THE NEWS SCIMITAR Mputncbsm Ibjjsgejbggisjgjgjsjgaso That Guiltiest Feeling by Briggs Copyright, 1SU, by Tha Tribune Association (New Tor Tribune)
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The Pu blicBe Served THE NEWS SCIMITAR mputncbsm iBjjsgejBggisjgjgjsjgaso That Guiltiest Feeling By Briggs Copyright, 1SU, by tha Tribune Association (New Tor Tribune). feetmttar r toJft 0H-H- - I JXJcvm- o- Thought mm 5 I WZC, 1 PCPHaP-- Get a PUBLISHED BY THE MEMPHIS NIWS 8CIMITAW COMPANY. I AaLf Thin S I ( musht Entered u Beoond-Clas- s Matter at the Postofflce at Memphis, Tenn.. Under the Art of March i. 1179. DAILY EXCEPTSUNDAY MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. AND THE heading Td read, The Associated Press ta exclusively entitled to the use for reproduction NOT FAR away. a to It or not otherwise In The New ef all newt dispatches credited credited live. OF THE German drive, tclmlter, and ft tan the local news published hareln. FROM WHERE I e a AND I'D SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier, ISo par week. Be mill, poatage THERE'S A little store. getsere again. 1 month, 40c: S months. Tie: I S) 00. I months, 11.00: 11 paid, months, AND GO en months, 14.00. AND THE of It. e my Way, a keepers NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. AND THE store is still ARB A man and woman e a there. If roil have trouble about getting vour paper, call Main 459 or Mem- e a 30 AND THEY are still phis and the matter will ba given Immediate attention. AND THEY'RE both German. see there, AND BEFORE the day. AND I still pas by. PAUL BLOCK. INC., Seeelai Representative. war. AND THE vax Is done. WO . Chi- THAT WE went to Fifth Ave New York; Millers Rtiildlng. a a Little Building, Boston; Kresee Bi Jlng. kfari cago, USED to IB. AND IT'S Christmas time. 14 15 I drop a a AND BUY things from them. AND THERE'S peace) on earth, AND THE hate I AND KEPT on going. a a hat HAS BURNED Itself out UNTIL, ONE day. h a OF I FOUND I hem smiling. AND I'VE made up my mlad. THE FALLACY BEATING a a A ON TOMORROW morn, SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES OVER paper. a I'LL DROP In there AND SAW the heading, a a a AND IT was a story. AND SPEND two-b- it Every now and then some statesman, as we arc wont to A AND WISH them both. call fiur public men, described by liis critics as a crank and by 01' German victory, a a his one in of his AND BEING neutral. A MERRY Christras apologists as living advance age, usurps tbc m a a function of the takes his text from the fourth verse of BORN in Canada ) AND A New Year, cleiy, (AND e happya of a sermon. the second chapter Isaiah and preaches mighty IT MADE niP mad. AND IF thy deserve tt a few Mr. made a bid for Only years ago Bryan popularity I went THEY'LL GET what I wish. AND away, a e by petting hold of a job lot of antiquated and marked down sa- t ANli NEVER went AND IF they don't, bers, which he had molded in the image of a one Imre You v to maks Slzzr a Decipeo mofr a THEN OF course won't turning plow, upon which was inscribed an extract from the A B03lwrSS -- TRiP" THROUGH THE .SOVIH AND FOR than yar. they verse which reads: "And He shall judge among the nations, Amd Ths voire Di.scoue.RS Youft Golf I'VE FASSKD their More. BUT ANYWAY. nd shall rebuke many people; and shall beat their swords VJTH THE H ST tff YOltR eAftGAC).. AND SKEN them in ther. THEY'RE BOTH old folks, they B3 a a e a -- Y0L) ; nation DOESN KWOUJ, AS THAT into plowshares, and their spears into pruning honks shall fOT JHE T t0, AND WHENKVKU I passed. AND THEY'VE had a bad year. S a not lift sword nation, neither shall they learn war Tine 8(6 ToORMAmenT AT piMCHURST 3)ue up against VUHICH 13. KtrVCOM "O hi YOUR OulMC, MDU I THEY WERE all alonr. AND I used to like them. more," and to each of the several states he sent the rtri. ft a any governor AND IT Feemed lo me. BEFORE THE war. one of the miniature mementoes, which, perhaps, more nearly a a a AS THE months went by. AND THERE'S no war now. served to remind most of them of their youthful avocation than t a a a it did to recall to their minds the Biblical prophecy. THET GREW very old. AND THEY look so sad. And as Mr. lirvan sought to spread the gospel, so have AND I used to feel. SITTING BACK. there. - H. WAR ARTICLE in before en- FRANK SIMONDS' Other men all the him, and