Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society

Volume 52 Number 4 Fall 1994 Cover: Aster (Macheranthera) coloradoensis with Stachys chrysantha and Damselfly (Enallagma sp.) by Cindy Nelson-Nold of Lakewood, Colorado All Material Copyright © 1994 North American Rock Garden Society Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society

Volume 52 Number 4 Fall 1994


Woody for the Alpine Rock Garden, by Jim Cross 243

Dwarf Shrubs from the Southwest, by Jeff Wagner 253

Hebes, by David Palmer 261

Shrubs for the Southeastern Rock Garden, by Paul Jones 265

Container Alpines: Growing Small Plants in Small Places,

by Lawrence B. Thomas 271

Stellar Asters: New Worthies from the West, by Panayoti Kelaidis 287

An Introduction to Japanese Violets, by Kim Blaxland 298 Departments

Garden Etiquette 293 Portraits 294 Books 305 242 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Woody Plants For the Alpine Rock Garden by James Cross

jAdmost any garden, no less the alpine rock garden, needs woody plants to be aesthetically complete. These woody plants provide structure the year around. They add a significant part of the overall texture of the garden. Those that are evergreen add color and interest especially when perennials are out of sight in the winter months. Woody plants are indispensable to the overall impact of the garden on the viewer. Probably the most common flaw seen in alpine rock gardens is that far too few woody plants are used. Also important is that many of the woody plants that we do use prove to be unsuitable, even though known as dwarfs, because they grow too rapidly, using up more than their intended share of space and becoming out of scale. I consider that plants should provide a minimum of ten years in one location to be considered suitable. It is not easy for the gardener to locate a good assortment of very slow grow• ing dwarfs. The slower the growth, the less wood can be taken safely for cuttings for production, making it difficult to meet increased demand. Moreover, the slower growth inherent to these plants results in a higher production cost. It is not always possible to obtain the higher selling price needed for a profit, espe• cially from persons who are used to buying perennials, a much quicker, less expensive crop. The ideal woody plant for the alpine rock garden is, therefore, always going to be scarce and to require more effort on the gardener's part to search for them in odd corners. Supply, in general, will continue to depend on the hobbyist, or rock garden enthusiast who enjoys the challenge of propagation of these wee, woody buns. Perhaps the NARGS bulletin could help with a section on sources of appropri• ate woody plants and candidates for planting in the rock garden, some of which have only recently become known. Every little bit of information and demand will help the supply side with its built-in obstacles. The American Conifer Society has proposed a four part classification of the term "dwarf" based upon average annual rates of growth. It is hoped that, in time, this will be broadly accepted as a universal horticultural standard, which

243 would greatly lessen confusion and misunderstanding in referring to any specif• ic plant as dwarf. In this article we are interested only in the two slowest growth categories. First is Miniature (M) with a maximum annual rate of growth of 3". Next in growth is Dwarf (D) with annual growth in the range of 3" to 6". The remaining two classifications of 6" to 12" and over 12" provide no candidates for alpine rock gardens. There are a couple of procedures to keep in mind in maintaining miniature and dwarf plants in good condition. Should very strong growth (vigorous and outsized) appear, cut it off at the point of the eruption or origin. Most of these plants originate from witch's brooms and a branch or two will occasionally revert to the form of the original mother plant. Most plants of normal-sized species grow in a manner that provides ample space among the branches for discarded foliage to fall through the branches and be disposed of in the surrounding soil. Miniatures, especially conifers, have such close spacing between the branches that the discarded foliage tends to accumu• late on the branches and, over time, can cause serious damage to large sections of a plant. It is controversial how this comes about, but, whether the result of disease among the damp, rotting debris or from winter damage to wood that is too well protected in the autumn when the wood "hardens" by exposure, dam• age usually happens just when the tiny plant reaches the size and the shape you had been waiting to see. Spend a little time every year or two in carefully clean• ing out this debris—it is good insurance.

Note: Without the willing help of many, especially Ed Rezek of Long Island and Don Howse of Sandy, Oregon, this article would contain a great deal less information.

Drawing by Betty Ann Albert

Jim Cross is proprietor of Environmentals, a wholesale nursery on Long Island. His wife Conni has a separate business designing and installing gardens and is Jim's best customer.

244 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 S X ir O MX -3 o? ^ 'C hD -TJ .a * s "S S •*-. CL "C! .= o 00 ^ S 3 OH 3a ^g Ta3i ^TO S i £ 5 -S^^oSc;^-?-^-^ g 13 cu -a " too, 'OH. flj -4-» 1> a bb 0> 3 u £ 03 'I c> r3 CU § - O OH 33 O 4-i |H ffi S £ O "O bO o _3 K u £ c 45 o; ns X> ~S o ._ cu o n3 H QJ U QJ a bO M •+-> -0M) bO o 3 3 * 03 3 co (fl 2 O 3 5 3 O 23 CO o JS lc X die O O) ^ I co a> CD T3 44 > « CO s 01 M-H ^ £ 3 XbO «> 03 4j CO bb v 1 6 T3 T3 c S 2 SD3^ g H JJH 0) X 0) Z 3 XS 3 o 42 ' cu OH O 2 a S3 I 45

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248 Bulletiii of the Americai^ Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 >^ X a) c "fl CU 0) -t-> X 2 .2 g £ QJ £ X o a c "O c O > ^ A —- c £^ o _ S c > O 3 ° O •B v a 2 , T3 r-> C T 5 ^ S -a £ c co ^ a 4< O to s 3 * h D C RJ 73 l^ C2 TTo0(n «6 cu o> 11 OH 12 S3 £g g-S > in * x a> a - S S« ^ A RJ > £ £ IH 2 si 8L T3 B o >^ "a? S 3 £ ~ 3 ^ co co

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Woody Plants for the Alpine Rock Garden 249 u •> -I K X * •M £0 ) *J 0) £ u o 2 QJ <3 O G S ° uO £ 01 cn 5 CL, l« s£ 6 £ £ rt £ - ? en O >-i -G .^H J-H S"|3 G K O 2 g| nj > > n OX, 0\ CD O*N ~"t f Mk C^CONNNNfON bO

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252 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Western Natives:

Shrubs for the Rock Garden by Jeffrey Wagner

Ojardening is very much tied to a garden, and for showing off the indi- fashions that sweep through the horti• vidual plants. As one wanders cultural world like summer breezes. through such a collection in the spring Annuals are the most sensitive barom• Nepalese forests full of dazzling eter for this behavior, as are popular shrubs and trees or the Tibetan heath genera such as , lilacs, rhododen• easily come to mind. drons, daffodils, etc. Oftentimes this For me, ever since I saw some of the type of gardening after a fashion or a famous woodland and geographical particular interest is a beginner's win• gardens of Europe, and a number of dow to the plant world, and it always incredibly well done private collec• has a place in amenity collections of tions, in particular in Sweden, as well one kind or another, be it botanic gar• as the Berry Botanic Garden in dens or public plantings. There is even Portland, Oregon, and the Rock an art to "getting it right," which can Alpine Garden at Denver Botanic reach a high level of tastefulness and Gardens, I have delighted in a more polish through working with colors "ecological" approach to gardening. and blooming times, or with designs By that I mean a garden that is assem• drawn in annuals. When I was an bled and that functions as a more or intern at Kew Botanic Gardens, people less naturally occurring plant commu• came worshipfully up to the nity—one that has a life and rhythm of Broadwalk from halfway around the its own and that blends in with the world to see the annual displays, surrounding landscape. Such a garden which were never the same two years is a community of all kinds of plants running. Being an admirer of living together—from annuals and Rhododendron, and a member of the biennials to perennials and shrubs and society dedicated to that genus, I have trees. There may be an emphasis on seen many gardens given wholly up to particular groups, but it is never done rhododendrons, to the exclusion of to the exclusion of the others. The nearly everything, save a few other Rock Alpine Garden of Denver is a "tolerable" Ericaceae. This can be a very good example of this. Although very effective way of both maintaining alpines are the main attraction, it

253 becomes apparent that they grow galaxy of starry white flowers in June together with a very wide range of that make this shrub a wonderful addi• woody plants, the majority of them tion to the garden. Its stature, too, lets shrubs or small trees, and that it it fit into almost any garden, unlike its would be a very different garden gargantuan, pedigreed cousins and indeed without them. This is done so foreign relatives in the same genus. Its masterfully that even in this very structure of intricately branching, pale small space, one only gradually to golden yellow give it a pleas• becomes aware of the wealth of ing form during the winter after the woody plants thriving in the midst of yellow or red fall are gone. a premiere alpine garden. Philadelphus microphyllus is extremely There is such a diversity of woody drought tolerant and easily propagat• plants, particularly native woody ed from seed or cuttings. plants, that it seems a shame to exclude them from the rock garden. Petrophytum caespitosum They are hardy, dependable, durable, Growing along with Philadelphus easily cultivated, long-lived, interest• microphyllus in rimrock areas, and ing and beautiful the year round, and especially in dolomitic or calcareous they complete a garden in a way that cliffs, is a wonderful little plant, the monoculture cannot. The room that rock spiraea. I first saw it as cuttings woody plants create, their quiet, in a bag at the nursery. The propri• unfolding life, and the beauty of etor's description of how it clung and and bud and flower is distinct from draped over Glenwood Canyon's rock anything an herbaceous plant can pro• walls, next to the river, was fascinat• vide. Many are perfectly sized to ing. We successfully rooted cuttings at smaller gardens and can be shaped or summer's end under mist and plastic, moved easily when required. A fine and had plants filling 2" pots by the array of shrubs and smaller trees is following summer. It was not until available in the nursery trade that then that I actually saw the plant both would be appropriate to any garden. as specimens and growing Here, however, I would like to point in tiny cracks of some immense to a few of the exciting, little-tried dolomite cliffs that form the canyon shrubs that are gaining a foothold in around Rifle Creek in Colorado. It some parts of the country, and that are spills out of the cracks, growing in being grown by a few nurserymen whatever mulch that accumulates and amateurs. There is a surprising around the woody crown, and what reservoir of remarkably hardy popula• little soil and moisture there is in the tions of plants growing at middle to rock face. The shoots slither stiffly higher elevations (5,000'-12,000') about, raising flat mounds of small throughout mountainous western spathulate, pilose leaves. Sometime North America, and although they are during July the tiny creamy flowers known, they are rarely used in horti• are borne aloft in spikelike panicles culture. That is unfortunate. that are from 2"-4" high. The whole appearance conjures an elfin world among towering cliffs of mystical pro• Philadelphus microphyllus portions. This plant would be well This is a wonderfully diminutive worth trying in almost any rock gar• mock orange with a large range in the den. It has an immense range—from western states. First described by Asa southwest Texas, western Colorado, Gray, it grows from 2'-6' and has a

254 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 across Utah and Nevada, north Boulder and other Colorado gardens through Idaho and into Washington, in a shorter form, A. patula var. colora- Oregon and California. To see speci• doensis. Allan Taylor and others have mens in the herbarium is a treat—they collected cuttings of this taxon from vary quite a bit. In some localities they various places in the Colorado Plateau are reported to make mats that cover from sites between 5,000-8,000' in ele• considerable areas. vation over the course of many years, and have proven it hardy to 25°F Manzanitas below zero. This population of plants Allan Taylor, who gardens in is a remarkable disjunct of what was Boulder, Colorado, ranges all over the probably once a continuous distribu• West in search of plant material to tion. Now, Utah, Nevada, and Arizona introduce into horticulture. An expert are the main extensions of its range dendrologist and a good plantsman, outside of California. Yet here on the he has followed several genera over Uncompaghre Plateau, and a few many years, and made excellent selec• other places in the state, it thrives and tions of Pinus contorta, Chilopsis lin- mixes in the open in the glades earis, Juniperus, Quercus, Arctostaphylos, between ponderosas and pinyons, and many more. He is primarily con• with A. nevadensis and A. uva-ursi. cerned with gardening in the cool, dry There are many attractive hybrids climate along the Front Range of the showing more or less of each species' Colorado Rockies, but many of his influence. Some are prostrate; others selections are adaptable to more dis• more upright and scrambling; others tant climates that are not excessively open upright to fastigate. There are wet or colder than USDA zones 3 or 4. specimens of every conceivable combi• nation between the three manzanita Taylor has collected several taxa that species populating these glades. There are perfectly adaptable to cultivation. are some very good, densely growing Of these, members of the genus forms of the pinemat manzanita and Arctostaphylos are prominent and very patula hybrids which grow either pros• promising plants in the garden, espe• trate as kinnikinnik, or to 3' and have cially for drier climates that let the its wonderful cinnamon red bark and plants rest when they are dormant in reddish fruits. I have seen a patula the winter. hybrid of this plant effectively cover• In the Savill-Valley gardens at ing up to several hundred square feet Windsor, England, there was a mag• under a huge cottonwood in a Denver nificent plant of the green manzanita, garden. Not only does this planting Arctostaphylos patula for many years. It leave no space for weeds, but its bil• finally succumbed to the harsh winter lowy, fresh green appearance lends a of 1986, but until then its rich bur• very clean air to the whole space— gundy-red burnished trunks, the much more so than a busy, crowded diameter of muscular legs, bore the perennial bed or the usual somber ivy large, dark green, beaver-tail leaves, or scraggly Nummularia would have. and long pearl-strings of white, urceo- late flowers aloft for decades. I knew Allan's selections of forms of the that this plant was from California, greenleaf manzanita are stiffer and but I never even dreamed of seeing it more upright that the pinemat man• again outside of its native state, or in zanita, and are quite elegant plants. any but the most blessed of gardens. They make a rounded shrub of any• To my surprise I found it again in where from l'-3' high that is very corn-

Western Natives: Shrubs for the Rock Garden 255 pact and attractive at all seasons of the the Front Range of the Rockies, they year. They are sturdy, frost and heat are worth trying on a much larger hardy. Their large, thick, leathery scale. leaves held around the sinuous Propagation requires attention to branches look for all the world like so proper conditions during the rooting many attendant servants fanning their phase of cuttings; a few nurserymen silky smooth, richly dark-complex• and women have achieved consistent• ioned mistress. The flowers are, ly good results. The key to success depending on their ancestry, either seems to be collection of cuttings at red, , pink, or white, and are borne the right time, and a barely moist, in early spring, either before winter indeed nearly dry, rooting medium. has quit the stage, or with warmer An excess of moisture during this weather in April. The fruits, only phase, more than at any other time borne within the good company of during its life span, spells doom for other manzanitas, are either red or the plant. Mildew, too, carries it off in brownish red. a trice. In addition to these selections, Allan has forms and patula hybrids with This is only a very short list of a few other species such as Arctostaphylos shrubs that will add immeasurably pringlei and A. pungens. Some hybrids to the diversity, distinctiveness, and have grayer or bluer leaves, or more interest in a rock garden. There are orange, or darker, fascinating shades many more that are either drought of bark—from dark mahogany-purple tolerant, cold hardy, colorful, to rich brown. These plants all thrive in diminutive, and unusual—unusual a neutral to slightly acid, well-drained only because they are untried on a soil, in full sun to light shade. They are greater scale. Shrubs are a natural also remarkably drought tolerant. part of many ecosystems, and their They would undoubtedly struggle in absence in the garden, unless areas that are too humid, or lacking a planned and deliberate, leaves some• consistent snow cover or other protec• thing wanting. When one sees them tion from bare frost periods or direct both in the wild and in the well- winter sun in freezing temperatures. made garden, one appreciates them But given their performance so far in all the more.

Drawing by Rebecca Day-Skowron

Jeff Wagner is a nurseryman trained in Denmark and Sweden, with a particular interest in dendrology and alpines of the Northern Hemisphere.

256 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Hebe species, Cobb Valley, New Zealand Larry Korn

Hebe ochracea (p. 263) David Palmer

257 258 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:3 Foreground, Juniperus squamata, Origanum vulgare 'Aureum', Hebe 'Youngii' (p. 263), Hebe pinguifolia (p. 263); background, Hebe 'Anomala', Salvia officinalis 'Icterina'

Hebe Emerald Green' (syn. H. 'McKeani', p. 263) photos, David Palmer

259 260 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Hebes

by David Palmer

In Greek mythology Hebe was the in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and Goddess of Youth, the daughter of colors, making hebes extremely valu• Zeus, king of the gods. As long ago as able as foliage plants. The growing 1789 the Goddess gave her name to a tips are always covered by a pair of group of plants that we have also leaves, which protect the terminal known for many years as shrubby buds of coastal plants against damage veronicas. The name Hebe was revived from salt-laden winds. The flowers are in 1921, but it wasn't until 1926, fol• generally displayed as short spikes in lowing a paper submitted by Drs. L. the leaf axils at the end of the branch• Cockayne and H.H. Allen, that the es. In the related species H. hulkeana, name was accepted in New Zealand. It H. raoulii, and H. lavaudiana the flow• took nearly 40 years before Hebe final• ers are in a panicle, and in the closely ly became accepted by the rest of the related genus Parahebe in a raceme. world as the proper designation for The seed capsules in Veronica split ver• these plants. tically; in Hebe they split horizontally. As with many New Zealand plants, All hebes come from the Southern white is the predominant flower color, Hemisphere. Of the nearly 100 species, while some species bear blue, purple, 80 are native to New Zealand, with the or violet flowers. Among garden remaining species coming from hybrids other colors have been added Tasmania, South Australia, Papua by primarily using H. speciosa to pro• New Guinea, Tierra del Fuego, and the duce shades of carmine red, pink, and Falkland Islands. Two species, H. ellip- beetroot-purple. Flowering times for tica and H. salicifolia, occur both in many of the low-growing and small- southern South America as well as in leaved forms are May to June; the New Zealand, the former also occur- medium to taller forms generally ing in the Falkland Islands. bloom from July through September, Hebes differ from veronicas primar• with the occasional hybrid blooming ily in being shrubby and evergreen, on into winter. whereas veronicas are usually herba• In New Zealand, Hebe is the genus ceous and deciduous. The leaves come of flowering plants with the most

261 species. Taxa range in size from low, moist westerly air stream, many of the prostrate groundcovers to large 6'-10' larger-leaved species are excellent for bushes. They are found growing from coastal gardens in milder areas. Those the sea coast to the verges of mountain shorter and smaller-leaved species streams to high mountain tops. They from drier areas make great plants for grow in a diverse range of soils, from rock gardens. They are best planted in volcanic to sand, to clay to silt. full sun, which brings out the best col• The climate and latitude of the oring in the leaves. Dryness and expo• plant's natural habitat in New Zealand sure to cold chilling winds are proba• can determine a species' ability to bly Hebe's worst enemies. grow in our climate. With a distance of Over the years several of the species 1,055 miles from latitude 34° south to have been used to provide us with a 47° south, annual rainfall varies from great number of hybrids. Most of these an average of 40-50" on the westerly have been produced in Britain, France, side of the North Island to 300" at the and New Zealand. This cross-conti• southerly tip of the South Island. On nent activity has led to a lot of name the drier, easterly side there can be as confusion, with the same hybrid at little as 10-15" in places. Because rain times being grown under several culti- falls throughout the year, these plants var names. With the start of a Hebe have a tendency to root at the surface. Society in 1985, and now a National Many of the larger-leaved species, Reference Collection, it is hoped that such as H. speciosa, grow in the moist, this confusion will be straightened out. subtropical regions on the western With such a large number of both coast, while the smaller-leaved and species and hybrids, there is a wide prostrate species are usually found in range of leaf shapes, from obovate to the drier, eastern sections, often elliptic to lanceolate and linear, rang• amongst scrub and tussock grassland. ing in size from approximately 1/4" up Since most receive some rain through• to 5". The smallest leaves belong to the out the year, it is necessary in cultiva• group commonly known as whip• tion to provide them with adequate cords. In whipcords, leaves in the juve• moisture during the growing season. nile state are often small and roundish, Beside normal soil preparation and while in the adult stage they are adding organic matter, it is advisable replaced by imbricated scales closely to mulch during the summer months. pressed to the stem, causing them to Forms with medium to large leaves take on the appearance of a conifer. can be planted a little deeper, having This is an adaptation to their native two or three dormant buds below soil exposed mountain habitat, where level. This not only helps them to root reduced leaf size reduces water loss. more deeply but provides some insur• All whipcord hebes are excellent for ance for regrowth should the top of the rock garden, as they grow fairly the plant be killed by winter cold. slowly and can often be used in place of Unfortunately, little is written on conifers. Hebe cupressoides lives up to its the hardiness of hebes in this country. name and closely resembles a Most literature describes their cultiva• Cupressus. It grows slowly at first, tion and hardiness in Britain, where although it can eventually reach 5' in they are listed as hardy from zone 7 to height. It forms a roundish bush of a zone 10. As a general rule, the smaller glaucous green color. A dwarf selection the leaf, the hardier the plant will be. called 'Boughton Dome' reaches only Growing naturally in a climate with a 18", and the foliage remains juvenile.

