
Vote Clinton 2000 Moooo. . . Streak busting 38-20 victory We know he can‘t run for State Fair food got you J«on Football‘s a third term. but you sick? Don't feel lost or over UNC was the highlight of a busy fall know you’d vote for him It incorrect. just see Dr. T break for NC. State you could. Opinion. p. 4 in A&E.

Wednesday October 18, 2000

EC h .com

Students react Maher sounds off to “Politically h) no“ . httt at least se\en states o Technician's Richard Morgan in the past - posed questions to talk show host ’l‘eelinieiari: And l).(‘. Incorrect” Bill Maher after Mahers appear- .\lalier': Yeah. I mean. a great deal ol ottr eonstitttttonal ltrstor} o Area students responded to ance Saturday at Stewart Theatre. iii .-\urei'iea has to do \\llll tlte the issues brought up when the struggle hettteeii the state gov Riehard Morgan er'riuiertt and tlte letleral gtne‘t‘lk show visited N.C. State. \' or K gs-iler them that‘s \\liat er\rt rights \\ere. lhat s \\hat the ("oil War James Gorrrtan 'leehnieian: ()n \lt(".s "The “to Right trots. that light rs tak- \'l.itt Reporter View" )ou said _\our eollege Ittg plaee on the drug li'oiit tour “as teaeliing _\ou that \rtd Its [le‘stllldl to tire tltat During the opening rriono- youth are stupid and no one polttteiarts \\lio spend .1 lot of logtre to Saturdays "Politrealh under the age of 25 should he their trnte praising the \\ rse ehoro Itieort'eei” earnpus \rsit. host allowed to tote. ('an sou quali- es tltat people make attd ho“ Bill Maher ot'tharidedl) implied t'_\ that at all‘.’ good the people are sotttehou tltat It \\ould he an e\eiiitig ol' lttll .\Ialter' \\ell. l rust ICIttt‘IlI' don't trust those saute people eontt'oters) and etitertauuneiit. her \\ll.il I used to tliritk \\liert 1 \\lreri thes \ote tor sortiethrng \Mtli a less eseeptions. the Ms tti eollege. arid I tliiitk our like Itietlieal Iltttt'ltlldtld It's deli audieriee helie\ ed he tirade touittrs r'e\eies _\otitlt tor‘ Itiedia rIIteI). detrrrrtels an esarnpleotan good on his “out. The atrdrenee purposes and tlteretot‘e ele\ates tl\t‘l'»lt‘tts‘llltl_i_' tedetal gou‘t'tr slttl\\Ctl stgris ol' diseontl'ort Ilieii le\el oi diseour'se, \shieh Is riterit. during Matters rattrteh) open— not high rtor sliotild it he high, I 'l‘eehnieian: ’l'he l'ailed drug rng rtionologue htrt ttuiekl) tilt'dll. \ott‘re rtot men in the real star “as raised h) .\rianna *1 alanine-.3n¢~5-0‘I \\at‘riied to the host's dir‘eet and tsorld _\et. hon irttteh eotild tou llul‘l'ington's Shadosi uninhibited eortieds sole. :\s ptxsstl‘l) kllim ’ ('onieiition this pear. the e\etittig progressed. I tltrrtk there needs to he more \laher I spoke at It rttssell Maher's eorigt‘egatiort elreeted st‘tht‘ .thoat hoe. rtitreli _\outlis ahotit that set} suhtett ttlttl te‘et‘ed at the panel‘s healed knots and ttliar their plate ts 'leehnieiaii: .\nd its relation to discussions. \l‘t‘dlslll‘.‘ at the tahle the prison industr). \ihieh 'l'he l\\tt rrtost poptilar guests. I Irieart. its ahead) too rrtueh sou'se also touched on a maple iit ter'irts ot‘ posttne atidieriee that \ottre toting and heatitilul. of times tonight. Do you think response. were aetor .Ia) tori krtt at 'You eart t he 'a ise, too that all the people in the mer- ’I'hortias and John llood. head \tltl \t‘ gotta lt‘tz‘st‘ siltltt‘llltttgf lttt ertmded prisons should just be ol‘ the John lateke l-otirttlatroii. \\ltert ~\ott get older set free? ( )r ho“ do _\ou think it Itut panelist Doug \lt'ltttr‘rie). ll heeaiiie \\ rse atl ahotrt i7 and should nork‘.‘ eo—lounder ol' the gtHCI'lltltL‘Ilh a hall litrt Its an ongoing .\laltet .liist the Innoeent ones. oriented Weh site ptoeess lath das _\ou heeortie \rtd I ktlil\\ Irrt \\as otrt oti a Shadougmeont. protoked the ttiset \ouw ttist had hall the liitrh \\ Ith that one ltttt. _\eah. the greatest atidieriee reaetioii \sitlr tlats he had to do so Irinoeetit ones. the (iod krtotss his opposition to drug ngtllI/tti 'leehnieiati: \\ould you mow trots trian_\ . at least. I think. halt tron and his antI-horitosexital the \(Hlflu age haek' to 2!? a rittlltor: at \zoleitt drug \ |L‘\\ s .\l.ilier‘ Id rrto\e drugs to II otlertdeis \s Ito are eausiirg tlte hig I“. n- \t orie poriit during the slltl\\. '\‘et‘l‘.i'li ,tl ‘l ltltt o\ei'er'o\\dirig prohlerti lIt the \lelturrte) eoirrrtierIII_-tl that ~I'eehnieian: You talked pirsorrs "Itortrose\uals I'epioduee h} tonight ahottt (im. (iar) l-I. lint Iirt eertaiuls riot lot ertIptv riioleslirtg little elitldi'eii." drau- Johnson in \e“ \le\ieo and his ing the Il1[\t|H\ lrti not men irtg \oeal espr‘essrons ol eontti el‘l'orts to legali/e marijuana. against the death pertalt} it \\e stort. disheltel arid outrage lioiit He's also talked about legalil- tart Jsstllk‘ tittlsel\s‘\ that \\e‘re lllL' t'ltl\\tl. ing heroin and eoeaine. .\rid a doing it to tlte right people 'I et's .\Iaher. \\Ito had duhhed the lot of states. espeeialh .\laska. kill the |I_L‘l|l people lll.tls |Il\ outspoken Melturrte} "tiod's are tr) ing legislature to legali/e little eaiehplrrase IIo\\ ‘l as kill lightning rod." struggled to marijuana on tlill'erent leiels. the trelz' people keep tr‘orri tallrrig out or his seat Ho“ do _\ou think that it \ioi'ks 'l'eehnieian: \ou ean ser'i e iii a .i laughing. \\hen states ask for things that politieal eapaeit) as a eoniedi~ BillMaher can give the impression that he's angled. even when he's standing straight up. llespite \le‘HtIr‘riet‘s tiiipopti the federal goternnient \\on't an. I'eople so} it .la) Leno like in this picture. Can you? lat rests. sortie audteriee Itieirr allim‘.’ makes more jokes about Bush. hers \sere glad he \\as on the \laher \\etl thats a set} per then ltush's polls go doiui. ot things lltl\tl}tlt:1 are a little hit understood h\ enough people Ill aiitl then don't hother to r -ad partel sortal porrtt nsttlt Itte liti\\ lle'tallse \lahet ls’telrt ahead or \sliere IIIe eottritr’_\ is. l Iii_\ ltletitrte up on the stor) you're mention- ‘l-\ert though lte had some lliaie .t lrieud altos sew-iii}; tail 'l'eehnieian: \nd _\ou lime tliirtk. So. tlietes aetuall) rtot tltat tllitt I do III to get good \\llll ing iti "Time" or "\esssueek’"? eotttrmer'sial ltlt'ds. l think It 'rrtre llt‘t.ttllst‘ he did sortietlitrr:: that poster. Ilo _\ou ('H‘l' feel a great a danger oi tlte Lt‘lllllH (ltltl. \ou kttoo arid the \‘I. her Its like sortteo'te \\lio \\as good tor the eartipus to lllttl llte‘ slate \.tlil \\.ts ls'del .tllil r -a| weight on sour shoulders adopting these poltt res at least. rttorte\ s good. reads the t lrlls \otes and doesnl iealI/e tha there are peop': the lederal j'oterrtttrent ptoseetit \iitli the responsihilit) \\llt‘ll not right Ilt\\\. aetttall) \\Islt the 'Ieehnieian: l knoo a lot of Ii.‘.til lllL‘ l‘titik ll s l‘e'lle‘t lllttIl Iltll \\ ith those kinds ol reuse" s;-. d ed lttrrt lot. ‘-\llltll \\as "Ii‘\‘.,.l}' sou're telling at lot ol‘ political eottntt's \\ere triore III danger ol times ~sou get people eoniing up reeling .titttltirrg. \lttl it tou‘r'e turtror Ieshe Ierrrpletort Itiettrtal twartrtiarta. altrtit is jokes'.’ listening to tire to _\ou aho say the) are big fans .'ortita «‘et _\out Irieat arid pota- \ot e\er_\otte agreed. sortie-thing setetr rttathe more \lalter \eali. hIIt realh the kind I «lorit think \\CIC L‘tlIIlL‘ ltl of the shots and the) low get- toes, I \\t'ttltl Iatltei Ilie\ get it "l tlrtiik at sortie porrit .\laher IegaIr/e drugs artstrrrte soort I ting nens t'roni _\ou heeause it's troiti tlls' heeattse ttia_\he \\e‘ll should lt.‘t\ e ntti/lled don‘t tliiitk people ate going to real and edg) and the) see son stsat a le\\ trtoie people around l.\lel%tir'rte_\l and let sortteone For more “” \\ake tip arid see ltoo sil|_\ relr as this uneensored. untilter'etl to this arrtr Ittaiitstr'eairr \\a_\ ot else lt.r\ e a eliartee to talk." said of \lat‘tlta Mullet gtorr is. sort knou’ l rust don‘t souree. What do wit make Ilte strhteets disetissed during coverage, see A&E, page 6. think the krrtd ol things I sa_\ are people who get llt'\\s front )0" MAHEFt wage t the prograitt \\htelt irielttded drug legaIt/atiort and mo rightsprmuled the basis lot Centennial Campus the questions asked during the tit-esttoIi-aiid arisuei portion or the shott. \Vhtlt‘ seu‘t‘al students dlt'et‘l’ to host job fair ed questions to“ aid Melttii'nm arid his eoritt'oiersial \lL‘\\ s. o On Oct. 19, Centennial ('erttettriral ('arttpus most Hi the panelists ltL‘ltlL‘tl til l’artrieislitp l)e\eloper \tti) least one personally addressed Campus will host its first-ever Itthas helped to oi'garii/e the truer} job lair. Participating compa- roli lalt. \\litelt is L'\[K'L'lt_‘tl lo "lloo do )ou resti'arri _\otit'selt nies include Bayer Corporation, heeottte art annual e\erit l.uh.is e\er‘) itiglit. listening to this said that the toh lair ettttle kiiid ol’ stttlt“"‘ one unidentified Lucent Technologies and ahotit not ortl_\ as :I \\a_\ to help student asked Malier. reterr'irig Ericsson. students ltiid rohs. htit also as a to Meliurtie} 's eornrttents. herretrt to the tourpattres and 'l'lie attdieriee Iiad rnostl) pose Roh (‘authen groups lltat ehose to lame to an e I'e\ retss ol the program. Start ls'epot rev the ('eritentiial ('artrpus "It \\as teall_\ eseititig." said "It‘s art illllltll'ltlllll) tor the senior Brad .lolirisort. ”Thes (lit (let. I”. sorrtett here eorporate and i'ti\L‘l'tllthIll took four t'e‘all) eontroset'sitil hetueett Still and lulltltl \1' partners lor ('entenriial gttests. and the) \\or‘ked real|\ State sltttlt‘tlls tile t'\]lL‘\‘lCtl to ('atttpusl to lta\ e aeeess to the \\ell together." I tittatle (‘erttentital (‘aniptis III students at \( Sl‘. and it pro l‘lt.‘sll|lltttt R).iri tl'Quinn l‘trrstiit ol'one ot ttte rarest eol- ‘. lths tltertt \\IIll sortietlitrig wt r‘t N Mtnll agreed legiate eorninodtties. a lIItIrI‘e the) \\ouldrt't ha\e elseisliet‘e." Fun times at the north Carolina State Fair. The blue monkey apparently enjoys the ride. "I \\ as entertained h) it rust L‘tltt‘L‘t'. s.lltl I.IIhas '\\’e're holding a l\) the sheer diwrsity ol'the Ihe ('eriterirttal ('attiptis \\rll ear'eei tart right III tlieii‘ haek— people's \ie\\s." he said. host its ltrst e\ei‘ roh lair lroitt tutti lt'tlltl three loeatrous on Main dents \\ottld attend arid soplioitroies to eoiite ottt The shoss \\as not without Its II a III to J p rti (let I‘) on the \long \\ith the opportunit} to ('autpus. '\llllttltj_'ll rIIatI_\ ol the lllllls here to e\plore (‘eritertnial l'la\\ s. \eriture (‘attiptis \lot‘e than ltl trrid a toh. the l'air's hosts are Stitee this Is (‘eriteiiriial “I“ he lookitig tor students (‘airiptis to learn \\liat we lltt\ e "In terms ot‘ a hr'oader range toniparties. ranging lrorrt irrtor attetrtptiiig to entree students to (‘artipus's l‘rrst roh lair. the \\lllt haekgr'ottnds iri erigriteerr out here. so that \\hen the} are ot issues. there were a lot or Irration teehrtologt lrritts to attend \\llll the promise ot tree oi'garii/er‘s do not lslltl“ \\ hat to trig. students ol all rrrators. as rumors and seniors the) \\ Ill he things I felt \\er'en't entered." eateer eeritets “I” ha\ e iepie tood. |I\e rnusie lr'oitt the local espeet In terms ol turnout. httt “C” as all L‘ldssL‘M ttt‘L‘ Ctlet'ltl'r Iltt'I'C l'arrtrlrai' \\lllt \sltat \\e said Kari ('r'oop. "They kept seutatoes on hand to meet artd haitd l)rrltriig Through arid an Ltthas guessed that sortie“ here aged to attend. litre students espiess slrtittle to the toh lair hettteen Stltl and Hum siti- "We \\otild like the t'i'eslirttert See JOB Page 3 See Pl. Page :3 sunday monday-thursday iriday saturday 2 ‘ rock rock rock rock

