The London Gazette, November 26, 1886. 5819
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1886. 5819 money or premiums; and will define and regu- reference thereto; also to apply their capital and late the powers of the Company of raising funds in the erection, in the parish of Ramsey, in money by debenture stock instead of borrowing the county of Essex, of buildings, houses, and on mortgage; and will vary or extinguish rights cottages for the accommodation and use of the or privileges, and amend the provisions of the servants of the Company employed at Parkeston Great Eastern Railway (Additional Powers) Quay and otherwise, and also of any buildings Acts, 1869 and 1878, relating to the B Debenture which may be required with reference to the Stock. steamboat service of the Company, either at To amend and extend the provisions of " The Parkeston or elsewhere, connected with the Great Eastern Railway (General Powers) Act. undertaking of the Company. 1883 " (Sec. 34), relating to the letting, use, and To authorise the Company to accept a lease of occupation for the purposes of the sale of the the undertaking of the Ely and Newmarket articles therein mentioned, of the buildings, Railway Company, and to enable that Company works, and lands belonging to or in connection to grant a lease thereof to the Company, and to with the Bishopsgate Goods Dep6t, in the parishes amend, vary, repeal, or extend the provisions of of Christchurch, Spitalfields, St. Matthew, "The Ely and Newmarket Railway Act, 1875," Bethnal Green, and St. Leonard, Shoreditch, or and of " The Great Eastern Railway Act, 1881," some or one of them, in the county of Middlesex; relating to the Ely aud Newmarket Railway and to confirm by the Bill or provide for the Company, and to sanction, confirm, and give confirmation of agreements entered into or effect to any agreement made, or to be made, which may be entered into between the Company between the two Companies for any of the pur- and the owners aud lessee of the Spitalfields poses aforesaid, and to enable the Company to Market, in the parish of Christchurch, Spitalfields, exercise the powers of the Ely and Newmarket in the county of Middlesex, and the rents and Railway Company under such lease, whether of tolls thereof, and to enable the Company to give working and maintaining the railway, levying effect to those agreements, and to provide for tolls, rates, and duties, or otherwise. the establishment of a market at .the said To vary and extinguish all rights and privileges Bishopsgate Goods Depot for the sale of vege- which would interfere with the objects of the tables, roots, and fruit, and other marketable Bill, and to confer other rights and privileges. produce, as well as of the articles already To repeal or amend the provisions or some of authorised, and also to carry on and continue the provisions of the several Acts of Parliament the market for the sale of vegetables, roots, following; or some of them, that is to say, the fruit, and other marketable produce carried on Great Eastern Railway Acts, 186*, 1872, 1874, by the Company on certain lands adjoining the 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, North Woolwich Branch Railway of the Company, 1885, and any-other Acts relating to the Com- and adjoining the Stratford Market Station, and pany, and 9 and 10 Vic., cap. 345, 13 and 14 Vic., lying on the west side of the said branch railway cap. 37, 19 and 20 Vic., cap. 17, 26 and 27 Vic., and between that railway and the Channelsea cap. 1, and any other Acts relating to the Cam- River (hereinafter referred to as " the Stratford bridge Improvement Commissioners or Corpora- Market"), and to let and grant the use and occu- tion of Cambridge. pation of any of the said premises for the Plans and sections of the proposed works, so purposes of the sale of vegetables, roots, fruit, far as they are of the second class specified in the and other marketable produce; and so far as may Standing Orders of either House of Parliament, be necessary to exempt the said Bishopsgate and plans of the lands which may be subject to Goods Dep6t and the Stratford Market and the the compulsory powers of purchase to be con- Company in respect thereof from any market or ferred by the intended Act, together with books other rights or privileges of the Corporation of of reference to the said plans respectively, con- the city of London, and the owners of or other taining the names of the owners and lessees, or persons interested in the Spitalfields Market, or reputed owners and lessees, and of the occupiers of any other corporation or person, and to vary of such lands, will be deposited as follows, that or extinguish such rights and privileges, and to is to say:—In the case of all works and lands in empower the Company to erect, construct, and the county of Suffolk with the Clerk of the maintain as part of their undertaking all neces- Peace for that county, at his office at Ipswich. sary or convenient market houses, market places, In the case of all works and lands in the county stalls, shops, warehouses, buildings, roads, ap- of Cambridge, with the Clerk of the Peace for proaches, sewers, drains, works, and con- that county, at his office at Cambridge. In the veniences connected with the said proposed case of all works and lands in the Isle of Ely, in markets; to sell or demise the said lands and the ceunty of Cambridge, with the Clerk of the premises, or any part thereof; to take, demand, Peace for the Isle of Ely, at his office at Wis- collect, levy, and recover rates, tolls, dues, bech, and with the Clerk of the Peace for the stallages, charges, and rents for, or in respect of, county of Cambridge, at his office at Cambridge. the said markets, market houses, market places, In the case of all works and lands in the county stalls, shops, warehouses, buildings, and lands, of Essex, with the Clerk of the Peace for that and to compound for and confer exemptions from county, at his office at Chelmsford. In the case such rates, tolls, dues, stallages, charges, and of all works aud lands in the county of Norfolk, rents. with the Clerk of the Peace for that county, at To authorise the Company to apply and expend his office at Norwich. In the case of all works their capital or funds in providing accommoda- and lands in the county of the city of Norwich, tion for visitors using the piers of the Company with the Clerk of the Peace for that county, at situate at Lowestoft, and any other place of sea- his office at Norwich, and with the Clerk of the side resort, and to erect and maintain reading, Peace for the county of Norfolk, at his office concert, waiting, and other rooms, works, and at Norwich. In the case of all works and conveniences for the use of persons frequenting lands in the county of Middlesex, with the Clerk the piers, or any of them; and from time to time of the Peace for that county, at his office at the to let or demise the same for terms of years or Sessions House, Clerkenwell. In the case of all otherwise; and to amend and extend the pro- works and lands in the city of London, with the visions of "The Great Eastern Railway Act, Clerk of the Peace for that city, at his office at 1881,"-as-to the provision of public baths at the Sessions House, in the Old Bailey, and with Lowestoft, and the powers of the Company with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Middle-.