TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRAR ' RECEIVED Pub.\i.fJwd 1 51916 throug~&ut the Cb~&IRfFcORD, CONN.


DR. HALL AN INTERESTING SECOND TRACK MEET HELD. TRIPOD MINiJTES. COlLEGE NEWSPAPER MEN FIGURE. MEET IN . Settiors ate Leading the Field. Board Holds Annual Meeting. New MaxoH. of the Tripod Witts Political Address Here Saturday MehiRers Elt~cl:etl . The Seniors are showing their heels Editorial Prize. Night Will Express Vigorous to all the other classes in the irtterclass Tripoa Room; With eleven colleges represented, the Views. track competition. Aft~tr winning the April 11, 1916. first of the series by a large margin, FourtiR Annual Convention of the The annual meetiiig of the board Assot:iation of Eastern College News­ Added interest to the address which the 1916 men piled up a lead ii:l the was called to order by R. L. Maxon, papers held at New York last Friday Professor Walter Phelps Hall of Prince­ first installment of the second meet, Editor-in-Chief, at five o'clock. and 'Saturday was a great success. ton is to deliver at Trinity on Satmday which was run on Tuesday afternoon. evening, April 15, is given by the fact The entire board was present. Representatives were pres~nt fron: Yale, 'The Seniors secured 26 points, the The minutes of the two previous that he is a relative of Professor William Sophomores 21 , and the Freshmen and Columbia, i5rinceton, Pennsylvania, Lyon Phelps of Yale, whose recent meetings were read, corrected, and Harvard, N.Y.Urliversity, Trinity, Am­ Juniors had 11 and 3 respectively. approved. address in Hartford concerning war, Jarvis, '19, showed up well in the herst, Williams, Penn. Eltate, Union, and pnlj:>aredness, and patriotism, aroused Mr. Maxon suggested that the Wesleyan. One of the teatutes of the pole vault. Despite the fact that the Juniors in the editoriai department be so much nation-wide comment. But height was only 9 feet, 10 inches. Convention was the banqttet held at the Professor Hall's views on these subjects elected Managing Editors, to continue Hotel McAlpin Friday night, at which Jarvis cleared the bar by a goodly as such tin til May i 7, orl which date are M direct variance with those held margin and could easily have gone the :::peakers were Arthur Brisbane, by Ptofessor Phelps. Professor Hall's the 1915-16 board shall elect the new Editor of the New York Journal, Dr. higher had he been pressed. The pole editor-in-tJhief from these three men. subject on Saturday night will be vault was one· of the week spots on the Talcott Williams, head of the Columbia "Wliy the Republican Candidate for The other two Mahaging Editors shall St)hool of Journalism, Thds. b. Taylot, team last year and Coach Harmon has then become Associate Editors, and the Presidency shOuld be Elected," a good performer in Jarvis. The Publisher of the Philadelphia Telegraph, two of the Sophomore!! on. the board and lie rhay pl:!rh!lps incorporate into Sophomores secured all three places in and J. Vincent Fortestal, former Chair­ his addres!:l something that will be in shall be elected td the MaMging Editor rrilm of the Princetonian. the high jump. George, '16, ran a vacancies. Each Martaging Editor refutation of the op~riioris of Professor The Corlventioh openetl Friday thorrt­ fine race in the one and one-half mile shall put out twb issues. Phelps. handicap. Running from scratch, he ing at Morningside Heights with a Mr. Maxon's suggestion was put into Professor Hall was graduated from passed all the handicap men and took conference of the Business Managers Yale before taltiltg his Ph.D. at Colum­ the form of a motion by Mr. Harding held in conjunction with the Executive first place. Heats were run in the antl carried. Accordirtgly Messrs. bia, arid he taught at Amherst before dashes. The summary: Committee of College Newspaper Pub­ goirig to Princeton. Consequently his Bierck, Clement and Kirkby became iishers. In the afternoon the editorial Shot-put-Spoffor~, first; Easland, aadress at Trinity will be of interest Managing Editors. members conferred, the discussiorl tak­ second; Bjorn, third. Distance, 42 not ohly to Trinity tneh, but to ali M. SliUlthiess, '18, was elected to ing up the "Functions of the Editorial" feet; 6 inches. , yale, · Prhiceton ahd Amherst m n in succeed J. E. Bierck, '17, as Athletic and "The Scope of College Journalism.'' Pole vault-Jarvis, first; Maxon, Hartforfi. Tlit! atldrllss tlhould attract Editor. P. H. Allin~, '19, was elected Problems of special application to the second. Height, 9 feet, 10 inches. a iarge audiE!nce for tlie added reasons Associate Editor to succeed A. Harding, individual papers were also considered. High jump-Toll1 first; Shult:hiess, that Professor Hall is not only an enter­ Jr., '16, R. W. Storrs, '17, was elected A pleasing interlude in the p~dgram and Bjorn, second, tied. Heiglit, 5 taining speaker, but the holder of Circulation Mahagef to sucl'!eea L. R. was lt lunt!heon givett llt tHe Columbia feet 6 inches. forceful views concerning our national Miller, '16. A. J. Haase, '19; was Coh1tnons by Dr. Tal

