1775 – Spring 2015
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The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association SPRING 2015 INTEGRATED PERSONNEL AND PAY SYSTEM - ARMY Military Pay Transition US ARMY HUMAN RESOURCES WILL WELCOME A NEW COMMANDING GENERAL FORT KNOX, KY – On 5 June 2015, MG Richard P. Mustion, Commanding General, US Army Human Resources Command, will relinquish command to MG Thomas Seamands and retire from the US Army after more than 34 years of honorable service to the Army and the Nation. MG Mustion assumed command of Human Resources Command in August 2012 and has guided the command through an Army in persistent conflict and continuous deployments to an Army that is resetting and facing significant turbulence through a substantial draw down of forces. MG Mustion’s vision for future human resources support of Army operations resulted in his spearheading the new HR Optimization initiative that will accomplish the following: 1) Enable execution of Mission Command by MG Richard P. Mustion Senior Commanders over the HR domain and allow G1s to effectively conduct training readiness oversight (TRO) support for Corps / Divisions / Brigades, and execute the resultant additional HR oversight; 2) Realign Army HR support to Senior Commanders through the multifunctional HR capability and direct support execution from the HR Company; 3) Reassess Standard Requirements Code 12 HR unit structure / requirements and determine new HR Company structure for DS at Corps and a new HR Operations Center (HROC) construct for ASCCs; and 4) Assess a potential shift of responsibility for the Army’s Postal mission and review the HR Operations Branch (HROB) structure in Sustainment Brigades and ESCs. MG Thomas C. Seamands is currently serving as the Director, Military Personnel Management (DMPM) Directorate, Army G1, The Pentagon. MG Seamands is the product of an Army Family. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management from the University of Dayton and was commissioned through the ROTC program into the Adjutant General’s Corps. He is a graduate of the AG Officer Basic Course, AG Officer Advanced Course, and the Army Command and General Staff College. He attained a Master of Science Degree in Management from Webster University, was the Army’s Leadership and Management Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and a Fellow at MIT’s Seminar XXI: Foreign Politics, International Relations and the National Interest. MG Seamands assumed his current assignment as the DMPM in July 2012. MG Seamands’ awards and decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Master Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, and Army Staff Identification Badge. MG Thomas C. Seamands 03 THE ADJUTANT GENERAL’S CORPS 28 SOLDIER FOR LIFE TRANSITION ASSISTANCE REGIMENTAL ASSOCIATION OFFICERS PROGRAM 03 FROM THE EDITOR 29 THE LIFE OF LTG TIMOTHY J. MAUDE IS DETAILED IN DR. STEPHEN E. BOWER’S NEW SECTION I Regimental Leadership BOOK 05 NOTES FROM 30 THE 2015 NATIONAL AG CORPS The Chief of the Corps REGIMENTAL BALL 06 NOTES FROM The Chief Warrant Officer of the Corps 07 NOTES FROM SECTION IV Army Bands The Regimental SGM 31 MUSICAL LEADERSHIP - 188TH ARMY BAND SECTION II Army & HR Professional Reading CONDUCTS MUSIC CAMP FOR MILITARY YOUTH 33 1ST INFANTRY DIVISION BAND PERFORMS 08 AG OFFICER BRANCH UPDATE FOR NATIONAL DAY EVENTS IN KUWAIT 11 AG WARRANT OFFICER BRANCH UPDATE 34 US ARMY BANDS PICTURE-GRAMS 13 AG ENLISTED BRANCH UPDATE 14 THE INTEGRATED PERSONNEL AND PAY SYSTEM - ARMY (IPPA-A) SECTION V AGCRA 17 WHAT THE AG CORPS NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT MILPAY TRANSITION 36 THE ANNUAL CAROLINA MAUDE FOUNDATION GOLF TOURNAMENT IS SCHEDULED FOR 28 SECTION III Around the Corps MAY 2015 AT FORT JACKSON 37 THE AGCRA CAROLINA CHAPTER SITREP 19 ARMY READINESS, CAPABILITY HINGES ON 38 AGCRA 100% MEMBERSHIP CONTENT FORCE APTITUDE FOR RESILIENCE AGCRA COL ROBERT L. MANNING HR OPERATIONS FOR OPERATION UNITED 39 20 ACHIEVEMENT AWARD ASSISTANCE 39 AGCRA ALAMO CHAPTER TOYS FOR TOTS 23 1ST HRSC PERSONNEL ACCOUNTING TEAM DRIVE (PAT) DEPOLYS IN SUPPORT OF OPERATION UNITED ASSISTANCE 40 AGCRA AWARD WINNERS 24 SHARPENING THE AXE 42 SUTLER STORE ITEMS 44 25 ADJUTANT GENERAL’S CORPS TO WELCOME NOT GETTING YOUR MAILED COPY OF 1775? SEVEN INTO THE HALL OF FAME 1775, The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association, (ISSN 1551-8205) is published by the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association, a non-profit organization, headquartered at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and is devoted to the advancement and professionalism of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regiment members. Articles appearing in the journal do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the officers and members of the Regimental Association, nor the Army’s HR leadership. Articles submitted by AGCRA members, Soldiers, other service members or civilian employees of the US military services are expressions of personal opinion, unless otherwise stated, and should not be interpreted as reflecting the official opinion of the Department of Defense. 