HORNSBY 0c KIRK JOHN HORNSBY (1870-1947) L AWYERS AREA S l 2 S TANLEY HORN SBY 472-3161 LOUISE K I RK 314 FIRST FEDERAL SAVI NGS BLDG. AUST! N 1 TEXAS 7870 1 June 11, 1968 Miss Eunice 323B Marguerit Corona del Mar, Calif. 92625 Dear Miss I've just come across your query concerning the Reeves­ Rives-Crooke families in The Virginia Genealogist, Vol 8, No . 2, April-June, 1964 During the past several years I've done a great deal of work on the Reeves-Rieves-Rives family, including two inter­ marriages with people named Crook or Crooke. I'm a descendant of Burgess Reeves (Burgis Rives) , born in 1746 in what became Granville Co., N. C., and died in the Pendleton District, South Carolina, from which district he served in the South Carolina militia during the Revolution. I've followed sub­ stantially all of his descendants and hope to publish a gene­ alogy of the Reeves-Rives family in the next few years. Burgess was the son of Wm. Rives III, born around 1690- 1700 in Virginia, died 1751 in Granville Co., N. C. He was the son of Wm. Ryves II, born around 1672, probably in Vir­ ginia and died in Virginia (no proof), son of Wm. Rives or Ryves I . William Ryves or Rives I was born circa 1636, presumably in Oxfordshire, England, baptised at St. Mary and Magdalen, Oxford; died after 1695 in America, probably in Southern part of Virginia. In 1684-5 he was listed amon8 the tax payers in Southworke Parish, Surry Co . , Virginia. He had sons George, Robert, Johm, Timothy, and William. The Parish Register of Albemarle Parish, Virginia, 1717-1778, lists children of Georg~ John, Christopher, and Richard Rives baptised there between 1742 and 1778, and innumerable Rives, both men and women, acted as sponsors of other children there. Page 2 I don't know whether or not the William Ryves called the "emigrant" is the Wm . Reeves listed by Nugent in "Cavaliers and Pioneers," as coming to America in 1652 . There was a Wm . Rives in Chowan Precinct, N. c., in 1718 when he sold 15 acs . on the Moraltuck River. I have a reference to the will of George Rives (born c. 1660 - died after 1719) who was in Prince George Co . , Va . , and his nephew George Rives (son of Timothy) born c. 1698, died 6/1/1746, Surry Co . , Va . I have no proof (except tradition) that Wm . Ryves, the emigrant, was the son of Timothy Ryves (born c. 1588 in Eng­ land; died 9/1/1643 in Oxford, England), a "Gentleman and steward" of the University of Oxford . In 1644 he was a sub­ stantial tax payer in Oxford . His first wife Mary died 11/8/1629 , his second wife Elizabeth died 1/6/ 1643, both in Oxford . Timothy was the son of Richard Ryves (born c . 1547), who was the son of John Ryves and Amye Harvey. John lived at Damory Court, Blandford Forum, County Dorset (21 miles S. W. of Salisbury, England), which I visited in 1966. The old 3 or 4 story house known as Damory Court had been turned into a hotel . The alms house George Ryves . gave the town of Bland­ ford Forum is still operating and has the Ryves crest on its south wall with an inscription "George Ryves, Armiger," then some Latin, and the date 1682. The Ryves chapel, windows, and effigies in the church of St. Peter and Paul, Blandford Forum, were destroyed in the "Great Fire of 1731" which des­ troyed most of the town. John Ryves was the son of Robert Ryves and his wife Joan, who received several grants from Henry VIII, including Damory Court. Robert was born circa 1490 possibly in France, came to Dorsetshire with Roger de Amory, a French knight, and died at Blandford Forum 2/11/1551. Robert is the earliest one I know of. If this appears to be your Rives line, I'd like very much to know what additional information you may have, especially as to William Ryves, emigrant. I have more details as to collateral lines in each generation. I'll be glad to hear from you . Y~e:~t\2w Louise Kirk 1631 Donalor Drive Escondido CA 92027 March 28, 1976 Dear Mis~, Thank you for your response to my query. First, I'm sorry but t here was a typoeraphical error and 11 Vav11 shoul d have been Van Reeves. I have James Reeves will written in 1822 in Stark County Ohio. In it he names the following children: Johanna, Nelly, Aaron (he possibly moved to New Jersey), Martha, Abi gail, Eunice, James, Manassa, and