Phd Thesis.Yaar
Pakistani National Identity, Cultural Diversity, and Global Perspectives: A Policy Trajectory Study of the National Curriculum for Secondary School Pakistan Studies in Punjab By Yaar Muhammad MSc (Pakistan Studies), MA (Education), & MA (International Migration & Ethnic Relations) Thesis Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Faculty of Education University of Tasmania Launceston, Tasmania December, 2015 Abstract Domestic political circumstances, textbook controversies, and international pressure to revise education policy constituted the context of influence for the curriculum policy’s ideological shift in 2006 towards greater democratic pluralism. However, the extent of this ideological shift in the journey from policy to enacted practice—via the mediation of textbook content and teaching—has not been previously explored. This study investigated the trajectory of curriculum policy associated with secondary school Pakistan Studies, focusing specifically on the themes of Pakistani national identity, cultural diversity, and global perspectives—and the instructional strategies deployed in addressing these themes. The policy trajectory model (Bowe, Ball, & Gold, 1992) was used as an analytical framework. This model facilitated the examination of three policy contexts macro policy text production (curriculum documents), meso policy text production (textbooks) and teachers’ practice. Qualitative content analysis of the Pakistan Studies curriculum policy documents was conducted to understand the policy objectives and recommendations for the teaching of Pakistani national identity, cultural diversity, and global perspectives. Similarly, qualitative content analysis of the official Pakistan Studies textbooks was undertaken to understand policy text production and treatment of the identified identity themes. Lastly, cross-case analysis of the purposeful sample of 27 teachers was conducted to understand the perceptions, practices, and suggestions of teachers related to the same themes.
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