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report that he had opened tltc Robbins ot tIie l.IIII~_\ \tIIIleIIt \cik stIlc ‘s\llIilIt‘I\ ol tliI \.Itt ‘.‘..t\ stopped IIII IlIIIlnI. t. I I \t \l press bo\ tor an NCSI' (L eiilet \Iltnitiisttatioit (’lltck lli‘Il been ltltslz,‘Il IIIII .IiiIl IIII_- litI.e eat tlte \til|i\..II II ‘II III I I Baseball lL‘dltt inter-squad klk'lL‘k'lC‘tl lllk' cI‘tltIltllI‘Il Ittll It't‘ttllL' I'lItlitlt .ItiIl i.'|lIlII'II lItII.I.§ IIIt .IIIII 'liIitIll'I' ‘ 'I. II' sertnitnage on ()et. (i at \iltIle IouIIttne the main Ill.ll ‘.\I‘tt' II.ittt.IIIeIl tIItlitatItth that stop st‘.'ll \\lIllI I\ItIii:‘ tie I, ‘L to iI’tI|I IIIIsM appt'o\tinatel_\ I pm. He hit had been tecci\ed th.. Ila‘. ~IlIl‘Ir‘ItiIL' llmIl .ItlettIptIIl to that \llc'ti tuItkiIig.‘ def». died ther stated that the baseball She \\.is not sure ttIIti'I nhtch ~i.tll llIt‘ ‘eltli It." .I. I t letalinjj III .IpiItIIuiiiatI It I. .qq .j I, III. l‘IIil-ll learn \\ as responsible t‘or department had ottgt lln‘ l‘l‘t'I lIIt.l \cIII‘sldI \.Ill In) I‘IIpIi on llII.itiI.Itt lIii'Ie \III'I‘I IIIIIILI iIt-IIII llIIll slII' relocking the press hm at the nated Is I“~I\lchl l“I llit‘ \lltltll llL‘L‘l IIIt' I‘Itslt‘tl ‘l‘s'kl IIIIIlI ‘Ilt . III 'I‘" V. II II completion ol their \C’l‘lltt‘ Robbins also stated that the \l.In..j_'ettIenI lJt‘IIsIItti III the llIlllIIl.ilI Is I\ |II|Il. b I IV. t1II I it I triage. hitt he l‘ound it 'I:t||e_\ \ltident ( enter \( l)ep.ItliitI.'IIt «It \IcIIIIltIlL' III 'II‘ I’dl It. I l. I I II II utilocked ‘on the morning ol' .-\dnittitsti.ttien ()Iltce Is look liattspoitation. .itIIl ll nas last \tllt’H tt‘tllill llittllt‘ l.tll\'II lIt I I l ,, III. I ()c‘l. I), tug into acttttiitne yellou seen l‘c‘lItlc‘ lllL‘ IlllL'lIII‘lC'Ll petloitn .I. sohttelx test .It IIII 'lI I' It Itc'll ('o\ also toutid that someone coutItetleit tnarkiuj: peiis lhcll .tl .Ipptosititatcls p in tone that llt I\.I~ stoma .! III. it I lI..’ I l‘l‘ had stolen the amplifier front Iheie are no knonti stispe. Is Itlt llcl ll l’lllilte \Ilt'l. tilllIIl I’lt'\lI‘II ,. the announcing and stereo at this tune llit'lc' .tlt‘ III‘ lstlti‘oll stlstk‘cls l‘IIoIc.ItIIItt.Itts|uItl1ItIIItiI I.I I II l In kl II I‘- s_\ steins ot‘ l)oak field. oi ‘\IIlt\\s\‘\ lo the attempted llie \\.Ike( IIIIIII'I \l Igi' tt.IlI- ‘ I I, II. II. t I II tI there are iio kittmii suspects Motor l'leet \an iiearl) lllt'll tittttI- \IliIie III tI _tstIiIIl .I ' ‘ :I.I I at this tune. stolen II II blIII-II IIIIIt-III .Iit.;et.l III: I IIII l Sound equipment stolen Raleigh laborer charged .ttt lIIlIt\tl‘s. I “It'll II‘l‘IIt‘II l'roin l)oak l’ield (‘ounterl'eit moire) passed ()l-lIC'IIIIs at the \ (‘ \tate \iitlt l)\\l near httlliian It‘st I IIIlc' at 'l‘alle} ('oniinottieation \L'l\lL\"I l'lltil'J I\ .i lc‘\lilt‘lll Hl .EIII I .II Illl' ‘ ‘..l:IIIl \n sxiti tonnd aniplittei olltcc tepotled the .Ittcttiptcd l’tlltllc' S.ilc'l_\ clldlflt‘tl .1 :l' ls’aleieh. tht he Is not .III I’I I " Ias stolen tiotii the l)oak -\n unknonn suhtecl passed tliel't III a state owned \an )s'dt' tiltl l{.tlt"_‘_‘li lill‘lllt'l \\Illt \('\| student I: ' .ImlttI: l’II‘Ilt. I Ield l’ress ltos sometime d countert'eit Sill hill at the patked iii the litttlct Iltt\tri;_' \\htle iitipaiied earl} ‘I I ” IItilIs..ItI-d tliI- IIsei tlic \teckend ol ()ct (I 'I’alley Student (‘enter some- (’otiiinunicatioits l.ot met the Sunday morning (let I‘ Mteatsliirt stoleit l‘rotn ll'II' Hunk-II I s thtonelu time Monday. ()et,‘ “eelseitd ol ()ct ll.ttttl Ii. Rll‘-\c‘ll Roy l’IIItle III .I \( ‘Sl Bookstores It s I. i‘t \(‘\l cttiployee ('artttee .»\ecording lo the Public .~\ceoi‘dtiig to the l’iihlie l.IbIItct \\IllI (ioles (.isll.II ltIIle {as said III a l'til‘lte \'.ilt‘t_\ Sale!) police report. Donna Salet} police report. the rlll ltitnttiiie on (.Ipil.I| Itl\II. \ii IitianI'oti sIII‘I...’ stIIII- .. the elitism or the monopoly 'l‘echnician: You don't see that that the two-party system has? as a \ote for Bush? WKNC I MAHER .\laher: Yes \lahet‘: I don't care I mean. I JOB 'l'eclinician: Ilow'.’ don't like llttsli and I don't like For the 88'1”“ 51 Matter: Well. the) time a (iotc. Yottre tight I like Iiiish thinking. monopoly oii poner. People tit even less. btit (lore ts itot so slll' touting: balls to the more lta\c to IItIei said I til‘as bestin Rap 53' litil. _\IIti knon. it \\tltll\l he hetr pouer don't usually gin: it tip let'enl that I lcel the \ote \sottld issues " Moon: the eiorips that \\lll I'et to take tnore ot .In and utter unless you l‘orce them to. and Hip-Hop“ est III nens and uiiat s going on ()l course the)'re against hto ing not be better ser\ed by tiiakine a (ltliet's \Iete disappointed In participate III the toh l.ttt .IIe ..tound you tor no other reason Ralph Nader llt lltt‘ debates case lot opening the process tip the pet‘loiniancc ol \ (' States |i.t)ct (otpoiation. lineal that it's interesting Your the \\ ill because then llleyd httyc‘ to slice ()I course. it's a|\\;t_\s ine\ itable student iepiesenlattIe. \atalie lechnoloutes. lttcsson. l('l mm .Itttiall) he better arid more him a piece ol the pie. They'd a hen an outside part} reaches the Huggins. leleeotn and the II lllllt engaged. tnotc tun; _\ou'|l he .i time to adtust to the tact that Itiainstt‘eaiti position ol pouei; it ”()tit‘ student replesentatne (elito net the cottipanics “I” Irreater. inore Interesting person. someone is going to haie air “ill be stilllL‘\\lt.tl corrupted It's didn't seem to lia\: an} solid present opportunities tot ltlll 55 ine\tt.ible, .\Ieet the Ilc‘\\ [\(isN. \ieupoinl ‘ said Johnson 'She tiiiie etnplo_\tnent. part tiine se‘( “Ill be bettei. iipptilttllill} to enlighten the pub- seemed to be lit a bit o\ ct lic‘l’ employment. internships arid 'l'eelinieian: “ith your talk- lic to ideas that these guys aren't same as the old boss. you kito\s .‘ (I! tip\ ing about the anti-mainstream eI en talking about. lint l tltiiik Ralph Nader nould llk‘dtl.“ thinking. Bush and (lore lime So. ol~ course they're not going pretl) tiittcli .i|\\ti}s be Ralph l'ciiipleton helteied there \\hile the organt/et's ot the beett criticized for approaching to go tor that. And unless there's Nader .iiid that’s uh} he'll ne\er \tasnt etiIItt_I'li Ili\ei'sit_\ iii the e\c‘ttt lc‘c‘l sltIdL'ttts slttittld the middle. 'l‘ied iii \iitli tltat. l enough pressure l'roni the people “Ill because he really doesn't panelists come out to see \\ liat career kilo“ it's diliicitlt for people to to attoxs ttietn to let Nader aitd his pander. l\\ htclt is \t In I he'll make 'I \\otild li.I\c liked to true opportunities are .i\ai|.ible to peg you (limit because the) peg like in. they're just not going to a gl'ettt leatlci‘ seen more \-.onten. ot petllaps them. the} lcel that students )0" as liberal. but then the) do It soineone teprcsctiling.‘ the lll‘c‘lr should come out to learn more also see that )ou liaie some 'l‘echnieian: “hat about lle's ati actual leadci. He tells at his coiiiintinily." she said. about the campus as well coiiseriatiie aspects. when Nader was denied going people \that he llttnks and asks "\Ve hope the students \ktll Do you think that the cen- into the Boston debate as an them to consider changing their litil ('hits l\tl‘l\. .I slttdeiit \IV come. not only trisiii in gtmriinient today is audience member? What did ttiiiids to lolloii his superior plan lllllf.’ l'i'oni lhike l‘intei‘stt}. to meet \\Illt inakitig it too It ird to let other you make ol‘that'.’ 'llltc‘ other guys dottt do that lottitd the shims shortcomings the companies. bill to e\plore m‘Zfl Monday parties like the (ireen Part). Maher' lle deser\es a little The) look at polls to tell them had little to do \\llli the topics Centennial (‘atnpus arid learn a through Thursday the Libertarian Party and the tnore props than that. you knois'.’ “hat people already tlitiik and Illsx'llssc‘d, little tiiore ahottt uhat's otit Natural La“ I’art) be under- He is Ralph .\adet. tl'tn \oting then teed that brick to those pelt "I \Htltlt‘tl to see tnore skin. here.” said (‘entennial (‘aInptis Saturday stood or be heard because of lotI Ralph. ple. 'l'ltat‘s itol leadetship. personally Kirk said. Intetitti l)ii'eetoi liob ('Ieolas.

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TECHNICIHN’S tJtEttJ Premature

