版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 © 2019 Kong Museum of History

香港歷史博物館 Museum of History

香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 04 06 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 9 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery

李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum

羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum 目 錄 Contents 編者的話 Message from the Editor

香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History

專題展覽 Special Exhibition 現代化之路:共和國七十年 04 The Road to Modernisation: 70 Years of the People's Republic of China

大堂展覽 Lobby Exhibition 土木工程拓展署成立 15 周年及其轄下海港工程部成立 90 周年 — 巡迴展覽 09 Roving Exhibition – 15th Anniversary of Civil Engineering and Development Department 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum and 90th Anniversary of its Port Works Division 專題展覽 Special Exhibition Permanent Exhibition 常設展覽 動與醒︰五四新文化運動 43 香港故事 The Hong Kong Story 11 The Awakening of a Generation: The May Fourth and New Culture Movement 文物捐贈 Donation 12 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition 博物館動態 News and Events 孫中山時期的香港 Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time 45 常設展覽更新工程 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 13 公眾節目 Public Programmes 46 2019 香港國際博物館日 International Museum Day 2019, Hong Kong 17 其他分館 Other Branch Museums 香港博物館節 2019 Muse Fest HK 2019 版權為香港歷史博物館所有21 © 2019

公眾節目 Public Programmes 26 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 49 © 2019 Hong Kong MuseumFireboat Alexanderof History Grantham Exhibition Gallery 香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 50 海防館更新工程 MCD's Revamping Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum 香港啹喀兵的故事 The Story of Hong Kong Gurkhas 35 羅屋民俗館 51 外展活動 Outreach Programmes Law Uk Folk Museum 《香港海防歷史多面睇》 37 A Closer Look at the ’s Coastal Defence 資源及服務 Resources & Services

學校節目 School Programmes 39 團體預約參觀 Group Visits by Appointments 52 外展工作坊 Outreach Workshops 41 預約手語傳譯導賞 Sign Interpretation Guided Tours by Appointments 53 巡迴展覽導賞服務 Special Docent Service for the Travelling Exhibitions 41 外借服務 Loan Out Services 54

參考資料室 Resource Centre 55

 56 博物館位置及開放時間 Location and Opening Hours

節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。 All programmes are subject to change without prior notice. 編者的話 Message from the Editor

每年5月中旬至7月初,本地博物館界熱哄哄的 Every year between mid-May and early July, 話題必定是翹首以待的國際博物館日和香港博 excitement in the local museum sector grows as 香 物館節。今年國際博物館日的主題是「作為文 the keenly awaited International Museum Day and 化樞紐的博物館:傳統的未來(Museums as Muse Fest HK finally arrive. This year, the two events Cultural Hubs : The Future of Tradition),而 once again resonate with each other: the theme of 港 香港博物館節則以「變新」為主題,兩大活動 International Museum Day is “Museums as Cultural 互相呼應。今日各間博物館也需重新定位,以 Hubs: The Future of Tradition”, while Muse Fest HK 配合觀眾和社區的需要;作為一個文化樞紐, focuses on the idea of “Curating the New”. At the 歷 為觀眾建立一個互動平台,共同分享參與文化 same time, a number of museums in Hong Kong are repositioning themselves to cater more widely to 活動帶來的樂趣和啟迪。 the needs of their visitors and communities. Working 史 我們在這一季安排了不同形式的活動,有新推 together as a cultural hub, the museums will build an 出的專題展覽,以及工作坊和講座等,其中在 interactive platform for audiences to share the fun 博 香港歷史博物館舉辦的「現代化之路:共和國 and insights they gain from taking part in cultural 七十年」專題展,將於5月15日正式與大家見 activities. 面。另外,孫中山紀念館密鑼緊鼓籌備的「動 物 This season features a wide array of activities that 與醒:五四新文化運動」展覽,也即將在4月版權為香港歷史博物館所有 we have prepared for you, including new thematic © 2019 26日推出。五四運動是一場思想和文化運動, exhibitions as well as workshops and talks. The Road 館 對近代中國影響深遠。無論你是屬於那些年的©to Modernisation:2019 70 HongYears of the People's Kong Republic Museum of History 「文青」,又或想加入成為現代新「文青」, of China opens at the Hong Kong Museum of History 可不要錯過這兩個專題展覽和一系列的配套活 on 15 May, while across the harbour at the Dr Sun 動喔! Yat-sen Museum The Awakening of a Generation: 今年初夏,歡迎來到博物館逛一逛,按自己的 The May Fourth and New Culture Movement will 興趣和步伐,嘗試與博物館的物件和人物對 be launched on 26 April. Promoting new ideas and a new culture, the May Fourth Movement exerted a 話,享受一個穿梭時空的奇妙歷程。 profound influence on the development of modern China, and these two exhibitions and their related activities are certainly not to be missed by youthful free-thinking independents, or hipsters, of both the past and the present!

Take some time out and visit our museums in the early summer. Follow your own interests and go at your own pace, start a dialogue with the exhibits and people you encounter in the museums and enjoy a fantastic journey through time!

Hong Kong Museum of History

https://hk.history.museum 專 題 展 覽 專 題 展 覽

Special Exhibition 現代化之路:共和國七十年 Special Exhibition "The Road to Modernisation: 70 Years of the People's Republic of China”

15.5 26.8.2019 香港歷史博物館專題展覽廳 Special Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Museum of History

聯合主辦 Jointly presented by

康樂及文化事務署 中國國家博物館 Leisure and Cultural Services Department National Museum of China 圖二 Fig.2 聯合籌劃 Jointly organised by

香港歷史博物館 中國國家博物館 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History National Museum of China © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History 免費參觀 Free Admission

錄音導賞服務 Audio Guide Service

備有粵語、普通話及英語介紹,租用費為港幣 圖三 Fig.3 10元。詳情請到一樓大堂「錄音導賞服務處」 查詢。 Available in , Putonghua and English narratives at a rental of HK$10. Please check out details at the Audio Guide Service Counter on 1/F Lobby. 圖一 Fig.1 圖四 Fig.4

圖一 Fig.1 圖二 Fig.2 圖三 Fig.3 圖四 Fig.4 中國運載火箭技術研究院自主研製的長征二號F運載火箭的模型 1949年10月1日,中央人民政府主席毛澤東在開國大典上宣 孟金妹購買的上海飛樂音響公司伍拾圓股票 太原市掃盲協會編印的《市民識字課本》第一冊 2013年 讀《中華人民共和國中央人民政府公告》,向全世界莊嚴宣 1984年12月 1956年4月 中國國家博物館藏 告中華人民共和國成立。 中國國家博物館藏 中國國家博物館藏 中國國家博物館藏 The first volume of Citizen Literacy Textbook compiled Model of Long March-2F carrier rocket, developed by the Share of Shanghai Feilo Acoustics Co., Ltd purchased by and printed by Taiyuan Association for the Elimination of On 1 October 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong of the Central Meng Jinmei with a par value of 50-yuan China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology People’s Government read out the “Proclamation of the Illiteracy 2013 December 1984 April 1956 Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of Collection of the National Museum of China Collection of the National Museum of China China” at the Founding Ceremony, solemnly proclaiming Collection of the National Museum of China its founding to the world. Collection of the National Museum of China 05 04 專題展覽 專題展覽 Special Exhibition Special Exhibition

圖六 Fig.6

中華人民共和國自1949年成立以來,不論在政 治、經濟、社會、文化和民生等方面都有重大 的變化。現代化是帶動這些變化的動力,目標 是帶領國家走向現代化社會。國家在1950年代 提出實現「四個現代化」,至1978年實行「改 圖七 Fig.7 革開放」,並於1980年代開始建設有中國特色 Since the founding of the People’s Republic of This exhibition is one of the highlight events of 的社會主義現代化,以至近年以「全面建設小 China in 1949, there have been significant changes the Hong Kong Government to celebrate the 康社會」為目標,多年來致力發展多元化經濟 in the politics, economy, society, culture and 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s 版權為香港歷史博物館所有來促進國家的發展,大幅提高全國的工農業生 people’s livelihood© in China. 2019 Modernisation, as Republic of China. Showcasing some 170 exhibits, 產,改善人民的教育和生活水平。 the driving force behind these changes, has been including pictorials, newspapers, commodity ration 是次展覽為香港政府慶祝中華人民共和國成立 turning our country into a modernised society. vouchers, medals, certificates, artworks and models ©七十周年的重點項目之一,通過約170件/套 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History China first proposed the realisation of “Four from the National Museum of China, as well as 中國國家博物館的館藏,包括畫報、報章、糧 Modernisations” in the 1950s, then implemented about 40 exhibits from the Hong Kong Museum 票、獎章、證書、藝術品和模型等,並輔以大 the Reform and Opening Up policy in 1978. In the of History, along with a great amount of valuable 量珍貴的歷史照片,以及約40件/套香港歷史博 1980s, it started with the socialist modernisation historical photos, multimedia programmes and 物館的藏品,配合豐富的多媒體及視聽節目, with Chinese characteristics and targeted to build videos, the exhibition illustrates the achievements 從經濟、教育、科技、文化、體育、民生等方 a moderately prosperous society in all respects in of modernisation of China in the aspects of the 面展現中國現代化的建設成就,讓參觀者了解 recent years. Over the years, it has been committed economy, education, technology, culture, sports, 新中國成立七十年來國家的進步和現代化的進 to developing a diversified economy to promote and people’s livelihood. Visitors will learn about 程,增進市民,特別是年青人對國家的認識。 the country’s development, greatly increasing the the progress and changes that the New China has industrial and agricultural production across the undergone in the 70 years since its establishment. 公眾導賞團(粵語) country and improving the education level and It will help Hong Kong people, particularly the Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese) livelihood of people. youth, to know more about our country. 全程1小時,每團名額30人,先到先得。 有興趣者可於下列時間到專題展覽廳入口的 圖五 Fig.5 「導賞站」集合出發: 每日上午11時30分及下午3時

圖五 Fig.5 Each tour lasts about 1 hour for 30 persons on a 圖六 Fig.6 圖七 Fig.7 中國工藝美術大師高公博創作的《敦煌樂天》黃楊木雕 first come, first served basis. 武漢鋼鐵公司一號高爐出鐵紀念浮雕 革命現代舞劇《紅色娘子軍》彩色影片海報 2006年 1958年9月 1971年1月 中國國家博物館藏 Please assemble at the “Docent Stop” at the 中國國家博物館藏 中國國家博物館藏 Dunhuang Paradise, a boxwood carving created by Gao entrance of the Special Exhibition Gallery as Commemorative relief marking the first iron production by Poster depicting revolutionary modern dance drama Red Gongbo, master of Chinese arts the No.1 Blast Furnace of Wuhan Iron and Steel Company Detachment of Women colour film still 2006 scheduled below: September 1958 January 1971 Collection of the National Museum of China 11:30am and 3pm daily Collection of the National Museum of China Collection of the National Museum of China 07 06 專題展覽 大 堂

展覽 Special Exhibition 土木工程拓展署成立 15 周年及其轄下海港工程部成立 Lobby Exhibition 90 周年�— �巡迴展覽 Roving Exhibition – 15th Anniversary of Civil Engineering and Development Department and 90th Anniversary of its Port Works Division 20.3 22.4.2019 香港歷史博物館一樓大堂 1/F Main Lobby, Hong Kong Museum of History

