It....$3,600,000, Always Vent Persons Being Discharged from Imprisonment and Upwaids Between and Confusion, Amidst Which Nothing Can Be Heard Obtained
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sion of nets not wronful of themselves, but bid- "THE POOfc MAN'S foi 22D OF FEBRUARY. CANDIDATE." den by law such as keeping a tivern or ferry lestcrday morning 21bt. Inst., the New Argo, TTJY.SFEPSIA. We have frequently Gen. Harrison is "the Poor without license, obstructing the public witnessed the 0$-IjS-T Man's Candidate Capt. John Armstrong, brought to at ourvvhaifin ravages of this disease, and have heard and read WOTJCE.JS) So say the rich Bankers, Lawyers and sistin z rLcivil officer. and thosn nm i!nnnm;. of many remedies, Merchants' &c. gallant style, when tho Lexington Infantry (the but far ofterner saw them sail than N? Gentlemen wishing to join Mr Richardson's that support his claims. It nated offences. Wc have result in success. The is one of ihe tiicks of, a statute for the punish- River corps of the under Capt. writer however, of the letters Night Class will please (without delay,) call and Dy ment of crimes, and nnnlrmr nnrl vmv 42J to the Agent of Dr. Harlish's Crmpound Strengthening, sien the list at MrRifp'o Knlr cih a. utuiuuBemg, winch tiiey expect to secure sat An'nmt the Lexington Artillery, under Capt.1 Aspenent offices for themselves. for the and German Pith, which may be sound in ccnt number is obtained, the class will commence pun'shmen of offerees. The act in which Bradford, and the Frankfort another column, has long at Is you wish Infantry, under Capt. been Known to us; and from uisumiuuiu, tmr. uironi.) to arrive at the above section was contained, 43-- a correct knowledge of a purported to be liockwooo, displayed a a bcautiiul column on tho an invalid as he was delineated, we now Know and meet Oct23, '39 tf man s character, study supplementary to the act for the him daily, as a hale hearty man. his conduct. What a can- nfnr. hurricane deck. They debaiked.and were receiv Though no advocate Wcw Book Store." didate may SaV. Or What his frinnrkmnvciv fnr i,:m fences, YiOt this section, which Gen. Mnrrwnn of nostrums of any kink, we cannot withhold a notice ,ma unders,gnd uy me L.ouisviue uuaros, miles and Kiflemen, what we consider efficacies ,T lnving purchased of Mr. J. Is, wh,le asking your is voted to in suite of thn lnr.Uroi: 'of the and virtue of Dr. Bar- - .HL Rice his enure stock of vote, not the ciiteuon by which! letain. 1 rrlrrin0 under the command BOOKS, would respect- (,...., UUIUIIUUU of Capt. Andeison the senior jicu snmpuuiui oirengmenmjT ana Uerman Aspenent fully solicit a share of public i juugu. ions speaic ot our constitution. ninvirlpH C.r ooil,.. r,. :.: case patronage. They will at ! "aci louder tlian words;" Captain of the Legion. There never was as hand-- , Pills. The before us is a living monument to both. all tunes keep on hand a uim mey invanaoiy zens into slavery, for the Spirit supply of LawyMedical and speak tlie tiuth! infamous crime of being some a military exhibition made in Louisville. of Miscellaneous Works, Stationary, &c. In 1821, Gen. Hanison was too poor to pay a sine or costs CrPittsburgh office No. 41, St Clair St., also forsalo a member of the the consequence of The Head Quarters of the Lexington Cpmpa-nie- s It. H. GATEWOOD, Ohio Senate. A bill was an offence meicly at tea office of the Lexington Intelligencer. brought forwaid for the is at the Franklin House of the Frankfort Feb. c J. P. MEGOWAN. "punishment ol ceitain offences therein Was the "poor man's candidate" ignorant 278 Lexington, Nov. 21,1839--47-3- m named." of .corps, at the (jalt House. Last evening a splen-jdi- d We now quote from the this provision of the constilntinn .. Senate Journal of that aa i,i Ball was given at the Exchange one of tho CONSUMPTION! CONSUMPTION! that sell des. session, page 303,-30- 4 mgly vote to violate destroys its thousands and 305. it, through exceeding kindness most brilliant affaiis ever got up in the Western and tens of WILLIAM ALLISONo UiVU I thousands annually. How shall wo avert its fatal pro. TunsDAY, pVl To-da- y a MOOT JZJYH Jan. 30, 1S21. country. grand procession will wend grcss before it seizes upon the vitals? I would nnswer SHOE JfMMUEn, "Senate met to ETURNS-hi- pursuant adjournment. jits "winding way" thiough the city the Legion al once; take some suit i hie medicine to arrest the dis- thanks for the encouragement here--H-t- ft "The Senate then, according to the order TIMES ,and invited guests are to partake of a ease at