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A 1) . T H E .-- S II h A N UNIO N . For"the Union.) The Rising of the People in Ash-- ;j GATHERINGS OF THE DE- - State and Local Taxation. Far sounding, high falutin promises and pre- SAM" SWALLOWING SAMBO" 'Hoa; Joseph Moajrave Ashland - ! .; Edijob. evident thai-th- e land County. : mers of Ashland County, Read tentions? Will, they oast off a State the Guitar lightly," Our Mr. It is self ' ".. .VMOCRACY. ' fi- John-,-" to-da- Fusionists in trouble. The :! gatherings of .the'Dem'ocrady in As. much misapprehension exists Administration owing to whose wise correspondent" in pa- are The People raising in the Majesty fao-ti-oa th different. Townships of 'Ashland among tho tax-paye- of this County on nancial policy the credit of Ohio has per, gives some of the political summer-set- s mass that oorapose. thi . of their Strength. ' County, indicates clearly that the ts the question of taxation, and the oppo- been redeemed .and the Treasury pro- of the Fusion nominee for Senator is such that it if impossible lo bar : Since our last iasuo the Democracy have had their day.. Every sition are intent upon misleading the tected' from illegal plunder for men - Mr. Jduegrave. "As the time is short niontie j bat .the greatest anosjne of Ashland County have assembled in is the con-dtn- with them position that ChafiX meeting held surpasses every thing of public miud in regard to the true, issue and measures untried aud unknown? before the election, we porposc to se nearly every Township. Speakers were the kind We have ever witnessed in a upon that subject, by charging upon the If they are willing to do so, aud thereby Mr. Musgravcs political character (an out and out whig) has taken against " in attendance in every instanoe, except - , . : State election. It shows that the spir- State authorities excessive extravagance, embrace a serpent iu lieu of a friend, aud antecedents. We" do not inteud to them. This cut r - , Sullivan, which was owing to illness. - it of 'the people is aroused to the high-- with the undoubted intention of leading they will have no- person . to censure misrepresent.. Mr. Musgrave one.' iota, The feeling .is good among all Demo est pitch'. The Democracy of the dif- the publio to infer that to State and no hereafter but themselves for their own as we are aware be feels bad enough," crats. We have only time-an- d room to Townships . have mismanagement is to be attributed folly.. Tax payers, again we say think ferent assembled to " Local which is owing to the fact, no doubt, , of notico tbem briefly. - hear the great questions of the cam- all the difficulties of which the people well before you cast your ballot.- Re- Poor Tray being found .'in bad compa- ". ; Orange, WEDNESDAY, SErTEMBElt 2G, 1865 paign discussed, and interchange senti- At complain we will again call the atten- collect if you err, you do it witb your ny : .. each-othe- was'ably by Gen. tax-paye- rs ments and congratulate r upon the meeting addressed tion of the to FACTS and eyes open, and with tho " true doctrine '' Yesterday he was a strong Temper : DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. , ' ' D. Sampsell. - ' ' 7 -- " Fulton, and Dr. 8. ' "-- - unto . : r - :" the speedy 'restoration of the great FIGURES, upon this question.- To given you. ance man. !v - - -- - - .- every- Dem- : ... ... roa soriisot, . Democratic to a The meetimg was large and convince all reasonable men of the . .i j party of Ohio power; utter Medill To day, he refuses to say what be is, WILLIAM MEDILL, ofFairfitltL party that has always done more to ad- ocrat went home well satisfied with the dishonesty of the opposition, when they Gov. and Arithmetic. and asks "1 Gov. says " Ohio has the cheap- men to vote ':: .. ro LicirrewAKT old Democratic party... "The ootefo, vance the 'sacred cause of freedom' and hurl their anathemas and denunciations for him because he . refuses. "" est state government in the Union. Of is- - JAMES MYERS, of Lucas. -- r-- liberty throughout the world, than any At Polk, upon the State officers, charging them .Yesterday, ho To- A - the Nine Millions of Dollars collected was a Democrat ' ro judo is or t the iupiiii coubt, 20 meeting was ad ; t or all other parties that ever existed in Thursday, Sept the with wanton waste of the public reve- in Ohio last year over six Millious was day he is Fusionist. - WILLTAM KEN N ON, of Belmont: . , t this or any other country.. Last year dressed by D.'S. Sampsell and C. W. nues, while they fail to specify the 'na- expended for local obje.ts and that the Yesterdav, he :.believed the people' 3 ROBERT B. WARDEN, of Fr anklin. expense of the State Government was : We introduce the above cut to show we pres The' meetiug numbered and were capable self - "it. " ro AtJBiToa - ... were somewhat divided, but at Bushneu ture of those abuses, to Advise.' the that the Know Nothings have swallowed of government .''