emancipation t't‘t the \II\eIIIl‘et Jiltttl hettettt III eII.IhtIIII_' II more open. (teltg‘lktt t'tL‘Cttl‘tt. \I‘tttt IIIIIIe ttevhle \IItIng [II‘IIeexx ILII‘ ('IIIIIttItII'x llII.IIIt IIt tleIttIItIx IIIIIIIeIglIx .III_\ [Intentmt Itett't- Itltttn thIttI‘\\Itt:‘ \herIteetttte IIIeIItx \‘IIIII \IItIIIe SIIII. the ItithIItIt Ill . (i e It e I‘ III euttxe III: the Thls year, .\xerIIhlI ~x tttxt ttIIIe N 0 r t h eh;ttt;_tex do not \eeIIIItIIIg III :10 Int enough. the ,\ (‘ til "I 'x Carolinians can \'e\t _\eIIt. \Vt‘t‘ \Ite‘. .. t tte' Cte‘e'ltuttx \\ttt t‘e‘ t‘”N \IIt‘tlI send in absentee ttk'ttt t'Ut‘ ttte (‘III'IIIIIII ballots without IIllIeex M (It) (‘I e II e t' .Il ('IIIIIIeIl ttIeIIt -\xerIIht} offering an heI‘x. \ ;It'tIIttx lXI\\I.'It tII‘.\ x [II eIItIttt) IItt‘tetIItx (Iowa/>1: fem / xtr’ct, W .IIIIeIIIt 'tte‘ EXCUSE. Is this Iltttt xIIIIIe tIIeIIl But WM .IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII; change tn the III WI Pt'tk’e‘w ' , I t‘ttIIxL‘ e‘tt‘e tylflIm/WW fab CL M W III;It‘l\II_‘ttIItt ”.\ ('. (iett VOthg 'prcoesS tt\ttt\ ltIm e\ et‘. \tttt I maklng the vote \\ltt ltIIt t'CItl‘ the UH ‘ ‘" I i I x.IIIte hettet'ttx III I\.Ix .IIIIeIIIteIl III better or the \‘IItlIIItIt .tttIIII \I‘tk't\ tt‘ e\ettxe .IhxetItee P.C. culture breeds Eminem eIIxt .III \t‘xettte worse? IItte xtIIII IIIIIII: ()ttL"\‘t\t]‘ t‘ ‘ttI “ III‘IIeexx tlI.It ttttx Richard \tIIrudtI It \t IJtItl“ I'\'\ It ,‘e‘llI‘III xIIIIIIIItttII .tt‘IIlt‘II" It Iztthu 'IeIIt.‘ II III. x ttl I ‘I II l\ ttt ttte‘ L'I‘ttt‘t'ttt ItI‘ITIIIII II, k\t‘[l e.II’x eteettIIIIx \'. ltt gtttttet. tl-‘tltit tI.I\lxl,IxtI .‘lt ‘II‘.tl\ tItt\'t tIIgteIII |t.It.tItIIIIIII IIIItwt the x t t l" :‘IIIIIIheI'eIt :\‘\'Ilt\ It; .‘I IHII ,I II I f. the IItIt\ .ItettIIIettt tIII the ’\ “hen the IIIIhI Ittth IIIIIIII: ltlIIle‘ \I‘ltlttttt tItIIIIIItttIIII' tIt ttt‘ I II ,\ l EMU. ete I‘xIIthIIIt'I tr ‘ ' 'I It» titlt ‘x IzltIIuIII: the mute IItIetI (V l\.ttt:I eI tte‘Lt Ithte ttIeII I*..t ‘.I.t|I the I-II'tIt IlII leux II: M h x IIIIII ' t:.I't t' ' ’ II \IIte .III e\ettxe IIIetltIIIl IIt \IIIIII; IIII \I‘tttL‘ elee IIIII\eIIIetIt |I_«.:IIII 'l‘IItItI “ II‘Ie t.ItItex tx the t‘( tII- ‘I l‘llIt I Ix t “It Ix .III llttl‘I‘ltHIt IIIszIIII. ;: ttIIttx .IIIIl IIIIt IItttet'x Ix ttt.It the III the xe\eIIttex the It, 'I‘Itte t‘\\'t " \tttIItll tttetIt’x ItetIIxtIIII ttI.It t.tl|“ll.l:'I I he, Altttt \t t tttIIt It Mme? ettIII-xttt: ?II III' ' in tut tt \_ItIIe\ xIIItIe eteeIIIIItx tL'l. 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II.I 'I‘I‘tttttt tIttIIt xIII tt xIItIttetx III .ItteIIIIIt III It‘lltlttt tttxttt\ tttI .tstlt‘tt‘ IIt l‘ttH. tl xIIt IIeIIIItItIlIxIIttzetItx III le IxIItIIIII \tt'tttl’t‘! .IttIt ('IItIIIIIItII tte‘thlflt “the IIIIIIIIIII III \l‘. ttIttltlth II t‘II.IxIIt .Itttt tI \\tl|\tt ItIIex tIIIt t’.Ite~ItItIt.III l"IIItexII tx .I.x .I ..IIII-It. t’.III-IIIIIIt IIIx Ix. xItI. tet tIx .III.It\/e IIII .I I I e‘II \I 'e.I.II‘.I‘ ill‘ IIIIIIIIIxIIt hunt the \ \xttIett IIItt” IIIIIkex .ItI ,I'ltI‘ e\tIt.IIII the Ltt‘tItIItt‘te Itltflt't IIt \ tteIIeh III‘IIx I_ IIII IeIIIIIteIt l‘t\ .ItI« II IIItIx (IIIt‘e‘x tIIIinIIIII "I'ttttIlt 'IIIIlI'Ifi t'II-II ( IIIIe'x II\\II ”tL‘Itttt I'Iitlt xt.IteIIIeItt III .Itt.Iet\ttI;: IIIIIII tttI' IYIIh‘xtIiIlItth the lIIIItIt\III:' xIeIII‘ III the tttII\ t'L‘\Ittt|'tL‘\ 'II tt\'\‘ \ltC t‘e-thItIIII: tt‘ xee ttte tIIex \IlIII xpeIIlI IIIIe t.It1;'II.I-_'e t\'I IIItth xtIIIIItIt t‘\' ttltIIl‘tIte‘It Itt xIIIJI' l‘t t1 II‘III |‘t\t \ttItIIIItIItIIIIt t|.;I!e‘~I t t'tItttll‘» (iIIt‘e xhttex ltI.tt tII.l\t tIIIItItIIIJ lIxtItIttth IIl lIIx IIte.Ix Ittttt t‘x‘tte"t‘ III ttttL' llhttttt tett .ttt xIItex. xII th.It IIIIIIIIIItIx kIttt he \t IltttII ttte hII_\ x ttttIttttlLI. xIIIIt‘IIIIIIIIIe \tttttttlt t‘t' t‘ttltllt‘tt II' ltt 'II1. tIIIII' :II I :II tIItxe I't.1Itttx .tte I':It:t. eIIIII‘I.ItetIt tII xIItIIehIIIt\ lIIIIIIIIt \‘Ilttt ‘ItttIItIt_\ tttxteItIt IIt tuthet IIII'Il tII IIIIIteII ttt‘x xIIII lIII: t'I IlItII IIt \I II tIeI‘ l’IIIIIttexx Itt‘edx \x IIIIttIl tIIIIIII‘III IIIII the I'lltl teIItx ate IIIIlt ttth' It \\txt1|ltL‘ IIII \Ittfll’tlJ IItII.t IL'lltll.ItI\\' the hut \\.tx \tIIII tIIItt IIIIIIx III III“ 1\ _,'tII\\ ill-J I ‘it|ttlkt’tII‘-t‘vtt HII; he Ix elettett tIIexIItetIt. httt IIthI \t.Itjl.:IIIt III he t\I.I ItttteIetIt ttI t“t the ttIIllIIIIt I'Httt t‘tIIIIIt .tlttt tttk'tt lll ttl~ Letts and rights IIIIIxt IIeIelIIII III.III.I~_IeIIIeIII i‘t.ttl\ \Pt k‘ttte lxetl\'\ xtlLtt .Ix II.It:IIIIx tut ,III tItIhI.Iert .III.I|) xt. t‘IIII.IIIItIIItI I\.Ix tI.Ixert \\tt|ett t;IttteI'x Itltll\ \II .IIIItIIIlIIIIIe ttIIIt tItth/e tt.tt‘.ll lt IexIIIII x " .' II‘xIIIItI’ex tttIlt _III' xtIte III .I ItII tttteII I ttl he IIIIIxIIteIeIt .I IIIIIIIIIIteIE tittt.IttI'x tItI-II III “the ttt't\ktv t"I.IxxIIIII \t titttIeth, III.Ix tlltlth‘ fur wrung ttLtItItt't} tItIIheIe .IIxte.IIt : I 'l' .ttltt eket} IItte IIl Itx HI .I "I. Ie II! I.liIt‘Ht'iI L' exIIIhttxtIttIetIt III t’.ItextIIIe III II IIthI xtIIIt Iltttt kttteIt \\ttltL' tl\|lt',' xtIIIItt} ItIeIeIIxIIII' the IeeIIt.IIIIIIIx It IIIIIIIIIet ttttee Inn to eItIt It IetIIIIxI-tItI-Il .III IItIItIIIItI th.Itx tl.ttlt|thtt tIIIIIIe IIII ttIe .Ietuxtt ttt text ttt' tttk‘ t1“) .ItIIt tttx tItltII't III» III lI\e II II t)eIIIIIII.IIII _ItIIt t‘extt‘IeItIIttx IIII lII:III.III IIIteI I IIe \IIttIxelt IIII tlte IIIIxItIIIIIx III ttttt IItIetI Itittt ltt\t ttIIIILx ttxett ttIe [IeIItIle' \x t’.IlextIIItIItIx \IeIe \tIIII:.' \\ttt1 the ktlltttex IIt IIIIIII ttt.tl I' IIIII‘ I‘t ttlt' lt‘.lxI‘tt\ ttl,tt t \eIItIIIII IIII ”It.ItIII_It’ t.IIIle t‘I "tt e :tIItht,ttL‘x Itlltt \t‘tk' I'll \III IIIIII tavht tttltt‘.‘ tt‘txk'Kt IIItt III ItIeII xIIIteIt tIIIIIII‘ LL'ttt IIIIItIte. the ixtIIettx tttxt II.III-tIIt III \\tttxtIIII \ItIIII tIIxt (iIIt‘e tetttxex III .IeIetIt the III tI-IIIe IIeIIt-e ‘x\ttt he ItttIttttk'tt III l;:IIIt. teIIxIIIIIx lIej_'.III III IIIIIIItIt ttttxt‘ll It .tI ltI\\ tt‘t'Iv. IIIttx t‘IItItI‘t'x \\IItttIxItI:I it :‘ht the IIttl‘IttttJtL' tttttl ;Ielt\e ttttttttthL'lllu‘llt III IIIII the \ttItItte' t‘.txl Ittltt .ttt II\ L't ttlt‘ the t'\ IIIIxerl tx’exIIlttttIItt .Ix \Iett. Iteert.IttIt: \Ilt tt'tt Hm! I \\.Itlt tII \ItlI’ IIII Ix IIIII \ettlt'ttttt t ltte‘xlx Ix IIeIIetII t.tt, quIII ttttttktttt \IIIIIIl \IhtIt t .IIII \II'ttIIt: t|IIx let tI\‘t III I\"\'.‘ttlt‘k‘t IIt I‘ll‘. \\ttt\tt \tIIxIIIII xttex teIetIt tttti'I't Ith I‘tII‘III'It IIItI~ the ItehIItex tttIIt e‘IetI Ittt‘e't .I xIIIIItIIet [It.I:'tIeIt \‘tltrtt tel lIII. tttttttg'tte Ix tttxt III [IIIIIII IIttt ;I.IttteIt the t\ttt\‘tt\ II\et ttIIil IIt III] .Ih.IIIIlIIIIeI| IIIIIxIIIIe IlI IIIIIIIlIeIt \tI I“ t'lt‘xlttt'tll (IItlI' \\lltt \Iextet‘tt \IItIttIIex tttttt IIIII l IIext \tIIltAjie'tttL‘ttt ttI.It Ittlttt‘l\ttttlttlllf,‘ .Ill people tttttt t’.ItextItIe I\eII ttIIIttetI the} ttt‘t'ttIIN \Ihtett \\It\ t‘tttttt'tt tI'I ltttt t III‘II'IIIIII ttttxtt xtIttIeIt IIIeI' II” IIIIttIIItI .tttk‘\ \tIII\\ttlj_ textteIt tII tlIeItI :Ill the .III'IIIIIIteIl tIIt‘ HIKLtttll'tt III the txt'IIeIIx Stun: ttIetI. xI‘\I'I'IIt IIIIIII~ t .lt\|‘ ttIt‘II'tL‘It t-I \\ tttxlIIlt \tIItI} ItL't’L‘L‘ ”L” .I eIe.It IIIIIIIlII-I Greene’s column ‘11 IIIIIe Ix ,IIIIIIl .IIIIt ttL‘eL'\\.tt'_\ tIII IIIItItI|.ItIIIII IIIIIxIIIIex tI.I\e heeII \.IIIIt.ItI/etl tII‘I.It!xe IIIIIIII III the IxxIIex ”I.” t III thexe tlt'L‘xe III It tI‘.t\t then piece of arrogance’ tlttllltttt heIII-gx tttt' (txttI \x'L'Ittttx tIt t‘t‘H. t'tte ttttt IIIxII tI‘tIIItleIt ttttt ttII .tlt‘ Itt‘IItlt xItItt el\ IIIIIeI'H ItltLt Itttenxtt_\_ eIIItlIl tt;t\L' heett ttte \\tIIIh \Iete Itgteett IIIIIIII tIItttII.IlI hIIIt) III II t’dthtttttItttI txx.IItI ltit,‘ ItI‘Itttt lk'tltttt} Itt'e‘ tIIIt t.ttt~.t‘tt \etttett It tttexe ttll‘eNtx \\ete II I I"II.I'I MN ‘I ()et. ttt III'III le. MIIIeI .\l \xhlIIIh I) II) the thIIetIx tttttt lttIIIIIIIl. “th tIIIIIIIl IttIIIItIeIl "II.” .IhIIItt IIIIIIIngj the IIIII etltttttttthW .Iett\etj» Itt.IttII;:eIl_ h} teIlIIeIII: "\ IIIIe txt‘III‘t. \Ltttte \IIIl.It.” (IIIIIttlttte‘ \tttItL‘lti t’IltI'\ttlll.ttt\ xeetIIeIl to he II tI.Itt\ httt'ttt .IIIIt heIIt’ttIe xIeIIx III \t tttxt etet\IIIIe met .It .I [ILIee the the] tIIIIIt III thexe tIt'eItIIIIIIe IIhI IIItIxII xtIImeIt Ittxt‘expeet tII .\t.ItttI.‘tII.ttIex htexxtttg l'he t)ettk‘\ttttltttl\ \Iete IIII'ttIte." IIItteIt t’IItII t’ttttI ttetIt \\.It\e tIt‘eIIx. tttItII.III IIeIIIex IIttrtIeIIIIIrtI III yet the” hunt. and the txt‘uehx the [Hunt t\ ttI.It eItttIIItIplt t'IIt‘ext t ltt\.‘t\lt\ tttete \Iete tt tx e‘tt‘ttl ttt.tt ttt‘le' te‘L‘t\ Itttt l‘ ttt"ttttttttt\ I\\ttteh txt‘zIet'x Greene ‘disturted \IIIIIIIt get It [IeIIee :tyt'eetttettt Itttl‘\'tttL‘\ IIIe hetttu eIIIIItIItttI-Il tI\ IIhIIttl ‘lltl III‘IIIIte :IIIIII-IeIt III the IIIIttIItt'x tIItIIt Ix IIII IIIIIte .IltI.ItIle and hiased’ ()h\ II IIley the ".tyteetttettt" IIIIx hIItlI \tttk'\ It‘x IIJIIIIIIIIII III t‘ttttttt‘ .Ite.I t ttk‘lt‘ '\'\ t'tt \|,t\tt .II‘tI\ItIex ttIIIII ttIIIxe \IhII hut IIII It, tl'IIx Ix III‘IIIIe ItIItIIxIet‘ httttxett ItiIt IIIII IIIII lIeetI lttttttteIt the lxmehx Itttt' \tttt.‘ It\ t‘t.tt.|lltt) Itx \tt .tx IttxettxxIIItIx .IhIItIt tt\‘\\ the ettttettt \Ihett (iIIt'e pt‘upuxett III tttll' eIItItIIItIeIt III extzthttxtt Illegal xet- (iteette ItIIt III ttIx ;IIIII le tttx tel Ile.tth [K‘tttltH Ix t.tLt\t ItI lIIt'III. time the I'LttL‘\ t.ItIItIet’» [LII In \lt_\t‘tttt} IIIIIJtIt IlIxIIgI‘ee \\ tttt :t t \\;Ix eretel) Ittx;ItI|IIIIIIteIt ttetttetttx III the .-\t‘.Ihx‘ tIttttte ltttttv L‘t'L‘tteC tII ” \t.’tt.tt .ttIIt tttx IIIexIIteIIt III' :I teIIItet‘. hut tt' xIIItte .InIl .ltthL'l’L‘tt IIttet' remltng the "-I -- FORUM l‘ I 1,I (e. ntic Send 1n the clones 07' Quit cloning around? Rolir rt .lailall entiate and cart eventually learn is treatments and cures for dis» \lanav Tandrin ble tor the vast majority of am l'srng the ncw and llLLtlllIy to control the differentiation eases. Stem cell research using .\t.ttt L'Lvlrrtiurrst trials that ltavc becoiiic eytinct organs of cloned animals. such process for eyciting medical cloning makes this possible. and endangered We have just as pigs. to replace tltc diseased \*.r.L.':|L '11;rrsL‘tLiallolltL‘t‘ applications: kidneys. hearts. The weakest argument against A hundred years ago. no one recently t‘cttlt/cd that and so organs of hutttan beings is also a L‘ r'r 'ti.~ hodv In the adult livers and possibly whole arms stein cell research concerns could have imagined the now we want to remedy the proposed bcnctrt ol L lonrrtg But "t L‘ 'l'L ii‘sirlc ttt l‘ttllL‘ could be grow it to replace “messing" with nature without advances iii science and tech problem hastily. But is cloning have we hurtrau beings bL-Loiitc rr' I’irl It‘l‘lLIvv' tllllL'l \‘L‘ll\ detective organs; knowledge knowing all the possible conse- nology and what they would the answer ,’ so selfish and .rtlt‘gatit that we 'rIrL‘ :erIvirrg \tL‘rrrLL‘lls from stem cell research can Liuences. But such an argument enable humans to do l'l_\III§_‘ in Ihe evtrrtction arid endanger are vvrlltrtg to “pIav tioLI" just w riiLIertIrL rLIrrltIvoLly.lio\vc\r unlock my sterics that will aid iii can be made against all medical space. processing inforriratioii them or animals is a serious because wc k'LtlIItt‘l Lorrtrol out ILL : IrIr-rtL'LI .rtnlrty to the development of new drugs: research and even all technolog- on cortiputei‘s. and Itnkrtig the probleirr indeed. bill the solution tlL‘slt‘L‘s to consume tttcal. alco . to. 'r into other types of rttost atria/rug. though: stem cell ical advancements hurtiankind world tltrotigh satellites would lies in more evtcnsive conserva— hot and tobaL'Lo’ Why should llrsr is why ciriltryottIL‘ research can lead to the signifi- has ever made. No one has ever have seemed like pitre science tion and preservation programs. the less intelligent arrtriral- have ri LL'rI which L.rn drltci'cnti» cant prolongttig of human life known all the implications of a fiction back their. so what to and also iii human berttgs learn- to stilfcr because or the weak .. IL .erL tvpc til LL‘ll. Lrtc lttl' vvitliotrt sacrificing quality of discovery. Furthermore. arty speak of cloning? But I)oIly ing to respect arid revere nature. ttesses and tailtircs ol the scent LIL sII.llIlt' in incdiLaI living. negative consequences from “the Sheep" has shattered our L an it than .rrlrrlt stcttt LL‘lls. .\|I arguntents against stem stem cell research will come in \‘Ianrprilating nature will only rngly ittore intelligent human LtrL Lorirtovcrsy aroiiitd stcitt cell research slam the door oit how people use stem cell skepticrsitt arid long-held con- bring more chaos and imbalance beings.‘ \lso. siriLL- Llouirrg Lt‘ I'.'«L'.Iltll .irrscs Ir'orti how aII ot these potential break- research. not frorn the discover— \IL’tltll‘h. (‘Ioning is not only to ecosy stems. which may result rrtcans that .ill the Lloncd LIItI' ~‘“ Lw'irL stcrrr tells .nc gatli throughs. The greatest argument ies themselves Thus. any con- possible. brrt also inevitable. in the direct opposite or the trials will Itavc the same gcrtctiL ad I"c rL-LIL'raI government against stem cell research is sequences incurred troin stem because of the inherent urge of intended purpose of cloning. make-up. they will all be prone ‘r LL‘LrII-. only Irrnds stem cell against cloning. Though spe» cell research will be a result of human beings to control and l‘ttl evarnple. the rhinoceros. to the same diseases tl' h to rI gathers cells Ii'om ciorrs. anti-cloning argttiirents human nature; stem cell manipulate nature both African arid Indian. is an Then there‘s the question of .: rLrwrrs tL_-r.:| tissue or inter— are convincing because the research should not be faulted The questions that arise about endangered species (‘loning cloning animals that have been titatrrrt tits the non littttd word "cloning" evokes such a for human nature. cloning are moral and ethical will certainly bring the species long cvtrrict. :\ controversial '.Lr\r's’tttj_' rrrL-rltods rricludc visceral response. Brit making In the end. any arguments ones rather than scientific ones. back trortt the brink oI extinc- and heated debate lv'llrt“ ed the H" ~r rl’Iv‘ rcrtrIr/ed embryos decisions abotit cloning based against stem cell research are As with any new scientilic and tioii ltut the rhinoceros is a Iter— discovery of the bones or .r ‘ . Iit‘lLrl LL ll\ the rationale on visceral responses rather rooted in ignorance or stupidity. technological advancement. bivoi'e. and has very few natural Woolly Mammoth tlI Russia .-LL_L [Ir: Lirirent polity is that than facts is absolutely ridicu- That is. people are ignorant of there comes some l'tttttll'tL‘tb predators t lions. tigers. and hyc» about a year ago Why did they rr'rrrL'rri only wants to Ititts. what cloning is and how it will tions; cloning is borrrid to nas do occasionally attack baby waiit the animal L’lt'IlL‘tl‘ (Juirc Its that would otherwise The rtiost popular myth about be used in stem cell research. or change our world forever. for rhinoceroses. but adult rhinoc- srrrtply because of the ‘st icrttit r‘posL-d to creating rtcvv cloning is that it will lead to a people know what cloning is better or worse. eroses protect their youitg rc thrill of it'" ‘ i ‘~ slls'sllls'Llll} ltll svtL‘IL‘Iy llllt‘d Willi clones The arid what it can do. and they The first question that comes fiercely r. consequently. the It all comes down to this the vrr IL prrtt‘wtw-Ds same belief can be reworded to choose to reject it for some to rity riiirid is what benefits will population of rlirnocerosL-s will desire oI human beings to Lon. ‘~‘- m L ill II He vv Ill undoubtedly sottltd more technical by saying “dubious" reason. This "dubi— cloning bring. and what prob multiplv unchecked. and they trot arid manipulate nature It is irirrtrtt‘ Hltl Irovv Ladavcr‘ous cloning will Llecrease genetic ous" reason is almost always Iems‘.’ Certainly. the proponents will eventually take over the for this urge that we are vv thing Llls' l's obtained rLtltttli diversity. Whatever the word- something concocted by the of cloning. titainly the scientific habitats and food of other small— to open a Pandora‘s boy this . L r :lrL dr‘ltatc ovL‘I stctti L‘L'll ing. the accusation that cloning wacko religious right. The community. have by now er herbivores iti the ecosy stein. kind of art attitude is scIt n. It LL nuts on the clortrrtg w ill lead to a society of geneti- wacko religious right should not expounded greatly on the riiany bringing about an unnatural destructive arid dangerous hirer :rr ctriluvos (‘lotlrtig cally identical people is absurd. be dictating the course of bcrtefits to society from animal evolutionary process. .LI lw'lil‘ :rrrrcrttal control ('Iomng is not the ultimate end human achievement. especially cloning: endangered animals (‘Ioning will also further We cannot undo the mistakes ILLl Irv Iv‘hrl tissue or of scientists. It is only a tool when the greatest hurriari can be saved from extinction. encourage hunters and poachers of our 'Ltt'tL‘cstors. but \va cart at '{LLtrItrL“il\ ficictttrsts used to reach tlte aforemen- achievements are at stake. They recently extinct animals can to kill endangered animals. least promise \Iothci \aturc erIrL'tr‘trt .tlIItIIIIils trortL-d breakthroughs provided already had their chance during also be brought back. and the because they will think that the that we shall no longer be the LL Il through by stcttr cell research No one the Dark Ages; everyone organs of cloned artritials cart endangered and evtinct animals perpetrators ot scltrsli and egor rtrriL‘ wtliir rrrcrltods wants to create large quantities remembers their progress and save many human lives and cati always be cloned. That‘s trstical designs to rob it of its t't:,'._LI supply of of the satttc Irrirtian being. No prosperity. improve others. But what about had new s for people who devote cvclttsive creative pow er one even wants to create stitall the rcpei‘ctrssions'.’ I.et‘s take a their entire lives to teach these ‘n‘tr'rx‘. ~Ltt’ttttsts quantities or the same human Iv’ohi'i'I .ltii/it/l.‘ look. people to love and respect l/LL’Ilrlt [Lilli/I'M LtL‘. ~lt'III Lr‘ll\ tllllL'I being. What scientists do want Iz't ”Bo/WT”SIC(s‘t Ill/Itmmom I‘irstly. humans are l'L‘sIIUIMI' nature and its creatures. trill/rrtrn/tr/Q’I r‘vL [It .L our

