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1-13-1939 The edC arville Herald, January 13, 1939 Cedarville University

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PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR SIXTY-SECOND YEAR1 NO. 7 CEDARVILLE, , FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1939 ■h...... - - . Sen. Taft Says . Headquaters Tq DEMOCRAT RIPS JUIIIlJOHN W Ivy UIllUllLlt RRIfiKFR SUNDAY A.M. C O U R T N E W S Republicans Will Be Opened Here SCHOOL NEWS WILBERFORCEU. ■■■-■ .-— ------■» - Writa Farm Hill n m s p a t i s POKER GAME ! Injured in a accident more than two J Assembly years ago, Sam Christy, Xenia, R. R. Sim, Robert Taft stated in Colum­ ■ Reports are in circulation that the Points of interest visited and im­ HARDLY A DRAW PRESIDENT 4, has filed in common pleas court an bus Monday , that the Republicans will OHIO GOVERNOR head of-the “ Numbers Racket” in this pressions of Southern life gained dur­ appeal from an adverse decision of the accept ijie challenge of Sec. Wallace section of the'state has been casting ing the. Christmas holidays was the industrial commission, which disallow­ on what, they have to offer' on a farm about; for local headquarters, think­ subject of the three talks given at the The early hours of the last Sunday, Rep. Chester K.. Gillespie, Demo­ Bathed in bright sunshine with a ed his compensation claim, hill.-' ' ing this would be a safe place‘to eon- regular assembly, Friday piorning. around four M. to be more exact, . crat, colored, , demanded of Florida temperature the inaugural Christy, who-seeks to participate in Tuft staled that -the Republican . Miss Hanna and Mrs, Edwards, ,found the night life bf the peaceful the Ohio legislature Tuesday, that tiie duet operations.. benefits of the state insurance fund, ceremonies for John W. Brieker as high school teachers, related many vilinge unveiled to a populace sound House finance committee,, reduce the, bill will have no restricting and that The head' has been in court in Xenia declares he was disabled ., for,, more governor of Ohio took place on the experiences they enjoyed on.an auto­ in slumber and unmindful of what can ' six months/ appropriation of $30,000 a subsidy will" .be paid farmers. an'd Springfield of late, the , Clark west approach of the' state capital, happen after nightfall.. , , than seven days by reason of an ac­ Foreign importations will be chucked county plant being raided by tlie mobile trip through the South, during to. $10,000 and that the student fee Monday afternoon. Thd event was ob cident, Sept. T2,ol936, - at the Miami and a foreign market .developed in the Christmas vacation'. Miss Grace A little poker game among friends estimated-‘be raised from $7,000 to: Prosecuting Attorney last week.' He Fertilizer Co. plant, where he was em­ countries’ that must purchase farm served by the largest crowd ever Byrd, a member of the Junior .class, with, a good stake leads to a record $10,000., is now out on bail. Xenia recently ployed, He was pushing a two-wheel­ products beyond what they can pro­ known for a similar eventin the his- , , , .. . . . gave some impressions of Southern that calls for hot only a written Ins­ Gillespie charged that the institu­ ed truck, loaded with four 125-pound duces V .,■■■■■ ' ... tory-of the state. Polices) estimatedlchftng0,i 41,0 0,ty onhmmcC on ggjnb’ life which she observed cm a visit tory but the stories of what took tion was steeped -with politics and, that ilii. n-nwrl on n'ftn' i - nn„l ling so that It Would not be neccssuigr sacks of fertilizer^ up a ’ platform the crowd from. 20,000 . to 25,000 in Tallahassee, Florida. place. ’ .7--.:'/■■■='*'-V:./ /:V]/V/v/ D iv D. O. Walker, Davoy appointSi*, to have ju ry . trials w’ith- a limit f>f when he slipped and-fell backward,) > -.- people, that were mass-url' from the ' The preliminary devotional pro­ .Two different stories are afloat as should be retired. For months colored $50 fines. - - , the truck-handle . striking his P c i l I l S y R t l i l r O l l d C o . northwest-gate entrance to the south­ gram -was' announced by Ruth Irvine to what happened; who the partici­ ministers and ■ educators have protest­ ,It is not likely that this community groin,'according to-the petition. War _ f ' .. west gate entrance. ' . , and .included Scripture reading by pants -were, where everything hap­ ed the Walker'management of the in­ -1 will-tolerate long; -what -has been ren A-.- Smith, -Columbus, i's attorney] S l § I l c l l S a t C / F O S S in gS The,oath wats administered by Chief Floyd Harper, Lord’s Prayer and pened, and a dozen and one -p|Ker: stitution, Last fa ir threats were* driven out of Xenia and Springfield for the plaintiff. j ' ;------Justice Carl. V. Weygundt of the Salute 2M the Flag. little, things has caused the commun­ made against those who would sup- __— | A.. W. Duko'aml G. H. Lefold; rep- state suprieme court. | Gov. Brieker A chorus of . the . seventh grade ity much annoyance, unless it was . port- Republican nominees at the elec­ DIVORCE SUITS F ILE !) ! resenting the Pennsylvania Railroad has a wonderful voice* for ; the .loud pupils delighted the audience with a Sheriff Henkel,’ who floes pojt care to. tion. ’ - ~ Injured Girl Died Charging gross neglect, of duty and J Go., ,, were, before village speaker and his speech was heard as number of jsongs. 