Tiberiu CRISOGEN DÎSCĂ, Assistant, PhD and Teodor PĂTRĂUŢĂ, Prof., PhD, “Vasile Goldis” University of the West, Arad

Abstract: In accordance with the population census in 2012, in the municipality of Hunedoara, there were 990 people, Roma, out of a total of 60525, i.e. a rate of 1.63%. Unlike in 2002, when the population was 71257 Hunedoara, held a "loss" 10732 people overall, i.e. 15%, while the Roma population suffered a loss of 179 people, i.e. 6.5%. Of course, these data should be viewed with circumspection regarding the Roma, because some do not have the correct ethnicity declared. The reality of the existence of numerous "vile" Gypsy shows that migration of the Roma has been "beneficial". For example, the "Villa of Piedone" is populated only by the stable's father, because the rest of the "family" is in England. Some family members come, from time to time in the country with "achievements", and then go back to "work". In terms of education, schools in town that have programmes for Romani students were not too affected by the migration. Since 2003, the General School No. 9 was involved in the „Phare project " – “Access to education for disadvantaged groups with focus on Roma ". As a result of the project the school started teaching the romani language, and the date, the number of students is about the same. In terms of mentality, but the effects are disastrous. Hunedoara`s society perceives as most Roma thieves while for negative perception of the in Europe the main culprits are all ... Gypsies. Why the Roma do not have returned from the West with "European" habits but only with European goods? Why is there a "romanianization" of Gypsies but rather a "ţiganizare" of the Romanians? Why all the projects carried out with European money, or hunedoreni, all national associations, NGOs and political parties were not "civilized" this ethnicity? Where it leads this current "trend" towards the Roma?

Keywords: interethnic, gipsy, migration, Hunedoara, projects

The owners of slaves had virtually unlimited rights over them, with the exception of the right to take life. The only obligation of the owners of slaves was to provide food and clothing of slaves who worked the Prince Court, in addition to the courts ' or mănăstire9. Prejudices regarding Gypsies were already heavily entrenched in mentalities and served to justify the condition of slaves which were subjected to. They were charged with, inter alia, of antropofagie, and there are even fears that, at the end of the world, the Gypsies were to call the Antichrist, who will măcelări Christians and they will eat copiii10. Starting in the mid-18th century, were adopted more reforms to improve the fate of Gypsies. Prince Grigore Alexandru Ghica was outraged by the manner in which they are treated. A rule in 1785 prohibits such separation of brothers and sisters through their distribution to several Lords, but ban and mixed marriages, to avoid enslavement românilor11. 5 If the first Roma groups that have made inroads to the West have gone virtually unnoticed in the early 15th century, Roma have come to the attention of authorities