Clinton, Washington impotent find lif death favor a more comprehensive trig. That Ilaw is the belief that “a Raehaellhercash stage in life. It is something quite able to cornprclicrtd "a“ 7 Rnltt-rt Iailall l \t.ttt v .ltlttltttsl that happerts to everyone. svstcui Both parties claim politicians only have to “do The death oI soitieone should. Things hapven to pcoplc for a It':|\L-t,'r._L t\ .t \tticriLa needs missile defense good" so they cart be reelected. loo Ultett ill of course. be tnourncd. Yet. TL‘ttsttll. l’v‘t‘l‘lt‘ leL‘ l‘L‘L‘LtlIVL‘ It Is to guard against "rogue ()ftL-ntimes. politicians vote for life we take the Itow long sliotild someone lies— their tiiitc As a Irituic pliysr p‘L-ttlcrrr nations " some partisan or appropriattorts y things we Itave tcr on the death of a loved one'.’ cum. this is a concept w rich I lL‘1rlL‘I tor grtritLd We l l‘t‘llL‘H‘ It Is the Itil‘ til the lt\- must embody I artt not (iod. IILL .vorrrl. Hut the recent borttbtng of tlte brII rthe belicI that an appropri— think we are trig to deal with the death and riot are the tiiL'erLrl i'csL-aithcis I \\ ('oIe in Yemen high- ation bill solves a problem is yet irrvinLiblL and move oti with life .rt (ila\o\\cllLorttc or Bristol lights the most triiportant arid another flaw and another arti— nothing is going My attrttrde toward death is \lyt't's now chdtblc crrtrcrsiti ot a nus» clet believ trig they have cheL‘led to stop us. We Iiave beLn told one that sounds Irarsh. but is Medical tcLhrtoIogv has sIlL‘ LIctcnse system it cannot over and over what a bright realistic. In times of death. advanced. medical treatment tltwr. Hrt‘ LLII'rLl: sotue cltangc worthy of reelec- future we Iiave. that we are the vLoplL have to ieriie"inbLi the has advanLLLI; btrt wL arL itLvLi toirrrrrlatc protect against terrorist attacks. tion. When politicians are ttrtttre ofthe world. I'vcry once liv trig pe.tson and not dwell on going to get to flu point w thL ‘Lr lL.l ‘vvttll the most likely attack to cortte reelected. the cycle of token in a while. liovvcv er, that bright the act that they are gone disease does [tot L\lsI. ll va as tioirr .r rogue nation ('ombrnc light ofottt lrIe I‘ercs They need to rejoice in the idea hurtiarts are on going to that this major tlavv ot the missile voting continues so that reelec- lot many young pLopIL.tright that they were fortunate wrtlt orii own mortality vvc :r-il'IIL \.r\s~ tion continues. now. life is peitLLt lerything cnouglt to interact with this Iran to first that with tltL tLrLt people LlL lL'ltsL‘ system with doubts It isn't until a politician leaves is going otir vv.ty and life is just verson dttririg their time on that \vL LtiL nLer going to Ler .‘L tr‘ttrrrrrtllv about its lLHtstl‘tlIIy and Its office. like Bill (‘linton is now. one long prrtv IIrLrL does l‘arth. l\L able to tilttlly Llc'lLL'it LlLLrtlt L‘~ ‘strIL‘ destathr/rng L‘llL‘L'l on world come .1 time. hovaLr when In most Lases for peopIL. ThL day \\lll LoinL vaan w.- peace. and one has very serious that they try to make real llIL' PLUM lILI\ ltl slttlt. \VL‘ ttll ItowevLi. aLtuaI LILathis not the ltave to conic face to IaLc with t'elorms. But even (‘Iinton's last evcntualv have to graduate proble. it instead is thL death When that day docs grL-rrrids on vvhtclt to question attempts are sloppy arid iitcllcc~ trortt '\'.(‘. State. we have to PI‘M.\\ (‘l tlL‘ttllI. arrive. however. don't tear II. the v Lelttc ot airy iirtssilc delense me because he did not plan his take on sortie serious responsi Watching someone die or instLad rLspLLt it Itrr oI death prorth bilittes .titd lLtL'L‘ mortality. undergoing the death process is always sortictlrrrrg that vvrll ls‘cpterIrLans and Hetttoctats. policy—making with his legacy either our ti\\ll til Ll loved can be the most ti‘auitiatic. loom iii tlte lvth ot rtry mind. u put rssrrL'~ however. botlr ignore the valid in llttlld. Now he is workrrig ones People are usually unable to let no iitattLt \vIrLiL I am rrt rrty I‘aIlIL‘s hard to "catch up." It the terms l)L‘;lllI Is L’ttltsltlL‘IL'd l‘y our 3”. don't want to allow death lIlL'. ly‘otlt ertrvrsrrts ot the system. Then of congressmen were limited so society as the liiial destination. to win. or want to try to fight 'L ~rr. ‘ LIi'I;ttjlll .tL lti |II\ \tlg‘g'L‘Nl that they are It is often voitr‘aved as that death totever I promise. how» Yet l vlt‘ll‘l lL‘LtI' Ll'L‘LtllI. l . .r r.. AL l‘lil the more LoriLcriied with imple- that congressmen were forced to "thing" vvltrcli is always there. Ler then is no run on this rtistead want to understand it ‘I ngr party's rttentrng the system simply plan for "the end." it is quite brtt never iii the immediate Izarth thit Lan bL‘tttIL thL tale of When you see death. he grate irrrir r- W {role more possible that government may future. It is not until death death ful Ior your litL arid all tltc because they have evtra rttoncy smacks its rigltt iii the face that MiraLIes happen every day. oppotttrtirtiLs vou htvL bcLii 'It‘rlr lllv and rtced to score "points” with once again become reinvigorat- we begin to take it seriously I‘Lople wakL tip otrt of Lomas grvLn It is better that you lived the \nicrrcan people. ed. Term limits may indeed be In my lite. death has never pLopIL deteat LanLet and peo- at all than never. my Ity it“k rate and The illogical nature ot the governitterit's forgotten really LttILLtcd rue have had pIL strrvive Lar acLidLnts. It not Irrrssrlc Washington tits inability to Viagra membLis of my family die. was never. however. the case I)oir '/ not it I/ir I? is riot/trite r Iirtt ttrcrr plans classmates die. btit neer a of Lt doLtor or medical techiiol rr'roiie. rust .t KW in [uric identity .t problem and create close friend confidante or rel ogv that causLd that person to llHt/ r lltl/ll‘llL’t Hour [/11 vau(l 1‘” . l)\'lll"tl.ll\ solutions that address the prob~ ert'vlioitv ‘ (.Itlllllli irlv.’ I'liirlr/ ative die. Thus. I take death live. II was instead the will oI “vr'H-ltt'l/r" or hit,[it (II/ll/IIIH »I rt. L.r vlt‘lv‘llsy‘ Icrni suggests tlIL‘t'L‘ L'\l\l\ tl Iv’o/ii'i‘t tit very nonchalantty. some higth bLing »» one that I’lt'tlyi' (Hit/ll lvrlr llili/ it! l-S. r‘1rt‘lrt.rtts greater Ilavv political think, Iii t/Ho/z’y't ‘8'! '01 \tI/ll’l‘ r our Death to me is just another wL as humans will never bL I'Iov't'i‘r'utfl IHlI/\ IrL van/tr Itocs this justify the right to sort oI teaching. versity where they Iiave the Currently we make min per how professional and collegiate chrLelully assemble. which is In being “forced" to read nerve to challenge his traditional hour. We are choosing to give athletes may act otten Iias no FORUM allowed bv I' 'I (‘onstituttort selected titles by tetnale authors. views arid his academic ability. back to ottr intramural progi‘arti place iii intraniurals Perhaps ll the Iiiiglish department does a (‘IIASS does not have an agen» NCSl' has approvimatcly players behaved themselves .Ionatlian I’et'iy service Ior its students that the da any more than the 371“)” students. with roughly appropriately. many of those u r roar rrrL- LIL‘hares arc sport Senior public schools have failed to do. Engineering department does.

