522 :L <74 *Stephens,Holloway W-519 Stephens,Holloway W 51 <.j :l.B16 l8C'.JLJ. Mi 11 :-; , Mari ;a--!:50'~ Stephens, Ida Mary 195 *Stephens,Richard S-528 Stephens,James Mills 521 194 *Stephens,Holloway W-519 Stephens,Jane Elizabeth 538 196 *Stephens,Floyd Mills-532 Stephens,Joh~ Boak Mills 529 19LJ. *Stephens,Holloway W-519 Stephens,John Mills 539 1c;>31 :1. 9e> Halloran,Theresa Mary-540 Stephens,Mar-ia Jane 52!:i 194 *Stephens,Holloway W-519 Stephens,Mary Frances !520 :I. 91~. *Stephens,Holloway W-519 Stephens,Mary Josephine :l c;6 *Stephens,Floyd Mills-532 Stephens,Mary Kathryn ~342 :1.960 1c;>7 *Stephens,John Mills-539 Stephens!IRichard Stout 528 :l.B56 1 c:i-:rc:>" ._,u 19.q. Hays,Mary Amanda-530 Stephens,Rober-t L 523 194 *Stephens,Holloway W-519 Stephens,Russell Stout 534 195 *Stephens,Richard S-528 Stephens,Ruth Hays 5'.3:1 :1.95 *Stephens,Richard S-528 Stephens,Timothy Joseph 541 195S> 197 *Stephens,John Mills-539 Stephens,William W 524 l t)lLJ. *Stephens,Hollaway W-519 Ste?Vf.::ons;., F;!£·?becc:a 28:1. Hot-\1ard, Levi ·-·272 E1tE·ives !• J o~=>hue:1 278 Howard,Sarah

Sutton 11 Henry 9<;>9

Suttc:m!1 John 897 1672 :::::07 Little,Julianna-898 Sutton!' Mary 879 1714 306 Fitch, 1.John-878 St-o4 Batt,Harriet E.-399 Thayel'"", en :i. ve 432 Gould, Isaa<:-427 Tht--Jarcl, l::;:hoda-265 Tidd!' El i z abeth 834 1626 1662 272 Fuller,Thomas Lt.-833 Tidd,Jahn s:::::7 1589 1657 , Mai'""garet-838 Tr a vi s!I Sus:.anna 815 1597 l.631 260 Skelton,Samuel-814 T1r·e:1v:i s!• Wi 11 i am 816 1564 1635 Tucke?r- :1 Acfa 1 Cj) :1.85~5 1Cf:I.4 17 Randall,Arah Howard-18 Tue l·a?I'"" !I Eclwi n ~i8 17 *Tucker,Thomas Wu-56 Tue: ker !I I s::.r c..-\el 385 Raymond,Lucellia-386 NAME SORTED LIST

B/B/1988 ======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent Nc:\mE? HIN Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

Tue ker !I The>mas t\I .. 56 1822 1905 149 Murray,Lydia A--57 Turner,Leslie Elliott 31.lJ. Howard,June Ethelyn-310 Vi nf:=, Wenclel 1 29<;> Howard,Henrietta-285 Voshen,Jeanette Fausel 199 Randall,Harvey Brunner-45 We:H:I<~ !' ?)nne 673 *Wade,Marvin-666 t'le:1de, Dean 674 228 *Wade,Marvin-666 t\lc:1de, El 1 en 675 228 *Wade,Marvin-666 l>Ja.de, James 672 *Wade,Marvin-666 t~e:\de !I Mark 671 227 *Wade,Richard-665 t\lade, Ma1·-vi n 666 226 *Wade,Merrill-664 We:\de:1 !I Mar·y 670 227 *Wade,Richard-665 l,lJc::\dE?, Men""· i 11 664 King,Florence-598 t\!ac:le, Michael 668 227 *Wade,Richard-665 WaciE·? !I Patric i c:\ 669 227 *Wade,Richard-665 l.i..lade, l~i chard 665 226 Aclams,Lois-667 l>Jai t~~, Edi th :L09 Randall,Murray (Ray) A-20 Warboys,Adele JE~i r.:11 ey!, ,John 418 Batt,Julia EA-400 Wells, Temperance :1.800 :l.Bf.3:1. Mi 11 s!I J i:\mes-·.(.1.9.ti West !I Er· i c 631 2:1.7 *West!' Paul-·627 t'Jes"l:, .Je-f +n:~y 6:3;0 217 *l1'1est !I Paul -627 West !I Michael 628 217 *West,Paul-627 l0'Jest, Paul 627 King,Eleanora-612 l>Jest :•Paulette 217 *l>.lest !•Paul -627 t\l<~~;t :•Stephen 62S1 21·7 ·tH\!t:st, Paul -627 t.\l<~~=;tbro<:)f.::, PheJb<7~ :~;.40 :1.772 :1.852 Salisbury,Joseph-339 Wheeler,Wallace Earle 2:L2 1.C.?07 Randall,Mary Anna-208 l>Jh:i pp 1e,Emi1 :i. ne 247 Howard,Jonathan Mn-240 t'Jh:i tney, Al st on 301 Howard!IJulia H.-287 l>Ji 1 CO}·{, Hi ram 294 Howard,Electa-274 l>Ji J. der- 730 242 lh 1 de1'"" !I Samuel 729 Allen,Mary Jane-725 vJi 11 i ams, Ear-1 125 Eldridge,Earline Ray-124 Wi1liams,Lucy 1681 Barker,Robert-931 Wi 11 i ams, Mar-y 798 1610 1681 Benson,John-797 ,.....7c::­ Wi 11 :i !5!1 Abi ~;ie:1i 1 ..::., .~ Howard,Jacob-263 l"Ji nq,. Ebenezt:?t'- S'>OB J.671 :::::14 Backus,Elizabeth-909 vH nq, ,JC)hn <;> 12 Batchelder,Debcrah-913 vJi ng, 1::;.:ebec:ca 75:3 l.702 31::::: IU 1 en, ,Judah-752 (.\Ii ng !I Stephen 910 1621 315 Briggs,Sarah-911 \.tJi seman, Agnes 895 1514 81,..ock, John-894 l>.lood, El :i z abeth 850 1734· 1807 309 Brown,Daniel-849 i'Jc:md ~·El i z ab et h 978 312 ·IH\!ood, aohn-907 C:l"7"':!. ll\.lot:KI !• Geon;1e I I ·-• :;:12 ·M·l.iJc>od !I ,John····S,07 i\lood!I John ~?o::::: :i.660 :::::11 Mason, Bethi e:\-·904 (,\JoDd !',John 907 :1.655 ,El:izabeth-972 t\!c:H:JCI !I John 974 312 ·IH\Jood !I John-907 NAME SORTED LIST

8/8/1988 Page 20 ======~======Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent Name RIN Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name

Woocl. Marcian2t 976 312 *Wood,John-907 Wood, Not:\h '10 l 1 70::: l.787 :::::10 Hale.Elizabeth-902 Wood. SLtse:mna 977 312 *l.\loocl, John-907 Wood.Thomas 905 16::::;:3 312 , Rebr::.>c:ca--906 Wood.William 975 312 *Wood. John-·907 vJood c: oc k. ~H i c: e 840 1670 1732 Buckland,Barak-839 l>Jr'·iqhl, Dr. 116 Randall .Elinor--115 W1·· i. qht. Beve2r·· 1 y 117 2·7 *W1·- i ght, Dir. -116 Zc:\sucha. Phi 11 :ip 634 218 *Zasucha.Thomas-633 Za~:;ucha. Thomas t:>::::~~:, King.Eleanor-613 Zasucha,Timothy 635 218 *Zasucha,Thomas-633 ======Donated By Kathryn Reeves

Does Not Circulate E ( '-CGS REFERE




Pri nted

( May 6, 1968

i\10.r ('·'"'-· '" \T / ;""f\l IJ:'f'\n"'\lllf\ ORA. \! I\ • ' I ' . , . . ') l \ l ~ G£1~EJ-\Lvu1 vnL \:iOCJETY

CompileJ by Paul B. Reeves ...... :.-21 ORA~.tr.~ ('0" ~i\~T'f CALIFORNIA GE1~thLOGa~AL 30CIETY WILLIAM FRANKLIN REEVES

(llfSTORY RUSH COUNTY - REl::ERENCE BOOK I-977-201 - R-952h, PAGE 390 - 1888) A substantial fanner and prominent citizen of Center Township. Born in

Brown County, Ohio, September 4, 1827. Parents Jabez and Nancy Reeves, who were also natives of State of Ohio. William moved to Rush County with his parents when two months old and located on fann in Center Township, the father having entered the land from the Government. Continued there until 1861. In that year moved 't:O Knightstown where they still continue to reside. The father is now 82 years old and the mother 83.. They were married February

26, 1824. Lived as husband and wife more than 63 years. William F. Reeves was reared upon the old home place assisting in clearing and cultivating in the summer and attending district school in winter. At the age of 19 he took up teaching which furnished his winter employment for five years. Since then he gave undivided attention to fanning. He was married May 16, 1850 to Hanna

~I. Gilson who was born within present limits of Jackson Township, November 13,

1831, being the daughter of Andrew and Mary Gilson~ both natives of Virginia. They were married in native state an

~Ir. and Mrs. Reeves had nine children: Marshal T. Ollie F. Heber F. Newton J. Milton 0. Jefferson B. Isabell A. Chester D. Girnie L. only four of whom are living, Marshall, Ollie, Milton and Gimie. f\lembers of Christian Church. Democrats. He (William Franklin Reeves) served as township trustee one term and Justice of Peace two terms. Elected third tenu but resignell l>l~fore tenn cxpirc

\·:here he I i.ves, b~s ides another fonn of SO acres in smne township. .c.-21



]. William F. Reeves September 4, 1827 August 19, 1892

llannah M. Gilson (wife) November 13, 1831 August 13, 1900 OULDREN 2. Marshall Truman Reeves March 5, 1851 December 23, 1924 3. Newton Jasper Reeves May 28, 1853 No record 4. Jefferson Bright Reeves September 24, 1855 September 1, 1886 5. Chester Dallas Reeves November 8, 1857 No record 6. Ollie Florence Reeves March 18, 1861 June_ 20, 1906 7. Milton Othello Reeves August 25, 1864 June 4, 1925 8. Isabelle Augusta Reeves January 14, 1867 No record 9. Ginlie Lafayette Reeves November 17, 1871 October 27, 1947 10. Heber Franklin Reeves JWle 16, 1875 No record (""""'


2. ~ l ars h a ll T n un~ n Reeves ~ larch 5, 1851 December 23, 1924

Louisa ~ l c Bricle Reeves (wife) October 4, 1851 March 13, 1918


a) ~~eeves ~!orris October 6, 1873 December 30 , 1926 ) b) John Little Morris .(husband) March 29, 1869 March 23, 1912


i) Henrietta Morris May 27 , 1897

ii) Cornelia ~brris April 27, 1899


Ransom Perry (first husband) December 4, 1893 January 1, 1934 QIILD

James Glanton Perry November 11, 1920 Lillian Crocket Perry (wife) April 8, 1921


J anice Louise Perry \fooJs December 2, 1948 David R. Woods (husba11Ll)

Linda Aim Perry December 5, 1955

HENRTETIA' S SECOND !IUSBJ\N O J oe A. Swope January 1, 1893 O IILDREN

.Joe :\ S\vope J r. Apri l 22 , 1935

~l:Jy 1,\) 193 7 :'.:.-21


(~ N.4!.JE BORN DIED JOE A. SWOPE JR.' S FAMILY Nancy Voelz Swope (wife) August 4, 1936


John ~ta tthew Swope June 27, 1960 Laura Ann Swope September 23, 1962

SALLY SWOPE'S FAMILY ?-.lark Engledow (first husband) February 18, 1935

Glerm Flint (second husband) August 4, 1926 CHILDREN Eric Reeves Flint March 22, 1959 Ellen Lee Flint ·July 17, 1962


Cornelia Morris ~larr April 27, 1899 Clyde Morrison Marr (husband) December 4, 1891

ClULDREN Jolm Morris Marr August 13, 1921 Henry Marshall Marr February 18, 1923

Clyde Morrison ~tarr Jr. .April 20, 1925 Cynthia Reeves Marr August 23, 1933 .JOHN MORRIS MARR' S FAMILY

Norma Chandler Marr (wife) S~ptember 1~ 1920 OIILDREN Jeffrey Chandler Marr July 22, 1947

Mary Allen ~·larr (wife) January 15, 1947

Gregory Sewell Marr March 5, 1951

fkmah Gayle Marr Febn1ary 22, 1953 MARSHALL TRUMAN REEVES' FAMILY - continued



Lucile Miller Marr (first wife) October 10, 1925

OIILDRF.N Mikal M. Marr December 23, 1945

Alix M. Marr September 16, 1948 Bruce M. Marr January 6, 1953

Alyce Arthur Marr (second wife) September 4, 1922


Nancy Reece Marr (wife) 01ILDREN

~· C1yde Morrison Marr III January 1956 ( Paul Reece Marr October 23, 1957 Suzmme Elizabeth Marr January 6, 1959


Ralph L. Roby (husband) November 20, 1926

{ :.i-21

~EFF~RSOM BRIGHT REEVES' FAMILi ( ~ BORN DIED 4. Jefferson Bright Reeves September 24, 1855 September 1, 1886 Angelina Strickland Reeves (wife) 1857 1906

CHILDREN a) Elva Reeves November 30, 1883 November 19, 1960

b) Jeff Isabel Reeves Noveinber 1, 1885 ~larch 9, 1959

a) ELVA REEVES ELROD'S FAMILY Thomas Sloan Elrod (husband) July 12, 1882 OIILDREN

i) Margaret Reeves Elrod October 18, 1908 ii) Jefferson Thomas Elrod January 29, 1917

i) MAJlGARET ELROD STEELE'S FAMILY Brandt Ferguson Steele (husband) March 30, 1907

OH LOREN Brandt Nicholson Steele September 26, 1930 TI1omas Elrod Steele March 8, 1937 MARGARET Is SECOND IRJSBAND George Gable (husband) July 11, 1911 OIILD Margaret June Gable May 19, 1947 BRANIJf NICHOLSON STEELE'S FAMILY

Kathleen Louise Long (wife) Mar iO, 1930 CI·IILDREN

Katharine Elizabeth Steele July S, 1958

~ Martha Nicholson Steele September 11, 1962 ( Rebecca Alm Steele May 5, 196·1

lil'andt Thomas Steele J'une 27, 1966 ~-21


N.~J.JE BORN DIED 1HOMAS ELROD STEELE'S FAMILY Adrienne Pemberton Hart (wife) March 17, 1940

QULD Sarah Pemberton Steele October 28, 1967 MARGARET JUNE GABLE TROXLER's FAMILY Robe1t Thomas Troxler (husband) August 14, 1944


John Thomas Troxler September 25, 1967 ii) JEFFERSON THOMAS ELROD'S FAMILY Barbara Reid Lewis (wife) November 5, 1922 CHILDREN Thomas Reeves Elrod April 14, 1948 ~ .\. Kenneth Reid Elrod August 22, 1952 Richard Christopher Elrod October 3, 1958

b. JEFF ISABEL REEVES STONEX' S El\MILY Arthur Bivins Stonex (husband) September 27, 1884 July 9, 1929

OULDREN i) Isabel Reeves Stonex August 22, 1910 ii) Eunice Elizabeth Stonex February 13, 1915 iii)William Reeves Stonex August 21, l920

i) ISABEL REEVES STONEX CRAIG'S F.Atv1ILY William Lawrence Craig (husband) January 2, 1907


Catherine Ross Craig .. January 24, 1937

Barbara .Alm Craig October 2, 1941 JEFFERSON BI RGI IT IU:EVES' FJ\f\ULY - continueJ


CA1HERINE CRAIG BROMM' S FA1\1Il.Y Robert Charles Bromm (husband) January 2, 1936 GIILDREN Barbara Helen Bronun December 16, 1960 Richard Craig Bronun February 25, 1962 BARBARA CRAIG HILLIKER'S FAMILY Jolm Bennet Hilliker (husband) February 25, 1939

OHLDREN Katherine Shea Hilliker February 11, 1957 Patricia Harlyne Hilliker November 6, 1958 Megan Jill Hilliker November 10, 1959 Elizabeth Reeves Hilliker November 26, 1960 Steven Hilliker April 24, 1965

ii} EUNICE ELIZABE1H STONEX SGIOONOVER'S FAMILY Romain Hulitt Schoonover (husband )July 4, 1896 iii)WILLI.AM REEVES STONEX'S FAMILY Helen Jean Brown (wife) January 13, 1921 a-IILDREN William Arthur Stonex January 4, 1952 Marie Katherine Stonex October 25, 1955

~ ( .,:;_21


(b) Ollie Florence Reeves McBride March 18, 1861 June 20, 1906 Samuel Jefferson McBride (husband) March 27, 1856 December 13, 1925 CHILDREN a) Donald Everett McBride October 27, 1883 January 25, 1885 b) Bernard Reeves McBr1de May 3, 1885 c) Ruth Florence McBride July 31, 1897 January 3, 190l

b) BERNARD MCBRIDE'S FAMILY Evelyn Urich McBride (wife) July 10, 1897 QIILD Donald Urich McBride April 3, 1935

