Great Eastern Ra ilway (General 1885 Powers) Act 2/ 1885 BoR's

48&49V: 93 ",' ':P, :~~1i

ln PMliament.-Session 188'5. from the booking-office of the '.Epping . Station, (General Powers). which said intended widenings and improve­ Widenings and Improvements of Railways from ments Nos. 2 and 3 will be wholly situate in to Epping.-From the county of , and will be made or pass (North) Station to Hythe, and of parts of the from, in, through, or into the parishes, town­ Tendring Hundred Railway.-From Kennett ships, and extra-parochial or other places follow­ to Bnry St. Edmnnde.-Of Main Line near ing, or some of them, that is to say, Longhton, Globe-road, Old Town.-Diversion of , Theydon Garnon, Chigwell, On. Road at .-Alteration of Bridges at gar, Theydon Mount, and Epping. West Ham and .-Diversion of (d) A widening and improvement (No. 4) of Footpath at Station.-Stopping up so much of the railway from Colchester to '°f Level Crossing in the Parish of Birchanger, Hythe as lies between the eastern end of Essex.-Compnlsory Purchase of Lands.­ Colchester (North) Station, in the parish Additional Lands in various places.-Tolls.­ of St. Michael,.Mile End, in the county of Extension and Revival of Powers for Com~ Essex, and the Hythe Station in the parish pulsory PMchase of Lande for and Completion of St. Andrew, Greenstead, otherwise of certain Railways and Works authorised by Greenstead, in thfi county of Essex. the Gxeat Eastem Railway Act•, 1876, 1877, (•) A widening and improvement (No. 5) of 1879, 1881, 1882.-Ahandonment of certain the railway from Hythe to Wivenhoe, Railways aathorised hy the Great Eastern commencing in the parish of St. Botolph Railway Aot, 1879, and E... t Railway (detached), at a point 3 chains or there­ Act, 1879, and Tramways authorised by the abouts, measured in a south-easterly direc. _-,. Great Eastern Railway Act, 1882.-Additional tion along the said railway, from. the Capital and Borrowing Powers.-Provisions booking-office of the H ythe Station, and .as to separa.te Capital for Parkeston Quay, terminating in the parish of W ivenhoe, .-Redemption of Preference Stocks. otherwise St. Mary, Wivenhoe, at or near Amendment of Acts, &o. the mile-post indicating 3f :miles from. OTICE is hereby given, that application is Colchester (North) Station. N intended to be made to Parliament, in (!) A widening and improvement (No. 6) of the next session, by or on behalf of the Great the said railway from Hythe to Wivenhoe, Eastern Railway Company (in this Notice commencing in the parish of Wivenhoe, <:alled ''the Company"), for leave to bring in a otberwise St. Mary Wivenhoe, at or nedW' Bill £or the purposes or some of the purposes the mile-post indicating 3i miles from. following, that is to say :- Colchester (North) Station, and terminating To authorise the Company to make and main. in the parish of Wivenhoe,· otherwise St., with all proper stations, approaches, works, Mary Wivenhoe, at or near a. point 7 chains, and conveniences connected therewith respec­ measured in a westerly direction along the tively, the following works, or some o-£ them, or said railway, from the booking-office of some part or parts thereof respectively, that is Wivenhoe