The Saskatchewan Gazette


Volume 104 REGINA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 2008/REGINA, VENDREDI, 29 AOÛT 2008 No. 35/nº 35



PROGRESS OF BILLS/RAPPORT SUR L’ÉTAT DES PROJETS DE LOIS (First Session,Twenty-sixth Legislative Assembly) ...... 1518 ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED/LOIS NON ENCORE PROCLAMÉES ...... 1518 ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR SUR SANCTION ...... 1521 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC DATES/LOIS EN VIGUEUR À DES DATES PRÉCISES ...... 1522 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC EVENTS/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR À DES OCCURRENCES PARTICULIÈRES ...... 1523 ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2008) ...... 1523 CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES/AVIS DE LA DIRECTION DES CORPORATIONS...... 1524 The Business Corporations Act ...... 1524 The Business Names Registration Act ...... 1537 The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif...... 1541 Corrections...... 1543 PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS ...... 1545 The Change of Name Act, 1996/Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom...... 1545 The Crown Minerals Act ...... 1546 Highway Traffic Board ...... 1548 The Legal Professions Act, 1990 ...... 1549 The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ...... 1550 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN/ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE DE LA SASKATCHEWAN ...... 1550 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS/AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS...... 1551/ 1552

PART II/PARTIE II SR 72/2008 The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) Amendment Regulations, 2008 (No. 6) ...... 623 SR 73/2008 The Milk Control Amendment Regulations, 2008 (No.8) ...... 629 1518 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

PROGRESS OF BILLS/RAPPORT SUR L’ÉTAT DES PROJETS DE LOIS (First Session, Twenty-sixth Legislative Assembly) ______

Government Bills Bill Coming No. Name (listed Alphabetically) into force 31 The Executive Government Administration Act ...... On Assent 32 The Executive Government Administration Consequential Amendment Act, 2008/ Loi de 2008 apportant des modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Executive Government Administration Act ...... On Assent, Specific Event 9 The Superannuation (Supplementary Provisions) Amendment Act, 2008 ...... On Assent



Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Aboriginal Courtworkers Commission Act, S.S. 1995 Assented to May 18, 1995 ...... A-1.1 The Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008/Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi sur l’administration des successions, R.S. 2008 Assented to April 28, 2008 ...... 2 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2005, S.S 2005/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, L.S. 2005 Assented to May 27, 2005, subsection 26(2) not yet proclaimed ...... 3 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2008/Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard Assented to May 14, 2008, clauses 3(b) and (c), subsections 9(2) and 11(2), clause 12(1)(a), subsection 12(2), sections 15 and 17 to 22, subsections 23(2) and 24(2) not yet proclaimed ...... 8 The Certified Management Accountants Act, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 21, 2000 ...... C-4.111 The Child and Family Services Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003 ...... 17 The Community Cablecasters Act, R.S.S. 1978 Assented to May 10, 1977 ...... C-17 The Consumer Protection Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to April 28, 2008 ...... 4 The Credit Union Act, 1998, S.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998, clauses 2(1)(v) and (aaa), subsection 9(2), clause 10(c), Parts VI and XXI, clauses 440(1)(o) to (s) and (hh), and subsection 440(2) not yet proclaimed ...... C-45.2 The Crown Minerals Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... 23 The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act, S.S. 1998/ Loi sur les conventions sur l’exécution de jugements, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998 ...... E-9.13 The Film and Video Classification Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006 ...... 20 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1519

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Forest Resource Management Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003 ...... 24 The Freehold Oil and Gas Production Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... 26 The Health Information Protection Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 17(1), 18(2) and (4), and section 69 not yet proclaimed ...... H-0.021 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, section 13, subsections 37(8) and (9) not yet proclaimed ...... H-3.01 The Horned Cattle Purchases Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002 ...... 20 The International Interests in Mobile Aircraft Equipment Act, S.S. 2007/Loi sur les garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement aéronautiques mobiles, L.S. 2007 Assented to March 21, 2007...... I-10.201 The International Protection of Adults (Hague Convention Implementation) Act, S.S. 2005/ Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention de la Haye sur la protection internationale des adultes, L.S. 2005 Assented to May 27, 2005 ...... I-10.21 The Land Surveys Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, section 22 and Parts IV and VII not yet proclaimed ...... L-4.1 The Land Titles Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, sections 51 and 151 and subsection 167(2) not yet proclaimed ...... L-5.1 The Medical Radiation Technologists Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006 ...... M-10.3 The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 7(2) to (5), sections 8 to 10 not yet proclaimed ...... M-14.1 The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal (Regulatory Reform) Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to November 30, 2004, section 3 not yet proclaimed...... 61 The Mortgage Brokerages and Mortgage Administrators Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... M-20.1 The Paramedics Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007, sections 1 to 53,and 55 to 57 not yet proclaimed ...... P-0.1 The Payday Loans Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... P-4.3 The Podiatry Act, S.S. 2003 Assented to May 27, 2003, clauses 14(2)(n) and (o) not yet proclaimed ...... P-14.1 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 15 not yet proclaimed ...... 30 The Powers of Attorney Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant la Loi de 2002 sur les procurations, L.S. 2004 Assented to June 10, 2004. That portion of section 14 which enacts clauses 16(1)(b) and (c) of The Powers of Attorney Act, 2002 not yet proclaimed ...... 21 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, section 4 not yet proclaimed ...... 22 The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994 Assented to June 2, 1994, subsection 73(5) not yet proclaimed ...... P-37.1 The Public Health Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 17, 2004, section 7 not yet proclaimed ...... 46 1520 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Public Trustee Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 18 and subsections 22(3), (8), (9) and (11) to (14) not yet proclaimed ...... 33 The Regional Health Services Act, S.S. 2002 Assented to July 10, 2002, subsections 3(4) and (5), 65(1) and (3), clause 77(2)(f), section 88, clauses 95(b) and 97(3)(b), subsections 99(1) and (4), section 105, subsections 114(1), (5) and (7), sections 115, 120 and 123 not yet proclaimed ...... R-8.2 The Regional Health Services Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... 36 The Respiratory Therapists Act, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006 ...... R-22.0002 The Saskatchewan Association of School Board Officials Repeal Act, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008 ...... 22 The Saskatchewan Insurance Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003, clauses 3(a), (c) and (f), that portion of clause 3(h) which repeals clauses 2(1)(p), (q), (r), (t), (u), (w), (bb), (cc), (ff), (kk), (ll), (mm), (ww) and (bbb) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act, clauses 3(k) and (m), section 4, subsection 13(3), sections 14, 37, 38 and 39, clauses 97(a) and (b) and that portion of clause 97(c) which enacts clause 97(c.1) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act not yet proclaimed ...... 38 The Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001 ...... 41 The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007, subsections 3(19) and 10(3), sections 15, 16, 32 (that part of section 32 that repeals section 79 of The Securities Act, 1988), 42, 56(1) and 58 not yet proclaimed ...... 41 The Social Workers Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008 ...... 23 The Statutes and Regulations Revision Act, S.S. 2008 Assented to April 26, 2007 ...... S-59.01 The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 17, 2004, clauses 8(1)(a) and 8(2)(a) not yet proclaimed ...... 51 The Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to April 26, 2007 ...... T-14.2 The Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to April 27, 2006, clauses 4(a) and 6(a) not yet proclaimed ...... 9 The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, sections 35 to 40, clause 44(a) and section 57 not yet proclaimed ...... T-22.2 The Trust and Loan Corporations Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996 Assented to June 25, 1996 ...... 66 The Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, sections 8 and 11 not yet proclaimed ...... 25 The Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 10, 2004, sections 11, 16 and 24 not yet proclaimed...... 32 The Vital Statistics Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... V-7.2 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1521

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 1998, S.S. 1998/ Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur les services de l’état civil, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998 ...... 44 The Vital Statistics Administration Transfer Act, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008 ...... V-7.3

Note: This table is for convenience of reference and is not comprehensive; it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes published by the Queen’s Printer. Please refer to the Separate Chapters and the Tables for any additional information regarding Proclamation dates and Coming into Force dates for the Statutes listed above. / Le présent tableau a pour but de faciliter la référence et n’est pas complet; il est utilisé en conjonction avec le Tableau des lois de la Saskatchewan (Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes) publié par l’Imprimeur de la Reine. Veuillez vous référer aux chapitres tirés à part et au Tableau pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements relatifs aux dates de proclamation et d’entrée en vigueur des lois susmentionnées. ______


Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2008/Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard (Assented to May 14, 2008, sections 1 and 2, clause 3(a), sections 4 to 8, subsection 9(1), section 10, subsection 11(1), clauses 12(1)(b), (c) and (d), subsection 12(3), sections 13, 14, and 16, subsection 23(1) and 24(1), sections 25 to 32) ...... 27 ...... 8 The Appropriation Act, 2007 (No. 4) (Assented to December 20, 2007) ...... 7 ...... 45 The Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 1) (Assented to March 18, 2008) ...... 16 ...... 1 The Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Assented to April 28, 2008) ...... 39 ...... 3 The Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 3) (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 41 ...... 9 The Briercrest College and Seminary Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 901 ...... 01 The Corporate Capital Tax Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 38 ...... 10 The Enforcement of Canadian Judgments Amendment Act, 2008/ Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi de 2002 sur l’exécution des jugements canadiens (Assented to April 28, 2008) ...... 11 ...... 5 The Graduate Retention Program Act (Assented to May 14, 2008, retroactive and is deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2008) ...... 34 ...... G-5.11 The Growth and Financial Security Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 1 ...... G-8.1 The Income Tax Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008, sections 3, 4, 5, that portion of section 6 that enacts section 39.1 of The Income Tax Act, 2000, sections 7, 8, 9, and 10 are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2008) ...... 35 ...... 13 1522 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Irrigation Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008, retroactive and is deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2006) ...... 22 ...... 14 The Legislative Assembly and Executive Council (Fixed Election Dates) Amendment Act, 2008/Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi de 2007 sur l’Assemblée législative et le Conseil exécutif (élections à date fixe) (Assented to April 28, 2008) ...... 4 ...... 6 The Midwifery Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 26 ...... 15 The Miscellaneous Pensions Statutes (Commencement of Pension) Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 10 ...... 16 The Municipal Revenue Sharing Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008, retroactive and is deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2008) ...... 23 ...... 17 The Natural Resources Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 8 ...... 18 The Northern Municipalities Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to April 28, 2008) ...... 15 ...... 7 The Potash Development Repeal Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 3 ...... 20 The Public Service Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 18 ...... 21 The Public Service Essential Services Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 5 ...... P-42.2 The Teachers’ Life Insurance (Government Contributory) Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 13 ...... 24 The Teachers Superannuation and Disability Benefits Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 21 ...... 25 The Trade Union Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 6 ...... 26 The Trade Union Amendment Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 24 ...... 27 The Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 40 ...... U-0.1 The Wildlife Habitat Protection Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) ...... 25 ...... 28



Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Active Families Benefit Act (Assented to May 14, 2008) (Specific Date: January 1, 2009) ...... 33 ...... A-4.01 The Assessment Management Agency Amendment Act, 2006 (Assented to April 27, 2006) (Specific Date: subsections 6(1), 7(1) and (2), effective January 1, 2009) ...... 4 ...... 2 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1523

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Cities Amendment Act, 2006 (Assented to April 27, 2006) (Specific Date: clause 3(a), sections 13 and 14, subsections 15(1), (2), (4) and (7), sections 16, 17 and 19, clause 31(b), sections 38 and 39, subsection 40(2) and sections 42 and 50, effective January 1, 2009) ...... 5 ...... 4 The Income Tax Amendment Act, 2008 (Assented to May 14, 2008) (Specific Date: portion of section 6 that enacts section 39.2 of The Income Tax Act, 2000, effective January 1, 2009) ...... 35 ...... 13 The Municipalities Amendment Act, 2006 (Assented to April 27, 2006) (Specific Date: clauses 3(a) and 15(a) and (c), section 16, subsections 17(1), (3) and (6), sections 18, 19, 21, 30, 36 and 37, and subsections 38(2) and 40(2), effective January 1, 2009) ...... 6 ...... 7



Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Vital Statistics Consequential Amendment Act, 2007 / Loi de 2007 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Vital Statistics Act, 2007 (Assented to May 17, 2007) (Specific Event: on the coming into force of section 1 of The Vital Statistics Act, 2007) ...... 42



The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 2008/Les proclamations suivantes ont été lancées et entrent en vigueur le 1er janvier 2008 ou après cette date: The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2002 (No. 2), S.S. 2002, c.42/Loi de 2002 (n°2) modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, L.S. 2002, ch.42. Clauses 3(a), (b), (c), (d) and (f), sections 4, 7, 22 to 25 and clauses 28(g) and (l), proclaimed in force June 1, 2008. The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2005, S.S 2005, c.3/Loi de 2005 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, L.S. 2005, ch.3. That portion of clause 3(a) that adds the definition for “gaming regulator”, clause 3(b), sections 4, 15 to 22, clauses 24(a), (b) and (d), subsections 26(1), (3) and (4), proclaimed in force June 1, 2008. The Class Actions Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007, c21/Loi de 2007 modifiant la Loi sur les recours collectifs, L.S. 2007, ch21. Proclaimed in force April 1, 2008. The Education Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008, c11/Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2008, ch11. Proclaimed in force June 27, 2008. The Enterprise Saskatchewan Act, S.S. 2008, cE-10.01. Proclaimed in force July 29, 2008. The Highways and Transportation Amendment Act, 2008, c12. Proclaimed in force June 27, 2008. The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999, cM-14.1. Sections 18 to 43, 47 and 49, proclaimed in force March 14, 2008. The Parks Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008, c19. Section 3 proclaimed in force July 29, 2008. The Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation Amendment Act, S.S. 2007, c38. Proclaimed in force April 1, 2008. 1524 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007, c41. Section 50 proclaimed in force January 1, 2008. Sections 39 to 41, 51 to 54 and subsection 56(2) proclaimed in force February 15, 2008. Sections 25 to 31, that part of section 32 that repeals section 80 of The Securities Act, 1988 and section 33, proclaimed in force March 17, 2008. *Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print. / Une loi proclamée qui figure pour la première fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras.



The Business Corporations Act ______

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101127638 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 7 ...... 9-2241 Hanselman Ave., Saskatoon ...... sell detergents, soaps, etc. 101127710 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 11 ..... 1234 Beachmont View, Saskatoon ...... market natural gas 101127712 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 11 ..... Box 600, Unity ...... holding company 101127730 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 11 ..... 1043-8th St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127770 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... 101, 88-13th St. E, Prince Albert ...... property development 101127772 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127775 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... 4912-50th Ave., Lloydminster..... sand and gravel 101127781 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127783 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127784 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127786 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127787 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127790 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 638, Saskatoon ...... oilfield maintenance 101127798 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 8, Weyburn ...... vehicle repairs 101127803 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127805 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127814 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127815 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Regina ..... holding company 101127816 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 1901, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127818 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... Canam Hotel, Unger ...... holding company 101127819 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 8, Weyburn ...... oilfield consultant THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1525

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101127820 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127821 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... holding company 101127844 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 13 ..... Box 2993, Tisdale ...... sell clothing, luggage, jewellery, handbags, wallets, robes and cosmetic cases 101127862 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 13 ..... Box 520, North Battleford...... holding company 101127879 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 13 ..... 700-1914 Hamilton St., Regina .... holding company 101127883 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 13 ..... 700-1914 Hamilton St., Regina .... holding company 101127886 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 13 ..... 700-1914 Hamilton St., Regina .... holding company 101127926 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... 231-1061 Central Ave., Prince Albert ...... install alternative energy systems 101127936 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... 22 Haultain Cres., Regina ...... holding company 101127939 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... 7251 Maple View Cres., Regina .... holding company 101127945 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 29 ...... 700-1914 Hamilton St., Regina .... holding company 101127946 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 13 ..... Box 1280, Outlook ...... restaurant 101127961 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 610, Swift Current ...... oilfield consultant 101127962 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 584, Tisdale ...... bakery 101127973 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... 901, 119-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon ... holding company 101127979 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... 1503-48th Ave., Lloydminster..... real estate company 101127996 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 15 ..... Box 341, RPO University, Saskatoon ...... import/export, manufacturing, consulting and marketing 101128029 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 15 ..... Box 573, Carlyle ...... oilfield trucking 101128038 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 15 ..... Box 1362, Carlyle ...... create custom vinyl signs, decals and wall art 101128045 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 16 ..... 102 Blake Pl., Saskatoon ...... trucking Above & Beyond Event Planning Inc...... Aug. 11 ..... 335 Wathaman Pl., Saskatoon .... event planning Anderson Ranch Incorporated ...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 86, Fir Mountain ...... cattle ranching corporation Aviation Metal Ltd...... Aug. 13 ..... 2, 702-45th St. W, Saskatoon ...... fabricate and install sheet metal for new home air-conditioning, heating and ventilation systems B. Broughton C.A. P.C. Inc...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 638, Saskatoon ...... chartered accountant professional corporation Bell Creek Welding Ltd...... Aug. 15 ..... 20-12th St. W, Prince Albert ...... welding Big Diamond Construction Ltd...... Aug. 11 ..... 100, 316-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon .... concrete work and renovations Brad Ryan MWD Oilfield Consulting Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... 127 Washington St., Davidson .... oilfield consultant Bruce Hutchinson Farms Ltd...... Jly. 29 ...... Box 858, Moosomin ...... farming CMMC Building Supplies Inc...... Jly. 30 ...... Box 69, Melfort ...... building material/supplies CMMC Renovators Inc...... Jly. 30 ...... Box 69, Melfort ...... building renovations 1526 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: D.A. Fowler Trucking Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... Box 27083 Avonhurst, Regina .... trucking Delbert Wapass & Associates Consulting Inc...... Aug. 13 ..... 819 Delaronde Way, Saskatoon .... consultant DGS Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... 427-19th St. W, Prince Albert ..... transport passengers Dr. Carman Rabuka Dental Prof. Corp...... Aug. 13 ..... 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina ...... dental professional corporation Dr. Gavin Daniels Medical Prof. Corp...... Aug. 16 ..... 800, 230-22nd St. E, Saskatoon .... medical professional corporation Dr. Geoff B. Marshall Medical Imaging Prof. Corp...... Aug. 11 ..... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... medical imaging professional corporation Dr. Geoff B. Marshall Medical Prof. Corp...... Aug. 11 ..... 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon ...... medical professional corporation Gravity Plumbing & Heating Ltd. . Jly. 29 ...... 1955-7th Ave. E, Regina ...... plumbing and heating services Hepp-Davis Productions Ltd...... Jly. 29 ...... 311 Skeena Cres., Saskatoon ...... film, television and music production and management High Plains Feeds Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 759, Assiniboia ...... livestock feeders Iceberg Refrigeration Ltd...... Aug. 11 ..... 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina ..... repair and install commercial and residential refrigeration, air-conditioning, and heating equipment Impact Concrete Ltd...... Aug. 16 ..... Box 971, Eston ...... residential and agricultural concrete construction/finishing J & V Farms Inc...... Aug. 13 ..... Box 550, Swift Current ...... farming J. B. Contracting Ltd...... Aug. 13 ..... 100, 220-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon ... contract gravel and construction services Jerry Hoeving Holdings Ltd...... Aug. 15 ..... 332 Lockwood Rd., Regina ...... holding company KDS Construction Inc...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 433, Outlook...... residential construction Laich Enterprises Inc...... Aug. 11 ..... 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina ...... supply oilfield equipment Landing Season 3 Inc...... Jly. 24 ...... 616-10th St. E, Saskatoon ...... television production M & F Fellner Farms Ltd...... Aug. 15 ..... 3274 Windsor Park Cres., Regina ...... farming Meridian Agriculture Corporation ...... Aug. 11 ..... 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon ...... farming Meridian Pipeline Construction Inc...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 520, North Battleford...... pipeline construction Modern Plumbing & Heating Inc. .... Jly. 29 ...... Box 473, Dalmeny ...... plumbing and heating services Phillip Hoeving Holdings Ltd...... Aug. 15 ..... 613 Elgin St., Weyburn...... holding company Pleasant View Holdings Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 849, Assiniboia ...... holding company Prairie Hope Acres Inc...... Aug. 14 ..... 206 Highlands Pl., Saskatoon ..... farming Prairie Star Trucking Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 410, Edam ...... haul oil and water in the oilfield THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1527