IX)NALD URI0-1 MCBRIDE' S FAMILY Kaye Beth White McBride (second wife) June 28, 1938 OIILD Peter Jason McBride January 15, 1966 .::::-21 ORA~rrr ('0~ ~MTV (\l\L,FORNIA GEt~EALOGtCAL SOCIETY (7) f\IILTON ITTHELLO REEVES' FAMILY


(7) ~-Ii l ton Othello Reeves August 25, 1864 Jtme 4, 1925

Amanda Melvina Ki rlq>atrick Reeves (wife) May 1, 1864 November 7, 1948


a) Alta Doy Reeves August 10, 1884 August 20, 1921

b) Ross Franklin Reeves May 24, 1886 May 29, 1960

.) c) Paul Beatty Reeves April 2, 1889 .. : J ··c. . . •.·- .. d) Carl Marshall Reeves September 8, 1896

a) ALTA D. REEVES HARTLEY'S FAMILY Harry Dwight Hartley (husband) December 25, 1881 August 26, 1959

b) ROSS FRANKLIN REEVES' FAMILY Delia Perry Reeves (wife) February 1, 1888 July 16, 1964 · ( QIILDREN i) Edward Reeves May 14, 1909 ii) .Amanda Reeves October 17, 1914


Elizabeth Cox Reeves (wife) Janau1y 28, 1909

0-IILD David Reeves July 13, 1946 Rita Kay Munden Reeves (wife) July 27, 1947


\forth Hodson (husban


Edna .Jane I lodson April 13, 1935

.Joseph. Hodson October 4, 1945 ( J ~uncs I loJson May 29 ., 1953 .C:-21



CHILD Natasha Dee Hodson October 3, 1966

c) PAUL BEATIY REEVES' FAMILY Eva Clark Reeves (wife) May 5, 1891 Cli!LDREN Milton Clark Reeves November 10, 1919 November.23, 1943 James Paul Reeves December 20, 1922

JAMES PAUL REEVES' FAMILY Rosemary Wilmeth Reeves. (wife) February 25, 1923

0-IILDREN Clark Milton Reeves March 8, 1948 Thomas Wilmeth Reeves March 9, 1952

d) CARL MARSHALL REEVES' FAMILY Charlotte Horn Reeves (first wife) June 2, 1901 January 17, 1950 GIILD

i) Nilliam KirlqJatrickReeves September 13, 1923 WILLIAM KIRPATRICK REEVES' FAMILY

Donna Reeves (first wife)

Ethel Joan Reeves (second wife) June 5, El22 MILTON OTHELLO REEVES' FAMILY - continued


William Kirkpatrick Reeves, Jr. January 8, 1949

Wendy C. Reeves March 23, 1950

f\lildred Alman Reeves (Carl's second wife) February 23, 1903


Nlll!E BORN DIED (9) Girnie Lafayette Reeves November 17, 1871 October 27, 1947

~laud Jewell Reeves (wife) April 15, 1874 May 13, 1962

OiILDRT':N a) William Martin Reeves August 10, 1896 September 18, 1897 h) Robert Franklin Reeves September 4, 1898 c) Elizabeth Hannah Reeves January 31, 1902 November 24, 1949 d) Walter Jewell Reeves May 11, 1907 b) ROBERT FRANKLIN REEVES' FAMILY Martha Newsom Reeves (first wife) April 5, 1902

QULD i) Jerry Reeves Februa1y 4 , 19 30 June 14, 1966 Cornelia Pentzer Reeves (Robert's second wife) November 12, 1908 QIILDREN John.Michael Reeves July 23, 1944

William Franklin Reeves July 28, 1945 c) - ELIZABETI-1 REEVES TAYLOR'S FAMILY John Wilson Taylor (husband) July 28, 1893


Jolul Reeves Tay~or August 5, 1928 Jeanne Lee Henry Taylor (wife) March 28, 1929


John Henry Taylor December 19, 1952 Elizabeth Lee Taylor November 15, 1954 IHchard Reeves Taylor November 18, 1957 c-21



Louise Suhre Goeller Reeves (Walter's second wife) June 5, 1912

( CHABT NO. E-22 (See Chart 1.0. D-14) P? it.jt, (6) Reeves Jose ~ewso~(7) Iara Stella Reeves b. 11 Let. 189) lb. 27 Aug. 1867 Ind. u. (1880 Cens. ) Id8 Sept. 1908 T.o:..;:::s~·--. fa.t.itha Kai;ht;rine ~ewsom(?) Bur. Columb~s Gem. b. 7 Jan. 1~96 (5) Bartholomew Cc.,Ind. d. I1~ILTON ~i .REEVES Im. 4 Sept. 1889 NONROE Isaac Kenasaw Newson (~ee Keech Data for issue lb. 1867 of these C6ilar~n) d. 1911 T .s. b.2.5 June 1842 Ind. Bur.w/wife (Fam .Bee.& Cens.) If( s .of Jose f.1ewson) i

d.20 Aug.1890 Ind. Bur. Columbus Cem.,Bartholomew Co. ,Ind. i }CHARLES ALVA REEVES(6) lb.15 Apr.1870 Ind. 8.11 Sept.1866 ,d.27 Dec. 1957 Ind~' (Fam.Hee. m.lst . See CHART NG. F-5 ! Nonta Abimtt fJ( j I~ . , . ---.-.~ m. 2nd Nancy J.Kirkpatr1ck1Naud Cooper 1 Jane "Jenny" I _I---- b. 13 July 1849 Indp (Cens.&Fam.Rec.) j \\ Robert ~ilton Scott{?) b.lJ June 1~08 d.l.l Oct. 194i. 1 a.. l ,Jul;; 1934 (Fam. Rec • ) . l 192)-T.S.J l Donald wilson Scott(?) Bur. with husband I ·, b. 21 }eb. 1910 · Hazel Kirke Reeves( r)) . a.. 10 Dec. 1942 'lb. 17 Dec. 188) (Fac~liec.)\ 1880: Res.Kokomo d. __ 2~ Oct. 1~18 , ~ohn ~· Scott(?} City,Howard .m.~ 0 uct.l~OJ I b. 6 ~unel~l4 Co. ,Ind. !John c. !:icott ,. d. . b.21 July 1881 Ind. _ S ·.~e was dau. of ld th ;, i • d~ffies hr ur s cott(7) At.;alena{?-'.ock) i { s.of Jolm Co.lderhead I b. 24 har. 1917 Kirkoatrick & :. & Amano.a n:ilson)Scott) \ do J ohr.:. E.~irkoatricl-r: f of Cclur..bus,l:nd. i & ls: co~sin to t l (See K~ech Data for .:~;:~ur:C.a I'~ir~"l:JC.trick / \ issue of these ~·Jife of ;.· .v.Heev~s- 4- chilcr·en} ~ce Chart ro. F-8. p:.1 .3 ~1 . ' E-22

CH..~RT Nu. £-22

~ NIL'~(;;.; ~\OtirlOE REEVES(5) (uabez 4; Eli J; Asa 2; George l) ( SCURCE.: See DE·t.a filed. u:nder CHART NO. D-14 anc.i CiiART r~o. E-21 ra •.... ,. ·:r..

SOURCE: Data fu~nished by Dra Arthur Cc Dc~n1s (Lett&r of 19 Jan. 1969) uJ·abez Reeves b. 1806, Ohio. Went to Rushville. Ind. 182? d. Knightstm·m, Ind. Issue: **l- i"lilton Nonroe Reeves b. 2.5 June 1842; d. 20 August 1890 m. 11 Sept. 1866 Nancy Jane Kirkpatrick, b. lJ July 1849(?); d. Cct. 1922 (?) at·Cclumbus~ Ind. (See below) · 2. ~arshall T.Beeves (There are appar. some errors. 3. Milton o. lieeves Marshall T.; Nilton O.; Gurney & 4. Dallas Reeves Ollie appear to have been ch. or .5. Benton Beeves William Fran..~lin Reeves{bro.of Milton) 6. Girnie Reeves 7. 0llie Reeves (sister) m. ------McBride ** hilt.on 1·tonroe .aeeves(5) had: A. ura Stella rieeves6b. 27 August 1867 d. m. Isaac K •.Nawson B. Charles Alva Reeves6b. 15 April 1$70 Knightstown, Ind. (or? Kokomo}. He lived in CCJlumbus, Indiana from l.875; d. 27 December 1957 in Indianapolis, Ind. m. 1st Manta Abbott b. ; aied when expecting 2nd child. m.2nd Naud Cooper b. l Sept. 1873 Columbus Indiana; d._ July 1963 in . Indianapulis. Ind. (dau. of George William & SinahiGreen)Cooper Issue: by Manta (1) Marjorie Luc1J.e .tteeves (7) b. 27 Mar. 1903(?); m. Fred N. Sutan (WWI ) S':'!.. :tfi_V Issue: (a) William Howard SuKtan (8) They res: 531 Chestnut St., Columbus, Ind. 47201 by Naud (2) VIiifnia Beeves7b. 26 Sept. 1909 Columbus, Ind. d. m. 22 Dec. 1941 Richard Henry Keech ** b. 1900 .dalti::.ore hd.. Issue: (a) Richard Keech8 b. 11 June 194J (b) George Kent Keech8b. JO Nay 194.5 (J) George R~cves (7) b. 28 Ju:i.y 1906; d.__ _ m. ~lsie (4) Charlotte heevea (7) b-.---i-6-~-,-u-l-y 1912 Plays in li1.dianapolis Sy:nphony Orchestra ( ** Virgi11ia(Heeves)Keech res: 12702 Atlantic Ave. rlockville, ~d. 20851 C·. -Hazel Kirke Reeves(6) b. 17 I.Jee. 1883 m. John C. Scott E-22

See Cemetery Records filed unaer E -21 SOURCE: Ci In part:

Bur. at ~olurJbus, Indiana (Bartholonev: Cc.)

11 1 .i·iilton t:. Reeves b. 1842-= d. 1890 ~ancy J. b. 1849 d. 1923 Ora Reeves Newson b. 186? d. 1908 wife of Isaac Kenasaw Newson Isaac Kenasaw b. 1867 d. 1911 l~ewson Char¢1es A. Reeves b. 1870 Living 1905 Husband of Nonta Abbott. Monta Abbott Reeves b. 1871 d. 190.5 'l.'heir inf'ant son a.. 10 Dec. 1.900

SOURCE: 1880 Sotu1aox Census - State of Indiana

Reeves, M. Iv~. 37 b. Ind. Res: Howard Co. Centre Twp. Nancy J. (wifa) 31 b.Ind. Kokomo City Ora s. (dau) 12 B 11 Charles A. (son) 10 11 REEVES FAMILY

ORA~ 1 G.i cr 1 ,, r; I s ~Lt-=nn IA ··£1~ AL l~, L 30CJETY

._._,REFERENCE ONO B2 . The Orange County Register Tuesday, November 8, 1988 UP CLOSE KATE REEVES A personal look at a public per­ son, appearing each Tuesday.

dministratlve director of the emergency department A at St. Joseph Hospital since 1985, Kate Reeves has had a long and honored career in medicine, starting in 1964 as a staff nurse at Childrens Hospital of Orange County. Recently, she won a award from the Carl W. Bull Foundation for excellence in the nursing profession. The award honors one graduate from each of the four nursing schools in Orange County. She received an award from the Emergency Nurses I Association, a national I organization, for her contribution to the nursing profession. She also teaches nurses and paramedics, emphasizing pediatric emergency nursing, and is a member of the bioethics committee at St. Joseph Hospital. Reeves is active in the community, serving on the library board of trustees in Fullerton. She is also cultural-events chairman for the Fullerton branch of the American Association of University Women, and on the board of directors for the Blind Children's · • First Testing wheat for Center in Los Angeles. She • Last book read: "Fapphira job: moisture in her father's flour mill served on the board for the and the Slave Girl," by Willa Cather Muckenthaler Cultural Center in (re-read it) during harvest Fullerton for six years. • Favorite drink: Diet Cherry Coke • Hero: Justice Sandra Day • Bom: Nov. 8, 1934 O'Connor • Car: 1988 Mercury Sable • Birthplace: Albion, Mich. • Last vacation: Australia and • Height: 5 feet, 6 inches • Hobbles: Genealogy and New Z0aland, In February collecting antique sterling silver • Weight: "You think a woman souvenir spoons from small towns • Salary: "Rather not say" is going to give her weight?" in Michigan (has about 300 now) • Favorite restaurant: Five •Hair: Red Crowns, in Corona del Mar • Eyes: Brown • Education: Nursing degree • Religion: Episcopalian from Fullerton College; master's • Marital status: Married to George Reeves for 34 years degree in social sciences and • Most embanasslng bachelor's degree in An'lerican moment: When she fell asleep in • Children: Two daughters: studies, both from California State a meeting just before the boss Mary Kate Reeves-Hoche, 32; University, Fullerton called on her for a presentation. Susan Beyer, 30; one son: Thomas "Someone had to wake me." Reeves, 33. (Three grandchildren) • Secret to success: "If • Pets: Pebbles, a cat • Residence: you're going to do something, do it Fullerton right. And I've always found that • Favorite TV show: most people feel just as insecure "Masterpiece Theater'' • Favorite food: Prime rib as you do, so you might as well try • Favorite movie: "El Norte" it yourself." • Motto or phrase: "Youth Is a • Pet peeve: "I really get upset gift of nature. Middle age Is a work with people who complain about • Favorite accomplishment: of art." something, and then don't do Her three children ("all well­ anything to change it" educated, successful and happy") J~.hn Westcott/The Register Oon. llo. l 1------~ ~ ~ ~Manry lieevos 2 1. 2 ------.HRnry rtc ... ves Jr. 3 1. 2.5 ------'thorn.as ll.eeves 4 1. 2.s . 2 ------Oeor e rteeves s 1. 2.s . 2. 2 ------Jesse fieoves 6 i . 2. s . 2. 2. 1 ------£11~abeth 'ieeves Cox 1 l . 2.s . 2. 2. 1. 2 - -- ~- --- Jpshua Cox 8 l . 2.s . 2. 2. 1. 2. 2 ------~ et Cox Long Bare 9 l . 2. s . 2. 2.1. 2. 2. 3 ------Lillie Frances tare Johnson 10 1. 2. 5. 2. 2.1. ?.. 2. 3.1 ------~att1e l..enoee Johnsen ~e1f'ht ll 1. 2. 5. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 3.1. 3 ----- Verl Fredr;ck ·erlgh~ ~ .

· tie~ord ot d 1 . Henry • eves !migrant anceetor - trife 11z beth ia r~iannock 1st. u.n. Prob bly t ~ddlcss Co . :M.gl nd St·te Archi ves, In andck i ah, isle "'t ri~t. nictJ nd, V • Colon ot irgi.nia, 1664.

- .. - .... -- ...... - ..... Bk.1663-8 ur ntoe, a heir at law or !iobert Shar o, pp 66.75 6- -- ..... -_ .. _ _ _ _ Bk. 1686- 92 ovcd t.o ld ahannock Count,y, now sex. pp 61 105 nor to lf'l8S, men he is de mtr.ator or the Estate ot hie son-in- law, "Israel Johnson" • ...... - .. ... ------Henry R eves died a~ ut 1687. In 1688 &1isabeth Reaves, widow of Henry Ro os l'eti oned t.he c urt, concarnin the br din or certa n cattle, devi~ed by her te husband to the t.hree younpest d uctitera.

E isaboth eves and Henry Reeves Jr. in 1690 are mentioned as executors ot the ·est.abe ot Henry Re11'~ea doceased.

ex co1·ds Elizabeth eves wilih Henry !leoves Jr. as t!onc:hunan ~ . 1695-9 ie made exccutot a or the eatate or Jares tory in P. 269 1699.

Doed and 1i lls y h, 1709 Bk. 14 1711. w 1711-6

ld l pahannoclc Henn he ves (2nd ) born •'cut 1665- 1729. J ecord Bk . 1695-9 ttite Sarah. Lived at Hobb'• Hole now Se Pr viaus T ppa.hnnnock ~ sex C unt:v. Citati ons Colonv of Vi rP.1ni in 1696. Joint Adr.in·atr~tor or his rathero estate i n l6CO.

"'Ihe Hantors ndthaan tor his zr.other Eli zabath Hesvea of Colo al Va. " in her inetration or the est ta of by al enbaker J ea tory i n 1699.

