
Cinque Port Town of

Town Clerk’s Office Town Hall New Romney TN28 8BT

Tel: New Romney 01797 362348 Mrs C. Newcombe Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Ref: CN/3005 5th January 2021


Members of the public are welcome to follow this meeting live.


C Newcombe

Mrs. Catherine Newcombe Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Email: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE: The afore-mentioned meeting will be held remotely and will commence at 6.45pm.

Members of Public are welcome to join this Zoom Meeting live using the following link:

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91933187653?pwd=ejhKRHIwRE1hK0s4QWU2WUNRSXExUT09

Meeting ID: 919 3318 7653 Passcode: 085579

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PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT VIRTUAL TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS 1. Who can participate in a New Romney Town Council meeting?

All Members of the Public may follow the Council meeting live via Zoom using the published invitation link. As well as members of the Council (or relevant Council Committee) and Council Officers participating remotely in the meeting, a maximum of TWO members of public may also participate remotely by submitting a question at a meeting. The question must relate to a matter affecting the parish of New Romney and/or its residents. Each submission must last no longer than 3 minutes in total.

Due to current remote working practices, any such question can be delivered by way of a written statement to be submitted by email by midday on the day of the Council meeting - to be read out by the Clerk during the meeting. The question submitted should be mindful of the 3 minute speaking time available. The reading of the question will allow for any mid-sentence delivery to be completed before being stopped at the three minute deadline. If any Member of Public does not have access to email, a question can be submitted by a representative on their behalf.

Any such questions should be emailed to: [email protected] by midday on the day of the Council meeting.

2. How and when do I have to let the council know that I want to participate?

You will need to give written notice (via email) that you would like to participate by 3pm on the Friday before the meeting, providing your name and contact details and a summary of what your question subject will be. No late notifications can be accepted.

3. What happens if more than two local residents want to participate by submitting questions to the Council?

The system will operate on the basis of “first come, first served” as identified by the Clerk. You will be notified as soon as possible after your ‘notification of wish to participate’ has been received as to whether or not you will be able to participate virtually (by the reading of your submission).

4. What will happen at the Council meeting?

Your question will be read aloud by the Clerk during the agenda item: Public Questions. If it is possible for the Chairman to provide a response to your question at the meeting, he/she will do so. If it is not possible to

2 | P a g e provide a response at that time, a response will be provided in writing – usually within 28 days of the meeting taking place.

Agendas and reports for meetings will be available at least 3 working days and usually 7 weekdays before the date of the meeting on the Town Council website. Any supplementary sheets will be available the day before the meeting and can be viewed at www.newromney-tc.gov.uk


• These laws are very strict.

• If, in public, you say something about a person that is not true, even if you believe it to be true, you may be sued and have to pay compensation. Therefore, you need to be very careful about any criticism you wish to make of people in any written submission.

• Councillors are able to speak more freely and bluntly while in Council or Committee meetings than members of the public.

• You, as a member of the public, do not have the same protection.

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PRAYERS led by the Mayor’s Chaplain


1. APOLOGIES: To receive the apologies of councillors unable to attend and approve reasons for absence.

2. DISPENSATION TO PARTICIPATE: To receive and note any applications granted by the Town Clerk, on behalf of the Town Council, for dispensation to participate in Meetings of New Romney Town Council.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant or Personal Interests they may have in items on the agenda this evening.

4. REPORT OF THE KENT COUNTY COUNCILLOR (Encs*): To receive the report of the County Councillor for (who is requested to provide a written copy of the report).

5. REPORTS OF FOLKESTONE & HYTHE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS (Encs*): To receive the reports of the District Councillors for New Romney’s Town and Coast Wards (who are each requested to provide a written copy of the relevant report).

6. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING: To formally adjourn the meeting of the Council for a maximum period of fifteen minutes to allow for an allocated public session.

7. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: Members of the public may put questions to the Chairman of the Council for a period of fifteen minutes regarding matters to do with the town of New Romney and its coastal areas of Littlestone and Greatstone, including items on the agenda. Any Councillors who have declared an “Other Significant Interest” in matters to be discussed at this meeting will also have the opportunity to speak within the session set aside for public participation, in accordance

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with the Town Council’s Code of Conduct Item 5(3)(b), which reads as follows:

“ Where you have an Other Significant Interest in any business of the Authority, you may... make representations, answer questions or give evidence relating to the business, provided that the public are also allowed to attend the meeting for the same purpose.”

8. RE-CONVENING OF MEETING: To formally re-convene the meeting of the Council.

9. MINUTES (Encs*): (i) To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 16th December 2020 (Attached hereto*).

10. MAYOR’S REPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS: To receive and note the report of the Mayor: (i) Mayor’s Civic Function List (ii) Any Communications received by or for the Mayor

11. TOWN CLERK’S REPORT (Encs*): To receive and note the Town Clerk’s report (Attached hereto*).

12. CAPITAL PROJECTS REPORT: To receive and note the report on Capital Projects currently being undertaken, if available.

13. STANDING ORDER No.14: The Mayor to consider any questions raised by Councillors, of which proper notice has been given (three working days minimum).

14. STANDING COMMITTEES (Encs*): To receive and note the minutes of the following Standing Committee meetings and resolutions detailed therein and to ratify any recommendations also detailed therein, if required:

(i) Personnel Panel Meeting held on 21st December 2020 (Enclosed herewith*)

(ii) Planning and Environment Committee Meeting held on 6th January 2021 (To follow)

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15. TOWN CLERK’S FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR 2020-21 (Encs*): To consider final payments and receipts and bank reconciliations for November and December 2020, if available.

16. COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES’ REPORTS (Encs*): To receive and note any written reports of Representatives on Outside Bodies, and from Councillors who have attended other meetings or fixtures on behalf of New Romney Town Council since the last ordinary meeting of the Council, if available.

Airport Consultative Committee (LACC)  Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC)

17. PRECEPT REQUIREMENT 2021-22 (Encs*) To approve the precept requirement for 2021-22.

18. AMENDMENT TO COUNCILLOR / STAFF PROTOCOLS (Encs*): To approve amendment to Appendix 5(xii)(a) of Standing Orders: Councillor/Officer relations in light of ACAS COT3 Agreement.

19. REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY PERMIT (Encs*): To consider request from the Foiling Collective to trade temporarily from the hard standing at The Greens, Littlestone, whilst proposals for conversion of the nearby toilet block are progressed.

20. EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS: To consider exclusion of public and press in accordance with Standing Order No.34 (a), which states that ‘in view of the special and confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded [from the meeting] and they are instructed to withdraw’ due to the fact that the following agenda items relate to legal matters.

21. ON-GOING MATTERS: To consider any updates or additional information and/or progress on any on-going legal matters (Confidential report to follow if appropriate) and to take any action thereon as may be deemed necessary.

22. PERSONNEL MATTERS: To receive and note any report regarding Personnel Matters (Confidential report to follow if appropriate) and take any such action as may be deemed necessary thereon. 6 | P a g e

23. LAND AND TENANCY MATTERS: To consider matters pertaining to Town Council Land and Tenancies (confidential report to follow if appropriate) and take any such action as may be deemed necessary thereon.  Allotment Gardens Inspection and Termination Procedure

24. CONCLUSION OF PRIVATE SESSION: To consider concluding private session, if appropriate.

Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer – 4th January 2021

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KCC Member for Romney Marsh Report 05.01.2021 Here is a short report in these 'covid' times. Well first things first... Happy New Year! Highways matters I have no updated stats for you at the moment due to Christmas and New Year. But I do have an update (4 Jan) on 'Transition' on our highways. The good news is that Currently there are still very low numbers of HGVs on the roads of Kent, indeed lower than anticipated by both the Port of and Eurotunnel. Also, there are very low numbers at Manston and in M20 Brock, with a trickle of HGVs using the Inland Border Facilities at Ebbsfleet and Waterbrook. This has meant time for enabling plans to be checked and tested.

The Government is holding a virtual meeting with the French today around the French requirement for testing. There was a review date of 6th January, but we are currently not confident that this requirement will be stopped anytime soon.

The other good news is that Sevington opened today and accepted its first HGVs for testing and for border readiness checks as planned. It is also worth reminding everyone that the site was never designed for testing, rather for border readiness checks and HGV parking. The fact the site has been reconfigured in a matter of days is no small feat. KCC staff have played their part, worked their 'socks off' to keep Kent moving. DVSA has been active in enforcement and in the last 24 hours has issued 29 fines to HGVs – 10 for not having a Kent Access Permit, 3 for HGVs wrongly using the contraflow and 16 for exceeding drivers’ hours.

37,770 tests have been undertaken since testing was introduced, with 972 undertaken in last 24 hours. Positivity rates remain very low.

When it comes to local road repairs our contractors are still working to maintain our highways. But as usual If you see a problem, please report it online.


Sea Defence News I had the conformation in an email from David Campbell at F&H DC confirming that the Secretary of State has given approval to the Lydd Rages defence scheme…I confirmed this with the Environment Agency that the work will commence straight away. .

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Following the announcement yesterday by the PM we are on the Marsh like the rest of Kent in a 'lockdown'. I'm getting requests from residents concerning immunisation and why do we not have a location on the Marsh agreed yet. I am pursuing this the relevant organisations and I hope to have an answer by the council meeting.

7 Day Positive Cases Rate per 100,000 Population to 27.12.2020 Folkestone & Hythe 615.1 South East of 500.8 England 413.8

We also have a targeted asymptomatic testing centre opening this week at Folkestone Library, 2 Grace Hill, Folkestone.

The Romney Marsh Partnership We have a meeting of the - Green Line and Accessibility Project Group taking place 'virtually' on Tuesday the 12th of January. To keep things moving.

Active Travel As I said last month KCC has successfully been awarded over Six Million pounds from the government in its bid to further ‘Active Travel’ in the County. This should commence public consultation to link the Hythe cycle route on the A259 around the ‘Redoubt’ and link Hythe to Littlestone via the sea wall this month. So stay safe.

Tony Hills Member for Romney Marsh

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Report from Cllr David Wimble

Firstly, I would like to say happy new year to everyone.

As for my report, it is a little sketchy as I have been doing things that I would not normally do as part of the council’s cabinet.

But certain things have been progressing….

I was very pleased to finally take the proposal to the cabinet for the go ahead of the new £7 million pound business incubate units along with the new infra structure on Mountfield Road. This will not only bring much needed jobs to the district, but will also provide a link road between the estate and church road.

Most of the past few months have been consumed with the help for the district’s businesses. During the first Lockdown neatly £22 million pounds worth of grants were given to all the businesses that qualified, by way of paying business rates (these automatically qualified and most were paid out within 7 days of lockdown) a further £5 million has since been awarded to businesses that did not qualify, through a discretionary grant application. This was for businesses like self employed plumbers and other trades people who did not operate out of a building, but instead were mobile, or able to offer services from home.