Not fit: to a “1” s|ow|_\ drowning ll‘.'|r together wliilc "Dr, T" lslkl a ti‘tiibl\ huge self In champagne lhccitdtng is what r‘call) littrts the step back. it's a step back toi him and and lara Rt‘lrl r"|hc ttlm \ottospoil rt. tor it is laril} tan- Rapp nonetheless. Also notable. this Hig lcbowslsi'a is ilotii and iiirespected rbitt tirilrkca is one of loiit' mosies this tall lcattir iiiitrkil) .ritirr~iiig .is llllll siri lt as "l icht (‘liib " it doesn't trig Helen limit. so niasbe the nest lh’ l‘s il.tl1“lll.'l '\‘»lli‘ .ttlil lit illt' ii\ eratl tone ot the picttiiei. one r'l’a) it l-orwatd'a will make ts paranoid .tl‘iild list ll's \‘ttl. l‘s‘i.iitse there are .i good Ztl lttttt‘c‘ sc‘ltsc‘. \|\l\'l‘s \\i'il\lll|.' iriitiiites where the tension that ltas “hat the lllllt lacks bcti. building tip csplodcs per'tcctl). IMAGES FROM ARTISAN ENTERlAlNMENl ts cliieition llic lti lliaiirig the burdens scrceriplas is the set ol e\et_\oric around him ' otid penned lw it‘la dropped in his lap It lian ti\-c newcomer »\nnc illL‘il c'tittt'cll_\ the issues l‘ [‘t'c‘sc‘ltlL‘tl lU ,4»:'- whoseR “ l‘ first l)t' l crtltltl screenplay ha\c been E’s-d.(A "('tmlstt'K DrTandtlie H...) l'rii‘tiirie.” t's'sril\c‘sl tn cattglit the Women the reriiatrr Minor ot ‘k *1 trig tiriie Sotitliet ii Instead. the ll\ trig and Direclorj last lt\c | Joel Isaac Frady golf club eter) week. To go rrito plot sltit Veil tl ) 1 iniitntes cort- details would take too long; this is an into a comical Illitsllc'llttt‘u' f\flml1‘_1'ma” lttsc lltt‘ ’ .statt Writer ensemble picttire and each member of It too had it pct'lect cast Starring: a it d c it c e the large cast steals a scene or so as lltcdtlctl li_\ (ilc‘tttt (Vlll’ik‘ Rirbmt/(im and lta\c a . Robert Altman's “Dr. T and the the) weave in arid otit of Dr. 'l"s life. arid ('harlcs S lltittonl but \eis c\plicit * Women" is a perfect representation of The one thing that this tihii lt‘ds had direction. its qlllll\_\ Hell»)! Him! and gross the famous director‘s career, He has worktrig for it is an Addsl cast (iere characters all part ol .i \sCllc' lllttl perfected the art of the ensemble cast. is fabulous as Dr. T. plating a tough scheme leading to art cod Farm/i Hiram has itotlittig balancing Ill \‘ery big names with role with honest) and emotion. her} trig that left the audience to do with ease. His abilities as a storyteller twist that the film holds for him has feeling better for hating secri ll. "Dr. .tll_\llllltg that the first two aren‘t as gifted. as "Dr. T" fluctuates significant emotional impact and he T" has man) characters going in hours were spent focus- from greatness to mediocrity reacts to each Now as if he has never man) dillcrcnt directions. man) char» mg on‘ throughout the course of the film. faced a situation like it. Other stands acters just drop otit ol the picture "Dr. T arid the Women” ending on a strange and had note. outs (in this standout cast) are Siielle) along the was to an ending that is is one of the biggest dis- The filtn resolves around Dr. Long ("The Money Pit") as (.‘arolsn. confusing and resobcs \er) lcw ol apporiitiiieiits of the tear Sullivan Travis (Richard Gere). or Dr. Dr. T's office manager. who \tcals the issues presented in the ltllll Rapp \thlt "(d‘t‘blL‘-\ l‘iit‘lttttt‘... T to those who know hint. He‘s a man) a scene with her high energ) sccrtis to be It} trig so hard to create a Altman got l‘dsls on track highl} successful ginecologrst to the and horrible puris l aura Der‘n bigger and more di\eise arias of alter a few huge misses upper class l)alla.s sttclc‘l} who goes t"Jurassic Park") is hilarious as Dr. characters that she had nowhere Ll\t' ("l he ( iiiigeibrciid \lan." with his buddies from the T‘s sister-in—law Pegg). a woman to go btit the absurd rti order to tie ll "l’retr.\ l’orter”) and L’O'S’l C’A'II' ‘ .Im‘l |\.I.M‘ I'I‘;III\ I .IIIII “III! \I: III III ”IV I.IxI IIIIII III I_II\I' IIIIIIII IIIIIIIgIII III \\III\‘IIII l{_\\|k'l IIIh IIIIII I: \I'I‘ 1.; I ,III II I3II , II‘III II.‘.I \ I. \I'I‘ I\ II .III xIIIII‘II .I _\I'.II IIgII IIII‘ III.III \\|III IIIIII'Ic II)III_I__‘ III IIII'k} \IHUL'I. \IIIII II III III IIIIIII'IIII I‘II'I‘IIIIIIII x '. ‘ I II I III I‘II'IIII: III \'I,,"III'I.I ‘IIII-II IIIIIIIIIIIICII ..IxI lllk' IIcIIIIIII “III III IJIIIIII IIIIIIIIx I "I II\\.III,I \IIxxIIIIIIIIIIIx, IIIIIIII‘I (III II III \I ."II-‘IIJ III ‘, I \\ II.A ? III, .-=III II II :I‘ ’I IIII I III! III III» x 'III; \IIIIII IIIcIII. "I'III‘ III III (‘IIIIIIII"\HI ”HIV I IIIIIIIIII'W .IIIII II II-III IIIII .IIIIIIII IIII.I -. II II. ,I I ‘ . III I :I IIIIIx II -II.I.I I“ I II,“ I >, III” .II1 I II-III 'IIIxI \IIII ” .III \IIIII'x .I I'IIIIL' In IIIIIIIIII-I‘x MIMI IIIIIIIIx III'IIIIIIIIIII'I " \III‘II IIIIIIII__III .. I.» IzI. : II I II "I“ III ,IIIII ”WI“ “w I_ IIHIIH IIIII‘ III MI ‘I IIIIIIIIIII I'IIIIIL‘I\_ .III II-IIINI' IIIIIII xIIIIII‘hIm III; RI'xIII'II'IIIIII'W HIII IIIIII I!I’I ‘III' M I II II I' I ‘I .. :II III; IIII‘II ”mm; Hm“ IJI‘IIIIKI‘I I‘I'I‘I‘!‘ IIIEIIH I ‘II'II xII.III§_IIII Ix IIIII I.III llI\‘\ IIIII “Inch IIIIIII- III-IIIII'IImIII'II IIIIIII IIIIIL'IIJI‘IK‘VIIIIIII IIII III ‘ II . II :IIIII -:IIII IIIxI III]; ~II IIII IIIVI‘III II II. _ :‘I .III II' IIII-xc IIIIIIx IIII‘II' IX'I' III‘I II'|.Ich III IIIIIII‘II \\III|I\x III IIIIIIIIII IIIIx Ix IIIIIII:I_III»II II III: III I 'I I II I III. 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N.C. State Fair earns an “