土木工程拓展署主辦 香港歷史博物館支持 Organised by the Civil Engineering and Development Department 十九世紀末期維多利亞城全景 Supported by the Hong Kong Museum of History (相片來源:地換山移) Panoramic view of the City of Victoria at the end of the nineteenth century 免費參觀 (Source: Challenges for an Evolving City) Free Admission This year marks the 15th anniversary of the 土木工程拓展署(土拓署)於2004年由時為土木 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 Civil Engineering and Development Department 圖八 Fig.8 圖九 Fig.9 工程署和拓展署合併而成,成立至今15周年,© 2019 (CEDD) which was established in 2004 through 當中負責為市民提供港口及海事工程服務的海 amalgamation of the Civil Engineering Department 港工程部,其歷史更可追溯至1929年。土拓 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History(CED) and the Territory Development Department 署的四個主要服務範疇包括提供土地及基礎建 (TDD). The history of its Port Works Division, which 設、港口及海事工程服務、岩土工程服務及環 was responsible for providing port and marine 境及可持續發展服務。土拓署致力將環保元素 services can be traced back to 1929. CEDD’s four 及創新科技引入各項工程,提供優質的工程服 major areas of services cover provision of land and 務,以配合香港發展的需要。 infrastructure, port and marine services, geotechnical 為慶祝土拓署成立15周年及其轄下海港工程部 services, and environment and sustainability services. 成立90周年的重要里程碑,我們特別舉辦這個 CEDD strives to integrate environmental protection 圖十 Fig.10 圖八 Fig.8 巡迴展覽,透過文字、短片以及珍貴舊相片,讓 elements and innovative technology with various 上海畫片社出版、張碧梧創作的年畫樣張《為全面地提早完 市民回顧土拓署與海港工程部的歷史和發展,以 engineering projects, and is committed to providing 成和超額完成五年計劃而奮鬥》 及了解部門的未來發展方向,包括推行「明日大 1956年3月 high quality civil engineering services to meet Hong 中國國家博物館藏 嶼願景」,以及應對氣候變化的工作等。 Kong’s development needs. New Year painting sample entitled Strive to Fully Meet and Exceed the Five-Year Plan in Advance created by Zhang As a celebration of the significant milestones of Biwu and published by Shanghai Picture Press March 1956 the 15th anniversary of the CEDD and the 90th Collection of the National Museum of China anniversary of its Port Works Division, CEDD has 圖九 Fig.9 圖十 Fig.10 organised this roving exhibition. Through texts, 北京市文管會美術工作隊印製的宣傳畫《知識份子與工農結 廣西壯族自治區革命委員會糧食局印發的三市斤通用糧票 videos and precious old photos, it offers the 合起來,建設新中國》 1977年 1949 年 中國國家博物館藏 opportunities for citizens to review the history 中國國家博物館藏 3-jin (1.5-kilogram) food ration voucher issued by the and development of CEDD and its Port Works Propaganda poster entitled Intellectuals, Workers and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Revolutionary Division, and to understand Department’s future Farmers Should Unite Together to Build A New China Committee 舊油麻地避風塘的填海工程是西九龍填海計劃的一部分 produced by the Fine Arts Team of the Beijing Cultural 1977 (相片來源:《地換山移》) development, including promulgation of “Lantau and Art Management Union Collection of the National Museum of China Reclaiming the existing Yau Ma Tei Typhoon Shelter was Tomorrow Vision”, and tasks in combating climate 1949 part of the West Kowloon Reclamation project Collection of the National Museum of China (Source: Challenges for an Evolving City) change, etc. 09 08 大堂展覽 常設


Lobby Exhibition 香港故事� Permanent Exhibition The Hong Kong Story

「香港故事」常設展是博物館多年來辛勤努力 蒐集、保存及研究工作的總展示。整個展覽佔 地七千平方米,共有八個展區,分布於兩層展 廳,包括:「自然生態環境」、「史前時期的 香港」、「歷代發展:從漢至清朝」、「香港 的民俗」、「鴉片戰爭與香港的割讓」、「香 港開埠及早年發展」、「日佔時期」及「現代 都市及香港的回歸」。通過逾四千件展品、多 沙田新巿鎮 Shatin New Town 個立體造景及多媒體劇場,配以聲和光的特殊 效果,生動有趣地介紹香港的自然生態、民間 風俗及歷史發展。「香港故事」從四億年前的 泥盆紀開始,以一九九七年香港回歸作結,內 容務求雅俗共賞,趣味與教育並重。 The Hong Kong Story permanent exhibition showcases the dedicated hard work done by the Museum staff in the past years in collecting, preserving and researching the history and 版權為香港歷史博物館所有development of Hong© Kong. 2019 Occupying an area of 7,000m², The Hong Kong Story comprises 8 galleries on two floors, including “The Natural Environment”, © 2019 Hong Kong Museum“Prehistoric Hong Kong”, of“The Dynasties:History From the Han to the Qing”, “Folk Culture in Hong Kong”, 2004年大嶼山竹篙灣填海工程大抵完成,以興建香港迪士尼樂園 (相片來源:《地換山移》) “The Opium Wars and the Cession of Hong Kong”, Penny’s Bay Reclamation Works were mostly completed by “Birth & Early Growth of the City”, “The Japanese 2004 for construction of Hong Kong Disneyland (Source: Challenges for an Evolving City) Occupation” and “Modern Metropolis & The Return to China”. Through the display of over 4,000 exhibits, a number of dioramas and multi-media programmes, and enhanced with special audiovisual and lighting effects, The Hong Kong Story outlines the natural environment, folk culture and historical development of Hong Kong in a vivid manner. The exhibition, both interesting and educational, starts telling the story from the Devonian period 400 million years ago and concludes with the reunification of Hong Kong with China in 1997.

錄音導賞服務 Audio Guide Service 免費公眾導賞團 備有粵語、普通話及英語介紹,租用費為港幣10元。 Free Public Guided Tours 詳情請到一樓大堂「錄音導賞服務處」查詢。 約一個半小時,每團30人;有關詳情,可瀏覽博物館 Available in Cantonese, Putonghua and English 網頁http://hk.history.museum。 narratives at a rental of HK$10. Please check out details 「明日大嶼願景」小冊子 Each tour lasts 1.5 hours for 30 persons. For Pamphlets of "Lantau Tomorrow Vision" at the Audio Guide Service Counter on 1/F Lobby. details, please visit http://hk.history.museum. 11 10 文物捐贈 博 常設展覽更新工程 物館動態 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition

Donation 文物捐贈� 十號風波 Donation Typhoon Signal Number 10 News and Event

藏品是博物館的靈魂,也是博物館與群眾之間 香港最強的熱帶氣旋警告信號是十號颶風信 的橋樑,我們會利用市民捐贈的文物進行研 捐贈者芳名 Donors 號,表示風力現正或預料會達到颶風程度。自 究、展覽和教育用途,與普羅大眾分享文物背 (1.12.2018 - 28.02.2019) 一九四六年至今,香港天文台曾發出十六次十號 後的故事。文物同時也是時代的見證,透過對 颶風信號,當中最令人記憶猶新的必然是去年九 伍衛國先生 它們的研究和詮釋,我們可以超越時空,了解 月襲港的颱風「山竹」,導致全港多處地方塌樹 前人的生活點滴,記取歷史給予我們的啟迪。 吳杏嫺女士 和嚴重水淹,以致交通癱瘓。然而,在香港歷史 上,「山竹」的破壞力仍遜於一九六二年的颱風 我們一直致力蒐集、保存、研究、詮釋和展示 阮子清女士 「溫黛」,「溫黛」帶來風暴潮,令連片的寮屋 與香港和華南地區歷史相關的文物。本館館藏 信報財經新聞有限公司 在風災下倒塌,導致過百人死亡及帶來嚴重的財 絕大部分來自公眾人士的熱心捐贈。有你的參 香港教育團體聯合秘書處 物損失。為了讓觀眾認識天災對香港一直存在的 與,文物才可得到更好的保護和承傳。如欲捐 曹卓瑤女士 威脅,更新的常設展將會以「十號風波」為主 贈物品,可致電(2724 9042)、電郵(hkmh@ 題,透過下列五個襲港的颶風,讓你認識氣象變 lcsd.gov.hk)或郵寄香港歷史博物館(信封面請 梁超先生 化與社會民生的關係。 註明「文物捐贈」),以便跟進。 黃何惠賢女士 1. 溫黛(1962) A museum’s collection is its soul. It also serves as 夢蝶軒 2. 露比(1964) a bridge between the museum and the public. 潘志文先生 3. 露絲(1971) We use items donated by members of the public 鄭珍珠女士 4. 荷貝(1979) for research, exhibition and education purposes 版權為香港歷史博物館所有黎愛民先生 5. 愛倫(1983) in order to share with visitors the stories behind © 2019 each artefact. Meanwhile, artefacts are empirical (按筆劃序) 也許你會猜想以上的颱風為何均用女士名稱! © 2019 Hong Kong Museum原來是香港天文台自一九五二年起只用女性名 of History一九五九年的粵語電影《十號風波》海報,呈現街坊鄰里如 evidence of a period in time. By investigating 何守望相助,共同面對颶風威脅。 and interpreting the artefacts, we can travel Ms Sandra Li 稱為颱風命名,至一九七九年改用男女名字交 Poster of a 1959 Cantonese movie, titled “Typhoon Signal 替,往後直至二○○○年始在人名以外賦以具 No. 10”, about how the people in a neigbourhood came through time to get a glimpse into the lives of our Mr Geoffrey Westmarland to the assistance of each other under the threat of a 地區特色的名稱。 severe typhoon. predecessors and learn important historical lessons. Ms Anita Wong Our mission is to collect, preserve, research into, (in alphabetical order) interpret and display artefacts related to the history of Hong Kong and South China. Most of our collection items have been donated by members of the public. With your help, these marks of history can be better preserved. If you would like to make donation, please contact us by phone (2724 9042), e-mail ([email protected]) or post (please mark ‘Artefact Donation’ on the envelope) for our follow- up.

昔日天文台員工以人手攪動懸掛十號熱帶氣旋警告信號。 Hong Kong Observatory staff hoisted Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 10 manually in the old days.