During the second ‘Mini’ lockdown, further funding was taken from the council’s own reserves to again assist businesses that had to close down, this has been extended and payments are now being made every two weeks to businesses that cannot open and typically this equates to about £660 a fortnight.

This week the economic development department are working hard to find any additional support and all assistance and advice can easily be found on the council’s website or by going to www.folkestone.works

Other things that are being worked on at the moment, include the ongoing ‘Building on the car park next to the Greens. As you know along with help from Cllr Russell Tilson, we ‘saw off’ the original application.

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But as this was already on the council’s 5-year land plan, further planning was being done on a fresh application. So, understanding that this was led by finance needs I have put another proposal forward which is being worked on at the moment. The idea being that the car park is properly maintained and surfaced, firstly because of the increase in the great British Holiday, we already struggle with places to park in the summer. But with the addition of a number of deluxe beach huts, similar to the ones that the council have put in Sandgate and Folkestone. As well as this, there is a possibility of having several huts available for Kiosk shops. And including a public toilet probably sited near the Sea cadet building. Again with tarmac access, this would be far easier to use than the current toilets on the Green. Whilst not a ‘done deal’ The leader of the council David Monk and officers have agreed in principle to this idea. And having spoken to a number of residents who’s properties back onto the car park, they think this is a preffered option.

Separate to this is the planning application to part convert the current toilet block into a sea sports centre.

Obviously as someone who’s flat overlooks this, I will declare an interest. But feel that this would be another thing to offer as an amenity to the town and if they improve the appearance then then that would be a good thing too.

I gave £1000 from my ward grant to the New Romney In Bloom project and hope that other people back this very worthy cause. I have often thought that as one of the original towns we should all try harder to make the town attractive for both the visitors as well as the locals.

With the new lockdown now in place, the fund for the High Street regeneration scheme is still in place, but decisions are being put on hold for new applications, until we come out of lockdown.

Of the £3 Million, you may recall that this was originally all assigned to Folkestone, but I secured £800,000 for the rest of the district. Of this money, nearly £500,000 is still available for our part of the district, so if you know of any high street businesses that need help, I am always happy to assist.

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As many of you know, there has been concern that none of the doctor’s surgeries on the marsh have chosen to administer the covid-19 vaccines. I have been working with the Marsh Academy Leisured Centre to look into the possibility of this building being used as a vaccine centre. I have forwarded the express of interest from the academy to use the building and hope that this can be used in the very near future.

Finally, we have agreed to match fund a three-year salary for a new Position to work with the Romney Marsh Partnership and other stake holders, to look for business growth and tourism projects for the Marsh. This was match funded by Magnox and again a sign that the district council is not forgetting us down here on the Marsh.

Wishing you a healthy and safe new year.

David Wimble

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MINUTES of A Remote Meeting of New Romney Town Council Held on Wednesday 16th December 2020 Commencing at 6.45pm

PRESENT: The Right Worshipful the Mayor of New Romney, Councillor Paul Thomas Town Ward: Councillors: Mrs P S Rolfe, A Rodriguez, Mrs B Lonbay Kapoor, J Rivers and Rev Cn S McLachlan Coast Ward: Councillors: Mrs P Metcalfe, Miss J Hiscock, R Tillson, M Hardy, P Coe, Ms W Nevard and J Picco

In Attendance: Town Clerk - Mrs C Newcombe Finance Clerk - Mrs C T Morris Members of Public - 10 Mayor’s Chaplain

IN THE CHAIR The Mayor – Councillor P Thomas PRAYERS Prayers were led by Councillor Rev Cn McLachlan in the absence of the Mayor’s Chaplain, who then joined the meeting conveying apologies for his lateness due to technical issues and wishing the Council a safe and happy Christmas. The Mayor’s Chaplain then left the meeting. The business of the Council commenced @ 6.50PM with 10 members of public in attendance, including 3 representatives of the Foiling Collective.

307/2020-21 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and noted, as follows:

Councillor Wimble - who was attending another meeting Councillor Ebrey-Cramp - for health reasons

Having duly considered figures presented relating to absence from Town Council meetings over an extended period, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Hardy

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RESOLVED – that apologies from Councillor Ebrey-Cramp do not be accepted and approved in respect of this meeting. Voting in respect of the afore-mentioned motion was as follows: FOR: 7 Cllrs Thomas, Mrs Metcalfe, Picco, Coe, Miss Hiscock, Hardy, Tillson AGAINST: 3 Cllrs Rev Cn McLachlan, Rivers, Rodriguez ABSTAIN: 1 Cllr Mrs Lonbay Kapoor

It was then:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Lonbay Kapoor

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that apologies from Councillor Wimble be accepted and reasons for absence, as detailed above, be approved.

308/2020-21 DISPENSATION TO PARTICIPATE It was reported that no new applications for Dispensation to Participate had been received.

309/2020-21 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST @ 7.03PM Councillor Rivers declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item 18: Upgrade of Town Hall IT Systems, having had previous dealings with the various quotees. (Minute ref: 324/2020-21 refers) Councillor Miss Hiscock declared a Personal Interest in respect of the Town Clerk’s Finance Reports as she hires a contractor who is also hired by the Town Council. (Minute ref: 321/2020-21 refers) @7.32PM Councillor Ms Nevard declared a Personal Interest in matters relating to the Capital Project as she is a of the Tax Payers’ Alliance. (Minute ref: 318/2020-21 refers)

310/2020-21 REPORT OF THE KENT COUNTY COUNCILLOR The report of the Kent County Councillor, which included updates regarding road repairs as well as highlighting the activities of Kent County Council amidst the second coronavirus national lockdown, was duly received and noted. @7.09PM Councillor Ms Nevard joined the meeting, conveying apologies for her lateness, having experienced technical issues.

311/2020-21 REPORTS OF THE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Councillor Rolfe’s District Councillor Report, which referred to meetings and events attended as well as issues dealt with on behalf of local residents, was duly received and noted.

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312/2020-21 ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING @7.11PM it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Picco SECONDED BY: Councillor Miss Hiscock

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that the meeting be hereby adjourned to allow for an allocated public session.

The meeting was thereby suspended.

313/2020-21 PUBLIC QUESTIONS A statement of support in respect to the proposals for development of the toilet block at The Greens, Littlestone, had been received from a local resident and was read out during Public Session. @7.15PM approximately one further member of public joined the meeting.

314/2020-21 RE-CONVENING OF MEETING @7.15PM it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Rivers SECONDED BY: Councillor Tillson

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that the meeting be hereby re- convened.

The formal business of the Council was thereby resumed.

315/2020-21 MINUTES The Chairman presented the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 11th November 2020, copies of which had been previously circulated to all Councillors and it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Tillson SECONDED BY: Councillor Picco

RESOLVED – that the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 11th November 2020 be approved and signed as a true and correct record.

NB: Councillors Thomas and Mrs Lonbay Kapoor abstained from voting as they had not been present at the afore-mentioned meeting. Councillor Hardy abstained from voting as he had not been present for the majority of the meeting due to technical issues. The afore-mentioned minutes are to be signed by the Chairman at the first available opportunity following this remote meeting.

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316/2020-21 MAYOR’S REPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS A Mayor’s report regarding civic engagements attended was not available on this occasion due to restrictions relating to the national health emergency resulting in no civic events currently being organised.

317/2020-21 TOWN CLERK’S REPORT The Town Clerk’s report was received and noted and read as under:


Actions completed since the Full Council meeting held on 11th November 2020

1) Kent County Council was advised that New Romney Town Council Members would be responding to the Budget Consultation individually but requested to keep the Town Council informed of the outcome of consultation.

2) Folkestone and Hythe District Council was advised that New Romney Town Council Members would be responding to the Corporate Plan Consultation individually but requested to keep the Town Council informed of the outcome of consultation.

Additional Items of Report: 1) The Town Christmas Tree has now been installed in the Old School Garden, thanks to the generous offer of the Old School Trust in offering use of the garden. Thanks also go to George Stevens, who has generously sponsored the tree this year.

2) In light of recent concerns regarding rising coronavirus cases in the New Romney area, latest figures are now being published on a weekly basis on the Town Council website and the Town Council facebook page, together with a link to the data and appropriate messages to encourage local residents to continue to follow Tier 3 Rules and all hygiene and social distancing guidance.

This concludes the Town Clerk’s report.

Town Clerk 8th December 2020

Further Items of Report: The Clerk reported verbally that a communication had been received from a resident of the wider Romney Marsh to congratulate New Romney Town Council on its implementation of a new WCAG compliant (accessible) Town Council website and for making the social investment necessary to enable a small step towards inclusion and independence for as many people as possible.

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Information received by the Chairman from a local GP regarding rollout of the Coronavirus Vaccine was also conveyed to the Council at this time.

318/2020-21 CAPITAL PROJECTS REPORT A Community Hall and Sports Pavilion Project Update Report, prepared by the Chairman of the Project Steering Group, was duly received and noted.

319/2020-21 STANDING ORDER NO.14 A question submitted in accordance with Standing Order 14 by Councillor Nevard regarding current publishing protocols for Town Council meeting agendas and minutes was duly put to the Chairman and a response was provided.

320/2020-21 STANDING COMMITTEES (i) Councillor Mrs Metcalfe presented the minutes of the Personnel Panel meeting held on 23rd November 2020, which were duly received and noted. (ii)(a) Councillor Rivers presented the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee budget meeting held on 25th November 2020, which were duly received and noted.

(b) Councillor Rivers presented the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 2nd December 2020, which were duly received and noted.

(iii)(a) Councillor Thomas presented the minutes of the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on 18th November 2020, which were duly received and noted.

(b) Councillor Thomas presented the minutes of the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on 9th December 2020, which were duly received and noted.

321/2020-21 TOWN CLERK’S FINANCIAL REPORTS The Clerk presented final payments and receipts and final bank reconciliations for the month of September 2020.

Having duly considered the afore-mentioned financial reports, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Coe SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs Lonbay Kapoor

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - that the Town Clerk’s Financial Reports for September 2020 be received and approved.

Payments and receipts for the month of September 2020 being in the amounts as detailed below: September 2020 Payments: £15,428.24 Receipts: £184,987.61

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The Clerk then presented final payments and receipts and final bank reconciliations for the month of October 2020.

Having duly considered the afore-mentioned financial reports, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Tillson SECONDED BY: Councillor Rivers

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - that the Town Clerk’s Financial Reports for October 2020 be received and approved.

Payments and receipts for the month of October 2020 being in the amounts as detailed below:

October 2020 Payments: £13,087.84 Receipts: £2,334.25

322/2020-21 COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES’ REPORTS Written reports regarding the activities of KALC (Kent Association of Local Councils) and Site Stakeholder Group were duly received and noted.

