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Kavkasiologta II Saertasoriso Kongresis Masalebi MA PROCEETINGS of II INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS of CAUCASOLOGISTS МАТЕРИА kavkasiologTa II saerTaSoriso kongresis masalebi MA PROCEETINGS OF II INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CAUCASOLOGISTS МАТЕРИАЛЫ II МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО КОНГРЕССА КАВКАЗОВЕДОВ 2010 Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University Faculty of Humanities Institute of Caucasiology Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics Институт кавказоведения факультета гуманитарных наук Тбилисского государственного университета им. Иванэ Джавахишвили Институт языкознания им. Арнольда Чикобава Proceetings of II International Congress of Caucasiologists Материалы II международного конгресса кавказоведов Tbilisi 2010 Тбилиси ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetis humanitarul mecnierebaTa fakultetis kavkasiologiis instituti arnold Ciqobavas saxelobis enaTmecnierebis instituti kavkasiologTa II saerTaSoriso kongresis masalebi Tbilisi 2010 saredaqcio kolegia: l. azmaifaraSvili (pasuxismgebeli mdivani), c. baramiZe (mTavari redaqtori), i. gagoSiZe, g. gociriZe, s. zedelaSvili, j. kviciani, l. minaSvili, T. ujuxu, r. fareuliZe (redaqtori), n. qavTaraZe, m. qurdiani, e. qurTiSvili, r. janaSia E Editorial Board: L. Azmaiparashvili (Associated editor), Ts. Baramidze (Editor-in-chief), I. Gagoshidze, G. Gotsiridze, R. Janashia, N. Kavtaradze, M. Kurdiani, E. Kurtishvili, J. Kvitsiani, L. Minashvili, R. Pareulidze (Editor), T. Udxuxu, S. Zedelashvili Редакционная коллегия: Л. Азмайпарашвили (ответственный секретарь), Ц. Барамидзе (главный редактор), Ю. Гагошидзе, Г. Гоциридзе, Р. Джанашиа, С. Зеделашвили, Н. Кавтарадзе, Дж. Квициани, М. Курдиани, Е. Куртишвили, Л. Минашвили, Р. Пареулидзе (редактор), Т. Уджуху. l. a b u l a Z e (miunsteri) robert blaixStaineri da saqarTvelo avstrieli eTnologisa da enaTmecnieris robert bla- ixStaineris Sromebi misi moRvaweobis adrindel etapze exe- boda kavkasiaSi mcxovrebi xalxebis enebsa da literaturas, religiebsa da adaT-Cvevebs, istorias. SemdgomSi misma samec- niero interesebma aRmosavleTisaken _ monRoleTisa da tibe- tisaken _ gadainacvla, Tumca saqarTvelo mudam rCeboda mi- si gansakuTrebuli yuradRebis centrSi. robert blaixStaineris xseneba kavkasiologTa wreSi, pirvel rigSi, acocxlebs cnobierebaSi mis hipoTezas kavka- siuri enebis buruSaski enasTan naTesaobis Sesaxeb. Sedare- biT naklebad aris igi cnobili, rogorc qarTuli litera- turis mTargmneli da popularizatori. garda daniel WonqaZis ,,suramis cixis~ Targmanisa (1940), blaixStainerma venaSi gamosca krebuli saxelwodebiT ,,Neue georgische Dichter~ (1946), romelSic Sesulia galaktion tabiZis, giorgi leoniZis, valerian gafrindaSvilisa da sxvaTa leq- sebis Targmanebi. qarTveli poetebis leqsebis Targmanebze muSaobisas robert blaixStainers exmareboda poeti, mTar- gmneli da Jurnalisti biZina abulaZe, romelic 1943-44 wleb- Si venaSi imyofeboda qarTveli emigrantebis Jurnal ,,qar- Tveli eris~ redaqciis davalebiT (mas davalebuli Hhqonda venis arqivebSi saqarTvelos Sesaxeb XVI-XVII saukuneebis cnobebis moZieba). b. abulaZes Seusrulebia blaixStainerisa- Tvis 3000 bwkaredis Targmani. 