miliar with our political questions and INTERCOLLEGIATE NOTES., problems. There is always to be foun,d / the collegian who, when he votes, casts Tex,as University has among its About HYorkett ~be~ripob his' ballot for the candidate of a particu­ enrolled students a most unusual base­ Publlahed Tueadaya and Frldaya throuahout lar party without much knowledge of ball player in Dick Hooper, who, Shirts the colleae year by the atud8Jlta despite the fact that he has only one of Trinity Colleae. just what that party stands for. He We are never tired telling will talk glibly about being a Republican arm, has been elected captain of the of their good qualities, how Texas University team. Hooper is well they are made, what fine because he believes in the Republican materials are used, and how ideas concerning the tariff, or about an outfielder and wears a glove on his perfectly they fit. It is these SubiCribera are ur~ted to report promptly any being a Democrat because he agrees surviving hand, which is the right one. good points that put YORKE ~- ~arity In the .receipt of the Tripod. There is only a stump on the left side A!.l compla.nta and bualn- communieatlo!UI with Democratic views regarding the · SHIRTS so far in the lead of of his body. When playing his position all others. ahould be addreaed to the Circulation Mana~ter. corporations. But upon close question­ The column of the Tripod are at all time., open , on the diamond, Hooper catches the Our Easter Showing of ing he will reveal the fact that his to alumni, underuaduates and others for the free knowledge of these and of other im­ ball and then tosses it a short distance these superior Shirts embodies dl.oeualon of matters of lnterlllt to Trlulty men. all the newest and nobbiest portant questions of the day is ex­ into the air above his head. This Crashes, Silks and Linens, ceedingly general and hazy and super­ gives him a chance to withdraw his Madras, Silk and Cotton Pon­ right hand from the glove, which 1 he gees and light-weight Cheviot, ficial. He will not be able to tell just in black and white stripes, or Mana&lne Editors why he believes in a protective tariff place..s under what is left of his left the new plaids. See our line JOHN E. BIERCK, '1'7. or in competition as a remedy for our arm. When the ball descends he of new YORKE SHIRTS­ THERON B. CLEMENT, '1'7, industrial evils. Of the conditions that clutches it and throws it to any part, (}f KENTS. KIRKBY, '1'7. $1.00 to $7.50 each. gave rise to these institutions and the diamond where there is a chance for Alumni Editor, a put-out. Hooper goes through with JOSEPH BUFFINGTON, JR. '18. problems, of their history, of the arguments pro and con concerning this whole operation with wonderful Athletie Editor, them, he knows little. Perhaps, if speed. ' Brown, Thomson MELVILLE SHULTHIESS, '18. he is honest, he will admit that he is Tulane is to have' an immense new A1110clate Edltora, a Democrat simply because bis father stadium if present prospects are ful­ & Company PAUL H. ALLING, '19. and grandfather before him were filled. Many big interests are assuring BUSINESS DEPARTMENT. Democrats, or that he is a Republican help in the project for the rebuildi"ng Circulation Manaeer, because Aunt Maria has always said of the old stadium destroyed in ~he RALPH W. STORRS, '17. that Democrat; were unrefined and October storm. The students and Assistant Circulation Manager, ungenteel. alumni ·are each going to contribute a Easter Week A J. HAASE, '19. This attitude toward the great day of personal work. is Advertising Manager and Treaaurer political right which each of us possesses, The expense of an education at Y~le GUY M. BALDWIN, '1'7. that of casting his ballot, is one of the has amounted to $1,087,564 to the Auiatant Advertlsine Mana~ter, prime causes of many of our political 325 men in the Class of 1916, according ~eckvvear ~eek CHARLES F. IVES, '18. evils. If each of us thoroughly ac­ to the Senior statistical blanks which quaints himself with the whys and have just been made out. This is an This is the time that the new CRAVAT wherefores of the more important increase of over $8,000 over last year's takes on extra importance. Entered aa aeeond-clau matter September 2,, 1909, points in the doctrine of our political senior class. The average at Yale at the Poat Office at Hartford, Conn. parties, then each of us will be enabled has been $4,073; one man has spent