262 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Most other species in the group are several are grown together. Belonging more of a yellow-green color. Hebe to the whipcord group, H. propinqua lycopodioides, H. salicornioides, H. tetrag- can make a yellow-green mat just a ona, H. coarctata, and H. armstrongii few inches high and some 3' across in reach about 24". This last species is the wild. Rather uncommon in cultiva• often confused with H. ochracea, a com• tion, it unfortunately doesn't repeat monly cultivated species, which grows this useful low habit when grown in into a rather rigid 30"-high plant, its the garden. The hybrid H. 'Prostrata', ochre-colored branches fanning out• however, will mold itself around rocks wards with small, white, starry flow• when planted next to them. ers on the tips in May (photo, p. 257). The related genus Parahebe has sev• Hebe 'James Stirling' is a dwarf form of eral species and hybrids of interest to this species that is ideal for troughs. the rock gardener. Parahebe catarractae Hebe 'Edinensis' and H. hectori var. is probably the most commonly demissa are other dwarf whipcords that grown. Greatly variable, it usually has can also be used in troughs. Not a low, spreading habit with elliptic, belonging to this group, but having a toothed leaves, and loose racemes of similar stiff, erect habit, H. 'Emerald saucer-shaped, white flowers, veined Green' forms a little cushion of a purple. With the common name of bright, shiny green that looks at home waterfall veronica, it looks best plant• in a trough as well as the rock garden ed on the edge of a rock ledge, allow• (photo, p. 259). ing the flowers spill out over. In keeping with the shorter varieties The genus Hebe has such diversity and adding a different color, H. of both habit and foliage color that it pimeleoides and its forms have a glau• can provide interest in the garden all cous effect with dark, purplish-brown year around. If planted in place of stems. The bluish-purple flowers in conifers, hebe species can give some summer are a good contrast. The culti- structure to the rock garden, as well as var H. p. 'Quicksilver', developed in adding that welcome foliage color dur• England, has a silvery gray appear• ing the winter months. ance and well lives up to its name. While many species are too tall for Though similar in color to H. the average rock garden, they can still pimeleoides, H. pinguifolia (photo, p. be used to great advantage in other 259) and H. 'Pagei' (photo, p. 258) are parts of the garden. From the front of a little shorter, with larger leaves, and the border to the back, used to make a both bear white flowers. hedge, grown for foliage effect, or for Hebe 'Carl Teschner' has been a fre• the flamboyance of the flowers to quently grown cultivar in gardens for attract butterflies, this genus has many many years. Unfortunately, due to uses. The hybrids with large, brightly some confusion over naming, we now colored flowers are probably too ten• have to use the earlier name of the der for many parts of the country, but identical cultivar H. 'Youngii' (photo, there is still enough variety to interest p. 259). A small, procumbent shrub, it the gardener and plant fanatic in trying has dark, almost brown stems with something new. If the climate is too small, elliptic, dark green leaves. cold, then try cultivating hebes in con• Loose racemes of violet flowers are tainers that can be protected over the borne in early summer. winter. Hebe 'Andersonii Variegata' These low-growing hebes can also and H. x 'Franciscana Variegata' are be used for carpeting the ground when often sold as ornamental pot plants.

Hebes 263 Sad to say, there are a limited num• is an excellent reference. Douglas ber of hebes available in this country, Chalk also runs a small nursery in yet hopefully more will become avail• England where hebes are a specialty. able in time. For those who cross the waters to England, you may want to check out County Park Nursery, in Essex, owned by Graham Hutchins. Drawing by Rebecca Day-Skowron Over the years he has made many trips to New Zealand, both studying and collecting new and exciting hebes, as well as raising and naming selec• David Palmer is a transplanted tions himself. For more information on Englishman who gardens in West Linn, the many species and hybrids, the Oregon. An avid plantsman, he enjoys book Hebes and Parahebes written by growing a wide variety of plants from Douglas Chalk, and published in 1988, seed, everything from bulbs to shrub.

Hebe pinguiquifolia Tagei'

264 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Dwarf Shrubs for the Southeastern Rock Garden

by Paul Jones

I_/et's take a look at some of the tiality, Mother also decimates trea• better small shrubs that are either in sures from our warmer neighbors by use or have good potential for use in sending her annual 20°F nights the last the temperate southeastern United week of April, when their tropical States, roughly USDA Zones 7 and 8. plant tissues are in growth overdrive. My garden observations are centered All that aside, the Southeast is, in the piedmont of North Carolina, however, a wonderful climate in where I live and work as a public gar• which to garden. The following list of dening professional. Like much of the small shrubs that can be successfully Southeast we receive about 40" inches grown is a testament to this fact. I of rain distributed more or less evenly didn't realize until I put this article throughout the year. Coastal and together that evergreens far outnum• mountain areas are typically wetter. bered deciduous shrubs, at least in this The temperature bottoms out about size category. Throughout the text, once each year in the neighborhood of unless otherwise noted, the plants are 0-10°F, and the summer generally pro• evergreen. duces a couple of weeks of days between 95-100°F. These temperature The genus Daphne has captured my extremes are important, of course, in interest far more than other broadleaf limiting which shrubs we can grow, evergreens. All the eastern Asian but probably not as important as is species I've tried have adapted well. I often asserted. Equally suppressing suspect this is in large part due to sim• are those insidious little cohorts of ilarities in climate between the two Mother Nature such as 100% humidity regions. Daphne odora, which matures in the entire month of July, coupled roughly 2' x 3', is well known and with nighttime temperatures of 80°F. If becoming even more popular, judging the plants don't sweat to death, those by its availability. The species D. retusa little beauties from cooler or drier and D. tangutica are about half the size climes generally fall prey to fungi, and equally impressive—D. retusa has which act like gophers, stealing plants even re-seeded in my garden. Also from the ground up. Showing no par• from the Far East are two deciduous

265 species deserving greater popularity, to simply beautiful, little, fragrant D. genkwa and D. kamschaticum. Daphne shrubs under two feet. 'Carol Mackie', genkwa admittedly stretches the limits a prettily variegated selection with of "small," standing easily one meter pink flowers, is in my opinion the high by as much or more wide, but the cream of the crop. Although not fully tremendous lilac display of its early deciduous, it does lose all but a tuft of spring flowers demands mentioning. leaves at the tip of each branch by win• Its only shortcoming is its precocious ter's end. nature, which often means, as men• Success with daphnes seems to tioned above, that it gets damaged by hinge on very good drainage and cold weather in late April. It responds some attention to pH. I rarely add lime with a new set of flowers, though. but do apply wood ashes liberally, Daphne kamschaticum and its variety which probably has a similar effect on jezoensis are summer-deciduous pH. Daphne cneorum miraculously shrubs. This can come as quite a sur• recovered from an apparent near- prise if you don't expect it. Luckily I death experience after such treatment. didn't throw mine out. These are both I don't give D. kamschaticum ash, how• pretty shrubs with lush foliage that ever. Also, I have found the base of the tackle winter head-on and still look trunk of some species to be a prime like champs come spring. The bright area for rot when moisture-retentive yellow flowers are produced with the mulch is used too heavily. A light leaves and open intermittently mulch such as pine needles, if any at through winter and early spring. all, seems to relieve this problem. Daphne jezoensis also adds fragrance to its dossier. There are additional Rhododendrons need no introduc• Chinese species that I suspect would tion. In the Southeast, the durable aza• also be well suited to the Southeast. lea is synonymous with home land• Perhaps less well adapted, but satis• scaping, and just about every color factory nonetheless, are the daphne and size is available for whatever the species and their hybrids that hail application. Many hybrids are certain• from the greater Mediterranean ly under 2' tall or can be kept small region. Among those I have success• with only minor pruning. There are far fully grown or seen in area gardens, too many to discuss, but at the risk of are D. cneorum 'Eximia' (photo, p. 281), overlooking the very best I'll point out D. caucasicum, D. collina, D. arbuscula, a few less frequently encountered D. blagayana (thanks to Carol Fyler!), selections that I like. Look to Fred and the hybrids D. x napolitana, D. x Galle's Azaleas for the complete story. mantensiana, and D. 'Carol Mackie'.(I Rhododendron indicum from south• use the past tense here because ern Japan is an important parent in daphnes do have an often unexplained many dwarf hybrids. This includes the tendency to check out without warn• popular Satsukis, of which the well ing. If I get four or five years I consider known 'Gumpo' is a selection. The it a privilege to have known them, and tiny leaves and very small habit of a success.) Daphne caucasicum, like D. 'Chinzan', 'Kazan' ('Rukizon'), and genkwa, is a larger shrub (to 3') that just 'Kinsai' make them most appealing. has to be included anyway. It flowers My specimen of 'Kazan', now more year round and has a heavenly fra• than ten years old, is still under 8" grance that kicks in around dusk. The with about a 12" spread. For a bit more remainder range from ground huggers size and bold color 'Yachiyo', 'Flame

266 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Creeper' and R. indicum 'Balsaminae- tunately for us, there are numerous florum' are sure bets. As with most "yaks" and "yak" hybrids from which shrubs, grow these and other azaleas in to choose. Rhododendron hyperthrum full sun and hold the nitrogen to a min• and R. keiskei, which are small (2'-3' at imum; the results will be a smaller, tidi• most for many years), will also suc• er shrub that "flowers its fool head off." ceed well when attention is paid to sit• Another useful species is R. naka- ing. Additionally, there are some very harai, a Taiwanese native that I must select, small forms of R. metternichii (or thank Polly Hill for introducing to me. R. degronianum, depending on which Working from her garden on Martha's author you follow) that I have known Vineyard, Mrs. Hill has selected sever• to be adequately successful, although I al mostly low-growing forms collec• guess I'd have to stop short of a tively known as the North Tisbury wholehearted recommendation. Hybrids. My favorite of these is a tiny By some estimates there are as selection (1' x 1' in 10 years) with crim• many as 900 species of Rhododendron, son flowers and leaves best measured and heaven only knows how many in millimeters, which she calls 'Fuzzy'. hybrids have now been generated. The 'Mount Seven Star', 'Joseph Hill', both few mentioned hardly skim the sur• of which are also red-flowered, and face, but there is information galore 'Pink Pancake' are three more of Hill's for those interested in knowing more. selections to look for, but any nakaharai In my own modest efforts, I have hybrid is likely to be good. found rhododendrons to be an unpre• Lastly, and certainly not least, there dictable lot, and to reward persistence, are the Beltsville Dwarfs, a group of so what the heck, give 'em all a try. hybrids introduced around 1960. According to Tony Avent of Plant Other Ericaceous Shrubs Delights Nursery (to whom I'm Pieris japonica has yielded several indebted for providing information for nice dwarf forms for tight places. this article), the Beltsville Dwarfs were 'Pygmaea' is a rather statuesque little in essence the runts of a USDA plant with crowded, narrow leaves hybridization program in the 1950s. that are most "un-Pz'erzs-like." It and Luckily they weren't discarded, for the more typical looking 'Bisbee they are truly wonderful small azaleas Dwarf have been around for many that smother themselves with flowers. years. More recent comers are 'Little 'Purple Cushion', 'Snowdrop', 'White Heather Green', 'Bonsai', 'Nocturne', Elf, and 'Dainty Rose' are names to and variety yakushimanum. Dwarf look for. Pieris are often sparse to bloom, at The broader-leaved, true rhododen• best. 'Nocturne' is an exception, and drons are considerably more tedious according to the folks at Siskiyou, so to grow than their relatives, at least in too is Pieris japonica var. yakushimanum hotter parts of the Southeast. A nasty 'Variegata' a pretty, white-variegated battle with root fungi usually devel• selection that, although not dwarf, is ops, and fungi are seldom frustrated in quite slow. Another variegated form, the end, even with chemical warfare— 'Little Heath', is truly dwarf. which I surely don't advocate. Several other ericaceous genera are Rhododendron yakushimanum is a hero well represented by small, ornamental though, providing the gardener does shrubs native to the eastern USA. One his part to provide good drainage and of my favorites is Leiophyllum buxifoli- adequate moisture or shade. And for• um, a delicate, rather twiggy species

Dwarf Shrubs for the Southeastern Rock Garden 267 that is at its best in sandy, sunny habi• A shrub that you can often find tats. A prostrate form found in rocky growing in the vicinity of V. scree hails from just a few counties in stamineum, but which is seldom the Appalachians and is perhaps the noticed, is Ceanothus americanus, the better choice for rock gardens. New Jersey tea. I always look for its Leiophyllum needs full sun in order to midsummer gift of flowers and am age nicely, and this also produces the never disappointed. This is another most flowers, an attraction if only for good example of a native with unreal• the parade of insects that come to visit ized potential. and frolic about. Yet another neat little ericad is Gaylussacia brachycera is another Chamaedaphne (formerly Cassandra) sand lover that forms beautiful rhi- calyculata 'Nana', a dwarf form of the zomatous carpets in the wild. Heavier acid-loving leatherleaf found in and soils hold this tendency in check. The alongside coastal plain pocosins and most magnificent quality of box bogs. 'Nana' grows at less than a quar• huckleberry, as it is commonly known, ter the rate of the species, maturing is the blood-red foliar tint throughout around a foot or so, and like the winter. Acid soil is a must, and full species adapts nicely to drier feet. A sun produces the most handsome and species not too dissimilar in appear• colorful plants. ance, though not ericaceous, is Vaccinium macrocarpon 'Hamilton' is Pachistima canbyi, a low-growing, one of the many jewels of this exten• spreading plant native to rocky, cal• sive and useful genus. Though typical• careous soils in a few mountain coun• ly a creeping species, this little cran• ties of Virginia and West Virginia. berry, which flowers and fruits, is Well-drained, sunny sites, organic soil, exceptional in its neat, mounding and pH corrected upward are recom• habit. Winter foliage color is dark bur• mended. gundy. 'Hamilton' grows exceedingly Erica and Calluna are also useful slowly for me, but this is no doubt in additions to the Southern gardeners part due to just how far removed the repertoire, but I wouldn't suggest climate of Hillsborough, North spending much money on them. I look Carolina is from home base for this on them as extended biennials; they plant. sometimes look good for more than a A seldom cultivated relative of couple of years but not often. It's hard cranberry, Vaccinium stamineum, the to repress the urge to buy a couple, squaw huckleberry, ranks as one of though, if you happen to be shopping my favorites (I have a lot of favorites). at a garden center that offers them. This variable, deciduous species reput• edly attains 10' or more in height, but I Other Shrubs have never seen a specimen taller than Nandina domestica rivals azalea in 5' and know of many individuals the "most common shrub of the which have remained under 12" for South" category, and I won't bore you the many years I have observed them. with the many common selections. But It tolerates, even prefers, poor soils there are some very unusual dwarf and dry sites, with a bit of shade, but forms with contorted features, will reward a little care. I know of no extremely narrow leaves, tufted habits, other Vaccinium as attractive in flower etc., which apparently are classified as and look forward to the time when a part of variety capillaris, though I'm few good selections become popular. not certain about the . What

268 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 I am certain about is their interesting family, and consequently most plant peculiarity and suggest that, if you can parts, including flowers, are pungently find them, 'Aome', 'Aochirimen', fragrant. Also preferring shade is 'Soga Ikada', and 'Tamazuru' are col• Ruscus aculeatus, a stiff and prickly lectors items. If you're more comfort• leaved (actually the prickles are clado- able with Western names, 'San des) member of the lily family. Ruscus, Gabriel' is a first rate, low, exceedingly too, produces red fruits obvious drought tolerant cultivar which is in throughout winter. mass production. Three more commonly seen shrubs, Dwarf Conifers Gardenia, Ilex, and Buxus, must also be As best as I can discern, dwarf mentioned. Gardenia jasminoides is conifers began trickling into nurseries well-known for the fragrance of its and garden centers in the Southeast flowers. 'Kleins Dwarf is no exception only as recently as the 1970s. And in this respect and reaches only 2'. If today, even though a reasonable selec• flowers or ornamental fruits are of no tion is available, the potential of this concern then either Ilex crenata 'Dwarf useful group remains underrealized. I Pagoda' or Buxus microphylla often hear the myth, perpetuated even 'Kingsville Dwarf are good choices. by nurserymen unfortunately, that 'Dwarf Pagoda', with its tiny, crowd• dwarf conifers are unsuited to our cli• ed, coin-shaped leaves and beautiful mate. Nothing could be further from branching character is really a hot the truth. Some of the very best gen• item. Full sun is a must or the charac• era, Chamaecyparis, Picea, Juniperus, ter is spoiled. Pinus, etc., etc., thrive. The biggest problem is that species, such as Tsuga, For Shade that grow more or less continuously For shady gardens, Danae racemosa, during the summer, as opposed to poet's laurel, and Sarcococca hookeriana those that have a single flush of var. humilis, sweet box, are similar, growth in a season, will grow more useful shrubs. Danae has especially during our long season than their nice marble-sized red fruits and counterparts in cooler climates. This Sarcococca a beautiful late winter fra• means some dwarfs might not be as grance, and the foliage of both is a lus• dwarf as described. trous dark green when grown in Of course, many of what are shade. If you can bring yourself to cut described as dwarf conifers are any• it, the foliage is super for flower thing but after a few years in the land• arrangements. Skimmia is another first scape anyway, no matter what the cli• class shade-loving evergreen. Skimmia mate or geographic region. This raises japonica 'Rubella' is a compact, low the question of descriptive "stan• growing male clone which sets pani• dards" for sizes and I think the cles of red flower buds in autumn that American Conifer Society is tackling wait patiently and ornamentally atop that problem. I won't try. But I will the foliage then open white in spring. recommend some very nice dwarf Skimmia reevesiana is more loose and selections that can be depended on to open, grows to 2' tall by at least as stay under 2' for 10 to 12 years or so. wide, and carries a load of clustered My favorite is the appropriately red berries, also ornamentally, named Juniperus chinensis 'Echini- through the winter months. Skimmia is formis', which means urchin-shaped. a member of the Rutaceae or citrus It does form a dense, "hard" mound.

