Lajna Imaillah-USA Taleem & Tarbiyat Workbook 2011 – 2013

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Lajna Imaillah-USA Taleem & Tarbiyat Workbook 2011 – 2013 Taleem & Tarbiyat Workbook 2011 – 2013 Prepared by the Taleem & Tarbiyat Departments Lajna Imaillah - USA Sadr Lajna Imaillah – USA Saliha Malik National Secretary Taleem Mubarika Shah Taleem Committee Nudrat Salik Salima Ahmed Attiya Salik Fareeha Haroon Akavish Khan Sahar Choudhary Saira Ijaz Samina Arian National Secretary Tarbiyat Aziza Rahman Tarbiyat Program Assistants A. Bushra Salam Bajwa Mabroor Jattala Sadia Rahman Qudsia Lone Rashida Bashir Lajna Imaillah-USA Taleem & Tarbiyat Workbook 2011 – 2013 Table of Contents Page Taleem Program Summary 3 Guidelines on How to Use This Workbook (Taleem) 6 Importance of the Holy Qur‟an 7 Etiquettes for Reading the Holy Qur‟an 8 Taleem Program April/May/June 2011 9 July/August/September 2011 20 October/November/December 2011 29 January/February/March 2012 37 April/May/June 2012 46 July/August/September 2012 54 October/November/December 2012 63 January/February/March 2013 72 Taleem Appendixes Appendix A - Surah Al-Kahf 81 Appendix B - Salat with Translation 85 Introduction to the Tarbiyat Program 98 Guidelines on How to Use This Workbook (Tarbiyat) 100 Tarbiyat Program April/May/June 2011 101 July/August/September 2011 111 October/November/December 2011 122 January/February/March 2012 128 April/May/June 2012 148 July/August/September 2012 155 October/November/December 2012 168 January/February/March 2013 181 References & Sources to Complete Workbook 186 Lajna Imaillah-USA 2 Taleem & Tarbiyat Workbook 2011 – 2013 TALEEM PROGRAM SUMMARY 2011-2013 “Rabbe Zidni Ilma” (O My Lord! Increase me in my Knowledge) The goal of the Taleem program is to enhance and improve religious knowledge of Lajna USA through mutual collaboration and religious education programs at local and national levels. This is a program that meets learning needs of Lajna belonging to all age groups. Areas of Focus Holy Qur‟an: General Islamic Knowledge Correct Reading and pronunciation with 5 subject-based modules are provided to translation: meet various local needs. Each Majlis will In general meetings, Talawat with select one module for three months and translation and revision of Holy hold one activity using creative methods - Qur‘an recitation rules. presentations, seminars or workshops etc One on one teaching at local level from that module in general meetings. Nazira Classes on Line Holy Qur‘an Study: Workbook provides Best Submission: A Lajna Majlis may send focused study for small groups, Halqa their module activity to National Secretary meetings, and at home, including Holy Taleem. The best activity, which can be in Qur‘an questions on Surah Al-Baqarah any form: Power Point, speeches, articles, or with commentary, verses 198 through Quiz, selected by the Taleem Department will 287, and Qur‘anic vocabulary/ split-word be placed on the Lajna website. translation. Memorization: Special Project Special Activities: Sura Al-Kahf, first Ruku and last Seeratul-Nabi Month: We are ten verses. designating the month of October as Selected prayers advised by Seeratul-Nabi month for Lajna. All Lajna Huzurat recently and last year. Majalis are requested to celebrate this month by learning about the exemplary Salat: life and character of the most influential person in the world, the Holy Prophet Learn prayers with meaning. Aim for saws 100% of Lajna members to know Salat Muhammad . Special meetings and with meaning. activities should be held to learn and Increase understanding of Salat and celebrate our beloved prophet. Invite Ibadhat (prayers) through Khutbas: Use Non-Ahmadis and Non-Muslim guests to special articles, speeches & Q/A sessions your special meeting/Jalsa. in general meetings. Time Related Activities: Focus on learning about special subjects and Ahadith activities such as Ramadhan, sacrifice Continue reading Forty Gems of Beauty and Hajj, during these times of the year. with commentary in the meetings. This may include learning the prayers as related to those activities. Books of the Promised Messiah : How to be Free of Sin (2010) Annual Taleem Test Message of Peace (2011) 50% questions on Holy Qur‘an from the Read these books as in the meetings, even if Workbook it is two pages at a time. 25% Ahadith from Forty Gems of Beauty 25% Assigned books of the Promised as Messiah Lajna Imaillah-USA 3 Taleem Program Taleem & Tarbiyat Workbook 2011 – 2013 Suggestions for Implementation of Program (Plan a quarterly Taleem Program) commentary. The same Hadith can be Holy Qur‟an Nazira: repeated in the Halqa meeting held in the To improve correct reading of the Holy same month. Qur‘an, several sources have been made available: Assigned Books: On Line Classes are offered by Lajna Assigned book of Promised Messiahas for the certified teachers at Lajna website. year must be read in the meeting. It could be at least two pages. Encourage the members correct-pronunciation to read that book