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Professional Responsible Operators Excavation Ltd...... Aug. 11 ..... 1604 Bond St., Regina ...... excavation and Bobcat work QCOG Medical Prof. Corp...... Aug. 15 ..... Box 1037, Regina ...... medical professional corporation Reco Holdings Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 2890, Humboldt ...... financial planning services Rock Ridge Cabinets Inc...... Aug. 13 ..... 204, 2102-8th St. E, Saskatoon .... manufacture and install cabinets and related carpentry items Sastech Solutions Inc...... Aug. 11 ..... Unit 7B, 1050 Upper Gage Ave., Hamilton ON ...... website development, remote server management, online software and on-site networking support SEDJ Consulting Ltd...... Aug. 1 ...... Box 1179, North Battleford...... business consultant and property management Shelmac Trucking Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 8, Weyburn ...... trucking Silicatti Systems Ltd...... Aug. 13 ..... 200, 111-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon .... computer consultant SN Services & Trading Inc...... Aug. 13 ..... Box 659, Stn. Main, White City .... properties, construction, trading, import and export, wholesale Squire Consulting Ltd...... Aug. 15 ..... 100-2365 Albert St., Regina ...... financial consultant Stack Financial Services Inc...... Aug. 15 ..... 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina ..... management and financial services Strongfields Coffee (2003) Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... 489-2nd Ave. N, Saskatoon ...... coffee and lunch services Three Z Carriers Inc...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 382, Radville ...... leased operator: haul fluid in the oilfield Venlo Acres Ltd...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 610, Swift Current ...... farming and ranching Wabina Auto Sales Inc...... Aug. 11 ..... 11 Plant Cres., Regina ...... buy and sell automobiles Willy’s Wagon Service Ltd...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 4404, Regina ...... transport and deliver food products ______

CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION (2008) Incorporating Head or Main Type Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Registered Office: of Business: 3632571 Canada Inc...... Jly. 31 ..... Canada ...... 225 Chabanel W, Montreal QC ...... sell apparel to retailers Air Logistic Canada S.A. ... Aug. 11 .... Luxembourg...... 54 Blvd. Napoleon 1er, L-2210, Luxembourg, Europe ..... own and lease airplanes and airport facilities Alice Petroleum Ltd...... Aug. 13 .... ...... 5014-48th St., Lloydminster SK ...... oilfield development Aurastella Jewelry Inc...... Aug. 1 ...... ...... 1000-840 Howe St., Vancouver BC ...... sell and distribute sterling silver jewellery through independent consultants 1528 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Incorporating Head or Main Type Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Registered Office: of Business: Chisholm Investments Ltd. ... Aug. 8 ...... Alberta ...... Parcel SE 5-13-29 W4M, RM of Claresholm SK .... investment company D. Pederson Welding Ltd. ... Jly. 30 ..... Alberta ...... Box 17, Site 10, R.R. 3, Innisfail AB ...... welding Daystar Professional Insurance Services Inc. ... Aug. 1 ...... Manitoba...... 1200-330 St. Mary Ave., Winnipeg MB ...... insurance brokers Donovan Creative Communications Inc...... Aug. 11 .... Alberta ...... 17 Mardale Cres., Sherwood Park AB...... media and advertising consultant Enquest Environmental Services Corp...... Aug. 14 .... Alberta ...... 1250, 639-5th Ave. SW, Calgary AB ...... waste management Gravity West Mining Corp. ... Aug. 11 .... Alberta ...... 2500-10303 Jasper Ave., Edmonton AB ...... mining and exploration Harbour Canadian Capital Corp...... Aug. 1 ...... Canada ...... 36 St., Toronto ON ...... mortgage investment holding company HMT Holdings Inc...... Aug. 1 ...... Canada ...... 36 Toronto St., Toronto ON ...... mortgage investment holding company KLJ Equities Inc...... Jly. 30 ..... Alberta ...... 3914-81st Ave., Leduc AB ...... holding company Koch Exploration Canada G/P Ltd...... Aug. 8 ...... Alberta ...... 1500, 111-5th Ave. SW, Calgary AB ...... oil and gas exploration and development NEJ Equities Inc...... Jly. 30 ..... Alberta ...... 3914-81st Ave., Leduc AB ...... holding company One Earth Resources Corp. .... Jly. 31 ..... Canada ...... 2750-200 Bay St., Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower, Toronto ON ...... natural resources exploration and development investments PMJ Equities Inc...... Jly. 30 ..... Alberta ...... 3914-81st Ave., Leduc AB ...... holding company Potash One Inc...... Aug. 12 .... Canada ...... 1238-200 Granville St., Vancouver BC ...... potash solution mining exploration and development President’s Choice Services Inc./Services le Choix du President Inc...... Aug. 1 ...... Canada ...... 5th flr. , 439 King St. W, Toronto ON ...... loyalty programs, marketing and retail management Rise Developments Canada Inc...... Aug. 12 .... Canada ...... 2100, 700-2nd St. SW, Calgary AB ...... real estate development THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1529

Incorporating Head or Main Type Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Registered Office: of Business: Syed Homes Inc...... Jly. 31 ..... Canada ...... 1745 St., Regina SK ...... construction, renovations and development Wheel Dig It Inc...... Jly. 30 ..... Alberta ...... 1223 Main St., Dalmeny SK...... equipment operator for hoe, grader, dozer and side boom WMJ Equities Inc...... Jly. 30 ..... Alberta ...... 3914-81st. Ave., Leduc AB ...... holding company ______

CERTIFICATES OF AMALGAMATION (2008) Amalgamating Registered Main Type Name: Corporations: Date: Office: of Business: Commerce Holdings Limited ...... Commerce Holdings Limited; McClocklin Venture Capital Corp...... Aug. 1 ..... 205-728 Spadina Cres. E, Saskatoon ...... real estate and other investments Valentine Holdings Inc...... Golden West Motors (1982) Ltd.; Valentine Holdings Inc...... Aug. 6 ..... 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon ...... hold real property ______