香港天文台在二○○二年前使用的十號熱帶氣旋警告信號。 由於該信號用鐵製成,重量達二十五公斤。 Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 10, used by the Hong Kong Observatory until 2002, was made of iron and weighed up to 25 kilograms. 13 12 博 博 物館動態 常設展覽更新工程 物館動態 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition

香港葡裔社群文物徵集行動 News and Event Hong Kong Portuguese Community Artefact Collection News and Event

The highest tropical cyclone warning signal in Campaign Hong Kong is Hurricane Signal Number 10, which 對於熱愛賽馬運動的朋友來說,告東尼這個名 Anthony Stephen da “Tony” Cruz is a familiar means that hurricane force winds are expected 字一定不會感到陌生。告東尼是業餘騎師告魯 name among horse racing enthusiasts. Son of or already blowing. Since 1946, the Number 10 士的兒子,子承父業,於1973/74年度馬季開 amateur rider Johnny M. da Cruz, he began his Signal has been issued 16 times. The most recent 始職業騎師生涯。隨著香港賽馬運動於1971年 career as a professional jockey in the 1973/74 horse T10 typhoon hitting Hong Kong was Typhoon 職業化,告東尼是香港首批本地培訓出來的職 racing season. In 1971, Hong Kong horse racing Mangkhut, which struck Hong Kong in September 業騎師;他在1978/79年度首次贏得香港冠軍 was turned into a professional sport, and Tony Cruz 2018, felling tens of thousands of trees, causing 一九六四年經颱風露比蹂躪後的香港 Hong Kong in the aftermath of Typhoon Ruby in 1964 騎師,直至1996年掛靴時,合共勝出946場頭 was among the first locally trained professional severe flooding in many parts of Hong Kong, 馬,並六度奪得冠軍騎師的榮銜。 jockeys. He won his first Hong Kong Champion and bringing traffic to a standstill. There have Jockey title in the 1978/79 race season; by the time been other typhoons in Hong Kong’s history, he retired from professional horse racing in 1996, however, which have caused even more damage. he had won 946 races and was named Champion For instance, Typhoon Wanda in 1962 created Jockey six times. storm surges that caused rows of squatter shacks to collapse, claiming over 100 lives and resulting in heavy property damage. To provide more information about the persistent threat of typhoons 一九七一年經颱風露絲蹂躪後的香港 to our city, the new permanent exhibition will版權為香港歷史博物館所有 Hong Kong in the aftermath of Typhoon Rose in 1971 have a corner titled “Typhoon Signal Number 10”, © 2019 shedding light on the relationship between climate 1978/1979年度馬季告東尼首次奪得「冠軍騎師」殊榮的獎盃 change and social development, and focusing on© 2019 Hong Kong MuseumTony Cruz’s first Hong Kong of Champion History Jockey trophy, the following five major typhoons: 1978/1979 race season 1. Wanda (1962) 2. Ruby (1964) 3. Rose (1971) 4. Hope (1979) 一九七九年經颱風荷貝蹂躪後的香港 5. Ellen (1983) Hong Kong in the aftermath of Typhoon Hope in 1979 You may wonder why all these typhoons have taken 告東尼於1983/84及1986/87年度馬季奪得西洋會挑戰盃,這 famale names! Starting in 1952, female names were 是其中一隻獎盃。 used by the Hong Kong Observatory for typhoons; Tony Cruz won the Lusitano Challenge Cup in the 1983/84 and 1986/87 race seasons. This is one of the male names were added in 1979. Since 2000 trophies presented to him. typhoons have no longer been limited to female or male names and can be endowed with regional characteristics.

一九八三年經颱風愛倫蹂躪後的香港 Hong Kong in the aftermath of Typhoon Ellen in 1983

如有意提供資料或捐贈文物,請透過下列方法 聯絡我們: 電話:(852) 2763 7367

告東尼於1982/1983及1983/1984年度馬季奪得女皇盃,這是 傳真:(852) 2724 9090 其中一隻獎盃。 電郵:[email protected] Tony Cruz won the Queen Elizabeth II Cup in the 一九六二年經颱風溫黛蹂躪後的香港 1982/1983 and 1983/1984 race seasons. This is one of 地址:香港九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong in the aftermath of Typhoon Wanda in 1962 the trophies presented to him. 「香港葡裔社群文物徵集行動」 15 14 博 博 物館動態 物館動態

2019 香港國際博物館日 News and Event 作為文化樞紐的博物館:傳統的未來 News and Event

騎而優則練,告東尼在練馬方面同樣取得佳 After retiring from professional horse racing, 國際博物館協會(ICOM)自1977年起,把每 績,曾先後於1999/2000及2004/05年度榮膺香 Tony Cruz continued to excel as a horse trainer. 年的5月18日定為「國際博物館日」,以喚起公 港冠軍練馬師。多年來,告東尼馬房內良駒輩 He was named Hong Kong Champion Trainer in 眾對博物館的關注。康樂及文化事務署自2001 出,包括堪稱香港馬壇歷來最偉大賽駒「精英 the 1999/2000 and 2004/05 race seasons. Over 年起響應這項國際性活動,於每年的5月中舉辦 大師」。「精英大師」曾於2003/04及2004/05 the years, he trained many winners, including the 「香港國際博物館日」。 年度當選香港馬王及最佳短途馬獎項,並創下 greatest Hong Kong racehorse of all time, Silent 2019年國際博物館日的主題是「作為文化樞 十七場賽事連勝的紀錄。 Witness. The thoroughbred was named Hong 紐的博物館:傳統的未來」。博物館在社會中 Kong Horse of the Year and Hong Kong Champion 告東尼及精英大師的馬主施雅治向館方借出多 的角色不斷轉變,毫不間歇地塑造自我,積極 Sprinter in 2003/04 and 2004/05, respectively. He 項文物,將透過我們更新的常設展,呈現本地 追求變得更具互動性、更以觀眾為中心、以社 also won a record-breaking 17 consecutive races. 葡裔社群對賽馬運動的貢獻。 區為導向、亦提高其靈活性、適應性以及流動 Tony Cruz and Arthur Antonio da Silva, the owner 性。博物館作為文化樞紐,不僅提供一個創意 of Silent Witness, have loaned a number of relics to 與知識互相融合的平台,也讓參觀者可以共同 us. They will be showcased in the new pernament 創作、分享和互動。 exhibition to underscore the contribution of the 博物館在蒐集、保存、傳達、研究及展示這些 隨着扮演文化樞紐的角色日益成熟,博物館時 Hong Kong Portuguese community to horse racing. 主要使命的同時,也不忘改變慣常的做法,旨 刻都在尋覓嶄新的方式來表彰展示自己的藏 在與所服務的社區保持更緊密的聯繫。今天, 品、歷史以及遺產,藉以創造對後代具有新意 版權為香港歷史博物館所有博物館致力尋找創新的方法來解決當今社會上 義的傳統,並提高與全球愈趨多元化的觀眾的 的種種問題和衝突。透過在本地實踐行動,博© 2019 相關性。這種轉變將對博物館的理論及實踐產 物館可以倡導及緩解全球性的問題,積極應對 生深遠的影響,亦驅使從事博物館行業的專業 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum現今社會的挑戰。作為社會的核心機構,博物 of History人士重新思考其價值,以及對其工作本質的倫 館有能力在不同文化領域建立對話,為和平的 理界限提出疑問。 世界搭建橋樑,並給可持續發展的未來立下定 博物館既是社區的核心,又是全球網絡的組成 義。 部分,它能夠給予一個平台,將當地社區的需 求和觀點轉化成全球關注的事項。 馬主施雅治名下「精英大師」獲得2003/04馬季「最受公眾歡 迎馬匹」獎座。 「2019香港國際博物館日」將於5月18及19日 Trophy from the 2003/2004 season for the "Most Popular Horse of the Year" awarded to Silent Witness, which was 舉行,本地多間文博單位將會免費開放*,同時 owned by Arthur Antonio da Silva 更會推出多項教育及娛樂並重的精彩節目,歡 迎大家踴躍參與。 七十年代告東尼策騎時的英姿 Professional jockey Tony Cruz in the 1970s 有關「2019香港國際博物館日」的詳情,請留 意香港公共博物館網頁: http://www.museums. gov.hk/IMD2019。

To make a contribution, please contact us through *專題展覽及收費節目除外 any channels below: Tel: (852) 2763 7367 Fax: (852) 2724 9090 Email: [email protected] Post: "Hong Kong Portuguese Community Artefact Collection Campaign" 2008年馬主施雅治贈送給練馬師告東尼的「精英大師」銅雕 Hong Kong Museum of History 像 Bronze statue of Silent Witness, presented to Tony Cruz 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, by the horse owner Arthur Antonio da Silva in 2008 Kowloon, Hong Kong 17 16 博 博 物館動態 物館動態

International Museum Day 2019, Hong Kong 2019 香港國際博物館日 News and Event Museums as Cultural Hubs: The Future of Tradition International Museum Day 2019, Hong Kong News and Event

In 1977, the International Council of Museums 香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History (ICOM) designated 18 May as the annual International Museum Day (IMD) to raise public 幻彩燈箱動手做 awareness of the important role that museums Make Your Own Colorful Lightbox play in society. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department has responded to this important 「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 每節15人 / 活動 appeal since 2001 by organising IMD events in mid- 於開始前15分鐘接受報名 / 費用全免 / 先到先 May every year. 得。 Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story / The theme of IMD 2019 will focus on “Museums As museums increasingly grow into their roles as 15 persons per session / Registration starts on the as Cultural Hubs: The future of tradition”. The cultural hubs, they are also finding new ways to spot 15 minutes before the activity commences / role of museums in society is changing. Museums honour their collections, their histories and their Participation is free / First come, first served. keep reinventing themselves in their quest for legacies, creating traditions that will have new becoming more interactive, audience-focused, meaning for future generations and relevance for 19 / 5 (日 Sun) community-oriented, flexible, adaptable and an increasingly diverse contemporary audience at a 2:30 - 3:30pm / 3:30 - 4:30pm / 4:30 - 5:30pm mobile agencies. They have become cultural hubs global level. This transformation, which will have a functioning as platforms where creativity combines profound impact on museum theory and practice, with knowledge and where visitors can also co- also forces us to rethink the value of museums create, share and interact. 版權為香港歷史博物館所有and to question the ethical boundaries that © 2019 define the very nature of our work as museum While preserving their primary missions – collecting, professionals. conservation, communication, research, exhibition© 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History – museums have transformed their practices to At once a focal point for the community and an remain closer to the communities they serve. integral part of a global network, museums offer a Today they look for innovative ways to tackle platform for translating local communities’ needs 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum contemporary social issues and conflict. By acting and views into a global context. 「漫遊孫中山成長之路」導賞團 locally, museums can also advocate and mitigate This year, IMD in Hong Kong is scheduled on 18/19 “Revisiting Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Youth Journey” Guided Tour global problems, striving to meet the challenges May 2019. Over these two days, visitors will be of today’s society proactively. As institutions at 孫中山史蹟徑 / 名額15人 / 需預先報名,詳情請參閱紀念館網頁。 admitted free* to most of the local participating the heart of society, museums have the power Dr Sun Yat-sen Historical Trail / 15 persons / Prior registration is required. Please refer to our website for venues, where a wide range of educational and to establish dialogue between cultures, to build details. entertaining programmes will be held. Come and bridges for a peaceful world and to define a be inspired! 18 / 5 (六 Sat) sustainable future. 2 - 3pm For details of IMD 2019 in Hong Kong, please stay tuned for our updates on the Hong Kong Public Museums website: http://www.museums.gov.hk/ IMD2019.

*Except for special exhibitions and programmes, which have an admission fee

19 18 博 博 物館動態 物館動態

2019 香港國際博物館日 香港博物館節 2019 News and Event International Museum Day 2019, Hong Kong Muse Fest HK 2019 News and Event

孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 22.6 7.7.2019

五四版畫小布袋製作 世事多變,而事實上惟一不變的,就是變幻、 The Making of Small Woodblock Print Pouch for May Fourth 變化。也因著總總的改變,人生充滿曲折豐富 的故事。 二樓活動室 / 名額24人 / 下午2時起到活動室報名 博物館也一樣,或因著追求理想願景,或配合 Activity Room, 2/F / 24 persons / Registration starts at 2pm 時代步調,或滿足服務受眾的需要,她慢慢地 at Activity Room 起著變化更新,有時明顯得令人眼前一亮,有 Celebrating or not, change and renewal are inevitable events that take place in our life journey 19 / 5 (日 Sun) 時在仔細端詳下,才發現她和昨天大不相同。 from time to time, filling our stories with twists and 3 - 4:30pm 今年的香港博物館節就是以「變新」為主題, turns. 帶你一起看看博物館是如何經歷和展現蛻變。 你可以發掘歷史原來能夠變得更為年青的故 That happens to the museums as well. They make 事,又或看到博物館因應時代進展而調節她的 changes, sometimes for the pursuit of their visions, 方向,又或與換上新裝的她一起重新出發馳騁 and sometimes for keeping their pace with the 廣闊的藝術世界,又或觀賞一場因著你的意見 times or meeting people’s needs. So they undergo 而帶來靈感所炮製的新意節目。 transformation, which would wow you at times, 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 and more often would be noticeable only when 每年有如盛宴一場的博物館節,內容必有更© 2019 you come close enough. 新,詳情請密切留意網上www.museums.gov. The upcoming Muse Fest HK, with “Curating 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery hk/mf2019公布。 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of Historythe New” as the theme, would bring you on a 參觀消防局 journey with the museums to explore how they Visit to Fire Station experience and display transformation. You may be inspired by the story of how a museum could grow 名額40人 / 參加者須年滿6歲 / 需預先報名,詳情請參閱展覽館網頁。 younger over time or how a museum is working 40 persons / Participants must be aged 6 or above / Prior registration is required. Please refer to our on redefining itself to face the challenges of the website for details. new era. You may also go with the museum in a new look to navigate the world of art or come 19 / 5 (日 Sun) join a creative programme which is produced with 2 - 3pm inspiration from you.

