Congressional Reoord-House. '4041
1898. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-HOUSE. '4041 NAY&--M. directed to intervene at once to stop the war in Cuba to the end and with the Allen, Cockrell, McLaurin, Rawlins, purpose of securing permanent peace and order there and establishing by Bacon, Daniel, Mallory, Roach, the free action of the people thereof a stable and independent government Bate, Harris, Mantle, Stewart, of their own in the Isiand of Cuba; and the President is hereby authorized Berry, Heitfeld, Martin. Teller, and empowered to use the land and naval forces of the United States to exe Butler, Jones, Ark. Mitchell, Turley, cute the purpose of this resolution. Caffery, Jones, Nev. Money, Turner, lN TBE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, Cannon, Kenney, Pasco, T!!t', _ .Apn116, 1898. Chilton, Lindsay, Pettigrew, White. Resolved That the joint resolution from the House of Representatives Clay, McEnery, Pettus, (H. Res. 23fn entitled" Joint resolution authorizing and directing the Presi NOT VOTING-12. dent of the 'United St-ates to intervene to stop the war in Cuba, and for the Gorman, Murphy, Thurston, Walthall. purpose of establishing a stable and independent government of the people Hoar, Platt, N.Y. Tillman, Wellington, therein," do pass with the following Mills, Smith, Vest, Wetmore. .A.MEND.MENTS: . So the report was agreed to. Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert: First. That the people of the Island of Cuba are,.and of right ought to be, Mr. ALLISON. I move that the Senate adjourn. free and independent- Mr. ELKINS. I move that the Senate adjourn until the day [Applause]- after to-morrow.
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