SECTION: COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS LDMD I in various parts of Western Europe. At first, the receipt of which was reserved for them was good. In order to be able to justify their presence and movements through the West, various groups of Roma they pretended to be pilgrims on their way to the holy sites. Soon, however, the attitude of Western European society has changed, the Roma being expelled from places where they were placed, being prohibited entry into cities and being constantly threatened with punishments of the hardest. Due to a an act of 1537 says, from the time of H. VIII: "is a particular foreign nation, which does not practise any profession to feed, but in large numbers, roams from place to place and secretly uses cunning means to corrupt her Majesty's subjects". The effects of migration population Roma of Hunedoara on the interethnic communication history First mentions of Roma, known as atigani, today's territory of , dating from 1385 and are contained in a deed of donation of the voievod Dan I of Wallachia the Tismana Monastery. Other similar statements appear and during the reign of Mircea cel Bătrân. An act of Mircea cel Bătrân, specialists from 1390-1406, also contains the first mention of groups of Roma in the territory of . The first definite dates but in 1416 and refer to the donations made by the city of New York by a group of Roma in passing through the region. The presence of Roma in Moldova is first mentioned in 1428, during the reign of Alexandru cel Bun, and this time in a deed of donation by a convent. Another attitude, often seen as early as the 16th century, which culminated in the 18th century, is aimed at the assimilation of the Roma, particularly through measures aimed at the prohibition of any brutal manifestations of their own identity and the destruction of social structures of Roma communities. Maria-Theresa forbids to dwell in huts or tents and force them to raise their fixed housing. Up and lose the name of Gypsy and are now called "new peasants" or "new Hungarian". It is forbidden to speak their own language and forced to adopt dialect and people from the port. Movement from one county to another is not possible without a passport. Children are snatched from their families and committed families of peasants to grow them or who are placed in orphanages. These measures are not always rigorously applied, however, and, after the death of Maria-Theresa, some gypsies back to their nomadic way of viaţă7. Joseph II wanted him to "civilize" the Gypsies of Transylvania and issue a circular in this regard on 12 September 1782. Little by little, the liberal ideas of the West make their way and, in 1837, the Divan of Wallachia dezrobeşte Gypsies who belonged to the State, the colonizându Boyar villages. Arable lands and receive the Gypsies are treated as liberi12 peasants. In Moldova the ruler Prince Ghica example follows Part of Wallachia and, on 31 January 1844, presents a public Assembly a draft abolishing slavery for Gypsies clergy and for those who practice crafts in cities: "Roma with home, belonging to the clergy, sloboziţi, enters the other class free, residents will enjoy the same rights and fulfil the obligations related to their property according to law, will also be forced to pay taxes like other contributors ' 13. The draft is voted on and, shortly afterward, Prince Bibescu shall turn unto the clergy in Wallachia. No longer remain slaves than Gypsies who belonged to boierilor14. Gypsy children are compelled to attend school, to follow a religious education shall be prohibited to walk naked in the streets or to sleep at sixes and Sevens, girls and boys, in huts. Except that the check lippovans gold in rivers or in the mines, the Gypsies do not have the right to possess horses. Any landowner is required to give them the Gypsy are on the field of a piece of land


SECTION: COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS LDMD I on which to grow, thus iniţiindu in farm work. Trade and regular annual fairs at trocurile they are, starting now, be prohibited. In order to be able to îndeletnici with music or other specific occupations, they had to be satisfied first that end tasks. For several centuries, from their arrival in Wallachia and until the middle of the 19th century, Roma have had a social status in the society. The status of slaves. Slaves could be sold or donated. In 1848, the revolution in Wallachia, the total abolition of bondage getting. But independence was short-lived: the Russians and the Turks, and entered the Romanian countries, reinstaurează robia15. In December 1855 in Moldavia Prince Grigore Ghica decides on release of all Gypsies, and, in February 1856, Prince Barbu Ştirbei end release the Gypsy in Wallachia, garnering slobozirii votes to those who belonged to private individuals. Now there was no longer a Gypsy slaves in Moldova, Wallachia, , first ruler is at the forefront of the United Romanian principalities (1859), will do everything to wipe out remaining traces of robiei16. A number of major changes have marked the Roma in Romania between the two world wars. Due to the modernization of the Romanian economy, a large proportion of Roma communities which maintained traditional occupations were forced for economic reasons, to change their occupation. These occupational changes have resulted in changes of the social structure of the comunităţilor17. In the ' 30s is starting to shape up the idea of a nationwide organization of Roma. In 1933 are set up two national-scale: the Association of Gypsies in Romania and the Union of Roma in Romania. These organizations, who championed "Roma emancipation and redeşteptarea nation" have contributed significantly to the emergence of a process of crystallization of the consciousness of ethnic identity of the Roma. The leaders of Roma organizations from this period are those trying to impose the use of the term "Roma" instead of "Gypsy", heavily steeped in negative18 connotations. Another extremely difficult for Roma communities throughout Europe was represented by the World War II. During the Fascist regimes in many European countries the Roma have suffered persecution, were imprisoned and deported to the extermination camps. -Roma-anthem "Gelem, gelem" (I travelled, I traveled), composed by Yarko Yovanovic. -international day of the Roma-April 8. After the war, the policies carried out by the authorities in respect of the Roma were generally marked by a strong trend asimilaţionistă, which even though is no longer based on the measures of force, had as its objective the ultimate demise of the Roma as an ethnic group. As late as the 1980s policies of authorities began to change. The situation of Roma came also to the attention of the most important European institutions. Thus, both the Council of Europe and the European Commission, as you have done in the last few years a number of documents aimed at the Roma directly. They require States to take measures to resolve the problems faced by the communities of rromi19. The first World Congress of Roma, which was held in London in 1971, the Belgians passed a series of symbols common to Roma worldwide:-Rromani flag-a wheel with 24 spokes, yellow, set against the backdrop of two equal horizontal bands of blue (top) and green (bottom). -moto-"Stop Roma" ("rise up, Roma").