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (2008) Name: Date: Amendment: 101091193 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 8 ...... changed name to Quattro Properties Ltd. 101109562 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 14 ...... changed name to The Wine Market of Saskatoon Inc. 101109825 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 8 ...... changed name to HCI Pateman Farms Ltd. 101113124 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 29 ...... changed name to Infinite Re-Developments Inc. 101117028 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... changed name to AMEB Holdings Ltd. 101118082 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 15 ...... changed name to Tam & Jay’s Contracting & Mechanical Service Ltd. 101123370 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 8 ...... changed name to Earthking Pasqua Plaza Ltd. Kennys Flooring & Hardwood Ltd...... Aug. 14 ...... changed name to Prestige Flooring & Hardwood Ltd. Mike McLean Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... changed name to MCM Developments Inc. Weyburn Xteriors Plus Building Products Ltd...... Jly. 29 ...... changed name to Elite Kitchens & Decor Ltd. 1530 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (Extra-provincial Corporations) (2007) Incorporating Name(s): Jurisdiction: Date: Amendment: Datamark Systems Inc...... Canada ...... Sep. 19 ..... changed name to Komunik Datamark Inc.Hub International Barton Limited; Hub International TOS Limited...... Canada ...... Jne. 13 ..... amalgamated into Hub International Limited ______

(2008) Incorporating Name(s): Jurisdiction: Date: Amendment: Delphi Solutions Corp./Les Solutions Delphi Corp...... Canada ...... Jly. 1 ...... amalgamated into Delphi Solutions Corp./Les Solutions Delphi Corp. Enterra Energy Corp...... Alberta ...... Jan. 1 ...... amalgamated into Enterra Energy Corp. New Midland Petroleum Ltd...... Alberta ...... Aug. 7 ...... changed name to Tristar NMP Ltd. Seaview Energy Inc...... Alberta ...... Jly. 24 ...... amalgamated into Seaview Energy Inc. The Trust Company of London Life ...... Canada ...... Jne. 25 ..... changed name to 447 Trust Company ______

CERTIFICATES OF DISCONTINUANCE (2008) Name: Date: New Jurisdiction: 1415852 Alberta Ltd...... Jly. 24 ...... Alberta Genesis Architecture And Engineering Inc...... Jne. 11 ...... Canada Kornberg Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 24 ...... Alberta ______

CERTIFICATES OF DISSOLUTION (2008) Name: Date: 101099660 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 1 311084 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 B & I Farm Inc...... Jly. 31 Blyth Management Ltd...... Jly. 30 Creative Dynamic Technologies Inc...... Jly. 30 Drechsler Trucking Ltd...... Jly. 31 F. Webster Farming Ltd...... Aug. 1 H.J. Tubby & Son Ltd...... Aug. 1 Heighes Tour Design Inc...... Jly. 29 Nu Jick Farms Ltd...... Jly. 30 Prairie Gold Honey Ltd...... Jly. 29 Propal Developments Ltd...... Jly. 31 R.C. Enterprises Inc...... Jly. 31 Rickshaw Vendors Ltd...... Jly. 29 W.M.S. World of Marching Corp...... Jly. 29 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1531

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2008) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101003861 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101017080 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... Saskatchewan 101078487 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Aug. 14 ...... Saskatchewan Belvoir Farms Ltd...... Jly. 29 ...... Saskatchewan Denomie Homes Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Mainway Farm Equipment Ltd...... Jly. 29 ...... Saskatchewan Melmac Enterprises LLC ...... Aug. 15 ...... USA Rob’s Construction Ltd...... Jly. 29 ...... Saskatchewan Saskatoon Industrial Holdings Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Shandar Acres Ltd...... Aug. 8 ...... Saskatchewan Waterside Septic Inc...... Jly. 28 ...... Saskatchewan ______

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 290 (2008) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 577416 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 593311 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 606407 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 624140 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 624305 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101005104 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101005578 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101041410 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101041584 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101053433 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101053818 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101066275 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101066583 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101066776 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101066835 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101066956 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101066957 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101080924 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101080943 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101081145 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101081203 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101081361 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101081519 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101081687 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101082149 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 1532 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101088358 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101096181 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101096391 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101096701 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101096775 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101096984 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101097173 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101097202 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101097379 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 101098246 Saskatchewan Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 685230 Alberta Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta 1265707 Alberta ULC ...... Aug. 7 ...... Alberta 465759 B.C. Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... British Columbia 6723454 Canada Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Canada 754651 Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Ontario 1555956 Ontario Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Ontario 2023308 Ontario Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Ontario 310 Building Construction Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan AAA Credit & Recovery Services Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Ontario ABL Acres Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan AGS Energy Equities 2006 Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta AIG Warrantyguard, Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... USA Ali Enterprises Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Almar Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Alpine Investments Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Amisk Lake Electric Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan AML Environmental Sciences Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan AMSI Aboriginal Management Search Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Animigii Holdings Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Aspen Grove Cottage Winery Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Asset Sales (Canada) Inc...... Jly. 16 ...... Canada Autodraft, Inc...... Aug. 11 ...... Alberta Bare Naked Body Basics Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Battle River Ditching Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Beagle Productions Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Beasdale Ventures Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Bertossa Holdings Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Bidar Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Bison Freightline Wainwright Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Black Diamond Construction Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Black Dog Contracting Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan BNR Roofing & Exteriors Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Borealis Outdoor Adventure, Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1533

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Boyd Jeffrey Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Canada Britton Bros. Diamond Drilling Ltd...... Aug. 12 ...... British Columbia By Design Homes Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan C5 Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Cactus Ranching Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Cakes By Design Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Canusa Consulting Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan CDI Career Development Institutes Ltd...... Jly. 23 ...... Canada Charger Trucking Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Cheque Source Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Classic Limousine Service Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Cliffehanger Publications & Design Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Colvic Respite Care Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Conkin’s Department Store Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Cornelisse Transport Consulting Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Cree Forest Products Ltd ...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan D. Frank Construction Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Dan Blackmore Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... British Columbia Dean Farms Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Denare Beach Diamond Drilling Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Dir-Mar Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Dorron Oilfield Maintenance And Construction Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Dr. Isperan Moodley Medical Prof. Corp...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Eagle Rock Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Easy Auto Sales Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Epic Information Solutions Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Manitoba Esterhazy Motor Hotel (1974) Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Ewanyshyn Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Fitness Advantage Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Manitoba G. Gregory Willows Legal Prof. Corp...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Galaxy Homes Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan General Packaging Corp...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Geographic Dynamics Corp...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Glacier Ventures International Corp...... Jly. 23 ...... Canada Golden West Trucking Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Greenscape Applications Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan GSM Brokerage Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Gulak Management Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta H Holding Corp...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan H. Osowsky Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Hango Farms (1982) Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Holiday Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta 1534 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Hubic Consulting Services Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan International Flight Training Solutions Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Canada Isagenix Canada, Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... USA J.C.’S Welding & Machine Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan J.P.B. Marine & Brass Co. Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Jim Dolinski Inc...... Aug. 11 ...... Manitoba JMA Consulting Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan K & N Enterprises Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Kaban Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Kaper Ii, Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... USA Keller Trucking Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Kendall Cleaning Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Kenwood Resources Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Keyera Energy (LP) Ltd...... Jly. 30 ...... Alberta Kitchen Specialties, Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... USA LAF Holdings Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan L. and O. Investments Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Manitoba L.N.T. Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan L.S. Contracting Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Lap Investments Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Leedon Holdings Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Legault’s Hardware & Furniture Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan LGB Welding Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Libra Ventures Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Logan Enterprises Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Loon Creek Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Loveridge Construction Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Lucas Travel Consultants Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Maple Dale Poultry Farms Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Mar-Mac Agri Products Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Meadow Lake Properties Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Medicine Hat Power Tongs (1978) Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Memory Lane Antiques & Miniatures Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Mercury Ventures Group Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Millennium Electronics Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Moose Mountain Heavy Equipment Training Center Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan MSX International Canada Limited ...... Jly. 22 ...... Ontario Nexinnovations Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Ontario Northern Pressure Systems Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Northland Towing Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Oats R Us Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan OFE Farm Equipment Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1535