In the ·~t lloola. ttenry .ue ves of l'.S&mt Co. Colony or Vi r e;ini11 lists 400 c rea ot ~ rd. ... ------.. -- · sex Rec rds Henry • enes 11 dated pril 28 , 1728. ill Dk. 4 Proved, · rch 1729. (lumflroua plantations p 342 i n Essex, and, i n wh t is now 0pottoylvannia County, were r.levisad to hie aevoral sons tofether with elovca ertaini n ther to. ) Rxt.ra- d .. f e ~ah and sons Henry uml Jose h. page 2

1 . 2. Henry leaves eads (5.) Thomas and U. ) Henry wore brothers. nonry 1711' born about 1?00. died 1760. Nrur.e ..,r wi . e unkown. t.SSGK ills Settled ''n r-lantation 111 which ie now Spottsy.... hnnia l:Jk . 4 Oet!nt.y, v!l. hi ch was bGU f bt. by his t ther. Henry p 31J 2 lt~ eves, from Au "l:St.ine ith, oept.. 9, 1711!. and beque::.thed to Thol!rn s tteeves, by will of ~ is tathor • ...... -- ...... IJn t.lte emne date above, t!ay 6,, 176o '.lboas 1-eevee Jr . al so qual 1fi00. as A&ninstrator l'Jf the estat e rir h ;.s hrc.tltnr lenry 149e.ves (1.) .. - ...... ------Spotsylvannia- 1 . 2. 5. 'fhoi:ms • o ves Sr. ()rd. Oen) as identified Reeorda by the will ot bis brother, Ceor e ~ves ill Dk . 111 Proved r sreh S, J7S4. 18.3 Chil dren Livinsz l . fhcf!"88 Jr. *l. 2. 5. 2. Oeo~ge .). Henry h. John .. .. ---- ...... - ~ ... .. "Cox l•'umil ·ru Geor ·e, 'Inomas, Henry ldied abrut 1735) henry by di ed in Ora.won County, Va. ueorgo and 'Ihomas Henry 'iller Ccx died about 1611. 1.rer ~r "' e fte es wife J r:e f'urtr n was the daue,hter of John an

1. 2.S. 2. orf?Q ~ ves (4th Gen . ) • Jane "'1rtun Children L!vin! l . l'rud"nce ( • Andrew Cox . son of ~av d Cox) ~1 . 2 . S . 2 . 2 . Jesse (m. h1.ieabeth Terrill) 3. i J.l am l · • iea '..1. errill / 4. ueorge Jr. (m . J~rie U&horne) S. Johil (m. Fhoebe sborne) 6. Anna (n. Ba.t:tbolo stin) 7. Cnerl t,y \ m. l.aok usbome) o. :...ary (rr . aoseph Dou~liton) 9 . ~san \m. 'l'ol1v r ( Te.:.iuferro) ... ------...... - ~ - l . 2. s . 2. 2. Jesse he ves (Sth • ) m. &lizabath 1errill (lat rite) Their ghiAdrO!} :.1. 2. $. 2. 2.1 . lJ izebeth b. JO Ju g. 1798 ( • "il li Cox) 2. t ancy (rr.. r. Dledso } 3. .Jane ( • Jiobort Bat: er) 4. ·1ohn (l'!'l. Cynthia Baker} !) . Eli 6. Geo ·re

• i . ~ . $ . 2.2 . J v (Sth . ) - er {2nd wire) daudlter ot John &. Elis beth ri ht Bower) ~ n.Polly or Mary (n:. Andy Vannoy) B. ... alli~ ~a. l lli aM Colvard) 9. 0"11n-it7 ~ • • Jesse A• .Re ves) 10. Jesse Bower (re. lva Johnson} U . Al.eunt.ler { • Lydia Reeve.a) 12. Charles b. 2u Ap ril 1832 (m. Adalino oMillian)

_/ - D~e; / I Rm finally 'C'ttini:; aro1·nd 1'0 ns\'ierj.nr-· your letter of l•'ebrl1ary 6 , 1973. In my fa1, i ly line t 1ere were three Thomas ' s in a row: 1- '"homas ~m i ~r

2 - Thomas Reev~s (l646-1685) I:assachusetts to .""'outhc:inpton 1 . I. married Rebecca ?? 3- Thomas Reeves 1 t;79-1738 Sputh:.-impton , L. I . New York to ; out hold, L. I . , TTe\·.r York married Bethia Hort on i.ary 0 ells Next comes my Nathaniel .

I c - "' t. rememhP.r · f I "' .nt alcn·; to you ·che chiJd!"e11 or CO"'I' c s \· 1 ith any of yours . ~ 'incerely, '-/pa;,, !Je tee/ arv~lla .eeves jnith . I

.!!!;I ,, • 'J l I • .) l .I·• • .LJ.d.

r.ecord of our brnnche of the Reeves Family from the time they landed

~ on '·meriN~n soil at South-hold Toitm, New ~o Nathaniel ~~eeves, A. c "'lacksnith ~,.,as born in Southhold Town, Long Island,New Jersey on August 8,1732 C'lncl ~:ras the son of Thomas Reeves, also a blacksmith who came from

~n~land 2.nd died in Southhold Town 1738, he being one of three brothers. NathaniP.l Eeeves was married in the 24th year of his age on October the /r' C.c.. i-h. "rl .'" I h a., v-w7, y-._ / 7 ~ 4. /YI A r' 1 73./l. u/ f" c ll- ,J first 17 5 5, to r:2ry Bedford in the 18th year of her age. b. ril'JtY'. .2 :,-- /7 :f ~

Family of i'~athaniel Reeves: _ • ~ /J ..J- ~ /1 17 t CJ-cJ.,: 0 fY !ff/,., lf/V ,·e / "l?e.~tl"' 6 w c~ ~ ~(_J(.P-- ~ ~~achel neeves was born on Jano 28-th,1759 at 12 Qtclock midnight Mary 2eeves was born on r~arch 10 17ol Anna Reeves 1·ras born on March 10.t. 1763 A .M. Hannah ".")eeves ·was born Febo 17 1165 A.M. . Keturah ~.eeves was born April 20,1767 10 0 1 clock Af.I Samuel i::.eeves -.-i:·ras born !·1Srch 23i 1769 A.M. Lyda '.eeves w-as born April 29 771 A .n. Betheir :::.eeves \•ras born :.Iay 20 1773 A .M. - Dcvid ?.eeves ·was born Kay 28, i 775 Sunday at 10 o'clock Jo~a.th~n ?.eeves was born ~irarch 22i 1777 Tuesday about 12 A.r ..r. )tephen Reeves was born r.pril26, · 779 (Ci. nd \·ta s married to : ~ary Knot Deco 13, 1804) ~- The: e ).eeves 1:~P..s born Octo 15,1781 A.M.

~2.:1ily of Stephen ( and ~:ary F.ecves) son of Nathaniel Reeves, who was the son of Thomas :~eeve s 3·tephene ~-~eeve s was ma rr:i.ad to I'Iary Knot, December 13, 1804

J.iary ;_~eeves 1·:ife of 3tephen l1eeves WB:S born July 22, 1785 ~liza beth ::eeves 1·ms born ! Se.pt 0. r43 ~1gt)5 Tachariah Reeves was born June 17,i808 ~arius Reeves \•ras born Dec~mber 171 1809 ~F .r.:. : E.h~ la Reeves \·.ras born f..pril 22, lt5ll A.I,;1. Hannah Reeves ·was bo:--n 3ept o 7, 1812 Stanfield ~ecves ·was born December 2, 1813 aachel neeves ·was born Julv 12 1815 c ordelia Reeves ·was born Feb. 9l.1817 Orpha T:.eeves \·ras born July 9, ltsl8 Ruth ~leeves was born Dec. 20, 1819 Sus.:tnna Reeves was born Sept. l, 1821 -:.ufus St.::i.nton Reeves ·was born Deco 23, 1823 David Bedford Reeves ~·ras born June 1,1825 Jacob Long Reeves w2s born Ap1'il'?22't~1$27 Stephen 11.eeves \·:as born Oct o 25_, 1B"'L8 nary ~:th ·was born Dec. 22, 18u6 V.t...e.'ld '·

Page II The Reeves Family Darius Reeves, the son of Stephen, the son of Nathaniel, the blacksmith, the son of Thomas, one os the three brothers who came from England, prior 17000 I,..~­ '\, Darius Reeves was born Dec. 17,1809 ( Mary the wife o.f Darius Reeves was born May 31,1816 MAr) Children: ~:Tilliam Ro Reeves was born April 11,1836 l13.rtha Jane Reeves was born Augo 13 1839 Sarah Nariah Reeves was born Oct~ 11,1839 Catherine Hammer Reeves born June 20,1842 Oury Brown Reeves was born Deco 28,1844 Stephen Marion Reeves was born Jano 23,1847 Samuel Hendricks Reeves·was born Jano 5,1850 Millard Mo Reeves was born r.'Iarch, 1852 Samuel Hendricks Reeves, son of Darius, son of Stephen, son •· of Nathaniel, son of Thomas Reeves, who was one of the three · Reeves brothers who came from England, was born Jano 5,18500 Samuel Hendricks Reeves married Clemmie Robertsi· when he was 19 years old and Clemmie Roberts was 18 years o do This was in January in the year ~ I 8 7 ()

Children: /o~/ _ D,'eJ /~fh't.. ¥:-/ (, Laura Reeves was born Feb~ 4,~ (7 ,, 9' O ~ Arthur Franklin Reeves was born M:iy 24, 1872

t;"'._...,; Samuel Hendricks Reeves died July 17,1916 and was buried at Rock Branch, Missourio Samuel ts Wife Clennnie Roberts Reeves died in 1874, and was bu.ried in Pittsfield, Illinoiso

h ."' Arthur Franklin Reeves, the son of Samuel, the son of Darius, son of Stephen,son of Nathaniel, son of Thomas Reeves, who was one of the three Reeves Brothers who came from England, prior to 1700 was born r.cay 24' 1872 • 9 Arthur Franklin Reeves married Elsie Etta Schamp Dec. 24,1893. Elsie Etta Schamp Reeves (wife of Arthur) was born Sept o 12, 1873. Children: Myrtle Reeves was born May 21 1895 at Ruby Nebraska Hazel Reeves was born ~~rch 2~, 1897 at Tina Missouri George Elmer Reeves was born July 2, 1899 at Ti:i.1a M:issouri Clellan Elsie Reeves was born Septo 7,1904 Chicago, Illinois

Elsie Etta Schamp Reeves(wife of Arthur) died Septe~ber 12,1904. Buried in Riverside Cemetery, Crete Nebraskao Arthur Franklin Reeves died August i6,1942 and was buried in Riverside Cemetery, Crete, Nebraska After qec-,th of his first ·wife, J.rthur F. Reeves was married to I-}1y Ri.~gs, on Oct o 4, 19100 .. One child: Helen :Sster :~eeves born .3ept ~ 30, 1911

After dePti1 of J::Py Ei.~?:s (uife of Arthur); Arthur F 0 Reeves married .~· Della born in Ontario, Canada Nove. 27, 1B·S7. They ·were married Ja r:uary 20, 1

'"' . ~------Page III The Reeves Family .

~ George Elmer Reeves, son of Arthur, son of ·samuel, the son of Dar c--- I Darius, the son of Stephen, son of Nathaniel, son of Thomas Reeves ·who was one of the three Reeves brothers who came from England prior to 1700, was born July 2, 1899 at Tina, Missourio George Elmer Reeves married Ada Allison December 28i 19200 Ada Allison Reeves(wife of George was born April 6, B99o Children: · George James Reeves was born Novo 20 192&-Amarillo, Texas l-~ry Della Reeves was born f{ay 18, 19~3- Amarillo Texas Arthur Franklin Reeves II was born May i,1929,Albuqo No Mo


\ ...... ,- 3117 Valencia Drive NE Albuquerque, New Mexico Febraary 7, 1970

Miss E estal ach, ca. 90646

by Mr"~ o.H. Allison who said you were doing research on the Reeves line. He seemed to think your line was in North Carolina and Virginia area.

My Darius Reeves born Dec. 17,1809 married a ~ry Hendrix from

North Carolina; and my Nathaniel Reeves born 1732 Married ~ry Bed.ford In Elizabethtown, New Jersey • They moved to Berkley Co. Virginia 1781 and both died in Virginia • I am sending you a copy of my line; I would appreciate a copy of your line.

Our family (Thomas Reeves) came to the United States from England in 1638 on the ship the "Bevis".

Would love to hear from you.

Sincerely 'ft'W o/c7 ff~ 4f M:lry Della Reeves Smith )

l J'M"' #~fT"- ,c;n...J,{. April 15, 1970


I got to thinking since you kne't·T about my Darius Reeves and where he 't·ras married I thour.;ht I would name all his brothers and sisters and see if you know any more of "t·1here they were born, married or died: Stephen Reeves father born April26 1779 married Dec. 13, 1804 ~~ry Knott born July 22, 1785

Children of this marriage: 1- Elizabeth born Sept. 23, 1805

2- Mary born Dec. 22, 1806 11r 1 3- Zachariah born June 17 1808 P'"' 'J> 4- Darius Born Dec. 17, 1A09- v ..r J IPJl8 5- Mahala bornApril 22, 1811 6- Hannah born Sept. 7, 1812 7- Stanfield born Dec. 2i 1813 8- Rachel born July 12 815 9- Cordelia barn Feb. 9, 1817 10- Orpha born July 9, 1818 _ 11- Ruth born Dec. 20 1819 /:>•<.I JfJj.o 12- Susan born Sept. l, 1821 13- Rufus Stanton Dec. 3, 1823 . 14- David Bedford June l, 1925 D.<.I u 3 ' ,.J,,,J ///"- 7 15-Jacob Long April 22 1 1827 16- Stephen born IJiaP&a-~Q; Oct. 25, 1828 J,"11../ IYS-0 Any information on any of thesa I would appreciate Do any of these look like your relatives? Thank you for your trouble. Mary Della Reeves Smith '-jli~. ~-ti.' 11~ ~x You gave me the information that Darius, Stanfield and Cordelia were marriedin Henry Co. Indiana I wrote and got copies of marriage Certificat~s. ,-......

ANCESTRY OF COLUMBUS INDIANA REEVES FAMILIES - T 0 G E 0 R G E R E E V E S , born 1695 and his wife's ancestor J 0 H N D 0 G G E .T T ,Will of 1564


Compile by Virginia Reeves Keech November, 1975 ACilTOWLEDGEMENTS TO

Miss Eunice Vestal, Huntington Beach, Calif., who is as­ sembling material for a boom on all descendants of George Reeveso Also - for the DOGGETT lineage.

:r-lif?S Vera Reeve, Vincennes, Indiana, who through acquain­ tance with descendants of ELIJAH P..EEVES, (a brother of

our JAJ3EZ 1 REEVES,)living in the Greenfield, Indiana area, gave me my first list of names of the children of ELI REEVES.

¥1.rs. George Johnson, Russelyille, Ohio, for information from Brovm County, Ohio recordsa

Mro Eugene Reeves Eock, Anderson, Indiana, for copies of . t~ ~- early Fleming Colmty and Byrd To\mship (Brovm County, ) Ohio maps and deeds" .(He is a descendant of ASA RE~TES, a brother to our J.AJ3EZ REEVES.)

Libraries - Virginia State Library, Richmond, Va. -- Colonial Records Virginia Archives, Richmond, Va. - Land Grants Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Indiana Coli.J..mbus, Indiana,and Bartholomew County Historic Society Prince 'Willia.ms County Courthouse, Mgnassa, Va. ''Library of Congress, Wahhington, D.C· National Archives, Washington, D.C. D.A.R. Library, Washington, D.C.

Relatives and other GEORGE REl~VES (1695- 1772) and the DOGGETT F1U1ILY (from 1564) b. about 1695, either in England or in Northwnberland Co., Va.

m. AHN DOGGJ~TT, daur;hter of the BENJAlUN DOGGETT who was bap- .~~ ... :-~~': ._· tized in Ipswich, mgland in·l665, and granddaughter of ~ ~:~·· his father, REV. DENJM·iIH 1JOGGETT, who came with his fami­ ly to L.."mcaster Co., Va. in 1670, i:1here he was minister in an early colonial Church of Jmgla.nd which has had a long history. .~ . '!·'·> .. ~. · Ann Doegett 's ~reat grandfather was \HLLIAM lJOGGJ.!;TT in \·Thone honor there is a lrn·Gc marble memo:cin.l in the floor of the church at J1oxford, Jt~ngland - and on back to the Will oi' J·onN DOGGETT, made in 1564, \·Tho must have been .born in the early 1500 's. · .. Children of George and Ann (Doggett) neeves - Thomas Heeves (allivesir in Va. Colonial H.ecords) baptized 1719 in Horthwnbe~cland County, Va.

4 11 •• Benjamin He eves ("Rives lj babtized 1721, HorthuJnberland c., Va. John Reeves Moses Reeves .. ~:.. ·.... •: Elizabeth Reeves m. --- Haggard * Asa Reeves, b. 1739 ~- our ancesotr GEORGE REE'VES \·1e.s mentioned in early records of the 1700 's as the one living on Com·:ay land, in lforthtm1berland County, which is at the mouth of the Potomac River, whe:r:e it flows into the Chesapeake Bay. Nost of the early records mention 25 or 30 . people as the 0t·mers of sinGle tracts of _farmland, these being ... , . the English immigrants ,.,ho ,.,ere, in this way, being temporari­ ly provided for. A Hobert Reeves, a'Yl.d his wife, l?ranccs, did not mention child:cen in their Will; and a William Reeves left a ''fill in 1698 there, but it is non-existant now. Also, it has been detcr111lnec.l that George could. not ha.ve been a member of . ,e~.%· either of the early THOl·L\S llEEVES es about whom books ha.ve been .~ ·' printed. At any rate, he was English, and a f'avored son, because ... he had the pull and the whcre\'Ti thall to be givcn three land patents (with the full title of the Kine; of Enr;land) for grants of 370 acres in 1724, 941 acres in 1726, a.nu 55 acres in 1943, all in 11 J:forthern Neck", Va. ~his part became Prince William County, Va. From these grants, he c:;ave his brother, John Reeves, 330 ' . ~.-. acres, and lesser ac:.ceac;e to two possible married sisters. There was also a brother, Thomas Reeves. ~ ..