Station. to say:- (g) A widening and improvement (No. 7) of {a) A widening and improvement (No. 1), the Branch Railway from Eastgate Junction .situate wholly in the parish of Loughton . to St. Botolph's Station, Colchester, com . in the count.y of Essex, of the Company'; mencing in the parish 0£ St. James, at or Loughton a~ Ongar Branch Railway, near the Eastgate Junction, and termi.D,at .. commencing ,ai-&-point 10 chains, or there­ ing in the parish of St. Botol ph (detached), abouts, measured in a north-easterly direc­ at or near a point li chains, measured in tion along the s~ railway, from the au easterly direction along the said Branch booking-office of the Longhton Station, and Railway, from the centre of the bridge carry­ terminating at a point 2! chains or there­ ing it over the river Colne. abouts, measured in a south-westerlvdirec­ (h) A widening and improvement (No, 8) of tion· along the said railway, frO"m the the Branch Railway from St. Boltoph's booking-office of the Chigwell-lane Station. Station, Colchester, to H ythe;, commencing in the parish of St. Botolph (detached), at (b) A widening and improvement (No. 2), or near a point 1l cha.ins, measl-1.1'0d in an wholly situate in the county of Essex of easterly direction along the said Branch ·~. 'i the'. said Longhton and Ongar Bra~ch Railway, from the centre of the bridge Railway, commencing in the parish of carrying the said Branch Railway over the .".f~· Longhton at a :il<>int 10 chai11s or there­ river Colne, and terminating in the parish abouts, measured in a north-easterly direc­ of St. Andrew Greenstead, otherwise Green­ tion . along the said railway, from the stead, at or ~ear a point 2 chains, mefisure4 booking-office of the Chigwell-lane Station in a no,-th.we•terly direction along the said and terminating in the parish of Theydo~ railway, from the Hythe signal-box, Bois, at a point 4 chains or ihereabouts which said intended widenings and improve­ measured in a southerly direction along th; ments (Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) will be wholly said railway, from the booking-office of situate in the county 0£ Essex, and will be made Theydon Bois Station. pass from, in, thr9ugh, or into the parishes, (o) A widening and improvement (No. 3) townships, and extra.parochial or other places wholly sibnate in the county of Essex of following, Jr some of them,-that is to say : St. the said Longhton and Ongar Braµch Rill­ Michael Mile End, St, Botclph (detached), St. way, commencing in the parish of Theydon Andrew Greenstead, otherwise Greensteail, St. Bois, at a point 7! chains or therea.bonts, Lepnard, Wivenhoe, otherwise St. Mary Wiven­ m~asnn::d in a nol'therly direction along the hoe, Lexden, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Giles, St. said railway, from the boqkirt.g-office of James, All"Saints. Theydo~ Bois Station, and terminating in ( i) A widening and improvement (No. 9) of the P"';"sh of Theydon Gamon, at a point the Tendring Hundred Railway, wholly .5l chams o:r the~about13, measured in a sitnate in the parish of Thorrington, in the southerly direction along the siiid :;.lilway C!)nnty of Essex, commencing at or neM "' W'llr~ o 17 '· ' ''. •'·1 I)