1947 wels blaixSteinerma saqarTveloSi imogzaura da am mogzaurobebis STabeWdilebebi 1950 wels gamoaqveyna. 5 es wigni sainteresoa im TvalsazrisiTac, rom Cven Tvalwin acocxlebs saqarTvelos, rogorc sabWoTa socialisturi respublikis arc ise Soreul warsuls, danaxuls xelisuf- lebisa da sistemis mimarT keTilganwyobili ucxoelis TvaliT. e. a v a l i a n i (Tbilisi) kavkasiuri Ziebani: britaneli mecnieris mier kavkasiuri sasazRvro miwis istoriuli mimoxilva kavkasiis UuZvelesi civilizaciis sawyisebiT bevri ev- ropeli mecnieri moxiblula. gansakuTrebul yuradRebas kavkasiuri civilizaciis mimarT avlendnen britaneli mecni- erebi - britaneTis antikvariuli sazogadoebis wevrebi: dug- las freSfildi, lord braisi, jon beddilei, Hheinrix lin- Ci da sxv. Kkavkasiologiisa da mcire aziis istoriuli problemebis SeswavlaSi gansakuTrebuli wvlili Seitana britanelma mecnierma, diplomatma, biznesmenma da sazogado moRvawem viliam eduard devid alenma, Tumca britanulma sa- zogadoebam igi gaicno, rogorc samxreT kavkasiis istoriis ubadlo eqsperti. aleni rudunebiT ikvlevda kavkasiisa da anatoliis xalxis istorias, rodesac meore msoflio omis dawyebis win is aRmoCnda am regionSi, rogorc britaneTis saxelmwi- fos sagareo misiis aRmasrulebeli oficeri. mogvianebiT, 1937 wels, alenisa da oliver uordropis mecadineobiT da- arsda saqarTvelos istoriuli sazogadoeba da gamoica pe- rioduli Jurnali georgika. Aalenma gamosca SesaniSnavi mo- nografiebi kavkasiis problemebze da erTi naSromi mTlia- nad dauTmo saqarTvelos istorias. 6 Cven mier warmodgenil moxsenebaSi vaSuqebT mis erT- erT naSroms The Caucasian Borderland, romliTac igi warsdga 1942 wels britaneTis antikvariuli sazogadoebis sxdomaze. am moxsenebaSi avtorma wamoWra da ganixila kavkasiologiis sxvadasxva sakiTxi. istoriografiisa TvalsazrisiT es mo- xseneba unikaluria. masSi gadmocemulia TviTmxilveli bri- taneli mecnieris mier danaxuli imdroindeli kavkasiuri sa- zogadoeba. l. a z m a i f a r a S v i l i (Tbilisi) xunZuri sityvawarmoebis dialeqtologiuri Seswavlis sakiTxisaTvis xunZuri enis saxeluri sityvawarmoebis bunebisa da rig TaviseburebaTa Sesaxeb sayuradRebo mosazrebebi gamoTqmu- la mkvlevarTa mier (p. uslari, l. Jirkovi, arn. Ciqobava, i. cercvaZe, t. gudava, z. mahomedbekova, y. miqailovi, g. madieva, s. alixanovi...). dReisaTvis mopovebulia mniSvnelovani leq- sikuri masala am enis mravalferovan dialeqtebsa da kilo- kav-TqmebSi (f. saidova), risi wyalobiTac ukve SesaZlebeli xdeba davakvirdeT iseT movlenebs sityvawarmoebaSi, romel- Ta gaazrebam SemdgomSi araerTi sityvisa Tu afiqsis isto- riis aRdgenaSi unda Segviwyos xeli. moxsenebaSi, dialeqturi masalis analizze dayrdnobiT, ganxilulia calkeuli amdagvari movlenebi. xunZur enaSi gamoiyofa arsebiTi saxelebi, romlebic Sesityvebebisagan arian miRebuli. Sesityvebebi, Cans, jer ga- kompozitebulan, xolo Semdeg, fonetikur niadagze, gada- sxvaferebulan, kerZod, reduqcia ganucdiaT; mag., anwuxur dialeqtSi gvaqvs h´ede “papa, babua” (toxursa da Wadaqolo- 7 ur kilokavebSi) ← h´era dede, zedmiw. “moxuci mama” (Sdr. h´ada “id.” anwros-unhadur kilokavSi), anwux. h´aba “bebia” (anwros-unhadur kilokavSi), yarax. h´eba “id.” (tleseruxis ki- lokavSi) ← h´eraÁ baba, zedmiw. “moxuci deda”... saliteratu- ro xunZurSi dResac farTod ixmareba analogiuri gziT mi- Rebuli sityva dac´i “biZa” ← *dadal vac´i, zedmiw. “mamis Zma”, Sdr. dadavac´i “id.” (anwuxuri