323/2020-21 STANDING ORDERS AMENDMENT Having duly considered proposed amendment to Standing Orders in accordance with the recently approved ACAS COT3 Agreement, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs Metcalfe SECONDED BY: Councillor Hardy

RESOLVED – that the amendment to Standing Order 17: Disorderly Conduct, as presented to Council, be hereby approved and adopted with immediate effect.

Standing Order 17, therefore, now reads as follows:


17. a) All members must observe the Code of Conduct which has been adopted by the Council, a copy of which is annexed to these Standing Orders.

b) In respect of the entire meeting, no Member shall misconduct himself/herself at a Town Council meeting by persistently disregarding the ruling of the Chairman, by wilfully obstructing business or by behaving irregularly, offensively, improperly or in such a manner as to scandalise the Council or bring it into disrepute, contempt or ridicule. If this Standing Order is ignored, the Chairman shall request such person(s) to moderate or improve their conduct. c) If, in the opinion of a Member, another Member has broken the provisions of paragraph b) of this Order and has disregarded the request of the Chairman to moderate or improve their conduct,

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the Chairman shall express that opinion to the Council and thereafter any Member may move that the Member named be no longer heard or that the Member named do leave the meeting and the Motion, if seconded, shall be put forthwith and without discussion. (There is no longer a duty for a Member to report another Member for a suspected breach of the Code of Conduct). d) If either of the Motions mentioned in paragraph c) are disobeyed, the Chairman may suspend the meeting or take such further steps as may reasonably be necessary to enforce them. e) Any unacceptable comment (as deemed unacceptable by the relevant Council Officer and agreed to be so by the relevant Meeting Chairman*) made about or directed at any Council Officer by any Councillor during the course of any formal meeting of the Council or any of its Committees, Sub- Committees or Working Parties will result in an immediate motion being put by the relevant Meeting Chairman* that said Councillor ‘be no longer heard’ and this action being formally recorded in the meeting minutes. Any subsequent recurrence of the above behaviour shall result in an immediate motion being put by the Meeting Chairman to suspend the meeting for a defined period. Thereafter, any recurrence of that behaviour SHALL result in an immediate motion being put by the Meeting Chairman to close the meeting and defer all remaining business to a future meeting.

*Chairman shall also be taken to mean Vice-Chairman in such circumstance as any unacceptable comment might be made about or directed at any Council Officer by the Chairman of the Meeting. @8.06PM Councillor Mrs Rolfe joined the meeting, conveying apologies for her lateness. 324/2020-21 UPGRADE OF TOWN HALL IT SYSTEMS Having duly considered the report on upgrading of outdated Town Hall IT and telephony equipment as presented to the Town Council by Councillor Rivers, and with any questions having first been put and answered, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Coe SECONDED BY: Councillor Hardy

RESOLVED – that (i) the quotation for the supply and installation of new IT and telephony equipment in the sum of £8,757.96 as detailed in Quotation refs 1 and 2 [as presented to Council] plus an additional £500.00* be approved and funded from the Office Equipment Budget 2020-21 in the amount of £5,000.00 with the balance being funded from the 2020-21 Contingency Budget and (ii) The Town Clerk be authorised to settle all relevant invoices, when received and having first ascertained that all is in order.

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*This sum being to allow flexibility to finance any unforeseen additional costs.


NB: Councillor Ms Nevard voted against the motion.

Contracts were, therefore, awarded to MPR IT Solutions and TROOLI.

@8.17PM approximately, 2 members of public left the meeting.

325/2020-21 PROPOSAL FOR TOILET BLOCK CONVERSION In advance of considering the afore-mentioned business, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs Rolfe

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that representatives of the Foiling Collective be invited to join the meeting to participate in this agenda item for the purpose of answering any questions that may arise.

Three representatives of the Foiling Collective, therefore joined the meeting.

@8.45PM approximately, two further members of public left the meeting.

@9.01PM approximately, Councillor Tillson left the meeting.

@9.10PM approximately one further member of public left the meeting.

Having duly noted and discussed the proposal presented to the Town Council by the Foiling Collective and with any questions first having been put and answered, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs Metcalfe

RESOLVED – that (i) an "agreement in principle" to the Foiling Collective proposal to redevelop the Greens Toilet Block into a Watersports Centre and Public Toilet, as detailed in their design document, be approved and that (ii) the Town Clerk prepare an associated lease agreement, including financial terms, to be presented for consideration at a future full council meeting.

The representatives of the Foiling Collective then re-joined members of public in observing the meeting.

@9.19PM approximately three further members of public left the meeting.

326/2020-21 FUTURE OF NEW ROMNEY COUNTRY FAYRE Having duly considered communication received from the New Romney Country Fayre Committee regarding issues with parking that may result in The Country Fayre no longer being viable if not resolved, it was:

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PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Rodriguez

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that The Town Clerk and Chairman of the Council convene a meeting with the Country Fayre Committee to explore parking options and report back to the Finance and General Purposes Committee on suggested proposals.

327/2020-21 EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS The Clerk confirmed that there were no matters for consideration under routine agenda items 22 to 24. It was not, therefore, necessary to exclude members of public or press.

328/2020-21 ON-GOING MATTERS None.

329/2020-21 PERSONNEL MATTERS None.


331/2020-21 CONCLUSION OF PRIVATE SESSION Not applicable.

The Chairman thanked the Councillors and Clerks for their attendance and the meeting then concluded @ 9.29PM.

NB: All documents referred to herein are available at the Town Hall for perusal on request, except for those documents of a sensitive / legal nature discussed in private session, including documents relating to staff matters which remain Private and Confidential in accordance with Data Protection legislation.

Minutes prepared by the Town Clerk

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Actions completed since the Full Council meeting held on 16th December 2020

1) Members of the Foiling Collective have been duly advised that the Town Council agrees, in principle, to its proposals to convert the public toilet block at The Greens, Littlestone, for use as a Water Sports Centre with single multi-purpose public convenience.

2) A meeting with members of the New Romney Country Fayre Committee has been scheduled to discuss parking issues which may have an impact on the future of the annual Country Fayre. Output from this meeting will be reported back to the Town Council in due course.

Additional Items of Report:

1) The Town Christmas Tree has now been removed from the Old School Garden and High Street festive lighting switched off during week commencing 4th January.

2) In light of the latest National Lockdown rules, steps have been taken to padlock the gates to the Outdoor Gym at The Greens, Littlestone and to reinstall signage to advise that, in the interest of public health and safety, the facility is closed and must not be used. It should be noted that children’s playgrounds are permitted to remain open during the current lockdown period, albeit that regulations provide that the public may leave their homes once a day for exercise but not for general leisure purposes.

3) A remote meeting took place during the week commencing 21st December 2020 with representatives from WeWeld in order to clarify some required points so that fabrication of bollards for St. Martin’s Field could be progressed.

This concludes the Town Clerk’s report.

Town Clerk 4th January 2021

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MINUTES Of A Remote Meeting of New Romney Town Council’s Personnel Panel held on Monday 21st December 2020 Commencing at 10.00am

PRESENT: Councillors P Thomas, Mrs P Metcalfe, Miss J Hiscock and R Tillson

In the Chair: Councillor Mrs P Metcalfe

In Attendance: Town Clerk - Mrs C Newcombe Members of Public - 1


333/2020-21 DISPENSATION TO PARTICIPATE No new requests for Dispensation to Participate had been processed by the Town Clerk.


335/2020-21 MINUTES Having duly considered the minutes of the Personnel Panel meeting held on 23rd November 2020, copies of which had been previously circulated to Members of the Personnel Panel, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Miss Hiscock

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that the minutes of the Personnel Panel meeting held on 23rd November 2020 be signed as a true and correct record.

NB: The afore-mentioned minutes will be signed at the earliest opportunity following this remote meeting.

336/2020-21 CLERK’S REPORT The Clerk’s report was duly received and noted.

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337/2020-21 FINANCIAL MATTERS The Budget Comparison Report 2020-21 relating to the personnel budget was duly received and noted.

338/2020-21 AMENDMENT TO COUNCILLOR/STAFF PROTOCOLS Having duly considered the potential for discussion which may include sensitive information that would likely serve to identify one or more persons, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs Metcalfe SECONDED BY: Councillor Tillson

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that the afore-mentioned business be deferred to confidential session for consideration under Agenda Item 9: Staff Matters.

339/2020-21 EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS @10.11AM Having considered the nature of matters to be discussed under Agenda Item 9 and in view of the fact that sensitive personal information that may identify one or more individuals was to be discussed, it was, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs Metcalfe SECONDED BY: Councillor Tillson

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that ‘in view of the special and confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the Public and Press be temporarily excluded and they are now instructed to withdraw.’

NB: The single member of public was returned to the virtual waiting room at that time.

340/2020-21 STAFF MATTERS (i) Amendment to Councillor / Staff Protocols Having duly considered the amendment to Appendix 5(xii)(a) of Standing Orders: Councillor/Officer Relations, to include a section regarding ‘Meetings between Officers / Councillors’, as required by the recently approved ACAS COT3 Agreement, it was: PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs Metcalfe

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RECOMMENDED UNANIMOUSLY – that the amendment to Appendix 5(xii)(a) of Standing Orders: Councillor/Officer Relations [as presented to Members of the Personnel Panel] be presented to Full Council for approval, including the additional statement that: ‘Any such incident shall be formally reported to the Personnel Panel and to Full Council.’ The amendment to the afore-mentioned Policy Document, therefore, inserts between ‘Support Services to Councillors’ and ‘Reporting Alleged Improper Conduct by Councillors or Officer’, the following:

‘Meetings between Officers / Councillors

No Councillor can expect to meet with any Council Officer without first having made prior arrangement and without having requested such in a polite and professional manner.

Any Council officer shall have the right to decline to meet with an individual Councillor if they have genuine reason to believe that such a meeting will be detrimental to their physical or mental well-being. In such cases, a Council Officer may arrange for a meeting to take place with an alternative Council officer or for a meeting to take place with the Chairman of the Council or the Chairman of the Personnel Panel in attendance.

If the behaviour of any Councillor towards any Council Officer should at any time during the course of any Councillor / Officer meeting be deemed by the Officer to have become unacceptable, the Officer has the right to terminate any such meeting with immediate effect, advising the Councillor as to the reason for terminating the meeting.

Any such incident shall be formally reported to the Personnel Panel and to the Full Council.’ (ii) Grievance Procedure It was noted that in order to formally conclude the recent staff grievance, a number of actions would be required to be undertaken. The Clerk would, therefore, raise the matter as a future agenda item for the Personnel Panel to consider, listing the required actions to be formally confirmed and approved by the Personnel Panel. 341/2020-21 CONCLUSION OF PRIVATE SESSION @10.24AM it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Tillson SECONDED BY: Councillor Miss Hiscock

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that the private and confidential session be hereby concluded.