point 5 chains, measured a.loD.g the said railway, and the Bill -.rill, ·dr may, rltiil. i railway in a westerly direction·, from the guish all public and other righ1is of way over ! booking-office of Thorrington Station, and the said railway, at the· point at which th~ terminating at or near a point 8 chains, said l"'blic road from Tltetford to T"°"Mile l measured in an easterly direction along the Bottom and Mnndford now cr0sses- tlie Mme said railway, from the said booking-office. on the level, and will atithorise the s'ti6pplng (k) A widening and improvement (No. IO) np of such level crossing. · . of the Tendring Hundred Railway, com­ (p) An alteration arid eXtensio±t fn the- parish mencing in the parish of Great Bentley, at of West Ham, in the county of Essex, of the or near a point 7-i chains, matt.sured· in a bridge carrying the , Tilb'nry, and westerly direction along the B! railway, Sonthend Railway over the North Woolwich l?om the booking·office of Great Bentley Branch Railway of the Company. Station, and terminating in the parish of W eeley; at or near a point 8 chains, measured (q) An alteration and extension in the ~ in a. westerly direction along the said rail­ of St. Andrew-the-Less, Cambridge, in the way, from the booking-office of Weeley county of Cambridge, of the bridge carrying , Station. the Hills-road over the main :µne of· ·the ~~ (l) A widening and improvement (No. 11) Company near the Cambridge Stati°"" ~~"0 . of the Tendring Hundred Railway, com­ To empower the Company to divert or alter in "'· mencing in the parish of Weeley, at or near the parish of East Dereham, in the ooutdiy of · ,, a point 3 chains, measured in an easterly Norfolk, the public footpath now cr0ssUit the ilirection along the said railway, from the Company's Dereham and Wells Railway on' 'the booking-office of the Weeley Station, and level at or near the north end of the De...... terminating in the parish of Thorp-le­ Station, between a point on the west side· Ot-the Soken, at or near a point 10 chains, said railway about 14 yards from the centre of measured in a westerly direction along the the railway, and a point on the east side of the said railway, from the booking-office of the said railway, 14 yards from the centre· thereof, Thorpe Station, and the Bill will or may extinguish all public or which said intended wideniuge and improve­ other rights of way over the said railway at the ments Nos. 10 and 11 will be wholly situate in point at which the said footpath now crosses the the county of Essex, and will be made pass from, said railway on the level in, through, or into the parishes, townships, and To authorise the stopping up of the I~ extra-parochial or oth!'l' places following, or crossin;: over the Compan;i:'s railway &om some of them,-that is to say: Great Bentley, Bishops Stortford to Cambndge, in the pariah Tendring, Weeley, Thorp-le-Boken. of Birchanger, in the county of Essex, of the (m) A widening and improvement (No. 12) public road known as Gipsy-lane, which road of the Company's main line wholly Ritnate leads from Hazel End and Farnham to Stan· in the hamlet of Mile End Old Town, in the stead, and the Bill will or may extinguish. all county of Middlesex, on the south side, public or other rights of way over th& saiil-'l!llo1• commencing at or near the bridge carrying way, at the point at which the said publio·road the said main line over James-street, and now crosses the same on the level. , terminating at a point about 5 chains east To authorise the purchase of so much of any of the bridge carrying the said main line house, manufactiQry,- building, or property, as over Globe-road. maybereqniredforthe purposes of the intended (n) A widening and improvement (No. 13) .A.ct, notWithstanding anything contained in the of the Newmarket and Bury Railway of the 92nd section of the Lands Clauses ConSGlida- Company, commencing in the parish of tion .A.ct, 1845. Kennett, in the county of Cambridge, at nr To authorise the Company to pt1rchase, by near a. point opposite the booking-office compulsion or f!,greement, lands and bnildin~ of the Kennett Station, and terminating and rights and easements in, over, or affecting in the parish of St. James, Bnry St. Ed­ lands and buildings, for all or any of the works munds, in the county of , at a point o.nd purposes of the intended Act, and to pur­ 8 chains, or thereabouts, measured in an chase by agreement additional lands for extra­ easterly direction alonef the said railway ,from ordinary purpos~s, and to authorise the ComJ>¥-y the centre of the engrne-shed of Bury St. to purchase by compulsion or agreement other Edmunds Station, which said intended wi­ lands and bu lldings iii the conn.ties hereinafter dening and improvement No. 13 will be made mentioned for stations sidings or otherplll'poses pass from,. in, through, or into the parishes, connected with their undertaking, that is to townships, extra-parochial, and other places say:- following, or some of the~ that is to say : In the county of Essex, Kennett, in the county of Cambridge, Kent.. in the parish of Low Leyton, otherwise St. ford, Gazeley, Higham, Barrow, Great Sax­ Mary Leyton, on the sooth-west ai