at home as well. If you CDs of Holy Quran Recitations by finish the book before the year ends then you Qari Muhammad Aashiq available at may select any other book till the end of the year. Special classes with certified teachers provided by National Program General Religious Knowledge: Individuals can study on their own Select one module that you think is most using Holy Qur‘an Nazira, ―Ta‘limul needed for your Lajna. Use identified Quran‖ by Dr. Karimullah Zarvi sources related to the topic or use Jamaat Nazira Classes can be held in the website. A selected module should be used meetings using the workbook. for the entire quarter. One activity should be Practice reading various verses and done in each meeting but time spent on the words accurately. Number of activity can be based on available meeting attendees to the meeting should be time and based on other program reported in the monthly report requirements. It can be as short as reading one page of a book or spending 30 to 40 Holy Qur‟an Study: minutes on a workshop or Q&A session. The Holy Qur‘an program is organized on a Activities could include one of the following: quarterly basis in the Workbook but listed on Assign an article or Khutba to read at monthly basis. Assigned verses for the month home and discuss in meeting. should be recited at the start of the meeting Select a topic and assign a few members as Talawat with translation. Lajna members to prepare for a group discussion or Q&A should do the Workbook questions at home session. to fully learn and understand the meaning Select a topic, such as cleanliness, and the subject. Workbook questions should truthfulness, respect for elders, and ask be reviewed in Halqa meetings or in study one or more members to do a groups. Quarterly Discussion points in the presentation. workbook are recommended for learning in Select a topic and ask everyone to find the general Lajna meeting. references related to the topic to share with others in the meeting. Salat: Continue working individually with members Annual Test: who do not know the complete Salat with Holy Qur‘an test – from the Workbook meaning. Emphasize the importance of Salat Hadith Questions – from Forty Gems during the year through General Knowledge Islamic Knowledge Questions – from the activities. assigned books of the Promised Messiah for that year. Ahadith: One Hadith from Forty Gems of Beauty should be read in each meeting with Lajna Imaillah-USA 4 Taleem Program Taleem & Tarbiyat Workbook 2011 – 2013 Module 1: Islamic Guidelines for Family Responsibilities Focus on the role of women in society and family that promotes a healthy, spiritual and peaceful environment. Daughters of Eve Al-Azharulzawatil-kharmar (Orhni Waliyoon Kay Liye Phool: Khutbaat/speeches of Hadhrat Khalifatul-Masih) Way of the Seekers Islamic Teachings on Ideal Family Life How do we build strong relationships between husband & wife, parents & children, siblings, extended family, in-laws? Design an activity for mother to train children in Islamic ways Class on use of computer/internet Module 2: Book Reading – encourage youth Reading, discussion, & presentation of a selected book. Forming of book clubs is encouraged. Books could include: Any book of the Promised Messiahas Islam‟s Response to Contemporary Issues Mohammad the Liberator of Women (by Hazrat Kahlifatul-Masih II rz) Pathway to Paradise Jesus in India Life of Muhammad The Way of the Seekers Any book selected by members Module 3: Researched Based Speeches/Presentations on Religious Knowledge Encourage youth to create a presentation on any of the following: Five Pillars of Islam Rituals/Bidaats/Celebration Purdah Sharia Laws & guidance for daily life Cleanliness Nizame Jamaat Salat & Ibadaat (prayers) Contemporary Issues Chanda Any topic suggested by members Module 4: Special Projects Topics could include: Existence of God Last Suras of Holy Qur‘an that contain prophecies for the Latter Days. How these prophecies have been realized with recent events. Holy Qur‘an topics: science, finance, health, family life/relationships Money management Any topic suggested by members Module 5: History of Islam & Ahmadiyyat Taleem Department will post some topics on the web in Q&A or Presentation format History of Islam History of Ahmadiyyat Seerat (characteristics) of the wives of Holy Prophets saw Seerat of Hazrat Umma Jaan (wife of Promised Messiah as ) Lajna Imaillah-USA 5 Taleem Program Taleem & Tarbiyat Workbook 2011 – 2013 "The best among you is the one who learns and teaches the Holy Qur'an" (Sahih Bukhari) Lajna is offering classes for learning to read the correct pronunciation of the Holy Qur'an on a website that has been setup by Jamaat with trained Lajna teachers. You can register for these classes through the Lajna website at: You can get information about online Holy Qur'an classes for learning translation, which are organized by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Department of Taleem-ul-Qur'an.
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