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Operation Dirt (2006) Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Optimum Safety Incorporated ...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Orvall R. Enge Enterprises Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Oska - Yi Aski Development Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Pat & Ron’s Painting Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Pathway Mining 2006-II Inc...... Jne. 16 ...... Ontario Pathway Mining 2007-II Inc...... Jne. 16 ...... Ontario Performance Marine & Leisure Centre Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Petro95 Technologies Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Pinch Consulting Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Poor Boys Hauling Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Prairie Pizza & Subs Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Prairie Sign Leasing Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Premium Feeds Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Pro North Plumbing & Heating Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Promovisual International Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Prowest Holdings Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan PVC Transportation Systems Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... British Columbia Quality Commodity International Incorporated ...... Jly. 31 ...... Canada Quan Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan R & K Tours Limited ...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta R & Y Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan R. Heath Services Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta R.N.G. Backyard Leisure Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Ran-Car Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Randy’s Imagequix Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan RC Mortgage Brokers Ltd...... Jly. 25 ...... Alberta React Farms Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Redneck Property Limited ...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Regina City Freezers Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Reidan Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Richmont Direct Canada Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Ontario Riverrock Logging Co. Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Roadrunner Transport Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Rob Burns Farms Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Running Room Sports Inc...... Jly. 14 ...... Canada S & R Bulk Fuel Sales Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Sass Sunsation Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Saxinger Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Scavenger Energy GP Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta SCF Enterprises Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan SFN Management Services Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan 1536 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Shepell FGI GP Inc...... Jly. 25 ...... Ontario Shirwill Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Shooter Hill Estates Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Skylark Farms Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Snake Pit Holdings Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Songbird Management Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan South Prairie Dairies Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan SRG Security Resource Group Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... British Columbia Stan-Mar Ranch Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Steep Rock Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Storagenow Holdings (SM) Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Ontario Stovin & Hobbs Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan SWF Consulting Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Swingers Indoor Golf Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan T & D Holdings Corp...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan T. Beck Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Terra Land Company Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan The Canadian Equity Group Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Thirdrock Consulting Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Thomas Brook Consultants Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Tickety-Boo Oilfield Consulting Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Topping Enterprises Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Toss-All Rentals Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Traffic-Line Marking Equipment Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Treehouse Treasures Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Trent Gurski M.W.D. Consultant Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Tri Leisure R.V. Centre Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... British Columbia Tri-Ag Farms Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Twin Dragon Holdings Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Twister Pipe Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Vantage Enterprises Incorporated...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Vantage Trucking Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Waldner Veterinary Service P.C. Ltd...... Jly. 18 ...... Alberta Wascana Motors Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Weber Commodities Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Weekenders Canada Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Ontario Weldsonix Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... USA Western Pride Transport Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Wilco Landscape Contractors Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Wild West Buffalo Ranches Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta WPC Trucking Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Yorkton Cycle & Sports Goods Ltd...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan ______

Philip J. Flory, Director. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1537

The Business Names Registration Act ______

CANCELLATIONS (2008) Name: Date: Place of Business: AB-A-DOO Marketing ...... Jly. 31 ...... Regina Aviation Metal ...... Jly. 13 ...... Saskatoon Bedford Chinese Restaurant ...... Aug. 11 ...... Saskatoon Busy B’s Auction Sales ...... May 8 ...... Shellbrook Carlea Potato Growers ...... Aug. 1 ...... Aylsham Harcourt Assessment...... Jly. 31 ...... Etobicoke ON Hard Core Lawn Care & Snow Removal ...... Aug. 11 ...... Regina Hub International Barton Insurance Brokers ...... Aug. 13 ...... Chilliwack BC Iceberg Refrigeration ...... Aug. 11 ...... Regina Magpie Trucking ...... Jly. 15 ...... Lashburn Prairie Lily Coaches ...... Jly. 30 ...... Moose Jaw Prairie Lily Knitting & Needlework Shop ...... Jly. 30 ...... Saskatoon Rock Ridge Cabinets ...... Jly. 23 ...... Warman Wheel Dig It ...... Jly. 30 ...... Dalmeny ______

SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Aaron’s Roofing & Flooring ...... Jly. 30 ...... 528 Elizabeth St., Weyburn ...... roofing and flooring AB-A-DOO Marketing & Embroidery Factory ...... Jly. 31 ...... 1313 Hamilton St., Regina...... embroidery and promotional products Absolute Comics ...... Aug. 11 ..... 120-2420 Kenderdine Rd., Saskatoon ...... retail comic books and related merchandise Adapt Counselling Services...... Aug. 12 ..... 1500 Sibbald Cres., Prince Albert ...... general practice counselling, workshops and courses Always & Forever Photography ..... Jly. 31 ...... Box 2025, Swift Current ...... photography services AON Risk Services ...... Aug. 1 ...... 2400-20 Bay St., Toronto ON ...... insurance brokers and risk management consultants Audesi Homes ...... Aug. 12 ..... 2036-38th Ave. SW, Calgary AB ...... real estate development B.J.M. Electrical ...... Aug. 1 ...... 142 Kirkpatrick Cres., Saskatoon ...... contract electrical services Beaudion Design Custom Millwork ...... Aug. 13 ..... Box 15, Maymont ...... manufacture cabinets and urns Blue Moon Alpacas ...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 121, Glaslyn ...... alpaca ranch Briggsy’s Renovations ...... Aug. 11 ..... 153-4246 Albert St., Regina ...... exterior and interior renovations, siding, soffit, fascia, windows, roof and decks 1538 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: CJR Holdings ...... Aug. 11 ..... 510-1st Ave. N, Beechy ...... ATM operations Craig Bakke Construction ...... Aug. 11 ..... Box 107, Mortlach ...... construction of wooden frame out buildings D & D Custom Mowing ...... Aug. 1 ...... 409-29th St. E, Prince Albert ...... grass mowing Debra’s Chocolates ...... Aug. 12 ..... 40 Ponderosa Trailer Crt., Swift Current ...... home-made chocolates, assorted truffles, coated cherries and special diet treats DLM Unique Crafts & Catering..... Jly. 30 ...... Box 934, Shaunavon ...... manufacture crafts; in-home meal services Dundurn Small Engine Repair ...... Aug. 11 ..... Box 895, Dundurn ...... engine repair and related services Dusty’s Septic Service ...... Aug. 15 ..... 2911B Cleveland Ave., Saskatoon ...... septic services and haul water Elegance Esthetics & Tanning ...... Aug. 12 ..... 325-1st Ave. N, Wapella ...... full esthetics and tanning bed Feet First Reflexology ...... Aug. 12 ..... 1305 Lynd Cres., Estevan ...... reflexology health services Fresh Face Exteriors ...... Jly. 29 ...... 303, 2925-14th Ave., Regina ...... exterior renovations, landscaping and garage construction Good News Enterprises ...... Aug. 12 ..... R.R. 1, Codette ...... distribute and sell specialty lubricants and alternative fuels, building construction and renovations, electronics sales and service H.W. Alberts Consulting ...... Aug. 12 ..... 3061 Grant Rd., Regina ...... labour relations consultant Halfdoc Outdoors ...... Aug. 14 ..... Drawer 280, Moosomin ...... video production company Hub International Barton Insurance Brokers...... Jly. 20 ...... 45710 Airport Dr., Chilliwack BC ...... insurance brokers Hub International Insurance Brokers ...... Jly. 20 ...... 3875 Henning Dr., Burnaby BC .... insurance brokers Humboldt Bartending Service ...... Aug. 11 ..... Box 2776, Humboldt ...... bartending services for special events IMG Communication Specialist ..... Aug. 15 ..... 1022 Wascana Highlands, Regina ...... communication skills training consultant Julie’s Bakery, Deli & Cafe ...... Aug. 11 ..... 801 Gordon St., Moosomin ...... daily breakfast, lunch and dinner service Khameleon Kontractor ...... Jly. 29 ...... Box 1847, Battleford ...... contract construction services Kilbride Plumbing & Heating ...... Aug. 12 ..... 806 Samuels Cres., Regina ...... plumbing and heating services Kiryakos Driving School ...... Aug. 1 ...... 1052 McCormack Rd., Saskatoon ...... driver training Kozie Drywall ...... Aug. 11 ..... 76 King St. W., Yorkton ...... drywall, mudding and taping Kreme Boutique ...... Aug. 11 ..... 620-33rd St. W, Saskatoon ...... consignment store Kurz Oilfield Services ...... Aug. 6 ...... Box 158, Allan...... operate oilfield water and vacuum trucks THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1539