Volleyball picks up first ACC win over weekend I-l .tt Reytolds t‘oliseiim I‘hillips had H assists. lotii' right-side ltittei' Meredith I’riee tirst eont‘erenee \ietor)‘ ot' the season. had 58 assists. more OFor the entire weekend, State ’l'lte Deacons dropped the kills and no hitting errors. to had ll digs tor the \‘l'oltpaek. war. raising its league mark to than double the Woll'paek‘s picked up a split. lirst game to the \Miltpaek digs and to e bloeks iii an out- N(‘ State rallied I‘roiii the .‘l-(i 1—6. Duke tell to 15-h otei‘all pretious season high of In before rall\tiig lot .i i l5. l5- statitliiig o\ei'al| peilot‘iiianee ilet’ieit iii the third game and and 4-} iii the ACC. assists in a three-game mateh. \f‘t‘t is start Kctntll ' is. l5 7. is. ltll' lllt‘ rolled to a three-game sweep ot~ The Woll‘paek had its third Senior middle bloek‘er NCSU 3 it \It'ltll'}. NCSU 1 ”Utte‘tllts. Duke in .-\tlaiitte (‘oast best hitting performance ot‘ the Stephanie Staiiibatiglt had the \'.(' State \olle_\b.ill split \\ tilt the ()II 1 side ('onlerenee \olle)btill action season uith it .260 mark. assisted blocks to lead both \\lIIt Duke and \\.ike loresi DUKE O ii iii. write- WFU 3 lllltt‘l‘ Sttl'a (let l3 .it RL‘Mlt‘ltls (‘olisetiiit .luiiior middle hloeker Alison teams. [Ills \\ eL‘lsL‘lltl I‘ o t e s t I; C I II .liiiiioi outside liitter Williams Kreager had l3 kills and just Sophomore outside hitter Jill .Itiittor, outside hitter llllld iiiipi'o\ es lo Ifi-o oter'all and J- DUI Isle‘ lttttl sc\t‘ll lsllls and I“ had lh' kills alid rust ll\L‘ errors four errors for a 333 percent— Somte led Utlls'L‘ “ith 11 kills \Iaso de \Irnii had a match -i tn the \('('. llie \\ollpaek illg's ltll' lllL‘ I’L‘tlt‘s tor a 3] ‘ hitting pei'eeiitage to age. and also had a mateh-high and out) one error for a .4l7 Illgll 1H l\llls lt‘ leiltl \\.tkL‘ [\t‘l lalls to ' l3 o\ei‘all and l iii .liiiiiot outside hitter (‘hai'ete lead the \Voltpaek. \sliieh It) digs. .Itittior setter .Iaekie hitting pereentage. Soniie also N.('. State iii \tlatitie (‘oast lllL‘ L'ttlllL‘lL‘llL‘L‘. \\ illiams led N(‘ State with In iiiipro\eil to 1|: on the sea- Stratton. making her tirst start had 17 digs and three assisted (‘oiitei‘enee solletball on Her \\ake ltlIL'\l seller '\\lllk'k' kills and II digs. and senior son the l’aek pieked tip its since the I‘it‘sl weekend ot' the blocks. Ita\L‘ I‘L'L‘ll lll'e‘tI.H l.lt'ls\0ll silltl entered the game at eornerbaek Rennie eoittmiied. “Not tieees- Last season. State and l'N(‘\\' laekson's t'irst tlltlL‘htltl\\tl run iii the seeorid quarter at‘ter ll saril} Artist _\oting. htit the or sis battled to a 2-2 draw. \sas set tip b_\ aiiotliet ttnlaiiitl \\asliiiigton had his sL‘JMlH WUNGW gins that \\eren't out here last l'liis year. l'NCW has strug- ,_ “TBA iar‘ l'aee. \‘hane Riggs. 'l‘lle ended b) a to ‘aiiterior ei'tieiate _\eai1 It took a\shile. I thought gled to a .l-h—l reeord. The Cm. ‘,il‘..‘.,- opposing detenses dug in dirt mg ligament e rim-,i-rl trmv l‘.irii-' last \seek. has \er) iiiipi‘essed Seahatt ks arid Pi.IL'l( hate played the third quarter and tlte e.ii|\ \\alkei'. \tho started the lust \\ itli them. It \\ as l-tl at halttiiiie two eommon opponents. rushing tip the gut lot 8 _\aids oit stages ot the Iotii’th. Iot‘eitig ttso games oi the year. made Pellalt) ktek. but the shot \tas toda) and the seeond goal has l'.\'('\\‘ lost to High Point Z-I. his lil'sl earr). Iaekson took the both otlelisi\ e tiiiits to end ttso ke) plays in the third quar- bloeked aitd State lost 2- I. ) kiiid ol. I don‘t want to eall it a and 4-0 to Wake I‘lll‘L‘st. State ball donn tlte lelt sideline and e\er_\ possession \\llll .i piiiit tet to keep I'NL out ot the end So \that \\ ent “Hing Sunda) fluke. bill it “as a loiig thl'tl\\-ltl lost Z-I to \Vake and tied High tIti\L‘ tl\t‘t' Ille‘ Il_\liltl llll .t 7‘ _\.Il‘tl Hut Riggs. a resei‘\e del'etisite /oue (lit the Ileels‘ t‘ii'st di‘i\e ”It‘s a good question." said and a header and all ot‘ the sod- I’oiiit 4-4. totiehdottn l‘tlll. to grte \taie .iii eiid. ereated a big pla} that ot the seeoiid hall. (‘tii‘i'}' threw Duke eoaeli John Rennie. "I saw den it dribbles in the goal. You (‘liarles Brooks leads the ll-poml eiislirori broke tlte stalemate. to \tide reeerter Iltisle) .-\|len the game against Wake I-‘orest eottltl _|tisl see the air go out ot Sealiais'ks in scoring with three “He plated euellent." I‘ollotsmg a missed t’ield goal on third and goal Irom the 4. but last weekend aitd ll \\ as a great the pl;i)e‘i"s sails at .\'.(‘. State. goals and Ill points. Robinson said "He p|a_\eil In State‘s Kent l’assiiighaiii. \Valker liroke tip the pla). l'oi‘e- game. It “as an eieii game. I It was a \er) tllIllL‘llll goal to (iame time is set tor 3:31) pm. totigli. breaking raekles. riist INC quarterbaek Ronald l‘uii') iiig l'\(‘ to kiek a field goal. \\ as \er} surprised that ise \\ ere gise tip,” Notes: \tanted to get It doiie " dropped baek to pass t'i'om his later in the period. (dlt‘t') tried able to do this toda_\ State \\ ill ha\ e .i elianee to ptit World (‘up \eteran and t‘oriiier Jackson “as also responsible own It). Riggs shed his blocker to lind \llen deep on a sideline "Beginning ot the _\ear. the} the Duke game behind ll toda) \Volt'paek stai‘ ’l‘ab Ramos tor putting the tiiiishiiig totiehes and “as let‘t \\llll a lineiiian‘s route on Itrst doitri from the had such a dillei'ent team." \s hen it takes on the Seahatsks. attended praetiee l‘uesda}. oil the l’aek‘s \ittoi') Ilie eon- dream. an unabated path to the l'\(‘ 4* Walker poked the ball \ei‘ted ltlllbaek carried the ball dliai‘tei‘baek troni his blind side .iisa) again btit “as ealled tor the pass so muelt. _\oti got to run stall Woltpaek drnes. on all Ill plays of State‘s tiiial Riggs hammered (‘tiri‘_\ trom ll‘t\\ iiitert'erenee State \\as it." said Rnei‘s. “We're not isot- It has the seeoiid neek m a dine. emermg all _\.iids .itid behind. iai‘ring the ball loose penaIi/ed Ii )ards. )et ried about statislies. \tliateiei‘ it seoi'iitg liis seeoiid totlelidotsii arid .illo\\itig the Pack to i'eeo\- \\.ilkei 's p|a_\ kept the Heels otit takes to \s in.” rots that penalties Iitirt the Pack. the time. the second longest ol er ll inside tlte red /one ill striking distaiiee. In a game iii \sltieli the l’aek .-\gamst (‘IemsoiL the I’aek tal- the season lt‘l \ltllt'. i.‘l'sltle'tl <40 "l'liat \\.is probably the ‘\\e .i|\\.i}s talk \\ hen people \\ll|lL‘ Riiers tllt‘e\\ tor otil_\ lel led from \\ll'L‘ to \\II’t‘. penalties lied lll penalties for wet ltlll l‘ll lllt‘ k'lt‘els illltl L'litst‘tl till) biggest turning point in the are tired. and a seeoiid stringer Pl‘tnitletl the biggest stillt'L‘L‘ llli )itl‘tls. doubts about the lrnal otiteoiiie game." satet} .\tll'l.ll] \\‘i|sori goes in ilieie. )oii know ~\oii got )ards, Koren Robinson sins his trustration tor the Pack ()terall. -.it the gatiie saltl. ”ll gilu‘ [IIL‘ illlellse .t llltle to step up to the plate: some- season-long streak oI ltltl _\aid State “as tlagged oii mite oeea- "\Vene got to stop those "l \\as a little tried on that last itioiiientiiiii " boil} gets Iitirt. loti got to step reeeniiig games end \\llIl .i too sions Ior tl\L‘I' lllll _\ar’ds. the |pena|tiesl." said .-\mato “I one. but \\ltll all that eriiirlltioii .Iaekson \sasii'l tlte llIlI) State tip to the plate and pla} like a eateh. 41-yard ila_\ in Return penalties titeltided Iotii' big l5- don‘t eare about aggressne me that t'oatli \ritalo does to pla} ei‘ \\ ho was l'oieeil to step iii llt\l stringer.” \mato said Stadium _\.ird penalties \\IllL'll helped penalties. btit t‘oolish penalties us. there has no \\;t} \i e eould due to an Hour) James Walker “\\Iieii tlt;‘}'ie \tori‘ied about either sustain 'l‘ai Ileel LII'I\L'\ or \\ e can‘t Ita\e,"

line no Hates Call 515-2029 Policy Statement Of '.'t .' \zstt. ’1 SLILNLBHI Fax 51 5-5l33 I ‘1 W“ W" between 9 am. and 5 pm. to place an :‘1; ll. Z'H‘ V": ’m ad with your Visa or Mastercard Classif NQU:StU_g§D! Line lids: 2 issues in advance '27; noon .. . Found Hds Display lids: 2 issues in advance @ noon ‘ ‘ : my? I. run tree Deadflnes All Line Ads Wang - No exceptions. For Sale Near T INC—SUiigraduate W‘NAT'U'R'AL' HERRAI Kerinel worker vetérinary BARTENDERS’ "MIKE" " female roommate ASAP BREAST ENLARGE $9.512,“ guaranteed clerk PT altei- {‘SS‘Sli‘T‘l needed on moo-$250 PER NIGHT' Opportunity . _, it) share 280 21 28A MENTS SAFE EFFEC Flexible how’s~ Across noonsCounter and some weekends at small animal NO EXPERIENCE NEED- “'arSpmage EX 9‘ ‘ 8'“ Townhouse 5350mm r 2 TM: AND AFFORD "om campus. Open (my Saturda '5 Flexible hours ”OSI‘IIUI PIG'VelP'l"aW 50' CALL NOW" 1-800- m"; {\(C \ ‘l‘l‘vi‘rwer' utilities Christina 852- ABLE PLEASE VISIT 12.9pm Good communi- great royi college Student student pretevred Call 981-8168 90.9035 ARE YOU CONNECT-j “Ulseer roof U-d‘bkrack greatHI rharrgshape '1551 WWW FIGUREPLUS CO cation skills: needed Make 787-3944“ ‘ 553-4601 ——-————-Part-time DOSIIIOIi avail- InternetED? users wanted . Situst'tu i all :tS‘l-‘ioljflihr Roommate needed 38R M some 858 and have some Downtown Raleilgh law Orientation counselors able for students rnterest- 525 . 575 per hour. or 271-4233u'ellt house 2 mites to NCSU OR CALL 1-888Ei’13 fun' Call today 8334-8188. mm seeks Office 855,9 needed for the sumrnerof ed in baby-SH positron www.moneynowez corn. Wolfhne $300 mo Call 9800 DISTIBUTOR- Inventory Ccntrol part- tanteourier. go flexible 2001 For more inforna- Must have own trans. Bicycles 8. Mopeds 858 0546 SHIPS AVAILABLE time liosrtcn available hrs wk for (jelwertits‘. tron vrsrt our websue portatron. reliable a must Spring Break Child Care Flexlble hours Monday copying. “mg “gm typing www ncsu edu under- Pay negotiable Durant Cycle Logic sorting cam- Room for Rent thru Friday between 8am- CallBeckre 833-1383 grad affairs n50 gapsLQZLZHmeSBSaG‘313 Early SpeCIaIS' Spring1 pus Since 10.74 Lowest Nanny housekeeper ‘u'ylllh 5pm Duties analyzing Law firm seeks one part Need a Job“- The Annual y 9 Break Bahamas Party prices on biking Tune-up Room in Lake Park condo car for 3 children agcs inventory reports and tak- time mung, 54in, pm Fund is bring NC State Summer 2001 PAID Crurse' 5 Days 8279' $25 Free accessories for rent 5320 me titiltiies 579 in Cary Preston 4- ing physreat counts Call mileage Must have I€}ll~ students to raise money in Internship EARN OVER Includes Meals. Parties‘ with new trike-i; 1211 Call Blaire for more info topin '3 dayswk Duties Shepherd Electric Supply. able transportation and a fun and friendly envrion- $6000 GAIN "HANDS Awesome Beaches l—lrllsborougf‘ 833-4588 328-0097 include HW supper and Cary 467-4802 neat appearance Call merit We‘re located on ON BUSINESS EXPERI- Nightlife‘ Departs From. Closed Wed drrvrng to {tCtIVItIE'S SP. Pat-employment drug test Katherin 832-8488 campus' You pick your ENCE FOR YOUR Floridal Get Gr0up- Go Cars 10hr 460-1010 is mandatory schedule. work afternoons RESUME APPLY AT F r e e t ' Apartments For Rent G y m n a s t i c s Animal Lovers Energetic and or nights-n0 www.TUITlQN.- sprrngbreaktravel com 13 ‘92 Silver Subaru wagon Babysrtter DOSIIIOI‘I av.iil- Instructors Needed! part-time person is need- Saturdays' Pay starts at PAINTERSCOM 800-678-6386 By Owner Condo rooms 4-door 5-speed able- to start PT and gr; The Little Gym I5 ed at Prnebrook Kennels $7 25 hour with frequent for rent at Universrty 115.000mr AC AM FM FT in January Flexrhlo accepting applications Work at least 3 morn- raises For more informa- Got cash? Didn‘t think so Spring Break Cancun 8- Commons Lake Park casette. power wrndows hours Child care experi- for PT ings week and some lion and to submit an Painters needed Starting Jamaica from 5419 1221 University Court and looks great gas ence TE'QUIIed Please (air afternoon evening weekends Starting application go to rate is SB/hr wrth bonus- Including Free Drinks 8. Unit 102 S300 poi month milage $1700 cal 513' for details. Holly 233-0136 POSitions Minimal $8 OO'hr call Chris at 851- www nCSu edu annual- es Raise after 30 days Food' Don't take a Private batt‘r wascor 1112 Baby sitter needed MP 3- weekend work 57- 1554 fund call him or call 513- No experience necessary chance buying your trip dryer Call 252-747-5054 6-9yrs to hr Gymnastics "Catering Works'near 2922 Must have transportation. from a company hun- www perfectcollegecar co Semesterg'rls commitment Dance experience pre- NCSU seeks delivery be Clean cut and depend- dreds ol miles away- too Space For Rent m Your parents never had Approximate average ferred Call Dave, 481- staff Great fall semester 10b able FIexrble schedules many scams' Call or stop - it this good 2hrs day-40hrs month 6701. iM-Fi6 30am-9 30am Excellent wages No late wrth weekly paychecks by our office at 133 5 E 87 RX-7 20 Coupe 22 Highly competitive hourly lM-Fi9 30am-l .OOpm night or Sunday work Call 8 4 4 3 5 O O Franklin St in Chapel Hill Available for students seats Midnight Blue. rate. Reopensrblc for driv- General Lawn lM-Fi2 00pm-6 00pm local moving company for APLUS75@AOL COM Springbreaktravelcom 1- . Non-smoker art! no pets AC Radio 125 K miles in ing Call 562-6651 after Maintenance & vaIlOUS SB 00 hr 2 shiftswk mini- intervrew 362-8355 Smiling laces wrth trans- 800-678-6386 Share space titc three great condition Runs like odd robs II‘i Ca . One per- mum Call Paul at 82.8- Young Professional portation tor banquet serv- WANTED‘ SPRINGi other lar‘tnts Rental 6pm. leave message. son needed for long term management and market- ing YOu pick yourhours to 5315 plus ‘4 utility Call the mod well maintained posnron Hours very flexr- 5932 l2pm-5pml ing levels to fill. BREAKERS' Cancun“ 919967-5046 after KBB value S3200t asking Help Wanted ble Must be capable of Looking for college stu- work the biggest parties in Bahamas. Florida, 8d 5 30pm or by 3;;30h" Cali 919821' working independently dents tor multi-Iunction Professronatrsm and com- the Triangle Good pay Jamaica Call Sun Coastl email zhatzg247 is hot- Aggressrve depend zoorn29tg.‘ netzero net office posrtrons in Cary 15 munication skills neces- Will train 833-9644. Vacations for a free: mail com hours or more Flexrble sary 850-1313 PT help needed I0r Cary brochure and ask how you? Servrces ggfsiglfi‘ilgdxs ”L“, Periaiid has a kennel work hours in a high ener- Girls 18+ wtth ID and warehouse. Flexrble days can Organize a small: Roommates Wanted 56008 credit card pro technicianposmon avail- gy work envrronment If transportation. Work your 8. hours Call469—8490 9- group & EAT. DRINK.‘ RAISE SI600- motronal work at able Youll be working interested call Pat or Anne way through school 5. no weekends. TRAVEL FREE & EARN: ST7OO+GET FREE CAPS Hurricanes and W31“ a variety of pets 30- Dance topless 2-3 CASH' Catt 1-888-777- Roommate wanted for TSHIRTS & PHONE r a e l s 4” “we“ Gays “'Qms at 859-0511 beween 9AM- nrghtsweek $100-$200 Party rental equipment 4642 or e-maill Hunters Creek C rrtdo CARDS' This one week basketbal' football and some weekends 15 6PM Fax 228-7306, Cash Nightcountry setting delivery & set-up. Flexible salestdsuncoastvaca-l Npar WtJIIlriri? M I: fundraiser requires ltff‘ home games $12 hr ""ns from campus Apply BARTENDERS NEED- 25 mi N of Raleigh. hours. Weekdays. week- trons__._..____.__lcom I 3275 mi" please at 852 investment and a Smal' E x c e n t 1” 06'5“” “00995 ”I ED'” Earn StS-SOrhr Job Nightmoves 494-2975 ends. and evenings SPRING BREAK' Deluxe) 0389 amount of time from you marketing sales experi KIICIEIIHB 451-6614 placement assrstance is Located one mile from Hotels. Reliable Air, Freel Share new rionilry Private or your club Qualified ence Fun working at ATHLETES Local sports top priority Raleigh's Want to be a rockstar”? campus near Charlie Food. Drinks and Partiesl‘ .bedroom 8i hair. i block callers receive a tree gilt the games inot watch- collector wrll pay up to Bartending School Call Talented. hardworking Goodnrghts Chair and Cancun. Jamaica. to campus’ T1 internet lust for calling Call today ing the gamosl Call Mr 5350 for your H 8 letter now for information about leadsrnger wanted for a Equipment Rental 833- Bahamas. Mazatlan 8% connection Phone 8. at 1-800-808-7442x80 Becker 1800-334- racket Any school or con- Fall turtion specral Offer prominent local band To 9743 Florida TRAVEL FREE‘ cable avil S275 and up ———‘—_ 4897 dition' Men‘s teams only ends audition email Interested in health and and EARN CASH' DO IT‘ Priess Ch 870-5080 Calculus homework? Iotterracketiil, hotmail com soon" Have lunl Make Ieadsrnger2002@ yahoo c nutrition’> Several NC ON THE WEB' Go toi tpco com Get any derivative step MOVIES or 336-254-3099 money’ Meet people' 676- 0m Serious mqurries onlyl State students are earning StudentCitycom or calll by-step The new Mrssron Valley 0774 www cocktailmix- State Employees Credit SB-torhr part-time sales 800-293-144310r into 1 or 2 roomatmz needs-d each step Cinemas IS now accepting Kennel AsstrReceptionrsts ercorn Union. 2401 Blue Ridge assocrates wrth General Two miles, from NCSU explained FREE applications for full and postrtions available Town FT Veterinary reception- Road Ralregh. NC. Nutrltlon Center Flexible Duplex, washerrdryer www.calc101.com part-time help Must love and Country Kennel Apex istiaSSistant needed at 27607 Peak time posr- schedules to work around Partially furnished Seeking healthy females movres and have the abili- Call Jo or Gail at 387- very well equrpped small trons available Monday- classes and employee $350 mo Call Dave 852 rages 18-33%, Willing to ty to work some week- 7833 animal hospital Ideal Friday 88 OO/hr No discounts For the pertect 4775 do t e lo nfertrle ends great KIDS Convertibles has a posrtron for 200 or animal Benefits Need to pass a part-time apply in person Across from Wake Tech women.na e Call995 966-1150. ‘ or 8049atmosphere Call 969- part-time furniture ware- solence graduate consrd- credit and criminal records at GNC-Falls Centre. at New 3 BR apt You get 1- email us at iessrca fer- house attendant posrtron ering application to check Call Leah Shearin 4500-150 Falls of the 12 rooms Own bath raritfi‘med unc ed for Infor- Area law firm looking for available 15-20 hrstwk Veterinary school at 782-3614 "Equal Neuse Road across from Share electric 8365 matron packet Please PT courier Must have 89hr Duties include‘ Benefits include veterinary Employment/Affirmative Darryl's Restaurant. Includes garbage. water. include name and own transportation recrevrrig furniture. load- scholarship opportunities action employer. M/F" ‘sewer Call 662-7219 address 82000 for com- Afternoon availability pre— ing customers vehicles Call Dr Mike at 553-4601 Prelnr non-smoker plete particrpatron Ierred Call Maria at 782- Contact Samantha 881- Anonymrty is preserved I441, ,, €3.40? ,, ,, CAULJ‘ON TUDOR 67-17 MIKE Soc/stare: 64-20