Dwarf Shrubs for the Southeastern Rock Garden 269 Picea glauca 'Echiniformis' is similarly Pinus strobus 'Horsford' or 'Merrimac'; named but tends to be just low and as Pinus parviflora 'Adcock's Dwarf; wide as tall, and it is not mound Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star', a rela• shaped. It is a great plant though. In tively common plant now, and it is a fact, any dwarf cultivar of white marvelous blue; Podocarpus nivalis; spruce is a favorite of mine. The now Cryptomeria japonica 'Vilmoriniana', familiar dwarf Alberta spruce, which 'Globosa Nana', and 'Elegans Nana'; does marvelously well, too, grows and Pinus sylvestris 'Girard's Dwarf, beyond our 2' limit, of course, but look upright, dark green, and the best for 'Monstrosa' and 'Cecilia' and sylvestris, I think. expect them to remain in bounds. There are just too many good dwarf Chamaecyparis obtusa, the Hinoki conifers to mention all. With the false cypress, has produced an abun• exception of firs (Abies), I don't know dance of miniatures. Though generally of any of the commonly propagated well suited, dwarf Hinoki, more than genera that aren't suitable. No special any other species I know, can have requirements or licenses are necessary, pitiful, inadequate roots. But not all just interest and a shovel. do. 'Nana', although it can vary from source to source, has been around for a Well, that's a few of the small long time and is still a good choice. shrubs I'm familiar with. Some very 'Flabelliformis', 'Bess', 'Rigid Dwarf, good plants were certainly overlooked 'Chilworth', and 'Juniperoides' will (I see Viburnum davidii on my list and also please with no problems, and all wonder why I didn't include it!) are especially nice among rocks. Hopefully though, if there's a little Another stalwart Hinoki is the yellow- nook in your garden that begs for variegated 'Nana Lutea', maybe the something woody, this list will start prettiest selection (photo, p. 281). It you thinking and be helpful. must have full sun in order to color well, and it may scorch a bit during establishment, but hold on to it, for it's a gem with age. Speaking of gems, Tsuga canadensis has produced an abundance. 'Minuta', 'Lewisii', 'Hussii', and 'Jervis' are all tiny little plants with crowded foliage and interesting shapes. 'Palomino', 'Jacqueline Verkade', and 'Stewarts Gem' are more formal and rounded in outline. If you don't have a rock wall or ledge, build one just so you can plant 'Cole's Prostrate'. Canadian hemlock does well in full sun but wel• Paul Jones gardens near Hillsborough, comes a little shade. North Carolina and at Sarah P. Duke A few other "best bets" include: any Gardens in Durham. At home he dab• cultivar of Picea orientalis you can get bles in whatever plants interest him. your hands on, but especially 'Witches Currently these include especially Broom'; Picea pungens 'St. Mary's', or perennials and native plants; he has 'Globosa', although it is ultimately been a rock gardener since 1985. rather large; Picea omorika 'Nana';

270 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Alpines in Containers

Growing Small Things in Small Places by Lawrence B. Thomas

I garden in the alpine zone of restrictions just short of outright Manhattan on an eleventh floor ter• rationing, an experience that still caus• race—a 13' x 40' strip that some peo• es city gardeners to shudder. ple, considering the price of real estate At the time, one raffish wag coined in midtown New York City, think an the bumper sticker slogan: "Save extravagance. Others of my gardening Water—Shower with a Friend!" While friends, who count acres the way I I didn't feel quite that gregarious, I did count square feet, think my layout adapt the sentiment to my own needs pretty small potatoes. I, on the other by forcing my plants to double up and hand, have come to appreciate the share their space with at least one beauty of small. friend. By potting them together, I was While I've grown a gamut of plants, able to use less water, but I discovered I find myself concentrating on alpines an added bonus—the plants seemed to and rock garden plants—mostly love it. The competition for root space, because the scale of them appeals to for water, for food, seemed tailor- me. I've grown them in large container made for alpines, replicating the con• boxes and tubs with occasional suc• ditions in which they often grow— cess, but I've found they respond tight crevices with little nutriment and much better to the confined space of a water, and a perilous clasp to life pot, pan, or trough. Like many weeds, itself. alpines seem to thrive when they're After the water crisis was over, I forced to lead a hard-scrabble exis• continued to experiment with this tence. Over-potted, with too much method, growing alpines in smaller space in which to roam, they are apt to pots with leaner, grittier mixes, forcing sit and sulk. Give them a little stiff them to compete for space, for food, competition, and they'll surprise you for water with companion plants. with their vigor. We've all seen the way semper- When I first became interested in vivums languish if overpotted but rock gardening in the mid-1970s, New become a succulent carpet once they're York City was in the throes of a confined to a tight space. I tried a simi• drought that necessitated severe lar treatment on lewisias, planting a

271 clutch of Lewisia cotyledon within the up and die at the first hint of alkaline confined pockets of a strawberry jar soil. Accordingly, I pot dwarf rhodo• (photo, p. 277). They quickly filled the dendrons, azaleas, primulas, and their neck of each opening with their car• kissing kin in the loose, rich, peaty soil roty crowns, and within one short sea• they seem to need. son were of a size to put on a splendid The majority of my plants, however, display the following spring. Growing thrive on my standard lean potting lewisias in such cramped quarters dis• mix, which is 1/4 garden loam, 1/4 courages rot and rampant growth peat moss, 1/2 quartz chicken grit, to while keeping the crowns dry. It also which I add a tablespoon or so of allows me to dose them frequently Osmocote, the amount depending with liquid fertilizer to ensure a good upon the quantity of soil I'm mixing. bloom set. Occasionally, I alter the mix by adding When I visited Line Foster's garden, a very light sprinkle of dolomitic lime• Millstream, some years ago and stone for those alpines that the books expressed dismay at the cabbage-sized say "absolutely demand it." This lean, rosettes he was growing upright on a gritty mixture serves for most of my gravel mound, he told me he'd found plants for it allows both quick drainage lewisias to be a clan of greedy, gross and an adequate supply of oxygen to feeders, and that it was difficult to the root area. With any heavier soil, overfeed them provided they had the many alpines go down very quickly in drainage they require. I've followed the close confines of a pot. his advice ever since, giving them a Another benefit of container grow• shot of liquid fertilizer every two or ing is that it brings you into close three weeks. proximity with your plants. This I grow many of the lewisia species allows frequent visual checks for dis• and treat them similarly, with the ease or pests, and inspection of the exception of catering to their different pots' drainage holes for slugs, sow watering needs at different seasons. I bugs, ants and such. Pots are portable, dry off the deciduous ones in the sum• too, and this allows one to shift pots mer and reverse the treatment for the frequently and cater to their succulent ones, keeping them mostly sun/shade needs. I window-dress my dry in winter. I begin watering in late terrace constantly, putting whatever is February. in best bloom where it can be seen. My One reason often cited for growing work area serves as a sick bay for any alpines in containers is that it allows plant that has bloomed out, gone one to tailor the soil to the specific scraggly, or is ailing and showing needs of the plant. Much has been signs of giving up the ghost. written about the lime-lovers and the One obvious virtue of pot culture is "acid heads" of the plant world, and that your plants, if you've grown them how one must cater to their soil pH properly, are ready to show. Many of needs—particularly those of alpines. my in-ground gardening friends dig Actually, I've found many of the so- and pot up plants for competitive called "lime-lovers" to be remarkably showing a short time before the event. adaptable—if not downright indiffer• No matter how well done, these plants ent—when it comes to soil preference. never seem to have settled into their This isn't true, of course, for acid- containers and usually can be spotted lovers, as most of them are downright on the bench. Unfortunately, some of picky about their needs and will curl the plants resent the experience and

272 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 never recover from the trauma. deep into rock crevices or beneath a Two words of warning: Don't over- constantly shifting scree. I grow pot! The tendency of most gardeners is Campanula aucheri, one of the gems of to put plants into pots that simply are the tridentata group, in this manner, too big. Alpines love tight spots, the repotting every second or third year if tighter the better. Some of them are so the soil seems exhausted. A close ally, shallow-rooted that they can be grown the beautiful C. bithynica, responds in an inch and a half of soil with no well to similar treatment. problem. I'm not talking just of sem- The problem, of course, lies in find• pervivums. Many saxifrages—particu• ing such pots. Readily available to our larly the kabschias—will do remark• Scottish, English and Irish friends, ably well in a shallow 2" to 3" pot. "Long Toms" are not produced com• They tend to spread horizontally more mercially in this country and are virtu• quickly than vertically. My rule of ally unknown. While some occasional• thumb is to pot them up to next width- ly show up in outrageously pricey gar• size only when the bun has reached den ornament boutiques, they boast the edge of the pot. This holds true for price tags that account for the dust drabas as well, unless you want those they usually accumulate, untouched exhibition-sized monsters that fill a 10" on the shelf. Your best bet lies in find• to 12" rose pot and take the blue rib• ing a potter friend and coaxing bon year after year. him/her to throw and high-fire a Campanulas are a different matter. dozen or so for you. Failing that, you Some adapt readily to pot culture; oth• might consider learning to throw them ers simply hate the confines of a pot. yourself, as I did some years ago when The garganica group thrives under I couldn't obtain the pots I wanted in adversity, growing easily in the tight• this country. est situation with the least amount of I mentioned that I high-fire my soil, requiring only that you divide pots. Most commercial pots have been and reset them every two to three low-fired, are quite porous, and are so years (photo, p. 278). Some of the other "soft" or fragile that they will shale crevice-growing forms respond simi• and crack during winter months in larly. I've grown the difficult any area where the ground freezes. Campanula zoysii in a pot that is only 3" High-fired pots are not porous and wide, 5 1/2" deep. Others, however, require careful attention in watering, require considerable root room, fre• but usually withstand the alternate quently replenished and enriched soil, freezing and thawing that splinters along with the sharp drainage all of commercial pots. The trade-off is that them appreciate. Some of the smaller, they are more brittle and will crack or running forms, Campanula cochlearifolia break easily if knocked over or given a and C. lasiocarpa for instance, resent hard lick. the confines of a pot or pan and won't Selecting a container for a plant stay around very long unless allowed becomes an esthetic decision, for the to run about freely. Most are more pot should not only fit the plant in size tractable, however, if given sufficient but enhance it as well. Be creative in root room. choosing your containers; imaginative, An English "Long Tom" pot that is in fact. One of my terrace-gardening 5" or 6": wide at the mouth and at least friends has a foot-wide, foot-long 8"to 10" deep suits the ones accus• length of weathered tree trunk stand• tomed to sending roots a foot or two ing on end that is covered with sem-

Container Alpines 273 pervivums growing happily in noth• that range from a 6"-wide, 10"-deep ing more than the rotted end of the "Long Tom" to a 14" rose pot. stump. While she grows many sophis• Clustered around a fountain, their lacy ticated alpines, this is the show-stop• foliage is simply enchanting, and they per that grabs every visitor. are absolutely spectacular in full fall Several years ago, both she and I color. independently of each other, impro• Species iris lend themselves readily vised troughs from 2" thick Styrofoam to the shackles of pot culture. I grow a containers in which frozen steaks had number, among them Iris setosa, I. been shipped. Since the white surface graminea, I. prismatica, I. forrestii. Our of the containers seemed a bit intru• native forms, I. cristata, I. lacustris, and sive, we spray-painted them. Fortui• /. verna, like a bit more space in which tously, we found that chemicals in the to run and will do better in a trough paint melted the surface of the than in smaller pots. My favorite, 7ns Styrofoam, giving it a rough-textured gracilipes 'Alba', a perfectly ravishing look that mimics Hypertufa. She used plant in or out of bloom, is at its best in a blackish-gray; I used a terra-cotta- a larger pot where its fountain of colored rust preventive. leaves can cascade artfully over the I've seen terra-cotta drain tile and side. Grown side by side with Hako- chimney flue-liners used as containers. nechloa macra 'Aureola,' it is a living They not only make handsome con• sculptural delight of which I never tire. tainers but offer good depth for those Dwarf forms of hosta seem tailor- requiring a deep root run. Even ubiq• made for container growing. While uitous cinder block can be used as a larger forms take almost yearly divi• container of sorts. I've seen a splendid sion, the smaller forms grow much terrace herb garden constructed of more slowly and will rest happily in a nothing more than a series of cinder pot for three or four years. I ring the blocks artfully stacked and planted to fountain and larger tubs with their bil• perfection. Alpines could be similarly lowing mounds of foliage to give a displayed. sculptured look to areas of the terrace. The truly dwarf forms work beautiful• What to grow in containers? Try ly in troughs. I have one of my own any of the alpines or rock plants. A seedling crosses whose leaves are a few may resent it and chafe under the mere inch long. conditions I've described, but you'll Species put on a splendid find many will adapt readily and show in the spring, some of them con• thrive—some surprisingly so. I'm tinuing to bloom through the heat of thinking particularly of one of the rock the summer. Over the years I've garden mainstays, Acer palmatum grown many forms from seed but 'Dissectum', the beautiful cut-leafed have come to concentrate almost maples that win every heart. Plants- exclusively on the bun or mound- man Barry Yinger makes the point in forming ones. Dianthus simulans, D. his lectures that the Japanese devised monspessulanus ssp. sternbergii, D. these beauties solely for pot culture. haematocalyx, D. callizonus, D. erinaceus, One rarely finds them planted in- D. anatolicus, and everybody's favorite, ground in a garden setting in the D. alpinus, are among them. There are Orient, though literally hundreds of at least a half-dozen more that make varieties are grown in pots. good pot plants. Their only drawback I have six of them growing in pots for me is that few of the alpine pinks

274 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 have much in the way of scent, an flowered form are one of the spring exception being Dianthus tianschanicus, delights of my terrace, for sheets of it which is deliciously pungent. cascade from virtually every corner. The 8'-long windowsill overlooking Out of its flowering season, however, my terrace is the year-round home to a it can look downright scruffy as the group of smaller species Penstemon foliage browns off. This makes it an grown in remarkably small pots. I ideal candidate for pot culture since it grew them for some time without ever can be stuck out of the way behind blooming them. Finally, in exaspera• better-looking plants during summer tion, I put them on the windowsill, the and fall. hottest, brightest spot on the terrace, and within a remarkably short time, Probably the question I am most each of them had set flowers. There, asked—even by sophisticated garden• year 'round, they bake happily in ers—is: "What do you do with your strong sunlight reflected from the plants in the winter? Bring them expanse of window behind them. indoors?" The answer is simple: for Penstemon davidsonii ssp. menziesii, sev• many of them, I do nothing. A wide eral forms of P. davidsonii, P. linarioides range of my alpines stay where they ssp. coloradoensis, P. rupicola, P. crandal- are throughout the growing season— lii, and P. pinifolius are a few that have in their pots, naked, so to speak, to the persisted with never a trace of fertilizer. whims of Mother Nature in her Zone 6 Despite this seemingly harsh treatment, mode. Penstemons, dianthus, and they put on a spectacular show of phloxes, for instance, come through bloom early each spring (photo, p. 277). with no problem. Some alpines, how• All rock gardeners are a little soft in ever, demand a bit more care. While the head over that gem of our Western they can take almost any amount of alpines, Aquilegia jonesii. Indeed, I'd cold, they give up the ghost at the grow it for its tightly-furled, gray-blue slightest bit of winter wetness. foliage even if it didn't bloom. With a Dampness at the crown spells sudden bit of smugness, I can say that without death for these. wincing, for I did finally bloom it this In the wild, alpines grow high in year after replanting it against the wall the mountains where they are subject• of a newly-made trough that had not ed to high winds, intense solar radia• had all the lime leached from it. I'm tion, and wide variations of tempera• convinced the overdose of lime trig• ture from daytime to nighttime. gered its bloom, despite the fact that During winter months, they are pro• I've babied other plants in the past, tected from these elements by being growing them in pieces of limestone blanketed with snow cover that, rubble laboriously toted home from its regardless of its depth, keeps them in a native habitat in the Wyoming's Big state of dormancy or suspended ani• Horns, with nary a bloom to show for mation by 1) reducing the light level, the trouble... 2) keeping them at a constant tempera• Other Westerners that I grow with ture of around 28°F. (no matter how varying degrees of success are sub-zero surface temperatures may Smelowskia calycina, Physaria alpina, be), and 3) keeping them absolutely Townsendia rothrockii, Douglasia mon- dry until spring melt occurs. tana, Phlox condensata, Draba oligosper- Having lost my fair share of these ma, and species of Talinum . The lovely miffy plants over the years, I devised a prairie phlox, P. bifida, and its white- system for container-grown alpines

Container Alpines 275 that mimics to a degree the conditions alpines in bloom come springtime. they face in the wild during winter. It For my troughs, I use a variation of works for me, and I'll share it with you. this treatment. At season-end, I insert I have two 6' x 2' cedar potting four 12" lengths of bamboo upright in benches that I use as shallow sand the corners of each trough. Over these, plunge display beds during the grow• I set sheets of Plexiglas that have been ing season, then convert to improvised cut to allow a 2" overhang. To hold the alpine houses at season's end. To the Plexiglas in place and keep the wind upper worktable shelf, I added foot- from lofting it around, I heated an long 2" x 4" upright stanchions and icepick, melted holes in each corner of connected them with 2" x 1" wood the Plexiglas, and threaded lengths of strips, creating an open framework on cord through. I cinch up the cord and top of each bench that allows a foot- and knot it at the top, and make a loop high space. Late each fall, usually in of cord that fits under the edge of the November, I pack each bench with trough at each corner. This holds the those potted alpines that require the Plexiglas rigidly in place, effectively winter-dry treatment, plunging them keeping out most winter moisture, into the inch or so of sand, and water• while allowing good air circulation in ing them one last time. Next, I cover the 4"-6" space underneath each cover. the top of the benches with lighting Alpines seem to love it. Even those louver (the sort you see in elevators). that I find difficult to winter-over, This effectively reduces the light level, such as Campanula raineri, come and protects the plants and pots from through the rigors of winter without a the harsh sunlight that can thaw the hitch. soil and crack the pots. I top this waf• fle-grid with sheets of Plexiglas, then Container gardening of the sort I drape a large sheet of heavy-gauge have described is largely a matter of plastic over the top, stapling it only at trial and error—of trying and re-trying the top so that a foot-long overlap techniques until you find a method hangs loosely down the side of the that works. I have a fairly extensive bench. This allows adequate air circu• gardening library, but, frankly, little of lation but keeps out the moisture. the gardening literature has been of Though my jerrybuilt alpine house much help to me. Basically, I have is no thing of beauty, it functions per• learned by doing, devising and impro• fectly, which is reason enough for me vising methods that work for me. I to overlook its esthetic shortcomings. hope some of them will work for you Midwinter I check the state of things as well, or, at the least, encourage you and sometimes succumb and add a to experiment and find ways that will. quart of so of water to the sand, think• ing I am doing my dehydrated, sad- Along the way, I've discovered bits looking plants a favor. I am not, and and pieces of disconnected informa• often live to regret it, for this early tion that have helped me grow alpines watering can stimulate the plants to and rock plants. Perhaps they will be break dormancy too early and go of help to you. Some specific tips you down as a result. Bone dry is the might consider: answer. Steel yourself to this reality, and withhold all water until the plants © Forget about crocking your pots break into growth on their own, and and troughs. Use nylon or wire-mesh you'll find yourself admiring your screening to cover drainage holes.

276 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 277 Campanula garganica, Verbascum 'Letitia' (Verbascum dumulosum x several forms in a strawberry jar (p. 273) spinosum)

photos by Larry Thomas Sempervivums in hand-thrown strawberry Geranium dalmaticum with Erodium jar (p. 272-3) chamaedryoides 'Rosea'

278 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Picea orientalis 'Gracilis Nana', durable, slow-growing (4' wide by 15"-18" high in 25 years), but appears less tidy and dwarf than it is. James Cross

279 280 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:3 Daphne cneorum 'Eximia' (p. 266) Paul Jones

Chamaecy-paris obtusa 'Nana Lutea', below, both left and right. With time it will reach a size too large for the alpine garden, (pp. 246, 270)

James Cross Paul Jones

281 An Ed Rezek collection of dwarf and miniature conifers carefully kept within limited space by judicious and regular pruning photos, James Cross Pinus sylvestris 'Saxatilis', durable and maintenance-free (p. 249)

282 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 A planting showing how the even the most dwarf of the severely narrow, upright forms like Juniperus communis 'Compressa', 'Pencil Point', and 'Chrome Run' outgrow their place in height before long. photos, James Cross

Pinus sylvestris 'Viridis Compacta Aurea' in Anita Kistler's garden is getting a bit large but served well for a respectable number of Dwarf form of Tsuga canadensis in Anita years. Kistler's garden, also becoming too large.

