ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin ISSN (Print): 1411-3775, ISSN (Online): 2548-4729 Research Article

Translating the Transcends of God's World into Balinese

The development of Quranic translation in Indonesia generally showed the Author: Efri Arsyad Rizal,1* total adoption by using loanword. Some parties within Muslim communities Mohamad Sobirin2 tried to translate using their local language to make easier in understanding the Affiliation: Qur’an. Cakepan Suci al-Qur'an Salinan Ring Basa Bali by I Wayan Rupa 1UIN Walisongo, Mengwi is the first Balinese translation of the Qur’an, which prefer to translate Semarang, 2UIN Prof. KH. Saifuddin Zuhri, them rather than to borrow them in translation. It remains questions how the Purwokerto author vernacularized some “fixed theological terms and phrases” of the Corresponding author: Arabic-Qur’an into Balinese and why did he chose to “translate” them rather [email protected] than to “borrow” them in his translation work. By using vernacularization Dates: approach, the result showed that (1) it used terminological approach to Received 4 Feb. 2021 vernacularize some fixed terms and phrases, (2) the special appeal of using Revised 29 Mar. 2021 Accepted 16 Apr. 2021 Balinese words and phrases when translating selected Qur'anic words and Published 30 Apr. 2021 phrases is to reflect typical local beliefs (Balinese), as well as to carry out How to cite this article: da'wah through a socio-cultural approach. Even though, this pattern reflects Arsyad, Efri., Mohamad Sobirin, 2021, the platform and strategy of international movement through the ‘Translating the translation of the Qur'an, but this work is not connected formally under the Transcends of God's World into Balinese’ organization program of Ahmadiyya. ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin 22(1), 63-75. Keywords: Al-Qur’an; Balinese Translation; Vernacularization; Ahmadiyyah; I /esensia.v22i1.2651 Wayan Rupa Mengwi Copyright: © 2021. The Authors. Penerjemahan Al-Qur’an di Indonesia secara umum menunjukkan adopsi This work is licenced under the Creative dengan kata serapan. Beberapa komunitas Muslim mencoba menerjemahkan Commons Attribution- menggunakan bahasa lokal, demi memudahkan komunitasnya memahami Non Commercial- ShareAlike 4.0 makna Al-Qur’an. Cakepan Suci Al-Qur'an Salinan Ring Basa Bali karya I International.

Wayan Rupa Mengwi merupakan Al-Qur'an terjemah Bahasa Bali pertama, yang lebih banyak menerjemahkan daripada menggunakan kata serapan. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan, bagaimana penulis memvernakularisasikan beberapa “istilah dan frasa teologis yang baku” dari Al-Qur’an Arab ke dalam Bahasa Bali dan mengapa penulis memilih untuk “menerjemahkan” daripada “meminjam” istilah dan frasa baku tersebut dalam karya terjemahannya. Dengan pendekatan vernakularisasi, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; Pertama, penerjemah menggunakan pendekatan terminologis untuk melakukan vernakularisasi; Kedua, penggunaan kata dan frasa Bahasa Bali ketika menerjemahkan adalah untuk mencerminkan kepercayaan lokal khas (Bali), serta melaksanakan dakwah melalui pendekatan sosial budaya. Meskipun pola ini mencerminkan platfor strategi gerakan Ahmadiyah Read Online: internasional, namun karya ini tidak terhubung secara formal di bawahnya. Scan this QR code with your mobile device or Kata Kunci: Al- ; Terjemah Bahasa Bali; Vernakularisasi; Ahamadiyyah; smart phone I Wayan Rupa Mengwi to read online

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Translating the Transcends of God's World into Balinese Research Article

Introduction Sundanese,6 and Tafsir al-Ibriz 1980 by K.H. Bisri The development of interpretation in Mustafa used Javanese.7 Indonesia generally used the elements of the From the beginning, the interpretation of locality that make it easier to understand the the al-Kahfi chapter in the 16th century and Qur'an and convey its messages to society.1 Tarjuman Mustafid in the 17th century by Abd According to Anthony H. John, there are many Rauf Singkel until the works of the 21st century, aspects of life like social structure, law, and the translation of the Qur’an into Balinese seems government systems that are formed by the different because researchers rarely touched this influence of Islam, as well as several Arabic translation. This fact is shown by the lack of vocabularies introduced into local languages references and sources to access it. Nevertheless, such as Malay and Javanese.2 the Minister of Religion, Lukman Hakim The commentator translated the Qur’an Saifuddin, launched the Qur'an in Balinese using the common language in Indonesian or translation in 2017. It was done to bring people Malay. In the end, Qur’an translation languages closer to the Qur'an by preserving regional are borrowed into Indonesian or Malay. This languages.8 According to Mustafa al-Amin (one term is known as localization or of the translation teams of the Qur'an in vernacularization.3 It can be seen from three Balinese), this translation was the first in the phenomena: First, the use of Arabic script with Balinese version.9 the Malay language called by Jawi Nevertheless, Al-Amin’s claim is not script. Second, the number of loanwords from totally correct, because there was a previous Arabic transformed into the local work before his work of Qur’anic translation language. Third, the number of literary works into Balinese, entitled Cakepan Suci al-Qur'an inspired by Arabic and Persian works.4 The Salinan Ring Basa Bali. This author of this work other argument stated one addition of those is H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan (I Wayan Rupa phenomena: the borrowing of Arabic linguistic Mengwi). He is Ahmadiyya’s follower. Thus, and grammatical rules and structures.5 we could state that it is the first translation of The works of study of the Qur’an-like the Qur’an into Balinese up to this study has translation used various local languages. For been done. Yet, this translation is not consisting example, Turjuman al-Mustafid by Abd Rauf of the complete chapters of the Qur’an as Al- Singkel used Malay, Tafsir al-Qur’an Basa Amin’s work and team of Ministry of Religious Sunda by A. Hassan 1937, and Tafsir Ayat Suci Affairs, it only contains Chapter al-Fatihah to Lenyepaneun by Moh. E. Hasim 1984 used Chapter al-Ma'idah. This translation has novel pattern in

