Roster of Ohio Soldiers in the War of 1812
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itimui'.i ,0 'o A <V 4> °<* y§ "W A. <P. T& A? ,V <S< O -J* <*<, ,0" c/v u o * .0 > V o. .0 ;-,, < *\^ *• c* ROSTER OF OHIO SOLDIERS IN THE WAR of 1812 Publish. <1 Under Authority of Law by THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OP OHIO. 1916. AN ACT itlon and distribution gi I ion 1.1 ljutant l "J; said publication iit at Inue the same . i under the direction of thp uting and bind under the direction ol the prepari rintini i >l such ro . ipriated, of , out venue fund, not inch thereof iry for I pui l ; direction lju ngton, part a i I CHARLES D H THE WAR of 1812 Because of war having been declared, President Madison issued instruc- tions to Governor Return Jonathan Meigs of Ohio, on April 6, JX12, to assemble the Militia at Dayton, Ohio, to be drilled and prepared to march to Detroit. By the end of the month more than the required number of men had been enrolled, Early in May these troops were fairly equipped and had chosen their Field Officers. The President had commissioned Governor Hull of Michigan, as Brigadier General. General Hull arrived at Dayton, Ohio, on May 25, 1812, and left with his troops, June 1. According to the records in The Adjutant General's Department at Colum- bus, Ohio furnished for this war 1759 Officers and 24,521 Enlisted men dis- tributed as folio First Regiment Infantry. 108 Companies. Second Regiment Infantry, 85 Companies. Third Regiment Infantry, 56 Companies. Unassigned Infantry, 185 Companies. Assigned to U. S. Infantry, 5 Companies. Mounted Infantry, 25 Companies. Cavalry, 13 Troops. Artillery, 1 Battery 3 The printed text of this copy is the original which has been preserved by transferring it, ir 1950, to new rag paper. IN WAR 01 Page 112. Vol. I. F.KAL IS I) FIELD OFFICERS « VI! OF 1812-1813. MAJOR GENERAL ELIJAH WADSWORTH. 1111 DIVISION. OHIO MILITIA. Rank am,1 Name ol Soldier Rank and Name ol Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. r \v lllman Page BRIG. GEN. ROBERT LUCAS. SECOND BRIGADE. OHIO MILITIA Win Rutledge 1 R0ST1 : 10 SOLDIERS []S WAS [H Pages 244-245 Vol. 2. ROLL OF FIELD AMI STAFF. WAR OF 1812.1813. COL. IU M \\ ffcARTHUR. FIRST REGIMENT, OHIO MILITIA. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Col. Duncan McArthur Denny Wni. II Putthorf Maj. Jeremiah Muii I in v (i i i Th« Vanhovne Q M. Richard m Tai ' . ! (! Q \\ John McDonald \1 S Sin g Samui VI tdow Sure, Mat- M.i : p M's Clh . Q L, Plelssls Drum Ivi Bui Sergt, Maj Hugh Wood 1 FIRST REGIMENT OHIO MILITIA. WAR OF 1812-1813. ROLL OF CAPT. JAMES ALEXANDER'S COMPANY. (Probabl] from Jefferson Comity*) Page 3. Vol. 2 Page 31. IpIi'I 1 Sei gt Saraui 1 Barr robin Corp. John Anderson 1 Privates. Privates. Privates. Bay, Joseph Berry. lames Bennet. Wit ii'ith : Call, David Call, John 1 ian, ft Casselman, I ! Duke, William : Groves, Peter Henry I Bytes, Geo 1 Johnston, John I Lawrt nc Laughlin, I Laughlin, Nathaniel in, Peter Pittinger, Thomas ft Saltsman, Dai i<l Daniel 1 eorge Wright, Jacob Page 80 