in the county of Cambridge, Essex, authorised by Section 7, Su.b~section S, of In tbe parish of Sawston, on both sides of the "The Great Eastern Railway Act, 1882."' Company's Cambridge main line, near the Of the improvem~nt of the ·company's ·col' place where the road leading from Borough chester main line On bbth siiles thereOfJ ill th,e. Mill to Sawston crosses the said railway on county of Essex, authorised by Section 7, Sub; the level. section 4, of " The Great Eastern Rail way Act, In the county of Middlesex, 1882." ' In the parish of , near the Tott.en­ 0£ the new footpath in the parish of All ham Hale Station. Sain.ts, Pop1ar, in tlle county of Middlese;&:; In the comity of Hertford, authorised by Section 9, Sub".section 1, of" ThEI In the parish of Cheshunt, near Waltham Great Eastern Railway Act, 1882." Station. To extend the time for the complilsory pnr' In the county of Norfolk, chase of the 13.ndR for the_ enlargement a.n,d In the parish of '.rhetford St. Peter, near the improvement of _Street Station, in Thetford Station. the parish of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, in the· To a.uthorise the Company, in the construction , and the IiberLy of Nqrti>n of any of the works proposed to be authorised Folgate, and the parish of St. Leonard, Shor&­ by the intended Act, to deviate from the line ditch, in the county of Middlesex, authorise~· and levels thereof described in the plans and by Section 64, Sub-section A, of " The Grea.~ sections hereinafter mentioned, to any extent to Eastern Railway Act, 1882, " and the lands in be prescribed by the said int.ended Act, whether pnrishes of Enfield, Tottenham, Hornsey, S,t. within or beyond the limits prescribed in either Pancras, and St. Mary, Islington, in the couritj' case by the Rail ways Clauses Consolidation of Middlesex, authorised by Section 64, S nb­ Act, 1845, and to stop up, alter, divert tempo~ section B, of " The Great Eastern Rail way rarily or permanently, all or any turnpike or Act, 1882." , other roads and highways, streets, railways, To extend, and so far as in.ay be necessary 'f;o tramways, bridges, rivers, canals, streams, revive, t·he periods now limited for the ct:>ni.ple­ waters, watercourses, sewers, drains, pipes, tioil of the following railways~ improvements o:f telegraphtc·andothertnbes, wires and apparatus, railways and Works, that is __to say, . . · and all other constructions or works of any Of the railway in the parish of East De:teham; description which it may be necessary or con­ in the county of Norfolk, authorised by Sectfoi:i' venient to stop np, alter, or divert for any of the 6, Sub-section D, of "The Great Eastern R.aiJ;. .' purposes of the intended Act. way Act, 1876." . . · · To demand, levy, take, and recover tolls, Of the railway in the parish of Marks Tey, fo. · rates,. and charges, for and ·in respect of the the county of Essex, authorised by Section 'i, works to- be authorised by the intended Act, SubCsection B, of " The Great Est.em Railway a.nd to confer ex:emption.s from the payment of Act, 1879." such tolls, rates, and charges respectively. Of so mnch of the and Bow· To extend, and so far as it may be necesssary improvement in the parish of St. Matth~W~ to revive, the periods now limited for the com­ Bethnal Green, and the hamlet of Mile End' pulsory purchase of lands for the purposes of Old Town, in the county oI Middlesex, authO:. • the following railways, improvements of rail­ rised by Section 7, Sub.section J, of "rrh~' ways and works, that is to say:- Great Eastern Railway' Act, 1876," .as· lie·a Of the railway in the parish of Marks Tey, between the commencement of the saif Hunting; llethnal Green, and the hamlet of Mile End don, authorised by Section 7, Su.b-~ect_ion (), of. Old Town, in the county of Middlesex:, autho­ "The Great Eastern. Railway Act, 1877." . · . · rised by Section 7, Sob-section J, of" The Great Of the alteration of the bridge in the parisli • Eastern Railway Act, .1876," as lies between the of Tottenham, in the county o!' Middlesex, 1 commencement of the' said improvement ill the authorised by Section· 7, Sub-Section Q,. of ' The said parish. of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green, and Great East.em Railway Act, 1876." · · . ·· the corilmencement in th·e said hamlet of Mile Of the improvement o,f the N ewpoi;Jl Station, End Old Town, of the improvement of the in the p~rish of Newport, ,i12 the ooun.ty Of Cofilpan.y's main line,.authorjsed by se·ction 7, Essex, authorised by Sectfon 8: Snb:section M, Sub-section 2, of " The·-Great Eastern: Railway of" The Great Eastern Railway .Act, 1879." · Act, 1881." To authorise the· Company to ibbandofl Or re..· Of the railway (No. 1) authorised by Section li.nqnish the construction of the following rail.. 6, Sub-section A, of "The Great Eastern Rail­ ways, tramwayst and works,-that is to say: way Act, 1882." Of the railway in the parish of Thorpe St. Of the railway (No. 2) authorised by Section Andrew, in the county of Norfolk, authorised 6, Sub-section B, of " The jjreat Eastern Rail- by Section i, Sub-section D, of "The Great way Act, 1882." · Easte.rn Railway Act, 1879." 0£ the improvement of the Company's main Of the railway (No. 2) in the county of .line, authorised by Section i, Snb·section 1, of Norfolk, authorised by Section 4, Sub-section D, "The .Great Eastern Railway Act, 1882." of "The East Act, 1879." Of the improvement of the Company's main Of the tramways Nos. 1, 2, and 3, in the Jine, authorised by Section 7, Sub-section ·2, of parish of Wisbeoh St. Peter, in the Isle of Ely, "The Great East.ern Railway Act, 1882." in the connty of Cambridge, authorised by Of the improvement of the Company's North Section 43 of " The Great Eastern Railway Act, Woolwich Branch Railway in the county of 1882." 4

