THE GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20, 1900. 7167

In Parliament.—Session 1901. making other Provision, as to Remuneration Great; Eastern Railway (General Powers). • of Members of Norfolk and Joint (Extension or Farther Extension of Time for Railways Committee; Purchase of Lands for Completion of Saint Ives to Huntingdon and Erection, Letting, &c., of Cottages, &c.; Railway, and of Widening and Improvement Subscription towards Expenses for Purposes of Company's Felixsfcowe Railway, and of of Harbour Act, 1863, &c.; Subscrip- Railways Nos. 1 and 2 authorised by Great tions towards Provident Benefit, Orphan, or Eastern Railway (General Powers) Act, other Funds; Erection, Letting, &c., of 1897, and of Widening and Improvement Houses at ; Application of Funds of Company's Ware and Hertford Branch, by Company and Great Northern Railway and of Authorised Line or Lines of Rails Company; Amendment of Acts, &c.) authorised by Section 5 (Sub-section i) of "TVTOTICE is hereby given, that application above Act of 1897, and of Railway No. 1 JLl is intended to be made to Parliament in authorised by Great Eastern Railwav (New the ens n ing Session, by or on behalf of the Lines in Norfolk and Suffolk) Act, 1897, Great Eastern Railway Company (in this Notice and of Works authorised by Great Eastern called " the Company "), for leave to bring in a Railway (Lowestoft Harbour) Act, 1897, and Bill for the following purposes or some of them for the Purchase of Lands for and the Com- (that is to say) :— pletion of the Widening of the Company's 1. To further extend the periods now respec- Siding or Line of Rails from their Upper to tively limited for the completion of the following their Lower Goods Yard at and of the works, viz.:— Bridge by which such Siding or Line of (1) The improvement of the railway from Rails is carried over the River Orwell, and of Saint Ives to Huntingdon, authorised by the Widening and Improvement (No. 6), and Section 7, Sub-section (c), of the Great Extension of the Company's East Suffolk Eastern Railway Act, 1877 (the powers Line authorised by the Great Eastern Rail- relating to which improvement were by way (General Powers) Act, 1898, and the Section 49 of the Great Eastern Railway Railway ( Junction, No. 1) autho- (General Powers) Act, 1887, transferred to rised by the Great Eastern Railway Com- and are now vested in the Great Northern pany and Midland and Great Northern and Great Eastern Joint Committee), and Railways Joint Committee Act, 1898; Con- the time for the completion of which is struction of New Public Carriage Road at now limited by the Great Eastern Railway Edmonton, and Bridge for Carrying the New (General Powers) Act, 1896. Road over the Company's Northern and (2) The widening and improvement autho- Eastern Railway, and Substitution of New rised by Section 5, Sub-section (j), of the Bridge for Bridge required to be Constructed - Great Eastern Railway (General Powers) by Section 23 of the Great Eastern Act, 1890, of the Company's Felixstowe Railway (General Powers) Acfc, 1899, Railway, and therein called widening and and Conveyance by the Edmonton Urban improvement (No. 9), and the time for the District Council and otlier Parties to or completion of which is now limited by the the Vesting in Company of Necessary Great Eastern Railway (General Powers) Lands, &c.; Laying Out and Maintenance Act, 1899. of New Bridge and Approaches by Edmonton 2. To extend the periods now respectively Urban District Council; Application of limited for the completion of the following Funds by and further Money Powers to works, viz.:— that Council; Stopping up of Level Crossing (1) The railways (No. 1) and (No. 2) over Company's Railway in Edmonton; authorised by Section 5, Sub-sections (A) Additional Lines of Rails in Parish of Saint and (B), of the Great Eastern Railway Peter, Ipswich; Compulsory Purchase of (General Powers) Act, 1897 (hereinafter Lands, .Houses, &c.; Additional Lands for called " the Act of 1897 "). Extraordinary Purposes, &o.; Compulsory (2) The widening and improvement authorised Purchase of further Lands, Houses, and by Section 5, Sub-section (F), of the Act of Buildings in Counties of Middlesex, , 1897 of the Company's Ware and Hertford Suffolk, and Norfolk, and parts of Kesteven, Branch. in County of Lincoln, including Lammas and (3) The line or lines of rails authorised by Commonable or Common Lands at Totten- Section 5, Sab-section (i), of the Act of ham and North Wootton; Stopping up of 1897. Level Crossing near Company's (4) The railway (No. 1) authorised by the Station and over Company's Enfield Branch ; Great Eastern Railway (New Lines in Stopping up, &c., of Footpaths Crossing Norfolk and Suffolk) Act, 1897 .(the Lands to be Purchased, or Company's powers relating to which railway are now Railways; Exemption from 92nd Section vested as to part thereof in the Company, of Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, and as to other part thereof by Section 2R 1845; Confirmation of Purchase of Lands of the Great Eastern Railway Company in Counties of London, Middlesex, Essex, and Midland and Great Northern Railways and Suffolk; Extinguishment of Rights Joint Committee Act, 1898, in the Norfolk of Way, &c., over Roads, Footpaths, and Suffolk Joint Railways Committee). or Ways to be Diverted or Stopped Up, or (5) The works authorised by the Great over Railways of or Leased or Worked by Eastern Railway (Lowestoft Harbour) Act, Company ; Extension of Time for Sale of 1897. . Superfluous Lands connected with Railways 3. To extend the periods now respectively of or Leased or Worked by Company; limited for the compulsory purchase of lands Further Contributions by Company and for, and for the completion of the following Great Northern Railway Company to Joint works: — Undertaking, and Confirmation of Expendi- (1) The widening authorised by Section 5, ture already made therefor; Conversion of Sub-section 3 (A) of the Great Eastern Preference Stocks of the Company; Voting ; Railway (General Powers) Act, 1898 (here- Amendment or Repeal of Provision, and inafter called "the Act of 1898"), of the No. 27248. E