Vol. i. Privates. Privates. Privates. Alexander, W (Tith Si Duke W i Johns : Laugh) i Peterson, P I Saltman, I Wright. Page 4. Vol. 2. LIEUT. COL. JOHN ANDREWS. FIRST REGIMENT. OHIO MILITIA. Lieut M Darrow i) M el Mel lohi Drum M Page 243. Vol. 2. COLONEL JOH> lirUIMJ. FIRST REGIMENT. OHIO MILITIA. Adjt. Anthor I Page 242. Vol. 2. COLONEL JOHN WILLIAMSON. FIRST REMIMENT. OHIO WILIJ Kllll Col. John Willi,. Page 243 Vol. 2. MUOI? JOSEPH JENKINSON. FIRST REGIMENT. OHIO MILI1 \ WAR 0] FIRST REGIMENT. OHIO MILITIA. DAVID SITTON. Rank arid Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. U ding ^COLONEL JAMES DENNY. FRST REGIMENT. OHIO MM! .Iter is Hair PM LlSDTi COL. ALEXANDEB ENOS. FIKST REGIMENT. OHIO MILITIA. ') M ROLL OF CAPT. A VUO\ ALLEN'S COMPANY. (Conntj N<>t Known.) - 23-24-25. Vol. 2. Privates. Privates. me lohn anuel I KOLL 0) 'I! GILBERT'S COMPANY, om Jefferson Connl ;8. Vol. 2. Privates. Privates. ROSTER OF OHIO SOLDIER Vol. 2. ROLL OF CAPT. JACOB GILBEBTPS COMPANY. (Continued! Rank and of Name Soldier Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier Privates. Privates. Privates. rick, John Peler, Michael Ford, William Fisher, Bl Hohn, Hohn Datld Hohn, Ani Higgii Haughman. Samuel ler Harnish. .Tohn Kennel, Jo Kley, John Losure, Da p —l.ane. Samuel Lawrei Myers, Fred* Meek' Mall, B Metz [.fUSSt M : Meek, John McElroy, i Paintt I Miller, i Rout/. Roller. ' Rudwlll, ' ! i, - William Schull -Thompson. John Trasey, WatUni Ja U'ickersham, i ROLL OF CAPTAEN JOSEPH HOLMES* COMPA (Probably from Jefferson Counl Pages 11-12-19-20 I I William Thome Lieu! David M i Sergt - Alexander ully rp John Pol; Corp Thoi Drumi Kofl Privates. Privates. Privates. Arnoli Brotell, I vi<l 1 ,n nel Outterj i. hn 1 Harper Will Hnrrii Kyle, \ John H i Snldei Tipton 1 West, ,1 molhan ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM t 01 Ik's COMPANY. (Probably from Jefferson < 2.14-21-22-345-346 : R I I MO SOLDIERS IN WA1 Vol. 2. ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM 101 LK'S COMPANY. (ConUnncd) Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Privates. Privates. - I in Pane 2-17. ROLL OF CAPT. THOM \S LATTA' S COMPANY. << unity.) ( Probablj from Jefferson 1812 mil Buck I I Prr Privates. Priv.i i , . i ilin Andrew i i Druehmilli i David I I Hirtli ii I ii i MUC'I L . hoi. I OF CAPT. THOMAS LATTA'S nnir\M. (Continued) , Rank and Name of Soldier. an , . Privates. Joseph I ace, Pafles 27-28-51-52. Vol. 2. ROLL OF CAPT. DATID PECK'S COMPANY. (From Either Harrison or Jefferson Counl I [iggina Sergt. Jcs* i . mfeey Privates. Privates. Privates. Alben Bui mder 1 N . I l*T! i " Hubert Mill 1 M. Kit Quill ei PllDiphl Za< tari.ih Raynol all William \dutii Smltl Smith, John I lor, II- nrv ^Thompson, B William othy Wood Pages. 