In 1751, .George Reeves made D deed of much of hio lm1

.. ' part deeded to our ancestor, Asa Reeves, included the home­ J~j\::'..:' stead , 158 3/ 4 acres, and the care .of his parents. Asa ;- ...... ,~. f: . was only ~2 years old at that time, and cared .for his father _".. ..:(,>. :! .! . there until his death in 1772/3; and did not sell until he sold the.same 158 3/4 acres in 1789 • ...... ~~t;:: •· ,'1 • The HONESTEAD, probably built as such before 1751, (al­ .~ : . though the first one was likely a lee; cabin), v1as a t\·10 sto­ : ·~/ . · . . ~ "'· . :~. ·~~ .. ~. ~i: ry house, with a basemen·t, and a hanu-mmlc brick foumlation • .)tr~~-·;. The location .;is two c;atcrn back from the road \·1hich was the ·1r: :~•. \ original nor-them boundary of the first grant of 370 acres. Where the house stood, on a lu1oll, there is nov1 a huge vml­ ··:~:.'1):· . nut tree, with a i'ew of the remainint; foundation bricks and ~ '}~~-.: ··~1.·. , .. '· stones lying around it. The present owner, \·ioody Merchant, ' " a car dealer in Nanassas, is trying to get rid of these· foun­ dation bricks. \·lhen I asked h1m where they go·t their \·Tater, he told me that there is a spring just a little ways dovm hill from \·There the back of the house vias. - .·.· With the help of Hr. Clark, the Tax Assessor in Prince Williams Co1.mty, and with copies of the lo.nd erants from Richmond, Va., we lmow that the 11 3/ ~- acrerr par·t of the 158 3/ 4 acre plot \·ms the family cemet('.ry. It is now Hixon Cemetery, i ,. where all the old graves are marked only \·!ith uprit;ht rocks. Ort one, after lone study oi' the scratching in it, there seems to be enough desiGn~tion for it to be identified as the one marl,.:ing the grave of George H.eeves, together \·Tith nbo:cn in ., 11 :~L-~. 1695 • The second rock to its left has the first part o.f '.'.;i Elizabc~th, 1.JC~Ht.i.oncll d.eecl. ·' the name, the

•.' j ~\ "# :· .. ' food {jr0\'.'11., and clothes to be s11un ancJ. made, there was much ,. .>f~~t:~<::. : ~ C• . " to be done; but the main crop was tobacco. Even churches ·;·~~h~· ... buili {!alj_ ·~hQ.i:f Q.O§.t_r

>:-'' . were descendants of the neph~w of the GEOHGE, above...... ···· ~':~:-· ·:'.

·~- ASA REEVES (younGest known son. of GEORGE REEVES, b.1695) b. 1739 Prlnce "tl11liams Co., V~.• ~- m. Sarah Lambert (?) d. 1822 FJeming Co., Ky.(buried on the :farm on Lickine River) Child rfm .£.!: ASA and S !\RAH REEVES - 1. Benjamj_n Reeves (adopted) b.1760 m. Mary Crook 2. William Reeves b. 1765 Am. Rev. War Dept. Pensj_on Record of 1835 list.s residence at that time in Bro\·m Co., o. m(2) EJ.ljnor Wood 11-9- 1806 3 • .Ann Doegett Reeves b. 4-8-1767 m. John Crooke ... ·~~~ ,' .. ~ .. . .*4. Eli (Elias) Reeves b.4-8-1769 m. Sarah .Ann Redman 1790 <" • '~ "' : 'I ' I .i!~ 1~~.. .- . ... _~,-~::: . 5. Elizabeth Reeves m. Samuel Jones ·f-1,!'J".··'· ·· :!{''•-;;· •. . ·,: ~. ·.~.".· ..·. '. :_ .... 6. Sarah(Sally) CollinRworth Reeves m. Abraham Mahan

·'· :'· : ''.::.:.> \ 7. Mare;aret llP.eves b. 1779 m. Samuel Burke · •. 1 8. Jabez Reeves b.·5-30-1781 m. Mary Ross 12-18-1800 9. Jane Reeves m. J.onathmi."Oci;Ftar 10. Susannah Reeves m. Spencer Reeves . ~ :· '!.. 11. George Reeves m. Ne.ncy Hiday 8-3-1805 (Nancy's guardian was ASA, father of George) · 12. Asa Reeves, J~. b. 10-13-1788 m(l) Susannah Hiday 10-11- 1808 (2) Murga:ry Grege 13. Isaac Reeves b. 1793 in Ky. m. Sarah Burke "' ~· ·:· .~-~:. In 1751, when GBORGE RBEVES deeded much of his land to four

· ~,,·:t. ' sons, ASA wa.s only 12, and received the homestead and 158 acres, including the care of his parents ilurine; their natural lifetime. Where the 2 story and basement h011se st~od, there is now a huge walnut.tree, with only a. few of the foundation stones apparent. In 1789, ASA sold anc1 i:he family moved , by way of the Cnmber­ .... ' • ~. •• 1 ··-' land I-fountains at the extreme western :rart of Vlrg.tnia, into ,' \ ~ , and probabl~r followed Licking Ri_ver from its source.· t·o the fertile lend that became theirs. (The enclosed map shows it as ISAAC R"EJ.:."'VES 1 farm, as wa.s w:U led by ASA.) It is at the southern edr;e of Flemi.ng County, c.ncl c..bout 35 miles from the Ohio Rj_ver at J•faysville. ASA HEEVES was a ·l;ArrRIOT in the }\me.rican Hevolution, having given horses, riders, and waeons,for 4 do.ys. (Prince Wm. Co. ·t ,:t.:~~··:-'. reco:rds.) * ELI REEVES wo.s out next ancestor, ~'ELIAS" in ASA' s wll1).

------ELI llEEVES (son of Asa Reeve~, son of Georce l1eevf)R) b. 4-8-1769 Prince l;l:i.1.J.irun C0., Va • .m. S(;tr~.h Heilman abont 1790 - dm.ir.hter of Dnniel llnclman, and, acco-r5.ed f!i=mter Tvm.Ghp., Rush Co., Ind.)' d. 5-21-1825 (His tombstone is in the valley below the barn on the farn he o"med, in Byrd Town~hip, B:r:-oi.m County, Ohio, a few miles northeast of Ripley, c., ·on the Ohio raver.) Children of ELI a:n.d SARAH (HEDMAN) RBEVF,S - l. Iley Reeves m. "Frmikey" (F8nnine) S:pephenson Ila-War of 1812 2. Daniel Reeves m. Nancy Lang ])qniel-~·,1 ar of 1812 3. Eli Reeves, Jr. 4. Mary A. Reeves 5. Sarah Reeves m. Jc.mes Steel (Jackson Tm·mshiIJ) 6. ·Asa IleP.VE=?8 m. Rebecca Reed in Brm~m. Co., O. 7. Anna. ReevP.s m. Stephen Stephenson 8. John Reeves m. Uancy ---- 9.*Jabez Reeves, b. 1806 m. Nancy Coe in Brown Co.,O. 1827 ~:- our ancestor 10.Neville ReevP.s b.1808 m(l) Anna. Crawford,(~) Sarah Gibbs, continued livine in Ohio at least until 1840 11. Benjamin n.eevP.s m. Elizabeth Crawford, Broi.-m Co., O. 12.Susanna Reeves m. A.C. (Israel) McNulty 10- 15- 1829 13.Elij§.h Reeves m. Jane RosR, Bro~m Co., o.

ELI J..EEV~S grew up on the land that ho.d been eranted to his erandfather, GJi:OilG~ m~EVES. Seve~ccil old Inrlie.na h.i.r~tories say that· Eli served in the .Ame:r:-ican l~evolution :rost-\·1ar Rervice, but no official reco:r.rls can be found to substantiate this. He settled in Fleming Co., Ky. :=i.t the age of ?.O, when h.ls father,

Asa Reeves did, :;tr"l1 ind J.789, o.nd mc..rr.i. ed Sarah Redmen. In 1803, ELI ennJnP.re..tP.d the males over 21 in Clermont and Adams Counties, o. (the Little Miami te:r.rJ.tory), to help the Feder-al eove-rnment decin e whether to open Ohio for further settlement. llecommenrlntions ,.,'ere accert~d, aJ.onc; with those from other po.r-ts of Ohio, ;:m.d :i. t became a State th2..t same year. Hj_s ~ie;nature is on many Ad8111B Co. records. IIin farm (found ae;ain by Vireinia Reeves Keech in 1970) was in Byrd Township which was made part of the newly formed Jlr.o'm Co •. in 1819. Tlfere wc..s a e;reat ceremony once a yeo.r when a famous Indian crune to call on Eli Heeves, who must have been a mediator, since some Indians still cla tmed ownernhip of Ohio land. FosGi bly they "smoked the peace pi:pe 11 ! ~rliir; shoHs whc1·c Jni l~ccvco an:l ld.n lt(nwr.ho~.cl oi' 17 livecl. It is just above lh__ · pl_py,_ .o.,, on the

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( \ ,. t i f- '. ~ ;- /, \ ~\ ~. ~ f' ~ [ I i l-: I:-' (~:' v .. I 6 ( ,·; II e... .N . '1\ ' j \ f

------·-· ... l-·-·· -· ... -··--·· -· ---·· - . /j'/'~21/ JABEZ REEVES (Eli - Asa - Geor~e ) b. 1- 17- 1806 in Byrd Tovmship, nee.r Ripley, Ohio, which is on the Ohio lliver, about 70 mil8S ea.st of Cincinatti. m. 2- 26- 1824 MANCY COE, younee-st child of Hilburn Coe, and gra.nddauehter of John and Massey Tongue, married in Bro~ County, o. d. 8- 17- 1895 at home of da.ue;hter, Mary L. (Reeves) Mc Carty, in Kn.ightstown, Ind. Children of JABEZ and NANCY (COE) lill~VES -

LEVIl1TA ANN REEVES VlILLIAM l!'RANKLIM REEVES b. 9- 4- 1.827 JOIDT W. REEVES b. 10-23-1828; d. 9-20-1833 (bur. Shiloh Cem., Hush County, Ind.) LOUISA J. REEVES ELIZABETH H. HELVES b. 8-12-1833; o. 12-1--1836 (bur.Rush C.) SARAH A. REEVES b. 1834 MARY r~ ImEVES b. 1838 m. r.IcCart~r, of Knightstown, Ind. ALFn.ED BENTON RSE\TES b. 1840 MILT OM MONROE P:EEVES b. 8- 2 8- J EM. 2 JAMES 11-. DALLAS H~:SYES b. 7- 14- 1844

Jabez Reeves and Na.nc~r Coe married. when both were only 19. She had been an orphan from the age of nine when her father, ¥lil­ burn Coe a.ied, and the e;randparents, John and 118.s-sey _Tongue, ~~ left ::t· small farm of 26 a·cres to the heirs of Hilburn Coe - Daniel, Elizabeth, John, Polly'· Samuel, Milburn, ,,'!illiam, and N~mcy Coe. So, !-Taney was brouGht up by her brothers and sis­ ters. She and JA.bez probnbly went to the same school, as well as to an independent ChristiM. church which had broken away from the tranitional church at Red Oak. In December 1326 Jabez Reeves entered 80 acres in Ilnsh County, Indiana. He returned in the sprin.e;, built a log cabin, and moved there in October 1827 when the1r son, William was l month old. Here they raised a large family. By 1860, Ja.- bez and Nancy 11eev~s had one of the mos-t valuable farms in the county (listed in the Cen::ms as beine in the Knightstowm P.O. area of Rush County), sons.William and Alfred Benton were married, and only l':li. l ton M. and J. N. Dallas \·1ere still livine at home. By 1888 Je.bez and Nancy ileeves had retired end were liv1ne · healthy, contented ·lives on the Henry_ County side of Knie;hts­ r, town. She died February 2, 1891, after which he lived with their daus}?.ter, Mary L. :McCarty, in Kniehtstovm lmtil his death, Aueu.st 17, 1895, at the age of $9~· ye2.rs. ·.

REEVES AND COTJPANY Alfred Benton Reeves, who h3.d been menufacturine farm im­ plements in Knie;htsto,·m, moved his factory from Kniehtsto"m. to Columbus in 1875. Fis partner was his nephew, Marshall T. Reeves, age 24, son of Benton's brother, William F. Reeves. It was not called P~EVES & CO. untj_l two other brothers of A. Benton joined them. These were J.N. Dallas Reeves, who had been in business for himself both in Knj_ehtsto\'m and In­ dianapolis, who joined the company in 1879; wd Milton Hon- ro e Reeves (my erandfather), who came back to Indiana from Kansas where he had been .farmine;, in 1880. It was called REh-VES & CO. after Milton M. Renven bonc;ht j_ntc:r.cst in it. There were d.i.fflcult times, financially, during the 1880 's. M:i.lton Mo:nroe Reeves died in 1890, but Grandmother (Nancy Jane Reeves and our parents) kept their interP.st in the com­ pany. Alfred BP.nton Reeves sold his shares the same year, a.nd, for some reason, Dallas was no lone;er in the company, althoueh he had. a lot of mechanical ingenuit~r, as did Benton. In the 1890 's , Marshail T. Reeves \·.ras Presid8nt, an

,.·,.·· ~ R E E V E S F A M I L I E S K N 0 \'l M I N C o· L U M B U S

Father Brothers and Sister 1st Cousins IDP.ir Child_ren

WILLIAM F.REEVES MARSHALL T. 1851- 1924 (For children 1827- (lived on his of WILLIAM F. 's JEFFERSON B. 1855- 1 86 father's farm, children, see Rush County, acquiring it in MILTON O. 1864- 1925 Paul Reeves' about 1861) fine papers.) GUERNEY L. 1872- 1947

FoO~L~e(McBride) JABEZ REEVES ALFlillD BENTON MINNIE (Ma.son) 1865-1966 REEVES 1840-1911 1806 - 1840-1911 ARA P. 1868 - 1890 HARRY E. 1870-1891

ROSE (Jones) 1874 - (Rush County)

:MILTON MONROE ORA STELLA (Newsom) 1867-1908 (Report of R"EEVES 1842-1890 grandchild.ren 1842-1890 CHARLES A. 1870- 1957 of !1ILTON MONROE REEVES HAZEL KIRK( Scott) 1883-1918 are on the next pages) J.N. DALLAS DEOTA C. 1870- 1873 REEVES 1844-ab.1900 1844- 19--? LEW A. 1876- about 1970 (moved to Brown Co.)

MARY L (REEVES) McCARTY 1838- ( Knight sto'\m) 1838- MILTON MONROE REEVES (Jabez- Eli- Asa- George ) b.~25-1842, son of Jabez and Nancy (Coe) Feeves,Rush Co. - m. 9-11-1866 NAMCY JANE KIR.KPATRICK, dauehter of John B. and Abalena (Mock) Kirkpatrick, Rush Co.Ind. d.8-20-1890 Columbus, Ind. Children Q.f Milton M. and Nancy J. Reeves - ORA STELLA REEVES, b. 8-27-1867 near Kokomo;m.Isaac Kenesaw Newsom CHARLES ALVA REEVES, b. 4-15-1870; m(l) Monta Abbett,(2) Maud Cooper HAZEL KIRKE REEVES, b. 12-17-1883; .m. John C. Scott Milton 11onroe Reeves, son of Jabez Reeves, and brother to . William.F., Alfred Benton, and James N. Dallas Reeves, had . . a farm near Kokomo, Indiana for a few years after.his mar- riage. Here, the first two children, Ora Stella and Charles A. Reeves were born. The family moved to Kansas to farm on ·.. a larger scale, but found that there was not adequate mach­ inery, so; in 1880 they moved· to Columbus where he joined his nephew, Marshall T. Reeves (son of William F. Reeves), and his brothers at Reeves & Co. Since M.M. Reeves died August 20, 1890, a few days before his 48th birthday, not much is

known about, him; but his widow, Nancy Jane Reeves outlived him for 33 years, and was well known in Columbus.