Van VanMeter Reeves. He names his wife as Sarah. Both he and his wife died in 1827 in Stark County Ohio. To d~te I have not found a county histD17Y that gi ves me any information. James Downing was an executor of the est at e . The Van Reeves you found in Brown County Ohio in 1850 is James ' son. Van, first married Rachal e ~llenton 11 Sept. 1817 in Stark County. She died 5 Sept. 1835 in Guernsey County Ohio. Their children were: John m. Lydia Sims, l~nassa m. Mary McFaland 2nd. Matilda Hall Hawkes , Rach;:iel, Hester, Nathaniel, Permelia m. Davidson, Mari a m. Sieler, ~ra m. Stull and Van Van Meter (died in Civil 1"1'ar ). He second married Matilda Stull (no date, mut ma'Bt have been immedi ately since first child was born July 1836. Children by second wi fe : Hannah, William , Lydia m. John Feustal, Ma rgar et Reeves , ~nd rew J . Reeves m. Ella Dimick. By 1847 this family was in Hamilton County Ohio. The family moved to Muscct ine County Iowa wher e I find them in 1860. He died in 1872 in Rock Island County, Illinois which is just across the Mississpppi River from Muscatine County. They seem to have moved back and forth between the t wo counties. His second wife died in 1881. I do not find them in a cQ.lnty histovy either. Ma.nassah Reeves married Mary McFarland in Ross County Ohio in 1842 She died in Nuscstine county Iowa in 1861. In 1862 he married Matilda !fall hawkes . He was in the Civil War and I hawe his r ecords. Matilda lived until 1923. I have found them in a history of Rock Island County. From Manassah on I have a pr etty good r ecord of t he family and quite a lot on Van Van Met er. Sometime I see the name as Van Meter without the first Van . Sincerely, \ ' i ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF FAMILY NAMES PATERNAL ANCESTORS AND CONTEMPORARIES KATHRYN R. REEVES <MRS. GEORGE I REEVES> 201 FRIAR PLACE FULLERTON, CA 92635 U.S.A. Anyone who is interested in the pedigrees of any person in the following alphabetical listing should send S.A.S.E. to the above address. Information will include family groups, ancestors and descendents as far as is known. l'-IAME SORTED LI ST 8/B/ 1 '-188 Paqce 1 ================================================================================ Br/Ch Dt/Bu Parent r;: I l'-1 Year Year MRIN Spouse or *Father Name <?Eta J d1,Ji n) ., l1a1~ y 16.12 Richardson,Thomas I-827 <Feaqles>,Mrs. Moses T. A *Bradley,Addiniram-959 ( Feaq l es) • Mrs. 1·1oses T. A *Bradley,Addiniram-959 • ?'1bj <,;iai 1 1705 Randal 1, John-·91 1 ,;bi qa:i l 9·39 Booth,Abraham-938 ,?.Uic:<? 4!50 K:illam,Augustus-449 , Cd1·· o1 j ne LI l (> Bur·· 1 ey, Ir i:1-LI nr;i . c d.he1r i ne 916 l64l Bir i ggs, John-915 .Cllr1stian 848 1610 f'.:111 en. John-84 7 • Do1rothy 328 Reynolds,Isaac-327 .Dorothy 858 1583 1673 Brown.John Gentleman-857 , Drnrot:hy llc>3 Stiles,Ebenezer-462 , E.l :i ~: abE~th 3:36 Purchase,John P-335 ,El :i;:abeth :::;.:~;8 Nash, Franci s-:537 .Eli:;:abeth 447 Gilbert,Humphrey-446 Reiner,William-448 , El :i.:z.abeth 4~5,1 1668 Perkins,Jacob-453 .Elizabeth <;;72 Wc1od. John-907 • Ell urra 118 Randall,Murray <Ray) A-20 • Hann1:1h 820 1607 1693 Bompasse,Edward-819 , ,Judi. th 7B4 1702 Bc:•11son. ,John-.. 78~5 • ,Jud:i. t:h 4:'.:i7 Pur ·kins. J ohn--4::i6 .Lucinda ::;B,1 180~5 1871 Salisbury.Abraham W-341 ,11arqaret 8:.s 1595 16~i1 Tidd, John-El37 • Marqer· y 885 Fitch,Roger-884 • i·lartha 924 l<eene, John-923 • i'"ic~rv 82l.J 16} i F~1 c:har·dson. John,::ithan-··8:23 • l'li':ll'"" v .l:s:~~7 f-\i c:h,;,rclson 1 Thnm.::1s c:;·--8:~:.1 • Mr.H"\( BLlf.:i 1 :'59 j J.6118 Bosworth,Edward-845 ~ t·lr.u-y El6•1 Butterworth,John-863 • PhebE? 441 1 \.JO._:,£ , -:• Gould.Zaccheus-440 • F:ebecca 91)6 l\lood • Thomas-905 ~..,C'C:" • 11e:?heccc:i. I 1Ji..J Al 1 en. J ohn·-75'1 • flllobay ,..).=!""":~..:...·-··-' 1772 1822 Howard~Timothy Rev.-232 1 Sa1rah 818 165(1 Bumpas, John-·817 , Sc3rah 9'28 D:inoley,John-927 1 "7"7 ,( • Sa1·· i::~h 219 I I \..') 1862 Granqer,Joseph-218 • !:lu1:;ann;:1h 757 Allen.Ralph Jr.-756 ?Df:~n n i s. f'..)n n B56 16~)2 Brown,John Ensiqn-855 Adams. As;eneth 962 Feaqles.Philo-946 ~id ams. Le 1 ah 130 Randall.John Wesley J-129 Adams.Lois 667 Wade.R:i.chard-665 (-U qr~ 1r.
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