Great Eastern Ra ilway (General 1885 Powers) Act 2/ 1885 East Anglia BoR's 48&49V: 93 ",' ':P, :~~1i ln PMliament.-Session 188'5. from the booking-office of the '.Epping Great Eastern Railway. Station, (General Powers). which said intended widenings and improve­ Widenings and Improvements of Railways from ments Nos. 2 and 3 will be wholly situate in Loughton to Epping.-From Colchester the county of Essex, and will be made or pass (North) Station to Hythe, and of parts of the from, in, through, or into the parishes, town­ Tendring Hundred Railway.-From Kennett ships, and extra-parochial or other places follow­ to Bnry St. Edmnnde.-Of Main Line near ing, or some of them, that is to say, Longhton, Globe-road, Mile End Old Town.-Diversion of Theydon Bois, Theydon Garnon, Chigwell, On. Road at Thetford.-Alteration of Bridges at gar, Theydon Mount, and Epping. West Ham and Cambridge.-Diversion of (d) A widening and improvement (No. 4) of Footpath at Dereham Station.-Stopping up so much of the railway from Colchester to '°f Level Crossing in the Parish of Birchanger, Hythe as lies between the eastern end of Essex.-Compnlsory Purchase of Lands.­ Colchester (North) Station, in the parish Additional Lands in various places.-Tolls.­ of St. Michael,.Mile End, in the county of Extension and Revival of Powers for Com~ Essex, and the Hythe Station in the parish pulsory PMchase of Lande for and Completion of St. Andrew, Greenstead, otherwise of certain Railways and Works authorised by Greenstead, in thfi county of Essex. the Gxeat Eastem Railway Act•, 1876, 1877, (•) A widening and improvement (No. 5) of 1879, 1881, 1882.-Ahandonment of certain the railway from Hythe to Wivenhoe, Railways aathorised hy the Great Eastern commencing in the parish of St. Botolph Railway Aot, 1879, and E... t Norfolk Railway (detached), at a point 3 chains or there­ Act, 1879, and Tramways authorised by the abouts, measured in a south-easterly direc. _-,. Great Eastern Railway Act, 1882.-Additional tion along the said railway, from. the Capital and Borrowing Powers.-Provisions booking-office of the H ythe Station, and .as to separa.te Capital for Parkeston Quay, terminating in the parish of W ivenhoe, Harwich.-Redemption of Preference Stocks. otherwise St. Mary, Wivenhoe, at or near Amendment of Acts, &o. the mile-post indicating 3f :miles from. OTICE is hereby given, that application is Colchester (North) Station. N intended to be made to Parliament, in (!) A widening and improvement (No. 6) of the next session, by or on behalf of the Great the said railway from Hythe to Wivenhoe, Eastern Railway Company (in this Notice commencing in the parish of Wivenhoe, <:alled ''the Company"), for leave to bring in a otberwise St. Mary Wivenhoe, at or nedW' Bill £or the purposes or some of the purposes the mile-post indicating 3i miles from. following, that is to say :- Colchester (North) Station, and terminating To authorise the Company to make and main. in the parish of Wivenhoe,· otherwise St. ta.in, with all proper stations, approaches, works, Mary Wivenhoe, at or near a. point 7 chains, and conveniences connected therewith respec­ measured in a westerly direction along the tively, the following works, or some o-£ them, or said railway, from the booking-office of some part or parts thereof respectively, that is Wivenhoe Station. to say:- (g) A widening and improvement (No. 7) of {a) A widening and improvement (No. 1), the Branch Railway from Eastgate Junction .situate wholly in the parish of Loughton . to St. Botolph's Station, Colchester, com . in the count.y of Essex, of the Company'; mencing in the parish 0£ St. James, at or Loughton a~ Ongar Branch Railway, near the Eastgate Junction, and termi.D,at .. commencing ,ai-&-point 10 chains, or there­ ing in the parish of St. Botol ph (detached), abouts, measured in a north-easterly direc­ at or near a point li chains, measured in tion along the s~ railway, from the au easterly direction along the said Branch booking-office of the Longhton Station, and Railway, from the centre of the bridge carry­ terminating at a point 2! chains or there­ ing it over the river Colne. abouts, measured in a south-westerlvdirec­ (h) A widening and improvement (No, 8) of tion· along the said railway, frO"m the the Branch Railway from St. Boltoph's booking-office of the Chigwell-lane Station. Station, Colchester, to H ythe;, commencing in the parish of St. Botolph (detached), at (b) A widening and improvement (No. 2), or near a point 1l cha.ins, measl-1.1'0d in an wholly situate in the county of Essex of easterly direction along the said Branch ·~. 