Third Session, Commencing at 2.30 Pm
Third Session, Commencing at 2.30 pm AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND TOKENS 524* 520 Andrew, Jno. & Co., Melbourne penny, 1862 (A.13). Choice Abrahams, Lewis, Hobart halfpennies, 1855 (A.1) (2); charcoal grey and red brown proof-like gem uncirculated Friedman I., Tasmania halfpenny, 1857 (A.137). Nearly very or FDC and very rare in this condition, one of the fi nest fi ne - very fi ne. (3) known. $90 $500 521* 525* Adamson, Watts, McKechnie & Co., Melbourne halfpenny, Andrew, Jno. & Co., Melbourne mule penny, 1860 (A.15). 1855 (A.3). Even brown patina, very fi ne and very scarce. Good fi ne and extremely rare. $250 $1,250 Ex Utrecht Collection, Spink Australia Sale 4 (lot 233), Sale 18 (lot 972) and Sale 24 (lot 849 part). 522* Alliance Tea Company, Christchurch penny, 1866 (A.7). Even 526* brown patina, good very fi ne and rare in this condition. Annand Smith & Co., Melbourne penny, undated (1849) $200 (A.17). Even glossy brown patina, die breaks on reverse, nearly extremely fi ne and rare as such. $240 527 Annand Smith & Co., Melbourne penny, undated (A.18); Hosie, J., Melbourne penny, 1862 (A.265). First token with surface marks, second with rust on reverse, very good - very fi ne. (2) $170 528 Annand Smith & Co., Melbourne penny, undated (A.18); De Carle, Edwd & Co., Melbourne 'Tasmania' penny (1855) 523* (A.105); Friedman, I., Tasmania penny, 1857 (A.134); Reece, Andrew, John & Co., Melbourne penny, 1860 (A.11). Brown Edward, Christchurch penny, undated (A.449). Very good patina, good very fi ne. - good very fi ne.
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