a arc I'D like to in. THAT I'VE to In. ages good many THAT go gota go in the same worthy enterprise at this time, without AS T used to OR FIRST I know. The go. a thing Sged we may as there is no visible Campaign of 1918 perceptible headway, say, By FRANK H. SIMONDS, Author of "THE QREAT WAR," "THEY SHALL NOT PASS." AND THEN I'd remember. I'LL BE sad like them. change in human nature as it was originally constituted. We irreme- THE SMILES I'd seen. I THANK you. may assume, therefore, that owing to the perverse and 1!US. (Copyright, MoOlure Newspaper French reserve armlss, which had been teau Thierry, where the Germans had Serbia wa liberated, Rumania rising r diable character of human nature, war, which had its origin in Syndicate, ) awaiting a German attack upon their crossea the river ana were still gain- against her Gorman masters ana aus Fverv year. since the opening of the own front at the fhemm de Darnc. ing ground, but only at great cost and tria falllnsr Into ruin and fragments. of is 1 I the genesis creation, is still with us and likely to remain wnr, have, at tin close of the season, were rushed up and thrown In. In this slowiy. In this situation Foch suddenly A final stand the Germans made in Isflrj Over a of vears to come. reviewed the military operations of the time the Herman host pushed retain struck back upon the extended and France In the last thee weeks of the quite period campaign To complete tha series. I icssly on, pnsucd the Stnnime, cross-- open flank of ijie Germans between the war behind the Scheldt from Ghent to This original opinion of ours has become a fixed conviction, shall now make a brief Survey or tho the battlefield of 19IB. reached tha An- - Marne and tho Aisne, using Americans Valenciennes, behind the Meuse and in final campaign which won the struggle cre, took Albert and aouth of the Botnine as well as French troops in Mangln's systems of defenses prepared between even in the face of the literature sent out by the to en and thus close the military Articles within 10 miles of Amiens spearhead thrust. the two livers But he Nov. 1 the Brit HEli! league approached I . The was Immediate and de- we in which have been writing during the the vital center of railway communici-tlons- result ish had forced the line of the Scheldt force peace, and, might add, spite of the German theory world war. Southward the flood reach d cisive. It was a repetition of the and were advancing upon Maubeuge and Tho of 1!1h on and Lassii;-n- y strategy of the first marne and It had the all before carried to the other but with the same ultimate campaign opened passed Noyon, toucned the was Mons, French sweeping extreme, object March 21. when the Oermnns attacked highlands and extended to Mont the same outcome. I.udendorff them from Ouise to Rcthel and the ot were so the between and dldlcr compelled to draw his beaten troops out Americans were at last final in view, when the nanus Belgian cluMren cut on British front the olae Amer- through of tkMoiWt the wun In the of disaster France of the Marne salient, pursued by German anil were for Scarpa valley and the greatest midst the icans and French. He suffered barrier streaming they could never again compel Germany to enter a defensive victory Of the whole war on tho west- and Britain, with America, decided up- great ward to Sedan, whose suburbs they out- on a momentous Gen. Vict ir losses In material, d Solssons were to war. W hue the German idea we can ern front up to that hour. At. the step, Foch, the of the enter before the armistice was is I of Marne of and territory south Aisne, entirely reprehensible, set of he operations the situation from the anf the Yser, whs was more his signed. bad-I- v called to command. He can e but what important, by not deny that it was much more practical than the processes of the allied camp was confused and supreme retreat he confessed the failure, not of And so. with the supreme disaster in analyzed. To the supremo tent of when the first fury of the Gormnn of worn In his Immediate effort, but of his whole sight, but not arrived, with their power moral suasion chamnioned by some idealistic gentlemen our the four years the nations allied against storm had Itself out. the last had shot her bolt, or resistance not enaea AX UNPOPULAR SONG. of March the Germans had finel y campaign.