Nancy Jane Reeves, lovingly c~lled "Jenny", was born July 13, 1849, in Rush County, to John B. and Abalena (l~iock) Kirkpat­ rick, and was a first cousin to Amanda Kirkpatrick who married M.O. Reeves. She, like most Reeves families, was a membe~ of Tabernacle Christian Church. She entertained the ministers at family dinners, using a large oval table that seated twelve. Her grandchildren felt at home in her large house catporner from the German Lutheran Church on Fifth Street, .•,, where she spent much time crocheting beautiful pieces. She was a rather large woman, and dressed frequently in black. On October 11, 1923, after making her usual visit to her son's home on Seventh Street in the morning, the Lord took her home in the evening. She was the only grandparent we (George, Virginia, and Charlotte Reeves) had lmown, since . the others all died before we were born. ORA STELLA REEVES ( Milton Monroe - Jabez- Eli- Asa- George) b. 8-27-1867 near Kokomo, daughter of M.M. and Nancy Jane I~ (Kirkpatrick) Reeves who moved.to Columbus in 1880. m. 9-4-1889 ISAAC KENISAW NEWSOM, son of Jose Newsom d. 9-8-1908 Columbus, Ind. Residence: A brick house between 10th and 11th, later owned by a Crump family. 9hildren of Isaac Kenisaw and Ora (Reeves) Newsom REEVES.JOSE NEWSOM b. 10-11-1893 EDITHA KATHERINE NEWSOM b. 1-7-1896 ------·------REEVES JOSE NEWSOM (Ora- M.M.- Jabez-Eli- Asa- George ) b. 10-11-1893 Columbus, Ind. m. 1-11-1913 RUTH HOWE, who died in Lynn, Mass. 7- 1917. m. (2) KATHERINE KEANE, in the East Child of Reeves and Ruth (Howe) Newsom PHYLLIS NEWSOM b. 6-21-1914 m. OLIVER TUFTS, Ma.nchester,N.H. Children Qf Reeves and Katherine (Keane) Newsom - KEANE ~lE\AlSOM b. 11-4- 1921; d. 3-27- 1935 MARCIA NEWSOM b. 7-14-1926 m.FRANCIS DeM. KEEN, Malvern,~a. Reeves Jose Newsom graduated· from Purdue in engineering in 1913, and gained national recognition in hydraulic and sanitary engin­ eering, and became president of the .American Water Works Asso­ ciation. The family moved from Lynn, Mass. to Scarsdale, N. Y., where, for 17 years, he was a Consultant Engineer. He died 4-29- 1967. Phyllis (Newsom) Tufts is the social editor of a Manchester,. N. H. paper. She and her husband Oliver Tufts have no children. Marcia (Newsom) Keen and her husband, Francis Keen's chil- ~ are - (living in Malvern, Pa.) - COURTNEY KEEN b. 1952 SCOTT KEEN b. 1954 SUZANNE KEEN b. 1955 ------EDITHA KATHERINE NEWSOM (Ora- M.M.- Jabez- Eli- Asa- George ) b. 1-7-1896 Columbus, Ind., lived with her grandmother, Nancy_ Jane Reeves, after her mother died. Editha was a student at . {:. · Butler when it became advisable for her to go to Sera.nae Lake, N.Y. for treatment. She visited home occasionally, hoping to be cured, but broke her engagement eventually, and died in 1921. CHARLES ALVA IillEVES (Milton M.- Jabez- Eli- Asa- George) b. 4-15-1870' near Kokomo, Ind, moved to Columbus when 10. m (1) Nonta Abbett, daughter .of William A. cu1d Emma (Lefever) Abbett 5-20-1891. (Honta d. 1-15-1905~. · m (2) Maud Cooper, daughter of George W. and .Sina (Green) d. 12_26_57Cooper 4-3-1907 (b. 9-1-1873; d. 7-22-1963). Children of Charles A. and Monta (Abbett) Reeves - Infant son b. 12-10-1900 ; d. same day Marjorie Lucile Reeves b. 3-27-1903 (called Lucile) . Children of Charles A. and Maud (Cooper) Reeves - George Cooper Reeves b. 7-28-1908 Virginia Reeves b. 9-26-1909 Charlotte Reeves b. 7-16-1912 Charles A. (Charlie) Reeves started to work at H.eeves & Co. soon after he graduated from Columbus High School. He and Monta, who married young, had no child for 11 years, and en­ gaged in church and social activities in the community. Mr. Reeves started a furniture factory between Hawcreek and Belmont Street, where the present Statler Packing House is, but it was doomed by the flood of 1903, and he returned to Reeves & Co., (later called Emerson Brantingham), as Traffic ~Ianager. Soon after Lucile was born, Manta Reeves died, and Lucile lived with her grandparents until Mr. Reeves married Maud Cooper.

Before her marriage, Maud Cooper had taught school in Taylors­ ville, had lived in Washington while her father was a Congress­ man, had studied art at Herron School of Art in Indianapolis, and had become an artist of landscapes and portraits. When she married, she immediately took care of Lucile as her own daugh­ ter. The other three children were born, and the family, liv­ ing in a big house at 718 Seventh Street, had a "hired girl.~' while the children were small. When the new shirt factory, on

' ( north Washington Street, offered girls better positions, Mr. and Mrs. Reeves became one of the first couples in town to buy an automatic washing machine which they had seen on display in Indianapolis. Mrs. Reeves always kept apace of modern times.

Charles A. Reeves was interested in the comnnmi ty, was a 32nd ~ degree Mason, and an elder at Tabernacle Christian Church, which \ was the church where most of the Reeveses attended. When Emerson Brantingham Co. closed its Columbus plant, Charlie Reeves stayed until the last piece of machinery was sold. In 1927, Mr. and Mrs. Reeves bought a furniture store in the business area of Bloomington, combining his business abilities and former interest in furniture with her artistic talents for design and display. They made many new friends, and weathered the depression years when selling on credit became necessary. Mr. Reeves had an innate trust in others. When he was 85 and Mrs. Reeves was 82, they sold the furniture business and moved to Indianapolis to be near their daughter, Charlotte, violin­ ist in the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. "7.' ,.}.:.~ Charles A, Reeves lived to be almost 87, and Naud (Cooper) Reeves lacked six weeks of being 90. They remained active in Christian Churches where they lived, but were both buried at Columbus which had _been home to them most of their lives. Mother, who had been a member of the Nature Study Club and the Magazine Club in Ol.wnbus while we were children, took up sketching and painting again when we were groitm, and belonged to a small Bloomington and Na~ille artists' club. Except for a few which she sold, we have kept her landscapes in oil. She was always interested in our welfare, and in her church, and took care of her own business matters until her death. The last Easter Father was with us, he gave me (Virginia) such ~ big hug that I could feel every rib in his tall, thin body; a.nd when the .Lord called him home, he seemed to be just on the other side of a veil that separated us. MARJORIE LUCILE RE1YES (Charles A.- Milton M.- Jabez- Eli- Asa­ .George) b. 3-27-1903 ·was the only living child of Charles A. and :Monta (Abbett) Reeves, and was born in Columbus, Ind. I~ m. FRED M. SULTAN 2-15-1925 d. 3-7-1971 in Columbus, Ind. Only child of Lucile and Fred N. Sultan - WILLIAM HOWARD SULTAN b. 11-28-1925 in Columbus. Lucile Reeves took the responsibilities of being an older sis­ ter to her brother and two sisters. She enjoyed visiting her Grandfather and Grandmother Abbett, and attended the Ladies' Aid Society with her grandmother to help quil"!; for the mission­ aries. She played piano well enough to play for prayer meet­ ings, .and helped her sister, Virginia, learn to play duets. Lucile graduated from Columbus High School in 1920, went two years to :B,ranklin College and two years to Indiana University. Her only year of teaching, in a town in Illinois on the ~lis­ sissippi River, she met and married Fred M. Sultan, who was· from ~lississippi. They made Columbus their home. Here, their son, William Howard Sultan was born November 28, 1925. In their later years, :Mr. and Mrs. William A. Abbett, Lucile's grandparents liv·ed with Fred and Lucile (Reeves) Sul tan. Both Mr. and Mrs. Abbett lived into their .:. . 90 's. Nr. Abbett was the person chosen to lay the corner stone when First Chris­ tian Church was built. She lived to be 91, and he, 99. ~·· It was not strange that, in Lucile Sultan's empJ..Qrment with the Social Welfare Department of Bartholomew County, her assign­ ment was work and visitation with the elderly. She retired young because of painful arthritus, but was a faithful and regular attendant of church and of her Sunday School class of which she had been a member since she was a young lady. She enjoyed many trips with the Senior Citizens, and is well re­ membered by friends, relative, and by the older people of the county whom she helped.

Lucile's husband, Fred~M. Sultan was born in April 21, 1900, and served in World War I. At times when his injuries kept ·him from working, he enjoyed tending his garden, and watch­ ing sports news. He also enjoyed reading the Psalms. He died April 3, 1970, which was almost a year before Lucile Sultan's 4,.eath. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ------WILI,IAM A. ABnETT, Luelle llenvr.r.; ,. mrttnrnn.J. f_~r~mrlfathc:r., came from Tr.lmbJ.e Co., Ky., and mar.rie

:.··· WILLIAM HOHAH.D SULTON (Lucile- CJrn.~rles A.-M.I\!.-Jabez-Eli-Ana-George) b. 11-28-1925 Colnmbus, Ind., son of H. Lucile (Reeves) end Fred ~- F-'1. Sult2n

'; . m. 1946 Norma. J. Bride;es, da.uc;hter.of Homer and Velma (Donnell) Bride;es of Jennines Co., Ind. Child of William II. and Norma (Brlrlccs) Sult.an - Fred Howard Sultan, b. 4-~3-1947 m{2) Elizabeth Ann Doty 5-?.2-1970, dan~hter of Chester L. and Jessie (Smith) Doty, of Bartholomew Co1mty. William Sultan, after e;raduatine from high school, served four years in the U.S. Air Force, with all assi~nrnents in the States. After honorary d:i.scharge, he married lTormn J. Bridges and lived a.t first in one of his e;rmidfather Abbett's houses, on Sixth St., next to his mother's house on. Chestnut St. By 1951, he accepted U.S. :Postal Servlce em:!!lyment, end bought one of the new houses at Northgate, with a large yard 8.nd space for a garden. His wife, Norma, was a secretary at Arvin Indw-1tries, a loving person and a good mother to Fred, their only chlld, until the illness which ca.m~ed her death at the a.ge of 39 (on 6-24-1963). After almost seven years of 11 b2.tchine it" Bill m3.rried Betty \ Doty, a fine cook and. housekeer>er, who likes to kee:r the garden,

:\ '.J• and is very hospitable. Bill enjoys read inc;, and educ2~tional TV, and is a self-educated man. He and both of his wives have been members of First Christian Church, the church of his pa­ rents and era:ndparents.

FRED HOWA1~n SUL~AN, son of William Howard and Norma (T3ridges) Sultan) •i. b. 4-23-194 7 Colrnnbus, Ind. m. Cher'Jl Ann Selak 8-3-1974, daue;hter of Mr. and HrG. Frank J. Selak of Hazel Park, Nich:tean Fred Sultan was outstanding in both scho1arshir> and sports at Taylorsville nchools, and worked his way th:roueh collec;e while takine; full conrses at Indiana Univerrd.ty, Inrli:m.a State Uni­ ' . .. ~ verr-d ty, and Detroit Coller.;e of Law. He passed his bo.r examin­ ations before receiving his law degree, and is an attorney in Warren, Nichiean. ' . GEORGE COOPER REEVES (C.A.• M.M.- Jabez- Eli- Asa- George) b. 7-28-1908 son of Charles A. and Maud (Cooper) Reeves, Colum­ bus, Ind. m. ELSIE BIRCH 4-22-1941, granddaughter and greatgranddaughter of Wm. Henry Thayer and Abbott Henderson Thayer, well-la10'WI1 artists. George c. Reeves took 4 years of H.S. La.tin, and much Italian and Spanish, along with an English major, first as a Rector scholar at DePauw, and then from 1927 when the family moved to ...... : Bloomington, at Indiana University. He studied philosophy in Florence and Naples with the help of an international exchange ·fellowship, receiving a Ph.D. in Naples in 1932, and another at

•:·~ '\- • I Indiana University in 1935 during his three years teaching of . .. ~ philosophy at Butler. In Los Angeles from 1936, he passed his civil service test in four languages (having ability also in German and French), and started a career with the U.S. govern­ ment. From 1943 to 1972, he was a.n economist with the U.S • • ••

' -~:· • j . ' Md., after various assignments in Mexico, Italy, and England • ·:. . . . ~-(\c·~ . He has had several article, column, arid editorial publica- tions of his writings, the last being a book, Tariff Preferenc·es for Developing Countries, 1971, for the Tariff Comrnission •. He was the leader of Great Books discussions in Greenbelt, Nd. for many years, and has been active in the Greenbelt Community Church. ·. ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ ------~ - - SYLVIA EDITHA REEVES, only child of GEORGE C. and ELSIE (BIRCH) REEVES ·~. b. 2-3-1949 in Maryland m. MICHAEL WAYNE ~ANE 12-30-1967. Michael was in the Air Force from '67,when he and Sylvia graduated together from high school, for 4 years. They were able to live together in North Dakota

·--..~--·- - .. ;J VIRGINIA r~EVES (Charles A.- Hilton I-i.-Jabez- ~ai- Asa- George) · '--· . ~.,. .. : ~:;~ .... ~/·:. b. 9-26-1909, dau~hter of C.A. and liaud (Coo.per) Reeves, Colwn- ::·~'f:ff' :: - . m. Richard Henry Keech 12-21-1941 - 11-8-~.5 (. decea~·~:cd) bus, Ind. :~>~~r ~-t • \ Virginia Reeves, as a girl, studied piano \·1ith Hiss Louise Mason until she married, 'Hi th Miss Kitchen until her death, and with Hiss Eleanor Beauchamp \·:ho came from Indianapolis and taur;ht ·many- Cohunbus students on Saturdays at the Heeves home at 717 7th Street. Vir6inia g:i:·acluated from high school t - ~ in Columbus, and from Indiana UnivcrGity with cleerees of Bach­ elor of Husic, in Piano, ancl Ha;.,ter of Arte, in Huaic. In 1932, as a Student Volunteer for Foreign 1·1issions, she went to the Tokyo-Yokohama area \•1here she studied Japanese language and culture, ai1.d taught piano at Ferris, the oldest organized secondary school and junior college for eirls in Japan. She returned in 1937 ancl taught piano part-time, on a graduate fellowship that year, while taking some bru~3h-u1) courses at Ohio State University. During '7 months in Los An­ geles, visiting her b::cCil'ther, George, she met her future hus­ ~· band. She returned to Bloomington, Ind. to complete the courses '. ... ,.r~J . , in Public School Music, and then taught in northern Indiana .:.):'-;· and in southern Georgia before her marriage. She traveled with her husband.,who was in surgical supply work, throughout the States eaGt of the Hississipli.H.iver, for several months; and then, did the office work and shipping of wheel chairs and walkers from home in liadison, N. J. while her hus­ band traveled alone •. JJn:ring 1944 they worked together as di­ rector and oreanist at Dauphin \!ay Baptist Church, a church of 5000 members in ~iobile, Ala., and then moved to Birmingham where -. he did not find employment. Virginia, \·Tith the care of :iUchard, age 2-~~·,ancl Kent ase -} year, 1.·: ·~- , •. ".t .. returned to Mobile where she became or~anist at a small E1)isco­ pal church and taught piano part time until iUcha1·d was old e­ nough to attend school. She taueht publig uchool muoic, ~racles 1-12 , in Ho bile Cotmty from 1948- '54, in Kent County, J.id. from '54- '56, and in i-Ionteomery County, Ed., where she chose elemen­ tary grades only, from' 56- '71, \•1hen she retired to do oth~r

. ~- things. (She was also a church organist most of this time.) .. ··.~ '. ,: . She is at present a pianist and timpanist, ac·tive at church and in the Friday Morning Husic Glub of \·jashington, and has muny younr.; Jar>anc:.:;c friends runonfj the \·1lves of J·apaneue doctors who come ·to the Irational Ins·µ·tute oI Health for perioJo of two to four years. The w~l( in helping them \·:i th EnGlish con­ versation an

... ·:

______, l TIICHAHD CHARLES JCEECH (Virginia- C.A.-M.M~- Jabez- Eli-Asa-George) :·= .. HE};VES AMCES~~itY . . ~- .~.. b. 6-11-1943 m. Helen Cecelia Keech, daughter of Harold and Cecelia Helen Keech, of Baltimore 11- 4- 1967 (Possible· distant re­ lationship exists between great ereat r;randfathers). Ch.ild of Richard c. and H. Cecelia (Keech) Keech - Sarah Elizabeth (Sarah Beth) Keech b. 7-16-1971 Richard \·1ao always inte3:csted in reading to find ou·t, and excelled in sciences, electronics, and math in his last two years at Ilicharcl Hontgomery H.S., in Roclrville, Nd., and re- >;-. ceived a scholarship to Johns Hopkins University where he took : the pre-med course. He then v1ent to the UniveJ:·si ty of Maryland, School of Medicine, also in Baltimore, for 4 years, continuing there for a year of intership and his first year of residency, in the field of }Jathology. His last 3 years of residency were at Hartford Hospital, Ha:i:tford, Conn. After 2 years teaching in Hed school, and supe:evising laboratory tests at the Veteran's Hospital, in lticlunond, Va., he has been a Patholoc:;ist with J··Tem­ orial Hospital, I.i0ng Beach, Calif. His wife, Cecelia, is a colle~e graduate in I>sychology, and tauc;ht in the Baltimore schools for 4 years after their marriage. In California, she is spending time wor:!;ing for the women's rights amendment v1hile Sarah Beth attends nursery school. Their home is in Palos Verdes, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

GEORGE lillHT ImECH (Virginia-C.A.-· 11.M.- Jabez-Eli-Asa-George) ll E E V E S A N C E S ~ R Y ) b. 6-30-1945 in Birmingham, Ala., son of Vircinia (Reeves) and Richard H.H. Keech m. Peggy Arlene .Hartin, :Uaughter of Charles and Ruth Hartin of Falls Church, Va. 8-2-1969 Child of G. Kent and Per;e;y (Hartin) Keech - Juny Joanna Keech b. 9-8-1974 . Kent excelled in art, mechanical clrawin~, designing his own · ···· car models, ruul at bike J.·acing, but was -lazy when it came to· studying basic subjects. '.:!hen Hichard started away to college, ~· ·.... - Kent asked to be allowed at attend a military school. He went to I'·Tassanuutta liili tary Academy, in Woodstock, Va. 2 years, and completed high school in Strasburg, Va., where he had full­ time ·work running a warpin~ machine at a silk mill. Ile then attended Tech School in itoanoke 2 years, and Vi:cginia Tech, in Blacksburg, Va. 4 years, gl... aduating in Architecture. He was an Architect with a small fi:cm in Columbus, Ohio, for about 2 years, and has since then been a Det:;igning Architect, with the large

D.D.&D Construction Co. of Annand.ale, Va., where his biggest .. ;; dcsignine has been of the million dollar new Clarinden Bank at Tysons Corner. . Peggy had a scholarship at TI.aclford College, and taught for 4 years in Virr;inia, and. ac;ain in nurserJ school, but stays home now with little Jaruh Deth, at their home in ltODton, ~Va.