Cornell University Medical College COEBILL· IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ADMITS graduates of Trinity College, presenting the required Physics, Chemistry $2.50 HAT and 13iology. · · . None Better for $3.00. INSTRUCTION by laboratory methods throughout the course. Small sectiOns facilitate personal contact of student and instructor. GRADUATE COURSES leading to A.M. and Ph.D. also offered under direction Central Theological Seminary of the Graduate School of Cornell University. Chelsea Square, New York. The next Aeademie Year wll• b"iin on the lut Applications for Admission are preferably made not later than June. ' in September. Next Session Opens September 27, 1916, Special Studenta admitted and Graduate Co111'88 ~or Graduates of other Theololtieal Semlnariea. For Information and Catalogue, address THE DEAN, aARR The requirementa for admlulon and other partl­ eulara ean be had from, CORNELL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE, The Very Rev. WILFORD H. ROBBINS, Box 438. First Avenue and 28th Street, New York City. COLLAR D. D., LL.D., Dean. 2 for 25c Cluett. Peabody & Co., Inc., Maken DR. HALL AN INTERESTING record in the Philippines too ~ell to Fidelity Trust Co. FIGURE. hold him guilty. The trouble lies in Washington, and if our government did Olds & Whipple "PEARL ST., HARTFORD, CONN. (Continued from page 1. ) not choose to punish Villa six weeks Ranges and Heating Stoves We do general Banking as well u all ago, at least they could have made Our Leader is "The Richmond." kinds of Trust business. We solicit been war. The occupation of Vera Cruz most certainly was war. And their plans anent the day when action THE RANGE THAT BAKES. aeeounts from College Organizations would have been forced upon them. and Individuals. now the bodies of our dead in the little 164-166-168 STATE ST., HARTFORD border town, Columbus, give their "A long start has Pancho Villa over Let us do your Banking for you. wild and desert country. For two testimony, eloquent though mute. Player Pianoa years our army chased the Indian Pianos .F. L. WILCOX, Pm~'t, Trinity, '80. "The bizarre and grotesque involu­ MORGANS & BEERS PIANO CO. LOOMIS A. NEWTON, Secretarr. outlaw Geronimo across the same tions of our dealings with the Mexicans inhospitable and arid wastes. And (Incorporated) · T. A. SHANNON, Ass't See'r. are beyond all parallel. To depose one in the meanwhile the sugared compli~ 227 Asylum Street, murderer and to exalt another, to raise, ment~:r 'we heaped upon Carranza may Hartford, Connecticut. then lower the embargo on arms and turn to acid and he join the fray against Berkeley Divinity School ammunition, to turn complacently away Pathephones Sheet Music Middletown, Conn. us. The cup of our humiliation cer­ from outrages on the weak and helpless, tainly could not be fuller." For Candidates for Holy Orders. and then to glow with hot and righteous THE SISSON DRUG CO. Courses for the Degree of Bachelor anger and to occupy a seaport, because, llil CHEMICALS, DRUGS of Divinity. forsooth, a salute to the flag has not EDITORIAL CONTEST. AND MEDICINES. been fired, such indeed, has been the ASK FOR and GET action of our government. We make New Editor- in- Chief of Tripod 729 Main Street, Hartford, Conn. Vera Cruz a place of decency and order to Be Elected After Competition HORLICK'S and then scuttle from it. We pat Villa Among Juniors. THE ORIGINAL on the back, despite his vile and As stated briefly in the minutes of :Plimpton Mfg. Co. noxious record, and then scorn him. the annual meeting of the Tripod board, Engravers, Printers, Stationers MALTED MILK We put in power in Mexico an old which are given in another column, the Quixotic orator who contemptuously l5l Pearl Street, Cheap substitutes cost YOU same price. new Editor-in-Chief will not be elected defied us, and then delight in our own until May 17, at a meeting of the Hartford, Connecticut. Connecticut Trust and magnanimity. Carranza, by his glow­ 1915-16 board held for that purpose. Safe. Deposit Company ing words and manifestos gains our Comer Main and Pearl Sta., Hartford. CoDD. This policy is in continuance of a Welcome, Freshman, 1919 confidence; we neither know or care scheme tried last year, the object of 'Transacts a General Banking Business. about his deeds. He has not given the At Authorized to act as Executor, Adminis­ which is to secure the election of the trator, Trustee, or Guardian. slightest evidence of virile strength most capable man, and it has brought Barber Shop Safe Deposit Boxes. and rapid striking power, those moral excellent results. 