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Larry Pederson Contracting ...... Jly. 29 ...... Box 1548, Outlook ...... building moving, demolition and construction Last Chance Carbon...... Jly. 31 ...... Box 665, Maple Creek ...... sell carbon credits Laventure Backhoe and Trucking Services ...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 523, Leoville ...... backhoe work, trenching and hauling Lucianna’s Massage Therapy...... Jly. 29 ...... 53-6th Ave. N, Yorkton ...... registered massage therapy Maidstone Commercial Truck Wash ...... Aug. 13 ..... 500, 123-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon .... truck wash Marc Gurski MWD Measure Well Drilling Consultant ...... Jly. 29 ...... 3033 Dewdney Ave., Regina ...... oilwell drilling consultant/ measurement services Matador Contracting ...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 514, Eston ...... contract vinyl and aluminum siding, roofing, drywall, etc. Novak Industries ...... Jly. 31 ...... 3804 Cormorant Dr. E, Regina .... manufacture and sell speciality engines Nutrend Contracting ...... Jly. 31 ...... Box 487, Langham ...... contract construction and stucco services Old Man Handyman...... Aug. 14 ..... 966 Dorothy St., Regina ...... handyman services Oncescu Agencies ...... Aug. 11 ..... Box 638, Saskatoon ...... financial services Plum Garden ...... Jly. 29 ...... 4355 Albert St., Regina ...... restaurant Prairie Lily Knitting & Needlework Shop ...... Jly. 30 ...... 7-1730 Quebec Ave., Saskatoon .... retail knitting, crochet and needlework supplies Pro-Crete Services ...... Jly. 29 ...... Box 812, Langham ...... concrete services Prospector Inn ...... Jly. 31 ...... Box 809, Creighton ...... operate a hotel Radiance Light & Laser ...... Aug. 14 ..... 435 Southwood Dr., Prince Albert ...... hair removal and skin rejuvenation Radio Logix Regina...... Aug. 12 ..... 1610 Lee Pl., Regina ...... rent two-way radios Rise Developments...... Aug. 12 ..... 2036-38th Ave. SW, Calgary AB ...... real estate development River Grande Estates ...... Aug. 12 ..... 103, 1100-1st Ave. E, Prince Albert ...... property management Samuel’s Carpentry...... Aug. 13 ..... 2808 Queen St., Regina ...... carpentry, framing and general contractor Saskatoon Pediatric Dentistry ...... Aug. 12 ..... 258 Lavalee Crt., Saskatoon ...... pediatric dentistry Simply Stunning Designs ...... Jly. 30 ...... 304-19th Ave., Regina ...... staging and redesigns Southwood Estates ...... Aug. 12 ..... 103, 1100-1st Ave. E, Prince Albert ...... property management Spa Cantik & Salon ...... Aug. 11 ..... 4607 Sherwood Dr., Regina ...... esthetics spa and hair salon T-Shirt Angels...... Aug. 11 ..... Box 838, Gravelbourg ...... sell T-shirts on the internet T.P.’s Pumping ...... Aug. 13 ..... 1028 Lindsay St., Regina ...... septic tank cleaning services Tall Paul Trucking ...... Aug. 12 ..... 1671-106th St., North Battleford ...... haul oil and water 1540 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Tanda Recording ...... Jly. 29 ...... 4, 318-105th St. E, Saskatoon..... recording studio Terry Philipenko Lawn Care ...... Aug. 1 ...... Box 2078, Martensville ...... lawn and garden care and yard maintenance Texo Home Improvement...... Aug. 1 ...... 339 Allwood Cres., Saskatoon ..... build decks and fences; drywalling and framing The Sasquatch News ...... Aug. 12 ..... 2138 McIntyre St., Regina ...... tabloid newspaper and website covering Saskatchewan politics Thorpe Boys Drilling...... Aug. 13 ..... Box 760, Tisdale ...... seismic shot hole drilling Titan Exteriors ...... Aug. 13 ..... Box 266, Dalmeny ...... exterior siding, soffits and fascia TNT Retail Accounting Systems .... Jly. 29 ...... 110 Wark Pl., Saskatoon ...... bookkeeping/accounting consultant Todds Excavating Services ...... Aug. 14 ..... Box 11, Veregin ...... landscaping/snow removal services TUL Consulting Services ...... Aug. 15 ..... 318-6th Ave., Martensville...... grain systems and agricultural equipment consultant Tweak Design Studios ...... Jly. 29 ...... 151 Makaroff Rd., Saskatoon ...... graphic art design, photography and painting Vaughn Mechanical ...... Aug. 16 ..... 1211 Ave. W N, Saskatoon...... plumbing and heating services Wayne’s Septic Pump Out ...... Jly. 31 ...... Box 237, Balgonie ...... septic tank pump out service Wood Creek Auto ...... Aug. 13 ..... Box 113, Simpson ...... autobody repairs ______

PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Bedford Family Restaurant ...... Aug. 11 ..... 314-310 Herold Rd., Saskatoon ... restaurant Bulb Fine Art Gallery ...... Jly. 30 ...... 59 Coleman Cres., Regina ...... sell original works of art Busch Contracting ...... Aug. 13 ..... 1313 Ave. M S, Saskatoon ...... residential and commercial flooring Farnham Masonry ...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 353, Colonsay ...... bricklaying and stone work Garry and Mary Anne Kennon Ranch ...... Jly. 31 ...... Box 760, Delisle ...... farming Global Empire Reinforcing ...... Aug. 15 ..... 114 Short Pl., Saskatoon ...... install reinforcing steel for residential, commercial and industrial reinforced concrete structures Gunn’r Projects ...... Aug. 12 ..... Box 43, Grandora ...... project management and construction Hard Core Yard Care ...... Aug. 11 ..... 202-18 Lorne Pl., Regina ...... yard care and snow removal Machmer Farms...... Aug. 15 ..... Box 17, Spring Valley ...... grain farming Messages In Motion ...... Aug. 13 ..... 9 Park Ave., Craven ...... LED display services Mondial Assistance ...... Aug. 11 ..... 700, 2103-11th Ave., Regina ...... insurance agency Strictly Amish Furniture For Generations ...... Jly. 30 ...... Box 2205, Warman ...... Amish furniture Studio B Photography ...... Aug. 15 ..... 1119 Ave. M S, Saskatoon ...... photography studio Tri-View Farms ...... Aug. 12 ..... 110-11th St. E, Prince Albert ...... farming Yeager Ag Ventures ...... Jly. 31 ...... Box 151, Lake Lenore ...... farming partnership THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1541

EXTRA-PROVINCIAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATION (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Koch Exploration Canada, L.P...... Aug. 8 ...... 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina ..... oil and gas exploration and development ______

ALTERATIONS IN MEMBERSHIP (2008) Name: Date: Spirit of The North Trophy Elk Hunts ...... Mar. 28 Western Dynamometer Services ...... Jly. 29 ______

EXPIRATIONS (2008) Name: Date: Place of Business: Arrow-Jet Developing Co...... Aug. 14 ...... Plato Silver Spur Contracting ...... Aug. 8 ...... Loon Lake Spankin’ Kleen Janitorial Services ...... Aug. 12 ...... Moose Jaw ______

Philip J. Flory, Registrar. ______

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucrative ______

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION (2008) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Activities: 101127773 Saskatchewan Inc...... Aug. 7 ...... Box 547, Melfort ...... men’s fraternal organization, mutual aid, character development Big Chief Memorial Park Inc...... Aug. 5 ...... Box 400, Onion Lake...... develop and maintain a recreational park, playground, sporting field and picnic area Green Arrow Healing Inc...... Aug. 1 ...... Box 310, Meadow Lake ...... youth boot camp Lips Productions Inc...... Aug. 14 ..... 74 Bastedo Cres., Regina ...... community events and dances National Organization For The Reform of Marijuana Laws, Saskatchewan Chapter Inc...... Aug. 8 ...... 1166 Retallack St., Regina ...... protest group/advocate Prairie Dreams Learning Centre Inc...... Aug. 1 ...... Box 24, McLean ...... operate a full-time child care centre St. Joseph Missionaries of Sacrifice Inc...... Jne. 24 ...... Box 220, Marshall ...... evangelization and spiritual teaching 1542 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Activities: The United Federation of People Inc...... Aug. 1 ...... 7-1176 Albert St., Regina ...... church related fund-raising Tisdale Dance Centre Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Box 1972, Tisdale ...... dance centre Vickers Recreation Care Program Inc...... Aug. 7 ...... 2800 Bradbury Dr., Prince Albert ...... student supervision Western Region 1a Development Inc...... Jly. 21 ...... 960-103rd St., North Battleford ...... Métis community economic development ______

CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT (2008) Name: Date: Amendment: Mortlach Community Development Association Inc...... Aug. 5 ...... changed name to Mortlach Community Development and Agricultural Society Inc. ______

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2008) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Tisdale Inc...... Aug. 1 ...... Saskatchewan Community Radio Society Of Saskatoon, Inc...... Jly. 30 ...... Saskatchewan South Saskatchewan Wildlife Association ...... Aug. 8 ...... Saskatchewan St. Mark and St. George Coptic Orthodox Church Inc...... Aug. 7 ...... Saskatchewan ______

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 272 (2008) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 702 RCAC Civilian Support Group Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Alexandra Community Association Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Battlefords Ukrainian Seniors Association ...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Churchill River Revival Ministry Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Community Futures Entre-Corp Business Development ...... Jly. 31 ...... Alberta Confederation Park Community Association ...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Dorintosh Catholic Ladies Society Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Eston Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons No 134 on The Register of The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Gaps Supportive and Transitional Housing Society Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Gospel Echoes Team Association, Canada West ...... Jly. 31 ...... Canada Harry Vandale Renovations Inc...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan Heartworks Data Base Foundation Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Laird Service Club Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1543

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Miracle Manor Church and Shiloh Training Centre Inc...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan Moose Jaw Alcohol and Drug Abuse Society Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Nipawin Walleye Park Diamond Development Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Park Avenue Bible Church Inc...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan Prairie River Seniors Incorporated ...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan Prince Albert Inter-Church Senior Housing Group Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Bird and Small Animal Association Inc...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Wild Rice Council Inc...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan Saskatoon Charities Bingo Association Inc...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan The Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club Inc...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan The Royal Canadian Legion Weyburn Branch 47 Inc...... Aug. 12 ...... Saskatchewan The Saskatoon Chapter of The Society For The Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America ...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan Tien-Shan Children Relief Foundation Inc...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan Tree of Life Family Restoration Fellowship Inc...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lemberg, Saskatchewan...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan Waskoosis Safe Shelter Incorporated ...... Jly. 31 ...... Saskatchewan Wilkie Rural Fire Association Inc...... Aug. 13 ...... Saskatchewan ______