In the colony are the Gypsies whom they go badly, but there is an adult who does not have at least one huge shot, because, in fact, it is the object most Gypsies pride-gold-the money being on a second plan, and House and car are located on the third step. Gypsies from Hăşdat are known in the country for that impressive amounts of hold precious metal. Hăşdat village is actually lived just to the exit of Roma population, the rest being made up of Romanians and Hungarians. However, before the entrance to the village, in the city, Rotarilor Street, is a neighborhood of mansions towering ţigăneşti. Here are his Paen "villas", "Ouzo", "Baci"-these being the most impressive. Here, people seem to know the dimensions of huzurului and tihne, but also of a hilarious and grotesque, because everything is surprisingly high for lack of utility. Every family has built, summing up his experience in a dynamic mimicry in a competition that, counting the number of turrets, rooms, floors, stairs, bathrooms, adjuvantele opulenţei: cars, swimming pools, lighting, monumental. Where are the resources for all of this? Most silver Coppersmiths, nomads which had embarked on the Communist regime to "împământenească", to give them an occupation in accordance with the requirements of building socialism and to escape the troubles they pricinuiau during their travels. Help State and "its own forces", most have abandoned cardboard and bordeiele have raised houses resembling those of Chizid area (residential perimeter best ranked in Hunedoara). Now, here they live about 400 families. In Hăşdat, we can recognize that word which, yesterday or the day before yesterday, they were seen begging, complaining of ceasefire that mother did not where to stand and what to put them on the table, at the gates of the infants in the marble-paved courtyards, beautifully dressed and with hundreds of grammes of gold ornaments at the neck, and hands. Some family members come, from time to time in the country with "achievements", and then go back to "work". "Traditional" activities, in part, have been left aside. The Hăşdat were for the most part, silver Coppersmiths trade that now no longer have social status and no time to practice. Some say they have had wealth of tradition, heritage, but most indicates the two countries: Germany, in the first years after the Revolution, and from 2005 onwards. Case study: the Villa of Villa's Peter Harman, built behind the ABC of Rotarilor Street, was conceived in 2007, when i started the construction, to be the greatest. Meanwhile, the "competition" has surpassed it both as surface and the number of turrets "chapters", "swimming pools" and "floors". At the time of my visit, she still was not furnished. How to enter the House, right in front of you is directed towards the eyes, resembling marble as well as surface and marble with the volume of the Peles, but, of course, far from the Royal Castle of refined taste. On the left, on an area of over 40 m 2, is "open" kitchen, tiled floors and tiles. It is noted throughout the Villa, strange combinations and "Gypsy" colors: Pink with green "," blue and yellow "siderat", "neon" Brown etc. Upstairs, several large bedrooms, in which "resistance" are made of gypsum plaster board ceilings, high on a few yards from where the symbols that do not require any comment: in a room is the symbol of the dollar, the Euro and to another to another British pound. Do not go into technical details about the balconies, towers and the roof of the Villa. In the basement, insulated with polystyrene, is a huge garage, because you can go by car, even with the truck and you can come back or you can go to the right and exit on the left side of the Villa. Source of income declared in respect of the imposing villas:



England. The family is also there, including Harman, and here it sits just Vanessa's father. The family, in turn, returns to the country, perhaps to leave a part of the "fruits of labor".