Games played the week of ~

OCTOBER Jesse Mar 'e Chip Caulton Mike Adam THE CONTENDERS Helms Anne ox Alexander Tudor Battagl ia Solarte Gold N. C. N. C. State N. C. State N & 0 N & 0 Cum/rim 85iHM [THE/F? PROFESSION] Senator Chancellor Prm'nsl Reporter Reporter Hurricanes I’t'rwrrtr/rrr Persona/rte OVERALL SCORE 66-18 64-20 65-19 62—22 67— l 7 54-30 64-20 60-24 \\'r 1 it‘s St «at! it’ll trtj (in {t 2 t t-- 3 M 3+ t N.C. State 38, North Carolina 20 N.C. State N.C. State N.C. State N.C. State N.C. State N.C. State N.C. State N.C. State ('leittson 35. \laryhtnrt H Clemson Cleiitsort (Wicnlsotl Chllllsutt Cletiisoii Clemson (.‘iL‘HlMlH \lar'y land Georgia Tech 52, Wake Forest 20 Ga. Tech Ga. Tech Ga. Tech Ga. Tech Ga. Tech Ga. Tech Ga. Tech Ga. Tech i3 lorit‘ia State 63. niliu il-i FSL' FSl' FSl.’ l-‘Stf FSl,‘ FS L' [St l'Sl' Oklahoma 41, Kansas State 31 Oklahoma Oklahoma Kansas St. Kansas St. Kansas St. Kansas St. Oklahoma Oklahoma hot a State 33. Oklahoma State 26 lotta St. lotta St. lotta St. ()St' lo\\ a St. OSt' ()St' lott a St. Purdue 41, Northwestern 28 Purdue Purdue NWU NWU Purdue Purdue Purdue Purdue “ti iscortstrt 17. Michigan State 10 MSL‘ \\iscoit.siii \‘t'iscortsirt ktSlf Wisconsin let' \\ iscorism \‘tls‘ct‘thlll Florida 38, Auburn 7 Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Math. t ‘arolina 3‘7. \rltattszts '7 S. Carolina .\l'is'dlls1t\ S. (‘ar‘olina S. Carolina S. Carolina S Carolina S. ('ar'olina S. (.ar'ohrta Oregon 28, Southern Cal 17 Oregon Oregon Oregon USC Oregon USC Oregon L’SC lx’ichrttoad Richmond N. Hamp. N. Hantp. Richmond Richmond Ricilllltttlti

State, FSU go the distance QODFBFY t“.' 5‘c .The women’s SOCCET team tits(l'rattiorldton indidtar‘trcuget laat)s‘lltu‘tset ttecard.tone \\.isPack sideint toot tietlIie tield.test rigidat lear'site clratrtt‘rorrslrtt‘. , glartre o\cr tlte. y '. fought to a SCOTEICSS draw tor ttre rest «it tlte game. respoitded ht keeping the I‘M to k “‘me 0” [hi : Saturday Wlih N0. 20 Florida State. l car ltelped keep the Pack atloat Seminoles out ot the goal. ;eitdrng 'lfl'mm”? “T”! MM Mind” t_ as I‘Sl' attacked time aitd time the gattte to otertime “‘H V“““”““ l“ “A”? “”i‘ 15?; Amy “em again. \lrtlttay through the first \\hr|e the Pack detrrirtely those programs ,; m“ Wm] halt. |.e.tr had already racked tip depended on Lear to stop the MAN“ ”(WW/k, rh..r in tour sates. lhrs numbercontinued attack by l-Sl . the rest ot the tearrt \ertdek h hurldriic mm! m‘ g; \(v‘ State and .\o. 3“ Honda to rise as the Seriiritoles continued made its mark at the other ertd ot s ‘ .1. -‘ ‘. ‘ T: State pla\ed t)” ”Hum“ arid too to pressure the State goal. the field daring to ethnic, through a tilt]: recroiiira lisritinure otertirites Satutda\ d1 \\ith the ltalt coming up. State With the garrte contrrtg th\\\lt to tottttdatrort \crtdek ertttts Method Road l‘reld arid couldn't' seemed to slot\ dottn. The the final minutes. botlt the Pack khole- the trith year coach Seminoles pushed the ball tip the arid the Scrinnoles hauled tor tteld he hasn't rrarrstorrrted deterrnrneThe “0”!kaa \\ irtner.“‘57:. p: tield “Hit a speed the Pack didn‘t position. The goalkeepers on both h“tic-causebasketball program .~\tlarttrc (‘oast (‘oiit'erencei and seem able to match. And eten ends were kept busy. arid the play ‘\ 'r Um b H ‘I \ ‘ ‘ m ‘ Seminoles t ltH—ldt 37' , trnrshed \then the Pack had the ball ers \yere roughed tip as the clock ‘ ‘ '1'.— ‘ l I ‘l- L“ " iiiascorclesstte ma game ntarred upheld.“ assistance seemed Llliilv counted titt\\ti. “WW“ \ “V'HI 1““ C 1““ h\' physical' pla\' as thecorrtbtrtedl\\tt teaiitstor cult"VteF” drdrtt“”d-I capitalr/e on all olg beganlbs‘ \\tthsecondan almostmettlms‘innitedraiel‘s‘llt‘il "f—"ll”(kWh VIM“ h h “NM {3 hth our opportunities." l.ear said. yelloty card against ,~\sh|e_\ llaltcr A ‘ NCSU O (‘onung otrt ot hatttime. the Pack ot the Seminoles tor roughing .i more spetral he is making Sophoiitore scented to get its second \tmd. Pack player, on." \herrrl said "He shmsed FSU 0 Z;goalkeeperI etc he it Right a\\ay. l.aura Scott arid The, crtd ot the second mertmte me this \tlien l \sas rrt high Lear turned Rachel l)urr ptrt pressure on cante quickly \trth neither team “hump and 1 mm,- 1,, 5m,- attay ltt shots tor- the Pack to ks‘k‘l‘ ( t1iyttotd‘ vtrth tystt""corricr shots.. t“rl It to getr‘ lht dtcrsttt-:;.:o d “mm“. m. \Im“ ed that he liSl‘ ott‘ the scoreboard. The intamous "ntoting goal" “lt \t as a tough phy srtal halite." crtlL‘ti .ll‘t‘tll ltlt' \ltti i t‘t‘lliti Head coach l.atira Kerrrgari tee \\.ts obtiotis as each shot was said Kerrigan. “The collegiate ognr/ed l.ear‘s trnportartce to the deflected by nterc inches. The soccer season is untorgtt ing " see \that‘s about to happen " Pack getting the drays tthen she action stayed on the l'Sl' side of 'l‘he tte kept State in the hunt tor said that "\\e count on (iretehen the t'ietd. unit the Pack pressing a N(‘.-\«\ lttlttlhtlllt‘ltl berth Nit/t (FI‘t/i/ld ‘\ tt'/lllll!r\ fi tor ctery game." tottards the goal iriiie arid irriie Keri'rgan said the prospect ot play The physical nature ot' the match again trig in a tournament game “all rl/l/lrrll ill] Ht'r/tlr \t/.i\\ Hr started early when liSl' goalkecp With inst o\er three minutes left depends oii the nest t\\tt \tecks (NH/)1 lrti’i/lti/tll NAl,‘ :J/lt‘t ' 5‘. 1‘. Vli'v-‘(i’ er Sarah ('i‘atytord took titt\\tl iii the game. l-Sl' tired tip its We hate some real competition r/rttthiI/Ir “INN/11W”. Laura Scott gets stuck between two Seminoles. Katherine Warnian. While attack. The action rrtosed to the ahead ot its."

