> Unified systems • MACS-ATS (ATS & SCADA): Good performance and high efficiency for dispatching and reduction of implementation and life cycle cost, centralized control, decentralized back up • CBI & ZC: High performance and good expandability, proven track record for high speed railway signalling products such as TCC, TSRS and RBC > Energy efficiency > Configuration oriented design > Reduces data configuration work and data validation process of the original station REFERENCE – BEIJING CHANGPING LINE As a system integration contractor, HollySys has successfully implemented Beijing Subway Changping Line Phase 1 which has been in revenue service since 2010. And the Phase 2 of Changping is currently under construction and expected to be integrated with Phase 1 opening for service in 2015. Phase 1 Chengnan Station to Xi’er Qi Station, 7 stations and full length of 21.42 Km with 15.5km elevated section, 2.92km underground section and 3.0 km ground section. Phase 2 Ming Tombs Station to Chengnan Station, 4 stations and full length of 10.28 Km all underground section. The complete double track 31.7 Km long Changping line consists of 1 Control Center, 1 Back-up Control Center, 11 Stations, 27 of 6-set trains, 2 depots with 1 training center and 1 maintenance center. HollySys (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd 200 Pandan Loop, #08-01 Pantech 21, Singapore 128388 Tel: +65 6777 0950 Fax: +65 6777 2730
[email protected] Urban Railway SIGNALLINGSIGNALLING All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2014 by HollySys International. SedSed QuiaQuia NonNon DoloreDolore NequeNeque porro porro quisquam quisquam est, est, qui qui dolorem dolorem ipsum ipsum quia quia dolor dolor sit sit amet, amet, consectetu consectetur,r ,adipisci adipisci velit, velit, sed sed quia quia nonnon numquam numquam eius eius modi modi tempora tempora incidunt incidunt ut ut labore labore et et dolore dolore magnam magnam aliquam aliquam quaerat quaerat voluptatem.