translating some Qur’anic terms into Balinese, 1Ahmad Baidowi, “Aspek Lokalitas Tafsir al Iklil fi Ma’ani al- Tanzil Karya KH Mishbah Musthafa,” Jurnal Nun, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2015, 35. 6Mursalim, “Vernakularisasi al-Qur’an di Indonesia 2 Farid F. Saenong, “Vernacularization of the Qur’an: (Suatu Kajian Sejarah Tafsir Al-Qur’an),” Jurnal Komuninasi Tantangan dan Prospek Tafsir al-Qur’an di Indonesia dan Sosial Keagamaan, Vol. 16 No. 1, Januari 2014, 58. Interview dengan Profesor Anthony H. Johns,” Jurnal Studi 7 Muhammad Akmaluddin, “Social and Cultural Qur’an, Vol. 1 No. 3, 2006, 459. Relations in Islamic Law in Javanese Context: KH. Bisri 3Ibid., 578. Musthofa’s Thought on Qur’an and Issues,” Jurnal 4Anthony H. Johns, Qur’anic exegesis in the Malay- Esensia, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2020, 234. Indonesian World an Introductory to survey in Abdullah Saeed, 8“Menag Luncurkan Qur’an Terjemahan Bahasa Approaches to the Qur’an in Contemporary Indonesia (London: Melayu, Bali, Banjar,” published on Wednesday, December Oxford University Press, 2005), 257-287. 20th, 2017,, accessed on January 26th, 5Moch Nur Ichwan, “Literatur Tafsir Al-Qur’an 2020. Melayu Jawi di Indonesia, Relasi Kuasa, Pergeseran dan 9Interview with Musthafa al- Amin, Team of Al- Kematian dalam Visi Islam,” Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, Vol. 1 Qur’an Translation in Balinese by Ministry of Religion, on No. 1, 2002, 13. December 30th, 2019.

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because “fixed theological terms and words” are languages.10 Even so, in practice, translating not borrowed as usual in Qur’anic translation, from the original language to the targeted but completely translated into Balinese words. language always makes a difference or will not For example, the word "Allah" is translated into be final, so does the translation of the Qur’an.11 "Ida Hiyang Widi", the term alladzina Translation will always depend on the amanu means "believers communities" is translator's subjectivity and pattern.12 translated into "anake sane matutang", and It is based on the environment, society, some others. Based on these primarily findings, differences in time and place, and the goals this research aims at answering “how did implied in the process so that this phenomenon Ahmad Iwan Darmawan vernacularize some belongs to the translator and cannot be judged “fixed theological terms” of the Qur’an into by one side. Therefore, this will reveal how the Balinese and why did he choose to “translate” context in which a translation was born, in this them rather than to “borrow” them in his case, the translation of the Al-Qur’an.13 translation work Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Salinan Robin Sadino said that vernacular creates Ring Basa Bali? the quality of a society. Vernacularization To answer these two questions, we indicates that people can produce conducted an analysis to Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Salinan Ring Basa Bali, with a translation and 10 Akmaliyah, Teori dan Praktik Terjemah Indonesia-Arab cultural theory approach, which in this context (Depok: Kencana, 2017), 1. 11 is specifically called vernacularization. Ali Salman Hummadi et al., “Rhetorical Loss in Translating Prepositional Phrases of the Holy Qur’an,” SAGE Therefore, the primary source of this study is Open 10, no. 1 (2020): 2158244020902094, the document of Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Salinan; Muḥammad ibn Ring Basa Bali and the transcriptions of Ismāʻīl Bukhārī 810-870, Manners in Islam = Al-Adab Al interviews with the author of the work. We Mufrad : Arabic Text, Translation and Commentary (First edition. Karachi : Darul Ishaat : Available at, Idaratul Maʻarif, Darul conducted in-depth interviews with the author Uloom, 2002., 2002); Noureldin Mohamed Abdelaal and to uncover the reasons behind his decision “to Sabariah Md Rashid, “Semantic Loss in the Holy Qur’an translate” fixed theological vocabularies in the Translation With Special Reference to Surah Al-WaqiAAa Arabic-Qur'an into Balinese rather than “to (Chapter of The Event Inevitable),” SAGE Open 5, no. 4 (2015): borrow” them as usual in the Qur’anic 2158244015605880,; Stefan Henning, “God’s Translator: Qu’ran Translation and translation tradition. While the secondary the Struggle over a Written National Language in 1930s sources are relevant documents that can help us China,” Modern China 41, no. 6 (2015): 631–55, in analyzing the object, both from the aspect of 10.1177/0097700414551253. Balinese language and culture, or the historical 12 David Katan, Translating Cultures: An Introduction for Translators, Interpreters and Mediators, Translating Cultures: An context of the work. Introduction for Translators, Interpreters and Mediators, 2014, The translation is not a new thing because; Vincent Houben, accurate translation already exists along with “New Area Studies, Translation and Mid Range Concepts,” in the development of human civilization. In this Area Studies at the Crossroads. Knowledge Production after the era, cross-language communication is an Mobility Turn, ed. Katja Mielke and Anna-Katharina Hornige (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017); Basil Hatim and important thing, and it develops day by day. Jeremy Munday, Translation: An Advanced Resource Book for This requires humans to increasingly Students, Translation: An Advanced Resource Book for Students, understand and know so that a 2019,; C.J. Catford, A misunderstanding in communication will be Linguistic Theory of Translation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965); David Katan, “Defining Culture, Defining avoided. Various origin languages carry out Translation,” in The Routledge Handbook of Translation and translation activities into different targeted Culture, 2018, 13 Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays (USA: University of Texas Press, 1981), 293-294