283 284 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Your pots will have better capillary # Take a tip from our bonsai action (i.e., soak up water easier and friends: practice frequent root-prun• quicker from below), and you'll allevi• ing. My method does not involve actu• ate the problem of slugs, sow bugs, al root-pruning but will allow you to and ants taking up residence in the put plants that grow too vigorously drainage hole. into a trough or planter-box. Keeping H When potting up mail-order or a plant root bound in a pot dwarfs it commercially grown plants, bare-root somewhat. What I sometimes do is to them first. Do this by dipping the plant knock the plant out of the pot and gently up and down in water until the tease the rootball apart. Then I knock roots are clean, then dredge the roots in the bottom out of the pot, insert the sharp sand and pot up in your own plant into it once more, and plant it— mix. I do this for two reasons. First, the pot and all—in a trough, being certain plant settles in to my soil mix more eas• the rim of the pot is submerged. ily. I've found that if the original soil Restricted to the confines of the pot, ball is left intact and planted into a new the roots ultimately will grow out the soil mix, the plant often simply sits bottom of the pot, but they spread at there without making new root growth that level without rising to the surface. outward and goes downhill quickly. This allows shallow-rooting alpines to Secondly, this helps alleviate the prob• grow with less competition from the lem of slugs that has plagued me over more vigorous plant. I've used this the years. People often wonder how technique successfully with dwarf slugs manage to get 11 floors up to a conifers whose root systems can mid-Manhattan terrace. The answer is quickly take over an entire trough and simple—slug eggs arrived in the soil of deplete the soil. Try it—it works. mail-order plants, hatched, and grew © Top-dressing your pots with grit into voracious monsters, necessitating will save you a host of problems. It frequent and savage forays on my part. keeps the soil cooler and moister; I do it with a vengeance that would do weeds are easier to pull, and the plant Rambo proud. looks better. Quartz chicken grit, if While I shy away from chemical you can get it, is ideal. Turface, an means of control because of a cat who expanded, fired clay product that is thinks he owns my terrace, I did try used by golf courses to recondition something different this year— their greens, also works well. I have diatomaceous earth, an inert, silica• used it in place of chicken grit as both like substance made from ground-up, an aerator in my soil mix and as a top- fossilized, prehistoric algae, which dressing. It also works well for cut• presumably disembowels the critters. I tings in place of vermiculite or perlite. would say it worked considerably H Many rock gardeners think of well, for I have seen little evidence of moss as the bane of their garden. I find my dreaded foe this summer. On the it can be a valuable and decorative down side, a gardening friend com• mulch for some alpines. Several of my mented recently that she thought the best plants grow vigorously through a summer had been remarkably slug- velvety bun of moss, sometimes half free, that possibly the unseasonable an inch thick. I once had Aquilegia jone- spring might have contributed to it. sii growing happily through a thick Whichever, it's a blessing that I accept pad of moss into a limestone wall. readily. Some gentians and encrusted sax• ifrages also thrive in this company.

Container Alpines 285 To encourage moss to grow on the many plants, though it sometimes can exterior of a hypertufa trough, puree a be a bit vigorous. It has taken over one 2"-wide pad of moss with 1/2 cup but• of my troughs, weaving itself into an termilk, 1/2 cup water, and paint the alpine lawn with a variety of kabschia slurry on the sides of your troughs. saxifrages. Water trough frequently to keep it dampish, and you'll soon have a fine If I've piqued your interest in grow• stand of moss. The curator of a beauti• ing these small alpine beauties in ful moss garden on Long Island feeds smaller spaces, I hope you will consid• his many varieties of moss monthly er joining us in New York City for the with a buttermilk/water cocktail of Eastern Winter Study Weekend, equal proportions. January 27 through 29, for an in-depth II I often direct-sow seed of the study of THE CONTAINED ALPINE. same plant under a mature one grow• As I'm sure you know, alpine madness ing in a pot. Young sprouts seem to is an all-consuming passion, and we like growing in the shadow of their have assembled an all-star group of Big Daddy, are easily identifiable, and some of our finest alpine specialists I don't have to make out a label until who'd like to share their passion with I've pricked them out. you. We hope to see you there. H Make your plants share their space. Choose different types of plants for the same pot. Underplant taller growing species or small evergreens with low-growing or mat-forming sorts. Tight, low, gray forms of Larry Thomas fell in love at first sight Dianthus, for instance, set off the sharp with alpines in pots at Kew Gardens' greens of dwarf conifers beautifully. A Alpine House and has remained faithful mat-former such as Veronica oltensis is ever since. He is founder of the a perfect understory companion for Manhattan Chapter of NARGS.

286 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Stellar Asters

New Worthies from the West

by Panayoti Kelaidis

JL am always surprised that the ers apparently placed a curse on these, only aster I seem to see in most rock and they are deemed inappropriate for gardens is the alpine aster, Aster alpi- rock gardens. More's the pity. I sus• nus—often in one of its deep violet- pect part of the reason novi belgii asters blue or pink forms, such as 'Goliath'. are neglected is due to the laziness and Now, mind you, my garden has more fatalism rock gardeners lapse into after than its share of alpine aster—it is the headiness of spring. How can our such a wonderful foil for the dianthus gardens ever again aspire to the glory and phlox of high spring. But to sit of May? If we would only climb out of down at the rich, many course banquet the dank chasm of Primula out onto of Aster and quit after just one appetiz• the sunny of the Daisy clan, rock er, this surely will not do. gardens (and their owners) might not Unfortunately, gardeners who want become so very dull the first warm to test this genus find themselves drift• days of summer. ing in a veritable galaxy of asters that I never tried to systematically occur in both Northern and Southern explore the genus Aster. I have simply Hemispheres, almost as abundantly in been lucky enough to stumble first on the Old World as in the New. Many one, then another stunning miniature are very, very large. Others are very, in this genus—plants largely missing very weedy. And, of course, there are from reference books—and in one problem asters: the endless array of case, dropped from floras! Despite the New York and New England.asters haphazard nature of my own experi• that can vary from a foot to over a ence, I am surprised how little known yard high and spread up to a yard and appreciated asters really are, across in time. For larger rock gardens beginning with Aster alpinus itself. the dwarf forms would seem to be the Nowadays the huskier European form autumn equivalent of creeping phlox• of the species can be found at many es, they are so easy to grow, so showy garden centers. But you would expect and so American. And there are so a circumboreal alpine that grows in a many colors and selections. But some score of countries around the world to conspiracy of rock garden taste mak• be somewhat variable, wouldn't you?

287 The first variation I obtained was col• east. On one of the many rugged, four- lected in the and called var. wheel-drive roads that crisscross this dolomiticus. This is barely half the size portion of the Front Range we drove of the typical Alpine form, with dusty onto a stunning meadow just above gray leaves and over an inch across on treeline on a nearby mountain. We stems 3-4" tall—far more in scale to unpacked our picnic lunch and sat rock gardens than the common sort. down among an anthology of alpine For many years some leading mail• daisies (Erigeron, Hymenoxys, Haplo- order alpine nurseries have sold Aster pappus) among which I noticed a par• tibeticus, often classified as a sub• ticularly large head of bloom, of a soft species of alpine aster proper. silvery blue. Townsendia? Erigeron on I was intrigued to notice that Aster steroids? I looked more carefully at the alpinus was listed as native to basal leaves, and then it struck me, Colorado by several floras. There are Aster alpinusl It was only a few inches hundreds of thousands of acres of tun• tall, with white or pale lavender rays, dra in Colorado, and I have walked the flower head almost the size of only a fraction of these, so I wasn't those of its European cousin. Almost surprised that I hadn't run across it. 30 miles by air from where it had first But then neither had anyone else in been found a century ago. As luck recent memory. It had last been col• would have it someone had just found lected in the 1890s on Berthoud Pass, the same species in the La Garita to the west of James Peak in the central Mountains just east of the San Juans in Front Range of Colorado. Local southern Colorado, over 200 miles botanists had explored the area repeat• away. How many colonies might still edly in search of it and not rediscov• be lurking between these two out• ered this station. posts? If this variety vierhapperi occurred in a darker, purer shade of A few years ago our family decided blue or lavender, it would make an to finally explore James Peak from the

Aster alpigenns

288 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Aster pattersonii outstanding garden plant. As it was, forms seeds. Aster pattersonii rarely we found only a few hundred plants exceeds 3" in height and barely twice on the hill and thought it ought to stay that in width. Significantly, it is a true on the mountain and prosper. perennial, living five or more years in our experience. Aster pattersonii We have grown Aster pattersonii in We likewise stumbled on our first troughs, on sunny scree, and in part endemic species of alpine aster in the shade, and it seems to be quite happy Rockies by accident. First on the lower anywhere we put it. In places where slopes of Mt. Evans and later on near• water lingers on the leaves, it can be by Grays Peak we found a few dense prone to mildew. Badly powdered but local colonies of a very tiny, plants are unsightly but seem to come mounding aster with huge, deep violet back the next spring just as strong. rays that blooms much of the late Even out of bloom, the blue-green alpine summer. I keyed it out in an rosettes of neatly scalloped leaves are older flora to Aster pattersonii, but in quite attractive. We rate this the queen recent floras this name is used for of springtime alpine asters. Aster bigelowii as well. There are signif• This and the following aster are icant differences between the two sometimes segregated into the genus plants. Aster pattersonii grows entirely Machaeranthera—a group of two dozen at or just above treeline, while Aster or so tap-rooted asters mostly from the bigelowii grows well below treeline. American West, mostly biennial or The latter is abundant from the road• even annual. These are distinguished side verges of the lower subalpine and primarily by their sharply dentate montane zones all the way down to leaves that often end in soft prickles. the plains. The principal distinction Aster tanacetifolia is one of the best between the two is size: Aster bigelowii known and loveliest of these larger is invariably 12", even 24" tall. It is a cousins. It forms mounds a foot or definite biennial, dying as the plant more high on sandy soils of the Great

Stellar Asters 289 Plains, producing 2" flower heads with bright yel• low centers con• trasting brightly with the lumines• cent lavender rays—a superb ephemeral for the wildflower mead• ow.

Aster coloradoensis I remember I first saw this plant in a photo• Aster coloradoensis graph in Ruth Ashton Nelson's Handbook of Rocky Mt. Plants. The pic• garden it produces its first flush of ture showed a daisy with such a large blooms in late spring, completely cov• head, proportionate to its leaves, of ering trim rosettes with dozens of such a lovely pink shade—I discount• sugar-pink daisies. Even if you forget ed the whole thing, thinking it was to deadhead the plant, you can count some sort of trick of the camera. But on periodic repeats of this wonderful then when I read Dwight Ripley's show throughout the summer months. account of finding the plant, where he In early autumn, the same plants that avers that this was the best alpine have flowered through the whole aster in America, I reconsidered. At summer are still loaded with buds and the soonest opportunity I departed for open blooms. South Park, entered the general area Few plants seem to grow happily in Dwight alluded to, and stumbled on such a range of conditions. Aster col• the very same tufa hillock where he, oradoensis tolerates lime or acid condi• too, first saw this star among our tions. It likes full sun but blooms just native asters. Tucked in this crevice as well in half shade. Once it is estab• and that over the entire hill—several lished, you will find it hard to kill acres in extent—were the trim, gray, Aster coloradoensis in a trough—even if jagged leaves of Colorado's namesake you forget to water. It seems to bloom endemic aster. Each tuft consisted of more generously in open soil, howev• several rosettes—over a half dozen in er—it may like lots of nutrients. some instances—each of which in turn In nature, Aster coloradoensis is would have a 2-3" stem with its own almost entirely restricted to its name• reduced leaves culminating in prickly sake state. There are apparently a few involucral forming a spiny ball colonies sneaking across the border in bud, expanding to a shimmering into southern Wyoming in North Park, pink blossom an inch and a half and I know it grows perilously close to across. New Mexico in the San Luis Valley. I It isn't for a year or two that the full have found it most commonly on a glory of this plant reveals itself. In the certain tufa cliff, and on a number of

290 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 very unlikely roads in South Park rather barren sites that average less where it can grow quite thickly in the than 12" of rainfall a year. I remember borrow ditch along the highway, and driving a hundred miles through the even more densely on the steep road- San Rafael Swell one May accompa• cut above. Most of the parkland sta• nied along the roadside by a more or tions occur around 9000' elevation. less continuous patchwork of this aster Romantics might be disappointed to in full bloom with seas of pink and find it growing ignobly next to white Sego lilies.and stout columnar asphalt. They are welcome to comb the cacti (Sclerocactus parviflorus)—a spec• tundra of the Mosquito Range, where tacle one doesn't see every year. we have found it growing in sparse These and their even more stunning colonies at almost 13,000'. Mojave cousins have thus far proven I find this aster particularly pleasing to be somewhat fussy to cultivate in a in the garden, where its repeated conventional rock garden. They will flushes of bloom bring to mind the probably demand very dry conditions clean, clear vistas where it grows wild. and semi-arid climates to adapt to gar• You will find it strikes easily from cut• den culture. Someday they may tings, while seed also will produce become a mainstay of the young art of blooming-sized plants in a year or xeriscape. two. Lest you suppose all these Machaeranthera-sty\e asters are exquis• Aster alpigenus ite, be warned that Aster grindelioides Anyone who visits the Middle with such a superlative tuft of tiny Rockies at the height of the summer leaves, growing on the choicest bun- season is apt to find a grassy-leaved neries with the most aristocratic com• composite with decumbent stems 3-6" panion plants, lacks ray flowers alto• long ending in frilly, rayed flowers an gether. inch or more across. These come in a multitude of hues that can be charac• Xylorhiza terized as lavender, from nearly pink Just as the spiny, tap-rooted asters to nearly blue. It takes a while to have been classified as Machaeranthera decide this is an aster, it is so distinct. by botanists who love to carve up gen• Aster alpigenus comes in two sub• era, another group within the genus species, varying in rather fine details, has been segregated as Xylorhiza by from Washington and southernmost many botanists in recent years. These British Columbia to the high peaks of are mostly very large, pale-rayed northern and central Wyoming. As is asters that form neat mounds up to 12" the case with many asters, this is a high from a woody taproot. The plant of turfy meadows, thriving in species I know best in this group is competition with a welter of tiny Aster xylorhiza (Xylorhiza glabriuscula) sedges, grasses and rushes. We have from the badlands of Wyoming. It can found it growing alongside a tiny form form wide colonies that glisten white of Dodecatheon, Myosotis alpestris, from a distance among sparse Great erigerons galore and Delphinium men- Plains grassland, blooming for much ziesii. It does best in the garden in a of June in nature. scree that's neither too lean nor too hot. The larger and even showier Xylorhiza venusta is from the deserts of Don't be confused if you see Utah and western Colorado. These Townsendia alpigena listed alongside seem to grow most vigorously on Aster alpigenus. These are two very dif-

Stellar Asters 291 ferent names. The townsendia grows meadow. It grows with Castilleja, over much the same range; however, it Lesquerella, Calochortus nuttallii, has much grayer, spoon-shaped leaves Sphaeromeria nuttallii, Erigeron tweedyi in a dense rosette 2-3" across. It is a (with lavender daisies and round, plant of screes and exposed rock out• powdery white leaves) and, of course, crops. Eriogonum ovalifolium and E. caespito- sum —and let's not forget penstemons. Bush Asters Aster stenomeres grows a bit farther There are a handful of asters found east and north, Idaho to British over much of the continental United Columbia, often at higher elevations. States that have been segregated into This has softer leaves up to an inch yet another distinct genus, Ionactis, by and a half long and stems to 12" tall. many botanists. These are the bush The flower heads are larger, too, up to asters, quite woody at the base, with 2" across. stiff, erect stems, including Aster linari- This by no means exhausts the ifolius from the eastern half of the theme of asters in the West. We have United States, and a handful of showy seen and grown compact, deep violet counterparts in the Rocky Mountains forms of Aster foliaceus var. apricus that and Great Basin. This eastern toadflax are lovely in wild, but bloom sparsely aster may grow by the thousands in the garden. Claude Barr's stunning along roadsides in New England, but pink Aster kumleinii 'Dream of Beauty' it seems to be practically absent from is a trifle too quick to spread, and tall gardens. I've planted a small colony of for all but the largest rock gardens. It a dozen or so plants that has hardly is now classed as a form of Aster seeded about at all, although the spec• oblongifolius. There are still dozens of tacle it produces would make species of asters that abound after the seedlings very welcome. Lincoln summer solstice. Many more will find Foster described the plant superbly in their way into gardens with time. an early Bulletin of the American Rock A garden that contained representa• Garden Society. If you would like to tives of all these new micro-genera have these dense little candelabra would have vivid bursts of color long mounds of lavender stars in your gar• after the cool season alpines of spring den, seed can produce blooming-sized are forgotten. There are asters that rise plants in a year or less. with the dawning of the flower season, The two western cousins of the and a good many last until the twilight toadflax aster are even smaller plants, of September and October when their with dusty blue, wavy margined, bright stars seeem to shine even more crisp-textured leaves half an inch long brightly. in stiff curls about erect stems to 6" tall. The rays of terminal clusters of heads are often deep purple-blue. Drawings by the author Aster scopulorum has a huge range throughout the northern Great Basin far up into Idaho and Montana. It can Panayoti Kelaidis gardens at Denver flower from June to frost. It seems to Botanic Gardens and spends as much time favor exposed slopes among sage• as he can exploring for decorative plants brush, often near the welter of orna• on alps, steppes and deserts of the world. mental cushion plants one finds on the He is a devotee of native plants,utterly ecotone of sagebrush and grassy excluding extraterrestrials.

292 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Garden Etiquette

Showing Your Garden: A Modest Proposal

If you were selling your home, your realtor would recommend that you vacate the premises when he was showing the house. You know its defects and are perhaps all too likely to mention them. I suggest the same line of reasoning can be applied to showing your garden. I know the argument that what makes your garden unique is you. Implicit in this is that to visit your garden in your absence would be to miss an important part of the experience. No doubt there is a great deal of truth in this. Only you can relate the history of your garden and of your efforts to turn a weed patch, thicket, or grove of trees into a beautiful bed or landscape. Only you can explain your idiosyncratic choice of plants, such as "They serve as food plants for but• terfly larvae," or "That was during my hosta period," or "I never thought they would grow that large." However, most gardeners are too modest. How often have you heard a gar• dener say, "Yes, I think it's a terrific garden, and you've come at just the perfect time"? Much more commonly, you hear remarks such as "I haven't had much time for weeding," or "This plant [or bed] looked much better last week [or last year]," or "We've lost so many plants this year," or "This tree needs pruning." It seems gardeners are a bit ashamed of their gardens and the state in which visi• tors find them. As an alternative, I suggest having a knowledgeable friend show your gar• den. That way, he or she can point out your lovely color schemes and meticu• lous attention to detail, your thoughtful pruning of trees and shrubs, and much more, without sounding immodest. True, he won't know everything, but he will certainly sing your garden's praises (and yours) far more sweetly than ever you would. And what's more, you can reciprocate the favor. We often have visitors dropping by our garden unexpectedly, mostly neigh• bors, people just passing by, or friends bringing friends or relatives. It may not be the greatest garden in the world—there I go again—but at least it stands out on the block. Needless to say, we are always behind in something, such as mow• ing the lawn, or weeding the beds, and we never fail to mention these lapses. Perhaps on these occasions we should call up the designated friend and then tell the visitor, "Your guide will be with you in half an hour." —Bob Faden

Reprinted with permission of the newsletter of the Potomoc Valley Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society.

