Monna Vanna ; but She Suggested, Too, the BRIGHTON and SOUTH COAST RAILWAY
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REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER FOR TRANSMISSION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, AND TO CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND BY MAGAZINB POST. N o . 3 9 2 7 .— vol. cxLV. SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1914 SIXPENCE, The Copyright of all the Editorial Matter, both Engravings and Letterpress, is Strictly Reserved in Great Britain, the Colonies, Europe, and the United States of America, I SHALL GO TO THE VERY END IN THE DEFENCE OF MY WIFE ” : M. JOSEPH CAILLAUX REVIEWING THE WHOLE OF HIS CAREER IN HIS EVIDENCE AT THE TRIAL OF MADAME CAILLAUX. M. Caillaux gave his evidence on the second day of his wife’s trial for shooting contrast to the quiet procedure of an English court of law. In the course of his M. Gaston Calmette, and, like her, spoke at great length. The speech, in which he speech, M. Caillaux said, regarding his conduct in the Franco-German crisis of 1911: reviewed both his private life and his public career, occupied two hours and a-half, “ If there are any diplomatic documents, let them be brought here. I await and developed into an impassioned defence of his political actions. The whole scene, them. That is all I shall say for the moment, but if necessary I will become more with its atmosphere of heated debate and angry recriminations, presented a remarkable precise. I shall go to the very end in the defence of my wife.” P h o t o g r a p h b y M a n u e l . THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, J uiy 25, 1914.— 122 [{ARWICH ROUTE SCIENCE JOTTINGS. PARLIAMENT. TO THE CONTINENT THE FASHION FOR EFFERVESCING DRINKS. HE struggle over the Irish question underwent a Via H O O K O F H O LL A N D (British Royal Mail Route) Daily n r HE daily Press has lately drawn attention to the sensational change on Monday when the Prime by Turbine Steamers. Liverpool Street Station dep. 8.30 p.m. Through -L fact that nowadays nearly all our drinks are T Carriages and Restaurant Cars from and to the Hook of Holland Minister informed the House of Commons that the King alongside the steamers. effervescent. If one were asked the reason of their had summoned representatives of parties, both British and LONDON TO PEKIN in 14 DAYS. TOKIO in 16 DAYS. choice, one would probably answer that efferves Irish, to a conference at Buckingham Palace. Summonses Via A N 1 WERP for BRUSSELS, Every Week-day by Twin- cent drinks quench the thirst better than still ones; had been issued to Mr. Asquith and Mr. Lloyd George, for Screw Steamers. Liverpool Street Station, dep. 8.40 p.m. and to a certain extent this is true. The slight the Government ; the Marquess of Lansdowne and Mr. WIRELESS TELEGRAPH and SUBMARINE SIGNALLING stinging or pricking of the palate that follows on Bonar Law, for British Unionists ; Sir Edward Carson and on the Great Eastern Railway Steamers. drinking liquids charged with carbonic acid gas pro Captain Craig, for Irish Unionists ; and Mr. John Redmond and Mr. Dillon, for the Nationalists. A crowded House of Via E SB JE R G for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, by the Danish Royal duces immediately an increased flow of saliva, and Mail Steamers of the Forenede Line of Copenhagen, Mondays, Commons, with anticipations excited by a disclosure in Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Liverpool Street Station, thus diminishes for the moment the sensation of dep. 7.13 p.m. Dining and Restaurant Cars. the Press, awaited the official statement, and in the Gallery thirst. But in this world, as the Greeks said, the were foreign Ambassadors and a large number of Peers. Via H AM BURG by the General Steam Navigation Company’s steamers “ Ortolan ” and “ Peregrine,” fitted with Wireless Telegraphy, every gods sell us all things at a price, and there is sure to N ext to Mr. Bonar Law on the Front Opposition Bench Wednesday and Saturday. Liverpool Street Station, dep. 8.40 p.m. be some drawback to the benefit thus obtained. sat Mr. Balfour, who entered with him. Mr. Asquith’s Corridor Trains with 1st and 2nd class Dining and Breakfast Cars. Single, 1st class, 44s. • 2nd class, 30s. Return, 1st class, 66s.; announcement of the Conference was received in respectful silence, broken by cheers when he mentioned that, at the 2nd class, 45s. The first thing one notices after effervescing drinks Via GO 1H EN B U R G for Sweden by the Swedish Royal Mail steamers King’s suggestion, the Speaker had consented to preside. (fitted with Wireless Telegraphy and Siibmaiine .signalling) of the is that the relief they bring is only temporary, and is Acceptance was intimated sans phrase by Mr. Bonar Law Thule Line, every