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understanding and accept it as a socio-cultural (1988), Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Salinan Ring Basa picture. Because the characteristic is interchange Bali/ Balinese Qur’an Translation (2007), so that the context of life can be felt as seen from Singkatan Isi Surah-Surah Kitab Suci Al-Qur’an the existing discourse.14 Language has two (n.d.), Abad Kelimabelas Hijriyah Adalah Abad functions, namely documentary and as a work. Kemenangan Islam: Tegaknya Tauhid dan Sirnanya However, vernacularization has a dual role to Kemusyrikan (n.d.), Karunia Allah Haji Mabrur play between these two functions. When to Untuk Seorang Mualaf dari Bali (n.d.), Persatuan become a documentary and the work needs to dan Kesatuan Umat: Jalan Keluar dari Krisis be traced back to know which function is Multidimensi dan Azab Kemurkaan Tuhan (n.d.), appropriate. Because these two functions and Menuju Kemenangan Islam (n.d.). generally do not occur simultaneously, this is a critical discussion to reveal.15 A. Description of the Book Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Salinan Ring Basa General Overview on Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Bali was first published by Islam International Salinan Ring Basa Bali Publications Limited Islamabad, Tilford, H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan or I Wayan England. Later, it printed in Indonesia by YWD Rupa Mengwi is an Indonesian Ahmadiyyah Printing, Jakarta, and published by Wisma figure from Bali who authorized the Qur’anic Damai Foundation Tawakal Ujung Raya Street translation into Balinese entitled Cakepan Suci No. 7 Jakarta, Indonesia. The researcher holds Al-Qur’an Salinan Ring Basa Bali. He was born in on the 5th edition (2007) of the book. Mengwitani on December 26, 1937,16 to coincide This book consists of 305 pages, contains with the Great Pemacekan Piodalan in Gelgel, seven juz with five chapters of the Qur’an: al- Klungkung.17 He has a father, I Made Fatihah, al-Baqoroh, Ali Imron, an-Nisa, and al- Rengkung, a mother, I Nyoman Regug, and a Ma’idah. The book size is 22 x 17 cm. The cover brother, I Made Pasek. Darmawan conveted into is a green hardcover, while the title and the a Muslim on December 16, 1961. author's name are written in gold in the upper Darmawan completed Elementary School and bottom parts of the middle book. (Sekolah Rakyat) in 1945. He Continued Junior High School in 1955 and study in Pharmacy School in Yogyakarta. He had no intellectual background in studying Qur’anic studies at Pesantren, Madrasas or any other Islamic Institutions. He lives among Ahmadiyya Community in his daily life. Some of his works are Kutipan-kutipan Saking Al-Qur’an Suci Ring Bahasa Bali/Tematic Balinese Qur’an Translation

14Robin Sabino, Languaging without Languages (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2018), 100 15Sheldon Pollock, The Language of the Gods in the World of Men (California: Unifersity of California Press,2006) 283 16Interview with H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan on Figure 1. The Front Cover of Cakepan Suci th, December 17 2019 on Nagarawangi street no. 56B behind Al-Qur’an Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Personal Ahmadiyya mosque, Tasikmalaya, West Java. 17Pemacekan Agung is a commemoration five days Documentation) after Galungan or five days before the Kuningan, which is celebrated every Soma (Monday) Kliwon. Quoted from on March 11th, 2020.