996 BROAD ~TREET. Capital $750,000 Surplus $750,000 qualities which would integrate his According to this plan the· three country. And all the while we ship Juniors on the present board will act as OTTO BRINK more rifles and gunpowder to the BARBER SHOP Managing Editors until May 17. In Mexicans, which speedily are turned, the meantime there will be six issues against ourselves. I of the paper, including the present one, The Peterson Studio He.nry Antz "In January last,s e~entee n Americans 1 two before the spring va'cation and four 17 PEARL ST., HARTFORD, CONN. were foully done to death by our, after. Each Managing Editor is to 84 7 Main Street erstwhile friend and semi-ally; Pancho, take complete charge of two of these HAVE IT RIGHT Villa, the same low ruffian whom we,• issues, and his ·name will appear in thE1 Hartford, Conn. Your Fall Overcoat or Suit in our Boeotian simplicity, thought editorial column of the issues which he will be right if made by us­ would give each and every peon his edits. By this means the most capable Right in fit, style, cloth, little ordered farm and garden patch. CALHOUN SHOW PRINT quality and cost. · man for the position of Editor-in-Chief What did we then, prepare to punish can be more readily selected, and the DIGNAM & WALSH, Proprietors. BILLINGS Villa? No! We wrote another note election will be on this baEis . POSTERS, PLACARDS, TAILORING to Carranza, who simply by his old BIG TYPE PRINTERS. "For Men Who Know" and successful trick of vigorous lan­ Also Calhoun Press~ualitr Job Primitt~ 9 Asylum Street. Up one flight. guage, stayed on hand. The inevitable INTERCOLLEGIATE NOTES. 356 Asylum Street, Hartford. . . --- consequences follow. Villa, the bandit, . The all-publication dance at Michigan successfully invades our territory. Of The Connecticut course he would, of course he holds proved a great success. The congenial Americans somewhat less than dogs, as intermingling of men from all the pub­ Patronize Our craven cowards who would rather lications, from the Daily to the Student Mutual life Ins. Co. take the knife between their shoulders Directory, has given rise to sentiment · offers to the professional man than fight. for making the publication dance an Advertisers who desires to assure his wife "To think that this nemesis which annual affair. and children for life, or for a has' overtaken us could have been The Kansas Seniors are indignant specified term of years, the predicted by laws as natural in the over the loss of commencement dinner continuance of a substantial realm of social psychology as those at the expense of the University. part, at least, of the income which govern Halley's Comet! And Heretofore this dinner was paid for to which they were accus­ still we talk of peace, and still the out of the $5 diploma fee, but the tomed during his lifetime, a New York Post continues with its auditor refused to ratify the bills last contract perfectly suited to ostrich head beneath the sand, and year, making it impossible to have these needs. holds that our forthcoming expedition such a dinner this year. For further information, into Mexico is not an intervention. The Columbia baseball team will address the Company or any "When will that expedition start? play a post-season series of games of ita agents. Last Thursday came the wanton attack during commencement week with New The Correct Writing Paper John M. Taylor, President. England colleges. on Columbus. Today, on Monday, Manufactured by Henry S. Robina•n, Viee-Pns't, our tr.oops have not yet begun the Dean Parsons of Colorado has re­ William H. Deming, Stcrftarr. march. It surely is not General turned from a six weeks' visit to the Eaton, Crane & Pike Co. Funston's fault. We know his flawless West Indies and the Eastern States. PITTSFIELD, MASS. THE TRIPOD

PRINTING tltltltltltltltltltltlOO~OOJ:ltltl~ODDDODDDDODDDJ:ltltltlDDIJJ:ln o g TRINITY COLLEGE g § HARTFORD, CONNEctiCUT. g D LIBRARY contains about 80,000 volumes and the more important periodicals. t1 D Open dally for consultatitn1 and stUdy. Il § THE LABORATORIES- Physlcai, Chemical, Biologicali and l'sychoitJgital, § lJ are fuily equipped with modem apparatus for work in these departments. IJ Make a Speci~lty of the better E. ATTENTION is given to work in preparation f~r Electrical Engineering, Civil J::t classes of work. .1-l Englne~tlh~, IntlusUial Chemi~try, and for aditiis~loh to Medical and ~a\v Schobls tt