The member of public was re-admitted to the meeting, following which, the Chairman thanked those present for their attendance and participation and the meeting then concluded @10.25AM.

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NB: All documents referred to herein are available for perusal on request, except for those documents of a sensitive / legal nature discussed in private session, including documents relating to staff matters which remain Private and Confidential in accordance with Data Protection legislation.

Minutes prepared by the Town Clerk

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New Romney Town Council Final

Bank Reconciliation as at 30th November 2020 Amount (£)

Opening Balance as at 1 April 2020 1,035,590.24

Add Receipts to 30th November 2020 400,142.21

Sub Total 1,435,732.45

Subtract Payments to 30th November 2020 156,331.72

Closing Balance as at 30th November 2020 1,279,400.73

Met By: National savings Income Bond 651,453.00 Nat West Business Reserve Account Balance at 30th November 2020 526,935.57 Lloyds Bank Business Account Balance at 30th November 2020 34,640.99 Unity Trust Account Balance at 30th November 2020 68,003.83 Nat West Current Account Balance at 30th November 2020 500.00 Less Outstanding Cheques/Transfers 2,132.66 Plus Outstanding Credits/Lodgements 0.00 -1,632.66 Total Bank Balance as at 30th November 2020 1,279,400.73

Outstanding Cheques/Transfers: Chq No Amount (£) Difference 0.00

9732 5.00 Outstanding Lodgements: 300023 40.00 Amount (£) 153 1010.40 156 126.00 158 868.65 159 82.61

Total 2,132.66 Total 0.00

Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT - 11th December 2020

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New Romney Town Council Final 2020/2021 Receipts F&GP Committee Amenities Committee November 2020 Total Total Bank VAT Town Grant Use of Reserve Sports Allot The Hut & Flag Ass Comm Way Grant Coney Misc Date Name Ref: Receipts Banked Precept & Inv Reclaim Hall Fun T Hall Misc Contra Funds Field & -ments Greens Winch -staff Rooms Hall -leaves Fun Banks Int -ed House ding & Admin Maude ding Brought Forward 398821.54 398821.54 366369.00 236.98 0.00 4058.60 0.00 200.00 667.00 330.00 17817.01 200.00 1772.94 450.00 5094.01 0.00 36.00 825.00 765.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.11.20 MPFA BACS 100.00 100.00 c 100.00 10.11.20 Shaw Rabson 493 579.80 579.80 c 579.80 5.11.20 National Westminster NSIB 440 636.28 636.28 c 12.73 623.55 30.11.20 National Westminster 440 4.59 4.59 c 4.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Monthly Total 1320.67 1320.67 0.00 17.32 0.00 579.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 623.55 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cummulative Total 400142.21 400142.21 366369.00 254.30 0.00 4638.40 0.00 200.00 667.00 330.00 18440.56 300.00 1772.94 450.00 5094.01 0.00 36.00 825.00 765.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Cross Cast 400142.21 Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT11th December 2020

New Romney Town Council New Romney Town Council Final List of Receipts (inc. VAT) - November 2020 Final Summary of Receipts (exc. VAT) - November 2020

2.11.20 MPFA BACS 100.00 Maude Pavilion & Sports Field - Rent Precept 0.00 10.11.20 Shaw Rabson 493 579.80 Town Hall House - Net rent Bank & Investment Interest 17.32 5.11.20 National Westminster NSIB 440 636.28 Cap Proj Inc Expns Reserve Fund/Bank & Investment Int. Town Hall House - Net Rent 579.80 30.11.20 National Westminster 440 4.59 Bank & Investment Interest Grant Funding 0.00 0.00 Use of Town Hall & Admin 0.00 0.00 Misc - Donation 0.00 0.00 Reserve Funds - Cap Proj Incidental Expenses 623.55 0.00 Sports Field & Maude Pavilion 100.00 0.00 Allotments - Rent 0.00 0.00 Contra 0.00 0.00 The Greens - Funfair 0.00 0.00 The Greens - TS Veteran Sea Cadets 0.00 0.00 Hut & Winch - Rent 0.00 Assembly Rooms 0.00 Community Hall 0.00 Wayleaves 0.00 Grant Funding - Amenities 0.00 Coney Banks - Grazing Fees 0.00 Total 1320.67 VAT 0.00 Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT 11th December 2020 Total 1320.67

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New Romney Town Council Final 2020/2021 Payments Plan November 2020 Personnel Panel F&GP Committee Amenities Committee ning

Admin Care Paye, NI Misc Town Town Mayor's Print Petty Office Admin Reserve VAT Sports Fairfield Allot The Flag Ass Comm Misc Plan Date Payee Ref: Total Salaries -taking & Student & Hall Hall Allow & Stat Cash Equip & Misc Funds Field & Rd Rec -ments Greens staff Rooms Hall -ning Salaries Loan Pensions House Maude 119017.92 30966.84 9215.60 8819.54 14755.79 6179.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 917.48 26062.12 6833.53 6026.89 240.00 1346.92 1116.97 1929.22 385.00 3550.19 150.00 22.50 0.00 2.11.20 Folkestone & Hythe District Council 492 195.00 c 195.00 2.11.20 Folkestone & Hythe District Council 492 499.00 c 499.00 2.11.20 EDF Energy 492 80.00 c 80.00 2.11.20 EDF Energy 492 43.00 c 43.00 3.11.20 Marshpat 300017 162.00 c 100.00 38.00 24.00 3.11.20 Kent County Council 300018 28.00 c 28.00 3.11.20 Commercial Services Trading Ltd 300019 82.61 c 13.77 34.42 34.42 3.11.20 EDF Energy 300020 7.83 c 0.37 7.46 3.11.20 M Coleman Arboricultural Service 300021 496.46 c 82.74 118.00 75.72 165.00 55.00 5.11.20 Marsh Mobile Catering FP 150.00 c 150.00 5.11.20 Reimbursement (Part Covid-19) FP 189.98 c 30.00 21.00 138.98 9.11.20 Weweld Services Ltd 9788 16660.80 c 13884.00 2776.80 9.11.20 The Society of Local Council Clerks 9789 202.00 c 202.00 9.11.20 Kent County Council 300022 1.00 c 1.00 10.11.20 Information Commissioner 300023 40.00 40.00 10.11.20 Cash 0148 300.00 c 300.00 13.11.20 Salaries - Month 8 FP 6470.09 c 4466.32 1976.95 26.82 13.11.20 ACAS COT3 FP 1500.00 c 1500.00 13.11.20 ACAS COT3 FP 1500.00 c 1500.00 13.11.20 ACAS COT3 FP 2000.00 c 2000.00 19.11.20 PKF Littlejohn LLP 0149 960.00 c 800.00 160.00 19.11.20 Branch Fire & Safety LLP 0150 393.90 c 199.60 14.40 65.65 114.25 19.11.20 Aspli Ltd 0151 471.48 c 392.90 78.58 19.11.20 The Computer Lady 0152 130.00 c 100.00 30.00 19.11.20 Millennium Quest Ltd 0153 1010.40 842.00 168.40 19.11.20 B E Ames Ltd 0154 1528.80 c 1024.00 254.80 250.00 20.11.20 British Telecommunications plc FP 213.24 c 177.70 35.54 20.11.20 B Evans (Training Consultant) FP 450.00 c 450.00 23.11.20 Cheque cancelled 0155 0.00 - 23.11.20 GeoXphere Ltd 0156 126.00 105.00 21.00 23.11.20 The Computer Lady 0157 60.00 c 50.00 10.00 23.11.20 Kent County Council 0158 868.65 744.56 124.09 23.11.20 Commercial Services Trading Ltd 0159 82.61 13.77 34.42 34.42 25.11.20 Business Stream 495 53.52 c 53.52 25.11.20 British Gas 495 115.68 c 110.18 5.50 25.11.20 British Gas 495 178.92 c 8.52 170.40 30.11.20 Veolia ES UK Ltd 496 62.83 c 52.36 10.47 0.00 0.00 Monthly Total 37313.80 4466.32 1976.95 0.00 30.00 1004.14 14.40 0.00 21.00 300.00 883.54 7532.42 15779.00 3860.00 250.00 186.84 75.72 241.30 55.00 637.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cummulative Total 156331.72 35433.16 11192.55 8819.54 14785.79 7183.47 14.40 0.00 21.00 800.00 1801.02 33594.54 22612.53 9886.89 490.00 1533.76 1192.69 2170.52 440.00 4187.36 150.00 22.50 0.00

Cross Cast 156331.72 Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT - 10th December 2020 29 | P a g e

New Romney Town Council Final New Romney Town Council Final List of Payments (inc. VAT) - November 2020 Summary of Payments (exc. VAT) - November 2020