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Furthermore, the paper used was wood writing format per paragraph by writing down grain writing paper. The primary material of the verse number, then the translation. When this paper was pulp without lignin or HVS. The the author found a verse as the first ayah quality of the paper is good so that the ink can of rukuk, it will begin with the number be read clearly. The writing used manual of rukuk, then the verse number, and Balinese machine type so that it appears like a classic translation. The page number is located at the typewriter font in ancient times. bottom of the page. First, the time of revelation.18 In the Last, at the end of the translation, there is Balinese Language written with Ketedunang. also a summary functioned to summarize the Sesampun Hijrah for the Madaniyyah, and translation points. This section is named Sedurung Hijrah for the Makiyyah. by Ikhtisar Surah. Meanwhile, there is also an Second, the number of verses written with additional explanation in each of the rukuk in the word Ayatnyane/ Ayatipun. The verse Al Baqarah. This addition is not found in of “Bismillahirrohmanirrohim” is admitted as the another surah. first verse of each surah. So, writing the number The method used in translation is Terjemah of verses is followed by the word ngawit Maknawiyah. Terjemah Maknawiyah or Bismillah, which begins from Bismillah. Terjemah Tafsiriyyah explains the meaning of Third, the number of ruku’, written with sentences in other languages without limiting the word Rukuknyane / Rukuk ipun. the structure of the original words or taking into Fourth, muqoddimah. This introduction account the rules of the original language.19 contains information about the history of The main reference of this book is Al- descendants, its meaning, and its other name. Qur’an dengan Terjemah dan Tafsir Singkat.20 The Furthermore, it mentioned the advantages of the similarity between Cakepan Suci with Al-Qur’an chapter, for example, in al-Baqarah. The third Terjemah dan Tafsir Singkat is their systematic opening paragraph explained that al Baqarah is writing. Both are begun with chapter a granting of prayer. information, including the time of revelation The next is systematic writing of this (Makiyyah and Madaniyyah), the number of translation. Each verse is written on the right verses and ruku’. Furthermore, both contains an side of the page. The space of each verse adjusts introduction as the preface of the translation. the meaning of the translation in Balinese. The The writing layout is like the previous one. translation is written on the left side with the The verse is located on the right side of the page, while the translation is on the left side. The difference is in the footnote in Al- 18 Subkhi Salih explained in his book Mabahits fi Ulum Qur’an dengan Terjemahan dan Tafsir Singkat Al-Qur’an page 167 regarding the three opinions of Makiyyah and Madaniyyah based on Jalaluddin Al Suyuthi's opinion Bahasa Indonesia. It is located under the line so on Al Itqan fi Ulum Al-Qur’an book. First, the definition based that the page filled with information from on place. This opinion said that Makiyyah is a verse that footnotes. descended in Makkah's surroundings both before hijrah and after hijrah, while the Madaniyyah verse is a verse that descended in Medina and surrounding areas. Second, the 19Syaikh Manna al- Qaththan, Mabahits fi ‘Ulum Al- definition based on the object. This opinion said that Qur’an (Mesir: Daar al Ilm wa al , Mesir, 1990), 313. Makiyyah is a verse that calls on the inhabitants of Makkah, 20Al-Qur’an Terjemah dan Tafsir Singkat is a translation while Madaniyyah is a verse that calls on the inhabitants of holy Qur'an and interpretation that has the original title "The Medina. Third, the definition based on the Islamic da'wah Holy Qur'an". This book was written by Maulana phase. This opinion said that Makiyyah verse is a verse that Muhammad Ali then translated by H. M. Bachrun. This book came down before the Prophet's hijrah to Yastrib, while was published by Darul Kutubil Islamiyah Kesehatan Street Madaniyyah verse is a verse that came down after hijrah. In IX No. 12 Central Jakarta 10160. This book was first printed in this translation, the verse classified based on the third 1979 and now reached its twelfth edition in 2006. It can be category. accessed in its soft file form at

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B. Authorship’s Objectives and Socio- preaching, Ahmad Iwan Darmawan considered Cultural Contexts translating Al-Qur'an into the local language The compilation of Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an (Balinese) to show the community that Islam is a Salinan Ring Basa Bali is inseparable from the religion accepted and fit for all Balinese. His centenary of the Ahmadiyya Community in urge to translate the Qur'an into the Balinese 1989.21 Even so, the first book by Ahmad Iwan language aims to ensure the lack of rejection Darmawan was written in 1988 entitled from the community on the teachings he carries Kutipan-Kutipan Saking Al-Qur’an Suci Ring because most Balinese embraces Hinduism. Bahasa Bali.22 Then, he tried to translate the Qur'an into the Our investigation showed that it is not Balinese language. “Salinan nganggo basa Bali known for sure the commencement of the puniki minekadi usaha munduhang sesidan titiang compilation because the author no longer salinan surah-surah sane munggah ring sajeroning clearly remembers when and where he made it. Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an"25 means translation Nevertheless, only two chapters in that book using the Balinese language is one of his efforts mentioned its time. Those are chapter Ali-Imran to accumulate translated chapters in the Qur'an. on July 25, 2002,23 and An-Nisa chapter on Thus, although the author of Cakepan Suci September 9, 2002.24 Referring to the Al-Qur’an Salinan Ring Basa Bali had clearly explanations above, the book's writing was done stated that his purpose to write the book long ago before the writing of the chapter Ali- because of his awareness to ease Muslim Imron and An-Nisa. Taken from the researcher's Balinese’s people in understanding the meaning data, Ahmad Iwan Darmawan said that the of the Qur'an, or we could say “dakwa or Islamic commencement of the compilation of these two preaching objective”,26 in the other perspective Translated Qur'ans, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an of ideology, this work has most likely had an Salinan Ring Basa Bali and Kutipan-kutipan Saking ideological context. Because this work was Al-Qur’an Suci Ring Bahasa Bali were begun written by a member of the Indonesian almost at the same time. Ahmadiyya communities. But we would not As a Balinese native and muallaf, Iwan like to extend this discussion, because our focus Darmawan has a high enthusiasm to spread the is not on uncovering this aspect. Najib Burhani teachings of Islam in Bali. His desire to teach had presented this aspect well. In addition to Islam is not merely through Islamic preaching, revealing ideology, Burhani revealed several but it was also be accompanied by noble important issues in this Ahmadiyya’s character and ethics to deliver the message of translation, one of which is its translation into peace. This kind of propaganda also local or regional languages. In his elaboration, corresponds to the Ahmadiyya slogan “Love for local languages were chosen by Ahmadiyya to All, Hatred for none.” Besides, to expedite translate the Qur’an because, in the early decades of Indonesian Independence, because these languages were more critical than Bahasa 21 Jamaah Ahmadiyah Indonesia, Ayat-ayat pilihan dari Indonesia for disseminating ideas, particularly Al-Qur’an (Jakarta: Gunabakti Grafika, 1988), Preface. 22The title of that book written “Sui”. But after the confirmation with the author, the real word is “Suci”. “itu hanya salah saja. Ada huruf yang kurang. Saya telah menegur pada saat itu, namun tidak segera dirubah”. Interview with H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan on December 17th2019, on Nagarawangi street no. 56B behind Ahmadiyya mosque, Tasikmalaya, West Java. 25Ibid., 1. 23H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an 26Interview with H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan on Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Jakarta: YWD Press, 2007), 185. December 17th, 2019 on Nagarawangi street No. 56B behind 24Ibid., 251. Ahmadiyya mosque, Tasikmalaya, West Java.

