John Minor Wisdom and Frank M. Johnson, Jr
Visionaries of the Law: John Minor Wisdom and Frank M. Johnson, Jr. David J. Garrowl John Minor Wisdom and Frank M. Johnson, Jr., each served as Southern federal judges for over forty years, and each died in 1999.' Both were lifelong Republicans-Wisdom from New Orleans, Louisiana, and Johnson from Winston County, Alabama-whose appointments to the federal bench stemmed from their active support of Dwight D. Eisenhower in the presidential campaign of 1952.2 Both eventually became justly famous for rulings that desegregated Southern voter registration rolls and previously all-white public schools. Although their twin legacies share many resplendent parallels, history also reflects significant differences between them. Wisdom's historical reputation as an unusually gifted appellate judge rests upon the remarkably direct and muscular prose that graced his hundreds of opinions for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Johnson's prestige as a district judge is grounded * Presidential Distinguished Professor, Emory University School of Law. 1. See Jack Bass, John Minor Wisdom, Appeals Court Judge Who Helped To End Segregation, Dies at 93, N.Y. TIMES, May 16. 1999, at 45; Robert D. McFadden. Frank M. Johnson Jr., Judge Whose Rulings Helped Desegregate the South, Dies at 80, N.Y. TItES. July 24, 1999, at A12; John Pope, Judge John Minor Wisdom Dies; Decisions Helped Shape Civil Rights Movement, TIMES-PICAYUNE (New Orleans), May 16, 1999, at Al. 2. See JACK BASS, TAMING THE STORM: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JUDGE FRANK M. JOHNSON, JR. AND THE SOUTH'S FIGHT OVER CIVIL RIGHTS 80-81. 87-88 (1993); FRANK SIKORA, THE JUDGE: THE LIFE & OPINIONS OF ALABAMA'S FRANK M.
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