Changing cultures in Europe C o u r s e M o d u l e Creolising cultures: a Caribbean perspective Kristian Van Haesendonck Centre for Comparative Studies - University of Lisbon E-mail:
[email protected] November 11, 2011 Objectives • introduction in the concept of and the debate on creolisation, in the context of postcolonial theory • To shed light on the Caribbean background of the concept • In how far is the concept useful to describe the changing cultures in “Europe”? 2 Preparatory reading • Benitez-Rojo, “Creolisation and Nation-building in the Hispanic Caribbean” • Gyssels, “The world wide web and rhizomatic identity: Traité du tout-monde by Édouard Glissant” • Schwieger Hiepko, “Europe and the Antilles. An Interview with Edouard Glissant” [version in French here] • Van Haesendonck, “From Atavism to Creolisation” 3 Structure 1. Postcolonialism and postcolonial theory 2. From Creole to Creolisation 3. Edouard Glissant and Benítez Rojo: rhizomatic identity and chaos 4. Creolising “Europe”? [ THE LINKS IN THIS PRESENTATION WILL TAKE YOU TO SOME RELEVANT WEBSITES, IN CASE YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE. SOME IMAGES INCLUDE LINKS ] 4 When ? . Implication of time: refers to the period after colonialism . Problem: Post-colonialism does not propose a new term . What´s next: post-post-colonialism? . Other terms with Post- as prefix: Postmodernity, Postmodern, Postmodernism Postnationalism, Poststructuralism, … 5 When ? We use the term ‘post-colonial’…to cover all the culture affected by the imperial process from the moment of colonisation to the present day. This is because there is a continuity of preoccupation throughout the historical process initiated by European imperial aggression.