'i the'. said Longhton and Ongar Bra~ch Railway, from the centre of the bridge Railway, commencing in the parish of carrying the said Branch Railway over the .".f~· Longhton at a :il<>int 10 chai11s or there­ river Colne, and terminating in the parish abouts, measured in a north-easterly direc­ of St. Andrew Greenstead, otherwise Green­ tion . along the said railway, from the stead, at or ~ear a point 2 chains, mefisure4 booking-office of the Chigwell-lane Station in a no,-th.we•terly direction along the said and terminating in the parish of Theydo~ railway, from the Hythe signal-box, Bois, at a point 4 chains or ihereabouts which said intended widenings and improve­ measured in a southerly direction along th; ments (Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) will be wholly said railway, from the booking-office of situate in the county 0£ Essex, and will be made Theydon Bois Station. pass from, in, thr9ugh, or into the parishes, (o) A widening and improvement (No. 3) townships, and extra.parochial or other places wholly sibnate in the county of Essex of following, Jr some of them,-that is to say : St. the said Longhton and Ongar Braµch Rill­ Michael Mile End, St, Botclph (detached), St. way, commencing in the parish of Theydon Andrew Greenstead, otherwise Greensteail, St. Bois, at a point 7! chains or therea.bonts, Lepnard, Wivenhoe, otherwise St. Mary Wiven­ m~asnn::d in a nol'therly direction along the hoe, Lexden, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Giles, St. said railway, from the boqkirt.g-office of James, All"Saints. Theydo~ Bois Station, and terminating in ( i) A widening and improvement (No. 9) of the P"';"sh of Theydon Gamon, at a point the Tendring Hundred Railway, wholly .5l chams o:r the~about13, measured in a sitnate in the parish of Thorrington, in the southerly direction along the siiid :;.lilway C!)nnty of Essex, commencing at or neM "' W'llr~ o 17 '· ' ''. •'·1 I) 2 point 5 chains, measured a.loD.g the said railway, and the Bill -.rill, ·dr may, rltiil. i railway in a westerly direction·, from the guish all public and other righ1is of way over ! booking-office of Thorrington Station, and the said railway, at the· point at which th~ terminating at or near a point 8 chains, said l"'blic road from Tltetford to T"°"Mile l measured in an easterly direction along the Bottom and Mnndford now cr0sses- tlie Mme said railway, from the said booking-office. on the level, and will atithorise the s'ti6pplng (k) A widening and improvement (No. IO) np of such level crossing. · . of the Tendring Hundred Railway, com­ (p) An alteration arid eXtensio±t fn the- parish mencing in the parish of Great Bentley, at of West Ham, in the county of Essex, of the or near a point 7-i chains, matt.sured· in a bridge carrying the London, Tilb'nry, and westerly direction along the B!l.id railway, Sonthend Railway over the North Woolwich l?om the booking·office of Great Bentley Branch Railway of the Company. Station, and terminating in the parish of W eeley; at or near a point 8 chains, measured (q) An alteration and extension in the ~ in a. westerly direction along the said rail­ of St. Andrew-the-Less, Cambridge, in the way, from the booking-office of Weeley county of Cambridge, of the bridge carrying , Station. the Hills-road over the main :µne of· ·the ~~ (l) A widening and improvement (No. 11) Company near the Cambridge Stati°"" ~~"0 . of the Tendring Hundred Railway, com­ To empower the Company to divert or alter in "'· mencing in the parish of Weeley, at or near the parish of East Dereham, in the ooutdiy of · ,, a point 3 chains, measured in an easterly Norfolk, the public footpath now cr0ssUit the ilirection along the said railway, from the Company's Dereham and Wells Railway on' 'the booking-office of the Weeley Station, and level at or near the north end of the De...... terminating in the parish of Thorp-le­ Station, between a point on the west side· Ot-the Soken, at or near a point 10 chains, said railway about 14 yards from the centre of measured in a westerly direction along the the railway, and a point on the east side of the said railway, from the booking-office of the said railway, 14 yards from the centre· thereof, Thorpe Station, and the Bill will or may extinguish all public or which said intended wideniuge and improve­ other rights of way over the said railway at the ments Nos. 10 and 11 will be wholly situate in point at which the said footpath now crosses the the county of Essex, and will be made pass from, said railway on the level in, through, or into the parishes, townships, and To authorise the stopping up of the I~ extra-parochial or oth!'l' places following, or crossin;: over the Compan;i:'s railway &om some of them,-that is to say: Great Bentley, Bishops Stortford to Cambndge, in the pariah Tendring, Weeley, Thorp-le-Boken.
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