To authorise the Company to raise or borrow,· may be subject to the compulsory poweTS of and appropriate to all or any of the purposes of purchase to be conferred by the intended Act, the intended Act, or all or any of_ the purposes and (where the periods for ®mpleting the works of the Company, any surplus capital at their for which lands have been authorised to be ta.ken disposal, or which they may ~ave power to raise compulsorily have expired) plans of the lands so or bllrrow, and to alter, repeal, amend, or extend authorised to be taken, together with books of the provisions of Section 27 of "The Great reference to the said plans respectively1 con. Eastern Railway Act, 1877," and Section 35 of taining the names of the owners and lessees, or "The Great Eastern Railway (General Powers) reputed owners and lessees, and of the occ1;1.piers Act, 1883," with reference to the separate capital of snch lands, will be deposited aa follows, that for the purposes of the Parkeston Quay at is to say: In the case of all works and lands Hal'wich, and in lien of such separate capital, in the county of Essex, with the Clerk of the and for other purp.oses of the undertaking, to Peace for that county, at his office at Chelms~ raise further money by the creation of and issue ford. In the case of all works and lands in the of ordinary or defen·ed stock or by preference county of Su:ffOlk, with the Clerk of the Peace stock or preference stock convertible into for that county, at his office at . In the ordinary stock at such times and upon such case of all works and lands in the county of terms (pecuniary or other) and conditions as Norfolk, with the Clerk of the Peace for that the Company may think proper, or the Bill county~ at his office at Norwich. In the case may prescribe, or by debenture stock, or by of all works and lands in the county of Cam.­ mortgage. .A.nd for the purpose of the redemp-- bridge, with the Clerk of the Peace for that tion of the Great Eastern Railway 5 per cent. county, at his office at Cambridge. In the case preference stock, 1876, issued under the pro· of all works and lands in the county of Middle­ visions of the Great Eastern Railway Acts, 1874, sex, with the Clerk of the Peace for that county, 1876, 1877, and 1878, and of the redemption of at his office, at the Sessions House, Clerkenwell. the Great Eastern Railway (Northern Extension) In the case of all works and lands in the county 5 per cent. preference stock issued under the of Hertford, with the Clerk of the Peace for powers of "The Great Eastern Railway (Nor. that county, at his office at St. Albans. In thern Extension) Act, 1878," to create and the case of all works and lands iii the county of issue ordinary or deferred stock, or preference Huntingdon, with the Clerk 0£ the Peace for stock, ranking as regards priority of payment that county, at his office at Huntingdon. Copies of dividend thereon in the same way as the of so much of the said plane, sections, and books stocks to be redeemed, or in such other way as of reference as relate to each parish or extra. the Bill may define, or by preference stook parochial place in or through which the pro­ convertible into ordinary stock at such time posed works are intended to be made, or in and on such terms (pecnniary or other) and which any lands to be taken compulsorily under conditions as the Company think proper or the powers of the Bill are situate, will be the Bill may prescribe, and the Bill will, or deposited "" follows,-that ia to say: In the may, contain further provisions for the redemp- case of the parish of St. Matthew, Bethnal tion of the said stocks by the substitution Green, with the vestry clerk of that parish, therefor of any such stock as aforesaid, or by at his ofliCe at Bethnal Green. In the case the sale and the .,application of the proceeds of of tbe hamlet of Mile End Old Town, with any such stock, or partly by one mode and the vestry clerk of that hamlet, at his office at partly by the other. the Vestry Hall, Bancroft-road, Mile End. In To vary and extinguish all rights and privi- the case of any other parish, with the parish leges which Would interfere with the objects of clerk of such parish, at his residence, and in the Bill, and to confer other rights and privi- the case of any extra-parochial place, with the leges, parish clerk of some parish adjoining thereto, To repeal or amend the provisions, or some I at his residence. Each such deposit, as aforc­ of the provisions, of the several .Acts of Parlia- Raid, will be made on or before the 29th day meut following,orsome of them,. that is to say:- of November inst., and will be accompanied The Great Eastern Railway Acts, 1862, 1872, \by a copy of thia Notice, as published in the 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, London Gazette. the Act, 1879, and any Printed copies of the Bill for effecting the other Acta relating to the Company; and the objects aforesaid will be deposited in the Companies Clauses Acta, 1845, 1863, 1869, and Private Bill Office of the House of Commons, on any other Acta amending or extending the same, or before the 20th day of December, 1884. so fur as they relate to the Company or their Dated this 13th day of November, 1884. undertaking. W. Pl.'n, Liverpool-street Station,.. Plans and sections of the proposed works, so E.C., Great Eastern Railway, Solicitor far as they are of the seQond class specified in for the Bill. the Standing Orders of either House of Parlia- J. 0. Rees, 13, Great George-street, Par!ia. ment, and of the works the periods for completing mentary Agent. which l!ave expire\!, a?ld :plans of the land§ which ·J:<.· . ..· - ,., ... ..,... .,,, .. ''• .·.~:~?,_ . ...,,, ;' f