293 Plant Portrait

Hedera helix 'Arborescens'

English ivy, Hedera helix, is usually seen covering a wall or enveloping the trunk and major branches of large trees. It can climb up 80' or more with the aid of aerial rootlets. The well-known, coarsely dentate or lobed ivy leaves are the juvenile form of the foliage. Hedera helix 'Arborescens' is a form with unlobed mature leaves. The most common forms of the species are easily rooted and easily grown. Hedera helix 'Arborescens' is propagated only from fertile stems (which bear flowers and produce fruit). These flowering stems are seen high on the tops of old vines. A misapprehension which persisted for years was that the mature growth of Hedera helix 'Arborescens' was difficult or impossible to root. This was given as an excuse for the scarcity of this choice item. Yet various friends have taken cuttings from my plant and had no trouble rooting them. Still, this plant is rarely seen for sale. Once rooted, the mature twigs of this selection no longer climb. Each develops into a grand evergreen shrub which in 10-15 years attains a height of 2' and a width of 3'-4'. The plant should not be fertilized if you wish to keep it compact. My own is in full sun, has good leaf color, and in late spring every twig is surmounted by an umbel of flowers. This would be a fine background plant for a small rock garden and can be placed anywhere in a larger planting. The shiny, unlobed, evergreen leaves are attractive all year. The umbels of greenish-yellow flowers are attractive on close inspection, and they bear enormous amounts of nectar. I don't know any plant that attracts so many bees—and a dozen species of wasps. The insects are never aggressive while feeding, as I've discovered while working near the plant in the flowering season. Flowers are followed by black fruit, held well into the winter. The genus Hedera is Eurasian; it occurs as far east as China. I have H. nepalensis (from Nepal, of course), which is hardy to about 0°F. It winter• kills occasionally and rarely gets taller than 12'-15'. The leaves are very nice. Hedera shares the family Araliaceae with such plants as ginseng, devil's club, spikenard, and wild sarsaparilla. It is a native of Europe. Surely it should join other small-growing, broad-leaved evergreens so often featured in our rock gardens. —Nickolas Nickou

294 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Plant Portrait

Androsace foliosa

Poor Androsace foliosal If only it had been called a fall-blooming primrose, every• one would want it. But, somebody once poor-mouthed it and called it "coarse"— which it is, at least when compared to aretian androsaces, those classic, tight buns covered with overlapping blossoms, most often seen imprisoned in pots in alpine houses. As a result of its bad press, this apparently good-natured androsace seems to be quite rare in cultivation. It's too bad. Clear your mind of preconceptions and look at A. foliosa for what it is: a plant of great sculptural beauty that looks best in the open garden, where it produces a long succession of soft pink flowers from late July until hard frost. At times this plant looks like a primrose, and at other times like a sempervivum, but what it doesn't look like is an androsace. In winter, there is a circle of old, with• ered leaves centered by a neat rosette about 1 1/4" wide, made up of small, sharply pointed leaves folded lengthwise into neat packages. As the weather warms, these open and elongate to form a starfish of light green leaves more than 1 1/2" wide and 4" long, virtually hairless except at the margins. In midsummer, a thick, brown, almost woody stem snakes out horizontally and at the tip, about 4" out, an umbel of pink, orange-eyed "primrose" flowers appears. The flowers are small, maybe a third of an inch across, and only a few open at any one time, but new tiers of buds keep forming, and the plant is never out of bloom. In fact, long after a new winter rosette has begun to form and the last flowers are nipped by a hard frost early in November, there are still unopened buds as well as pods splitting to release their contents of hard, black seeds.

Androsace foliosa is one of a small group of androsaces from the Himalaya and western China that grow in lower alpine meadows and scrubby woodlands. These large-leafed androsaces are quite closely allied to primulas, and they and their near• est relatives fall within the group of chamaejasme. These include the androsaces which are most easily grown in the open garden, since they seem to tolerate summer heat and humidity: A. sarmentosa, A. lanuginosa, A. villosa, and A. sempervivoides, all of which make rosettes at the ends of strawberry-like runners. These are popular and well-known plants; by contrast, the large-leafed androsaces are rarely seen in gar• dens. Androsace geranifolia (stoloniferous) and A. rotundifolia (no stolons) both have leaves and long-stemmed umbels of flowers which look much like one of the Japanese woodland primulas. Then there are two that are easily confused with A. foliosa: A. spinulifera (the winter rosette is round and made of hard, spiky leaves while the umbels of lilac flowers appear on tall stems among upright, rather hairy leaves) and A. strigillosa (the winter rosette is also round but quite woolly, and the flowers are most often white with a red reverse). There is a small version of A. strig• illosa called A. wardii, but it may not be in cultivation, though it will probably appear

295 296 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 as more botanists are able to visit western China. Another androsace from that area, this time a small relative of A. spinulifera, is already beginning to appear in the seed exchanges; it has scarlet flowers and is called A. bulleyana.

Truth to tell, the literature on these androsaces is extremely confusing. Androsace foliosa, for example, is often described as having hairy leaves and purple flowers, but in their classic monograph on the genus (Androsaces, published by the Alpine Garden Society in 1977 and reprinted in 1988), George Smith and Duncan Lowe describe the leaves as smooth and the flowers as soft pink. On the other hand, they describe A. foliosa as being stoloniferous while they say A. spinulifera is not, and A. strigillosa often puts up stems bearing leafy rosettes instead of flowers. Some of these root down. My "foliosa" acts that way—but only if I firmly pin the rosette down with a rock. Otherwise my plant most certainly doesn't have stolons; under optimum grow• ing conditions it would like to form a mound of rosettes all growing from a rather woody center. In other respects—the shape of the winter rosette, the smooth leaves, and the extremely long bloom season—it meets the Smith-Lowe criteria for A. foliosa. Of course, the experts all agree that most plants of A. foliosa seen in gardens are really A. strigillosa, so who knows? After reading all the contending botanical descriptions, I sometimes think my plant must be a hybrid with the qualities of both parents. It was grown from seed offered as "A. foliosa" several years ago in one of the seed exchanges. Two seedlings resulted, but the one potted for the alpine house died before flowering. Either the soil mix was too austerely sandy, or the plant just hates pots. Some plants do.

As might be expected from its habitat, A. foliosa prefers to grow in light, dappled shade. In my garden in eastern Massachusetts (zone 6) close to sea level, the plant gets some morning sun, but most of the day it is in the light shade cast by tall pine trees. The soil is rather acid, sharply drained, but with far more organic material than most androsaces care for—a mix suitable for primulas or gentians is about right. Smith and Lowe report that the resting rosette "tends to rot in winter," but in my cli• mate, the rosettes are more likely to suffer from wind-burn during subzero, snow- less periods. A light covering of hay, evergreen branches, or Reemay seems to offer sufficient protection.

—Joan Means

opposite, Androsace foliosa. Drawing by Joan Means

Plant Portrait 297 Japanese Violets An Introduction by Kim Blaxland

In spring of 1994 I was invited by played nearly 200 pots of Japanese Dr. Jun'ichi Miki to visit Japan to species violets, natural and cultivated study violet species in the wild and at hybrids, and a small number of for• the Japanese Violet Society's exhibit at eign species—a fascinating collection. the Hyogo Flower Show. Dr. Miki, There are 58 recorded species of vio• who has collected violet species for lets in Japan. The most stunning culti- over 40 years, is a leading member of var on the show bench was a cross the J.V.S. and author of a book about between Viola eizanensis and the red- violets, "Sumire Jiten." At 82, he is still flowered form of Viola chaerophylloides practicing as a pediatrician and was a producing large flowers the petals of most delightful, thoughtful host. which were white on the outside but Another active J.V.S. member, Mr. bright crimson-red on the inside with Iizuka, who was my guide in the field a fine white outline. The leaves were and host in the Himeji area, was very very divided, like those of both par• helpful in every way. ents (see photo, p. 303). The area I visited is west of Osaka, Many native species were growing centered on Fukusaki and Himeji with wild on the grounds of the Flower visits to Mt. Sepiko in the north, and Centre. Viola sieboldii and its variegat• Kyoto. The time was the second week ed leaf form were both growing in in April, also, by coincidence, Cherry semi-shaded areas. The tiny plants Blossom week. were 4-5 cm. high, its white flowers With limited space for ornamental with pink-purple sepals and large, gardening, cultivation of small plants rounded, pink spurs held well above like violets is very popular in Japan. the leaves on purple pedicels. Pale Hybridization of violets has produced gray-green outlined the veins of the many interesting named and unnamed variegated leaf form, the underside of cultivars. Natural hybridization is also the leaves of both forms was purple common among species in the wild. (see photo, p. 302). A larger lowland The three-day spring show at the species, Viola japonica, common to all Hyogo Flower Centre was in a large Japan, was growing in part sun, its park setting. The J.V.S. exhibit dis• ovate leaves pubescent on the top and

298 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 purple underneath. The large flowers under deciduous trees. Its pale mauve- had narrow purple petals. I saw a purple flowers had a less obvious eye, white-flowered form growing on Mt. no perfume, and more pointed leaves Sepiko in the north, but the most on the upper branches. The leaves had attractive was the variegated form on dark purple veining especially in the the show bench with leaves of a yel• center, some purple coloring on the low background splattered with dark underside, and dark purple petioles. green spots (photo, p. 301). Dr. Miki has found and propagated a Three stemmed species were flow• flore-plena form of Viola ovato-oblonga. ering at the Centre. In the sun at the Viola obtusa and V. ovato-oblonga were edge of the car parking lot, Viola obtusa hybridizing here also. produced rounded, fragrant, purple During the week I was shown five flowers each with a large, contrasting, forms of Viola violacea. The normal central white eye. The leaves were cor• species type growing on the more date with rounded tips. Viola sunny edge of a path through woods grypoceras, also in full sun, was very near Himeji had mid-pink flowers, floriferous. Showy, large, pale mauve dark pink-purple pedicels and peti• flowers were held well above the oles, elongated leaves, green on top foliage. The leaves were more pointed and purple underneath. A variegated and obviously serrated. White- or leaf form, Viola violacea f. versicolor, pink-flowered forms of V. grypoceras with paler green outlining the veins of can occur. A mountain form has more the top of the leaf, produced pale pink cuneate leaves, and there is a form in flowers (photo, p. 304). It grew on which the leaves have deep red vein- exposed sunny roadside slopes of Mt. ing in the center. Viola ovato-oblonga Sepiko. Only three colonies of a rare was growing in sun to part shade black-leaved form have been found.

Viola violacea

Introduction to lapanese Violets 299 most forms are deep purple, but there are many varia- tions(photo, p. 302). These robust plants have long, nar• row leaves, but the most dis• tinguishing feature is the con• striction on both sides of the top of the petiole. Viola betoni- cifolia var. albescens has leaves similar in shape to V. mand• shurica but does not have the constriction at the top of the petiole. Flower color is usual• ly white with purple stria- tions. Navy or pink striations can occur. There is also a pure white form, and a variegated leaf form. The wide range of the species stretches southwest Viola yedoensis through Asia, dividing into With white or pale pink flowers, red two arms, one spreading west towards petioles and pedicels its coloring was the Himalayas, the other through New very dramatic at flowering time; later Guinea to southeastern Australia. in the season the leaves are not as Viola confusa ssp. nagasakiensis grows black (photo, p. 304). Viola violacea var. in all Japan except Hokkaido. It has makinoi growing in semi-shade on the smaller, purple flowers on long peti• Flower Centre grounds had deep pink oles. The two top petals point stiffly flowers, long red-purple petioles and up, the lower three point downwards, pedicels, and narrower, elongated, with the horizontal sepals showing in dark green leaves (photo, p. 301). All the space left in the middle. The small, forms were between 6 cm. and 9 cm. narrow, spring leaves grow larger and high. much wider at the base in summer. Along the roadside on south-facing slopes beside a small cemetery we One memory that will always stay found Viola yedoensis. This very pubes• with me was the beauty of a small cent species had large, dark purple Buddhist temple, O-Shi-Ji, surrounded flowers that faded in the full sun. A by blossoming cherry trees and heavi• white-flowered form also occurs. This ly scented Spiraea bushes in the late should not be confused with Viola afternoon light. I am very grateful for yezoensis , a different species. the overwhelming hospitality of Three very common species are so everyone I met. prolific that they are weeds in any open sunny ground. The Japanese Drawings by Lynn Janicki word for violet, "sumire," is also the Japanese name of the species Viola Kim Blaxland is an Australian who gar• mandshurica, the most common violet dens near Philadelphia where she found all over Japan. Many localized moved six years ago from the forms of this species occur. Flowers of Netherlands.

300 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4

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Vzo/a violacea, black variegated leaf (p. 300) photos, Kim Blaxland

Viola violacea forma versicolor (p. 299)


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304 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:3 Books

Encyclopaedia of Alpines, Kenneth Beckett, Editor. AGS Publications, Ltd.: Pershore. Two volumes, hardback. 1411 pp. Price, $315.00 post• paid, by check or credit card to AGS Publications, Ltd., AGS Centre, Avon Bank, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3JP, Great Britain. ISBN 0-900048-63-8.

The long-awaited Encyclopaedia of Alpines is finally here! A remarkable achievement, it covers nearly 1000 genera and will be the standard rock garden reference for the foreseeable future. The coverage of genera and species is impressive. Each genus is well intro• duced, and the species are described with their key botanical features and natur• al habitats. As promised in the introduction, a significant number of Andean and Australasian species are included. These plants have been generating a lot of excitement within the last few years, but until now comprehensive information has been difficult to find in one place. The book is illustrated with a generous number of color plates, and the line drawings are useful, especially where several species of the same genus are shown together. It would be nice to see the entries on favorite North American genera, such as Eriogonum, expanded. Deficiencies like this seem to occur where taxonomic work is overdue and good monographs are lacking. Cultural infor• mation is concise and very useful, but North Americans will have to extrapolate for their local climate. The book is generally consistent and complete, but I have two significant reservations. First, anyone expecting to use the Encyclopaedia for identification will find it rather clumsy. Unfortunately, there are no keys to the genera or species—these are becoming distressingly rare throughout contemporary horti• cultural literature. Secondly, the number of cultivars listed for each species varies greatly. For example, there are over eight pages of detailed Sempervivum cultivar descriptions, while very few are listed for Saxifraga or Primula. Not since Farrer's The English Rock Garden (1919) have rock gardeners had such a complete reference to alpines in cultivation. What a pleasure it is to go to one work and find useful information on just about any plant one might want to grow. The serious rock gardener will find the substantial investment worthwhile. —Robert Bartolomei

305 A Garden of Conifers—Introduction and Selection Guide, by Robert A. Obrizok. Second edition, revised and expanded, 1994. Capability's Books: Deer Park, Wisconsin. 117 pp., 50 color photographs. 11" x 8.5". ISBN 0-913643-08-4. $24.95, paperback; NARGS Bookstore, $20.00.

Don't let the title of this book put you off! Few rock gardeners are likely to be interested in having "a garden of conifers." Of course, the author, Robert Obrizok of New York State, has one. But the book is really an introduction to dwarf conifers for the garden and a guide to their selection, significant because it describes conifers available in the United States and Canada, whereas previous conifer books have been written by Europeans. What are dwarf conifers? They are naturally slow-growing small trees that attain only a small fraction of the size of their species. Dwarf conifers are natural genetic mutations, occurring as dwarf seedlings of a normal tree or coming from an unusual dwarf cluster of twigs called a "witch's broom" on an otherwise nor• mal tree. Dwarf conifers may retain the color and shape of the species, but usual• ly have more dense branching and smaller needles. Why dwarf conifers in rock gardens? Their small size and year-round ever• green presence suggest their use as accents, anchors or backdrops for rock gar• den plants, which are usually small, more fragile alpine, saxatile or woodland plants. And the dwarf conifers' variety of shapes, colors and foliage textures makes them instantly appealing and continuously rewarding as companion plants in the rock garden. Author Robert Obrizok presents salient facts on the culture of conifers in gen• eral and then describes the unique characteristics and cultural requirements of each conifer genus. A section entitled "A Conifer Sampler" gives information about 31 cultivars across the spectrum of genera, including some of the author's favorites. However, since ten of the evergreens listed have yellow foliage, his list seems skewed beyond the average gardener's taste. All this is a preamble to the main body of the book, which is a descriptive list of 2,550 conifer cultivars generally available here. The presentation is organized by botanical name and provides a brief description of each cultivar, including size, growth habit, color, and hardiness zone. But one wishes for more than a line or two describing the more popular or most highly regarded plants. A novel innovation is the use of symbols for size and shape before each plant name, which makes it easy for the reader to search for conifers of the character he is interested in. Superb color photographs show off over 60 cultivars, mainly from the gardens of the author and his brother and from the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C The book concludes with four useful lagniappes: 1) explanations of the mean• ings of botanical names of the species; e.g. scopulorum—Latin—of the cliffs; 2) a list referencing common names to botanical names; 3) a directory of 22 principal conifer nurseries in the USA and Canada; and 4) a bibliography. Obrizok abundantly conveys his enthusiasm for the usefulness of dwarf conifers in the garden. Rock gardeners will appreciate that he has filled a void in North American books on this important companion for their gardens. —Clark Coe

306 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Waterscaping: Plants and Ideas for Natural and Created Water Gardens, by Judy Glattstein. 1994. A Garden Way Publishing Book. Storey Communications, Inc. Pownal, Vermont. 184 pp., paperback ($18.95) and hardcover ($27.95).

Occasionally there comes a book that could rightfully include in its title the word "Complete." Judy Glattstein's just published text on waterscaping is one of the few. If I had been collecting all the articles from various magazines about water gardening that I thought worth saving, I would now put them in the "dead" file and substitute in their place this one book. Glattstein takes us through the realm of gardens from the natural wetlands to pools and ponds and on to water gardens in containers. Important variables such as sun and shade are considered. Various ecosystems are also well defined and suitable plants suggested. And, no, this book is not just another dictionary of plant names. The shaded window inserts throughout the book give details about selected related topics, another excellent feature. Of course, in my opinion, a book on gardening must include color pictures to increase the adrenaline flow within the body. This requirement is well met. Glattstein is an author, lecturer, and landscape designer who currently lives in Connecticut. This is her second book on gardening, and it is sure to be well received: it will appeal to both the novice and to the most sophisticated garden• er. Simple facts presented in a refreshing manner are its backbone. —Bobby G. Wilder

Viola obtusa


Winter Study Weekends Eastern: THE CONTAINED ALPINE January 27-29,1995 Manhattan, New York at the Roosevelt Hotel Western: February 24-26,1995 Tuckwila, Washington

Annual Meeting Springtime in the Berkshires June 2, 3, & 4,1995 Pittsfield Massachusetts at the Berkshire Hilton Inn, sponsored by the Berkshire Chapter. Speakers: Tass Kelso, Geoffrey Charlesworth, John Spain, Jim Archibald. Two full days of garden visits:

the Berkshire Trail tour—the colonial garden of Maryjane and Carl Beach, the historic rock garden at Smith College, and the hilltop forest garden of Clifford Desch; the Berkshire and Litchfield Hills tour—the extensive hilltop garden of Norman Singer and Geoffrey Charlesworth , the sparkling hillside garden of Ruth and Herbert Sheppard, and the unique hillside moraine of John Spain.

This full weekend includes a Plant Show and Plant and Book Sale. Mark your calendars now. Don't miss this opportunity. Look for our brochure in the winter Bulletin or write for advance information to: Shirley Redington, Registrar 1169 Mohawk Road, Schenectady NY 12309-1607

308 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Manhattan Chapter of NARGS invites you to join us at the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan for the Winter Study Weekend JANUARY 27-29,1995 THE CONTAINED ALPINE in Pots*Pans*Troughs*Raised Beds*Alpine Houses Speakers include: Dr. Alfred Evans, RBG, Edinburgh... Steve Doonan, Grand Ridge ...Bob Bartolomei, NYBG... Michael Slater..Anne Spiegel..Anita Kistler..Mary Homans John Jacobus Roberta Berg Lawrence Thomas

Information: Registrar: Jacques Mommens, PO Box 67, Millwood, NY 10546 Plant Show: Steve Whitesell, 150-67 Village Rd, Kew Garden Hills, NY 11435

Gateway Chapter, NARGS brings you an International Symposium Gardening With Iris Species Missouri Botanical Gardens March 24,25, 26, 1995 featuring 12 speakers including Brian Mathews, Peter Goldblatt, Panayoti Kelaidis, James Waddick, Eberhard Schuster, Jean Witt, Alan Mcmurtrie, et al. !^\\;>> Registration limited, $100.00 a person, including Banquet and a collectible proceedings featuring many interesting authors such as Fritz Kohlein. Come spend your first weekend of spring with us in St. Louis, Mo. Make checks payable to Iris Symposium c/o Bob Pries, 6023 Antire Rd. High Ridge MO.