2.11.20 Folkestone & Hythe District Council 492 195.00 Assembly Rooms - Non domestic rates Admin Salaries 4466.32 2.11.20 Folkestone & Hythe District Council 492 499.00 Town Hall - Non domestic rates Caretaking Salaries 1976.95 2.11.20 EDF Energy 492 80.00 Assembly Rooms - Electricity Paye, NI & Student Loan 0.00 2.11.20 EDF Energy 492 43.00 Town Hall - Electricity Personnel Misc & Pensions 30.00 3.11.20 Marshpat 300017 162.00 T Hall, Assembly Rooms & Admin & Misc - PAT testing Town Hall 1004.14 3.11.20 Kent County Council 300018 28.00 Festive Lighting Reserve Fund - Permit fee Town Hall House 14.40 3.11.20 Commercial Services Trading Ltd 300019 82.61 F F Rd Rec & The Greens - Inspections Mayor's Allowance 0.00 3.11.20 EDF Energy 300020 7.83 The Greens - Electricity Printing & Stationery 21.00 3.11.20 M Coleman Arboricultural Service 300021 496.46 Grounds Maintenance Petty Cash 300.00 5.11.20 Marsh Mobile Catering FP 150.00 Contra - Deposit refund Office Equipment 883.54 5.11.20 Reimbursement (Part Covid-19) FP 189.98 Print & Stat, Office Equip & Eye Test Admin & Misc 7532.42 9.11.20 Weweld Services Ltd 9788 16660.80 General Reserve - StMF bollards Reserve Funds - Festive Lighting, General 9.11.20 The Society of Local Council Clerks 9789 202.00 Admin & Misc - Subscription & Buildings Repair & Restoration 15779.00 9.11.20 Kent County Council 300022 1.00 Festive Lighting Reserve Fund - Permit fee Sports Field & Maude Pavilion 250.00 10.11.20 Information Commissioner 300023 40.00 Admin & Misc - Subscription Fairfield Road Recreation Ground 186.84 10.11.20 Cash 0148 300.00 Petty Cash & Postage Allotments 75.72 13.11.20 Salaries - Month 8 FP 6470.09 Personnel Staffing Budgets & Business mileage The Greens 241.30 13.11.20 ACAS COT3 FP 1500.00 Personnel - Staffing Provision Reserve Flagstaff 55.00 13.11.20 ACAS COT3 FP 1500.00 Personnel - Staffing Provision Reserve Assembly Rooms 637.17 13.11.20 ACAS COT3 FP 2000.00 Personnel - Staffing Provision Reserve Community Hall 0.00 19.11.20 PKF Littlejohn LLP 0149 960.00 Admin & Misc - External audit fee Amenities Misc 0.00 19.11.20 Branch Fire & Safety LLP 0150 393.90 Town Hall/Assembly Rooms/THH - Extinguisher insp Planning 0.00 19.11.20 Aspli Ltd 0151 471.48 Admin & Misc - Workwear 19.11.20 The Computer Lady 0152 130.00 Admin & Misc - IT remote support (Solar Wind) VAT 3860.00 19.11.20 Millennium Quest Ltd 0153 1010.40 Festive Lighting Reserve Fund - High St Lighting 2020 19.11.20 B E Ames Ltd 0154 1528.80 Building Rep Reserve/Maude Pavilion - R & M 20.11.20 British Telecommunications plc FP 213.24 Admin & Misc - Phone/internet Total 37313.80 20.11.20 B Evans (Training Consultant) FP 450.00 Councillor Training Budget - Code of Conduct 23.11.20 Cheque cancelled 0155 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPrepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT - 10th December 2020 23.11.20 GeoXphere Ltd 0156 126.00 Admin & Misc - Subscription 23.11.20 The Computer Lady 0157 60.00 Admin & Misc - IT remote support (Solar Wind) 23.11.20 Kent County Council 0158 868.65 Office Equipment - Printers/copier lease hire 23.11.20 Commercial Services Trading Ltd 0159 82.61 Fairfield Road Rec/The Greens - Inspections 25.11.20 Business Stream 495 53.52 Assembly Rooms - Wastewater 25.11.20 British Gas 495 115.68 Town Hall - Gas 25.11.20 British Gas 495 178.92 Assembly Rooms - Gas 30.11.20 Veolia ES UK Ltd 496 62.83 Town Hall - Waste Total 37313.80

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Town Council Appointed Representatives on Outside Bodies. Report to Full Council – January 2021.


Re: Ashford (Lydd) Airport

The following summary is intended to give members of the Consultative Committee a view on the current position at the airport and, set out our approach to business development:


London Ashford (Lydd) Airport – Covid-19 Tier 4 & general update

Given Government advice we announced that London Ashford (Lydd) Airport closed to the public at 17:00 hrs Tuesday 22 December ’20.

It is intended to commence operations from Monday 4 January ’21 or as Government guidelines allow.

We continue to take decisive action to protect colleagues, clientele and the over-all business.

Given the circumstances, our approach to cost control will be forensic & focused to minimise spend & strengthen the balance sheet. This is essential.

LAA participates in the UK Government Job Retention Scheme. Furlough arrangements for colleagues will be stepped up.

Generally we are able to apply the learnings of the first and second lockdown to act fast and secure our business.

The business is equally well placed to respond and scale up to a changing landscape as necessary.

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As the business emerges from the current position we will focus on initiatives & opportunities for business development that will strengthen our operating base as recovery gathers pace.

During the last three months as a team we have focused on:

 Terminal & buildings re-organisation  Airfield re-organisation  Staffing responsibilities  Financial review  Regulated responsibilities

Work is currently progressing on a general business plan for the short, medium & long term. Viability is an essential area of focus.

I expect to set out more detailed plans in due course.

Seasonal best wishes and thank you for your support.

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KALC Shepway Area Committee meeting - 17th December @ 19:00 (Remotely via Zoom).

The output of the meeting is detailed on the KALC website, available to all Councillors. (Note: If you don't have a KALC log in, contact the Clerk to arrange access). Key points were:

There were 17 Council representatives at the meeting which was chaired by Cllr Frank Hobbs.

Cllr Hobbs provided feedback on the Joint Transportation Board.

The main item on the agenda was related to FHDC Planning Services and we were joined by FHDC Officers Ewan Green (Director of Places) and Llywelyn Lloyd (Head of Planning).

Llywelyn provided feedback on the FHDC Planning Team structure and resources, including enforcement, where they now have two enforcement officers. They are now nearly fully staffed, for the first time in two years. They have 4 vacancies including two training posts.

They have addressed their planning backlog reducing it from 200/250 in January 2020 to 60. They have reduced their enforcement backlog from 450 in January 2020 to 150.

They are working through the backlog systematically, as well as dealing with new applications and pre-application advice. There have been 1200 applications to date in 2020 but they would normally expect 2,000 applications.

We had a long discussion on the value of Neighbourhood Plans and the proposed changes to the planning system, which will involve a re- examination of the Local Plan and re-issuing of the plan in accordance with the revised guidelines when they are issued. This is likely to be in the next two-three years.

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At the request of the Area Committee, Llywelyn Lloyd agreed to re-start the Planning User Group but they would meeting twice per year as a “focus group”.

The meeting closed at 20:48.

(Please ensure you have access to the KALC website. This can be arranged via the Town Clerk. Note: If you previously had access, this needs to be changed to reflect your current NRTC gov.uk email address).

Cllr Paul Thomas

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New Romney Town Council Full Council Meeting 13th January 2020

Agenda Item 17: Precept 2021-22

Fees and charges for 2021-22 were considered and approved by the Finance and General Purposes Committee (See attachment to detailed budget figures, previously circulated to all Councillors). The Draft Budget for 2021-22 recommended by the Finance and General Purposes Committee for consideration by Full Council is as follows: Committee £ F&GP Committee 226,061.00 Personnel Panel 140,350.00 Planning Committee 250.00

Total Budgetary Requirements for 2021-2022 366,661.00

2021-22 Budget Implications £ Town Council Draft Budget Requirement 366,661.00 Draft Precept Requirement for Consideration 366,661.00

Capital Projects: There are currently two approved large-scale capital projects; one of which will continue to be developed by New Romney Town Council in 2021-22 and one which has been on hold for an extended period now in order to focus on the other, as detailed below: Community Hall / Sports Pavilion: £630,000.00 was allocated from the Church Lane capital receipt, the majority of which is currently invested in a National Savings Income Bond, which is generating the best available return accessible to the Town Council and allows for speedy access to funds should they be required. Further allocations have subsequently been made to this project during the period between 2017 and 2020, in the total amount of £145,000, including the latest budget allocation of £20,000.00 within the 2020-21 budget, bringing total funds allocated to this project to £775,000.00. A further £2,135.00 has been received in support of this

35 | P a g e project by way of local donations from residents and businesses and a contribution of £2,000.00 from the New Romney Coastal Communities Team, bringing total project funds to £779,135.00. Budgeted PWLB loan repayments for 2020-21 in the amount of £44,500.00 - which were not in the end required in the current financial year due to the project being delayed through the planning process and the coronavirus pandemic - should now be re-allocated by the Finance & General Purposes Committee to the Community Hall / Sports Pavilion Project as this is the project for which the loan repayment funds were intended and allocated, which will bring the overall project funding pot total to £823,635.00 (less professional fees already expended and which form part of the overall projected project costs). This project is a large-scale project which is continuing to progress well - such that the Town Council entered into a conditional contract of sale in respect of land to the rear of Station Road Sports Field which will result in funding a substantial proportion of the costs required to realise this project. A planning application was also submitted and, in March 2020, was subsequently approved. Following delays mainly resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, the associated s106 Agreement is currently still in negotiation and, subject to finalisation and approval of the s106 Agreement, grant funding applications will then also be submitted. Any additional and / or on- going expenditure required during 2021-22 in regard to professional fees will continue to be allocated from the Community Hall / Sports Pavilion Project Reserve Fund, within which the balance of the afore-mentioned allocated funds is held. It has always been intended that the balance of funding required for this project will be sourced from third party grant funding and other external sources and, having undertaken public consultation regarding the potential to secure the future of this project by taking out a PWLB Loan, the outcome of which was positive, the Council has, having first duly considered the required detailed financial report, confirmed by resolution its intention to apply for such a loan. Astute and prudent budgeting in 2019-20 and 2020-21 insured that the cost of any potential loan repayments that may become payable during the current or forthcoming financial year and then beyond have been accounted for and will not, therefore, result in any additional financial impact on local taxpayers, in line with information sent out to every address in the parish when consulting on the potential to apply for consent to take out a PWLB loan to assist in funding this project. Commemorative Town Bandstand / Outdoor Event Space: Several years ago, £20,000.00 was re-allocated from a previous outdoor gym fencing project, due to a successful third party funding application resulting in surplus Town Council funds being available for re-allocation. Having consulted on the desire for this project – the result of which was positive - whilst still in the very early stages, with initial quotations having been sought for supply and installation, it was, in fact, set aside with the Council focus being on the much larger Community Hall and Sports Pavilion project. Therefore, no further action has since been taken in respect of this particular project and it is not expected that the project will be re-visited during 2021-22. The original intention was that the balance of funding for this project would be sourced via third party grant funding and, it was, therefore, not intended that it would have any significant impact on any future precept.

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Other Projects: Any further “one-off” projects during 2021-22 will need to be funded via further grant funding or from any Reserve Funds that have been put in place for the specified purpose. In my capacity as Responsible Financial Officer, I would, at this time, re-iterate my advice that the Council does not make use of General Reserves to fund non-emergency projects. The purpose of General Reserves being to provide funding in an emergency and at such time as there are no other Reserve Funds or other possible sources of funding available. It should be noted that it is necessary to endeavour to retain General Reserves in the approximate amount of 50% of the annual precept requirement in order that the Town Council could continue to operate for a full six months in such emergency circumstance as may wipe out its available funds until such time as the next precept instalment is payable. Budget comparisons to date indicate that the Budget for 2020-21 may, in fact, not have been fully utilised by the end of the current financial year, resulting in a small underspend in the 2020-21 budget. It is, thus, recommended that any such underspend is re-allocated, via the Finance and General Purposes Committee, to those areas where it is deemed to be required, including funding of any outstanding small projects such as replacement slide unit for Fairfield Recreation Ground and / or repair / replacement of Sea Shelters on The Greens, Littlestone. It is not, therefore, envisaged that by the end of March 2021 there will be any significant underspend in respect of the current (2020-21) financial year.