Saturday, May-September. followed by a reaction in which the thirst is actually on behalf of the Unionists, and also by Mr. Redmond on The London-Hook of Holland, London-Antwerp and York-Harwicli Express Trains consist of Corridor Vestibuled Carriages with Dining and Breakfast Cars. No supple increased. The salivary glands are no more sus behalf of the Nationalists, the latter, however, taking care mentary cl large for seats. Through Corridor Carriages from and to Liverpool, Man i to disclaim any responsibility for the policy of the calling chester, Warrington, Sheffield, Bradford (Exchange), Leeds, Birmingham and Rugby. ceptible to perpetual stimulation than any other, and of the Convention. His attendance at the Palace in The Trains to Parkeston Quay, Harwich, run alongside the steamers, after each period of excitement one of depression and hand-baggage is taken on board free of charge. supervenes. Young soldiers on route-marches quickly obedience to a royal command was a departure from the Particulars of the Continental Traffic Manager, Great Eastern Railway, I.iverpool tradition of the Home Rule Party. In the House of Lords Street Station, London. E.C. come to understand this, and to discover that the Marquess of Crewe assured Lord Courtney that there the more water they drink the thirstier they get, had been in connection with this matter no abrogation of Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government. and that it is best, therefore, to limit the quantity Ministerial responsibility. The Home Rule Amending Bill, P. & o. MAIL & PASSENGER SERVICES. of liquid swallowed. Moreover, the saliva contains as transformed by the Peers, was to have been discussed EGYPT, INDIA, CHINA, JAPAN, AUSTRALASIA, &c. matters of great importance for the digestion of food, in the House of Commons at the beginning of this week, Conveying Passengers and Merchandise to A L L E A S T E R N PO RTS. particularly of starchy foods ; and if it all be washed but in view of the Conference its consideration was post down the throat into the bowel as soon as it is poned. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister, in order to secure For freight and passage apply the rapid winding-up of an anxious session, had made a secreted a great part of its usefulness is lost. It P O Q NT P n J I22> Leadenhall Street, E.C. ) T great sacrifice of legislation, deferring nearly all the •I • ’ • v ^ O ., 1 Northumberland Avenue, W.C. j L i O llO O I l. would therefore seem that a less wasteful way, important contentious measures till the next session, physiologically, of promoting the flow of saliva might which is to begin in the last week of November or the first Q A N A D A FOR HOLIDAYS AND SPORT. be adopted with profit. The consumption of alcohol week of December. The two sides of the House joined in ALLAN rm°aiall L 1 N E much diluted, of tobacco for most smokers (but not a kindly reception to Mr. Austen Chamberlain when he Popular Pioneer Service. First Sailing, 1819.— Famed for comfort, for exceptional cuisine, for all), and best of all, of fruit containing sub-acid was introduced as Member for his father’s constituency, for service, and for everything that makes an ocean voyage safe and-pleasant. West Birmingham, Mr. Asquith exchanging a nod with NEW Q.T.S.S. ALSATIAN and CALGARIAN. juices are among these more excellent ways. him as he passed the Treasury Bench ; and a cordial LARGEST and FASTEST to CANADA. welcome was given to his successor in East Worcestershire, Shortest Ocean passage to America : Only 4 Days Open Sea. Canada for Fishing, Shooting, Camping, Canoeing. Magnificent See ery. Tours for Apart from this, however, effervescent drinks can Mr. Leverton Harris, who was formerly an active member. three w eeks and upwards planned. Canada for profitable investment. A L L A N L IN E , 14, Cockspur Street, S.VV.; 19, James St., Liverpool, &c. be shown to exercise a deleterious effect on the digestion. This is probably due to the fact that all of “ M ON N A VAN N A,” AT THE QUEENS. Y ) K - H EN RY S. LUNN, Ltd. them are charged with carbonic acid gas either pur 5, Endsleigh Gardens, Euston, London, N.W. posely pumped into them or arising naturally in the OW absurd it seems that “ Monna V ann a” should have process of manufacture. For carbonic acid gas is PALACE MONTANA, PALACE MURREN, ATHOLL PALACE, H had to wait till last Tuesday for its first licensed already constantly present in the stomach, especially performance in this country ! Here is a drama the whole PITLOCHRY, ALLAN WATER HOTEL, SWISS AND ITALIAN idea of which is to show how evil a thing is jealousy, and TOURS. PALESTINE, 46 Gns. in the empty stomach, where it discharges some function not yet definitely ascertained, but which is what a power a woman’s purity and sweetness can exer £5 15s.