Philip J. Flory, Director. ______


The Business Corporations Act ______

That the name Mar-Lyn Trucking Ltd., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, August 15, 2008, page 1478, line 13, should not have appeared. ______

That the name Mavrix Explore 2007-I FT Management Limited, where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, July 4, 2008, page 1258, line 23, should not have appeared. ______

That the name Mavrix Explore 2007-II FT Management Limited, where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, July 4, 2008, page 1258, line 24, should not have appeared. 1544 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

The Business Names Registration Act ______

That the name Charko Logging & Sawmill, where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, June 20, 2008, page 1173, line 45, should not have appeared. ______

That the name Prairie West Management Group, where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, August 8, 2008, page 1450, line 27, should have read Prairies West Management Group. ______

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucrative ______

That the name Afghan Community in Regina Inc., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, March 7, 2008, page 380, line 12, should not have appeared. ______

That the name Biggar Elks Holding Company Inc., where it appeared in, The Saskatchewan Gazette, August 1, 2008, page 1408, line 27, should not have appeared. ______

That the name Canadian Dance Teachers’ Association (Saskatchewan Branch) Inc., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, August 8, 2008, page 1455, lines 4 and 5, should not have appeared. ______

That the name Deutsche Sprachschule Concordia, Saskatoon Inc., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, May 2, 2008, page 809, line 8, should not have appeared. ______

That the name Interprovincial Association on Native Employment Saskatoon Chapter Inc., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, July 18, 2008, page 1339, lines 24 and 25, should not have appeared. ______

That the name Jim and Donna Anderson Foundation Corp., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, March 20, 2008, page 472, line 30, should not have appeared. ______

That the name Regina Ethiopian Association Corp., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, July 4, 2008, page 1267, line 33, should not have appeared. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1545

PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS ______The Change of Name Act, 1995/ Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom ______

The following changes of name are registered under the provisions of The Change of Name Act, 1995/ Les changements de nom ci-après sont enregistrés en exécution de la Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom: Former Name/ Address/ Date of Birth/ Name Changed To/ Ancien nome: Addresse: Date de naissance: Nouveau nom: Lauren Danielle OLEDZKI ... Regina SK ...... July 30, 1990 ...... Daniel Eric OLEDZKI (Dated August 1, 2008) ______

Mohd Ibrahim MURADI ...... Saskatoon SK ...... January 1, 1980 ...... Mohammad Ibrahim MURADI (Dated August 1, 2008) ______

Jung Han KIM ...... Regina SK ...... September 28, 1970 ...... John Han KIM (Dated August 5, 2008) ______

Vanessa Less IRONEAGLE ...... Pasqua SK ...... February 14, 1989 ...... Vanessa Lee PEIGAN (Dated August 5, 2008) ______

Maxime MCKAY ...... Buffalo Narrows SK ...... March 29, 1951 ...... Max MCCALLUM (Dated August 5, 2008) ______

Sasha Caroline Ann Marie THOMS ...... Prince Albert SK ...... July 15, 1990 ...... Sasha Caroline Ann Marie (Dated August 5, 2008) YOUNG ______

Clayton Alan ONRAET...... Gull Lake SK ...... January 26, 1990 ...... Clayton Alan COOKE (Dated August 6, 2008) ______

Tyrene Norval BROWN ...... Imperial SK ...... November 24, 1978 ...... Tyren Norval BROWN (Dated August 6, 2008) ______

Dallas David ROY ...... Regina SK ...... February 1, 1989 ...... Dallas David PATZER (Dated August 8, 2008) ______

Wanda Lou WARNER ...... Regina SK ...... April 9, 1961 ...... Wanda Lou CYR-DESJARLAIS (Dated August 8, 2008) 1546 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Former Name/ Address/ Date of Birth/ Name Changed To/ Ancien nome: Addresse: Date de naissance: Nouveau nom: Stacie Karen Mohamed ...... Regina SK ...... September 8, 1976 ...... Stacie SOLOMON (Dated August 8, 2008) ______

Gregory Wilfred DYCK ...... Hague SK ...... January 8, 1974 ...... Gregory Wilfred VAN DYCK (Dated August 8, 2008) ______

Brenndan Mervin KOHNE ... Regina SK ...... January 5, 1985 ...... Brenndan Mervin SKWARA (Dated August 8, 2008) ______

Name(s) of Child or Children/Nom(s) de l’enfant ou des enfants: Former Name/ Name Changed To/ Date of Birth/ Ancien nome: Nouveau nom: Date de naissance: Tennille Jean M JANVIER ...... Tennille Jean M PICHE ...... February 20, 1993 (Dated August 6, 2008) ______

Colton Ken Roy ...... Colton Ken PATZER ...... September 12, 1992 (Dated August 7, 2008) ______

Given under my hand at/fait sous ma signature à Regina, Saskatchewan.

Ronn Wallace, Director of Vital Statistics/ Directeur des Services de l’état Civil. ______

The Crown Minerals Act [subsection 21(1)] ______

NOTICES OF WITHDRAWAL — CROWN RESERVATION NO. 846 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 21(1) of The Crown Minerals Act, the “Crown mineral lands”, as defined in The Mineral Disposition Regulations, 1986, and the “Crown coal lands”, as defined in The Coal Disposition Regulations, 1988, lying in, upon or under the following described lands, west of the Third Meridian, effective from the date shown below, are withdrawn from disposition until further notice: In projected Townships 74 to 84, Ranges 16 to 26, inclusive; In projected Township 85, Ranges 17 to 26, inclusive; In projected Townships 86 and 87, Ranges 18 to 26, inclusive; In projected Townships 88 and 89, Ranges 19 to 26, inclusive; In projected Township 90, Ranges 20 to 26, inclusive; In projected Township 91, Ranges 20 to 25, inclusive; In projected Townships 92 and 93, Ranges 21 to 25, inclusive; In projected Township 94, Ranges 20 to 25, inclusive; In projected Townships 95 and 96, Ranges 19 to 25, inclusive; In projected Township 97, Ranges 20 to 25, inclusive; In projected Township 98, Ranges 21 to 25, inclusive; In projected Township 99, Ranges 21 to 25, inclusive; THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1547

with the exception of the minerals lying in, upon or under the following described lands lying west of the Third Meridian in the Province of Saskatchewan (herein called “the excepted lands”): In projected Townships 74 to 76, Ranges 16 to 26, inclusive; In projected Township 77, Ranges 16 to 26, inclusive; In projected Township 78, Ranges 16 and 17, inclusive; In projected Townships 80 and 81, Range 25, inclusive; In projected Township 99, Ranges 21 to 25, inclusive; Provided further, that the minerals lying in, upon or under any of the excepted lands shall, without further act, be withdrawn from disposition and added to Crown Reservation No. 846 until further notice, in the event of and effective upon the termination, surrender or expiry of any prior rights to those minerals arising under a disposition pursuant to The Crown Minerals Act. ______

CROWN RESERVATION NO. 847 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 21(1) of The Crown Minerals Act, the “Crown coal lands”, as defined in The Coal Disposition Regulations, 1988, lying in, upon or under the following described lands, effective from the date shown below, are withdrawn from disposition until further notice: Those Lands lying west of the First Meridian: The north half of Township 16 to all of 26, Range 30, inclusive; The north half of Township 16 to all of 25, Range 31, inclusive; Township 16 to 25, Ranges 32 to 33, inclusive. Those Lands lying west of the Second Meridian: Townships 16 to 25, Range 1, inclusive; Townships 16 to 28, Range 2, inclusive; Townships 15 to 28, Range 3, inclusive; Townships 15 to 29, Ranges 4 to 5, inclusive; Townships 15 to 31, Ranges 6 to 9, inclusive; Townships 15 to 33, Range 10, inclusive; Townships 15 to 35, Ranges 11 to 14, inclusive; Townships 13 to 35, Ranges 15 to 16, inclusive; Townships 13 to 36, Range 17, inclusive; Townships 13 to 37, Range 18, inclusive; Townships 13 to 38, Ranges 19 to 20, inclusive; Townships 13 to 39, Range 21, inclusive; Townships 15 to 39, Ranges 22 to 23, inclusive; Townships 15 to 41, Range 24, inclusive; Townships 16 to 41, Range 25, inclusive; Townships 18 to 41, Ranges 26 to 28, inclusive. Township 19A, Ranges 1 to 12, inclusive; Townships 19 to 38, Range 29, inclusive; Township 27A, Ranges 13 to 16, inclusive; Township 27A, Range 13A. 1548 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

Those Lands lying west of the Third Meridian: Townships 21 to 41, Range 1, inclusive; Townships 21 to 42, Range 2, inclusive; Townships 21 to 26, Range 3, inclusive; Townships 31 to 42, Ranges 3 to 4, inclusive; Townships 30 to 42, Range 5, inclusive; Townships 29 to 41, Ranges 6 to 7, inclusive; Townships 29 to 40, Range 8, inclusive; Townships 28 to 39, Range 9, inclusive; Townships 28 to 42, Ranges 10 to 15, inclusive; Townships 35 to 42, Range 16, inclusive. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan this 13th day of August, 2008.