Phone (908) 536-2591 22 Robertsville Road Marlboro, NJ 07746


Our catalogue contains many old favorites Wild collected seed from the Pacific Northwest, for Garden andAlpine House. California, Utah and Nevada. A selection of over 750 alpine, steppe, and woodland species - many of which In addition, we offer numerous rare and are suitable for troughs and raised beds - will be new introductions. offered in this year's catalogue. Allium, Calochortus, Fritillaria, Iris, Lilium, Astragalus, Lewisia, Polemonium, Full and Descriptive Catalogue $3.00 Penstemon, Eriogonum, Gilia, Draba, Phlox, Erigeron, Townsendia are a few of the genera well represented POTTERTON & MARTIN in the catalogue. For a catalogue send $1.00 to Nettleton, Nr. Caistor, North Lines. Northwest Native Seed LN7 6HX, ENGLAND Ron Ratko Tel/Fax 44-1472-851792 91 5 Davis Place South Seattle, WA 98144


THE PERMANENT METAL LABEL Join Today! A- Hairpin Style Markers 30 for $12.60 B- Plant or Shrub Labels 100 for $8.70 Benefits of Membership Include: C- Cap Style Markers 30 for $13.00 Beautiful, Colorful Quarterly Bulletin; D- Swinging Style Markers 30 for $11.40 Seed Exchange offering Thousands of E- Rose Markers 30 for $11.90 F- Tall Display Markers 30 for $15.20 Species of Seed at Low Prices; G-Tall Single Staff Markers 30 for $12.90 Spectacular National Meetings; Meet H- Flag Style Markers 30 for $10.95 Fellow Gardeners J- Small Plant Labels 100 for $8.25 K- Tie-on Labels 1 00 for $13.30 M-Miniature Markers 30 for $11.00 Send $25 to: Jacques Mommens Executive Secretary, PO Box 93-E, Paw Paw, Ml 49079-0093 PO Box 67, Quantity Prices Available Millwood, NY 10546 Prices Include Prepaid Postage

310 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 CHEHALIS RARE PLANT NURSERY 2568 Jackson Hwy., Chehalis, WA 98532 Herb Dickson, Prop. After 30 years of selecting and breeding, I have developed an improved strain of Garden Auricula with a complete palett of color. Garden Auricula - 75 seeds per packet Mixed Brown Yellow Hypertufa Troughs Red Blue Picotee Handcrafted with the look White Petite Hybrids Exhibition Alpine - 75 seeds of weathered stone Hand pollinated Double Auricula 15 seeds Mail Order U.S. Only Hand pollinated Show Auricula 20 seeds For Further Information Red Self. Yellow Self - Green Edge Send SASE Primula Florindae - 150 seeds or more Mixed Candelabra - 200 seeds or more All packets $2.00 each KAREN HARRIS 50 cents postage & handling in U S & Canada Other foreign orders $1 00 postage & handling 200 East Genesee St. Washington residents add 7 5% sales tax Fayetteville, NY 13066 MINIMUM ORDERS 3 packets


WAlk ThROUqh AlpiNE MEAdoWS, hikE TrHE EERiE, AUEN IANCISCAPE CAIIEC] TIHE TAblElANds. WOODLAND AND ROCK GARDEN PERENNIALS SEE WHAIES, MOOSE, cARibou; INCL. PRIMULAS & EDELWEISS CjANNET & puffiN ColoNiES; WRITE FOR PLANT LIST IUE fjORds of CROS MORNE. PLEASE SEND FIRST CLASS STAMP STAY AT IOCAI iNNs 40611 HWY 226 fKWlKillTLi Scio, OREGON 97374 ® EUROSEEDS Unusual and rare seeds of alpine and bulbous World Travel lo Enrich Your Mind plants from various areas of the world such as: and Awaken Your Senses Tien-Shan, Africa, Spain, the Alps, etc. Some selected garden seeds are also available. Please WEEkly DEPARTURES July & AuqusT fROM $650 U.S. send 12.00 (in bills only) for our descriptive CUSTOM, fAMily-pRicEd iTiNERARiES AVAiUblE. October catoloq to: Mojmir Pavelko CAIL FOR INFORMATION: 800-645 0060 P.O. Box 95 . 205-868 1 710 74101 Novy Jicin y WAshiNqTON DEPOT, CT 06794 J

311 J3SKIY0LT * RARE PIXANTJVTORSERV An ever growing collection of over 1,000 varieties of Alpines^Fems, Dwarf Conifers, Northwest Natives (as Lewisia cotyledon, pictured), and other hardy plants for the Woodland and Rock Garden. For our Annual Mail Order Catalog and Fall Supplement send $2.00 refundable.

Dept 1, 2825 Cummings Road, Medford, Oregon 97501 Visitors Welcome by Appointment - Phone (503) 772-6846 SHIPPING TO U.S. and CANADA ONLY

SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS PERENNIALS, WILDFLOWERS, MULTIPLEX (DOUBLE BLOODROOT) ROCK GARDEN PLANTS, Blooming-Age Rhizomes CONIFERS, FLOWERING SHRUBS Available in Early September over 1,000 varieties available at our nursery PLANT DEALERS ONLY Sam Bridge CHARLES F. ANDROS BOULDER WALL GARDENS Nursery N' Greenhouses McLEAN ROAD 437 North Street, Greenwich, Conn. 06830 WALPOLE, NH 03608-0165 (203) 869-3418 Phone (603) 756-9056 SORRY, NO SHIPPING (April 15 - November 15)

,<^N Serious Collectors A Distinguished Collection can find genuine, personalized service for... Over 1500 hard to find • rare and dwarf conifers and useful varieties alpine and rock garden perennials Catalogue $4.00 ROSLYN NURSERY (refundable with first order) 211 BURRS LANE, DEPT R DIX HILLS, N.Y. 11746 PORTEHHOWSE Descriptive mail order catalog 41370-R S. E. Thomas Road, Sandy, Oregon 97055 $3.00 Telephone/ Fax (503) 668-5834

ALPLAINS 32315 Pine Crest Court, Kiowa, CO 80117, U.S.A. 1995 COLOR Alpine plants growing on the Plains of Colorado SEED CATALOG

Available in December 1994 ($2.00, deductible, overseas customers: $2.00 + 2 IRCs.) Features many choice wild and nursery-collected alpine and rock garden varieties, easy to challenging. We provide germination instructions. Aquilegia, Astragalus, Callirhoe, Campanula, Claytonia, Collomia, Draba, Eriogonum, Eritrichium howardii, Eustoma, Gilia caespitosa, Hymenoxys lapidicola, Kelseya uniflora, Leptodactylon, Lepidium, Leucocrinum montanum, Penstemon, Phlox, Polemonium, Primula, Silene, Shoshonea pulvinata, Townsendia, Zinnia grandiflora and many more!

312 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Pocky Mountain Gardener . Tahoma Nursery The only magazine exclusively for gardeners in the Rocky Mountain States Alpines for the Enthusiast

Rick Lupp (206) 847-9827 Alpines, Washington State Natives, Species Primulas, Troughs and Trough Plants Dwarf Shrubs

We cover topics such as growing wild- Nursery open weekends and by flowers, cold hardy cactus, alkaline soils, appointment tree and shrub varieties, low water land• scaping, short season gardening, envi• ronmental issues, composting, visiting gardens, tips from experts Send $1.00 For List and more! 28111-112th Avenue E., Graham, For a one year subscription (4 seasonal issues) Washington 98338 send $12. Two years - $20. Samples available for $4. Send payment to: RMG, PO Box 1230,Gunnison, CO 81230.

THE PRIMROSE PATH R.D. 2 Box 110 Scottdale, PA 15683

Choice and unusual perennials, alpines, woodland plants, all nursery-propagated. Specializing in new hybrids and selections from our breeding program, species Primulas and Phlox, native wildflowers, western plants adaptable to the East. Mail-order Catalog $1.50 (412) 887-6756 Primula veris

THE ALPINE GARDEN SOCIETY Membership of the Alpine Garden Society puts the American Alpine gardener in close touch with those throughout the world who share his interest in one of the most absorbing branches of horticulture. The Quarterly Bulletin of the A.G.S. is respected internationally as one of the most informative publica• tions of its kind. It will bring into your home a distillation of the experience and ideas of some of the finest gardeners, plant explorers, and horticultural thinkers of our time. Among the many other benefits of the Society, its uniquely comprehensive seed list alone is worth more than the modest subscription of $32.00 US. For Overseas Members Apply to: The Secretary, The Alpine Garden Society AGS Centre, Avon Bank, Pershore, Worcestershire WR10 3JP, England

313 American Penstemon Society Learn all about the largest genus of flowering plants endemic to North America. For over 20 years we have specialized in Bulletins twice a year, seed dwarf Rhododendrons, exchange, round robin corre• Azaleas and dwarf coni• spondence, and yearly meet- fers. We also have one of ings. Join us by sending $10 New England's largest selec• to Ann Bartlett, 1569 South Holland tions of rare spe• Court, Lakewood, Colorado 80232. cialty Alpines, perfect for the trough or rock garden. Free 200-page catalog when you visit us. To send for catalog, /t iXi I )^ Hardy Camellia include $5.00 A\J 1( \ x>^s Dwarf Conifers <1 O . _ ... Rare Asian Trees CAMELLIA and Shrubs mm? W FOREST Catalog: $1.00 NURSERIES, INC N U R S E R y 1159 Bronson Road, Fairfield, CT. 06430 125 Carolina Forest Road (203) 259-5609 (Sorry we do not mail order.) Chapel Hill. N.C. 27516

TREES, SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS from Siberia and the Russian Far East Kamchatka, Ussurian Tajga, Sea of Okhotsk region Wild collected seeds Nursery including many species not yet in cultivation. inc. For list of 120 species send $1 to: P.O.Box 693 Truro MA 02666 Dr. A.N. Berkutenko c/o Lois Ann Zurbrick, Garden Shop on Depot Rd. P.O. Box 210562, Anchorage, Alaska 99521 New England grown Heather We grow the hardy cultivars of Wildflowers of the Calluna and Erica in 4", 5 1/2" and 1 gallon pots. Excellent Southern Appalachians aval lability of cultivars selected Choice, hardy, reliable, showy. for their unique foliage and FROM OUR NURSERY TO YOUR GARDEN flower color. Visit our garden be it woodland, rock, moist or dry. shop April-OctWe ship UPS the Send $3 for 2-yr. subscr. to illustrated descriptive year-round! Wholesale-Retail catalog of wildflowers, hardy ferns and perennials Color catalog loaded with ail Sunlight Gardens the information you will need in 174-R5 Golden Lane selecting plants for your garden Andersonville, Tenn. 37705 only $1.00. (508) 349-6769

314 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Specialist grower of alpine plants vJn sfcip of Central Asia and Western a(most North America. Direct shipping from anywruzn... Port Huron, Mich, by U.P.S. Catalogue $2.00

t kxrdv fwatfis 4 (taatfurs I \or atCi^dar co(or intfu \ garden,

Stone masonry including hand carved \ yicatds ^'Heathers sandstone troughs. I ©ox 850, a-ma.-Vsk 985^1 CZOQ>) 48Z-3255 R.R. #3, Kerwood, Ont. Canada NOM 2B0 SEND S.A.S.E. FOR FREE LIST. (519) 247-3751 NURSERY VISITORS WELCOME!

EXCITING PLANTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD TREES, SHRUBS, CATALOG PERENNIALS $2.00 cVINES^ (206) 574-3832 COLLECTOR'S NURSERY 16804 NE 102nd Ave. THE COMPLEAT Battleground, WA 98604 GARDEN ALL PLANTS NURSERY PROPAGATED CLEMATIS NURSERY MAIL ORDER CLEMATIS Mpine, Primula and Auricula Seed. Unusual and Hard-To-Find Varieties Field House Alpines Small and Large Flowered Leake Road, Gotham, Nottinghamshire, NGIIOJN In Pots England Wide Selection Sole Agent for the United States and Canada: Descriptive Listing $2.00 June M. Skidmore 6730 West Mercer Way 217 Argilla Road Mercer Island, WA 98040 Ipswich, MA 01938-2614 Send $2.00 for Catalogue


Some choices are: Alliuni cyaneuni, Arabis androsacea, Dry as octopetala 'Minor', ^ Gypsophila naiia, Hylomecou japouicuui, Iris gracilipes, Primula modesta alba, • Seduui sieboldii, Solidago cutleri, Tiarella wherryi, and a variety of other favorites. •


*• Mail order catalog $1.00 Shipping within USA only All plants nursery propagated *

Marty and Sandy Jones

Colorado SlCpines, Inc Grown at 8,000' in the Rockies, our plants are hard and hardy Plants shipped in 2-1/4' pots to help insure healthy arrival and transplant Shipped regular or blue label U.P.S. Send $2 ($5 for overseas) for catalog. P.O. BOX 2708 (303) 949-6464 AVON, CO 81620

Unique and Unusual Plants 7 ICYCPEEK 1000 Hardy Perennials Including V/NURSERY\ Penstemons, Dianthus, Salvias and Northwest Natives

Catalogue: $2.00 - Refundable With Purchase 20300 N.W. Watson Road, Bin 1- Scappoose, OR 97056

WESTERN WILDFLOWERS over 1000 varieties, nursery propagated plants WILDFLOWERS, PERENNIALS, WESTERN SHRUBS & TREES for free catalog, WRITE OR VISIT



American and Asiatic wildflowers; unusual perennials; rockery plants; species iris and daylilies; ferns and fern relatives; hardy and tender bulbs. All nursery propagated.

Catalogue (over 650 items) $2.00, refundable with first order. Sorry, no shipments to CA, AZ, or HI.

We enjoy having visitors; please call ahead for directions and hours.

RTE. 5, BOX 724, MARION, NC 28752-9338 TEL. (704) 738-8300

Pacific Horticulture WOODLANDERS a magazine about NURSERY GROWN TREES, SHRUBS, plants and gardens of the west PERENNIALS, SOUTHERN NATIVES & EXOTICS illustrated color quarterly

Please send $2.00 for mail-order list annually, in US currency: US $15; WOODLANDERS, DEPT. RG Canada & Mexico $18; overseas $20 1128 COLLETON AVENUE write to: AIKEN, SC 29801 Circulation Department PO Box 680, Berkeley, CA 94701

SEED GERMINATION LEWISIA THEORY AND PRACTICE —22 species and hybrids By Norman C. Deno wide variety of flower colors The only book you need on seed germination. Extensive data on 146 families. 803 genet*, and over 2000 epeoea. international orders accepted Optimum conditions for germination are given tor nearly •vary specie* studied. Extensive data on the effects of —retail, wholesale gibberelic add on seed germination. Extensive discussion of the theory and principles governing seed germination. Send $2 or SASE to: The second edition is priced at $20 (postpaid by surface mail anywnere in the Wortd). Order from Norman C. Deno. 139 Lenor Drive. Rare Plant Research 13245 SE Harold State College PA 16801 USA Portland, OR 97236 USA FAX (503) 762-0289

Wild Collected and Cultivated Seed of Cushion and Saxatile Plants Send $1 for November catalog to PO Box 200483. Denver, Colorado 80220.


OVERSTOCK SALE—50% OFF Annuals, by R. Proctor $15.00 Perennials, by R. Proctor $15.00 Catalog of the Colorado Flora, by W.A. Weber & R.C. Wittmann $17.00 Country Gardens, by N. Williams & R. Sawyer $10.00 Rare & Endangered Plants of Oregon, by D.C. Eastman $12.00 The Year In Bloom, by A. Lovejoy—AT COST $8.00 L.L. Foster Drawings—Inquire

NOW COLLECTOR'S ITEMS—WHILE THEY LAST!-^0% OFF, Postpaid with book order Decal —ARGS Dodecatheon—specify glue on front or on back $.75 ARGS Shoulder Patch $1.00

A Gardener Obsessed: Observations, Reflections, and Advice for other Dedicated Gardeners*, by Geoffrey Charlesworth, recipient of the NARGS Award of Merit and the Carlton Worth Award for distinguish writing. Just off the Presses! $20.00

BOOKS * c'eno''es hard cover Alpine Gardening*, by Roy Elliot $20.00 The Alpine House*, by R. Rolfe $22.00 Alpines in Sinks and Troughs, by Joe Elliot $4.00 Alpines The Easy Way, by Joe Elliot $6.00 Alpines: The Illustrated Dictionary*, by C. Innes—NEW, Pub. Dec. '94 $32.00 Alpine Wildflowers, by D. Strickler $8.00 Androsaces, by Smith & D. Lowe $9.00 Aroids*, by D. Brown—Now Out of Print $31.00 Asiatic Primulas, by Roy Green $9.00 Auriculas*, by B. Hyatt $14.00 Azaleas*, by F. Galle $56.00 The Bernard Harkness Seedlist Handbook $23.00 Best Bulbs for Temperate Climates*, by J. Hobbs & T. Hatch $26.00 Bitterroot, by J. DeSanto $10.50 Cape Bulbs*, by R.L. Doutt—NEW $28.00 A Century of Alpines, by AGS $22.00 Color Encyclopedia of Garden Plants and Habitats*, Kohlein &. Menzel—NEW, Nov. '94 $40.00 Concise Flowers of the Himalaya, by O. Polunin & A. Stainton $29.00 Conifers for your Garden*, by Adrian Bloom $15.00 The Crocus*, by B. Mathew $20.00 Crocus and Colchicum*, by E.A. Bowles $13.00 The Dolomites, by R. Farrer—Now Out of Print $8.00 Ferns for American Gardens, by J. Mickel—NEW $48.00 Ferns to Know and Grow, by F.G. Foster $18.50 A Garden of Conifers, by R.A. Obrizok $20.00 The Gardeners Guide to Growing Hardy Geraniums*, by T. Bath & J. Jones $24.00 The Gardeners Guide to Growing Hellebores*, by G.Rice & E. Strangman $20.00 Garden Flowers from Seed, by C. Lloyd & G. Rice -NEW, Pub. Oct., '94 $16.00 The Genus Arum*, by P. Boyce—NEW $42.00 The Genus Cyclamen*, by C. Grey-Wilson—Now Out of Print $22.00 The Genus Dionysia*, by C. Grey-Wilson—Now Out of Print $32.00 The Genus Hosta*, by W.G Schmid $48.00

318 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 N-A-R-G-S BOOKSTORE The Genus Lewisia*, by B. Mathew—Now Out of Print $23.00 The Genus Pleione*, by P. Cribb & I. Butterfield—Now Out of Print $25.00 The Genus Primula, by J. Halda $28.00 Growing Alpines in Raised Beds, Troughs & Tufa, by D. Lowe $27.00 Growing Bulbs*, by M. Rix—Now Out of Print $15.00 Growing Winter Hardy Cacti, by J. Spain—NEW, expanded edition $10.00 Hardy Plants & Alpines, by Alan Bloom—NEW $24.00 Himalayan Cobra Lillies (Arisaemas)*, by U.C. Pradham $24.00 Index of Garden Plants: The New RHS Dictionary*, by M. Griffiths $48.00 The Land of the Blue Poppy, by F. Kingdon-Ward—Now Out of Print $10.00 Making the Most of Conifers & Heathers, by Adrian Bloom—NEW $10.00 Manual of Alpine Plants*, by W. Ingwersen—Now out of Print $24.00 Mystery Rivers of Tibet, by F. Kingdon-Ward—Now Out of Print $8.00 A Naturalist in Western China, by E. Wilson—Now Out of Print $10.00 The Opinionated Gardener*, by G. Charlesworth—Now Out of Print $14.00 Orchids of the Western Great Lakes*, by F. Case $26.00 Pests & Diseases of Alpine Plants*, by P.R. Ellis, et al.—NEW $36.00 Plant Hunting on the Edge of the World, by F. Kingdon-Ward—Now Out of Print $8.00 Pool & Waterside Gardening*, by P. Robinson $16.00 Porophyllum Saxifrages*, by R. Home' $40.00 Primula*, byj. Richards $40.00 Primulas of Europe & America*, by Smith, Burrow & Lowe $30.00 Rainbow Bridge, by R. Farrer—Now Out of Print $8.00 Random House Book of Bulbs, by Phillips & M. Rix—NEW $20.00 Random House Book of Perennials, Early, Vol.1, by —NEW $20.00 Random House Book of Perennials, Late, Vol.2—NEW $20.00 Rocky Mountain Alpines*, by Alpines '86—Now Out of Print $30.00 Saxifrages, by W. Harding—NEW color edition $16.00 Sedum: Cultivated Stonecrops*, by R. Stephenson—NEW, Pub. Nov., '94 $40.00 Seeds of Wildland Plants*, by J.A. Young & C.G. Young $20.00 Shade and Color with Water-Conserving Plants*, by J.E. Walters & B. Backhaus $30.00 Successful Southern Gardening, by S. Ladendorf $10.50 Succulents: The Illustrated Dictionary*, by M Sajeva & M. Constanzo NEW $32.00 Trees of Georgia and Adjacent States*, by C.L. Brown & L.K. Kirkman $27.00 The Valley of Flowers, by F.S. Smythe—Now Out of Print $10.00 Wildflowers in Your Garden, by V. Ferrenia—NEW $28.00 Woody Iridaceae*, by P. Goldblatt—NEW $24.00 The World of Magnolias, by D. Calloway $36.00 Order now for Christmas. Please mail inquiries and orders to: Ernie O'Byrne, North American Rock Garden Society Bookstore 86813 Central Road, Eugene, OR 97402 USA Please print name and address clearly. Country of origin and postal code must be included. Allow 8-12 weeks for overseas shipment. Orders must be prepaid in US dollars by check on a US bank or by intl. money order (VISA and MC accepted—include signature, date of exp., and full acct. #). Add postage and handling First Book, US $3.00 Each Additional Book $1.50 First Book Outside US $5.00 Each Additional Book abroad $2.50 This is a partial listing. For additional titles, see previous bulletins, or write.