Precept: The above-detailed budget figures result in a precept requirement of £366,661.00, which is an increase of £292.00 or 0.01% on last year’s precept, to be approved by Full Council. The impact of the Town Council’s Precept requirement (being the amount that is required to meet the difference between budgeted income and expenditure) on local Council Tax payers, is calculated by dividing the Precept requirement by the average Band D Council Tax Base, as advised by Folkestone & Hythe District Council. The Tax Base is the total number of properties in New Romney from Band A to Band H averaged out to Band D equivalent properties. The impact of this precept on local tax payers is, in fact a ‘real terms’ rise of 1.57% on the average Band D Council Tax (based on 2021-22 provisional Tax Base figures supplied by the District Council). This is because, whereas, under normal circumstances, the average Band D Tax Base figure set by the District Council would be expected to rise in line with on-going new residential developments in the area (thereby reducing the financial impact on local taxpayers), due to unprecedented demand for Council Tax Relief as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the average Band D tax Base figure for 2021-22 has, in fact, been reduced – with the effect of increasing the financial impact of the precept requirement on local taxpayers. Whilst the above-detailed precept increase is, in fact, a below-inflationary rise, the Council is very aware of the financial impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on local

37 | P a g e residents and has, therefore, endeavoured to work towards a zero percent increase on its element of the 2021-22 Council Tax. With this in mind, and due to the unexpected decrease in the average Band D Tax Base for 2021-22 which would result in an increase in the Town Council element of the Council Tax which would actually be an over-inflationary rise in real terms, in my capacity as Responsible Financial Officer, I would recommend reducing the previously determined Town Council Budget Requirement for 2021-22 by £5,661.00, resulting in a zero percent increase in the Town Council element of the 2021-22 Council Tax bill for local residents. I would also strenuously recommend that such reduction is made by reducing planned Reserve Fund Contributions as opposed to Budget Allocations in order that Town Council services can be protected and preserved at their current level. However, it is important that any reductions to Reserve Fund Allocations are made where they can realistically and sensibly be reduced without impacting seriously on any ability to carry out any actions for which relevant Reserve Funds are set aside, should they be required, during the ensuing financial year. For this reason, a table of potential sources from which reduced contributions could be applied flexibly in any combination up to the required sum has been inserted below.

4. OTHER 2020/21 2020/21 2020/21 2021/22 2021/22 Other Actual Inc & Exp Est Total Budget Budget Suggested Suugested as at 31/10 (7/12) Inc & Exp Inc & Exp Inc & Exp Allocation Reduction Re-planting/Maintenance of High St Planter & Misc. 0.00 220.00 220.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 Contingency 0.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 Festivities Reserve Fund - Contribution 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 Festive Lighting Reserve Fund - Contribution 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 Town Council Election Reserve Fund - Contribution 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 Buildings Repair & Restoration Reserve Fund - Contribution 21,000.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 11,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 Non Annual Maintenance Reserve Fund - Contribution 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 Uniform Reserve Fund - Contribution 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 Confederation Reserve Fund - Contribution 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 Maintenance & Replacement of Boilers Reserve Fund - Contribution 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Town Hall Stairlift Reserve Fund - Contribution 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 Capital Reserve Fund - Contribution 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 Facilities Management Reserve Fund - Contribution 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 Community Hall Sports Pavilion Reserve Fund - Contribution 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Play & Miscellaneous Equipment Reserve Fund - Contribution 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 Staffing Provision Reserve Fund 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ICT Replacement Reserve Fund 800.00 800.00 800.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00

Total Expenditure Other 83,300.00 94,520.00 94,520.00 83,700.00 77,200.00 6,500.00

4. Total Net Expenditure Other 83,300.00 94,520.00 94,520.00 83,700.00 NB: Whilst the revised Tax Base figures for 2021-22 are currently provisional, it is notTotal possible, Net Expenditure this F&GPyear Committeeto await confirmed119,545.81 figures183,037.11 as the District235,869.00 Council226,061.00 meeting at which the figures will be confirmed is not scheduled to take place until February 2021 and it is required that Precept Demands are submitted by 31st January 2021. However, the District Council accountant has advised that she is not aware of any reason as to why they should be materially altered at that meeting.

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The tables below show the impact of this year’s changes in cost to local council tax payers. Current Precept (2020-21) £366,369.00 Tax Base (Band D Equivalent) 2,794.91 Average Council Tax Charge for Town £131.08 Council Element

Proposed Precept (2021-22) £366,661.00 Precept Increase 0.01% Using Existing Tax Base (2020-21) 2,794.91 Average Council Tax Charge for Town £131.19 Average Band D Council Council Element Tax Increase = 0.08% (£0.11 per annum / £0.01 per calendar month)

Proposed Precept (2021-22) £366,661.00 Precept Increase: 0.01% Using Revised Tax Base (2020-21) 2,754.00 Average Council Tax Charge for Town £133.14 Increase in Real Terms Council Element to local Tax Payers: Average Band D Council Tax Increase = 1.57% (£2.06 per annum / £0.17 per calendar month / £0.04 per week)

Reducing the Town Council Budget Requirement for 2021-22 by £5,661 will result in a final precept requirement of £361,000 and a zero percent increase in the Town Council element of the 2021-22 Council Tax for local residents, as demonstrated in the table below:

Proposed Revised Precept (2021-22) £361,000.00 Precept Decrease: 0.015% Using Revised Tax Base (2020-21) 2,754.00 Average Council Tax Charge for Town £131.08 Increase in Real Terms Council Element to local Tax Payers: Average Band D Council Tax Increase = 0% (£0.00 per annum / £0.00 per calendar month / £0.00 per week)

It should be noted that it continues to remain possible that the Council Tax Capping regime may be applied in the near future. This will mean that if capping is applied and the Town Council precept requirement exceeds the capped increase, a referendum and all its associated costs would be triggered.

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In my capacity as Responsible Financial Officer, it is my recommendation, therefore, that the Council does, indeed, prepare itself adequately for the full impact of the financial challenges that lie ahead during the forthcoming financial year by setting a realistic budget and approving the associated precept demand, as detailed above. In light of the above report, in my capacity as Responsible Financial Officer and having given due consideration to the wide range of financial issues relating to Town Council business, and having duly considered the financial impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on local residents, I would make the following recommendations:

Recommended Actions: (i) Approve amendments to draft 2021-22 Reserve Fund Contributions as detailed below (Details TBC):  ….  ….  ….  ….  ….  ….

(ii) Confirm and approve the Town Council net budget requirement for 2021-22 in the amount of £361,000.00 (iii) Confirm and approve a precept requirement for 2021-22 in the amount of £361,000.00 (iv) Authorise the Town Clerk to submit the formal precept demand to Folkestone and Hythe District Council by the due deadline and, in consultation with the Chairman of the Council, to issue a relevant press release.

Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer



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(a) COUNCILLOR/OFFICER RELATIONS Introduction The purpose of the protocol is to guide councillors and officers of the Council in their relations with one another. It aims to promote the high standards in public office that are required for a modern local government.

It sets out the general principles to be observed.

In this protocol the word ‘officers’ includes all employees of the Council.


The basic principles underlying the councillor/officer relationship in both directions should be:

Honesty Openness Respect for the different roles Courtesy and good manners

Both councillors and officers have their own personal lives which should be respected and, except in cases of emergency, contacting officers out of office hours on matters relating to Council business should be avoided.

A councillor should not attempt to purport to give instructions to any officer nor to involve him/her in matters other than as part of the Council’s employment practices.

Councillors should appreciate that officers are responsible for their conduct to their line manager.

Where any complaints or concerns appear to be justified, these will be dealt with in accordance with the remit of the Personnel Panel.

Roles of Councillors

Councillors are responsible to the electorate and serve so long as their term of office lasts. Councillors have a variety of roles, and are expected to:

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Have a representational role, both representing the Community to the Council and the Council to the Community. Participate in meetings of the Council Represent the Council on outside bodies Attend civic and ceremonial functions Hold and maintain the assets of the Council in trust

Role of Officers

Through the management structure, officers are responsible to the Council as a whole, which is their employer.

Officers must be seen to be impartial, and must not allow their views to influence their actions.

Officers are responsible for giving advice to councillors and for implementing the proper decisions of the Council.

The Town Clerk is responsible for running the day to day running of the Council in accordance with the decisions of the Council and under delegated authority.

The Town Clerk is the head of the paid service. He or she is responsible for the management of the staff, the implementation of policies approved by, or on behalf of, the Council, and for securing the proper undertaking of all operational matters. He or she is responsible for providing advice and guidance to the Council.

Chairman of the Council and Chairmen of Standing Committees

The Chairman of the Council and Chairmen of Standing Committees should, during his or her term of office, not engage in any controversial activity which could call into question the integrity or impartiality of the office.

The support provided to the Chairman of the Council by Officers should be used solely in discharging the civic functions associated with the office.

Personal Relationships

Mutual respect between councillors and officers is essential to good local government. Close personal familiarity between individual councillors and officers can damage this professional relationship. There is potential for improper behaviour if the normal professional relationship becomes either too cosy or too combative.

Excessive Familiarity

Councillors and officers should, at all times, avoid any situation which can give rise to any suspicion or appearance of improper conduct. Councillors must not sit on or participate in decisions by any Council committee or other Council body which directly affects an employee to whom they are:

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The partner; close relation such as sister, brother, parent , grandparent; or in any other relationship which would jeopardise the work of the Council or make their attendance improper under the Code of Conduct

Combativeness and Pressure

Dealings between councillors and officers, both written and oral, should observe reasonable standards of courtesy, and neither party should seek unfair advantage of their position.

Councillors should be aware that officers cannot respond to personal criticism in the same way as councillors can, and must avoid deliberately or unwittingly intimidating staff. This should not prevent reasonable constructive criticism of the work of officers by councillors.

Councillors should not put pressure on officers on matters where officers make decisions, whether these matters have been delegated to that officer or it is one that an officer must make by virtue of statutory provisions or for proper performance of his/her duties.

Officers should not put pressure on Councillors where Councillors make decisions, but should offer advice should there be legal, statutory or other important factors to be taken into consideration in conjunction with carrying out those decisions.

Councillors should not bring undue influence to bear on an officer to take action which is against procedure or policy, or to influence an officer’s judgement about an issue.

Discourse between officers and councillors on policy issues is quite proper.

Officer /Chairman Relationships

The Chairman can be Chairman of the Council, Chairman of a Standing Committee, Sub-Committee or Working Party.

It is very important that there should be a professional working relationship between the Chairman and the Town Clerk. It must not become so close, or appear to become so close, as to bring into question the Clerk’s ability to deal impartially with other councillors.

All other officers are accountable to the Town Clerk, and whilst they should always seek to assist the Chairman (or another councillor) they must not, in doing so, go beyond the bounds of whatever authority they have been given by the Town Clerk. The Chairman’ s role is primarily to ensure that that the business transacted at a meeting is done efficiently and effectively ensuring that members can participate equally in discussions.

