Effect of Genotype X Environment Interactions of Grapevine Hybrids Characteristics
BIO Web of Conferences 9, 01018 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20170901018 40th World Congress of Vine and Wine Effect of genotype x environment interactions of grapevine hybrids characteristics Dragan Nikolic´1, Zorica Rankovic-Vasi´ c´1, Aleksandar Petrovic´1, Ivana Radojevic´2, Tatjana Jovanovic-Cvetkovi´ c´3, and Branislava Sivcevˇ 1 1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, Serbia 2 Centre of Viticulture and Eenology, Nis,ˇ Serbia 3 University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska - BiH Abstract. Research in this paper was performed at two different locations: Radmilovac and Vrsacˇ in Serbia. Four new interspecific hybrids (9846, 9896, 19574 and 20506) which are intended for table consumption were used as a material. Grape yield per unit area, the properties of the bunch (bunch weight, bunch length, bunch width and number of berries in bunch), the properties of berry (berry weight, berry length and berry width), as well as the characteristic of grape quality (sugar content and total acids in the must) were studied in selected hybrids. The highest yield per unit area in the localities Radmilovac and Vrsacˇ had a hybrid 9896 (14 998 kg/ha; 11 365 kg/ha). Analysis of variance results showed for the bunch weight, bunch width and number of berries in bunch, berry weight and berry length significant differences among the genotypes. Significant differences between investigated localities were determined for the bunch length and all the berry characters. The interaction between genotype and localities showed significant differences for bunch length, berry length and berry width. Since the genotypes in the initial yielding (third year after planting), they are showed satisfactory results in relation to the objectives of selection.
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