Conclusion "on the economic part" Reality of many "villas" Gypsy shows that migration of the Roma has been "beneficial". For example, the "Villa of Pain" is populated only by the stable's father, Angelo, because the rest of the "family" is in England. The german Government has decided to close the gates of the migrants and to solve the integration of the residents, giving the 30 million mark, which largely were, in fact, expenses for repatriation of the Gypsies and other criminals, and in 1993, the French Government announced the cessation of immigration (target being islamicii in Arab countries), then Spain, Switzerland, and the Netherlandsin the meantime, developing deals and offers for new levels of immigrants. " It is the first contact with Westerners for rome. This is also the period when Gypsies in Hunedoara had gone, especially towards "Jărmania". Reason: "those fools let the homes accessible."

Locate Locale due to conditions in the time of communism, the two important locales of Roma: the surrounding neighborhoods (micro 5b, 6, 7) and in the village of Hăşdat. In nearly 30 years, on the southern edge of the city, on the orders of the Communist authorities of the time, formed a community of Gypsies, quite large. The population according to the population census in 2012, in the municipality of Nova Scotia, there were 990 people, Roma, out of a total of 60525, i.e. a rate of 1.63%. Unlike in 2002, when the population was 71257 Hunedoara, held a "loss" 10732 people overall, i.e. 15%, while the Roma population suffered a loss of 179 people, i.e. 6.5%. Of course, these data should be viewed with circumspection regarding the Roma, because some do not have the correct ethnicity declared. As regards migration, Ibn Rafi said: "since the 1990s, the Gypsies were the first to amble out of the felt. At first emigrated under the label of "political asylum", i.e. they were persecuted in their countries based on "racial". In 1992, only in Germany have been recorded about 45,000 requests for "political asylum", in the amount being already 140,000 residents, mostly from Eastern countries.

Education Regarding education, schools in the municipality of who programmes for Romani students were not too affected by migration but open-minded. Since 2003, the General School No. 9 was involved in the Phare project "-" access to education for disadvantaged groups with focus on Roma ". As a result of the project the school started teaching romani, which took 2 years. If the funds provided for the project's establishment as a class level of Romanian language, the reality on the ground has been dominated by the mentality of the Roma. Too few have agreed to be part of these classes. Bias that dominate everywhere will laugh at us "others" when they find out that teaches the "Gypsy" classes. All funds awarded (and many Gypsies in a neighborhood were very bad financially), with all of the teachers ' effort to persuade, to discussions with Roma, with Romanians, even with officials and


SECTION: COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS LDMD I representatives of the Roma, the results were too few. After two years, the project has only manifested in the form of programmes for Roma "and" less, "Roma". For example, "pick up your ROMs!" (Ucten rromalen), worked up through 2007, thanks to the work of Professor Gino Mario Christmas. At the time of its transfer to another school in the locality, the magazine was cancelled. Thus the school situation is justified. 9, where as Roma students 124, but speakers of Romanian language ... 9. the other school in town which has the "Parish" and Hăşdat are faced with another problem. The children in "şatre" do not come to school No. According to learning. Herepean Nicolae, who worked at the former school in Hăşdat, most Gypsies, even during the Communist era, there were sending their children to school. After the abolishment of the school of Hăşdat, was awarded the school's District 5. With all the insistence of censuses, threats, propositions and projects, Roma children are not in school. For several years it was only changed reason: now children, along with his family, are no longer in the country. So either this school has not been affected by the migration, so that the number of posts in the departments, and school has been affected by declining only flocks "Romanians" and not of Roma. Currently in school are officially enrolled 18 Roma. Unofficially, they are about 35, but others "will not recognize" ... Only 4 of them are in middle school, because those who come to school were sent to learn to read, write and count, "more than I need." Seems a thing of the hazliului, but according to talks with Roma in Hăşdat, most give their children to school to learn to read to be able to take the book from the driver. In conclusion: the education of Roma in Hunedoara is deficient and contradictory. Educational projects for Roma, although funds have been consistent, very few results, and perennial. A great number of Roma children do not attend school in Hăşdat. 47% believe that Romanians are regarded by the West because of Roma, 97% considers that Roma go abroad not to steal and not to work. Finally, 88% consider that Roma steal because the Romanian authorities are corrupt, 46% were because "they're so naţia" and 12% were considered because it didn't work in Romania. With regard to intercultural dialogue, one of the most active groups in carrying out projects with and for the Roma is the Association Linişor. President-founder of these associations is Mircea Zidărescu. In 2010, a survey conducted by the CCSB, in command of the Pro democracy Association "entitled" Stereotypes to the Roma "was carried out by telephone. The same poll was conducted in Nova Scotia, in 2013, on a sample of 100 parents from Colegiul Tehnic Matthias Corvinus Hunyadi. The results show that 54% of subjects believed that Roma are "thieves". Also, 46% consider them to be "lazy", "dirty"-47%, "unite"-56%. 92% of those polled agree that Roma live in Romania, and 67% agree that they live in. 44% of the subjects believe that Roma will be in the future a threat to the country. 58% say that Gypsies are more crimes than Romanians. 52% of those polled disagree with the statement "the Roma are poorer than the Romanians." In addition to the CCSB poll questions have been added, some relating to migration. Roma "in the city" are more receptive to training. Even if you don't support education in romani language, they send their children to school. In turn, some continue to make high school and even college.