WolfpackNotes wins sixth (it 35 passes lot It): yards arid entered the trrtal round trt sec Hitllll ~'( rule ol the \.t‘. Start N.C. State ranked iii Rivers a touchdown. marking the N.C. State captures ond place. l-all Intrtatront.’ at the \\'oltpaek both football polls Rookie of the Week sr\th straight trrite that RHL'I‘s Duke Golf Classic Mark Tullo also recorded a top 'lerinrs t 'eitter award ltas throttn tor o\ er ltitt yards It) linish. scoring e\en par tor Sealy took second iii the thghi Vim i~l oil the seasoii, \ (‘ in a game. \shrch lies a school ('hris Mundort sltot a Sunder the tournament to place sr\t|t l.atei'. Rosenthal teamed \\rth tel state is starting to get somtt N.(’. State “1.4mm” quarter record. Rn”,. got ”u. par J3‘ and. tintshtd' s seconds . to, Tulloa tired-- 70‘ in me “ml [“0 h,“ “ottpacker Jtltle‘s'l Sandhttto, ”"""”"I "Kim“ I””"“”'3*' '1‘ back Philip Rtters has been Woli'paek on the board \yhen “’4"! ”l" N-S mm“ "W" ‘ 21"“ rounds oit Sunday arid Monday. take til'tlt oyerall tn llight “D" N 3” ‘ "1”” ”\C' Mm“ tabbed the \(‘(' Rookie ol the hs' caught 1‘ l"1‘4”“lottchdottn “3”“ “Hi """PI‘M' "”"h 1” ”‘9 l)a\rd Sariche/ “as tied tor action. ('ai'otrna on Saturday. the Pack Week tor the sisth trrrte this pass from Bryan Peterson on Duke (iolt t‘lassre on Monday. Rthi o\era|l and (iarth Mulroy lireshman .'\/lichael (‘arduccr tiac ked both mator college toot season. the leagtre anrtouneed the Pack‘s t'ri'st dt'rye. The Pack. \thich shot a ll— \tas 76th ol the Woltpack. also det'eated Bruno (‘oelho ot‘ ball polls. State is ranked No. 14 on Monday, In the second quarter. Riters oter—par 870 for the tourna- Liberty (3-3. (M to capture third place in llte “B" tlight. Also in arid‘” 'H‘“is *\“"“"'l“"_ranked .‘fithPW“tn H)”the toRtVL‘t'sa 3573”guided“H,themm\‘t'olt’packNorth umhookedtimetiptossing\yrlh Petersona ltt—yaulagain.pass ”kW-“111“!Duke and ”l” Augustaleeh. \thieh5‘4““ Rosenthal{1' h “C”claimstOtl . dmNCK‘WW,“ RyanBtmurdand ' SIN/l5 it‘d-l} ('“t‘t'hc‘ ('arolrna Saturday irr (‘hapcl to Peterson tor a lttllt‘lttittwtl. 1'” “C" "“‘L‘V‘m‘i 1g t l Bryce McGror‘y deteatcd Ricardo H)“ llrll. the \\III snal‘l‘ed a seten- Ritei‘s and Peterson “etc the Murtdort "”"hm hm two Shino/aki arid (‘oelho 8-] to take lltis \\eek's rankings ttiar‘k game losing streak to the t’ii'st player‘s tit school history strokes beltind Wake Forest‘s N.C. State sophomore Brian third place in “B" tlrght action. State‘s ltl'sl appearance iii the lleels. to thrott and catch a touch» Brent Wanner tor the inditidual Rosenthal. a name ot’ Boca Raton. State will ne\t compete in the lop 25 since Sept. 20 ot last Against a tough Tar Heel down pass in the .sariie game. title. He shot a 68 on Monday to Fla. outlasted teammate Shane ITA Regional Championships year. detense. Rryei's corripleted H— pace the Wolt'pack. which Sealy 6—4. 64 Sunday to elairii the Nm. H) in Chapel Hill. SCORES SCHEDULE I‘IItIlhuII 38. I \I‘ .‘II Wednesdav Football \s. Honda St. III/2H. 72th) \NIIIIIeII‘s sIIeeet tl I‘SI' l' \‘IIIIIL‘II\\([CL‘I \s. (‘IeIIL III/22. I'll) Duke 7. Men‘s sIIIICI' ‘I Men‘s soeeer \s. INC“. Itl/lts’, {3U \Vttke I. \‘IIIIL'hI‘IIII I s \IIIIeIhIIII \‘s. VIIgIIIIII. III/3t). 7: III 0118 (‘I‘oss eIIIIIItI). :\(‘( ‘s. III/II


October madness :II‘I\ S‘.IIIII.|.Ij. illttlllr the. men's II.IsketlI;III seIIsIIII IIeg.III III Iele ht‘tttot') I.Is|IIIIII on some I.IIII~ |‘ttses, MN on otlIeI \.tlIIl‘IlsL'\. the season lIeg.III IIIIlI ;I IIIIIIIIIe LII'IeI‘IIIIIIII pI.II,IIIe. IIIIIIII less Ilr.IIII.ItIe. but no less IIIIpIIrt.IIIt. So. on I“ II .t I.‘ e II R II II II . "\lttlntght \\ItlI .\I.Itt .IIIII the I'.II IIeeIs" \\.I\ the North k‘.II'IIlIII.I nob I‘III III IIL‘I III Godfrey on the “.\IIIIIIIgIIt \l.IIlIIess” e\eIte- IIIeIII IlI.II IIIIke lI.IIl k‘IIItUL‘tI .I ten miles IlIIIIII IS l5»5lil lI'IIIII I‘l‘l‘ to I‘m" Ihe IIII' IIeeIs IIIIIIIIIeII the ltz'st III.Iek pIIIIeI III \II.IIIIII (.II;I\I t‘oIIteIeIIIe 'tI.IsketlI.III lIIsIIII'}. (‘ILIIIII' \IIIII. .IIIIl IllsI'_\t.‘.ll lIeIIIl eII.I.lI ‘.I..It IIIIlteI't) p.II> IIIIIk Ill pttkup .IIIIIIII III IrIIIII III sIIIIIe I‘IHIHII l.ItIs .It t‘.IIII'II.II.I.-l \ttIlIIIIIIIIIII I)III\L: .IIIII \ (' \IIIIIC IIIIL'IICII State ends seven- III‘ lite Qt? I'l :I’III st‘.t\tlll NJIIIIIIJL IIIII “III; 'ilt‘ \\t‘\‘ht‘lItI I‘I IIlt‘ I'IIst I'II_III:Ies ll'I I\’.:It'l:.'II .IIIII IIIIIII IIII \\ .tst‘, I st‘ IIIIIeII .l year drought I’ttlIIIIIIIIIII\ e’II‘IlI .I\ II H J‘ .1 IlI.Ittee IIII IIII media to t.IIk III pl.t\ets .IIIII I‘I‘I III.I}I'I\ to get ON.C. State uses a big fourth quarter to beat rival 'I he I'.Ir IIeeIs IIIII IIIII IIIIII. lIoIte\eI1 .-\Ided h) it I‘IIth IIIIIi I‘II\I\\'II‘.IiI IIII‘IIC. tlIII‘Il .IIIII long IIIslI II} I \t‘ IIII.II‘IeI‘lI.'Iek Ronald IIIIII‘ III‘III .IIIII \\IIle.IIk UNC for the first time since 1992. t‘IIrI‘} .IIIII .I IIe.IIl lI.Ill IIIIspIII‘tsItI.IIIlIke eottdttet gII.I\eIs .III-I matches h.IIl re.I penalty the Heels respondent \\IIII .I IIIIIelIIlIIIIII M \I‘II III I\' I. \\ 'Ie‘tI Stew 0 'l‘homps‘on then IIIIII .IIIIl .IIIIII'II .I III-III gII.I| I'IgIII below the lhtke Is .I I I‘IIsL‘l'I\II\ {Ill}. \‘ It! \\I \I lI.Ilt to I III the Ik‘IltI II» II I ‘ T'IEI‘I‘ te III: IIII III SIMIIIe “III tlIt lIIst II.:|t. \\I‘ new kIIIII III sh.Ik} on II.It".I .IIIII I.IsIIII \\IIII.IIIIs III ('II \I‘I'I IIIII _ \tteI gIIIIIg IIIIIIess .IgIIIIIsI Iletettsc ” s.IIIl \\II!Ip.IIk Illle'IIIIchL‘l I e\.II I-IslIeI‘. the iIItIIII‘II‘II III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIe} \III'III ('.II'IIIIII.I IlIIIIIIg the se\eIII-\e;tt teIIIII‘e III "I Ieel iIke IIIIII II! It IlIeIII IlIIIIII.” ‘I‘III (“I-“Wm. I.Ie1tt‘.I‘I. II‘; \Ilke (I‘I'IIII‘I \I \IIIII I‘L'.II lI‘IL‘ I.tl IIk'L'I‘ INS“ III the second Il.:II. IIII‘ l’.Iek IIeIeIIse shut dtmn “are >4: .':I»II.II .; As ‘. ItIstIleIII.ts:Ite I‘IIIIeII I’I.IItIet' \IIIIIIIIIt} .II Is'etI.III .\t.IIIIIIIII IlIeI \( IIlIeIIsI' (Above) Cotra Jackson had 94 yar s in the fourth quarter. .IIIII \\I.II..IIIs tuck sI‘IIIIIIIl IIIL‘ gIIIIIe I‘ettirtt~ the I‘.II'k to Its \IIIIIIIIIg \\.I}s III the mud tIII.IIIeI. the l’IIek otIeIIse slIIIIetl .IIIII (Above left) Koren Robinson is grabbed by DeFonte Coleman. l;\el I'Iw'sl IIIIIIIIIIIIII: IlI.II .tlIe'l .I s,‘4 w ItI\\ .II (’ieIIIsIIII \\IIlI the \I III. \I.Ite \\.I\ IIIIIeII to pIIIIt :‘II II\ IIIst lIIIIt IIIIssessIIIIIs I‘I- le‘I‘\ ll‘iw 'lIe IIIII' \\lIIl the IIIII\eII Into the II.IIIIIII.II I.IIIkIIIgs tor tlte lIIst IIIIIe the su IIIIII ‘I.Iit llIe IlI‘IeIIse. IIII\\e\eI. IIII|_\ I).~\II\ sIIIee the I'.Itl\ IIIIrt III III\I )e.II IlIe I).I\i\ Is eIII IIII\‘\\L'II three pIIIIIIs III the II.IIt .IIIII kept I‘.\'(,‘ Unusual suspects \IIII HI ix...eI.:l.. when .I I.Ist I'eIItlI I-ltl: III IIIe \ssIII'I.IIeII I’I'ess I’IIII .IIIII ISIII III‘III t.IkIIIg the lead :IIIIIIIII- « III .I I‘etIIIIIIIIg III the I .\ IIIII.I§ I \I‘\ I’IIII \\Itl= II It: II-IIIIIIIIIIIg III the IIIIII'Ih quarter. the sI.llII‘I e'IIIIIII I‘I.I\e IlI.IIIt‘ II” II "II \\It\ .I long IIIIIe IIIIIIIIIg.” s.IIII \III.IIII IleIeIIse III'IIIIIIIeII the pin III the game. \s ('ttrr} lead State past UNC sI‘IIII‘e? si.t' III IIIL \t,‘tl\\’II. "\IIIII‘Ier III IIItet. stt'e.Iks eIIII ” \‘IL‘III I‘.t. Is IIII .t puss, \I‘I.IIII‘ I\’I“..'L'\ eUIIH‘tgt'tI III‘IIII IIeIII \t-III'eI. lI.IIl hIs IIIIIIIIs 'I he \\IIltp;Iek e.IIIIe out \‘I the IIIIIeks IIIII. push IIIIII. IIIIIII the IIIIIIII sIIle I.IIIIIIg the IIIIII IIIIIse 'e'.ttI‘I It I ..I IIIWIIIe's~ II'Ie”. III: the lI.Ill 5" _I.IIIls III etght plats on Its IIIIII.I| II.IIIIIIIIIII IIIII'III'II.‘ IIIIIII II .III.I~IeII the I‘.III III gne 0 Cotra Jackson and an unlikely .Ittekson IIIIII rushed lot :I ;,Ir';IIII1 I'I.t\ l._III : s.IIeI EII.II III\‘_\ ItI‘Ixe IlIe IlII\ e \\.Is I‘.Ippetl Its II IIII'I. III.I) pIIss \IIJIK‘ I‘II\\I‘\\!I‘-ll III'I‘I‘ ll‘. IIIt‘ I \(V /UIIL‘ group ol players carried the [(‘ILII (It I }.II‘IIs IIII t\\II IIIIIes her! I III \I IIIIIIL' III slIIIIe '*III II'IIIII lI_\I'.III I’etetson III I’lIIIIp RIIers tor the "It‘outlt ,\III.IIIII IlI.IiIeIILIeIl us to he more pltsv this season. Juekson .IIIlII'I I-IeII le.:st IIIIIII It s time IIII .IIIIIIIs IIIIIIIIIIIIIHI .IIeI III the g.IIIIe. Peterson taught .I Ie.II It's .I s|.Ip III the the \\ hen the eII.II II tells }tIll Wolipack to victory against the play an ol‘t‘ensIIe sIInI .Ig.IIIIsI IIIItlfg‘t‘ III . III'It‘I‘ .I IIIIIIL‘g'L‘ IIItIeIIIIIIIIII III lIetIIIIIe the lust State \\ IIle teeeIIeI IlI.II.” s.IIII Isltet “\\e \IIIIIC IIIIt .IIIII I\ e IIIse III tlte Tar Heels. (‘IeIIrgI.I Tech or (‘leIIIsIIII IlI.II See. IIIIIIge Is .I II 5 \IIIIg III IIIlt‘\‘I .IIIII I'.Ite|I .I tIIIIeIIIlImII III .I gIIIIIe IIee;IsIIIII ” tIll ehttnged III the IIIurth IIII.IIIeI «__I:I.IIII. t'.IIIkeII highl} III .III I'he I‘.Iek’s IIIleIIsne .III.Iek eIIIItIIItIeIl .It ItlII (III the cosmos IIIIssessIIIII. ItIIIIIIIIe IIIII'k ('IIII'.I Jeremy Ashton against I Nt'. I'eIIIIItIII: gurus (It the pI.I_\ .I.lLI\\t\ll IlsL'II I‘\\II tttl'Is III It‘III'I‘. IIIt‘ L'lItI /\'IIL‘ .IIIII ()n the tint III.I_\ III IlI.II Illl.t! throttle mm the seeIIIIII IIII.II'teI ()\er.I|l. the I’ttek I.‘\IL'IIII IIK' It‘.ltI III II .jI’ I.tI'I\\I‘lI. \\IIII (.Illlu‘ IIlI \II.‘II~ tern: period. sI.II'teI‘ R.I_\ RUIHIIMIII. (Is \IIIII .II.‘ IIII seI'IIIIIsI\ eIIII seIIIetl on tour III Its lirst II\e possessions to estttlI~ \\IIU II.III LtlreIIIl} .Illl;tssetl lllI sI.leIIIIg eutls eIIth. Into the IIsII .I .‘J7 Ie.IIl on the Ileels \\IIII Ill IIIIIIIItes lIII .III IIIIIIIeIl I\’.I\ l= opened earl) III the seI'IIIIII \‘I'Ith the [We let them down .I hIt. It‘s hard tor the to he the gtIItIe lute IIII :I NIek ()IIIeIIeIu Mitchell Watson makes a diving stop. I)t‘\lI\ up I‘ll thunks III .'III \II (‘urlts gIItII persona”) because I “IIIII III be out there See GODFREY Page 9 See UNCW Page 8