1775 is scheduled to be published three times a year. Articles for submission are welcomed and should be sent to the address provided below. The editor reserves the right to reject any articles and/or to modify articles for clarity or space limitations. The editor also encourages the submission of photographs and illustrations to accompany articles. By submitting your photograph or illustration, you will release publishing rights of the image to The Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association, heretofore known as the AGCRA. If other people appear in your photo, you must have sufficient permission of any recognizable figure, model or person or persons appearing in the photograph to be able to submit the photograph to the AGCRA and to be able to release the publishing rights of the photograph. The AGCRA claims all rights to the usage of your photograph for use within 1775 and on printed and/or digital material. Important - By submitting your photograph to the AGCRA, you agree to all of the terms written above. Requests for authorization to reprint 1775 articles should be sent to the address below. VP, Publications, AGCRA PO Box 10026 Fort Jackson, SC 29207 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE www.AGCRA.com The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Fall I 2014 | www.AGCRA.com LTG Timothy J. Maude’s 14 biography is now avail- able on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Google. The biography by Dr. Ste- phen E. Bower, Historian for the US Army’s Adju- tant General’s Corps, tells LTG Maude’s life story as well as a history of the Army from Vietnam to 9/11. LTG Maude was killed in action on 11 September 2001 when terrorists flew American Airlines Flight 77 into The Pentagon. On 9/11 THE INTEGRATED PERSONNEL AND PAY SYSTEM – ARMY (IPPS-A) Just as Soldiers on the battlefield access the tacti- LTG Maude was serving cal communications network from Warfighter Information Network-Tactical as the Army’s Deputy Increment 2-equipped vehicles, IPPS-A will allow Soldiers increased access to 29 Chief of Staff, Personnel their personnel and pay information. (Photo Credit: Public Affairs Officer, Joint (Army G-1). Readiness Training Center) 20 33 HR OPERATIONS FOR OPERATION UNITED ASSISTANCE Department of Defense employees and Army personnel arrive in Roberts International Airport in Monrovia, Liberia in support of Operation United Assistance. Photo taken in Monrovia, Liberia. The Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association Officers OFFICERS PRESIDENT COL Jack L. Usrey SENIOR VP COL (Ret) Michael R. Molosso REGIMENTAL WARRANT OFFICER CW5 Coral J. Jones REGIMENTAL SERGEANT MAJOR SGM Todd J. Shirley VP, AWARDS CW5 (Ret) David A. Ratliff VP, MEMBERSHIP SFC (Ret) Kenneth M. Fidler, Jr. VP, PLANS AND PROGRAMS COL (Ret) William (Al) Whatley VP, SALES AND SUTLER STORE CSM (Ret) Teresa Meagher VP, COMMUNITY AND CORPORATE AFFAIRS LTC (Ret) Ward D. Ward VP, INFO TECH AND STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS LTC Troy W. Worch VP, PUBLICATIONS & ADJUTANT COL (Ret) Robert Ortiz-Abreu, Jr. SECRETARY MAJ (Ret) William C. Villnow TREASURER LTC (Ret) David A. Smoot WEBMASTER MAJ Michael Skiff WEBMASTER SFC (Ret) Paul C. Hessert HONORARY OFFICERS 1775 STAFF AND SUPPORT HONORARY COLONEL BG (Ret) Earl M. Simms EDITOR COL (Ret) Robert Ortiz-Abreu, Jr. HONORARY WARRANT OFFICER CW5 (Ret) Gerald I. Sims, Sr. ASSISTANT EDITOR LTC (Ret) Ward D. Ward HONORARY SERGEANT MAJOR CSM (Ret) Freddie Lash ASSISTANT EDITOR MAJ (Ret) William C. Villnow DESIGN, LAYOUT & PRINTING SERVICES Colonial Printing, Columbia, SC database with linkages to the Army’s inherit. Like IPPS-A, MilPay transition FROMthe legacy HR systems. Soldiers will will be a paradigm shift from how HR review their Soldier Record Brief (SRB) Operators have executed their HR EDITOR to support data accuracy efforts by AG mission essential task list in the past. Soldiers and HR Professionals. HR We hope you enjoy this edition of This condensed edition of 1775 is data accuracy efforts are paramount 1775 and we welcome your feedback dedicated to the Integrated Personnel at this time. by e-mailing comments to magazine@ and Pay System – Army (IPPS-A) and agcra.com. the Military Pay (MilPay) Transition During IPPS-A Release 4, the AG Corps from the Army’s Financial Management will gain the responsibility of Soldier (FM) Community to the Army’s Human MilPay actions. The transition of MilPay Resources Community. IPPS-A will be responsibilities from the Financial Bob Ortiz incrementally fielded over several years Management Community to the VP Pubs & Editor, 1775 from Increment I (Release 1) through Human Resources (HR) Community Colonel (Retired), US Army Increment II (Releases 2-5). As the has been initiated by the Army with an Army is currently executing Release ongoing review of finance tasks which [email protected] 1 to establish the IPPS-A foundational the HR Community will eventually AG Corps Hall of Fame Class of 2013 COL JACK L.