The London Gazette, November 26, 1886. 5819
THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1886. 5819 money or premiums; and will define and regu- reference thereto; also to apply their capital and late the powers of the Company of raising funds in the erection, in the parish of Ramsey, in money by debenture stock instead of borrowing the county of Essex, of buildings, houses, and on mortgage; and will vary or extinguish rights cottages for the accommodation and use of the or privileges, and amend the provisions of the servants of the Company employed at Parkeston Great Eastern Railway (Additional Powers) Quay and otherwise, and also of any buildings Acts, 1869 and 1878, relating to the B Debenture which may be required with reference to the Stock. steamboat service of the Company, either at To amend and extend the provisions of " The Parkeston or elsewhere, connected with the Great Eastern Railway (General Powers) Act. undertaking of the Company. 1883 " (Sec. 34), relating to the letting, use, and To authorise the Company to accept a lease of occupation for the purposes of the sale of the the undertaking of the Ely and Newmarket articles therein mentioned, of the buildings, Railway Company, and to enable that Company works, and lands belonging to or in connection to grant a lease thereof to the Company, and to with the Bishopsgate Goods Dep6t, in the parishes amend, vary, repeal, or extend the provisions of of Christchurch, Spitalfields, St. Matthew, "The Ely and Newmarket Railway Act, 1875," Bethnal Green, and St. Leonard, Shoreditch, or and of " The Great Eastern Railway Act, 1881," some
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