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among Javanese and Sundanese aristocracies Balinese’s Ethno-Linguistics Perspectives on and commoners.27 Vernacularized Arabic-Quranic Terms In addition to Burhani’s argument, based on our analysis toward Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an A. Ida Hiyang Widi Salinan Ring Basa Bali, there is indeed a The word Ida Hiyang Widi in the particular appeal to using local words and Dictionary of Balinese Language means Tuhan,30 phrases when translating selected verses of the Dewa,31 Ilahi.32 There are several versions of Qur’an to reflect distinctive local beliefs. This Balinese customs regarding their pronunciation: socio-cultural context is clearly found in this Ida Sang Hiyang Widi Wasa, Hiyang Widi, Ida. Balinese translation, as the use of the word Ida Different pronunciation of God above is initially Sang Hyang Widi Wasa to translate Allah rather under the same meaning to refer to God َ .than to make the word Allah as loanword in Almighty َ َ َ ّ ُ َ َ ُ ُ َ َ َ َ قلى َ َ َ َ خت ْ الله على قلوهبه هْ وعلى سم هع هه َْ وعلى أبصَرا هِ ه ِْ translation, as well as Awatara as the word to َ َ ٌ َ َ َ َ َ هغشَراوة ول ُه ْ عذا ٌب ع هظ يْ ]البقرة ٨[ mention the prophet, the wangsit as the message of the prophet, etc. Translating these fixed Balinese translation (from Cakepan Suci): theological words and terms into local Balinese “Allah – Ida Hiyang Widi sampun nekepin terminology provide a good foundation for sajeroning hati, kuping miwah penyingakane; teaching the Ahmadiyyah concept through the ipun pacang manggihin kesengsaran.”33 Qur’anic translation, which were received and Indonesian translation (from Al-Qur’an believed by the Balinese from the old time to the dengan Terjemahan dan Tafsir Singkat Bahasa present day. This kind of vernacularization, in Indonesia): “Allah telah mencap hati mereka dan the term of Sulaimane Kante, is called as pendengaran mereka, sedangkan pada terminologization.28 penglihatan mereka ada tutupan, dan bagi This the vernacularized Qur'an into mereka ada siksaan yang amat besar.”34 َّ ُ ٰ Balinese was distributed to several officials in ُ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُئ ۡ َ َ ُ ُّ ُ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ُ َن ٱلله یسته هز هبه هْ ویمدِ ْ هفی طغیـهنههَ ْ یعمهو َ ]البقرة Bali.29 The book’s copies were accepted and ٦١[ .recognized by a helpful work in the community This recognition is possibly due to the author is Balinese translation: “Allah – Hiyang Widi a native of the royal family of Pemecutan Bali. pacang ngewales, ngendepang ipun bingung Even though he was early converted to Islam. lantaran kedurhakaan ipun.”35 Indonesian translation: “Allah akan menghukum perolokan mereka dan akan

30Balai Penelitian Bahasa Singaraja Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Kamus Indonesia-Bali (Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1975), 213. 31Ida Wayan Oka Granoka dkk, Kamus Bali Kuno – Indonesia (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1985), 94. 32 I Made Denes dkk, Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Bali A-K, 27 Ahmad Najib Burhani, “Sectarian Translation of the (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, 1997), Qur’an in Indonesia: The Case of Ahmadiyya,” Al Jami’ah 323. journal of , Vol. 53 No. 2, 2015, 270. 33H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an 28 Davydov, “On Souleymane’s Kante’s Translation of Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Jakarta: YWD Press, 2007), 5. The Qur’an into the Maninka Language,” Mandenkan Journal, 34 Malik Ghulam Farid, Al-Qur’an dengan Terjemahan No. 48, 2012, 7-10. dan Tafsir Singkat Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: Neratja Press, 29Interview with H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan on 2014), 24. December 17th, 2019 on Nagarawangi street No. 56B behind 35H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Ahmadiyya mosque, Tasikmalaya, West Java. Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Jakarta: YWD Press, 2007), 6.