dialeqtis bohnodur kilokavSi)... Wah´aJu “setyva” (yvarlis r-nis sof. TivSi mcxovreb anwuxelTa toxur-Wadaqolour metyvelebaSi) ← Wah´-ÄaJu ← Wah´-ab ÄaJu “msxvili Tovli” (Wadaq. ÄaJu “Tovli”, lit. Äazo)... lit. baÄaC “girCa”, Sdr. beÄe-qo “id.” (yahibur narev ki- lokavSi). warmomavlobiT sityva baÄaC “girCa” kompoziti Cans, romelSic unda gamoiyofodes ÄeC fuZe; Sdr. beÄe-ÄeC “girCa” (andalaluri dialeqtis salTur kilokavSi), guq´u- ÄeC “id.” (imave dialeqtis suRraTlur kilokavSi). marTalia, xunZur enaSi fuZe ÄeC “vaSls” niSnavs, magram, rogorc Cans, calkeul SemTxvevebSi igi mcenareuli nayofis zogad sa- xelwodebadac gamouyenebia enas, magaliTad, iseT sityveb- Sic, rogoricaa dialeqtebSi Rerw´il-ÄeC “qacvi” (Sdr. lit. Rarw´i) an w´ono-ÄeC “id.”... sityvis agebulebis istoriuli TvalsazrisiT Seswav- lisas bunebrivad daismis sakiTxi, Tu ra warmomavlobis Se- iZleba iyos am sityvaSi gamonawevrebuli esa Tu is morfema. bevr SemTxvevaSi rTulia imis dadgena, rogor unda gaCeni- liyo enaSi romelime axali afiqsi, miT ufro, Tu aseT afiqss Sesatyvisi ekvivalenti SeiZleba verc eZebnebodes sxva monaTesave enebSi. SeiZleba iTqvas, rom monaTesave eneb- Si cota ram aris iseTi, rac saerTo masalas ar efuZneba, oRond ganviTarebis gzebia araerTgvarovani da am saerTo masalas TiToeuli ena Taviseburad moixmars da gadaamuSa- vebs xolme droTa ganmavlobaSi ise, rom sagrZnoblad 8 ucvlis mas saxes. es debuleba TvalnaTliv SeiZleba Semowmdes dialeqte- bis magaliTzec. monaTesave enebSi ganviTarebisa da cvlis procesi am mxriv kidev ufro Sors aris xolme wasuli. magaliTad, xunZuri enis zog dialeqtsa Tu kilokavSi, SeiZleba iTqvas, ukve calke derivatebad Camoyalibebulan morfemebi -Wo, -Wu; aseT derivatebs ki saliteraturo xunZu- ri (resp. Crdilouri xunZuri) ar icnobs, mag., qiqi-Wo “noxi, romelzec namazi sruldeba” (hidurSi), maRa-Wu “saZue” (zemo yaraxulSi), migri-Wu “TiTistaris Sesadgami” (WarulSi), mi- rgi-Wu “id.” (anwuxuri dialeqtis anwros-unhadur kilokavSi)... rogor gaCndnen es derivatebi? Sedareba cxadyofs, rom isini ori sxvadasxva morfemis SerwymiT arian miRebuli fo- netikuri cvlilebis Sedegad: -Wo ← -t¾ -Jo,-Wu ← -t¾ -Ju (- t¾ III seriis lokatiuri brunvis niSania, xolo Jo //Ju damo- ukidebeli sityvaa mniSvnelobiT “nivTi”, “rame”); Sdr. lit. qaq-i-t¾ Jo “specialuri noxi, romelzec namazi sruldeba”, zedmiw. “locva qveS ram” (qaq “locva”), maR-a-t¾ Jo “saZue”, zedmiw. “kudqveS ram” (maR “kudi”), mergi-t¾ Jo “TiTistaris Sesadgami”, zedmiw. “TiTistaris qveS ram” (mergo “TiTista- ri”)... dialeqtebSi lateralur mkveTr t¾ afrikats daumsgav- sebia elementi Jo, kerZod, Tavis Sesabamisad mouxdenia misi gamkveTreba da gaafrikateba: -t¾ -Jo → -Wo. xunZuri enis calkeul dialeqtebSi amJamad ukve arap- roduqtiul derivatad gvevlineba agreTve elementi -la, ma- galiTad, arsebiT saxelebSi Wanda-la “yba” (anwuxuri dia- leqtis Wadaqolour kilokavSi, Sdr. lit. Wande-ro “id.”, zmna Wande-ze “ReWva”), buhna-la “beWis Zvali” (hidurSi), ru- zi-la “menjis Zvlis nawili” (zemo yaraxulSi)... es -la moce- mul saxelebSi warmoadgens fonetikurad gamartivebul va- riants sityvisa laga “organo, sxeulis nawili”; Sdr. lit. buhna-laga “beWi”, ruzi-laga “menji”... -la daboloebiani erTi sityva gvxvdeba saliteraturo xunZurSic (resp. Crdilour 9 xunZurSi): urhis´a-la “Tirkmeli” (← urhis´a laga, zedmiw.
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