, ·r·· CHARLOTTE RTt~EVES .(Charles A. -M. M. -·Jabez- Eli- Asa- George)

b. 1-·16- 1912 daughter of Charles A. and Maud (Cooper) '·· Reeves; born in Columbus, Ind. lo.~.:.~~~ ';;:

Charlotte Reeves took violin from Hr. Kitsinger until 1927 . ,·'-. when the family moved to Bloomington. She attended Blooming­ ton Hie;h School during her jtmior ancl senior years, and then majored in Violin at Inc.liana Univc1:si ty, School of Music. She got a Masters der.;ree in 1935, a.t which time, her sister, Virsin­

ia, back from Japan for a month, accornpaniecl her at her reci­ ·~ .

· .. tal. Her life \·1ork has been with the Indianapolis Sym1)hony. She has played both vialin and viola, and is in the fir·st vi­ olin section now. She has also been a member of a fine string quartet which has been in demand over the state. During the years when the Symphony sea:son was only 5 month~, Charlotte lean1ed and used fast dictation methods, and has worked for lawyers and for the government. She o\lm.s a small house in Hashville where she has done much of the house improving. She has a delightful garden, and en­ ~ ·1 joys having her friends come there. She is one of a fine group of Indiana~1olis laclies who frequently meet to eat out,· or to celebrate special events and days. bveryone who lmows · ·· 11 11 Hiss Charlotte Reeves likes her. Her vanity , as she calls it, is cars: she keeps one compact car for her ovm. use, and one large car for times ·when she takes he1· l'riends out, and she exchanges co.rs rather frec1uently.

. ... ·.:---

t . : _.y' :· .,,·.?: •:.

,. ' .. ~ . ·' HAZEL KIRKE REEVES (Milton M~-Jabez- Eli- Asa- George) b. 12-17-1883, ymm[;eRt ch:tld of M.iJ.ton M. and. Nancy Jane (Kirkpatrick) Reeves, Colwnbus, Ind. · m. JOHM CALDERHEAD SCOTT 10-28-1903, son of John Ca.1derhAc-.d and Amanda Wilson. Scott, b. 7-21-1881, Columbus, Ind. d. 10-26-1918 Children .Qf John c. and Hazel (Reeves) Scott -· ROBERT HILTON SCOTT,b.6-13-1908; d. 7-1-1934 .. ·· DONALD WILSON SCOTT, b. 2-21-1910; d. 12-10-1942 •\'9~:.:.,:. JOIIlT C. SCOTT, b. 6-6-1914 JA~ms ARTHUR SCOTT, b., 3-24-1917

As a teenaee girl and youne lady, Hazel Reeves and her second cousins, Alta Reeves (dauehter of M. o. ), and Jeff and Elva Reeves (dauehters of deceased Jefferson), Often gathered toe;ether before or a.fter church, or throu.gh the week, at the home of Dallas Reeves, directly across the

...... 1·:· ~ street from the Tabernacle Church, and across the alley ·. { ..',. , from the In~in home. Hazel's first cousin, Lou, (son of ~·r I Dalla.s and M?..mie Reeves), was very fond of these four eirls and always gave them Christmas preFrnnts. Aunt Hazel and Uncle John. once went with her Uncle Dallas a.nd Aunt :Mamie Reeves to a. Hush Cotmty Reeves fc:tmily reunion_­ When Mooney Tannery closed its lQboratory, since demand for harness leather decreased as automobiles changed the situa­ tion, John a. Scott lost the chemist. connection he held

:c' I there, and the family moved to Indianapolis to make readjust­ ments. Before Aunt Hazel's untimely death, she and my four

....·.:· .."; .. : ': boy first cousins visited her mother,( my erandmother, widow of Milton M. Reeves) , frequently, and we had wonderful times·: rompine through her hie; hou:::;e. As I remember Aunt Hazel, she. was rather laree,.with dark hair and eyebrows, and a kindly face. After almost sixty yea.ra of residence away from Columbus, . I, Uncle John Scott has made his home at 637 Laf'ayette Ave. He is "Uncle" to the Doups, the Dunlaps, as well a.s to some of us Reeveses who now live awa.y from our home town; and he en­ joys reminiscing, corresponding, And writing for the news­ paper. To him and to my cousin, tA.rt, go the credit for facts about this branch of the family •.. nonERT HILTON SCOTT (Ha~el-Milton M.-Jabez-Eli-Asa-Geore~) b.6-13-1908; d.7-ly93i E EV E S A N C E S T RY ) •T ~ ~lobert, as well as his three brothe:t's, attended Mi.~mi U,.1ive:r:"sity, Oxford, Ohio, and we~e membe:rs of the Sierna. 1 Ni.. • cha:pter their father was responsible for founding there. A ft er college, Robert wa·s employerl by G-oodyear Tire and r..~J.bber Co., with assignments in Chicago, Bine;hc..mpton, N. Y., and , Ga. There, he had a near engagement with a Coca-Cola heiress whom he met at an exclusive country club. P0 returned to Indianapolis v.rhere he was em:pJ.oyecl by another tire company, an

DONALD WILSON SCOTT (Ha.zel-M.M.-Jabez- Eli- Asa- George) (R E E V E S A 1'T C E S T R Y ) F. 2-21-1910 m. AmeJJ.a T:Iarie :quscher, d2.uehter of Herman and Sophia Busch­ er, C:i.ncinatti, Ohio, 5-18-1935 d. 12-10-1942 Chi.ldren £>.! Donald and Amelia (BuschBr) Scott - Sue Ann Scott (Mrs. Jack Steigler) b. 9-27-1937

·,' :~ Nancy Lois Scott (Mrs. Ollie Schmitt) b. 2-4-1940 ··~ ,'. . : ' Donald was th8 most stu.dious of these four brothers. After college, he was also em:ployed by Goodyear, in Ci"ncinatti. Don ,.:J.s more se:r.i.011.sJ;r nJ.snoRed, socially, than was Robert; and \'-~ .. en he let Millie Buscher wear his fraternj_ty pin, he reeard­ f'J it. as a life commitment. Don wa.s a track team man at Liami University, and in Cincinatti, he played basketball - P""l interest which st8.rted with an Indianapolis church team. C1H~ year he won a trophy as the most. valuable p]ey"er on a Cincinatti club team. · Hi~ wi~ow, Mi.Jlie still lives in Cincina.tti. She and her n1arried daughters correspond and visit Donald's cousins in r,r) lumbus • ... ----·-- ...... ~Olli C. SCOTT (Hazel-M. M. -Jabez-Eli- Asa- George) Jr. (R E E V E S A N C E S T R Y ) 11. 6- 6- 1914 . m. Edna Alice Bauer, daughter of I·fr. and Mrs. William Bauer of Findley, Ohio.

.~· r.11 i ldren .Q! John C. and Eclna (Bauer) Scott, Jr. - .,, ' ~ William Robert Scott h. 3- 2- 1949 Bonnie Jean Scott b. 11- 21- 1950 · John c. was active and profic1ent in ath1etics from hie;h f3Chool days on. After playine football at college, it was '>{ ;,~:.· J1ls basketba.11 skill that got him a job with Standard. Pro­ :-~· r!ncts Co. in northern Ohio. They were champions of that commercial lea.eu.e that fall. His next work was with one of tv10 companies thA.t manufactured window channets for co.rs. :\t thj~s comrm11.y's golf ced personal relationships and skill at e;o:t:lf that led to :·.'

------··---- ~ ; .. ... ' .' ,· 4 promnt1on to the CJ evel.:::.:nd · office whe,.·e he learned adminis­ tration. He then bt?.came manae;er of the pJ.ant c..t C-2.ylord, Michie;an. After about four yea:rs, he was Bent to the sales office in Detroit. Due to John C. Scott's goJ.f profj_cir.ncy, !lerPonQJ..i.ty, and salesmanship success, a rival company offered him a hieher salary with a stock acciuj_rement plan, \'Thich he c..ccepted. With them, he, his wife Edna, e.ncl son Bill contlnue to figure in golf championGhiy>s and sports news columns. ------~ ~ - - - ~ - - - - - JAMES ARTHUR SCOTT (Hazel- r~Jil ton M. - Jabez- Eli- Asa- Georee) REEVES ANCESTRY) b. 3-24-1917 m. Vj_re;inia Ann Hartman, dauehter of George V. and Elsie M. Hartman of Millington, Ill. 6- 20- 1940 Children of Arthur and Virginia (H'J.rtman) Scott Leighton Reeves Scott ~· 9-9-1942 • Paulette Frallic . ' . .. ~ ·,. ··.-·: Chj ldren - Karen Leanne Scott b.3-28-1969 .Arny Jennifer Scott b.6-25-1971 :Milton Elliot Scott b. 10-10-1945 m. Carla Sue File 6-24-1972 Craig Hartman Scott b. 8-21- 1952 m. Nancy Lynne Alper 6-8-1974 ART SCOTT wo:r.ked summers at Dnnlap Co., Jn Coh1mbus, while attendinc; Miami University, and later, Chicago Institute, ·for Architecture. He worked .i.n Fe. .irmont, W. Va.., and then with Goodrich Co. in Akron, Ohlo, with whom he desie;ned .. sales branches and wci.rehouses in eic;ht dlffP.rent states. ·-· .. . His major work was a.s chief a-rch.i.tect with Chic;;i.eo Indus­ •,;,· ... _ trial District, Inc., which develoned indur::-trial sites in the Chicae;o area. After thlJ:'teen years there, the company sold out. Art A.nd Virr;i.nia Scott hr.we been livin.e in the We:=;t, and are now in Denver where he is cloing less.exacting work wlth a ·construction firm. Art, Vireinia, and their sons have been act.i.ve in their church and the opportWlities provided by it, wherever they have lived. All thrP.e sonn a:re untYeTsi ty c;ra.d[~. LP-ichton is a physicist at the Goclarcl Space Center, Natinnal Acronotics Spa.cc Adm.i.n­ . :• .... istrution, ln Maryland. j\U.J.ton Scott in n high school mu­ sic teacher in Illinois. Craie e;raduat ed from a tmiversi ty in Denver ln 1974, married. that nummer, and is workinc; away from home, in his chosen field. ,

r ,;./.:

-~-- --- ·-·-··------Resigned May 19, 1862

STATE OF INDIANA John s. Anderson INDIANA STATE LIBRARY Atfjulmzt (knem4 lnduma. For the State Libr'!rian cc FE

Linda P. NewmaI? ' Assistant Reeves Family

t ·~


occGS REFER~NCE 0 L ... . 8;vn1 if!"-:£-"',; '!9_0_.,ec_> ______'-'-


By Jeanne Fra•er MacDonald, Belton, S. C.

Somerime between the years 1750 and 17oS, che four sons of Thomas Ri:.eve Jnd his second wife, Mary Wells, mi,c:r.1ted wich (lthers from Southold and Souchamptoo, N. Y., co what

w 1> chc:n Utsccr an,! Oran~e Couotics, N. Y. They sercled otar G,nhen, Mid

James Reeve, t'1e son of J:tm~s, settled n e ti r 1':ev burg :inJ Mi,{

b .. t. ~·me relariHs namt:.J Ret ve.

1. THOMAS R EEVF, r he (a t her of rhe said pioneers, has been a rd.Cher mysterious figure in compiled Reeve genealogies. Since he w1s che grandfatht"r of Juc1ge Tapping Ree' e, the fouod­

t r of che most famous American law school of i ta day, a crempcs have been 111.ide co glorify him by giving him the military rank CH Lit uccnrnr, or by making him the descendant of William Purriu through the larrer's d 1ughter, Mary Purrier Reeve, all ~"hi ch he was not. He was born 0 c robe r 3, 1679, the son of Th ornJs Reeve (I 6~6-1 oSS) and his wife, Rebecca D .1 vis at Sou th- .= .im;.con, Long Island. (l) When his stepfather Ren1amin Da\ls ,.. ' h!: remembered his srepson.J oh n, (probahlr because he was rhe' nl 'e'r son .. ) hue our Tb0mas was not mentioned. Until he w.is l I age:: he seenlJ 10 ha~e been of Souchampcon ft r he is in che cen-;us there of 1698 wirh his brocher Jo I n. (2) Howe,er, by l 7J7, when he rn uried Berhia Horton, he was a farmer and blacbmirh ar Sourhold, Lon~ lslnnd. BBTHIA HOR.TON bas beco J1tbcuh , ., 1denrify because of Another grave was left vacant maoy a }ear before Timo­ mistakes made io exisciog gencal°'1« 1,. 1... , , , •ay1 btt back­ thy Bigelow was buried there in 1791. This oce bad proba­ ground was similar to her husba,.d ' Hrr 1.; l\ir• . Baro a bes, di rd bly been uved for Muy Wells lleeve, but since she had been when she wu a child and her fam1 1y .cath!t ,.J Her mother was buried elsewhere, the supposition is that she wtnt to Orange Sarah Wines, dao. of B1roabas Wiocs. Wbcn '•er rrandfaher Ca­ County with her children. leb*2 (Barnabas*l) Hortoo made hu will w I t.y9, be remember- · The following children are rt"cordrd in the old records of ed her two brotben, sons of h 11 ion Baro•hH. deceased, but Southold, L . I., and in the Salmon Records, as the family of she was not memioned. Thomas Reeve, the smith :•s Bctbia Horton Reeve was boro 168 ~ ~ ,,.. .". ..r.I . according to lier ilHdscone, February 3, 1 71} ·'. •< ..., ••f: 8 ae. 26 years ]. 1-Aboer born ye 22 day, 4th month 170~. and' months. (3) The caose of her d•• •tl 1 11~ tn ao the Salm­ 2-Bathia bore September 1, 1711, who died 1716. on reco.rds: "Bethia, wife of Thomas R•- • 4:C'•! Pl} (1714 in 3-child who died 1716. modttn dating) and infant died wict. mt.i

1. Thomas Reevem.Jwy 2J, i ; t~M\ry Wel11•4, born South­ S-Mary, probably, who died 1729-30, ae. 9. old, Long Island, 1-8-1694 ( l~ mocl . dac.) the dauahterof 3. 6· Eliia.h born 10-5-1722, to Orange County. William Welt~, Jr· and hit wife F.H'labftb T,uh11l. The date 5C'tl'1e­ 7·Bachia born 2·21-1724 (1725) is buried beside her times giYen for 6er duch is iru:orrfa. t The dare, Deambc r J 9, father, she died .3-1-1739, 40. 17.f4, refers to che death of Mary SaJaoet K.cne, who was the 8-Catura born 8-.ll-1727 said to have m. a Terrell. wife of Lt. Thomas Reeve 1684-1761 t 9-Natbaniel, born 8-8-1732 to Oraf'lge Co. 4. io'-James, born 8-19-1736~ " In ao old cemetery near ·Southold, Lnt1g Islar d. tbue is a ' 11-Thomas; boro 4-20-1739. Rec eat l y his stone was lot with six graves and ooe of the beadstooet read•: ••Here lies taken from an Orange Co., cemetery and wu io the possession tbe body of Thomas Rene. aged S9 yeara. Died Nm-ember ye of a curio shop in NYC. He died ..4-1-1823 in his 83rd year. 9th 1738." Beside it is another, ..Here lies the body of Berhia

R.ecve ae 15 years 7 days. Died March 1, 1739(1740 mod. dat.) Thomas Reeve's will ~~s .very·simple; he gave to bis son Abner 6ve 1hillings besides-what be-. had alrn

t MM&-b of tlH ~11/111Ul11 ;.,. tbl 'R6m r.nu11lor.i11, in Jbis gtnm1tio11 , an'.I t~e reH of hi1 estate, which iecluded re~I esta't~ and prr­ "*!'.fro- Ml/•1i11g T&n.as R11W, tbl Litt1t""'11J, and his wi/1 Mary sonal, he left to his wife Mary, making berth~ 1ole ntCutcr. s-llfml B.11w, with Tbo1t1al Ruw, thl smith, 11nJ his wi/1, Mary W ells It was witoesaed hy Mo1es Parnell, Ichabod Clenland and Jo­ !Vnw. Thi Lt. marri1J, 11/trr hi1 wift M.llry dietl, Sarah Mumford, and nathan Horton. Probattd and admioiuration gr.antec to Mary thirtll, still 1111otb,,, wh;J, tht smith Jita in 1738. Reeve, 6-S-1739 •6.