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Monitoring the Performance of Officers

Councillors should set the parameters for Council work, and then let the officers get on with running things as much as possible whilst ensuring that performance management systems are in place.

Councillors have the right to criticise reports or actions taken by officers, but they must avoid personal attacks on the officers and ensure that their criticism is constructive and well-founded.

Councillors should avoid undermining respect for officers in meetings or in any public forum, and remember that officers are unable to ‘answer back’ or defend themselves against criticism in a public forum.

Councillors have a duty to raise any issues that they have reason to think might involve fraud or corruption of any sort.

Councillors should remember that officers work for the Council as a whole and not for one particular part of it.

Councillors’ Access to Information and to Council Documents

Councillors have a right to inspect any Council document which contains material relating to any business which is to be transacted at any meeting of the Council, Committee or Sub-Committee.

This right is irrespective of whether the Councillor is a member of the Committee or Sub-Committee, and extends to background papers as well as reports.

The right of a Councillor to inspect other documentation is dependent on whether the access could be considered reasonably necessary to carry out his/her duties as a councillor. This is, therefore, on a ‘need to know’ principle, which a councillor must justify to the Town Clerk in the initial instance (the Town Clerk being the first authority on the disclosure of information under the Freedom of Information Act).


Where it is necessary for an officer to copy his/her correspondence to a councillor it should be made known on the document.

Where it is necessary for an officer to copy correspondence from one councillor to another, this should be made known to the original councillor. Official letters on behalf of the Council which create legally binding obligations or give instructions on behalf of the Council should never be sent out in the name of a councillor.

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Support Services to Councillors

The Council provides a level of support services for Councillors. These include the use of telephones and the use of photocopying facilities. Stationery and pro-forma documents will be supplied as and when required on a ‘need to have’ basis

The only basis on which the Council can provide support services of this kind is to assist them discharge their role as Members of the Council.

Meetings between Officers / Councillors

No Councillor can expect to meet with any Council Officers without first having made prior arrangement and without having requested such in a polite and professional manner.

Any Council Officer shall have the right to decline to meet with an individual Councillor if they have genuine reason to believe that such a meeting will be detrimental to their physical or mental well-being. In such cases, a Council Officer may arrange for a meeting to take place with an alternative Council Officer or for a meeting to take place with the Chairman of the Council or the Chairman of the Personnel Panel in attendance.

If the behaviour of any Councillor towards any Council Officer should at any time during the course of any Councillor / Officer meeting be deemed by the Officer to have become unacceptable, the Officer has the right to terminate any such meeting with immediate effect, advising the Councillor as to the reason for terminating the meeting.

Any such incident shall be formally reported to the Personnel Panel and to the Full Council.

Reporting Alleged Improper Conduct by Councillors or Officers

Any Councillor may report in writing to the Monitoring Officer any other councillor whom he/she reasonably believes to have failed to comply with the provisions of the Council’s Code of Conduct.

An officer may also, if he/she thinks fit, report to the Monitoring Officer any councillor whom he/she reasonably believes to have failed to comply with the provisions of the code.

Minor complaints should be dealt with by the Personnel Panel with respect to a complaint made by a Councillor of an officer or by an officer of a Councillor.


The Personnel Panel affirms that no toleration of bullying or harassment of staff will be allowed by New Romney Town Council.

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(c) TOWN COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT ON BULLYING AND HARRASSMENT New Romney Town Council does not, and will not, tolerate, under any circumstances express or implied harassment or bullying of: a) the Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, or any member of Town Council Staff b) the Council Chairman, or any Member of the Town Council

Examples of harassment and bullying include, but are not limited to:  repeated and unwarranted (ie. vexacious) requests for information from either a single source or multiple sources, including whereby it can be perceived that two or more persons are working together to make such requests  multiple and unwarranted requests for information that exceed the individual Councillor’s authority and impact unreasonably on the workload of Staff Members  unwarranted and unsubstantiated personal comments about an individual’s actions or motives  requests for unauthorised private meetings and / or any meetings the subject of which may be perceived to place a Staff Member or Council Member in a difficult situation

Furthermore, it is beholden on Council Members to understand that their remit is limited to those actions formally authorised by New Romney Town Council and under no circumstances may any Council Member exceed that remit. It is, furthermore, important to understand that the Town Council cannot lawfully delegate authority to any individual Member – only to a committee or sub- committee / working party of Members or to its Proper officer (or his / her Deputy – as detailed within Standing Orders and the approved Schedule of Delegated Authorities). The Town Council will, via its Personnel Panel, take appropriate action in the event of any allegations and subsequent proof of harassment or bullying by any person. Such action may include: a) Submission of a formal complaint to the Monitoring Officer b) Full or Temporary suspension from any or all of the following: - Standing Committee - Working Party - Other Forum c) Any other disciplinary action to resolve the situation which may include: - a formal request to stand down from a relevant Committee or other Forum - a formal record on file which will be taken into account in the event of any repetitive behaviour following an event that occurs but where a

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conciliatory approach is felt to be appropriate and in the best interests of the Town Council - an open letter of disapproval New Romney Town Council takes pride in its reputation for an open, transparent and democratic approach. This can and must extend to its professional and interpersonal relationship between and among a) Council Staff b) Council Members c) Council Members and Council Staff and vice versa


The Mayor of New Romney Town Council will keep clear and transparent records of all charitable transactions he/she undertakes and an annual financial statement will be presented to the Full Council at the end of each Mayoral Year. All Mayor’s Charity Fund records will be made available to members of the Town Council on request.

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Request for Temporary Permit to Trade at The Greens, Littlestone

Following the Town Council’s recent ‘in principle’ agreement to conversion of the toilet block at The Greens, Littlestone for use as a Water Sports Centre with attached single, multi-use public convenience, it has been recognised by the applicant that the planning process may take longer than would be desired, with potential negative impact on this start-up business. Therefore, a request has now been submitted to the Town Council for a temporary permit to trade, in the interim, from the hard standing close to the afore-mentioned toilet block as a removable business (in the same way that the ice cream van or burger van is currently permitted access to trade on The Greens) which would not, therefore, also be subject to planning consent. There would be a need for local storage of some removable equipment and for siting of the required safety boat to avoid the additional costs associated with making provision to fully remove all equipment from site on a daily basis at the end of business. Therefore, following discussion regarding any potential options that might facilitate trading at the earliest opportunity whilst planning consent for the proposed conversion is sought, the Town Council is being asked to consider the following:  Provision of temporary tenancy of vacant hut and winch site for The Foiling Collective (with facility to install own storage hut and to site safety boat) prior to being released to the next person on the waiting list for a maximum period of one year at the prevailing rates in respect of deposit, rent and boat siting charge – for local storage of removable equipment and overnight storage of safety boat  Consent for issue of seasonal permit to trade from the beach front hard standing close to the toilet block from 1st March 2021 for up to one year at a charge that is commensurate with other similar permits (eg burger van) adjusted to reflect permit duration

The afore-mentioned provisions would allow for the business to begin to develop a customer base in any worst case scenario of delays to the proposed toilet block conversion due to matters arising through the planning process and / or matters relating to other relevant stakeholders,

48 | P a g e such as Natural England; it would also allow the business to continue to develop a customer base during the ensuing period of conversion works. The low cost charges applicable to the above temporary provision would also assist this start-up business in becoming established, thereby also supporting the development of local tourism and leisure.

For information, current charges – which remain unchanged for 2021-22 are as follows: · Hut and winch site deposit for 2021-22 £300.00 (refundable) · Hut and winch site rent for 2021-22 Non-residents £300.00 per annum · Boat siting charge for 2021-22 £50.00 per annum · Charge for burger van permit £100.00 per month

Town Clerk

5th January 2021

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AGENDA ITEM 14 136 MINUTES of A Remote Meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee Held on Wednesday 6 January 2021 Commencing at 6.45pm

PRESENT: Councillors: P D Thomas, J Picco, P J Coe, Mrs P Metcalfe, J Rivers and Ms W Nevard

In the Chair: Councillor Thomas (Chairman)

In Attendance: Planning Clerk - Mrs M Worf Town Clerk - Mrs C Newcombe One Member of the Public

342/2020-21 APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from : Councillor R Tillson who was experiencing technical problems Councillor J Ebrey-Cramp who was unwell.

It was

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Wimble SECONDED BY: Councillor Rivers and

RESOLVED – That reasons for absence, as detailed above, be approved.

343/2020-21 DISPENSATION TO PARTICIPATE It was reported that no new applications for Dispensation to Participate had been received.

344/2020-21 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no Declarations of Interest.

345/2020-21 ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING It was not necessary to adjourn the meeting as no members of the public were present and no questions had been received in writing.

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346/2020-21 PUBLIC QUESTIONS There were no public questions


347/2020-21 RE-CONVENING OF MEETING Not applicable.

348/2020-21 MINUTES Minutes of the Meeting Held on 9 December 2020 Having duly considered the afore-mentioned Minutes it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Coe SECONDED BY: Councillor Picco and

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 December 2020, a copy of which had been previously circulated to all Councillors, be signed as a true and correct record.

349/2020-21 PLANNING CLERK’S REPORT The Planning Clerk’s report was received and noted and read as under :



(i) Page 121/2 – Minute No 305/2020-21 – – Automatic Number Plate Recognition A letter was forwarded to Kent Police as resolved and an acknowledgement subsequently received.


There are no other matters of report at issue of this Agenda.

This Concludes the Report


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PROPOSED BY: Councillor Picco SECONDED BY: Councillor Coe and

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – That the observations and recommendations as under be submitted to Folkestone and Hythe District Council.


Application No. Description and Location

(i) 20/1912/FH Land rear 74 High Street, New Romney

Section 73 application for the removal of Condition 21 (domestic sprinklers) of Y17/0312/SH for erection of 6 No three bedroom dwellings (alternative to approved planning permission Y16/0523/SH) RECOMMENDATION: RECOMMEND REFUSAL – Contravenes Policy SD1 Voting : For Application: 3 Against Application: 4 Abstained: 1

(ii) 20/1651/FH Blue Dolphins, Road, New Romney

Works to trees in a conservation area comprising: Laurel (T2) fell; Yew (T3) crown reduce by maximum of one metre; Bay (T4) reduce in height by a maximum of 0.3 metres; Cherry Plum (T6) crown reduce by a maximum of 1.5 metres. RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION Voting : For Application: 7 Against Application: 0 Abstained: 0

(iii) 20/1965/FH White Inch, Madeira Road, Littlestone New Romney

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Erection of a single storey and two storey extension. Re-submission of application 20/1393/FH. RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION Voting : For Application: 7 Against Application: 0 Abstained: 0

(iv) 20/1727/FH Blue Dolphins, Dymchurch Road, New Romney

Felling of a Sycamore subject of TPO No 13 of 2008. 139 RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION – Subject to approval of FHDC Tree Officer. Voting : For Application: 7 Against Application: 0 Abstained: 0

(v) 20/1921/FH 34 Coast Drive, Greatstone, New Romney

Demolition of the existing dwelling and a replacement detached dwelling and the construction of an additional dwelling on the vacant adjacent plot together with associated car parking and landscaping. RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION Voting : For Application: 7 Against Application: 0 Abstained: 0

(vi) 20/1987/FH 60 High Street, New Romney

Section 73 application for the variation of Condition 2 (submitted plans) of Y18/1527/FH – Change of Use of Ground Floor to Create a Bar/Restaurant Unit (Class A3/A4) and a Retail Unit (use Class A1) Together with the Erection of a First Floor Extension

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to Create an Additional 3 flats (4 in total). To substitute previous drawings and new revisions. RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION Voting : For Application: 7 Against Application: 0 Abstained: 0

(vii) 20/1759/FH Craythornes, Fairfield Road, New Romney

Felling of one Yew and one Holly and various pruning works to thirteen individual trees and one group of trees, all subject of TPO No 2 of 2006.


RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION Voting : For Application: 7 Against Application: 0 Abstained: 0

(viii) 20/2030/FH 10 Littlestone Road, Littlestone, New Romney

Erection of a two storey rear extension, replacement of existing hanging tiles on side elevation with horizontal weatherboarding, conversion of existing garage into a temporary studio accommodation (ancillary use to the main house), improvements to existing off road forecourt parking. RECOMMENDATION: RECOMMEND REFUSAL – Contravenes Policies HB8 and HB9 Voting : For Application: 3 Against Application: 3 Abstained: 1

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(ix) 20/2056/FH 6 Varne Mews, Coast Drive, Greatstone, New Romney

Rear and side one storey extension. RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION Voting : For Application: 6 Against Application: 1 Abstained: 0

@ 7.26pm Councillor Picco left the meeting due to technical problems.


PROPOSED BY: Councillor Rivers SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs Metcalfe and

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – That the additional planning applications received since issue of the Agenda be discussed and voted upon and observations made submitted to Folkestone and Hythe District Council as under.


@ 7.29pm Councillor Picco re-joined the meeting.

Application No. Description and Location

(i) 20/1955/FH 19 Meehan Road, Greatstone, New Romney

Demolition of existing garage, kitchen and rear porch, removal of chimney and to remove pitched roof on existing front porch. Erection of side and rear extension consisting of new garage and front porch. RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION Voting: For Application: 4 Against Application: 1 Abstained: 2

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(ii) 20/2051/FH 2 Waverley House, Marine Parade, Littlestone, New Romney

Erection of side extension. RECOMMENDATION: RECOMMEND REFUSAL – Contravenes Policies HB8 and T2 Voting: For Application: 2 Against Application: 3 Abstained: 2

352/2020-21 SCHEDULE OF LICENCE APPLICATIONS There were no licence applications for consideration.

353/2020-21 FOLKESTONE & HYTHE DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORTS/ DECISIONS/MATTERS Delegated Decisions The delegated decisions for the periods ending 10 and 16 December 2020, details of which had been previously circulated, were received and noted by Members present.

354/2020-21 PLANNING APPLICATION 20/0690/FH – SANDBANKS, COAST ROAD, LITTLESTONE The Chairman advised that, as Councillors were aware, planning application 20/0690/FH had been scheduled to be discussed at the meeting of FHDC Planning and Licensing Committee on 15 December 2020 and had been withdrawn due to flooding issues.There was nothing further to discuss at this stage but a ‘watching brief’ would be kept.


355/2020-21 PLANNING APPLICATION Y19/1421/FH – 99 LITTLESTONE ROAD, LITTLESTONE Councillor Picco advised he had requested this matter be brought back to Committee following receipt of the Enforcement Officer’s letter dated 19 November 2020 and reported at the last meeting of this Committee (Minute No 299/2020-21(B)(i) refers) as he remained concerned that the action taken by FHDC sets a precedent and goes against its own planning policies.

Following discussion it was

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Picco SECONDED BY: Councillor Rivers and

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – That Councillor Wimble, in his capacity as District Councillor, and Councillor Thomas arrange to meet with the Head of Planning at Folkestone and Hythe

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District Council to discuss the actions of the Enforcement Officer insofar as planning application Y19/1421/FH was concerned and enforcement generally in the Parish of New Romney.

356/2020-21 VACANT PROPERTIES IN NEW ROMNEY A report, prepared by Councillor Thomas, in respect of three vacant properties in the Parish of New Romney, ie 80 St Nicholas Road, Littlestone, Greengates, Marine Parade, Littlestone and Scotts, Marine Parade, Littlestone, all of which were in a state of disrepair, had been previously circulated.

Following discussion it was

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Rivers and

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – That, having obtained his agreement, Councillor Wimble, in his capacity as District Councillor, would arrange a meeting with the relevant Officers at Folkestone and Hythe District Council to discuss the three vacant properties and ascertain what could be done to remedy the situation with an update to the Planning and Environment Committee in six months’ time.

357/2020-21 KCC SAFEGUARDING SPD AND STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT CONSULTATION A link to the above Consultation had been previously circulated.

Following brief discussion it was


PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Coe and

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - That a letter be forwarded to KCC advising New Romney Town Council had no comment to made on the Consultation at this time but wished to be kept advised.

@ 8.04pm the member of the public left the meeting.

358/2020-21 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS No written reports had been received.

The Meeting Concluded at 8.06pm

Minutes prepared by the Planning Clerk 57 | P a g e


ALLOTMENT REPORT 11th January 2021

An inspection of New Romney Allotments took place on 7th December 2020, and the result of this was that 1 x Letter 1 was sent out, and 2 x letter 2’s were sent out to tenants. The reasons were: 3 x untidy / needing weeding / inadequate cultivation 2 x poor or unsafe condition of rabbit fencing

4 x Tenancy termination letters were sent out, due to no or minimal action having been taken by tenants, after previous 2 letters. Following these letters, we received a written appeal from 1 tenant, which was upheld, pending certain requirements being met. 3 x improvement confirmation letters were issued. 3 allotment plots were not inspected at that time due to having received extensions to their notifications.

A further inspection took place on 4th January 2021. As a result of this the following letters are in the process of being sent: 2 x Letter 1 1 x Letter 2 1 x Improvement acknowledgement letter The reasons for Letters 1 and 2 were: 1 x untidy / needing weeding / inadequate cultivation 3 x poor or unsafe condition of rabbit fencing.

1 further situation is under discussion with tenant, to try to avoid termination of tenancy, following 2 previous letters.

2 allotment plots have been cleared and let to new tenants (awaiting deposits).

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3 tenants, by the time of this meeting, will have had their tenancies terminated, as we have not received any communication from them following issue of tenancy termination notices. These plots will then require clearing and preparing for re-letting.

The Parish Caretaker, and Assistant Caretaker are currently working to install posts with numbers adjacent to each plot, to make identification easier. The waiting list for allotment gardens currently stands at 12, plus 2 outside of wards.

Judith Ruffhead Facilities and PR Clerk

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Plot 25 – Inspection findings 04.01.2021 Some work has been carried out on the site. The perimeter rabbit fence has been weeded and it is clear that it is within the requirements. It might possibly be slightly over 1m, but not by much, if it is. Most of the fenceline has been weeded, apart from the back edge (photo 3 and 4). It appears that a new fencepost has been added along the left hand side (photo 2), and 2 pieces of wooden trellis that were internal at this point, have been removed. Work still continuing by the looks of it. Generally the climbers and some shrubs, inside the plot and on the surrounding trellis’ have either been cut back or seasonally died back. The red/brown wooden structure to the rear of the plot, behind the shed, still remains. The wooden parasol has been removed from the roof, but the metal meshes are still present. Some tidying of debris, pots and tools etc has taken place within the plot. Still a metal mattress springs fixed within the perimeter as plant support. (photo 6 and 7) –this has not been specifically identified in previous letters. Various smaller structures still present. (photos 8, 11,12,17). Access still not possible due to padlocked gate. In as far as the points raised in the letters sent, I believe that the boundary fence, once weeded at the back, will then comply. Regarding weeds and debris and untidiness, there has been progress but still difficult to see full extent. Structures remain, including almost all internal perimeter fence/ trellis.

Judith Ruffhead – Facilities Clerk

Photo 2

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Photo 3

Photo 4

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Photo 5

Photo 6

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Photo 7

Photo 8

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Photo 11

Photo 12

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Photo 17

Full Council Meeting - Wednesday 13th January 2021 Additional Notes Regarding Subject Allotment Plot 1) In light of discussion with the Facilities Clerk, whilst some weeding was undertaken along the exterior boundary of the plot as a result of earlier Town Council communications, it was the joint consensus that it was not entirely evident whether the interior of the plot appears to be slightly clearer of weeds and other overgrown vegetation due, in the main, to improved visibility as a result of seasonal vegetation dieback or whether some weeding and tidying of overgrown vegetation has taken place. 2) Whilst two panels of trellis were removed following the previous communication, all of the structures that were required to be removed due to the fact that no consent was requested in writing prior to installation in accordance with terms of tenancy are still in situ, despite an extension having been granted so that the tenant could arrange for friends, family or a contractor to undertake the required work on their behalf if they were unable to do so personally and if they so desired; in particular, the internal structure that forms an entire internal fence just inside the plot boundary and, together

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with padlocked gates, prevents any officer access to the plot and prevents any real visibility into the site to assess the general tidiness and safety of the plot. No communication has been received from the tenant to update the Council in regard to whether the required works had been completed and, if not, to confirm that they would be completed together with expected date of completion within the granted extension period. It is evident from the relevant photographs that no work, in fact, appears to have been undertaken since the initial small amount of weeding and tidying. 3) Whilst weather has been poor over the past weeks, at times, making the allotment garden site more difficult – with some days when the site was waterlogged, the tenant was first notified that the relevant structures were required to be removed in September 2020, following which there have been many weeks when weather would have had no impact on the ability to undertake the works as requested and during a period when there was much more freedom of movement permitted amidst the on-going public health emergency following the initial national lockdown period. 4) It is evident that all other tenants who have not responded to requirements to rectify issues raised following an initial letter and a reminder letter have now received a tenancy termination letter in accordance with the Town Council procedure for inspection and termination. In light of this fact, this tenant has also now been sent a tenancy termination letter. However, in light of previous dealings with the tenant, the Council is requested to formally confirm its agreement to this course of action, which has been taken in accordance with the approved Town Council procedure.

Actions for Consideration:  The Town Council hereby retrospectively confirms its formal agreement to the issue of a Tenancy Termination Letter, noting that the Council’s approved Inspection and Termination Procedure has been followed prior to this action.

Town Clerk 12/01/21

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