Medical News. Rising Institution
898 course of people, the procession alone numbering several wild roses; Miss Baillie-Cochrane, October, hops. The hundreds. He was much respected, and the lustre of his costumes were of a very pleasing character, and the ladies father’s name shone out with renewed splendour at the who organised this quadrille are to be complimented on the funeral of the son. success it achieved. The company dispersed at an early hour of the morning, having spent a very pleasant and en- joyable evening. We trust the ball has been the means of adding considerably to the funds of this excellent and Medical News. rising institution. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. - The following Members, having passed the requisite ex- THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, 1872. aminations for the Fellowship on the 29th, 30tb, and 31st " were, at a of the Council held on the 19th the following list the letters P.S.D." signify Port Sanitary ult., meeting " " District, inst., duly admitted Fellows of the College :- InI R.S.D." Rural Sanitary District, and U.S.D." Urban Sanitary District.1 Anderson, Richd. B., L.S.A., Delamere-cresct., Westbourne-terr. Bovill, Edward, James-street. Buckley, Samuel, M.B. Lond., Crumpsall. Chaffers, Edward, L.S.A., Keighley, Yorkshire. Clark, Andrew, L.S.A., Old Burlington-street. Furner, Willoughby, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. Jalland, William H., L.R.C.P. Lond., Nottingham. Lowne, Benjamin T.,L.S.A., Colville-gardens, Notting-hill. M’Carthy, Jeremiah, M.B. Lond., South-street. M’Kellar, Alexander 0., Royal Free Hospital. Morris, Henry, M.B. Lond., Bedford-square.
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