Legislative Assembly Hansard 1947
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Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 1947 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Coal Mining Acts Amdt. Bill. [13 NovEMBER.] Questions. 1335 THURSDAY, 13 NOVEMBER, 1947. Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. S. J. Brassington, Fortitude Valley) took the chair at 11 a.m. QUESTIONS. BUILDI.'IG CONTROL: CHARGES OF PUBLIC CURA'l'OR. 3Ir. lUORRIS (Enoggera) asked the Secretary for Labour and Industry- '' Has any permit been issued by his department under the Building Materials Control Act conditionally upon the .Public Curator receh·ing a percentage of rentals paid?'' Hon. Y. C. GAIR (South Brisbane) replied- ''No.'' l"ORECLOSURES BY AGRICUL'£URAL BANK. ~fr. NICKLIN (Murrumba) asked the rrreasurer- '' From 1932-33 to 1938-39 inclusi\·e, what was the total number of cases in which the Agricultural Bank foreclosed and/or took possession of mortgaged pro perties under the provisions of (a) the Agricultural Bank Acts, and (b) the Dis charged Soldiers' Settlement Acts·?'' Hon. J. LARCO:liBE (Rockhampton) replied- " The reply is as follo·ws :- --~ ~:I~arged ---- Agricultural Soldiers' Dank. · Settlement Total. 1 Act. 1932-~~ 84 57 193S-3H 49 30 1946-47 9 4 ''The figures for each intervening year are contained in each annual report of the Agricultural Bank.'' RADIO EQUIP~IENT IN STATE SCHOOLS. JUr. ~!ORRIS (Enoggera) asked the Secretary for Public Instruction- '' 1. What standa"rdised types of radio equipment will, in future, be installed in schools by the department, and what >Yill be the total cost of each type~ '' 2. As this equipment is now to be supplied by the department, will school committees be permitted to install selected machines, and repay their share of the purchase price over a period of time? '' 1336 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. Hon. H. A. RRUCE (The Tableland) BOTTLING OF DRAUGHT BEER. replied- '' 1. In future, the radio equipment to lllr. WAN STALL (Toowong) asked the be supplied to schools by the department Attomey-General- will be made especially for the department. ' 'Will he draw the attention of the Licen In every case it will be a combination sing Commission to the substance of a radio-gramphone, giving facilities for the special article published in the '' Tele use of recordings made by the department. graph'' newspapel' on 11th instant, in which The approximate cost of the various types allegations concerning the bac,k-room will be-(a) Battery operated (small bottling and sale of draught beer are made school) radiogram, £28; (b) electric radio against some Brisbane hotel licensees, and gram (small school), £40; (c) electric will he take prompt action to stamp out radiogram for larger schools, £40, plus such unhygienic malpractices~'' £12 for amplifier and £2 per speaker. That is to say, a school equipment supplying the Hon. D. A. GLEDSON (Ipswich) replied- head teacher's office and six classrooms will cost approximately £66. In every case, ,' The Licensing Commission has sent me half the cost will be met by this depart the following statement:-' The LicC'using ment. Commission issues bottlers' licenses to hotelkeepers only when the room and '' 2. The type to be supplied to each equipment are suitable for bottling under school will depend on-(a) Availability of hygienic conditions_ There are fifty-two electric power; (b) size of the school. Each bottlers' licenses in the metropolitan area. school will be required to forward its There are three recognised methods of contribution in full when the equipment is bottling liquor-(a) Bottling machines, about to be installed. The installation will which are quite satisfactory and usually be carried out by the department. '' installed in the larger establishments; (b) syphon system; (c) jug and funnel. The Sm.vrMER ScHooL, GATTON CoLLEGE. equipment (b) and (c) are penmtte(l usually in the smaller establi~ht~Jents_ ~Ir. ~IORRIS (Enoggera) asked the Bottlers' licenses were granted prmc1pally Secretary for Public Instruction- for the bottling of wine and spirits. The "In regard to the Summer Agricultural inability of brewers to provide bottled beer School for Primary School pupils at the has resulted in a demand by the public Queensland Agric~ltural High School and for the bottling of draught beer, and hotel College, Lawes, mentioned in his report- keepers now attempt to meet this public demand by bottling draught beer which is '' 1. What is the commencing and finish now in more plentiful supply. The news ing dates of the school to be held dming paper claims that some person (un-named) the forthcoming vacation~ saw an employee (un-named) at an hotel '' 2. What is the method of selection of (un-named) 'suck the beer through a tube_' pupils for this school~ In syphoning beer the only approved methocl '' 3. Are there any vacancies fol' the is to first fill the tube with beer, but if school to be held during the forthcoming the newspaper reporter did actually see an vacation? employee suck the beer, it would b~ helpful '' 4. Wha't are the qualifications