(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0028444 A1 Matuschek Et Al
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US 201000284.44A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0028444 A1 Matuschek et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 4, 2010 (54) USE OF WATER-DISPERSIBLE (30) Foreign Application Priority Data CAROTENOD NANOPARTICLES AS TASTE MODULATORS, TASTE MODULATORS Feb. 23, 2007 (EP) .................................. O7102977.1 CONTAINING WATER-DSPERSIBLE Nov. 26, 2007 (EP) .................................. O7121529.7 CAROTENOID NANOPARTICLES, AND, METHOD FORTASTE MODULATION Publication Classification (75) Inventors: Markus Matuschek, Weinheim (51) Int. Cl. (DE); Andreas Ernst, Worms (DE); A6IR 9/14 (2006.01) Christian Köpsel, Weinheim (DE); A2.3L I/236 (2006.01) Martin B. Jager, A2.3L 2/56 (2006.01) Enkenbach-Alsenborn (DE); Alice A2.3L 2/60 (2006.01) Kleber, Bensheim (DE); Michael A2.3L. I./226 (2006.01) Krohn, Lorsch (DE); Holger A63L/655 (2006.01) Zinke, Zwingenberg (DE) A6IP 43/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. ......... 424/489: 426/534: 426/535; 426/537; Correspondence Address: 514/150 CONNOLLY BOVE LODGE & HUTZ, LLP PO BOX 2207 WILMINGTON, DE 19899 (US) (57) ABSTRACT Use of at least one type of water-dispersible carotenoid nano (73) Assignee: BASFSE, LUDWIGSHAFEN (DE) particles as taste modulators in compositions of matter, pro cess for taste modulation of compositions of matter in which (21) Appl. No.: 12/443,266 at least one type of water-dispersible carotenoid nanopar ticles is added to compositions of matter; and also taste modu (22) PCT Filed: Feb. 25, 2008 lators for compositions of matter comprising (86). PCT No.: PCT/EP08/52273 (A) at least one type of water-dispersible carotenoid nanopar ticles and S371 (c)(1), (B) at least one azo compound, comprising at least one azo (2), (4) Date: Mar. 27, 2009 group. US 2010/0028444 A1 Feb. 4, 2010 USE OF WATER-DSPERSIBLE chemically unstable. Because of the favorable properties of CAROTENOD NANOPARTICLES AS TASTE ACK, a higher dosage of this Sweetening agentis sought. This MODULATORS, TASTE MODULATORS higher dosage, however, is only possible with restrictions CONTAINING WATER-DIS PERSIBLE owing to the bitter taste of this Sweetening agent in relatively CAROTENOID NANOPARTICLES, AND, high concentrations. This is because, in particular, the Sweet METHOD FORTASTE MODULATION eners saccharin and ACK have bitter taste attributes, espe cially in high concentrations. FIELD OF THE INVENTION 0008. Many pharmaceutical active compounds, in particu 0001. The present invention relates to the novel use of lar ibuprofen, also have a strongly bitter taste which leads to water-dispersible carotenoid nanoparticles as taste modula reduction in acceptance when the active compound is taken. tors, in particular for reduction of bitter taste and aftertaste in 0009 For reduction of the natural bitter taste, for example compositions of matter, preferably in foods, drinks, articles of tea, coffee or orange juice, these foods and articles con consumed for pleasure, Sweetening agents, animal feeds and sumed for pleasure are either enzymatically treated in order to cosmetics, preferably in foods, drinks, articles consumed for destroy the bitter tasting substances, or the bitter substance is pleasure, Sweetening agents, animal feeds, cosmetics and removed by decaffeination in the case of caffeine in tea and pharmaceuticals which comprise at least one HIS (High coffee. Intensity Sweetener). 0010. A further possibility of modifying the taste impres 0002. In addition, the present invention relates to a novel sion is addition of taste modulators to the desired foods, process for taste modulation, in particular for reduction of drinks, articles consumed for pleasure, animal feeds, Sweet bitter taste and aftertaste of compositions of matter, prefer ening agents, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. ably foods, drinks, articles consumed for pleasure, Sweeten 0011. It is therefore desirable to find substances which ing agents, animal feeds and cosmetics, preferably foods, Suppress or reduce the unpleasant taste impressions, and also drinks, articles consumed for pleasure, Sweetening agents, can amplify in a targeted manner desired taste impressions. animal feeds, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals which comprise 0012. In particular in the sector of pharmaceutical active at least one HIS (High Intensity Sweetener) in which at least compounds, a great number of Substances which, in particu one type of water-dispersible carotenoid nanoparticles is used lar, modify bitterness, are known. Thus, for example, the as taste modulator. bitter taste of ibuprofen is masked by polylysine and polyargi 0003) Not least, the present invention relates to novel taste nine (cf. international patent application WO 2003/086293), modulators comprising at