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membiarkan mereka berkelana bingung dalam Indonesian translation: “dengan nama kedurhakaannya.”36 Allah, Maha Pemurah, Maha Penyayang.”40 Ahmad Iwan Darmawan translated the َّ َ َّ الرحم هن الر هح ي هَْ ]الفراتحة ٣[ word “Allah” with the word Ida Hiyang Widi to ease the Balinese people. Hinduism commonly Balinese translation: ”Sane Kalintang uses this term in Bali to refer to their God. Ida sweca, san kalintang Asih mepaica”.41 Hiyang Widi is the most appropriate word in this Indonesian translation: “Maha Pemurah, translation because there is no difference in Maha Penyayang.”42 meaning. In addition, Ida Hiyang Widi is used to preach Islam in Bali. Although using the same Darmawan chose the word sweca and term as Hinduism from the theology session, mepaica as manifestations Islam means it to its God. of Rahman and Rahim of God (Allah). The use of For the Islamic community in Bali, soft words is the most easily digested for the translation using local words has become Balinese. In ordinary life, these words are used common. So the word“Allah” translated into in everyday conversation. “Ida Hiyang Widi” was not a significant During the use of the word to translate the problem. This localization just like when the Qur'an into good language and to honor the Javanese mentioned “Gusti Allah.”37 Although almighty God, sweca and mepaica become the localization feels uncomfortable when being beautiful when heard by society. Considering seen and heard but judging it from the wisdom the context of the verse is to show God's of Islam’s point of view, which is a compassion, those word doesn't become a religion rahmatan lil alamin, herein lies the problem in daily life.43 privilege. For the sake of goodness and ease of understanding, using the word Ida Hiyang C. Sane Matutang Widi can be justified. This localization does not The word Matutang means proper,44 violate the Muslim faith as long as their belief in correction.45 The word Sane Matutang is God is following what was contained in the Al- followed by the word Anake to get the meaning Ikhlas chapter.38 “People who admit the truth.” The use of this word describes someone who has good B. Kalintang Sweca and Kalintang Mepaica character and behavior in his life. ُ َ ٰ ُ َ َّ َ َ َّ َ َ َ ُ ۟ َ َ َ ۡ َ ُ َ َّ ۤ The word kalintang means overmuch یخـ هدعون ٱلله وٱل هذین ءامنوا ومرا یخدعون هإَّل َ ُ َ ُ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ُ َ while, the word Sweca or Suweca has the أنفس هْ ومرا یشعرون ]البقرة ٦١[ .meaning asih (love). Mepaica means giving bless The Balinese people use this word to describe the generous nature of God, which usually used 40 Malik Ghulam Farid, Al-Qur’an dengan Terjemahan by castes of Brahmana. dan Tafsir Singkat Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: Neratja Press, ۡ َّ َّ ۡ َ ٰ َّ .5 ,(2014 هبس هْ ٱلل هه ٱلرحمـ هن ٱلر هحی هَْ ]الفراتحة ٦[ 41H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Balinese translation: “Maduluran Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Jakarta: YWD Press, 2007), 2. 39 paswecan Ida kalintang sweca mepaica.” 42 Malik Ghulam Farid, Al-Qur’an dengan Terjemahan dan Tafsir Singkat Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: Neratja Press, 36 Malik Ghulam Farid, Al-Qur’an denganTerjemahan 2014), 9. dan Tafsir Singkat Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: Neratja Press, 43Interview with Arham Siddiq on June 7th 2020. 2014), 27. 44Balai Penelitian Bahasa Singaraja Pusat Pembinaan 37 Interview with KH. Mustafa Al-Amin on June 7th dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Kamus Indonesia-Bali, (Jakarta: 2020. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1975), 150. 38 Interview with Arham Siddiq on June 7th 2020. 45I Made Denes, dkk, Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Bali A-K, 39H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, 1997), Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Jakarta: YWD Press, 2007), 2. 74.

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Balinese translation: “Ipun sinamian pointing to an unbeliever in terms of religion. pacang mogbogin Allah miwah anake sane However, he used the nungkasin to explain that matutang; nenten sane kebogbogin sejabaning the unbeliever was a person who denied the ibanepedidi, seantukan ipun nenten sadar.”46 truth from God. َّ َّ َ َ َ ُ َ َ ٌ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ ُ ُ هإن ال هذين كفروا سواء عليهه ْ أأنذِته ْ أم ل ْ تن هذَِِ ْ Indonesian translation: “Mereka hendak ُ َ ,menipu Allah dan orang-orang beriman َّل ُيؤمنون ]البقرة ٧[ ه padahal mereka tidak menipu melainkan diri mereka sendiri, tetapi mereka sama sekali tidak Balinese translation: “Sujatin ipun anake sane nungkasin, tan wenten pikenoh nyane menyadari.”47 yaning ragane ngewehin piteket wiadin tusing,