The Muse Fest HK is being renewed with yet another bunch of fantastic programmes. Make sure you will keep track of it by visiting its website at www.museums.gov.hk/mf2019.

21 20 博 博 物館動態 物館動態

香港博物館節 2019 香港博物館節 2019 News and Event Muse Fest HK 2019 Muse Fest HK 2019 News and Event

香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History 香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence 歷史印記手作坊:香港懷舊信箱製作 前防衛軍犬隊示範 Handicrafts Workshop of Historical Imprint: Hong Kong Nostalgic Mailbox Demonstration of the Ex-Defence Animal Support 「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 每節15人 / 活動於 二次世界大戰退役軍人會 / 銅鑼灣摩頓臺 開始前15分鐘接受報名 / 費用全免 / 先到先得 (近香港中央圖書館西入口側) / 不設名額。

Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story / WWII Veterans Association / Moreton Terrace, 15 persons per session / Registration starts on the (at the west entrance of the Hong spot 15 minutes before the activity commences / Kong Central Library) Participation is free / First come, first served. 29 / 6 (六 Sat) 4 - 5pm 23 / 6 (日 Sun) 3 - 4pm / 4 - 5pm

香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 退役華籍英兵分享會:前防衛軍犬隊的故事版權為香港歷史博物館所有破舊立新 –© 種子再造紙製作 2019 Sharing with the Ex-Hong Kong Military Service Corps: Breaking the Old, Forging the New: Stories of the Ex-Defence Animal Support© Unit2019 Hong Kong MuseumThe Making of Seed of Recycled History Paper 二次世界大戰退役軍人會 / 銅鑼灣摩頓臺 二樓活動室 / 每節名額24人 / 下午2時開始在 (近香港中央圖書館西入口側) / 名額40人 / 活動室報名 先到先得,額滿即止。 Activity Room, 2/F / 24 persons per session / WWII Veterans Association / Moreton Terrace, Registration starts at 2pm at Activity Room Causeway Bay (at the west entrance of the Hong 23 / 6 & 30 / 6 (日 Sun) Kong Central Library) / 40 persons per session / First 3 - 4:30pm come, first served.

29 / 6 (六 Sat) 3 - 4pm 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery 參觀「精英號」滅火輪 Visit to Fireboat Elite 中區滅火輪消防局 / 名額40人 / 參加者須年滿6 歲 / 需預先報名,詳情請參閱展覽館網頁。

Central Fireboat Station / 40 persons / Participants must be aged 6 or above / Prior registration is required. Please refer to our website for details.

30 / 6 (日 Sun) 3 - 4pm 23 22 博 博 物館動態 物館動態

香港博物館節 2019 News and Event Muse Fest HK 2019 News and Event

文物修復辦事處 Conservation Office 文物修復辦事處特備節目 「文物復修現場直擊」 Conservation Office Special Programme “Live from the Conservation Labs” 為響應「香港博物館節2019」,文物修復辦事 處將開放位於香港文化博物館及香港歷史博物 館的文物修復室讓公眾參觀。在修復主任帶領 下,參加者將可近距離觀賞修復中的文物及了 解其背後有趣的修復故事。 Programme Code Date Place of programme Remark To echo with Muse Fest HK 2019, Conservation Office’s laboratories at the Hong Kong Heritage ST1(11-12:30) Conservation Labs Museum & Hong Kong Museum of History will 29.6.2019 The two sessions Hong Kong Heritage Museum, be an ‘open house for the public’. Guided by the (Saturday) are identical Shatin conservators, participants will have a closer look at ST2(14:30-16) the artefacts undergoing conservation treatment and learn about their interesting conservation TST1(11-12:30) Conservation Labs stories in the behind-the-scene tour. 6.7.2019 The two sessions 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 Hong Kong Museum of History, © (Satur2019day) are identical 活動編號 日期 活動地點 備註 TST2(14:30-16) Tsim Sha Tsui

ST1(11-12:30) © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History 29.6.2019 沙田香港文化博物館 此兩節內容相同 Registration Remarks (星期六) 文物修復室 ST2(14:30-16) 1. The tour is free and will be conducted in Cantonese. 25 participants per session; first come, first served. 2. Application forms will be available at the Conservation Resource Centre (Room 202, 2/F, Hong Kong TST1(11-12:30) Museum of History, 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon) or the Conservation Office's 6.7.2019 尖沙咀香港歷史博物館 website for download starting from 20.5.2019 (https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Conservation/en_ 此兩節內容相同 (星期六) 文物修復室 US/web/co/education_and_extension_programs.html). TST2(14:30-16) 3. Please return the completed application form to the Conservation Resource Center via mail/ fax/email or in person by 13.6.2019. 報名須知 4. Opening hours of the Conservation Resource Centre: 1. 活動以粵語進行,費用全免。每節名額25人,先到先得。 Mon - Fri : 9:30 - 12:30 2. 報名表格可於2019年5月20日起在文物修復資源中心(九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號香港歷史 14:30 - 17:30 博物館202室)索取或於文物修復辦事處網站下載 (https://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/ Conservation/en_US/web/co/education_and_extension_programs.html)。 Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. 3. 請於6月13日前將填妥的報名表格郵寄、傳真、電郵或親身交到文物修復資源中心。 5. For enquiries, please contact us by fax: (852) 2316 2407, or email: [email protected], or phone: (852) 2724 9059, or in person to the Conservation Resource Centre during opening hours. 4. 文物修復資源中心開放時間: 星期一至五:上午9時30分至下午12時30分  下午2時30分至下午5時30分 星期六、日及公眾假期休息 5. 如有查詢,請傳真至(852)2316 2407 或 電郵至 [email protected] 或 於開放時間致 電(852)2724 9059 或 親臨文物修復資源中心。 25 24 公眾節目 公眾節目 專題展覽特備節目 講座系列 Programmes for Special Exhibition Lecture Series

活動於開始前15分鐘接受報名 / 費用全免 / 先到先得。 香港歷史博物館演講廳 / 免費入座 / 座位先到先得,滿座即止 / 演講廳將於講座開始前15分鐘開 Public Programmes Public Programmes Registration starts on the spot 15 minutes before the activity commences / Participation is free / First come, 放。 first served. Lecture Hall, HKMH / Free admission / First come, first served / Admitted 15 minutes before each lecture starts.

港式經典搪瓷杯設計 講座內容並不代表博物館立場。除特別註明外,所有講座均以粵語進行。 Design Your Own Classic Enamel Cup in Hong Kong Style The Museum makes no representation concerning the contents of the lectures. All lectures will be 「香港故事」展區四活動室 conducted in Cantonese, unless otherwise specified. Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story 每節15人 「現代化之路 ─ 共和國七十年」講座系列 15 persons per session Lecture Series on “The Road to Modernisation: 70 Years of the People's 26 / 5、9 / 6 (日 Sun) Republic of China” 2:30 - 3:30pm 合辦機構:香港浸會大學 3:30 - 4:30pm Co-organiser: Hong Kong Baptist University 4:30 - 5:30pm 3 - 5pm

1949至1979年間的中國群眾運動 18 / 5 (六 Sat) China's Mass Movements from 1949 to 1979

朱益宜教授 (香港浸會大學歷史系教授) 版權為香港歷史博物館所有Professor Cindy Chu Yik Yi (Professor of the Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University) 城市化是中國農村發展的機遇還是威脅?© 2019 25 / 5 (六 Sat) 親子互動故事坊:糧票二三事 © 2019 Hong Kong MuseumUrbanisation: Threat or ofOpportunity History for the Chinese Countryside? Interactive Family Story-telling Workshop: More about Food Coupon 鍾謙博士 (香港浸會大學中國研究課程主任及地理系副教授) 地下活動室 Dr Chung Him (Director of Bachelor of Social Sciences in China Studies Programme and Activity Room, G/F Associate Professor of the Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University)

每節10對親子 中國城鄉遷移中的農村家庭與育兒變遷 (普通話主講) 8 / 6 (六 Sat) 10 families Migrant Parents and Children in Rural-Urban Migration in China (in Putonghua) (1 parent + 1 child) 彭銦旎博士 (香港浸會大學社會學系副教授) 2 / 6、16 / 6 (日 Sun) Dr Peng Yinni (Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist 3:30 - 4:30pm University) 4:30 - 5:30pm 中國在國際貿易之崛起 15 / 6 (六 Sat) The Rise of China in Global Trade

黃健明博士 (香港浸會大學經濟系一級講師) Dr Aries Wong Kin Ming (Lecturer I of the Department of Economics, Hong Kong Baptist University)

27 26 公眾節目 公眾節目 「科大人文新語」講座系列 廟宇文化講座系列 HKUST Public Humanities Lectures Lecture Series on Chinese Temples Culture

合辦機構:香港科技大學人文學部 合辦機構:華人廟宇委員會 Public Programmes Co-organiser: Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Co-organiser: Chinese Temples Committee Public Programmes 3 - 5pm 27 / 4 (六 Sat) 3 - 5pm

言語藝術和語言 14 / 4 (日 Sun) 從歷史建築看廟宇 Speech Arts and Language Architecture Significance of Temples

鄒嘉彥教授 陳天權先生(宗教建築研究者) Professor Benjamin K Y Tsou Mr Chan Tin Kuen (Researcher on Religious Architecture) 讀詩的當下意義 (普通話主講) 21 / 4 (日 Sun) Why Do We Read Chinese Classical Poetry Today (in Putonghua)

李思涯博士 Dr Siya Li

荒野裡的社會主義現代性: 2 / 6 (日 Sun) 中國女拖拉機手形象的變遷 (1949-1964) (普通話主講) Socialist Modernity in the Wasteland: 銅鑼灣歷史文化考察:天后廟、蓮花宮、香港大球場和怡和午炮 Changing Representations of the Female Tractor Driver in China, 1949-1964 (in Putonghua) Heritage Visit to Causeway Bay: Tin Hau Temple, Lin Fa Temple, Hong Kong 渡言教授 Stadium and the Jardine Noonday Gun (活動編號 Activity No.: FT190428) Professor Daisy Yan Du 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 合辦機構:珠海學院香港歷史文化研究中心 反思效益主義 9 / 6 (日 Sun) Co-organiser: Centre© for Hong2019 Kong History and Culture Studies, Chu Hai College of Higher Education Reflection on Utilitarianism © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History28 / 4 (日 Sun) 9am - 1pm 藍世樂博士 Dr Sai Lok Nam 領隊:蕭國健教授 (珠海學院香港歷史文化研究中心主任) By Professor Siu Kwok Kin (Director, Centre for Hong Kong History and Culture Studies, Chu Hai College 文物作為社區延續的載體: 16 / 6 (日 Sun) of Higher Education) 以西貢鹽田梓及銅鑼灣大坑的文物保育項目為例 行程約4小時 / 名額25人 / 費用全免 Heritage as the Carrier of Community Continuity: About 4 hours / 25 persons / Free of charge Case Studies on the Heritage Preservation Items of Yimtinzai, Saikung and , Causeway Bay 集合地點:天后港鐵站 張兆和教授 Meeting Place: Tin Hau MTR Station Professor Siu Woo Cheung 解散地點:怡和午炮 「穿越紫禁城」講座系列 Dismissal Place: The Jardine Noonday Gun Lecture Series on “Traversing the Forbidden City” 請於網上下載報名表格,詳情可參閱博物館網 頁 / 參加者須年滿16歲 / 先到先得 / 截止報名 北京城的城市規劃與紫禁城的建築特色 日期為4月22日下午5時 / 若於4月25日前仍未 Urban Planning of Beijing City and the Architectural Characteristics of the Forbidden City 接獲通知,則當落選論,恕不另行通知。 黎東耀博士 (香港珠海學院建築系副教授) Please download the application form online and Dr Lai Tung Yiu (Associate Professor of Department of Architecture, browse our website for details / All applicants Chu Hai College of Higher Education) should be aged 16 or above / First come, first 13 / 4 (六 Sat) served / Deadline for application: 5 pm on 22 3 - 5pm Apr / Applicants should assume their applications unsuccessful if they do not hear from the Museum by 25 Apr. 29 28 公眾節目 公眾節目 「香港故事」特備節目 影片欣賞 Special Programmes for The Hong Kong Story Film Shows