the verry commencement. How very many do toforc received in the line of his business, and, of the PAST AND PRESENT. dinner. Dr. takes this day, resolved itself into Committee Caldwell to we see in the world whose delicate frames look scarcely method of informing his friends and the of the Whole Will the hair is deliver an oration, and tho whole is public in general, bill of a Dog cure his bite? able to support even a short reign of existence but for that he continues thesaid business upon the entitled 'An act for the punishment to go off in first rote pei-mi- t. In 1817. Jnnnnrv 1st tlm style; is the weather will the timely care and proper means thfy make use of, street, betw een Norton's apothecary shop and J onnj r.t tho of certain offences therein named,' and aster some ' J " '"wjiu JJ.lllllni. ui uiu By the would not bo amisb to show far outlive the most athletic and robust who market house, where ho will be always ready to servo United btates went into existence. w time spent theiein, the Speaker (Allen Trimble.) It commenced out fiientte fiom Fayette and Franklin, (where there neglect such timely care and proper means that are customers ith work of the best quality. He also with a tremendous exnnnsinn.- n ,r i, r.rr., that he has lately resumed the Chair. r .io mo nisi is a penchant for the improvement of stock) our placed within their reach, which would unqestionably received a choice supply of acts ot the directory was to avert is taken in proper time. At the head rem- Eastern Work, selected for himself, of Boots, Mr. Fithian then moved to strike petition Congiess to unsurpassed Oakland Course, Van of all consisting out the 19th where Vetchen edies, and the first rank, stands Dr. Com- Bootees and Shoes of every description, being a yciiim uiucers to ITTllI in Swayne's regular section thereof, which section is as sollows: sign its notes by proxy. They Innrt.....v. Pnmctnnlfxs....jiui.i mnn'...r. l.n ...!.l. assortment for this market. He Could not do it fast finnnah thorrn.nlDD im itciYu ilium wiiii a welcome pound Syrup of WildClurry, which, is administeicd in would ask his friends 'Snc. 19. Be it 1?:u, and tune, taken agreeably to the and all wishing to bo served his line, to call and ex- further enacted, That when any months vianos which would besought by tho most fas ancf peesonbed rules which in person shall bo imprisoned, afterwards it commenced a violent con- accompany the medicine, will nine tuncs'out often amine his stock. Oireither upon Exe- iiueous. ioui&viue uazcite 1839-30-- traction. Langdon chcclc Us Lexington, Juiy 25, tf. cution or otherwise, for the non Cheves, President of the Bank, progress, and restore the patient to health. payment of a sine Principal Office, No. 19 North or speaks of the policy adopted by it as sollows: Eighth street, Phil, or costs, both, it shall bo lawful for the A corresondent of the NewYoik Star, writing adclphia, vvhero this invaluablo-medicinocan-alwa- Sheriff "On the 20th Julv ISIS, nnlv mrrMo,.,, bo. - - Cash for Lard!! ot the bounty to sell out such peron as a servant ,ii,a from Washington, says of the House of Represen obtained. to any person aster the institution began its operations it was Pittsburgh office, 41 st .Clear's. r"ipHE subscribers w ill gi vo the highest price for Lard, within this Slate who will pay the' tatives: H iu commence a For delivered to thnm in T.nvmrrlnn Tl.. ...lit r. uui.ficu rapid and heavy curtail n sale by J. C. Noble, Lexington. whole amount due for the shortest period ofser-- j I am now buta looker-o- here, and I say with nish kegs and barrels without charge to those who may ment ui me uusiness ot tne bank and its offices. wish to vice;C0 of which sile public notice shall bo giv-e- n shame and humiliation for I was orcc honored, make engagements. During . all this time it had thP r ;m. I'or sale a large quantity of Lard kegs at reduced at least ten days, and, upon such sale ef--' in brighter days, with a seat on the floor of Con- COUGHS, CONSUMPTIONS being mense Government deposites. ffices. fected, the Sheriff shall give the purchaser a'cer-- At the moment these giess m self that a more disoiderly body of men l were AND'SPITTING OF CORNWALL & BROTHER. tificate thereof, and deliver ordered the Uovernment depo than the House I ne- over the prisoner to1 compose of Repiasentatives, Lexington, Nov. 7, 1839 4f-3- m sitesin the bank and its Innnclipo mxlM.imr-th- o ,io BLOOD. him, from which time the relation between such ver saw congregated togethei; and thevvonderis posites of public offieeis, amounted to $9,000,0C0, R.