51 Ahmad Iwan Darmawan did not ipun nenten pacang ngugu–percaya.” specifically use the word "faith although, in the Indonesian translation: "Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir sama saja bagi mereka, Indonesian Language, the word beriman has become the common one. The use of matutang is apakah engkau memperingatkan mereka atau more striking and neutral to describe the good pun engkau tidak memperingatkan mereka, mereka tidak akan beriman.”52 people's attitude in the Qur’an. The Qur'an translations of the Balinese by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion used the word beriman as The peculiarities of using Balinese by using Nungkasin are increasingly seen and felt well as interpreted in the Indonesian language. But to preserve the local language and following so it can preserve the wealth of regional 53 the language rules in Bali, Matutang is languages. In society's habit, nungkasin means for people who are not obedient, either disobey appropriate to translate the word yu'minu in the legal rules or parents. This term is similar with Qur'an verses.48 Kings commonly use the word matutang to “kasoren jlemene” translated in Indonesian as, “Tidak bisa dikasih tahu ya orang ini!”54 advise their people for having good behavior. In the context of family, these words are the E. Pengupa Jiwa teachings applied by parents to their children The word pengupa jiwa means livelihood towards having a noble character to everyone, which in dictionaries means mata pencaharian,55 whenever and wherever they are.49 penghidupan,56 nafkah,57 penghidupan dasar.58 This D. Sane Nungkasin word in general means all the fortune obtained The word nungkasin means “argue with” and “contradict”.50 Darmawan adopted the word nungkasin when translating kafara in the 51H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Jakarta: YWD Press, 2007), 5. Qur'anic verse. Kafara, in terms of language, has 52 Malik Ghulam Farid, Al-Qur’an dengan Terjemahan a meaning ‘close’. It is often understood as dan Tafsir Singkat Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: Neratja Press, 2014), 24. 53Interview with KH Mustafa Al-Amin on June 7th, 46H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an 2020. Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Jakarta: YWD Press, 2007), 5. 54Interview with Arham Siddiq on June 7th 2020. 47 Malik Ghulam Farid, Al-Qur’an dengan Terjemahan 55Balai Penelitian Bahasa Singaraja Pusat Pembinaan dan Tafsir Singkat Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: Neratja Press, dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Kamus Indonesia-Bali, (Jakarta: 2014), 25. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1975), 36. 48Interview with KH Mustafa Al-Amin on June 7th 56Balai Penelitian Bahasa Singaraja Pusat Pembinaan 2020. dan Pengembangan Bahasa, 74. 49Interview with Arham Siddiq on June 7th 2020. 57I Made Denes dkk, Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Bali L-Z, 50I Made Denes, dkk, Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Bali A-K, (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, 1998), (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, 1997), 150. 59. 58Ibid., 443.

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by humans both in the form of material and non polite and usually heard, so it is natural to be material. spoken by the Balinese.62 َّ َ َ َ َ ُ ُ َ َ َٰ ً َ َّ َ ٓ َ َ ٓ ً َ َ َ َ َ ٱل هذى جعل لك ْ ٱْلِض هفرشرا وٱلسمراء هبنراء وأنزل همَن F. Bongol and Kolok َ َ َ َ ُ ۟ َّ َ ٓ َ ٓ ً َ َ َ َ َ َّ َ َٰ ً َّ ُ :The word bongol has some meanings فَل تجعلوا ٱلسمرا هء مراء فأخرج هب ههۦ همن ٱلثمر هت هِزقرا ل كَْ َّ َ َ ً َ َ ُ َ َ ُ َ budek,63 congek,64 goblok,65 pekak,66 tuli,67 هلل هه أندادا وأنت ْ تعلمونَ Balinese translation: “Ida sampun ngardi tunarungu.68 The word is to describe someone jagate genah ragane sami minekadi natah, who can’t hear or someone who has trouble langite minekadi raab, nedunang toya saking with their ears. Meanwhile the word kolok awane, meduluran toya punika ketumbuhang means bisu,69 gagu,70 the word to describe pengupa jiwa sekadi woh-wohan. Seantukan someone who can’t speak. ُ ٌّ ُ ٌ ُ َ ُ َ ُ َ ص ْ ب كْ عم ٌي فه ْ َّل ير هجعونَ ]البقرة ٦١[ asapunika sampunang ngardi sesembahan sane kekantiang kelinggih Allah – Hiyang Widi, Balinese translation: “Ipun bongol, kolok, sawireh ragane sampun ngerti.”59 buta; sewireh asapunika ipun nenten pacang Indonesian translation: “Dia-lah Yang mewali.”71 menjadikan bagi kamu bumi sebagai hamparan Indonesian translation “Mereka tuli, bisu, dan langit sebagai atap, dan Dia menurunkan buta, maka mereka tidak akan kembali.”72 air dari awan lalu dengan itu Dia mengeluarkan buah-buahan sebagai rezeki bagimu, maka Darmawan textually described it by janganlah kamu menjadikan sembahan- choosing the word bongol and kolok. According sembahan tandingan bagi Allah padahal kamu to the habit of Balinese, that word sounds rude mengetahui.”60 in their ears. Still, considering the context of the verse when explaining the stubbornness of Darmawan mentioned the fruits contained hypocrites, the use of the phrases bongol and in verse 23 of Al-Baqarah as pengupa jiwa. The kolok are suitable to replace the Balinese are accustomed to saying this word if words summun and bu’ mun. As a comparison, they get wealth or good fortune. Besides the In the Qur’an Translation of Balinese Language Balinese, the Javanese people also use the same from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of term to describe the God's blessings. But the Indonesia, the terms summun and bu’ mun is others interpret the pengupa jiwa as non-material translated by “tiare ningeh lan tiare wicare.” blessings like health, faith, guidance, and others. This gift can only feel by heart.61 Besides being a form of mentioning the 62Interview with Arham Siddiq on June 7th 2020. 63 God's blessing, the pengupa jiwa in Balinese habit I Made Denes, dkk, Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Bali A-K, (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, 1997), is evidence of his love for his God when he 99. obtains something. This word includes of Kromo 64Ibid., 135. inggil, which is indeed a very polite language 65Ibid., 264. used in everyday life. This language is very 66Ibid., 226. 67Ibid., 466. 68Ibid., 468. 69Balai Penelitian Bahasa Singaraja Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Kamus Indonesia-Bali, (Jakarta: 59H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1975), 38. Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Jakarta: YWD Press, 2007), 9. 70Ibid., 56. 60 Malik Ghulam Farid, Al-Qur’an dengan Terjemahan 71H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir Singkat Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: Neratja Press, Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Jakarta: YWD Press, 2007), 7. 2014), 30. 72 Malik Ghulam Farid, Al-Qur’an dengan Terjemahan 61Interview with KH Mustafa Al-Amin on June 7th dan Tafsir Singkat Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: Neratja Press, 2020. 2014), 28.