,. _ ' )

Io 1784, he was an officer of the Presbyterian Church, and the 2. ABNJlll REEVE, son of Tbomu ~ Bethia (Horton) Reeve, members met in bis bouae until a church could be built. His gradaated from Yale Collc•t> •n 1" )I. He married Mary Lang­ residence was then called of "Deer Park". doo aod entered tbe 1Dt n ia1q .. a . 11.ly af1er chat. By this wite, The Rev. Ro:11ld S. James, ( Pastor of the Presbyterian be had rhree aoos 'n" one J .t 1J ~} u c 1 /\tr er Mary's death in Church of Mc. Hope at Otisville in 1963) says that there was 174l, he 18aH •f'J D•b•Jr•h T&p1>1rig of Broo khaven by whom a suit between Elijah Reeve in the church records and "Eli­ be baJ cw<> wot : Tappwg and Lra)mus. l'ebt rah died 1759, sha" in the court records, about a sum of money which Elijah aod he • -'irtcd for a third 11111t ll• Phe"e Fo ~ 1er uf Southatrp­ finally had to pay. (This may be why the faro ily joined the too. He .aod Phebe were 1hc parenu ut ltve more <. hildrt:n. B.tptisr Church.) Tapping Reeve, his son, wu 111115t , ttachH tl f lav.., author Elijah, Sr. died in 1789 and bis headstone on" bat was of many legal works. He wu born at Brookhaven io 1743. once the Old Whitlock farm o ear Mt. Hope cead1: "Bcnca1h There have been aeveral biograpbiu of him. John C. Calhoun ibis stone lies deposited the remains of Elijah Reeve, Sr., of South Carolina, 1eces1ionist, and one who advoca1ed the through the various changes of I ife, a faith(ul friend, a pro- principles of "State Righta" and he Ip e d foment the Civil War, was a student of his. (t Foot n~t1 brought over Ji-om prNJious pag1.) Thi sNpposition that 3. ELIJAH REEVE, Sr., son of Thomas & Mary (Wells) Rteve Sarah was bis second wift, and not bis f irsl is baud on th1 following born ar Souchold, 1722, seems to have been a quiet, hardwork­ flasons:(a) There iJ no daughkr n11m1d far h1r, 11nd only on1 grand­ ing man of aome ability, give a to few words, fair but set in child. (h) Tht nam1 Sarah has not bttn ca rr i 1 d down in tb1 family._ hisco:ivictions. Not very much is known about him. Jn 1759 (c)ln his will Elij11h Sr., flturns. to btr 11JJ 1h1 thint,s that she brought he witnessed a will written by John Green of Goshen District to him, which would indicat1 that sht was a widow at ma"i11ge with and in it, he is ca 11 e d a blacksmith. In 1774, he waa one of property of htr own. (d) He also informs hi.s h1ir th111 if she should re­ three commiuioners in charge of 1 a yin g out the highways. marry and again h1eomt a widow and b1 in n11d, that sht should Aod in 177'5, he Ii ved in District 1, Goshen, N. Y ., bat iol779. be taktn into his home at,ain with 11/l rights and priviJedt,es. Sur1/y a he is aaid to have been of "Mammak:ating Town". Shortly fat her does not netd to tell his childrtn that I hey should cart for th1ir after that, he was of the Middletown diatrict. •7 He was listed mothtr if sh1 should he in waul evtn if sht sh011ld r1ma"y? ( 1) In the in the 2ad Reg. Ulster County Militia al0ng with his son, Bible that rhe gave to htr sttpson, 1b1 inicrib1d it "A t,ift from Sarah Elijah Jr .• Cape. Wm. Bull, Capt. Wm. Faulkner, Capt.John Reeve.·' and not to Elijah from his mother," or "from his moth1r Sarah Newkirk:, John M. Seybolt, aod John Scyl:ulr.Jr. Reev1.'' Sntral who havt worlud m this gn11alo[,"f bav1 said that Sarah Elijah Reeve, Sr , undoubtably married twice. The name wa.s a first wift, h11t l fttl 1h11t th1y did not hav1 access to htr h1aJ­ of the firsr wife i1 losr. Hia second wife was Widow Sarah---­ J1on1. Shi would have bmr hut U whtn she ma"itd, and perhaps tvtn wbo is buried beside him. Hee stone reads: "Herc lies Sarah, yonngtr,for Elijah Jr., U'as born 1751, and som1 of bi1sistm11UIJ h11n1 relict of Elijah Reeve, Sr. Died Match 23, 1810 ae 74." t b1tn older than h1, 125 126


.. ., \

J 6table and worthy dt.iun. R.uipd to Divine Will. Departed 1. Ja~• S., b. 6-IS-17'6() d. 1887 on th• 5th day of Jamcaf')'. Bia wf. thi1 life, November 7th 1789, ae 67 " •s The namts of his waa Elizabeth---who 10a. b. 1845 and d. 1().f8·18ff. He wa1 in th• children arc taken from bu will . Battle ofMitt.iaink. 2. Hepzibah m. a Hulse. 1- I . f./ i111b I, ""',. 17~: ,,, MMJ S.:,• , 3. Mary m . a Canfield. .? . Bluh11, "' I'~ h~'fb•ll, Ja• "' /,;,., M :uyboJt. at1d 4. David m.. 1780 E11ther Wickham, d. 1837 . 5. Daniel, settled in Michigan. Jl.strr•/~ . 6. Elijah d. young. 3. Abi[llil "'· Frrtkrtclt. S#Jb.u. s•" •I 1* M. Se1bolt. 7. Isaac, resided in homestead. 4. MM1 m. Da,,i1J Toalur. 8. Ann m. a Beachwood.. 6- 1. KllMrahm. Abraham T~Jw, 111 . 2~ , btf1rr 17119 -N1wkirk 9. Debora b. 12-19-1781, d. 4·1·1868. She m. ]amea K. Shults, b. 1780, 6. Rtb.cca m. John Moort. both buried Seeley Cemetery, Greenville. N . Y. They had: 7- 7. T1mpora m. h1r coll.Jin Etish• R111lf. ]am~s R. 8. 8'1t1 m. 1st Capt. Fa1'llu1u, 11nJ b1fort 1789 waJ m. to Capt. Keturah whom. Stewart Brown and went to Ohio. Willi11m Bult. Lydia whom. ···Moore of Orauge County. Mary A. m. James McNi sh of Walkhill. 9. E.sthff, '"·John Colem111S •9. Sb1 was JmamJ i" 1789, Dorothy whom. Benjamin Hulse ofOrange Co. wb111 h1r fath" wro11 his wit/. Ht rlfn1mb1red bis gr11nd· J""'8ha m . a Burns of BecchwoodlJ, Pa. ,J,j/J S11rah Col1tn11n, h.r Jau&httr. Sara, 110 record. Ju.lia m. a Tidd ofSullivan Co., N. Y., m. fnd a Drake. To bis oldest son, be lehJaod b o ugh t of Wm. Jellet, and one-half of tbe cools except those belonging to the saw 5. ELIJAH REEVE, Jr., son of Elijah Reeve, Sr., and his first mill. To his youngest son, Elisha, "one half of the 400 acres wife, wa1 born Sept. 2, old 11yle, 1751. Hem. Dec. 2~, 1773, I now live on with one half of the land bought of William Je­ Mary Seyboldt. b . about 1754, io Germany, dau. ofJohn Mickle llet." The re at of his estate to be dcvided equally between Seyboldt and his wife Mary Krizer. Mary d. Aug. 6, 1783. He his eight children and one grandchild. To Sarah, his wife, the m. 2nd, Mary Fox, Feb. 7, 1786 • 10 · cows, flax. a room in bis ho u 1 e, and all of the things she Elijah Reeve was a member of the Old School Bapt Cburch brougllt to him. The will was pro-.ed by Elisha Rerve of Wall­ He had a distillery in the town os Mt. Hope and a warehouse kill. It was daud Sept. 24, 1789. in either Oci1ville or Mt. Hope. He had a grist mill and saw­ 4-J.AMES REEVE,•s son of Thomas aod Mary (Well') Reeve, mill adjoining Moses Reed, also •7. born 1736, went to Orange County 176'.3. He owned a farm be· Elijah Reeve, Jr., died Nov. 26, 1817 ae 66 yrs, 3 mo. and tween Midlerowo and New Hampton. He married Hepzibab 6 days •s He left a will nil.ming hi.; surviving children and 2nd Moore. Their children were: wife "Molly" or Mary Fox Reeve, to whom he left the bullc of his real and personal estate. Bue chere is one strange thing 127 128 /

in hit will. He.aays: "I give and bequeath to my ~oo, Gabriel 1. Eli1ha h. 1783. R.eave, the sum of tbirty dollars to be paid io one year after 2. Abigail bapt., 1783 , m. S11phen D. Helms. my death. To my daughter Fanny Newkirk, the sum of 700 3. Martin Luthtr bapt. 5-28-1785. '~>­ dollan to be paid .•. etc.', The rest cl his estair ?.&S to go 4. John Calvin, bapt. 10- 1-1788. r..r - to George Fox Reeve and Elijah Conklin Reeve after tbt-death 5. T1mp1rane1 bapt. 6-7-1796 . M arried l1aiah H11t11, and 2nd c:;~ 1 LL ) of their mother. • 11 George Littl1. "') -c::' G.lbriel Reeve, the son of a Rcvoludoo War Soldier, and ) Tempora, or Temperance was b. Dec. 11, 17~3. and d . ( grandson of two Revolution War Soldiers, the nephew of four 2-7-1 830. Elisha Reeve, her husband, was b. 2-21-1750 and d...... -l said soldiers, bad married cbe daughter and granddaughter of 4-2S-183 7. Tories! (The chirry dollars may have represenced .. the thirty C pieces of silver.") 8. GABRIEL REEVE, son of Elijah R.Jr-b. 1777, m. Hannah Barcon, b. Nov. 23, 1783; dau. of Benjamin Barton & his wf. c _) To Elijah Reeve, Jr., and his wife, Mary Seybolt, were Hannah, and granddaughter of Le. Col. Joseph Barton, a Tory (. J born the following children: during the Revolutionary War *13 The place and date of the Li .J (.!.. __ 8. 1-Gab-rUl, b. S-9-1777 m. Hannah Barton. mirriage are unknown. I-Keturah, b. 8-15-1779 m. Abraham TayLor, d. 7-.4-1799. ~~ S-Frattces, b. 4-SO- 1782, 11•. Henry N ewkirk, d. 8-.4-JRSO. Gabriel .vu a surveyor and clerk, and at one time worked

129 130

...... / /

of Thomas and Mary (Wells) Reeve, and wills nnd d11rds. Mr. Crane I. Vol~ b. 11-U-1805, d. ia NftD OrletJnB abo"t 1837. Unmarmd. is Pres. of Mini~ink Valley Hist. Assn.I J. Voltaire Traer, b. Mt. Hop•, t-tt-1807. B•came an men.iv• "•cu· 9. This name supplied by Miss Elizabeth Horton, of Middletown. la~, bank•r, merchm1t, both in Jllinoia a11d low a. Hem. lat. 10. Courtesy of Miss Margaret Moone, of Middletown, N. Y ., who Mary Gl1Jn, who d. ofchildbirtlt; m. !2nd, Sarah Bryant, neace of the owns the Bible of Elijah Reeve, Jr. Said Bible was printed in Oxford, pott W"'. C. Br]fant. Had fw• children. Trac11 d. 1894. England, 1777, and given to Elijah, Jr., by his step mother. Ilannah 8. Elijah Barton, b. 6-19-1810, d. in his 15th year. Barton·~ name ie omitted from it, although the names of her. and Ga­ 4. H11gA Brmt RHt1t, b. 11+181!, d. July 18tf. briel's children are included. 5. Fr

1. Southampton, Long Isl~, ~wn records. 2. Suffolk County C.naua, Southampton, 169a. 3. New England H.istorical Register, Jl\n. 1809, p. 7', "Ancient Buri•l Grounch of Loag Island," Edw. D. H&rria. 4. "Records of the old town of Southold," p. 250, N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Rniew, Vol. 38, and p. 246, aame Vol. 5. Same and notea 8 and 4. 6. Surrogate Offioe, N. Y. C, L. Ber. 18, 823.

7. Courtesy of D. Nelson Raynor, or Port Jwrvia, N. Y., who haa SUP. plied me with all information concerning Elijah Reeve, Sr's activities with much additioDAl information, which could not he inctuded in this article, concerning other members or the Reeve family. Mr. RayJ)or is Sec. of Minisink Valley Hist. Assn.

8. Courtesy of Calvin V. E. Crane, who bas aearchecl cemet~riee and ce­ metery records for me, and supplied information I! lnce.·ning Jam!'.~ son 131 132 ADDITIONS TO "IS THERE A REEVE IN YOUR FAMILY?" , Yesteryears-March 1966

Contributed by Jeanne Fraser MacDonald, Belton, S.C.

On p. 122. Rebecca, the wife of Thomas Reeves, the blacksmith of Southampton, died prior to 1694 as her estate was granted to her son John Reeves and his guardian J oho Penny June 12th of that year.1 Her maiden name is unknown. She married second Benjamin Davis who died Dec. 20, 1692.2 On p. 123. Mary Wells Reeve (1695-1761) widow of Thomas Reeve, blacksmith of Southold, was bm:;ied beside her brother William Wells at Cutchogue, Long Island. She died June 19, 1761. Her age at death as given on her headstone was 66 years, 4 months and 16 days. This does not correspond with her known birth date. However, in 1965-66, a Mr. Wesley L. Baker visited that cemetery and noted that her stone seemed to have been recut and repolished at some later date.2 The error in her age at death may have been made at that time. There could have been several reasons why Mary was buried at Cutchogue instead of Southold beside her husband: If she died of small pox or some other feared con­ tagious disease; if the roads had been impassable because of rains; or if her brother considered the trip too dangerous as this was during the French and Indian War. On p. 124. Nathaniel Reeve, son of Thomas and Mary Wells Reeve, born 8/8/ 1832, according to my notes also went to Orange County, N.Y. He was also a blacksmith. He mar­ ried October 1, 1755, Mary Bedford, born 1738. (He could have been the Nathaniel Reeve who served in Capt. Thomas

1 Southampton Town Records 2 Courtesy of Mrs. Emma L. Reeves, 422 Lesueur, Mesa, Arizona. 209 Terry's Co. at Crown Point in 1758 along with his brother These were the families of Robert Landy (?), Jacob Walker, Thomas.) Evidently he moved to Elizabeth Town, N.J., short­ and --Wood The heads of these families and the oldest ly after his marriage as his oldest son Nathaniel Jr. was born sons were among ~ ht Indians acting against the whites. When there October 20, 1756. Soon after that he went to Orange we found them the· had almost perished with cold and hun­ or Ulster County, N.Y. (near the line). And in 1781, he re­ ger. We took them to the Minisink settlement." moved to Berkley County, Virginia. The place and date of After the death of Capt. Tyler and Lt. Moses, who were his death are unknown to me. The following children are killed in the battle of Lackowack, he says that they did not recorded in the Bible of Mrs. Della Reeves Smith of Albu­ elect another commander, but went out alone finding their querque, N. Mex. Nathaniel 10/20/1756; Rachel 1/ 28/1759; own provisionl>. arms, ammunition and clothing. It was dur­ Mary 3/10/1761; Anria 3/10/1763; Hannah 2/ 17/1765; ing this ~ · r'R r that part of old Minisink was burnt by the Keturah 4/20/1767; Samuel 3/23/1769; Lydia 4/ 29/1771; Indians, B•,' 1sh and Tories. Some of the settlers were killed. Bethier (sic) 5/20/ 1773; David 5/28/1775; Jonathan 3/ 22/1777; Stephen 4/26/ 1779 and Thebe 10/15/1781.3 "In 171'11 111 v father and family moved to Berkley County in Virginia ' ..w n m September of that year I was drafted for I do not know whether Nathaniel Reeves, Sr., married three month. I served as private in Capt. John Harte's Mary Shepard at Goshen in 1777 as his second wife, or if she company. \\ .narched from Albemarle to Little York married his son. Nathaniel Reeves, Jr., had a most eventful through Fredt.'1 .c:ksburg and Williamsburg. When we got life. In his pension application, May 1833, he told a little there, we founn ·he main American Army under the com­ about bis career. It is worth retelling. "In the time of the mand of Gener. .J.' ashington. There was cannonading which Revolution my father with myself and the rest of his family lasted for sevt-1 fays. I stayed there until they surrendered. moved down to Minisink, a low Dutch settlement on the At Noland's (f'• I was discharged.... General Washington Neversink which empties into the Delaware. While I lived and General L AFayette were with the troops where I at this place I entered the service of the Unit~d States as an served." 8 Indian Spy . ... Our business was to guard the settlement and alarm them in time of danger when we saw any signs of This man born during the French and Indian War, saw Indians.... We spied the frontier for about forty miles. .. . active service during the Revolutionary War. Served as an The Delawares and Shawnees were troublesome. I entered Indian spy Actually saw and served under Gen. Washington this service as a volunteer under Capt. Tyler. . . . In the year and Gen LaFayette. Was pre.ent at the defeat of the British. 1778 while I lived at the before mentioned place of my tempo­ He was a pioneer in that wiJderness that was Ohio and lived rary residence to which my father and his family and myself to witness the War of 1812. He died sometime after 1840.7 had been driven 4 from the mouth of Ten Mile River on the Delaware, in the month of February, we went out again.... P. 127-8 Deacon James Reeve born 1736, son of Thomas We saw Indian signs. While returning to the settlement we and Mary Wells Reeve, married 1st Mary Moore and not met with three families in canoes crossing to the settlement. Hepzibah Moure as my article and others have stated. Their

3 Courtesy of Mrs. E. M. Reeves of Mesa, Arizona. 6 Pension No. Ohio. 13280 7 He was listed aged 84 in a list of pensioners living in Batavia, 4 and 5 The inhabitants of the Minisink area were terrified and many of them fled to safer sections of the country. Clermont County, Ohio, pub. Washington, Blair and Rives, (1841). 210 211

' father David Moore in his will bequeathed property to the children of his deceased daughters, Mary Reeve and Hepzibah Case.a James had eighteen children by his two wives. Seven­ teen of them were alive at his death. I could not believe that all of them belonged to one man and assigned some of them to his son James, Jr. However, Deacon James Reeves named them in his will, written 1803. A brief is as follows: "To my son James; to daughter Mary; to daughter Hepzibah; to son David; to son Joshua; to daughters, Lydia and Anna; to daugh­ ter Keturah and Dibrah; to son Isaac; to daughter Sarah; to daughters Mary (Think this should be Marian) Amutual and Jerusha; to son Elijah; to daughters Dolly (Dorothy) and Julia; to wife Mary; to son-in-law Stewart Brown. Wif.e Mary and Eli Corwin, Executors. Dated Oct. 31, 1803.9 P. 124. Thomas Reeve, born 1/20/ 1739, served in the French and Indian War. He died April 1, 1822, aged 83.10 Victoria Kenda.Ll was my great-grandmother, and not my grandmother.