33-34. Vol. 2. ROLL i . I D US IN WAR (>i 1812 ROLL Of CAPT, WILLIAM STOAKES' COMPANY. (CuiitiniiH Rank and Name or Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Privates. Privates. Privates. John Jr. 1 Sr. i 1 John -.i. Spidj | Sanderlin, Tl icob Nicholas B Ltert Throckmorton, Thomas Tranen, Ja : if(, Jesse Walla rohn Wingfl< I Lker, Obcd John John -bald Pages 35-36. ROLL OK (API. ILLEN S< KOGGS* COMPANY. (Probablj from JeftVrsnn County.) rati ' ber 30, Lieut. John Kami i Idwell ( -ison ;a Robertson rfleld Privates. Privates, Privates. it, J'eter IJrokun Kanington liuris LUam Michael hibald I lezer Laurence, Duber 'Mil irles i iiarles Jr. : ' Q rles Wilkuia, Archibald Paoes 43-44. Vol. 2 ROLL OK (APT. DAVIT) LISTS' COMPANY, (From Franklin County.) rved from July 28, 1813 until September 6, 1813. Peter Ba " 1 Sertrt. Hem i Reed l Privates. Privates. Privates. I Betser, Peter iam Bawsher, Anthony Henry Kow.sher, Join I . mon Harman, S; Harmon, Jacob Hu.SSm., ' William illlani List, t' Martin *ha i Winl in '.-4;. ROLL Of (AFT. GEORGE GIBSON'S COMPANY. (Count) I'ukjumri.i :^14 until January hson tleton Kiery Ltchell '.rong rer •• Watson ,s Barton John Ha\\ I Corp. Isaac Rinear lin Smith - Corp. Thomas Richardson Corp. Richard Bradley Corp. Leeds William Drummer, Jacob Chlon FUer, Thomaa LltUeton ... KOII OF CM'T. GEORGE GIBSON'S COMPANY. H ontimiedi Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Privates. Privates. Privates. Adams, John Anderson. James Brown, Samuel , William Burt" Benjamin, William Hugh Cutler. i er, George B Culberts Decker. Joseph - Davidson, John Ellis, 'I'll' Edwards, John Fuller, Alexander ,ro, Joseph George, Henry William Hull-hinds. Willi.. Huffhlnds, Boorer, fa Hetsel, Daniel I i N, William Heaston, Martin Iggs. D 111am Jones, Abel King, Joshua Kerr. ,1 Lave; Long. John I ohn Muller, Benjamin Martin. David Morris, Richard ;. 1' Menshall, Thomas Duke 1 McCoy, John NeadBta i . John Bitter Rldenoui Rltchy, Andrew I enezei Saul, John Daniel plien Smith, John Stutts, Jac Wolff, Mathlas John 8 Wood, Benjamin Wolf, Phillip Panes 53-54. Vol. 2. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN ALEXANDER'S COMPANY. (Probably Harrison or Jefferson County.) . until Dec, 8, 1812, and from tils I Christy I Hugh '...SOU Sergt, George Ermt Sergt. Hugh Mi I Her B Rol rl Kennedy Joseph Washburn Corp. William M I Corp. Cor], ft Corp. Charles Lunay T] i is Mantlal Fifer, John Rodman Gardner Privates. Privates. Privates. Burkis, Richard Buckley, John John Crawi ,.:icr Brown, Samuel ,, William Christ. George Thomas 'i m John Fisher, Darius . Ephraim .e, James Greenlee, Alexander id, Michael Lisle. Robert Sr. Lisle. Robert Jr. Mann. John — Meek, Jacob i I'.irker, Justus Quillin, Adam Reynolds, Caleb i Russel, Robert John Fames lius Shiveley, William . Thomas Smith. Nathaniel John .1. William Welday, James White. Joseph Pages 55-56. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MARTIN SHUEY'S COMPANY. (I'robablj Montgomery County.) Served from August 25, 1814 Lb her Sranfe ifer Sergt I i nan Levi Williams David Lamm neper Drummer. John I Privatos. Privates. Privates. Antonides, Vlticen John lohn er, Joseph Baker. Bruget X, David Deprlest, Charles Nathan Gable, Daniel Frakes, iseph Grubb, Daniel Hurley, Connell HOSIER OF iVAB 01 ROLL OF CAPT. MARTIN SIIIKVI. COMPANY (Continued) Rank and Name of Soldier Rank and Name of Soldier Privates.