A positive example can be presented at the Mircea Zidărescu, who earned a Ph.d. in sociology in 2008 at the Department of sociology and social work, Babeş Bolyai University Cluj Napoca. In terms of mentality, Roma migration effects are disastrous. Hunedoreană company perceives as most Roma thieves while for negative perception of the Romanians in Europe the main culprits are all ... Gypsies. In that regard, they stayed and they with the mindset to "accumulate", in any way, huge income. The Hăşdat just looking "up" at the Gypsies who still work or learn. They come in with currency, gold eological urbanism, cars that people here would not acquire in a lifetime of honest work. Is it normal that these actions create frustrations and riots. Of the many projects of this association might be mentioned:-"8 April World Roma Day"-2006, funded by Mayor-"romale" Ave-2007, funded by the County Council-' improving access to information on draft laws concerning social insurance fund for Roma communities in Hunedoara County ", funded by the Chamber of Deputies-Roma hunedoreni promoters of" interculturalism ", funded by the County Council-electoral education campaign aimed at Roma population in Hunedoara County, funded by Small Grants Upheld Democracy, Public affairs section, U.S. Embassy in Bucharest, Romania between projects, "official", "Făureşte- your future! Training of Roma in Hunedoara County "project co-financed by the EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND through the sectoral operational programme human resources development 2007-2013, promoted by the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection. Final conclusion: the problem of the Roma, an old and unresolved, should be more conscious, brought to the public attention and treated "with a sense of responsibility". There is no question of a quick resolution, are the many projects and initiatives that have failed to change much of the perception of the Roma people, but none of the "apucăturile" of this ethnicity. School, State institutions, NGOs have a responsibility for these Gypsy "ours, yours, theirs, everyone and anyone you". Are Romanian citizens and should be treated as such, with all rights and duties resulting from this Statute but are already, and European citizens and Europe also has an obligation towards them. Intercultural dialogue is there, there are prejudices, intolerance there are reasons, remains as the company should be able to "collect" from them and the positive elements of this intercultural dialogue. Anti-smoke and Angus Fraser, "Gypsies are indeed among the few multinational on the continent". You have fought like this United Europe to be equality "and for puppies". If the Romanian authorities did not know the time of Europe saying "we have a problem with the integration of Gypsies", Europeans find it directly from the "source". Yes, there are problems and should be resolved together, should not be discarded in the yard of another cat, but each State and each local community has a responsibility to them.


Burtea, Vasile (2002), Romii în sincronia şi diacronia populaţiilor de contact, Editura Lumina Lex, Bucureşti Chipea Florea, Hatos Adrian (1997), Etiologia criminalitatii rromilor – studio regional, Revista româna de sociologie, Anul VIII, nr.5-6



Fraser, Angus (2008), Ţiganii, Editura Humanitas, Bucureşti Pons, Emmanuelle (1999), Ţiganii din România, o minoritate în tranziţie, Editura compania, Bucureşti Roman, Ileana (2010), Ţiganii noştri, Editura Autograf MJM, Craiova Zamfir, C. (2004), Tranziţia în România, Editura Polirom, Iaşi Zidarescu, Mircea (2007), Saracia in comunitatile de romi din Romania, Editura Lumen, Iaşi