8 David Moore's will was probated 1789, Goshen Ny. Liber A., p. 65. 9 J~es Reeves will also filed at Goshen, Liber C., pp. 90-93. 10 Mr, Baker went to the shop and studied that headstone, verified date. 212 I . -

John Henry Feeves

Chief among the breeders of fancy lives tock in \'."~ lls County,

Indiana, as well as a ~nong the t hrifty farmers, stands Jo ':-.n H.

Reeves. He ~as born June 4, 1864, in Adams county, Indiana. and

is a ~n of Dennis and Newey ( Alberson) PP.eves, natives of Randolph county, Ind. Dennis RePves was twice ma11ied but about:; ye, r after his

fi 2 st (11:,,,,~ mr1 r1 i hge he was bereft of his wife, c. .nd he next marl ied Nancy Alberson in Adams county. This lady is a daught er of Joshua

and Cai§herine ( De Pter) Alberson, who v.i=n e the p "rents of ten cbildren. After his second ma1riage Dennis Reeves came to Wells

county in 18f 5 and purchases t he farm of eighty acres on w iic:h John H. Feeves now lives. Dennis lived hPre until about 1 832, when he purchased forty acres in Ada Js County, and has virtually resided theze eversince, although at present living in Pyran, Ind.

at the age of seventy-six and partially blind. His ':f:E§~ wife is now sixty-five years old, aud has borne he1 h .1sbar::d eic;ht chil­ dren na. .n ely, John H. whose name o ...) ens this biot,raphy; Katherine wif e of Lewis NusbauiJ.Jer; Winfield in Pandol.Jh county, Joshus, dP- ceased, as aie also Ja ues , uary, and Willis. John H.Reeves atte11ded the Harper school house in Nottingham to'Y'ln ship, \''ells c o..mty, w1til eighteen years of age, then his father

moved to Adams, co mty, accompanif.!d by John H. who worked until (.) )J t v.en t .,--eicht ye c- rs ihd forhis father for no r r- compance beyond his expenses. September 5, 1385, John H. Reeves was united in mar1iage with Miss Martha E Coffman, who was born July 27, 1367, in Walls, county a daughter of Jacob & .Amelia Coffman, the former who was born in Hocking county, Ohio, and the latter in Wells county, Ind. Jacob Coffman is a son of /!ndrew Coffman, one of the old pioneers of Wells, county, and with his wife Amelia now resides in Ruth, Wells, County in quiet retirement and highly esteemed by their neighbors; they had born to them thirteen children, in the following order: Rebecca dece;;;.~ed, James, deceased, ~artha E; wife of John H. deceased; Peter, residing in Wells, co.mty; Charlotte, wife of William

Fordice, of H1mtington; Benjamin, dece;-:.sed; Charles, in Wells,county; Ma1y, Edward, Bertha, Alta, deceased, and Esther. John H. Peeves fo1· eight years after his marriage continued to live and work on his fathers farm, which he then pu1·chases. It is but just to add that the father deducted one thousand dolla1·s from the purchase pric9, however in consideration of the labof the latter had previously performed, leaving a balance of eighteen hundred dollars to be paid by the son, who had erected all the bu.ildings necessary, has ·mderdrained the fiElds and meadows, and has sixty­ four acres in a good state of c::U.tivation; but he gives special attention to the bteeding of Berkshire hogs, while he does not neg­ lect other classes of live stock.

To the marriage of Mr. t-· Mrs. John H. Reeves were born six children namely; Glennie, Aug. 26, 18~>6; Tressie Irene, Nov. 22, 1389; Ernest, Jan. 30, 1892; Harold, Feb. 14, 1895; Baby Reeves, John Jan. 3, 1899, and an infant daughter, deceased. In 1896 John H. and P. B. Alberson purchased a store in Phenix from Thomas BQuse and f>r m>me time conducted a prosperous general trade, M·r. Reeves subsquently selling his interest to Charles Mann; at the present time Mr. Reeves holds an interest in the fine Perche­ ron Norman horse, Daniel, and of this animal he has charge. He also has six producing oil wells on his land, which have netted him about three thousand dollars.

Mr. f Mrs. Reeves hre active as well as devout members of the

United Brethern ch~irch in Phenix, of which Mr. Reeves is also a member of trustees. He is likewise a member of Lodge No. 721 I.o.o.F. at Petroleum, in which he has filled all the cht.irs c:--ind re_b.iresented /Fnc~nipmeni his lodge in the. grand· 1odge; he is. at pre.:.ent a member of !aedgF Mo, ,~;.e.e.I'. of Penn.ville. He and his wife are likewise members dll.. of Rebecca Lodge No. 571 at PetA£>1eum, and Mrs. Reeves ha.~; missed attending its meetings but twice in two ye~ .. rs. In ~oli tics Mr.

Reeves is a Democrr~t aod is very active in loc:·.l affairs, having been largely instrumental in cri.using the Phenix gra\S'el road to be laid out. IfEEVEs FAMILY o j::__ - /oj



Does at Cfrcu CHART· NO. ___ DATE PEDIGREE CHART MarY Della_Reey.....,,e"---s..__,,,._,Sm_.1-...-:t"-=h~---- - NAM'£0F PERSON SUBMITTING CHART 3117 Valencia Drive N.E. STREET ADDRESS endr:bc r.~ Albuquerque New MeX1co ABOVE NANI: 'coNTINUED' ON CHART CITY STATE


OH C"4-.RT NO---

DIED ..._T--..h~o=...._o_n:;.... ______WHERE 21 ABOVE NAME CONTINUEO ON CHART

, Reeves







BORN March 14, lg6g 3u.------ABOVt.: NAME CONTINUED OH CHART WHERE Decatur, Texas DIED Nov. 21, ·1953 1s..._...... _....~ ..... ~~ ...... -·----1 WHERE Jacksborro .. Texas BORN March 1, 1 4 31..______, WHERE Kentucky ABOVE NAME CONTINUED o" CHART LITHOGRAPHED IN U. S A. DIED Sept~ 192 5 COPYRIGHTED, 19.S• CU:NEALOGICAL SOCllfTY 01" UTAH ( ~---....__wHEAE Decat{ ., Texas. ( . . Phillipsbure;., Kansas Sept 29, .1963 , - ~ --·. Dear Miss Vestal; You will note :t:nom the inclosed-- chart that iny ll.ee:Ves line is only to my great grandfather. However I have data .of' 'a· 11'.e.eves family who moved from Kentucky to Shelby Co.India.aa about lb36 and to t Kentucky from N.J. or Mass. about 1812. There is an Ann but she m ~ a Vansickle...... , I . You did not give me dates for your Ann D. and I find 8!!9· seor6e"" and Caleb but no Jabez.-.so I doubt that it is 'the same line altho%h it may be a branch of the same family. I copied this line because' rey­ uncle knew some of the family and th ou~h t we probably had a c omrnon ancestor. - · " My ~reat grandfather Charles G. had chare;,e of the Armocy a-t Frankfon, Ky., and was a band leader. r hope to· e;;et a letter'. to the Ke.ntasky Historical society to see if they have records of his family. · 1 only know that he died with taberculosis when he was about 24 years of age and that he had a brother Wil~who went to Indiana or Illinois from Kentucky. ' _ If I can heKp you further I sha'll be glad to do so and will let you know if I 'uncover• anything in Frankfort. Sincerely, fA;t..J ~'.Lt /A ~A ..... tJ,. 1 W.II's. John Siglin~e-;rvVY~v Box 122 ,, ,'} ... Chart :r Mrs . John Siglinger, Box 122, Phillipsburg Kansas 67661 Samuel Horace Na b Aug. 20, 1812 Cayuga Co. , N. Y. m 10-4-1835 Poughkeepsie, N.Y. d 2-9-1865, Mo . b June 14, 1837 Sally D. Masten Lorain Co. , Ohio John Chester m Feb. 16, 1864 b 1 l Benton, Mo . m 3-21-1781 d Feb. 8, 1923 Robert Chester Whittier, Calif'. Mark Chester b 12-9-17 9 Mary Birdwell • b ..=:::..:::..:::.=--.:::.:.=..:=..:;;:-;.-Eliza Chester ~~~;-- 2-23-1816 m 2-ll-18ll b Oct. 22, 1842 m d Monroe Co . , Ky. d 1-9-1862 I Martha Mattie Jones d May 25, 1924 Holt Co., Mo . no name Whit tier, Calif'. Martha Robinson Scotland John Franklin N Janet Shaw b May 1, 1 7 Charles G. IKe'eves Ireland Holt Co., Mo. b 1 22-24 - m Jan. 12, 1897 James Davidson Marvin, Kans . m 11-7-1843 ~ d about 1848 / b ll-13-1777 Va. d Feb. 4, 194o Woods Phillips Co. , Kans. ~vidson m 5-20-181~ .i---=b=1M-2--'- l~-1823 d 8-24-1861 Ky. Ethel Idella N d before 1878 Ky. Harriett Ballenger b 5-7-1898 b 6-zr-1801 m 6-15-1921 James Davidson/ Reeves Walter Henry Tomlin d 2-24-1862 John Paul Siglinger ~.....;;;..;..-...... ~.+-+-:-~~~~~::---~~ b 2-12-1845 b Md . b 9-14-1894 Menta Reeves Frankf'ort, Ky. m ~cretia m 12-24-1868 d b Sept. 20' 1878 Frankfort Rosena Smith Mitchell Co. , Kans . d l-9-1916 b Md. tttohell Co. , ~ . d Md. Harriett Fran~ Toml · b 12-13-18 Prince Georges Co . , Md . d 3-23-1926 Mitchell Co., Kans.

'• Mrs. John Paul Siglinger (Ethel Idella Nay)

Chart II

John Da.videnn b 1670-80 Ulster, Ire. Samuel Davidson b 1705-10 Jean Geor e Davidson b 8-27-173 m 3-17-1763 d 8-25-1823 James Da.vidso• ..__ _ --+ l Martha John Woods b 1777 Mar b 1654 m 1819 Michael Woods d· 1861 ~b=:!::l~6~84~I...!:r~e~l,l,:!,.and.2,..______-+ lElizabeth Warsup m 1706 ? Harriett Ballen er _W.;...il,;_l,;_i;;;.;:· am_-'-Wo_o_d...... s _ _ _ d 1 762 b 1707 m 1741 Mary Campbell d 1782 b 1689 d bef'ore lti62

~sannaM Hal~aeeacc Peter Wallace d 1718-24

Elizabeth Woods .. Chart III Mrs. John Siglinger (Ethel Idella Nay)

Joseph Ballenger b m 1-9-1794 d

Harriett Ballenger . b 180l Patrick Lo an m 5-20-18l9 d 8-24-l861 Ky. David Lo 1732-1737 Va. James Davidson Isabel Hume b 1777 d 186l Jane Loya:ll Jane Logan b 7-l9-l7 5 Capt. John McClure d l851 Jane Lucretia Ballenger Sarah (Jean) McClure b Ma Porter m d

Michael Davidson b d •

., 1620 Redouc Street :.acogdoches , Texas 75901 15 Apri 1 19 u8

1..iss Eunice cs tr 1 777 A. 'si ca do Apt 22

Leo. r A friend of mine sent me a copy o: iC-r requdst ior in:cr .. .E.ti0n c.:oncern 1[;, a i;,1111c;1~ _,eG.'.es . I cc net kn..,v. lf I can t1el:;i you out am senr l:-iL lr1forma tion c;cncern.:.r-_g a '.. ill.:.am i,ee\es . :_.:.s son Jame~ "'etves v.u.c mcvec5. to ;·ci.:.lford .jo , :~. C. h'"'d '1 son 1!.llliam and .. .alr-c.:nl a:'1d ot:iers . re~ lachi had a son named ·: .:.111am. I do net knov rhere 1.'.illiam set Llec .. rnt h3 r.iBl haue rr.c\-ec to I~nn "S there was ccnsider2ole r!lgrat.i on even during che early 0ays of the n~tion .

.' ill lam 1.cc ves son of J3mes m'.l.r2ie0 =::anna~ ?': and •1D d ths f'ollo\'·Ln cnilc-"en : "Sliz,,, beth vi e o: A. l ex ~e2 l , : nn'.lh v, Lre of hooert Gr<· '1am, John , ,..lijah, e)i ikiah, Jufi th, Cynthy, Jeremiah and Sally . This information was 1our1d in t~e book " Cedeo Lanos , f\ecords of St Paul PflrrLsh and 'iiilkes Co , Ga". wil.L ~~I ~1 if1(a I I am not sure any of th6a~ove will help you ~ut hope it will . 11,y peopl e came co Te:x.'.3.s through Ceorgia but some of the la ree f · milies may have gone to Tenn.

I !ia\'e not oeen aul e to l earn tne ma.l cen :IBmes cf the viYes of mcst of thcl ~eeves mtn. I: ye~ can help me in any WD) ~ s.1n,ll be mcst graveful . heitne1' have I tOJ.nc the 'Ja rents of . illiam of tne 1751 ~111 •

.. ere i.s ho'JL1c; th::." J C , nave ..;uce success in you!' search • ...,lncer.:...ly,

) Efto..::Ucv.~ ~ ~ ~na t.'.lan. l· . Re eves

, ' HUt )D'S NAME Wi 11 i am Beevec: ) ') When Born ______Where------...,(H-=--u-sb_an_...,d,...,..'s_....,Fu~ll-=Na_.m--...,e)------

Christened Where ------, Wh~D~d Will written 1751 ~en __~G~r~a~m~1~1~i_J~J~e-~C~o~,~1~~-~C~------~~i~fu-,-s-M~a-~-e-n-N~a-m-~------~ •, When Buried Where ------This information obtained from 1 When Married Where------_ _·.'._i_l_l__ d_a_·_L_e_d __ l_rt_l _5_1_,....______~=e~i<~~s,~~r~~> Granville Co, N. C

His Father ------His Mother's Maiden Name ------_o_n__ m_i_c_r_o_f_i_· _l_m__ i_n __ t_l:1e_.· ------­ Arc hi 1rns j n Ra 1 ejgh ~IFE'S MAIDEN "NAME~_(_2_n_d_)~_ru_a_r_g_a_r_e_t~ __?_,?_.~----~-~--~- When Barn_.______Where

Christened Where------Date ______When Died Where~------When Buried Where------compiler Jona the.n F1. Reeves

Other Husb. (if any) Address ______~ Number(l)(2) etc.------City ______State ______Her Father ------Her Mother's Maiden Name ------Mille CHILDREN or WHEN BORN WHERE BORN State or WHENDIEO- Married Female (Arrange In order of birth) Day Month Year Town or Place Co1mty. Country D~y Month Year Date 1 'lfi l li Am RAP.VA!:!. To Hardv ?? Date 2 James RAP.\7A ~ To lililllsent ?? Date

s Ben iRmi n R~A't7A c:! To Date

4 Buri:2'A~~ RA A'HA C! 10 Mav 1746 1823 .To l=f'y>~ n r> A .C! ;1•1c11l r!Ar1 ~ Date 5 Anne Reeves To Date 6 .L~.LB. la chi Reeves To Elizabet:h '( 9 Date Isaac 7 Reeves To Date 1a Olive RAA\7A~ To Date 9 Elizabeth Hodges To Date 10 Mary Carpenter To Date 11 Sarah Hicks To

; Date 12 John To Date 13 To Date 14 To d1lt. >a. .i'..E.o