319 Index to Volume 52 Scientific Names of Plants

Abies hedraeantha 91 concolor 245 helvetica 93 koreana 245 hirtella 91 lasiocarpa 245 lactaea 91 pinsapo 245 lactiflora 92 procera 245 lanuginosa 93,295 Acantholimon araxanum 212 mathildae 88,92,96 Acanthopanax sieboldianus 33 x 'Millstream' 90 Acaulimalva engleriana 138 muscoidea 90 Acer obtusifolia 91 palmatum 26,274 pubescens 91 palmatum v. dissectum 245 pyrenaica 90 pennsylvanicum 11 rotundifolia 295 saccharum 11 sarmentosa 92,94,130,295 shirasawanum 184 sempervivoides 92,295 spicatum 11 septentrionalis 92 Aconitum spinulifera 295 reclinatum 11 strigillosa 295 uncinatum 11 vandellii 65,93,214 Adiantum villosa 88,90,96,207,295 pedatum 'Japonicum' 180C,183 wardii 295 venustum 178C181 Anemone Adonis vernalis 165 caroliniana 224C,227 Aethionema armenaum 212 narcissiflora 166,222C Agapanthus campanulatus ssp. patens 194,203C nemerosa 56 Ajania xylorrhiza 131 ranunculoides 56 Albuca 189,193 Antennaria dioica 112 Allium 189 Aptosimum geyeri 112 procumbens 190,197C Alnus spinescens 190,197C glutinosa 53 Aquilegia serrulata 11 jonesii 93,143C,216,275,285 Aloe saximontana 207 aristata 193 Arabis ecklonis 193 alpina 166 Alstroemeria 139,140 androsacea 91 Aloinopsis spathulata 189 bryoides 88,91,96,131 Alyssum lyrata 12 davisianum 95 Arctostaphyllos propinquum 93 x nevadensis 252P,255 pulvinaris 94 patula 255 Amianthium muscaetoxicum 12 pringlei 256 Anacampseros 186 pungens 256 Anchusa caespitosa 94 uva-ursi 255 Andromeda polifolia 'Nana' 245 Ardisia japonica 33 Androsace Arenaria alpina 93 balerica 112 armena 92 obtusiloba 207 brevis 93 Arisaema brigantiaca 92 backii 214,215 bulleyana 297 candidissimum 215 carnea 88,90,92,96 purpureogaleatum 215 chamaejasme 85,92,207 sikokianum 214,215 ciliata 91 triphyllum 11 foliosa 295,296P Aristea 194 geranifolia 295 Aristolocha macrophylla 11 hausmannii 91 Armeria juniperifolia 130

320 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Arnebia echioides 90 Boltonia 28 Artemisia 189 Boykinia jamesii 168 arbuscula 85 Bruckenthalia spiculifolia 53,245 frigida 143C Buddleya loricata 191 Aruncus Sylvester 165 Bulbine 193 Asarum europaeum 52,55,165 Butomus umbellalus 204C Asclepias incarnata 25 Buxus microphylla 245,269 Asperula Calceolaria gussonii 94,110 biflora 95 pontica 111 darwinii 93 Asplenium Calluna 245,268 incisum 181 Calochortus 169 sarelii 181 apiculatus 171,174 tenuicaule 181 catalinae 169,170 Aster clavatus 169 alpigenus 288P,291 eurycarpus 172,174 alpinus 23,287,288 greenei 174 alpinus v. dolomiticus 288 gunnissonii 171,174 alpinus v. vierhapperi 288 kennedyi 169,169,173 bigelowii 289 lyallii 171 coloradoensis 290P,cov macrocarpus 169,171,174 foliaceus v. apricus 292 nitidus 174 grindelioides 291 nuttallii 170,171,172 kumleinii 292 plummerae 170 linariifolius 292 purpurascens 172 oblongifolius 292 venustus 169,172 pattersonii 289P venustus v. citrinus 174 scopulorum 292 venustus v. oculatus 174 stenomeres 292 venustus v. purpurascens 174 tanacetifolia 289 vestae 171,172,174 tibeticus 288 Calyptridium umbellataum 95 venusta 291 Campanula xylorhiza 291 alpina 166,222C Astragalus andrewsii v. hirsuta 212 ceramicus 95 aucheri 273 gmelii 95 betulifolia 94 spatulatus 84,85,141C bithynica 273 Athyrium carpatica 167 filix-femina 181 cashmeriana 212 goeringianum v. pictum 181 cochlearifolia 88,94,96,129,167,273 iseanum 181 garganica 273,278C niponicum v. pictum 179C,181 glomerata 165 otophorum 179Q183 hakkiarica 212 Atriplex 188,189 'Joe Elliott' 134 Aubrieta lasiocarpa 273 canescens 94 patula 165 pinardii 94 persicifolia 165 scardica 94 piperi 94,134,216 thessala 94 raineri 88,94,276 Azalea (named forms) 266,267 shetleri 134 Azorella tatrae 166,223C compacta 138 trachelium 165 patagonica 138 waldsteiniana 212 trifurcata 130 zoysii 134,212,216,273 Ballota africana 189 Carduncellus rhaponticoides 95 Barliera monticola 193 Carlina Bellium minutum 110 acanthifolia 131 Berkheya 192 acaulis 165 Betula 126,245 Carpinus betulis 53 Blechnum Cassandra calyculata 268 niponicum 183 Castanea dentata 11,12 penna-marina 177C,183 Castilleja coccinea 11 Bolax 140 Ceanothus americanus 268

321 Cedrus deodara 245 x mantensiana 266 Centaurea achtarovii 94 x 'Napolitana' 246,266 Cercis odora 265 canadensis 15 petraea 94 chinensis 15 retusa 88,94,96,246,265 Chaenorrhinum oreganifolium 90 tangutica 265 Chamaecyparis Daucus carota 13 obtusa 112,246,270,281c Degenia velebitica 91 pisifera 130,246 Delosperma 187,189,92,198C,200C 'Snow' 88 ashtonii 193 Chamaedaphne Icalyculata 245 cooperi 192,200C,225 Chilopsis linearis 255 nubigenum 187,195,225 Chloraea 139 Delphinium Chrysanthemum alpinum 166 elatum 165 Cladium mariscoides 10 luteum 95 Cladonia psoromka 11,12 menziesii 291 Claytonia megarhiza 95 Dianthus Clethra acuminata 11 alpinus 95,210,274 Cokhicum anatolicus 274 autumnale 165 basuticus 194 autumnale 'Waterlily' 16 callizonus 274 Conopholis americana 11 carthusianorum 165 Convallaria majalis 12,165 erinaceus 274 Convolvulus freynii 92 boissieri 136 gallicus 211 cantabricus 212 haematocalyx 274 Cornus hungaricus 112,167 florida 15 microlepis 110 mas 54 monspessulanus ssp. st embergii 274 Corydalis pavonius 91 cava 54,56 simulans 26,110,274 flexuosa 135 tianschanicus 275 lutea 26 Diascia 186 marschalliana 54 anastrepta 192,200C solida 54,56 integerrima 198C Corylus maxima 53,54 Dicentra peregrina 88,94,216 Coryphantha vivipara 95 Dierama 191,194 Cotoneaster Diervilla lonicera 11 adpressa 246 Digitalis grandiflora 165 apiculata 112,246 Dionysia involucrata 216 'Toulon Porter' 110 Disa 196 Cotyledon orbiculatum 192,198C Doronicum styriacea 222C Crassula 192,193,199C Douglasia Crepis pygmaea 95 laevigata 91 Crocosmia 186,195 montana 91,275 Crocus vernus ssp. heuffelianus 52 nivalis 91 Cryptomeria japonica 246,270 Draba Cymophyllus fraseri 15 acaulis 93,212 Cypripedium aizoides 91,210 acaule 11 bryoides 88,91,96,112 calceolus 38C bryoides v. imbricata 111 Dactylorhiza majalis 165 caucasica 91 Danae racemosa 269 compressa 91 Daphne ericoides 112 arbuscula 94,96,162P,167,246,266 hispanica 91 blagayana 266 hoppeana 91 'Carol Mackie' 266 mollissima 93 caucasica 266 oligosperma 275 cneorum 94,246,266,281C paniculata 'Minutifolia' 88 collina 266 parnassica 91 genkwa 266 paysonii 91 jasminea 94 polytricha 93,131 kamschatica 266 propinqua 93

322 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 rigida 88,91,96 Galaxia 189 rosularis 88,91,96 Galtonia viridiflora 194,203C sibirica 94 Gardenia jasminoides 269 sierrae 91 Gaylussacia Drosanthemum 189 baccata 11 Drosera rotundifolia 10 brachycera 246,268 Dryopteris Gazania 186,193 bissetiana 183 Gentiana championii 184 clusii 168 decipiens 183 froelichii 94 erythrosora 177C,182,183 grossheimii 93 erythrosora v. prolifica 182 nexvberryi 65 polylepis 180C184 orbicularis 94 purpurella 183 punctata 166 wallichiana 184 pyrenaica 94 Eberlanzia 189,190 sedifolia 36,37C Echeveria 186 sino-ornata 93,128 Edraianthus verna 83,92,207 dinaricus 91 verna v. angulosa 65 pumilio 91 Gentianella serpyllifolia 91,117C hirculus 36,61C Enkianthus cernuus 279C incurva 36 Ephedra peruviana 36 americana 138 rupicola 37C rupestris 138 saxicola 36,61C Erica 192,268 vaginalis 36 Erigeron iveberbaurii 36 aureus 92,136 Geranium chrysopsidis 92 argenteum 91 compositus 92 dalmaticum 278C pinnatisectus 119C,205,207 pulchrum 191 scopulinus 110 Geum radiatum 12 tweedyi 292 Gladiolus 165,193 Erinus alpinus 23,90 Glaucidium palmatum 215 Eriocephalus 189 Gypsophila Eriogonum aretioides 91 caespitosum 91,292 nana 211 douglasii 93 repens 23 flavum 85,93 Habenaria 11 kennedyi 93 Hakonechloa macro. 274 ovalifolium 88,93,96,292 Halenia weddelliana 36 thymoides 95 Haplopappus acaulis 142C Eritrichium Hebe 257C howardii 88,94 'Andersonii Variegata' 263 nanum 85,94,216 'Anomala' 259C Erodium chamaedryoides 130,278C armstrongii 263 Erythronium dens-canis 50P,52,55 'Carl Teschner' 263 Eucomis humilis 194 coarctata 263 Eumorphia sericea 196 cupressoides 246,262 Euonymus japonica 246 'Edinensis' 263 Euphorbia elliptica 261 clavarioides 193 'Emerald Green' 259C263 pulvinata 193 'Franciscana Variegata' 263 Euryops 189 hectori v. demissa 263 acraeus 185 hulkeana 261 tysonii 191,198C lavaudiana 261 Fagus sylvatica 54 lycopodioides 263 filifolia 191 ochracea 257Q263 Festuca 110 odora 258C Fragaria vesca 53 'Pagei' 258C,263 Fumana thymifolia 95 pimeleoides 263 pusilla 56 pinguifolia 259C263 Galax aphylla 11 propinqua 263

323 Trostrata' 263 cristata 11,274 raoulii 261 forrestii 274 salicifolia 261 graminea 274 salicornioides 263 innominata 26,38C speciosa 261,262 lacustris 274 subalpina 260C laevigatua 25 tetragona 263 prismatica 274 'Youngii' 259C,263 pseudacorus 25 Hebenstreitia 193 setosa 274 Hedera verna 274 helix 246 Isopyrum thalictroides 54 helix 'Arborescens' 294 ]asione amethystina 91 nepalensis 294 Jasminum parkeri 130 Helianthemum Jeffersonia dubia 216 bryoides 91 Juniperus canum v. balcanum 93 chinensis 269 Helichrysum 190,191 communis 247,280C,283C aureum 192 communis 'Compressa' 112 bellum 192 conferta 284C chionosphaerum 193 horizontalis 248 flanaganii 195 squamata 259C270 marginatum 186,192 Jurinella moschus 95 milfordiae 186 Kalmia latifolia 11,12 retortoides 196 Kelseya uniflora 84.93 sessiloides 192 Kniphofia 186 splendidum 196 Krapfia lecheri 138 trilineatum 196 Krigia montana 12 Helleborus Lapeirousia 189 argutifolius 16 Laretia 138 orientalis 16 Larix purpurascens 53 kaempferi 247 Hepatica x eurolepis 247 x media 54 Laurentia minuta 95 nobilis 52,53,165 Leiophyllum buxifolium 247,267 transsilvanica 51,53P nivale 91 Hermannia stricta 199C Lepidium nanum 84 Hesperantha 193 Lesquerella Heuchera alpina 84,143C grossularifolia 93 arizonica 207 pulchella 93 tumulosa 91 villosa 12 Leucanthemopsis alpinum 166 Hirpicium 186,194 Leucosidea 191 Homeria 189 Lewisia 272 Hosta yingeri 34,218 columbiana 60 Houstonia caerulea 11 cotyledon 57,95,272,277C Hydrangea 'Pia' 34 longipetala 135 Hypericum pygmaea 90,110 athoum 212 rediviva 88,95,135,146 coris 95 rupicola 95 densiflorum 10 stebbinsii 135 empetrifolium 130 tiveedyi 90,216 gentianoides 12 Liabum 138 Iberis Liatris aspera 11 candolleana 95 Lightfootia 189 pygmaea 92 Lilium saxatilis 92 auratum 16 Ilex 247 gray' 11 ambigua v. montana 11 mackliniae 132 crenata 247,269,247 martagon 165 Inula acaulis 95 Limonium minutum 95 lonactis 292 Liriodendron tulipifera 12 Ipomoea 198C Lithops 186 Iris Ludwigia alternifolia 25

324 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Lupinus vulgare v. viride 4 brewed 95 Ornithogalum 189 lepidus ssp. lobbii 95 Orostachys spinosa 95 Lysimachia Osteospermum 186 japonica v. minutissima 210 barberiae 195 punctata 204C cuneatum 189 Machaeranthera 289,291 jucundum 195 Macowania Othonna (sp. Basutoland) 186 glandulosa 202C Oxalis sororis 196 geminata 139 Magnolia depressa 186 acuminata 12 inops 186 grandiflora 34 squamata 139 tomentosa 16 Oxypolis rigidior 11 Malvastrum 138,140 Papaver Malephora 189 alpinum 26,92 Meconopsis betonicifolia 132 somniferum 163 Menziesia pilosa 11 Parahebe catarractae 263 Mertensia Paranephelius bullatus 138 alpina 85,95,141C Paraquilegia grandiflora 94 viridis 95 Paris auadrifolia 165 Mesembryanthemum 186,189 Parnassia grandiflora 10 Mibora minima 111 Paronychia Moneses uniflora 167 argyrocoma 12 Moraea 186,189,194 chionaea 131 alpina 194 Passerina montana 191 alticola 194 Paxistima canbyi 268 camea 194 Pedicularis verticillata 166,223C indinata 194,203C Pediocactus simpsonii 213 modesta 194 Pelargonium luridaum 193 trifida 194 Penstemon Mutisia 140 'Claude Barr' 225 Morus bombycis 34 acaulis 84 Myosotis angustifolius 84,131 alpestris 207,291 aridus 93 scorpioides 25 caespitosus 93 uniflora 135 caryi 84 Nandina crandallii 275 v. capillaris 268 davidsonii 94,96,275 domestica 34,247,268 davidsonii ssp. menziesii 275 Nemesia 189,190,193 eriantherus 207 Nerine bowdenii 195 hallii 207 Notothlaspi rosulatum 94 humilis 84,142C Oenothera tetragona 13 laricifolius 84,93,142C Olsynium 139 linarioides 93,275 Ophiopogon juburan 34 newberryi 94 Origanum 3 pinifolius 275 acutidens 64C,cov pumilus 84 amanum 2P,7,64C rupicola 94.275 'Barbara Tingey' 8 teucrioides 93,207 calcaratum 4,5,64C Petrocallis pyrenaica 91,207 heracleioticum 4 Petrophytum x hybridinum 8 caespitosum 83,254 'Kent Beauty' 8 cinerascens 93 laevigatum 6,64C Phacelia sericea 95 libanoticum 6,63C Phegopteris decursive-pinnata 183 marjorana 4 Pherolobus 189 microphyllum 4 Philadelphus microphyllus 254 rotundifolium 5,62C Phlox scabrum 6P,7,62C bifida 275 tournefortii 4 bryoides 91 vulgare 4 condensata 91,275 vulgare 'Aureum' 4,259C douglasii 129

325 hoodii 91,142C,216 hirsuta 207 maculata ssp. pyramidalis 12 hyacinthina 132 mesoleuca 'Mary Maslin' 135 japonica 25 pulvinata 88,91,96 marginata 207,212 subulata 11,12,23 minima 91,93,166,207 Phygelius capensis 191 modesta 92 Phyllactis 140 scotica 92 Physaria tyrolensis 207 alpina 92,275 veris 165 didymocarpa 204C villosa 91,207 eburniflora 85 'Windrush' 207 Physoplexis comosa 93,212 wulfeniana 93,207 Picea Prunus spinosa 53 abies 126,248,284C Pseudotsuga menziesii 249 'Echiniformis' 16,205,248,270 189 glauca 248,270 Pulmonaria angustifolia 52 'Little Gem' 96 Pulsatilla mariana 248 alpina 166 omorika 248,270 vulgaris 26,54 orientalis 248,270,279C Quercus pungens 248,270 alba 11,12 sitchensis 248 petraea 54 Pieris japonica 248,267 rubra v. borealis 11 Pinguicula vulgaris 167 Ranunculus Pinus aconitifolius 165 aristata 249 gusmannii 138 contorta 255 lecheri 138 echinata 249 plantanifolius 165 leucodermis 249 Raoulia eximia 139 mugo 249 Rhodiola rosea 362C parviflora 249,270 Rhododendron strobus 12,249,270 calendulaceum 11 sylvestris 249,270,282C,283C catawbiense 11,12 taeda 'Nana' 34 degronianum 267 Platanthera chlorantha 165 fastigiatum 249 Pleione 186 ferrugineum 249 Podocarpus nivalis 270 hyperythrum 267 Podophyllum peltatum 11 indicum 266 Polemonium viscosum 95 keiskei 249,267 Polygala curtissii 12 kiusianum 250,277C Polystichum leucaspis 132 makinoi 184 maximum 11 neolobatum 184 metternichii 267 polyblepharum 178C,181,184 nakaharai 267 rigens 184 roseum 11 Poncirus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon' 34 yakushimanum 249,267 Potentilla Rhodohypoxis 130,195 nevadensis 131 Rhynchospora alba 11 nitida 131 Rosa tridentata 12 gallica var. officinalis 28 Prenanthes altissima 11 'Petite Pink' 35 Primula Ruschia 189,190,192 allionii 93 putterillii 192 angustifolia 85,cov Ruscus aculeatus 269 auricula 93,167,168,207 Salix x bileckii 91 herbacea 250 clarkei 93 nivalis 250 clusiam 207 reticulata 95,250 daonensis 207 retusa 250 farinosa 206 Salvia officinalis 'Icterina' 259C frondosa 206 Sanguinaria canadensis 11 glaucescens 207 Sarcococca hookeriana 269 halleri 206 Sarcopoterium 189