neces if particulars of the alleged happemng were sary for selection 'f '' made available to the Commission. The Department of Public Health has already Hon. H. A. BRUCE (The Tableland) undertaken to make an early inspection of replied- all bottling premises.'' '' 1. The Summer Agricultural School at the Queensland Agricultural High School and College commences on 5 January and DECE)!TRALISATION OF INDUSTRY. finishes on 23 January, 1948. )fr. WAN STALL (Toowong) asked the '' 2. The intention of the department to Premier- hold such a school was set out in the ''Education Office Gazette'' for July last, " What action does he propose to take to and head teachers were a.sked to give implement the suggestions made by ~he publicity to the school and to invite nomina Prime Minister in his reply to the resolutiOn tions from boys desiring to attend. The of the House, seeking the co-operation of notice also pointed out that, in making the Commonwealth Government in decen selections, the department would take into tralising industry in Queensland, since the consideration the following:-( a) Boys who Prime Minister has made it clear that the live on a farm and who have taken part matter is the responsibility of the Queens in agricultural project work; (b) boys who land Government~'' have left school and who are working on lt farm and who attend manual training Hon. E. lU. HANLON (Ithaca) replied- ciasses at any rural or vocational training school; (c) boys who live on a farm and ,' To all new industrialists from abroad whose opportunities for participating in and the South contemplating establishing agricultural project work or for attending themselves in Queensland, the question of manual training classes are limited. commencing in country towns outside Brisbane is always placed before them. To "3. 'No.' date, a cotton spinning and weaving mill "4. See (2)." proposes to commence at Toowoomba, a Questions. [13 NOVEMBER.] Questions. 1337 furniture factory at Cairns, and a lime Hon. J. E. DUGGAN (Toowoomba) works at Rockhampton. Brick and tile replied- '1"orks have been established at various '' The result wa·s due to revenue in the country centres. From the defence point of Southem and Central Divisions decreasing ,·iew the decentralisation of industries is substantially during the second period of ~he concern of both the Commonwealth and seven years, whilst that in the Northern St2te Governments. The division of State Division increased.'' and Commonwealth responsibilities in the decentralisation of secondary industries was considered at the August, l945, Premiers' TREATME)[T OF ORES IN NoRTH QUEENSLAKD. Conference which adopted the following lUr. PATERSO~ (Bowen) asked the resolutions, inter alia :-Conference agrees Chief Secretary- that decentralisation of secondary industry "Referring to his statement on 6 ~ovem should be carried out by joint Common ber during the debate on the Est1mates wealth and State action based upon the for' the Co-ordinator-General's Department, follmYing division of Statp and Coml?on in which he said, in effect, that when hydro \l"ealth responsibilities-State Tesponslblh electric works are constructed on the ties: ( i.) The development of second~ry Burdekin and Tully Rivers, zinc and other industry to be guided by the respective concentrates from Mount Isa and other State Governments along the lines of decen parts of North Queensla'nd can be treated tralisation appropriate in each particular in X orth Queensland instead Gf bemg State; (ii.) each State Government to under shipped to Tasmania, what plans, if any, take to the full extent of its resources the have been made to have such treatment provision of services and the financial costs works constructed in conjunction with these of assista·nce 2nd concessions. (In cases hydro-electric works?'' where requests for assistance involve public works expenditure in order to provide Hon. E. JI. HANLON (Ithaea) replied- 2dditional services, the financial aspect will, '' The survey for the Tully Hydro-electric of course, be dealt with through the Scheme is now approaching completion, but machinery provided by the Loa~1 Council the design of the final scheme has not yet and the National Works Counc1l.) Com been put in hand. The Burdekin work is monwealth responsibilities: (i.) Close as yet in the preliminary stages of investi collaboration with State Governments in gation as to irrigation, flood prevention, Tegard to all matters of Commonwealth and possible hydro-electrification. The industrial policy which may affect the Govenunent 's plans for regional electrical development and location of inclustry, \yith development by water and coal power are particular reference to the means of brmg aimed at encouraging the maximum indus ing before industrialists the possibilities of trial development including treatment works decentralised locations for development; for concentrates.'' ( ii.) inwstigation, in association with State Gowmments, of the prospects of developing secondary industries in selected areas, EST.\BLISH~IE):T OF STEEL IKDUSTRIES IN particular consideration being given to the QUEE)[SLAND.