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That word seems neutral because of using the mengetahui apapun yang kamu nayatakan dan soft language by Balinese.73 apapun yang kamu sembunyikan?”80 In the Balinese common language, When the speaker is Allah will be pointing the disabilities by the translated using ngandika, but if the speaker is word kolok and bongol is impolite. Considering not Allah, it will be translated using ngorahang. the book as the Islamic scripture, it is better to These are appropriate when being translated use polite language that has to be kept its into the local language with the context purity.74 intended by the translator. However, it is often inconsistent with translation in other verses. G. Ngandika and Ngorahang According to the habit of Balinese, the The word ngandika in dictionary means word ngandika is polite language usually used sabda,75 bersabda,76 while the word ngorahang by the poets and the descendant of the King, means to say,77 to report.78 There was a unique while the word ngorahang is so rude commonly thing when Darmawan interpreted the used to talk to others, an exception for the two word qola in the Qur’an verse. For example, in words before (Ngandika and Ngorahang), the Surah Al-Baqoroh verse 34 as follow: Balinese usually use ngucapin, ngeraos, and mebaos in their daily language. ْۢ ۤ ْۢ ۤ In Hinduism, there are four castes of َقا َلَ ٰٰٓي ٰا َد مََاَ ْنبِئْ ه ْمََبِاَ ْس َما ِٕى ِه ْمََفَ َل َّمآََٰاَ ْنبَاَ ه ْمََبِاَ ْس َمَا ِٕى ِه ْمََ .humans. The highest one is the Brahmana َقا َل َاَ َل ْمَ َاَق ْلَ َلَّ ك ْمَ َ ِانِ َْٰٓي َاَ ْع َل مَ َ َغ ْي َبَ َال َّس ٰم ٰو ِتَ َ َوا ْْلَ ْر ِ ضََ Brahmana is usually a pious person called َواَ ْع َل مََ َماَت ْب د ْو َنََ َو َماَ ك ْنت ْمََتَ ْكت م ْو َنََ-٣٣َ Balinese translation: “Ida Ngandika: pemangku and the descendant of the King. When “Uduh Adam orahang adane ento mekejang people from Brahmana talk to the people under Rikala kedarta adane sami, Ida ngandika: Kaden their caste (Sudra), they usually say, “I raja manira suba ngorahang, sujatinnyane Manira ngandika” or “Ne ngandiko uli mangku” means uning rahasian langite lan gumine, tur Manira “raja berkata” or “ini perkataan pemangku". nawang apa ane orahang cai, keto masih apa This phenomenon is like when Allah speaks by ane engkebang cai.”79 the word “berfirman” and “bersabda” when the Indonesian translation: “Dia berfirman: prophets do. So, this is a kind of honor to God.81 “Hai Adam, beritahukanlah kepada mereka nama-namanya itu”, maka tatkala ia beritahu Conclusion kepada mereka nama-namanya itu, Dia This Balinese word and term of the fixed berfirman: “Bukankah telah Aku katakan theological word and terms of the Qur'an in the kepadamu sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an Salinan Ring Basa Bali rahasia seluruh langit dan bumi dan were presented by using terminologization approach in vernacularization, While Robin 73 Interview with Mustafa Al-Amin on June 7th 2020. Sadino said that vernacular creates the quality 74Interview with Arham Siddiq on June 7th 2020. of a society and vernacularization indicates that 75Balai Penelitian Bahasa Singaraja Pusat Pembinaan people can produce understanding and accept it dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Kamus Indonesia-Bali, (Jakarta: as a socio-cultural picture, Cakepan Suci Al- Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1975), 176. 76 I Made Denes dkk, Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Bali L-Z, Qur’an Salinan Ring Basa Bali as the translation (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, 1998), work of the Qu’ran into Balinese has proposed a 312. new way of understanding the Qur’an amid 77Balai Penelitian Bahasa Singaraja Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Kamus Indonesia-Bali, (Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1975), 90. 80 Malik Ghulam Farid, Al-Qur’an dengan Terjemahan 78Ibid., 117. dan Tafsir Singkat Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: Neratja Press, 79H. Ahmad Iwan Darmawan, Cakepan Suci Al-Qur’an 2014), 43. Salinan Ring Basa Bali (Jakarta: YWD Press, 2007), 13. 81Interview with Arham Siddiq on June 7th 2020.

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