- " V or only a little over $606 000. Arithmetic "' ititi, To-da- y one abont'two hundred. which incapable."T""" .. ";.! WM. D.. MORGAN, Columbutna. ent we stand united as man save public of the remedy they iutend says take $6,000,000 for local objects the Abolitionist in the bargain for they are . of - sore-head- s : - oi niAiviii or iriii, aud, except ; a few which the : In Savannah, to adopt in case they are suceesaul at and $606,000 for State Government State Officers." Sa ubo get Cuase and Yesterday he believed in taxing .JOHN G. BRESLIN, of Seneca.'- Democratic party 7tas left. From all Saturday evening Sept 22, the meeting tho October eleotion, we rofer to the and deduct it from 9,000,000, there will the Order nominated members of their Banks, Brokers and Merchants. ." To-da- - - be $2,594,000 left. Where ia that y, y .' - we hear- the G. by the County in . that it is all wrong'- and the 'TOB IXCBETAST OF STATS, . parts of the County was addressed by J Sheridan, and amounts paid for ' "" ' party on the balance of the ticket. That Governor!" . - represents Chapiw, in'the . Demooratg purposes, Cptftrty", " Farmer should bear the burden. Hickory Club, WILLIAM TREVITT, of Franklin. most elorious news. The W. Hill.- - The feeling was- excellent different State, &c v We clip the above from the Ashland suoh is the fact we thus produce the proof. - " . in rOKATTOBRET OEHUAL, T are every where "organising eager for among the Democrats. Total amt. State tax. .$ 9,454,92 The Cincinnati Times the undisputed Yesterday he was an advocate of mob proud and lofty bearing, crowing ever To carry on State Gov't. 5,28.32 ' Times, Gov. Meoill made no such : ' ' - -- - GEORGE McCOOKt JeJTersoni contest, and confident of victory, law. .. the Democratic victory achieved In . of the In Mohecanville, For Common Schools. 1 1,324,45 statement The infernce the Editor Organ of the Order in Ohio has the roa or maid or public cause is just.- - With For library ' 753,17 To-da- he is denouncing mob law. Maine' The pipe is for the' purpose xurai tat votii. knowing that their was Fund...... ' following ticket with tho platform of the ef B. Wednesday Sept 19, the meeting " seeks to make, is that a portion of the JAMES STEEDM AN, of Lucas the feeling prevalent amoDg the masses, Iu short to find his principles at pre carrying off the a:noke that arises from addressed by Joh-- Dougheiitt aud C. '$26,820,86 taxes collected for 1854, was squandered Know Nothing Order at its head, and - Common School money sent, ascertrin where we cannot be defeated. - he - was yesterday, the incesant firing of. his inimitable wit COUNTY - re- 8- headed - .. .. TICKET. ! right in thiv refunded to the County . $13,543,4- by the State Administration. Let us Democrats W Bushnell. All - Fellow the time for 902,66- - AMERICAN TICKET. I and then travel in an opposite direction and humor. .The Club was kept in such Library Fund ...... look at the facts : is well nigh time gion. Sj ' For Senator.- - speaking pastand the 1,4D,J4 Governor Allen Trimble, , and you will find not Jake Klinefelter oonstant convulsions of laughter that Amount retained in State There was paid in 1854 for State ', , B. W; KELLOGG. for action fully commenced. Therefore In Mifflin, in the- - mountains but Joseph Mus- nothing short of - bis stentorian voioe ..... Treasury.. ...... $12,374,51 purposes, including vommon Lieut. Gov. Taos. H. Ford, k. N. , ' ! - meet- "'"' I' contest- - 20, the School and Library Funds .. $3,077,601,41 " For Representative, buckle on your armor for the Thursday evening Sept. V - could . Let it be remembered thaj, while we School $1,300,394,98 Auditor F. M. .Wright, k. tt. grave.' '.'.' enable the audience to bear . bir t t Docghertt-JoNEsandjA- S. For Corn's j 'DR. J.v P. COWAN. listen not to the Syren . song of your ing was addressed by . J. 86,692,98 sarcastic and paid into the State Treasury for Com- For Library Fund . Sec'y of State J. C. Baker k. w. atliing rebuke to his old life-lon- g De- Prospects of Trimble. For Recorder, enemy, or sore-heade- d Demo- SwiNEroun. The , associates for their inconsistency in uni- we M. H. - mon School purposes $11,324,45, k $1,387,087.96 Treasurer Gibsox, k.. n. see ms to be settled in GEORGE W. URIE. uni- It that Southern crats, to lead you astray- - believe none mocracy of this" Tp. are perfectly on State Debts 1,083,662,47 ( 2,470,750.43 ting with the one idea men and aboli 5 - draw therefrom $13,543,48;: and of the Int.