Kent Campbell, Acting Deputy Minister of Energy and Resources. ______

Highway Traffic Board ______

NOTICES OF APPLICATION 1 The Highway Traffic Board gives notice of receipt of the following applications. 2 Any party wishing to oppose an application must complete and file a Statement of Objection on or before September 22, 2008. Please reference the file number when filing opposition. 3 Where opposition is filed to any application, a public hearing will be scheduled. All hearing participants will be advised of the hearing date. Any interested party may contact the Board at (306) 775-6672, to obtain information respecting hearing dates and locations.

Marian Ross, HTB Administrator, Highway Traffic Board. ______

Applicant: 1196166 ONTARIO LTD. o/a Pokeys Vans Address: 1033 Victoria Avenue North, Fort Frances ON P9A 2E8 File: B/08/15 Application: For an amendment to its Operating Authority Certificate to include the following:

Extra-provincial Commodity Description: Origin: Destination: Conditions: passengers Manitoba/Saskatchewan Melville and/or Canora SK see below boundary and vice-versa

Restricted as follows: (1) twenty (20) vans of various sizes that carry up to a maximum of fifteen (15) passengers; (2) Canadian National Railway train crew only. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1549

Applicant: KIRKLAND, RANDAL W. o/a Ventures in Paradise Address: Box 220, Glaslyn SK S0M 0Y0 File: B/08/16 Application: For an amendment to its Operating Authority Certificate to include the following:

Intra-provincial Commodity Description: Origin: Destination: Conditions: passengers Points in Saskatchewan Points in Saskatchewan see below

Restricted as follows: (a) inter-municipal charter operations only; cannot transport passengers from point-to-point within a municipality without written permission from the municipality; (b) all trips must be pre-booked by no less than twenty-four (24) hours; (c) operator cannot accept calls in any manner in which a taxi is dispatched and cannot cruise the streets for the purpose of picking up passengers; (d) vehicles must be chauffeur driven; (e) vehicles cannot be equipped with a taxi-meter; (f) limousine service only (maximum 24 passengers); (g) this authority is valid only for vehicles which, immediately prior to each trip, are stored, repaired, maintained and dispatched from the office, storage, repair and maintenance facilities maintained by the certificate holder in Glaslyn, Saskatchewan; and (h) cannot transport Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway train crews while under contract with Crown Cab Ltd. ______

The Legal Profession Act, 1990 ______

NOTICE OF INTERIM SUSPENSION TAKE NOTICE THAT GARRET OLEDZKI of Regina, Saskatchewan has been interim suspended as of August 15, 2008 and is no longer entitled to practice law until further notice. The Law Society of Saskatchewan has reasonable grounds to believe that Garret Oledzki may be guilty of conduct unbecoming a lawyer in that he: - Imitated the signature of his client on a document purporting to be a Last Will and Testament of his client using the name of his client when he was not in the presence of that client or any witnesses; - Persuaded a member of the public to sign as a witness on a document purporting to be a Last Will and Testament of his client when he knew she had not witnessed the signing of the document; - Misled fellow members of the Law Society of Saskatchewan; - Contrary to Chapter VI of the Code of Professional Conduct, prepared or caused to be prepared documents wherein his clients were to leave or transfer to him or his family members substanial gifts. DATED at the City of Regina, in the Province of Saskatchewan, this 15th day of August, A.D. 2008.

Donna R. Sigmeth, Deputy Director, Law Society of Saskatchewan. 1550 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008

The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ______

NOTICE OF CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME Notice is hereby given that Commerce and Industry Insurance Company of Canada changed its corporate name to AIG Commercial Insurance Company of Canada, with Canadian Head Office at 145 Wellington St. W, in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario. And take notice that the effective date of the corporate name change of the said company was July 7, 2008. Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 21st day of July, 2008.

Marc Lipman, General Counsel & Secretary, AIG Commercial Insurance Company of Canada. 22/29 ______LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN/ ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE DE LA SASKATCHEWAN ______

Rules Relating to Petitions and Private Bills The Rules of the Legislature with regard to the time for filing Petitions and Private Bills with the Clerk and other matters relating thereto can be obtained at any time by those interested, by visiting the Legislative Assembly website or on application to: Gregory A. Putz Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Room 239, Legislative Building Regina SK S4S 0B3 Telephone: (306)787-2377 E-mail: [email protected] * For further information regarding the Private Bills Committee, visit the Committees pages of the Legislative Assembly Website at ______

Règlements relatifs aux pétitions et aux projets de loi d’intérêt privé Les règlements de l’Assemblée législative relatifs aux délais prescrits pour le dépôt de pétitions et de projets de loi d’intérêt privé, ainsi que d’autres renseignements à ce sujet sont disponibles en tout temps au site Web de l’Assemblée législative ou auprès de la greffière en s’adressant à: Gregory A. Putz Greffièr de l’Assemblée législative Bureau 239, Palais législatif Regina SK S4S 0B3 Téléphone: (306) 787-2377 Courriel: [email protected] * D’autres renseignements au sujet du Comité des projets de loi d’intérêt privé sont disponibles sous le titre « Committees » au site Web de l’Assemblée législative au : THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008 1551


PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submissions to The Saskatchewan Gazette is noon on the Thursday previous to the week of publication. If a holiday occurs within the week of publication, the deadline is set back to noon of the previous Wednesday. Please allow yourself at least one full week to ensure mail delivery of Gazette submissions. Publication of any material received late will be delayed until the following week’s issue. All material for publication in The Saskatchewan Gazette must be submitted electronically (WordPerfect or Word) accompanied by a signed hard copy to the Office of the Queen’sPrinter, Saskatchewan Justice, B19-3085 Albert St., Regina SK S4S 0B1, tel. (306)787-2367, or by E-mail: [email protected]. Each document or disk must be complete in the form required for publication and must be separate from the covering letter. Signatures on all documents must be typewritten or clearly printed immediately below the written signatures.

Prepayment is required for ALL notices placed in The Saskatchewan Gazette by non-government clients. Cheques or money orders must be made payable to the Queen’s Printer Revolving Fund. Please include the GST in addition to regular charges at the rate of 5% each for those items listed below under “GST Payable”. The minimum charge for publication of notices not specified below is $16.00 for each notice, which sum shall accompany the material when forwarded for publication. The following are minimum rates for advertising in The Saskatchewan Gazette: GST Payable Notices under The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ...... Two issues ...... $35.00 Notice of Intention to Apply for a Private Bill ...... Two issues ...... 40.00 Notice of Sale and Auction ...... One issue ...... 20.00 Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Shipments ...... One issue ...... 20.00 Notices under The Tax Enforcement Act ...... Five parcels or less, for a minimum charge of ...... 20.00 (Additional parcels are $0.75 each; metes and bounds descriptions are $3.50 each) GST Exempt Notices under The Companies Winding Up Act ...... Two issues ...... $35.00 Notices under The Highway Traffic Act* (Vehicle Auctions) ...... One issue ...... 20.00 *Please note that Auctioneers acting pursuant to The Highway Traffic Act must be licensed under The Auctioneers Act. Notices re: Assessment Rolls (Municipal) ...... One issue ...... 30.00 One copy of your submission as it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette is mailed to government advertisers who are invoiced. With prepayment, a copy of your submission is available on request from the Office of the Queen’s Printer. Subscriptions Yearly subscription rate to The Saskatchewan Gazette (Paper Copy) ...... Payable in advance ...... $125.00 1552 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, AUGUST 29, 2008


SACHEZ QUE: La date de tombée pour les soumissions à la Gazette de la Saskatchewan est le jeudi à midi, la semaine précédant la parution. En cas de jour férié à l’intérieur de la semaine de parution, la date de tombée sera remise un jour avant, soit le mercredi à midi. Pour les envois de soumissions à la Gazette par la poste, veuillez prévoir une semaine au complet. La parution de tout matériel reçu en retard sera remise au numéro de la semaine suivante. Tous les documents qui paraîtront dans la Gazette de la Saskatchewan doivent être soumis électroniquement (WordPerfect ou Word) et accompagnés d’une copie papier signée et envoyée au bureau de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, ministère de la Justice de la Saskatchewan, B19-3085, rue Albert, Regina SK S4S 0B1, tél. 306-787-2367, ou par courriel: [email protected]. Chaque document ou disquette doit être complet, conformément aux normes de parution, et doit être séparé de la lettre d’accompagnement. Les signatures sur les documents doivent être dactylographiées ou écrites lisiblement en lettres moulées et doivent apparaître immédiatement en dessous de la signature écrite.

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Printed by the authority of The Queen’s Printer/ Imprimé par l’Imprimeur de la Reine pour la Saskatchewan REGINA (SASKATCHEWAN) ©2008