活動於開始前15分鐘接受報名 / 費用全免 / 先到先得,額滿即止。 「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 座位20,先到先得,滿座即止 / 影片均為香港電台製作節目,粵語 Public Programmes Registration starts on the spot 15 minutes before the activity commences / Participation is free / First come, 旁述 / 免費觀賞 / 活動室將於影片放映前5分鐘開放。 Public Programmes first served. Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story / 20 seats; first come, first served / All these video programmes are produced by RTHK and narrated in Cantonese / Free viewing / Admitted 5 minutes before 客家屋模型製作 十字繡工作坊:繡出昔日香港 the show commences. Model-making: Hakka House Cross Stitch Workshop: Embroider the Old Days of Hong Kong 8 / 4 - 27 / 6 《香港歷史系列III》 (星期一及四 Mon & Thu) 4 / 5、18 / 5 “The History of Hong Kong III” 3 - 3:45pm (六 Sat) 3:45 - 4:30pm 3:30 - 4:30pm (郵筒 Pillar Box) 3 - 3:25pm 3:30 - 3:55pm 4:30 - 5:30pm (漁船 Fishing Junk) 「香港故事」展區四活動室 醫療與管治 香港保衛戰 17 / 4 (三 Wed) Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story Public Governance and Medicare in Defence of Hong Kong 「香港故事」展區四活動室 19 / 4 (五 Fri) Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story Hong Kong 每節8人 8 persons per session 每節15人 航運連城 路行車載 24 / 4 (三 Wed) 15 persons per session Hong Kong’s Maritime Industry and the Evolution of Modes of Transport 26 / 4 (五 Fri) World

法治的基石 安居屋簷下 1 / 5 (三 Wed) The Foundation for the Rule of Law in Development of the Public Housing in 3 / 5 (五 Fri) Hong Kong Hong Kong 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 《走過四十年》 神奇鑄幣作坊 ©端午特色香囊製作 2019 Hong Kong Museum of“40 YearsHistory of Reform and Opening up” Amazing Coin Press Workshop Dragon Boat Festival Sachets Making Class 3 - 3:25pm 3:30 - 3:55pm

7 / 4 - 26 / 5 1 / 6 8 / 5 (三 Wed) 中國合夥人 標記時代 (星期日 Sun) (六 Sat) 10 / 5 (五 Fri) The Chinese Partners The Age of Trademark 2:30 - 3:30pm 8 / 6 - 22 / 6 22 / 5 (三 Wed) 機遇與抉擇 工匠傳承 3:30 - 4:30pm 24 / 5 (五 Fri) Opportunities and Choices Inherited Craftsmanship (星期六 Sat) 4:30 - 5:30pm 4 - 5pm 29 / 5 (三 Wed) 拓荒者 共贏共享 「香港故事」展區四活動室 31 / 5 (五 Fri) Pioneers Win-win and Sharing 「香港故事」展區六 Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story Gallery 6 of The Hong Kong Story 5 / 6 (三 Wed) 逆流而上 紅樹林之路 每節15人 7 / 6 (五 Fri) To Go against the Tide The Medical Cooperation 每節50人 15 persons per session 50 persons per session 《中國故事》 “China Stories”

3 - 3:25pm 3:30 - 3:55pm

12 / 6 (三 Wed) 失落的一代 大師 14 / 6 (五 Fri) The Lost Generation Master of Suona Horn

19 / 6 (三 Wed) 中國指揮夢 田埂上的芭蕾 21 / 6 (五 Fri) A Young Conductor Ballerina in a Field

31 30 公眾節目 公眾節目 博物館共融計劃 社區關懷 Inclusive Life: Museum for All Caring for the Community

傷健共融 香港歷史博物館一直積極與不同社區團體及機 Public Programmes Interactivity Scheme 構結成合作夥伴,透過舉辦多元的推廣活動, Public Programmes 讓不同社群的市民增進對香港歷史文化的認 香港歷史博物館與香港展能藝術會合作舉辦, 識,並參與及分享博物館公眾節目。 為歷史博物館常設及專題展提供特別導賞及模 We continue our close collaboration with local 型製作工作坊,讓聽障、視障及傷健人士增進 community groups and associations to foster public 對香港歷史文化的認識,並參與及分享博物館 awareness and understanding of the local history 公眾節目。 and culture through varied extension activities. Jointly presented by the Hong Kong Museum of History and Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, these special guided tours and model- 團體預約外展工作坊 making workshops are tailor-made for people with Outreach Workshops by Appointments hearing and visual impairments, and disabilities to 專為本地註冊非牟利機構及慈善團體而設,由 enable them to better understand the history and 香港歷史博物館統籌,於各社區中心內進行外 . 展工作坊。 Specially designed for charitable or non-profit- 團體預約特別導賞及工作坊 making organisations registered in Hong Kong, and Special Guided Tours and Workshops for Groups by Appointments conducted at their service centres.

費用全免 / 每節約1小時至1小時30分鐘 / 先到 費用全免 / 每節約1小時 / 先到先得 / 有關節目 先得 / 有關節目及報名詳情,歡迎致電2724 及報名詳情,歡迎致電2724 9082查詢。 9082查詢。 版權為香港歷史博物館所有Participation is free / Each session lasts about 1 Participation is free / Each tour lasts about 1-1.5 hour / First come, first© served 2019 / For enrollment and hours / First come, first served / For enrollment and details, please contact us at 2724 9082. details, please contact us at 2724 9082. © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History

港昔生活模型製作 「香港故事」手語傳譯導賞 Model-making: Hong Kong Oldies Sign Interpretation Guided Tours to The Hong Kong Story 11 / 4 - 28 / 6 4 / 4 - 28 / 6 (星期一、四及五 Mon, Thu & Fri) (星期一、四及五 Mon, Thu & Fri) (每月兩節 2 sessions per month) (每月兩節 2 sessions per month) 社區及長者中心 / 每節15人 每節20名聽障人士 (包括同行照料者) Community and Elderly Centres / 15 persons per 20 persons with hearing impairment (including accompanying carers) per session session

「香港故事」手語傳譯導賞及紙模型製作工作坊 Sign Interpretation Guided Tours and Paper Model-making Workshops on The Hong Kong Story 4 / 4 - 28 / 6 (星期一、四及五 Mon, Thu & Fri) (每月兩節 2 sessions per month)

每節20名聽障人士 (包括同行照料者) 20 persons with hearing impairment (including accompanying carers) per session

33 32 海防館更新工程


我們在籌備更新香港海防博物館常設展的過程中,認真研究如何注入新元素,豐富展覽內容。眾 MCD’s Revamping 所周知,啹喀兵驍勇善戰,但對於他們在港服役的故事,你又知道多少呢?新常設展涵蓋香港不 同時期的海防及軍事歷史外,也將會把啹喀兵的故事娓娓道來。 香 為此,我們得到退役啹喀兵的支持和協助,蒐集了他們服役時穿著的制服和佩戴的物品,以及一 些舊照片、文獻資料和口述記錄等,這些文物滿載了他們服役時的回憶。 港 啹喀兵早於1948年開始在香港服役直至回歸前才解散。數十年間,他們肩負各種防衛任務,包括 邊境巡邏;當中的點滴,凝聚成日後珍貴的回憶。一位退役啹喀兵Tim I Gurung想起當年執行職 務的情景,有以下的憶述: 海 「我們竭盡所能在所有邊境哨站執行職務。無論天氣酷熱,又或是狂風暴雨,我們都竭盡所能, 確保香港市民能夠安枕無憂。」 防 大家日後可以在新常設展中了解到啹喀兵的軍旅生活,透過文字及展品介紹,解構他們與香港社 博 會之間的聯繫,分享他們的「香港故事」。 物 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 館 © 2019 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History

圖一 Fig.1

圖二 Fig.2

Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence 圖一 Fig 1 圖二 Fig 2 退役啹喀兵Tim I Gurung (右)與海防館同事會面,2017年2 啹喀墳場信托基金兩位成員向海防館同事述說當年服役的故 月10日。 事,2018年7月24日。 https:/ /hk.coastaldefence.museum Ex-Gurkha Tim I Gurung (right) meets with colleagues at Two members of the Gurkha Cemeteries Trust tell MCD the MCD, 10 February 2017. colleagues about their service to Hong Kong, 24 July 2018. 35 34 海防館更新工程 外展活動 《香港海防歷史多面睇》 與香港公共圖書館合辦 A Closer Look at the History of Hong Kong’s Coastal Defence

The Story of Hong Kong Gurkhas In collaboration with the Hong Kong Public Libraries Outreach Programmes 公開講座

MCD’s Revamping As we plan the new permanent exhibition at the Public Lectures Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, we 有興趣人士可於開始留座日期起,致電或親臨下列圖書館預約。名額有限,先到先得。 earnestly explore how we can inject new elements Reservation starts on the dates specified below and can be made by phone or in person at the respective to enrich its contents. Gurkhas are widely known libraries on a first come, first served basis. as brave and fierce fighters, but how much do you 日期及時間 地點 題目 講者 開始留座日期 know about their service in Hong Kong? In addition Date & Time Venue Topics Speaker Reservation Starts to narrating the history of Hong Kong’s coastal defence and military affairs over the years, our new 7/4 土瓜灣 明清時期的香港海防 蕭國健教授 24/3 permanent exhibition will also tell the story of the (日 Sun) 公共圖書館 Hong Kong's Coastal Defence (珠海學院中國 (日 Sun) city’s Gurkhas. 10:30-12nn To Kwa Wan during the Ming and Early Qing 文學系教授) 2926 4155 Public Library Dynasties Professor To this end, we have solicited the support and Siu Kwok Kin assistance of ex-Gurkhas. We have collected 11/5 香港仔 27/4 (Professor, the uniforms and items they wore while serving (六 Sat) 公共圖書館 (六 Sat) Department in Hong Kong, in addition to old photographs, 11:30am-1pm Aberdeen 2921 1056 of Chinese historical documents and oral records – these relics Public Library Literature, Chu carry precious memories of their days in the army. Hai College) Gurkhas served in the British forces in Hong Kong from 1948, and their units were only disbanded版權為香港歷史博物館所有 © 2019 before Hong Kong’s return to China. Over the 15/6 大埔 英國在香港的亞洲戰略, 鄺智文博士 1/6 decades, they took up all sorts of defence duties, © 2019 Hong Kong Museum(六 Sat) 公共圖書館 of 1901-1941History (香港浸會大學 (六 Sat) including border patrol. These experiences have 3:30-5pm Tai Po The UK Strategy of Asia in 歷史系助理教授) 2651 4334 become a part of their precious memories. Former Public Library Hong Kong, 1901-1941 Dr Kwong Chi Man Gurkha Tim I Gurung looks back on the missions (Assistant he undertook: 圖三 Fig.3 Professor, “There wasn’t a single border point where Department of we did not carry out duty in the best way we History, Hong could. Regardless of the heat, rain or storms, Kong Baptist we remained awake each night, so Hong Kong University) could sleep safely.” You will learn about the life of Gurkhas in the army when our new permanent exhibition is staged. Through the texts and exhibits, the exhibition will illustrate the Gurkhas’ connection with Hong Kong society and share their “Hong Kong Story”. 圖四 Fig.4

