Class of 1862-1865
570 GRADUATES OF THE NUMBER. 1862. CLASS RANK. CLASS OF 1862. ~967 . (Born N. Y.) . RANALD S. MACKENZIE". .(Ap'd at Large) .. ~ Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy ft'om July I, 1858, to June 17,1862, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JUNE 17, 1862. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1862-66: as Asst. En gineer. 9th Army Corps, July 10 to Aug. 29, 1862, in the Northern Virginia Campaign. being engaged in the Action of Kelly's Ford, Au'" 20, 1862,-and Battle of ~fanas sas, Aug. 29, 1862, where he was wounded; con sick leave of (BVT. FIRST LIEUT., AUG. 29, 1862, FOR GaLLaNT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF MANASSAS, VA.) absence, disabled by wound, Aug. 29 to Oct 19, 1862 ; attached to En gineer Battalion, Oct. 19 to Nov. 16, 1862, in the M.U'yland Campaign (Army of thePotoruae), being engaged in construeting. repairing, and gUllrd ing bridges; in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Dec., 1862-June, 1863, being eng'lged in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13 (FIRST LmUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, MAR. 3, 1863) 1862 (as Engineer of General Sumucr's Grand Divisioll),--and B.tttle of Chan cellorsville, May 2-4, 1863; in the Pennsylvania Campaign, in command of (BVT. CAPT., MAY 3, 1863, FOll GALLANT AND ~IEllITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF CHANc.:ELLORSVlLLE, VA.) Engineer Compllny (Army of the Potomac), June-July, 1863, being engaged in laying bridges oyer thu Occoquan, June 14.
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