Entry for ACALYPHA acrogyna Pax [ ]



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Page 1 of 2 Entry for ACALYPHA acrogyna Pax [family EUPHORBIACEAE]

Herbarium Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K) Collection Flora of Tropical Africa Resource Type Reference Sources Entry from Flora of Tropical Africa, Vol 6 Part 1, page 441 (1913) Author: (By J. G. Baker, with additions by C. H. Wright.) Names ACALYPHA acrogyna Pax [family EUPHORBIACEAE], in Engl. Jahrb. xliii. 323. sp De Wild. & Th. Durand [family EUPHORBIACEAE], Reliq. Dewevr. 209. Information A up to 7 ft. high; branches covered with grey bark, glabrescent; lateral flowering branchlets very short, puberulous. crowded, obovate or elliptic-lanceolate, acutely acuminate, attenuated to and obtuse at the base, 1 1/2–3 in. long, 1–1 3/4 in. broad, crenate-serrate, thinly chartaceous or membranous, glabrous except on the pubescent lateral nerves below; lateral nerves 5–6 on each side, distinctly looped and branched well within the margin, prominent on both surfaces, with tufts of hairs in their axils below; tertiary nerves very distant, freely anastomosing; petiole 1/4– 1/2 in. long, crisped-pubescent; stipules linear-subulate, keeled on the back, subcoriaceous, glabrous, 2 lin. long. bisexual, fasciculate at the ends of short lateral branches, 1 1/2–4 in. long, male flowers numerous in the lower, females 2–4 in the upper part; axis slender, crisped-pubescent. Male buds sparingly puberulous. Female bracts small, 1-flowered. Sepals 5, ovate-lanceolate, ciliate in the upper part. Ovary conspicuously echinate; styles 3, much laciniate, glabrous. Capsule echinate, about 2 1/2 lin. in diam. Seeds rounded, smooth. Distribution South Central Belgian Congo: Fort Beni, Mildbraed, 2334! 2341! 2455! forest of N'Kembo, Dewèvre, 441!


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