圖三 Fig. 3 圖四 Fig. 4 啹喀軍官晚禮服 啹喀兵在閱兵儀式上佩戴的尼泊爾彎刀連鞘套 Raj Kumar Gurung 提供 Raj Kumar Gurung 提供 Gurkha officer’s Mess jacket Kukri (Nepalese knife) with sheath in military parades Courtesy of Raj Kumar Gurung. Courtesy of Raj Kumar Gurung. 37 36 外展活動 外展活動 軍事紙品模型製作坊 學校節目 Paper Armament Model-making Workshops School Programmes 歡迎5至10歲小朋友由一位家長陪同參加 Children aged 5-10 are welcome to join with one of their parents. 有關詳情及報名,請瀏覽本館網頁或致電2569 1248查詢。先到先得,額滿即止。 Outreach Programmes For the programme details and enrolment, please visit our website and contact us at 2569 1248. Outreach Programmes First come, first served. 日期及時間 地點 模型製作 開始報名日期 Date & Time Venue Model-making Enrolment Starts 市區軍事古蹟遊蹤 14/4 土瓜灣 廣東戰船 31/3 Field Trips to the Urban Military Relics (日 Sun) 公共圖書館 Warship (日 Sun) 透過走訪位於中區或尖沙咀區的軍事遺址,增進同學對本地軍事歷史的認識,行程約2小時。 10:30am-12nn To Kwa Wan 2926 4155 Students are encouraged to learn more about local military history through visiting various military sites in Public Library Central or Tsim Sha Tsui through this 2-hour tour. 以學校為報名單位 (中一至中六),每節30人 30 students per session on a school basis (S.1 – S.6)

中環線 尖沙咀線 集合地點:茶具文物館 集合地點:九龍公園衞生教育展覽及資料中心 Central Route Tsim Sha Tsui Route Meeting Place: Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware Meeting Place: Health Education Exhibition and Resource Centre, Kowloon Park

4/5 屯門 萬年清號戰船 20/4 (六 Sat) 公共圖書館 Wannianqing Warship (六 Sat) 2:30-4pm Tuen Mun 2450 0671 Public Library 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019

© 2019 Hong Kong Museum《日治時期的艱苦歲月》體驗活動 of History Experiencing Hard Life during the Japanese Occupation 海防館會派員到校帶領同學們進行體驗活動,透過角色扮演及互動遊戲,認識和了解香港當時的 民生苦況。 Through role plays and interactive games, the student-participants will get a better understanding of the miserable life of the Hong Kong people during the time. Museum staff will come to the schools to deliver the programme. 22/6 九龍 復仇女神號戰船 8/6 每節30人 (P.4 - S.3),每間學校可申請一天兩節活動 / 每節約1小時,將與學校商議活動時間。 (六 Sat) 公共圖書館 Nemesis Warship (六 Sat) 30 students (P.4 - S.3) for each session. Each school can apply for a maximum of 2 sessions a day / 10-11:30am Kowloon 2926 4055 One hour per session, time to be confirmed with the applicant. Public Library

39 38 外展活動 外展活動 《香島上的黑色聖誕》互動劇場 外展工作坊 Interactive Theatre: Black Christmas Outreach Workshops 1941年至1945年期間,香港經歷了三年零八個月的悲慘歲月。劇場以戲劇結合現場互動,把日佔 時期的民生苦況重現眼前,讓同學了解先祖輩一段慘痛的歷史,明白和平的可貴。 有興趣人士請致電2569 1248 預約。先到先得,額滿即止。 Outreach Programmes Reservation can be made by contacting us at 2569 1248. First come, first served. Outreach Programmes Hong Kong went through its bitter three years and eight months from 1941 to 1945. Using an interactive approach integrating elements of drama, we will re-enact the hardship experienced by the Hong 軍事紙品模型工作坊 耆樂無窮:立體相架工作坊 Kong people during the Japanese occupation. It will provide an opportunity for the students to better Paper Armament Model-making 3D Photo Frame Making for the Elderly understand the miserable experience of their ancestors, thereby realizing the value of peace. 兒童及青少年中心 / 社區長者中心 / 每節25人 地點 :學校禮堂 / 活動室 每節15對親子 (10歲以下兒童需家長協助製作) Community Centres for the Elderly / 25 persons per Venue School Hall / Activity room Children and Youth Centres / session 對象 :中二至中四 15 pairs per session (being accompanied by parent Target S.2 - S.4 is required for children below 10) 日期 :10-12/2019 Date 時間 :約45分鐘 Duration about 45 mins 語言 :粵語 Language Cantonese 名額 :每場約100-250人,名額有限,先到先得。 Quota About 100-250 participants per performance. 演出團體 :7A 班戲劇組 By Class 7A Drama Group Limited 版權為香港歷史博物館所有巡迴展覽導賞服務 查詢 :2582 0274 Special Docent© Service 2019 for the Travelling Exhibitions Enquiry 博物館特別為兩套巡迴展覽,安排到校導賞服務,歡迎學校申請外借服務時,一併辦理。 報名詳情將於5月份在本館網頁「最新消息」內公布。© 2019 Hong Kong MuseumSpecial docent service will of be delivered History to schools for two travelling exhibitions. Schools can apply for the Details of enrolment will be announced on “What’s On” of our website in May. service when submitting loan applications. 對象 :小四至中六 Target P.4 – S.6 日期 :2/2019 - 1/2020 Date 時間 :每節45分鐘 Duration 45 mins per session 展覽 :「海防風雲六百年」(10塊) Exhibitions  「同禦鐵蹄 – 香港的抗戰歲月」 圖片展 (15塊) “Coastal Defence over 600 Years” (10 nos.) “Braving the Storm: Hong Kong under the Japanese Occupation” (15 nos.) 語言 :粵語 Language Cantonese 名額 :每節30人,每間學校可申請一天 Quota 兩節導賞服務。 30 students for each session. Each school can apply for a maximum of two sessions a day. 41 40 專題展覽

動與醒︰五四新文化運動 Special Exhibition The Awakening of a Generation: The May Fourth and New Culture Movement

26.4 25.8.2019 孫中山紀念館一樓展覽廳 Exhibition Gallery, 1/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum

孫 聯合主辦 Jointly presented by

中 康樂及文化事務署 北京魯迅博物館 (北京新文化運動紀念館) 山 Leisure and Cultural Services Department Beijing Lu Xun Museum 紀 (The New Culture Movement Memorial of Beijing) 籌劃 念 Organised by 版權為香港歷史博物館所有孫中山紀念館 © 2019 館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 圖二 Fig.2 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum免費入場 of History Free Admission

圖三 Fig.3

圖二 Fig.2 一九二三年魯迅第一本短篇小說集《吶喊》初版本,收錄 《狂人日記》、《阿Q正傳》等,封面由魯迅設計。 北京魯迅博物館藏 First edition of Nahan (Call to Arms), Lu Xun’s first short 圖一 Fig.1 stories collection, published in 1923; the book includes Kuangren Riji (A Madman’s Diary) and A Q Zhengzhuan (The True Story of Ah Q) among other works; the cover was designed by Lu Xun. Collection of Beijing Lu Xun Museum 圖一 Fig.1 一九一六年陳獨秀撰寫的〈吾人最後之覺悟〉,提出國民覺 悟是政治制度變革的根本。 圖三 Fig.3 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 北京魯迅博物館藏 一九一九年六月三日,學生在北京街頭進行演說。 “Wuren Zuihou Zhi Juewu (Our final awakening)”, 北京魯迅博物館藏 written by Chen Duxiu in 1916, suggested that people’s On 3 June 1919, students gave speeches in the street of https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum awakening was fundamental to political system reform. Beijing. Collection of Beijing Lu Xun Museum Collection of Beijing Lu Xun Museum 43 42 專題展覽 常設展覽 Special Exhibition 孫中山時期的香港 Permanent Exhibition Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time

由陳獨秀、胡適、魯迅等知識份子提倡的新 The New Culture Movement, initiated by 孫中山紀念館二樓展覽廳 文化運動於一九一五年展開,他們宣揚「民 intellectuals Chen Duxiu, Hu Shih and Lu Xun Exhibition Gallery, 2/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 主」、「科學」、「自由」與「平等」的啟蒙 among others, began in 1915. Through advocating 展覽除介紹孫中山先生在香港的事蹟外,更希 思想,掀起了中國青年學生的思想革命。第一 the enlightenment ideas of democracy, science, 望引發參觀者思考十九世紀末的香港如何孕育 次世界大戰結束後,中國在巴黎和會上的外交 freedom and equality, the intellectuals inspired a 出像孫中山先生這般具有革命創新思想的劃時 失敗,最終引發一九一九年五月四日北京學生 thought revolution among students in China. The 代人物,並透過珍貴文物,展示香港在清末革 舉行集會及遊行,並很快發展成為社會各界廣 country’s diplomatic setback at the Paris Peace 命運動中所扮演的重要角色。 * 由於籌備及舉辦「動與醒︰五四新文化運 泛參加的全國規模的五四愛國運動。運動過 Conference after the end of the First World War Apart from going through Dr Sun Yat-sen’s 動」專題展覽,原於一樓展覽廳的「孫中山 後,社會改造成為解決中國當前問題的新口 sparked the rally and demonstration of Beijing activities in Hong Kong, this exhibition inspires 與近代中國」展覽現暫停展出。不便之處, 號,新思想奔騰潮湧。 students on 4 May 1919. The demonstration visitors to probe into an intriguing question, that is, 敬請原諒。 quickly developed into the nationwide patriotic why and how Hong Kong in the late 19th century * The “Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China” 適值今年為五四運動一百周年,康樂及文化事 movement supported by all walks of society. nurtured someone like Dr Sun, who possessed such permanent exhibition at the Exhibition Gallery, 務署特別邀請北京魯迅博物館 (北京新文化運 Following the movement, social reform became progressive revolutionary ideas. With the display of 1/F is temporarily closed for the special exhibition 動紀念館) 合辦是次展覽,透過來自北京的文 a new slogan for solving the problems faced by invaluable artefacts, the exhibition also illustrates “The Awakening of a Generation: The May 物,配合香港歷史博物館的藏品,回顧這場充 China at the time as the country was swept by new explicitly the role of Hong Kong as a revolutionary Fourth and New Culture Movement”. We 分展現中國人的愛國和民族意識的運動,並認 thoughts. 識其對近代中國發展的影響和重要貢獻。 pivot in the late Qing era. apologize for any inconvenience caused. This year marks the centenary of the May Fourth 版權為香港歷史博物館所有Movement. The Leisure and Cultural Services 公眾導賞團 © 2019 Department sought a partnership with the Beijing Public Guided Tours Lu Xun Museum (The New Cultural Movement © 2019 Hong Kong Museum粵語 Cantonese: of History探索甘棠第建築特色之旅 (粵語) Memorial of Beijing) in jointly organising this 2 - 3pm (星期三、六、日及公眾假期 Exploring Tour of Kom Tong Hall (Cantonese) exhibition. Through showcasing relics on loan from Wed, Sat, Sun and public holidays) Beijing alongside collection items from the Hong 7/4, 21/4, 28/4, 5/5, 19/5, 26/5, 2/6, 9/6, 30/6 Kong Museum of History, the exhibition revisits the 4 - 5pm (星期六、日及公眾假期 (日 Sun) movement which aptly illustrated the patriotism Sat, Sun and public holidays) 4:30 - 5:30pm and national awareness of Chinese people, and 普通話 Putonghua investigates its influence and contribution to the 每團20人,先到先得 3 - 4pm (星期六 Sat) development of modern China. 集合地點︰二樓展覽廳入口處 20 persons per session; first come, first served 英語 English Meeting Point: Entrance to Exhibition Gallery, 2/F 3 - 4pm (星期日 Sun)