+ E EXTENSIVE COURSES are offered for study in Mathematics, Ancient Languages1 tl .1-l Modern Economits, Hlsttiiy, Ethics, and Philosophy. Il MtJnotype Composition n Languages ~ o for the Trade. lJ .A lrzrgt list of valuable scholarships and prius may be fount:i in th! Annual Catalogue. Il lJ 0 ):1 For Catalogues and Information address the President t1 284 ASYLUM STREET. tt or the Secr~tary of die Faculty. t1 n : . rltJ n PRINTERS OF THE TRIPOD onnnnnqnnonnn9nnnnnnnnonu nnnnnnnnnqqnooo .) ! (NTERCOLLEGIATE NOTES . . The undergraduatl!s bf Cornell Uni­ versity wjll, at the arthual juni6r Consternation was caused on the smoker, llo hortor to the winners of the • Ct>ll.tmb\a University camptls by a letter "C" 'during the past year. The affair which appeared in the Columbia will be open and free to the entire Spectator. signed by eight prominent student body. athletes, objecting to the methods Military training has begun at Johns used by the college divisiort of the Hopkins. Drills are held in the gym­ Security League to arouse the • nasium and in the field. The course campus in favor of military training. is compulsory for freshmen and sopho­ Objectiorts to Plattsburg on tlie ground mores) bUt voluiitary for upperciass­ that it is merely a hot-bed for militarl~­ meri. tic enthusiasm where training, at its With the coming of warm weather and best, is entir!!ly inadequate, formed the good roads the military department at basis of the letter. Sp~ctator tactfully Mihne!:lota has organized a mounted declined to take a stand on thl! letter, corp's. The corps consists of two stath1g editorially that it was a free squads equipped with bicycles and "opinion') and as such, entitled to such rtiotdrcycies. The members at present consideration as every opinion should n!c~ivl! wt!ekl.y lectures on scout duties, receive. J:llit as sooli as good weather permits "I believe that the College Greek they will take the road ahd put their letter fraternity is an institution that knowledge into practice. The purpose has come to stay; :hid that on the of tlie corps ih war time is to obtain whole it is a good one," tlet!latl!S The Clubby Smoke~"BuD" Durhaid infortrlatioli as to the whereabouts and Thomas Arkle Clark, Dean of Meti lit strength of the enerriy. This depart­ You start something lively when you produce the tJ rliversity of Illinois, ih the ment ill of considerable importance in .. Bull" Durham in a crowd of live-wires and §tart opening page of his new btldk, "The war, as often its efficiency determines Fraterrlity and the College." In the .. rdllihg yout owh... That fresh, fut!ll5w-sWeet tlle success cir failure of a battle. very beginning he states that he thinks £tagrartce of .. gull" Durham ma~es everyone eacli it very wrong for tlie State Legislatures Stanford wili meet teh Eastern and for .. the makings ••. A hand~rolled • Bull'' Durham to interfere with the fraternity question ·Middle Western colleges when her two­ mali tennis team plays off the schedule cigarette brims over with zest and snap ahd the because he thinks that it is an educa­ sprightly spirits. tiohal matter tl.rld should. be left entil:t!ly that has ~een arranged. sparkle of in tli~ hands bf tlie educational ihstitu­ Dr. Henry Suzzalo is the new tion itself. president of the University of Washing­ ftit.NUIN£ For spril:lts hurdles the Harvard ton. He was formerly professor of Stadium and Franklin Field ah! philosophy in Columbia. equal. Franklin Field is the best The University Settlement; which "'But(Du HAM quarter and half-mile tl:1l.cR ill. America. was organized at Syracuse four years . SMOKING TOBACCO For the mile an'd two-mile the Harvard agtl, serves as a laBoratory for the sociology department. Degree credit track is the fastest in America, llecal.tsE! Made of rich, ripe Virginia~ North of the 'greater hardness :ind thl'! l;reater is given for wdfk ih the kitldergartehs, AaAt l .o.r F.REE Carolina leaf, " Bull'' Durham ii ftaciawe ol• pa~r.; • etc., df the s~ttH!nient. ~itA eaeli 6e ease in hugging the pole. the niildeBtl mbst erljoyable tobacco •aea.. in the world. No other cigarette can be sa full bf life and youthful vigo~ As The Little Leather Case that is Three by Two. a fresh~rolled cigatette of "Bun·• Durham • It's light, jbst riglit, now it's "UP-TO-YOU." .. Roll yoUr own •• with .~ Bun•• 50 CENTS Made also in genuine black Durham and you'll discover a new seal or in imported pigskin, {or For a thoroughly praetic~l joy in smokin~r. a~reamy ease, eov~ed thrdug}).otit with a Dollar, and in white Morocco for a uollar a!id a . f}n il!u•tr&!e? Booklet, leather (black outside, buff Quarter. We stlliiip irlitials snowing conect wat \\) lining); sizl! Sx2 k ins.; wa!ht FREE "Roll Your Own" 1~ ozs. Operated by Qtl.e eitlier plain or in gold leaf on Ctiarettea. &n