326 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Saxifraga Symphyandra wanneri 211 x apiculata 91 Syringa oblata v. dilatata 35 x elisabethae 91 Talinum 275 federici-augusti 91 brevifolium 84 ferdinandi-coburgi 91 okanoganense 84,95 flagellaris 141C pulchellum 84 'Foster's Red' 111 sedoides 84,95 hostii 111 Taxodium distichum 250 'Lady Beatrix Stanley' 111 Taxus baccata 250 longifolia 90 Telesonix jamesii 85,93 michauxii 12 Teucrium subspinosum 212 'Opalescent' 111 Thalictrum kiusianum 112 paniculata 110,111 Thlaspi paniculata 'Minutifolia' 92,96 rotundifolium 91 trifurcata 94 stylosum 91 x engleri 111 Thuja occidentalis 250 x mariae-theresiae 111 Thymus 'Elfin' 91,212 x petraschii 111 Tofieldia racemosa ssp. racemosa 10,11 x salmonica 111 Toivnsendia 207 'Winifred Bevington' 111 alpigena 84,291 Scabiosa exscapa 85,129P drakenbergensis 192 hookeri 84 lucida 167 rothrockii 93,275 ochroleuca 165 Trifolium pratense 13 Sciadopitys verticillata 250 Trillium Scilla bifolia 56 grandiflorum 40C,42C,43C,45,163,49C Scleranthus grandiflorum 'Smith's double' 41C biflorus 130 grandiflorum v. roseum 43C uniflorus 250 grandiflorum f. petalosum 47 Sclerocactus parviflorus 291 Trollius altissimus 167 Sedum Tsuga pachyclados cov canadensis 12,16,250,269,270,283C pilosum 95 caroliniana 12,251 spathulifolium 110 Tulipa vvedenskyi 'Tangerine Beauty' 16,17C spectabile 28 Tylocodon 188 telephoides 12 Ulmus parviflora 94,251 Selaginella densa 85 Ursinia alpina 196 Selago 189,192 Utricularia comuta 10 Senecio Vaccinium canaus 143C constablaei 11 speciosus 192 macrocarpon 268 Sequoia sempervirens 'Adpressa' 16 myrtillus 53 Shortia stamineum 268 galacifolia 216 vitis-idaea 53,168,251 soldanelloides 216 Valeriana rigida 140 Silene acaulis 23,88,96,166,207 Verbascum Sisyrinchium 139 acaule 131 Skimmia dumulosum 212,278C japonica 269 Veronica reevesiana 269 bombycina 93 Smelowskia calycina 275 liwanensis 225 Soldanella officinalis 12 carpatica 166 oltensis 286 hungarica 167 serpyllifolia 12 Sphaeromeria nuttallii 292 Viburnum Sphagnum subsecundum 11 aivabuki 'Chindo' 35 Spiranthes cernua 11 davidii 270 Spirea japonica 250 x carlcephalum 16 Spraguea umbellata 95 Viola Stachys 189 bangii 137 Streptocarpus gardenii 193 betonicifolia 300 Styrax japonicus 35 cazorlensis 134 Sutera 192 chaerophylloides 298

327 confusa v. nagasakiensis 300 violacea f. makinoi 300,301C cornuta 185 violacea f. versicolor 299 eizanensis 298,303C yedoensis 300P grypoceras 299 Vitaliana primuliflora 88,94,96,1440445 japonica 298,301C Wahlenbergia undulata 194 mandshurica 300,302c Werneria humilis 139 nivalis 137 Woodsia polystichoides 177C,183 obtusa 299 Xerophyllum asphodeloides 15P ovato-oblonga 299 Xylorhiza glabriuscula 291 parvifolia 137 Xyris torta 11 sieboldii 298,302C Yucca baccata 204C variegata 131 Zaluzianskya 192 verecunda v. yakushimana 109P Zantedeschia albimaculata 191 violacea 299P,304C Zizia aurea 11

Titles and Subjects.

Andes, A Few Gentianaceae of the 36 Hepaticas and Other Plants in Romania 51 Anemone caroliniana 227 Hypertufa Rocks 210 Asters 287 Karroo 185 Awards Mont-aux-Sources 194,202C Award of Merit: Ev Whittemore 218P Japanese Violets 298 Award of Merit: Barry Yinger 217P Notes on Nomenclature 137 Edgar T. Wherry Award: Noel Holmgren 226P On the Track of Daphne arbuscula 163 Marcel LePiniec Award: Panayoti Kelaidis 220P Origanums 3 Marvin Black Award: Eleanor Brinkerhof Spingarn219P Pacific Treasures for the Temperate Fern Garden 181 Blue Mountain Pass 192,201C,202C Plants for Troughs 89 Bluff Mountain 9 Propagating Some Unusual Plants 134 Book Review Rock Garden Design: Tips for Beginners 21 A Garden of Conifers, Robert Obrizok 306 Romania, Hellebores, Hepaticas and Other Plants in 51 Bitterroot, Jerome deSanto 146 Santa's Helper 65 Blooms of Bressingham Garden Plants, A. & A. Bloom..147 Seed, Growing from 67 Encyclopaedia of Alpines, Kenneth Becket, Editor 305 Showing Your Garden 293 Gardening with Perennials, Joseph Hudak 147 Shrubs for the Rock Garden, Western Natives 253 Nature's Champion: B. W. Wells, James Troyer 66 Shrubs for the Southeastern Rock Garden, Dwarf 265 The Genus Arum, Peter Boyce 228 Soils for Troughs and Other Containers 113 Waterscaping, Judy Glattstein 307 South African Journal, Karroo to the Drakensberg 185 Calochortus, Sensational Native American 169 Stellar Asters 287 Country Garden in North Carolina 25 Thirty-six Years Ago 132 Care of Troughs 125 Tips on Propagating Some Unusual Plants 134 Conifers, Dwarf 245,259C,269,279 to 284C Tips on Troughs 127 Daphne arbuscula, On the track of, 163 Trillium grandiflorum, Forms, Doubles and Diseases 45 Design, Rock Garden: Tips for Beginners 21 Troughs, Care of 125 Drakensberg 185 Trough Construction 101,103P,104P,107P,108P Dwarf Shrubs For the Southeastern Rock Garden 265 Troughs, a Few More Comments 205 Elizabeth Lawrence Writes to a Gardening Friend 27 Troughs: A Special Love Affair 83 Fern Garden, Pacific Treasures for the 181 Trough Landscaping 87P,88P,96P,110 to 112P,130P Etiquette 293 Troughs, Plants for 89,212,271 Gardens Troughs, Planted 117 to 124C,97 to 100C,142C,143C Brockengarten (Germany) 133 Troughs, Soils for 113 Faiferlik's Garden (Czech Rep.) 175,204C,219C Troughs, Tips on 127 Fort Courage (NC) 18C,19C,20C Two Gardens of North Carolina's Blue Ridge 14 Kenilworth Gardens (NC) 14 Unusual Plants to Accompany Your Rock Garden 33 The Lake Garden (NC) 15,17C Violets, Japanese 298 Murphy's Garden (NC) 38Q39C Vitaliana primuliflora Growing from Seed 67 Western Natives: Shrubs for the Rock Garden 253 Harmony with Nature 175 What Do They Want? 213 Hebes 261 Woody Plants For the Alpine Rock Garden 243 Hedera helix 'Arborescens' 294 Hellebores, Hepaticas and Other Plants in Romania 51

328 Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society Vol. 52:4 Artists

Albert, Betty Ann 242 Knapp, Joann 222,223 Bartlett, Ann 121 Korn, Larry 257,258,260 Bartlett, Dick 97,98,100,117,118 Lambert, Jack 32 Blaha, Millie 18,19,20 Loewer, Peter 15,17 Blaxland, Kim 301 to 304 Lowry, Ned 37,61 Case, Frederick W 40 to 43 Martin, Paul 63 Crawford, Carolyn 49 Means, Bob 222,223 Cross, James 279,280,282,283,284 Means, Joan 296 Day-Skowron, Rebecca 50,53,109,129,162,252,264 Murfitt,Rex 99,117,119 Faiferlik, Jaroslav 204,221 Murphy, G.L 38,39 Grushow, Jane 98,99,103,104,107,108,124 Nelson-Nold, Cindy 2,6,covers Janicki, Lynn 299300 Olsen, Sue 177 to 180 Jones, James 144 Palmer, David 257,259 Jones, Paul 279,820,281 Schellinger, Karen 224 Kelaidis, Gwen 120,141,142,143 Slater, Michael 97,120,124 Kelaidis, Panayoti 2,64,121,197 to 203,258,288 to 290361 Thomas, Lawrence 277,278 Kittredge, Wayne 211,212,224 Vanderpoel, Waid 100,119,120,122,123 Authors and Reviewers.

Barr, Claude Two Gardens of North Carolina's Blue Ridge 14 Calochortus, Sensational Native American Tulips 169 Means, Joan Bartolomei, Robert Androsace foliosa 295 Encyclopaedia of Alpines, Kenneth Beckett, Editor 305 On the Track of Daphne arbuscula 163 Bishop, Matt Murfitt, Rex Hellebores, Hepaticas and Other Plants in Romania ..51 Tips on Troughs 127 Blaxland, Kim Murphy, Norma Japanese Violets, An Introduction 298 A Country Garden in North Carolina 25 Borland, Jim Nicholls, Graham Soils for Troughs and Other Containers 113 Tips on Propagating Some Unusual Plants 134 Case, Frederick W. Nickou, Nickolas Trillium grandiflorum, Forms, Doubles and Diseases ...45 Hedera helix 'Arborescens' 294 Charlesworth, Geoffrey Nold, Bob Plants for Troughs 89 What Do They Want? 213 Coe, Clark Olsen, Sue A Garden of Conifers, Robert Obrizok 306 Pacific Treasures for the Temperate Fern Garden 181 Cross, James Palmer, David Woody Plants For the Alpine Rock Garden 243 Hebes 261 Davidson, LeRoy B. Raulston, J. C. Bitterroot, Jerome deSanto 146 Unusual Plants to Accompany Your Rock Garden 33 Faden, Bob Redfield, Richard Showing Your Garden 293 Eleanor Brinkerhof Spingarn (Marvin Black Award) 219 Faiferlik, Jaroslav Richter, Wolfram Harmony with Nature 175 The Brockengarten 133 Fingerut, Joyce Schellinger, Karen Growing from Seed 67 Anemone caroliniana 227 Noel Holmgren (Edgar T. Wherry Award) 226 Shapiro, Cecile Glattstein, Judy Blooms of Bressingham Garden Plants, A. & A. Bloom .147 The Genus Arum, Peter Boyce 228 Gardening with Perennials, Joseph Hudak 147 Gregg, Jude Slater, Michael Ev Whittemore (Award of Merit) 218 Trough Construction 101 Hale, David Snyder, Sandy A Few Gentianaceae of the Andes 36 Panayoti Kelaidis (LePiniec Award) 220 Jones, James Thomas, Lawrence B. Vitaliana primuliflora 145 Container Alpines 271 Jones, Paul Vanderpoel, Waid Dwarf Shrubs For the Southeastern Rock Garden ....265 Troughs, a Few More Comments 205 Kelaidis, Gwen Wagner, Jeffrey Troughs: A Special Love Affair 83 Western Natives: Shrubs for the Rock Garden 253 Kelaidis, Panayoti Walker, Sally Origanums: Seasonings for the Summer Doldrums 3 Thirty-six Years Ago 132 South African Journal, Karroo to the Drakensberg ...185 Ward, Bobby Stellar Asters: New Worthies from the West 287 Bluff Mountain: North Carolina's Natural Rock Garden9 Kistler, Anita Elizabeth Lawrence Writes to a Gardening Friend 27 Care of Troughs 125 Nature's Champion: B. W. Wells, James Troyer 66 Kittredge, Wayne Watson, John Hypertufa Rocks 210 Notes on Nomenclature 137 Santa's Helper 65 Whittemore, Ev Loewer, Peter Rock Garden Design: Tips for Beginners 21

329 Chapter Chairpersons Adirondack Bill Plummer, 10 Fox Lane East, Painted Post, NY 14870 Allegheny Al Deurbrouck, 6915 Hilldale Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15236 Berkshire Doroyth Clark, Route 1, Box 58, Stamford, NY 12167 Calgary/Alberta Sheila Paulsen, 6960 Leaside Dr., SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Columbia-Willamette Don Howse, 41370 SE Thomas Road, Sandy, OR 97055 Connecticut Sally Katkaveck, 82 Ashford Road, Ashford, CT 06278-9609 Delaware Valley Jane Grushow, 213 Meadow Valley Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 Emerald Loren Russell, 3420 SW Willamette, Corvallis, OR 97330 Gateway June Hutson, 10601 Knollside Circle, St. Louis, MO 62123 Great Lakes Richard Punnett, 41420 Harris Rd., Belleville, MI 48111 Hudson Valley Thomas Stuart, PO Box 517, Croton Falls, NY 10519 Long Island Shelley Herlich, 43 Greenfield Lane, Commack, NY 11725 Fred Knapp, 58 Kaintuck Lane, Locust Valley, NY 11560 Manhattan Lawrence Thomas, 340 E. 74th, #11G, New York, NY 10021 Minnesota Steve Roos, 311 Sunnydale Ln. S.E., Rochester, MN 55904 Mt. Tahoma Steven Hootman, PO Box 3798, Federal Way, WA 98063 New England Stuart Sotman, 73 Mt. Vernon St., West Roxbury, MA 02132 Newfoundland Bodil Larsen, Box 50517, SS#3, St. John's, Newfoundland A1B 4M2 Northwestern Judith Jones, 1911 Fourth Ave. W., Seattle, WA 98119 Ohio Valley Barbara Abler, 990 Blind Brook Dr., Worthington, OH 43235 Ontario Andrew Osyany, Box 146, Shelburne, Ontario, L0N ISO, Canada Ottawa Valley Lois Addison, 201 Wagon Dr., Box 9015, RR 1 Dunrobin, Ont. KOA 1T0 Canada Piedmont Norman Beal, 2324 New Bern Ave., Raleigh, NC 27708 Potomac Valley Robert Faden, 415 E. Mason Ave., Alexandria, VA 22301 Rocky Mountain Marilyn Raff, 8055 W. Ontario Place, Littleton, CO 80123 Shasta Fai Schwarzenberg, 7800 French Creek Rd., Etna, CA 96027 Siskiyou Barbara Lane, 2945 Lone Pine Road, Medford, OR 97504 Southern Appalachian Furman (Frank) Strang, 105 Albany Rd., Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Watnong Jeanne Will, Rd. 2, Box 119, Chester, NJ 07930 Wasatch Bruce Grable, 2166 Wellington, Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Western Jana Olson Dobrinsky, 917 Avis Dr., El Cerrito, CA 94530 Wisconsin-Illinois Jack Ferreri, 3118 Timber Lane, Verona, WI 53593 Bulletin Staff Editor Gwen Kelaidis (303) 322-1410 1410 Eudora Street, Denver, Colorado 80220 Advertising Manager Al Deurbrouck (412) 653-0281 6915 Hilldale Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15236 Proofreading Assistants Barbara and Ted Cochrane, Madison, Wisconsin Bernice Petersen, Littleton, Colorado Anne Spiegel, Wappingers Falls, New York Editorial Advisors Grazyna Grauer, Columbus, Ohio Rochelle Herlich, Commack, New York Faith Magoun, Manchester, Massachusetts Guest Artists Cindy Nelson-Nold James Cross Larry Korn Kim Blaxland David Palmer Paul Jones Betty Ann Sacks Albert Lawrence Thomas Lynn Janicki Rebecca Day-Skowron Panayoti Kelaidis Joan Means Chapter Chairpersons Adirondack Bill Plummer, 10 Fox Lane East, Painted Post, NY 14870 Allegheny Al Deurbrouck, 6915 Hilldale Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15236 Berkshire Doroyth Clark, Route 1, Box 58, Stamford, NY 12167 Calgary/Alberta Sheila Paulsen, 6960 Leaside Dr., SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Columbia-Willamette Don Howse, 41370 SE Thomas Road, Sandy, OR 97055 Connecticut Sally Katkaveck, 82 Ashford Road, Ashford, CT 06278-9609 Delaware Valley Jane Grushow, 213 Meadow Valley Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 Emerald Loren Russell, 3420 SW Willamette, Corvallis, OR 97330 Gateway June Hutson, 10601 Knollside Circle, St. Louis, MO 62123 Great Lakes Richard Punnett, 41420 Harris Rd., Belleville, MI 48111 Hudson Valley Thomas Stuart, PO Box 517, Croton Falls, NY 10519 Long Island Shelley Herlich, 43 Greenfield Lane, Commack, NY 11725 Fred Knapp, 58 Kaintuck Lane, Locust Valley, NY 11560 Manhattan Lawrence Thomas, 340 E. 74th, #11G, New York, NY 10021 Minnesota Steve Roos, 311 Sunnydale Ln. S.E., Rochester, MN 55904 Mt. Tahoma Steven Hootman, PO Box 3798, Federal Way, WA 98063 New England Stuart Sotman, 73 Mt. Vernon St., West Roxbury, MA 02132 Newfoundland Bodil Larsen, Box 50517, SS#3, St. John's, Newfoundland A1B 4M2 Northwestern Judith Jones, 1911 Fourth Ave. W., Seattleo, WA 98119 Ohio Valley Barbara Abler, 990 Blind Brook Dr., Worthington, OH 43235 Ontario Andrew Osyany, Box 146, Shelburne, Ontario, L0N ISO, Canada Ottawa Valley Lois Addison, 201 Wagon Dr., Box 9015, RR 1 Dunrobin, Ont. KOA 1T0 Canada Piedmont Norman Beal, 2324 New Bern Ave., Raleigh, NC 27708 Potomac Valley Robert Faden, 415 E. Mason Ave., Alexandria, VA 22301 Rocky Mountain Marilyn Raff, 8055 W. Ontario Place, Littleton, CO 80123 Shasta Fai Schwarzenberg, 7800 French Creek Rd., Etna, CA 96027 Siskiyou Barbara Lane, 2945 Lone Pine Road, Medford, OR 97504 Southern Appalachian Furman (Frank) Strang, 105 Albany Rd., Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Watnong Jeanne Will, Rd. 2, Box 119, Chester, NJ 07930 Wasatch Bruce Grable, 2166 Wellington, Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Western Jana Olson Dobrinsky, 917 Avis Dr., El Cerrito, CA 94530 Wisconsin-Illinois Jack Ferreri, 3118 Timber Lane, Verona, WI 53593 Bulletin Staff Editor Gwen Kelaidis (303) 322-1410 1410 Eudora Street, Denver, Colorado 80220 Advertising Manager Al Deurbrouck (412) 653-0281 6915 Hilldale Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15236 Proofreading Assistants Barbara and Ted Cochrane, Madison, Wisconsin Anne Spiegel, Wappingers Falls, New York Bernice Petersen, Littleton, Colorado Editorial Advisors Rochelle Herlich, Commack, New York Grazyna Grauer, Columbus, Ohio Guest Artists Cindy Nelson-Nold James Cross Kim Blaxland David Palmer Paul Jones Lawrence Thomas Panayoti Kelaidis Larry Korn