(只限「孫中山時期的香港」常設展) (Only for “Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time” 公眾導賞團(粵語) Permanent Exhibition) Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese) 圖四 Fig.4 星期六、日及公眾假期(1.5.2019起) 錄音導賞服務 下午3 - 4時 Audio Guide Service 圖四Fig.4 每團20人,先到先得 《共和國教科書》是辛亥革命後出版的第一種新編小學教科 集合地點︰一樓展覽廳入口處 備有粵語、普通話及英語,租用費為港幣10元。有興趣人士可到地下低層票務處辦理租用手續 書,這是一九二四年出版的歷史教科書。 香港歷史博物館藏 (只限「孫中山時期的香港」常設展)。 Sat, Sun and public holidays (starting from 1.5.2019) Gongheguo Jiaokeshu (Textbook for the Republic) was Available in Cantonese, Putonghua and English narratives at a rental of HK$10. For enquiries and rental, among the first modern primary textbooks published after 3 - 4pm please proceed to the Box Office, LG/F (only for “Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time” Permanent the 1911 Revolution; this is a history textbook published 20 persons per session; first come, first served in 1924. Exhibition). Collection of Hong Kong Museum of History Meeting Point: Entrance to Exhibition Gallery, 1/F 45 44 公眾節目 公眾節目 特備節目 讀書不忘救國 ─ 蔡元培及其事業 18/5 (六Sat) Special Programmes Study to Save the Nation – Cai Yuanpei and his Career 周佳榮教授 (香港浸會大學歷史學系榮休教授)

Public Programmes 五四運動之回應 4/5 (六Sat) Professor Chow Kai Wing (Professor Emeritus, Department of History, Public Programmes Response to the May Fourth Movement Hong Kong Baptist University)

劉澤光博士 (香港浸會大學視覺藝術院副教授) Dr Lau Chak Kwong (Associate Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University)

(1) 巨幅書法現場表演 Large-piece Calligraphy Performance 五四運動與中國語文教育的轉變 8/6 (六Sat) 2:30 - 3:30pm May Fourth Movement and Changes in Education (2) 標語書法大師班 區志堅博士(香港樹仁大學歷史系助理教授) Slogan Calligraphy Masterclass Dr Au Chi Kin (Assistant Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Shue Yan University) 3:30 - 4:30pm

40人 / 需預先報名 / 詳情請參閱紀念館網頁。 40 persons / Prior registration required / Please refer 「五四運動與中國現代戲劇」講座系列 to our website for details. Lecture Series on “May Fourth Movement and Modern Chinese Drama”

盧偉力博士(戲劇工作者、藝評人、香港藝術發展局藝評組主席) Dr Lo Wai Luk (Drama Worker, Arts Critics and Chairman of Arts Criticism, Hong Kong Arts Development Council)

(1) 導論︰革命尚未成功 – 從少年中國到新青年 5/5 (日Sun) Introduction: The Revolution is Yet to Succeed – From Shaonian Zhongguo (Youth in China) to Xinqingnian (New Youth) 「漫遊孫中山成長之路」導賞團 版權為香港歷史博物館所有15/6 (六Sat) © 2019 “Revisiting Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Youth Journey” Guided Tour (2) 二十年代:新文化運動中的戲劇 –「愛美劇、學校戲劇、女性覺醒;洪深、田漢、濮舜卿」12/5 (日Sun) 1920s: Drama in the New Culture Movement – 2 - 3pm © 2019 Hong Kong Museum“Amateur Drama, School of Drama, History Women’s Awakening; Hong Shen, Tian Han, Pu Shunqing”

需預先報名 / 詳情請參閱紀念館網頁。 (3) 三十年代:左翼思潮、民族危機、個性壓抑 –「歐陽予倩、夏衍、曹禺、巴金」 19/5 (日Sun) Prior registration required / Please refer to our website for details. 1930s: Leftist Thoughts, National Crisis, Suppression of Individuality – “Ouyang Yuqian, Xia Yan, Cao Yu, Ba Jin” (4) 五四青年一生搞話劇 – 姚克、盧敦 26/5 (日Sun) Lifelong Contribution to the Chinese Drama Movement – Two May Fourth Youth: Yao Ke, Lu Dun

(5) 「五四」作為題材 :五四作家作品改編的戲 2/6 (日Sun) "May Fourth" as Subject Matter: Plays Adapted from Works of May Fourth Writers

(6) 「五四」作為題材:涉及五四時代的歷史人物創作的戲 9/6 (日Sun) 講座 “May Fourth” as Subject Matter: Performances Involved May Fourth Historical Figures Lectures *講座系列由康樂及文化事務署文化節目組主辦,需購票入場,詳情請參閱文化節目組網頁www.lcsd.gov.hk/cp。 地下高層專題展覽廳�/�座位40�/�展覽廳將於講座開始前5分鐘開放 The lecture series are organised by the Cultural Presentations Section of the LCSD. Tickets are sold for admission. For details, please refer to the website of Cultural Presentations Section: www.lcsd.gov.hk/cp. 2268 7325 Special Exhibition Gallery, UG/F / 40 seats / Admitted 5 minutes before each lecture starts 3 - 5pm 講座內容並不代表紀念館立場。除特別註明外,所有講座均以粵語進行,免費入場。 反思五四:學生運動的思想變奏 27/4 (六Sat) The Museum makes no representation concerning the contents of the lectures. All lectures will be Reflections on May Fourth: Changing conducted in Cantonese with free admission, unless otherwise specified. Mentalities of the Student Movement

陳學然博士 (香港城市大學中文及歷史學系 副教授) Dr Chan Hok Yin (Associate Professor, Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong) 47 46 公眾節目 其他分館 互動環節 Hands-on Activities

二樓活動室�/�每節24人�/�下午2時起到活動室報名 Public Programmes Activity Room, 2/F / 24 persons per session / Registration starts at 2pm at Activity Room 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Other Branch Museums 3 - 4:30pm Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery

2367 7821 彩繪復活蛋小花籃製作 五四版畫小布袋製作 「葛量洪號」由香港黃埔船塢製造,除了見證 The Making of Easter Floral Basket with Painting The Making of Small Woodblock Print Pouch 香港的消防歷史外,更反映香港上世紀五十 for May Fourth 14/4、21/4 (日Sun) 年代的造船成就。香港歷史博物館把它列為藏 26/5 (日Sun) 品,並建設展覽館,配以獨特的消防文物和多 媒體介紹,增進市民對香港海上救援工作的認 識。

The Alexander Grantham was built by Hong Kong & Whampoa Dock Co. Ltd., and as an enduring witness to the history of Hong Kong’s sea rescue services, it is also a testament to the achievements of Hong Kong shipbuilding in the 1950s. The Hong Kong Museum of History acquired the fireboat for its collection, refitting it and opening it to the public in the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery. Showcasing a number of unique firefighting artefacts, the Gallery offers a wealth 影片欣賞 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 of information displayed in multimedia formats Film Shows to enhance the visitors’ understanding of marine rescue work in Hong Kong. 地下高層展覽廳�/�座位40�/�展覽廳將於影片放映前5分鐘開放© 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History Exhibition Gallery, UG/F / 40 seats / Admitted 5 minutes before each show commences. 公眾導賞團 (粵語) Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese) 10/4, 8/5, 26/6 (三Wed) 《百年留學︰留學與新文化運動》 27/4, 25/5, 8/6 (六Sat) 每團20人 / 即場參加,先到先得 / 有興趣人士可到葛量洪號滅火輪船頭集合 A Hundred Years of Overseas Studies: Overseas 14/4, 19/5, 23/6 (日Sun) 20 persons per session / First come, first served / Please wait at the head of FireboatAlexander Grantham Study and the New Culture Movement 2 - 2:30pm 一般導賞團 17/4, 22/5, 5/6 (三Wed) 《百年留學︰女子與留學》 General Guided Tours 13/4, 11/5, 15/6 (六Sat) A Hundred Years of Overseas Studies: 2:30 - 3:30pm & 4 - 5pm (星期日及公眾假期 Sun and public holidays) 28/4, 5/5, 30/6 (日Sun) Women and Overseas Studies 2 - 2:30pm 駐船退休消防員特備導賞團 1/6 (六Sat) Special Guided Tours by Retired Firefighters who Used to Work On-board 全日每15分鐘循環播放 2:30 - 3:30pm & 4 - 5pm (星期六 Sat) On repeat whole day every 15 mins 《奉安大典》 (紀念1929年6月1日在南京舉行的孫中山奉安大典) The Grand Funeral (To commemorate the grand funeral of Dr Sun Yat- sen held in Nanjing on 1 Jun 1929)

49 48 其他分館 其他分館

Other Branch Museums 李鄭屋漢墓博物館� 羅屋民俗館 Other Branch Museums Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum Law Uk Folk Museum 2386 2863 2896 7006 博物館展廳位於漢墓旁邊,展示古墓出土的陶 器和青銅器,同時設有「李鄭屋漢墓」展覽和 「互通有無:漢代絲綢之路與貿易圖片展」。 觀眾可透過裝崁在羨道入口的玻璃,或展廳內 的電腦模擬互動展品窺探古墓的內貌。

The exhibition hall was built adjacent to the Han tomb. There are two exhibitions, namely Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb and Trade Passages: A Pictorial Exhibition of the Silk Road in the . In addition to the display of pottery and bronze wares excavated from the tomb, visitors can have a glimpse of the interior of the tomb through the glass panel at the entrance passage, or the interactive computer model in the gallery.