November, 1884.



LONDON, E.C.; Solicitor. · ' '·

~n fgarliammt.





... WORKS AND IMPROVEMENTS. PAGE, ' Loughton aud Ongar Widening iv Tendring Hundred Widening 9 v Globe Road Widening 35

Kennett to Bury Saint Edmunds Widening 38 /

Diversion of Road at Thetford Station 54 v ,, '' .. Alteration of Bridge carrying London, and· Southend Railway over the North Woolwich Branch Railway 56 / Alteration and Extension of Hills Road Bridge near Cambridge Station 58 / Diversion of Footpath near Dereham Station 59 v Marks Tey Curve ...... 72 ../ Bethnal Green and Bow Widenings (between Bethnal Green and Globe Road Stations) . .. . .• 73 / East Dereham Curve ... 88 v Alteration of Bridge at Tottenham SU /


... , Great Eastern Railwa:y-General Powe-n. 54 Diversion of Road and stopping up of Level Crossing at Thetford Station. COUNTY OF NORFOLK-PARISH OF THETFORD SAINT PETER.

No.on Description of Owners or reputed Lessees or reputed Occupiers. Plan Property. Ownen. Lessees.

Field and drains William Danziel Mackenzie John Johnson

2 Road Corporation of Thetford ...

3 Road William Danziel Mackenzie

4 Field, road and drains: WiDiam Danziel Mackenzie Robert Largent I

S Field and drains- l William Danziel Mackenzie Charles Burrell

6 Road Corporation of Thetford

7 House, garden and William Danziel Mackenzie ... Benjamin Storkey outbuildings

8 Cottage and garden Great Eastern Railway I William Newton Company

9 Cottage and garden Great Eastern Rail way Charles Lambert - .. Company

10 Cottage and Garden Great East_ern Railway John Cooper Company

I I p Cottage, Garden and. Great Eastern Railway William Clarke outbuildings Company

12 Railway station and Great Eastern Railway Great Eastern Railway works Company Company

._. I ...... '. ' ~ ' , ,, . ;' . ,, . .,, ./r'

i .Great Eastern Railway-General Powers. 55 t Diversion of Road and stopping up of Level Crossing at Thetford Station. County of Norfolk-Parish of Thetford Saint Peter-continued.

No.on Description of Owners or reputed ! Lessees or reputed Occupiers. Plan. Property. I Owners. Lessees. I I - 13 Road and level Corporation of Thetford ...... I ... .. crossing

14 Footpath Great Eastem Railway ...... Company





' ' i

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