least one type of water-dispersible by meglumine salt (cf. U.S. Pat. No. 5,028,625), by sodium carotenoid nanoparticles. chloride or sodium-saccharin (cf. international patent appli cation WO 2003/0475550) or by hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclo PRIOR ART dextrin or chewable methacrylic acid copolymers (cf. Modi fying Bitterness, Mechanism, Ingredients And Applications, 0004 Compositions of matter such as foods, drinks, Glenn Roy, 1997) in order to facilitate intake by patients. The articles consumed for pleasure, Sweetening agents, animal bitterness of caffeine may also be reduced by a multiplicity of feeds, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals frequently comprise taste modulators such as, for example, glutamic acid, dical taste Substances which are in principle unwanted or are too cium disalicylate, starch, lactose, manitol and also by phos dominant or too low in the intensity in which they are present. phatidic acid and beta-lactoglobulin (cf. Glenn Roy, 1997) In the sector of Sweeteners, frequently, in addition to the and in addition by hydroxybenzamides, in particular Sweet taste impressions, further taste impressions such as, for hydroxybenzoic acid vanillylamide (cf. Ley et al., Journal of example, a metallic, chemical, bitter or synthetic taste or Agricultural & Food Chemistry, 2006). aftertaste occurs, which adversely affect the overall taste 0013 Further substances which have been used for reduc impression of the composition to be Sweetened. In the context tion of a bitter taste in general and in particular in pharma of the present invention, taste is taken to mean the immediate ceuticals and foods are lecithin, ascorbate and citrate (cf. taste impression which is formed while the composition is Japanese patent application.JP 2001226293), esters of mono situated in the mouth. Aftertaste is taken to mean the taste or diglycerides such as glycerol monostearate and polycar perception after Swallowing, in particular after a waiting time boxylic acids such as Succinic acid (cf. European patent appli of about 30 seconds. cation EP 0732 064 A1), hydroxyflavanones (cf. European 0005 For example, caffeine in tea or coffee, and also hop patent application EP 1258 200A1), 2-phenyl-4-chromanone extracts in beer, are natural bitter substances which, however, derivatives (cf. German patent application DE 101 22898), in too high a concentration cause an adverse taste impression. Sodium sulfate hydrate (cf. Japanese patent application JP In special bitter drinks such as, for example, tonic water or 02025428). In addition, U.S. Pat. No. 5,637,618 discloses the bitter lemon, a characteristic bitter taste caused by the addi use of benzoic acid derivatives for reduction of the bitter taste tive quinine is desired to a particular extent. in drinks and also of Sweetening agents and of potassium 0006 Fruit juices, in particular orange juice, suffer from chloride. The bitter taste of potassium chloride is also inhib impairment of the taste by, e.g., flavonoid glycosides, which ited using 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, carrageenan and thau have a bitter taste. matin (cf. Glenn Roy, 1997: U.S. Pat. No. 5,637,618 and also 0007 Sugar-free drinks which are admixed with sweeten Japanese patent applications.JP04262758 and JP 07083684). ing agents likewise exhibit adverse taste attributes, interalia a 0014. However, the known taste modulators are not com bitter taste or aftertaste. Mixing of various Sweetening agents pletely satisfactory, in particular when the intention is to use reduces the adversetaste impression and optimizes the favor them for reduction of the bitter taste of compositions of matter able attributes. However, it is not possible to imitate the sugar Such as, for example, foods, drinks, articles consumed for taste completely. In addition, individual Sweetening agents pleasure, Sweetening agents, animal feeds, cosmetics and Such as aspartame (ASP) are, in certain cases, incompatible or pharmaceuticals which comprise at least one HIS, but in US 2010/0028444 A1 Feb. 4, 2010 particular ACK, but in particular of HIS-comprising soft <100 nm (cf. Römpp Online 2007, “Solubilisation” and drinks. In this case their bitterness-reducing activity is fre “Micellen Micelles). Examples of such aqueous solubili quently insufficient. If, for this reason, the concentration of sates are disclosed by European patent applications EP 0800 the known taste modulators is increased in order to achieve 825A1 and EP 0848913 A2. These carotenoid nanoparticles Sufficient activity, unwanted physical and/or chemical inter or their aqueous solubilisates are used for injection purposes actions with the remaining components of the respective for parenteral administration and for coloring foods and phar compositions and/or adverse effects, in particular impairment maceuticals, in particular for coloring drinks which must up to complete