互通有無:漢代絲綢之路與貿易圖片展 版權為香港歷史博物館所有羅屋建於十八世紀,因原戶主姓羅而得名,是柴灣僅存的古村屋,見證了柴灣的歷史發展。鑑於© 2019 Trade Passages: A Pictorial Exhibition of the Silk 羅屋的歷史及民俗價值,前巿政局於1976年決定將羅屋修復為民俗館。1989年羅屋被列為法定古 Road in the Han Dynasty © 2019 Hong Kong Museum蹟,羅屋民俗館於1990年開幕。 of History 羅屋的中央為正廳,廳外設有天井,左右兩旁是建有閣樓的工作間和睡房、儲物室及廚房。屋內 2019年1月29日至2020年1月 展示了香港歷史博物館館藏的鄉村傢具及傳統農具,復原了村屋的內部面貌,反映客家人儉樸刻 29 January 2019 – January 2020 苦的生活方式。羅屋外的空地設有展板,介紹柴灣和羅屋的歷史、羅屋的建築特色,以及客家人 展覽以兩漢時代的絲綢之路為引子,透過在海 的習俗。 陸絲綢之路上發現的文物圖片,介紹漢代的運 Law Uk (the Law House) was built in the 18th century and named after the original owner, whose 輸交通及進出口貨物,讓大家了解漢代的貿易 surname is transliterated as Law. It is the sole remaining example of traditional Hakka domestic 面貌。 architecture in the district of Chai Wan. It stands as a reminder of the shifting changes in Chai Wan in the Making use of photographs of relics course of time. Acknowledging the historical and cultural values of Law Uk, a decision was made by the discovered along the land and sea routes former Urban Council in 1976 to conserve Law Uk as a folk museum. In 1989, Law Uk was declared a of the Silk Road, this exhibition introduces historical monument, and in 1990, Law Uk Folk Museum was officially open. transportation and trade in the Han dynasty, The house has a central main hall that opens to a light well and is flanked by lofted work area, lofted starting with the Silk Road in the Eastern and bedroom, storeroom and kitchen. The traditional village furniture and farm tools on display in Law Uk are Western Han dynasties, to give visitors an selected from the collection of the Hong Kong Museum of History, giving visitors a realistic experience understanding of the explosion of trade in the Han of how the inhabitants would have lived. There are reader rails in the open ground in front of the house dynasty. featuring the history of Chai Wan, the history and architecture of Law Uk, as well as the Hakka customs.

水晶瑪瑙珠串 西漢 廣州市文物考古研究院藏 Ornament of crystal and agate beads Western Han Collection of Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology 51 50 資源及服務 資源及服務

團體預約參觀 預約手語傳譯導賞 Resource and Services Group Visits by Appointments Sign Interpretation Guided Tours by Appointments Resource and Services

香港歷史博物館 香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMH) Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMH) 2724 9026 2724 9026 https://hk.history.museum https://hk.history.museum

孫中山紀念館 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum (SYSM) Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum (SYSM) 3580 6780 3580 6780 https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum

葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery 2367 7821 2367 7821 https://hk.history.museum https://hk.history.museum 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 以下團體可申請免費導賞服務及豁免專題展覽 The following organisations can apply for free 博物館為聽障人士提供每月兩節手語傳譯導 We offer sign interpretation guided tours 入場費: ©guided 2019 tours and waiverHong of admission Kong charge to Museum賞。每節約1至2小時,名額20人 of History( 包括陪同 for people with hearing impairment. Each i. 參觀人數達20人或以上的註冊幼稚園、小 our special exhibitions: 者),先到先得。有興趣人士請於辦公時間內 tour lasts about 1~2 hours for 20 persons 學、中學、專上學院、大學及慈善團體或非 i. registered kindergartens, primary schools, (星期一至五上午9時30分至下午12時45分;下 (including accompanying minders) on a first come, first served basis. Please contact 牟利機構。 secondary schools, post-secondary institutions, 午2時至5時30分)致電各館查詢或預約。 us during office hours (Mon-Fri: 9:30am – universities and charitable or non-profit-making ii. 參觀人數達10人或以上專為殘疾人士或長者 12:45pm & 2pm – 5:30pm) for enquiries or organisations in a group of 20 visitors or more. 服務的註冊學校、慈善團體或非牟利機構。 reservation. 合資格團體可在參觀前兩星期至三個月(由該 ii. registered schools and charitable or non-profit- 月的第一個工作日開始接受報名)向各館遞交申 making organisations serving people with 請。請於辦公時間內(星期一至五上午9時30分 disabilities or the elderly in a group of 10 visitors 至下午12時45分;下午2時至5時30分)致電預 or more. 約。名額有限,先到先得。 Applications should be made 2 weeks to 3 months * 孫中山紀念館專題展覽免費入場。 (from the first working day of the month) to individual museums in advance before the date of visit. Please contact our staff during office hours (Mon-Fri: 9:30am – 12:45pm & 2pm – 5:30pm) for reservation. All services are arranged on a first come, first served basis. * Free admission for the special exhibition of SYSM

53 52 資源及服務 資源及服務

外借服務�� 參考資料室�� Resource and Services Loan Out Services Resource Centre Resource and Services

版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 博物館提供一系列展板及教學資源,歡迎本地 香港歷史博物館 參考資料室位於香港歷史博物館二樓,收藏有 開放時間:  註冊學校,以及慈善團體或非牟利機構免費申©Hong 2019 Kong Museum Hong of History (HKMH) Kong Museum關中國及香港歷史、考古、民俗、自然歷史及 of History星期一至五:上午9時30分至下午12時45分 請借用,更提供免費運送服務,先到先得。 博物館學等參考書刊及影音資料,以及香港早 下午2時至5時正 2724 9026 請於辦公時間(星期一至五上午9時30分至下 年面貌的歷史圖片。不設外借服務,只供於資 星期六:上午9時30分至中午12時 https://hk.history.museum 午12時45分;下午2時至5時30分)致電各館預 料室內使用及閱讀。 (須在一個工作天前預約) 約。有關展板目錄及詳情,可瀏覽各館網頁及 星期六下午、星期日及公眾假期休息 香港海防博物館 Located on 2/F of the HKMH, the Resource Centre 下載申請表格。 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal (HKMCD) provides reference books, periodicals and audio- Opening Hours : Mon to Fri : 9:30am - 12:45pm & 2pm - 5pm We offer exhibition panels and teaching aids 2569 1248 visual materials on Chinese and Hong Kong history, Sat : 9:30am - 12nn for free loan and free delivery to local registered https://hk.coastaldefence.museum archaeology, ethnography, natural history and (Appointment needs to be made one schools and charitable or non-profit-making museology, as well as historical photos depicting day in advance) organisations on a first come, first served basis. 孫中山紀念館 early Hong Kong views. All materials are only used Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum (SYSM) in the Resource Centre and not available for loan. 2724 9009 Please contact us during office hours (Mon-Fri: 2724 9033 9:30am-12:45pm & 2pm-5:30pm) for reservation. 3580 6780 Closed on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public For catalogues and details, welcome to visit our https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum holidays websites and download the application form.

55 54 博物館位置及開放時間 博物館位置及開放時間 香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History https://hk.history.museum 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery https://hk.history.museum

九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號 香港鰂魚涌公園 開放時間 Opening Hours : 開放時間 Opening Hours : 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Quarry Bay Park, Hong Kong 星期一、三至五:上午10時至下午6時 星期一、三至日:上午10時至下午6時  2724 9042 2724 9090  2367 7821 3580 0498 星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至晚上7時 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 星期二(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館 星期二(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館 巴士站 Bus Stop: 尖沙咀東巴士總站 巴士站 Bus Stop: Monday, Wednesday to Friday: 10am-6pm Monday, Wednesday to Sunday: 5, 5C, 5P,5X,8,8A,28, 87D, TST East Bus Terminus: 乘搭途經鯉景道的巴士(2A, 2X, 77, 99, 110, 722),至鯉景灣休憩公園對面下車, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 10am-6pm 213X,215P,215X,219X,224X, 13X,26,35A,41A,98D,98P, 再沿行人路向西步行約5分鐘,經香港電影資料館至鰂魚涌公園。 Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 796P,973,A21 208,796X 10am-7pm Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: Take any bus that runs via Lei King Road (2A, 2X, 77, 99, 110, 722). Get off 10am-5pm 10am-5pm opposite Lei King Wan Leisure Area and walk westwards for around 5 minutes, Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays), and 港鐵站 MTR Station: Location and Opening Hours Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays), and going past the Hong Kong Film Archive to Quarry Bay Park. the first two days of the Chinese New Year Location and Opening Hours 尖沙咀港鐵站B2出口沿金馬倫道向尖沙咀東部方向步行約15分鐘。 the first two days of the Chinese New Year 紅磡港鐵站D1出口沿行人天橋往尖東方向步行約15分鐘。 港鐵站 MTR Station: 免費入場 Free Admission 尖東港鐵站P2出口沿麼地道步行約10分鐘。 免費入場 Free Admission 太古港鐵站E出口經太古城中心和行人天橋步行約10分鐘至鰂魚涌公園。 About 15-minute walk along Cameron Road from Exit B2 of Tsim Sha Tsui Station (指定的專題展覽除外) towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East. 西灣河港鐵站A出口向西經香港電影資料館步行約10分鐘至鰂魚涌公園。 (Except specified special exhibitions) About 15-minute walk along the footbridge from Exit D1 of Hung Hom Station Take Exit E of Tai Koo Station, walk through Cityplaza and then cross the footbridge towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East. to the Quarry Bay Park for about 10 minutes. About 10-minute walk along Mody Road from Exit P2 of East Tsim Sha Tsui Station. Take Exit A of Sai Wan Ho Station and then head west via the Hong Kong Film Archive to Quarry Bay Park for about 10 minutes.

香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence https://hk.coastaldefence.museum 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum https://hk.history.museum

香港筲箕灣東喜道175號 九龍深水埗東京街41號 175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong 41 Tonkin Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon 開放時間 Opening Hours :  2569 1500 2569 1637  2386 2863 2361 2105 星期一至三、五至日:上午10時至下午6時 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 星期四(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館 香港海防博物館現正閉館,進行常設展及古蹟徑的更新工程,並提升館內外設施,我們將於2020年以全新面貌再為公眾服務,為大家帶來 巴士站 Bus Stop: Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 10am- 耳目一新的參觀體驗。 2,2A,112,796C,970,970X 6pm The museum is now closed for revamping its permanent exhibition and historical trail, and upgrading visitor facilities. We look forward to © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: meeting you with a fresh look in 2020. 10am-5pm Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays), and 港鐵站 MTR Station: the first two days of the Chinese New Year 長沙灣港鐵站A3出口沿指示牌步行約10分鐘。 免費入場 Free Admission 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum About 10-minute walk from Exit A3 of Cheung Sha Wan Station.

香港中環半山衛城道7號 7 Castle Road, Mid-Levels, Central, Hong Kong 開放時間 Opening Hours : 星期一至三、五:上午10時至下午6時  2367 6373 3580 0498 羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum https://hk.history.museum 星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至晚上7時 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 香港柴灣吉勝街14號 開放時間 Opening Hours : 巴士站�Bus Stop: 專線小巴 Minibus: 星期四(公眾假期、孫中山先生11月12日誕辰及 14 Kut Shing Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong 星期一至三、五至日:上午10時至下午6時 12,12M,13,23,23B, 8,10,22,22S,28,31 3月12日忌辰除外)、農曆年初一及二休館  2896 7006 2724 9090 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 40,40M,103 Monday to Wednesday, Friday:10am-6pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 星期四(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館 10am-7pm 巴士站 Bus Stop: 專線小巴 Minibus: Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 8 16M,18M,43M,47M,48M 10am-5pm 10am-6pm Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays, the Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 港鐵站 MTR Station: anniversaries of Dr Sun’s birth on 12 November 10am-5pm Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays), and 中環港鐵站D1或D2出口往中環至半山扶手電梯至堅道,再沿行人路向西步行 and death on 12 March), and the first two days the first two days of the Chinese New Year 約5分鐘。 of the Chinese New Year 港鐵站 MTR Station: Take Exit D1 or D2 of Central Station to the Mid-Levels Escalator from Central to 柴灣港鐵站B出口沿指示牌步行約5分鐘。 Caine Road, and walk westwards along the pavement for around 5 minutes. 免費入場 Free Admission 免費入場 Free Admission About 5-minute walk from Exit B of Chai Wan Station.

編輯:推廣服務組 Editorial : Extension Services Unit 版權屬康樂及文化事務署所有©2019年 版權所有,未經許可,不得翻印、節錄或轉載 Copyright©2019 Leisure and Cultural Services Department All rights reserved. 57 56