1 do .publie work here, and .KaB Beryed The leaders in colored circles have extreme cruelty, in the. form .ill-treat-1.cpunciL.-Monday- evening to ask .per* easily 1 on the westside of High notice to ’ that affect. rFouv .o’clock been critical of all that has been go­ As Result of Fall mentj Miriam B. Parsons has brought [ mission of-, council; to establish flasher street opposite, the capital as by those Miss 'Harden to Return even on Sunday morning is a bad titqe ing, on foi; months. In fact we learn suit for’ divorce from William B, Par-j. signals’ .at Main street and Miller within-fifty feet of the speaker’s Although definite word has not been to. arouse the Sheriff. The part a local that on. the University side the A. M. stand. j Loretta Louise Vorvel, 35, died at sons, -whose business address is the I street crossings. received,- it is'hoped that Miss Harden, physician had in all this unusuaj dis­ E. Church gives little financial, sup­ Die home of her parents, Mr.'and Mrs. Cincinnati Times-Star Bldg. . Theyj Under an-.ordinance covering an a- ■ As all the elected (officials sworn commercial teacher, who- has been ill turbance as U> how and when injury. port, due to the unpopularity of both Vernon E. Varvel, last Thursday- eve- were married October’ 31, 1931 ' at)groement between 1 the village 'and into office Monday- are. Republicans, -for several weeks, ->yfU return to her was inflicted and how much damatge^ Walker and Bishop Ransom, the lat- T , , . i , , , . |mipg. • The girl and rtwo companions , , r, , Lebanon and requested her to obtain railroad -company, the •• latter must only State Auditor Joseph Ferguson,’, duties at the b e g in n in g ,th e second was done the automobile is all a P?®t ter a Davey appointee also. . . ■ ,. , ' * • ; D., remains as a representative ’• of 'were sitting am a porch rail last sum­ T .- . , . ', ■, a divorce, seeks an alinionv award provide if watchman .at. the Main semester. y v of a story that must be untangled Leading colored educators are ad- , - : , that political party.. mer when, it broke throwing the girl ■ and custody of a. minor. child:, by each citizen arid draw his own •vocatmg that it will .be necessary to to the ground. {She suffered injury ’ - ’ l ’’ •- ; ■ • - Wv ' ; stalled at (ho Miller street crossing. • Earl Griffith, Mt. Gilead., newspaper ' Students 111 ‘ conclusions. return to the bid system in vogue for to her spine, and a neck fracture .Hazel Cfo\vl, in a- suit fou divorce Council took no1 action on t,lu> re- publisher - was inducted as secretary Several pupils in the high. schobl -.The Herald has not interviewed any- • many years and that would be the ap­ of state. | .which resulted in paralysis. from Creamer Growl, whonv/she mar-j-quest- and an- inquiry and- investiga- have been confined to their home due participant and ■ we give ;,the. stories pointment of, at least.two white mcm- -Miss Varvel was born in. Clinton •ried Juno 5, 1931; at Centerville, Ind., j Hon will .be'.ainde as to the desire of Thomas J ./Herbert, ^’Cleveland, 'At­ to illness1 w .injury. Faculty and' just as we get them, but each may :bers on the ‘Normal and Industrial torney General. , county. March, 3(5, 1923 and attended . • ■■■ ... , • ‘ t charges gross neglect of duty and re-j citizens on this matter.. G. H. Hart- friends extlenid 'best wishes for .speedy or -way not be authentic. It would :side. Carl Jenkins, ’.who represents the* Cedarville' schools. Besides her quests custody of two minord children.1 man and II. Crouse were appointed Paul. M. Herbert, 'Columbus, Lieu­ and complete recovery to • Mary hardly he-fair, to interview one direct­ the State Board of Control, has been tenant Governor.- parents she leaves the following Walker Austin, filing suit against) a ebminittoo to investigate and report Struewin g, Junior Boase, Jack .Pres­ ly ' interested fa r fear of self in­ (the subject of fire the past two years Don irII; Ebright, tAkron/ State brothers and sisters, all at home. Vir­ Alta Austin for divorce, charges gross) later. * ' , ton, Marceil Dotty ;and; Jeeiior- Judy. crimination. when members' of the. bfoard and Treasurer. ' | - gil Edward, Raymond Leroy," Ralph ! neglect and' cruelty, ■ They couple was I' Under the-ordinance, the company. The last three named-were members through leaders, of the church factions Richard, Hazel Lucille, Nowton !| married March- 5, 1918. j .must provide a watchman'during the'1 following the programs Gov. Brieker &f the basketball teams whose service Story No. 1 icanie near; haying, him removed. Everett, .Harry, Juanita Marie, Betty ‘ day and until about ten. o’clock at I andSenator Robert Taft stood in' line will be misse

.judge ileil.su- ,s uiiin;-' his u l'w tj .Clyde "Walker, ^basketball star of T H E CEDARVIUK HERA to sav< a Democrat^ appointee. He the Yellow Jackets, wub injured last Thrills In the Sky With Errol Flynn KAELH BULL EDITGli AND . PUBLISHER has appealed to several Republican J Saturduy night in : the Wilberforce Local a o. Newspaper A&IOC.J Miami Valley TrtM Ajuoc. leaders." In as much as the Judge, game, suffering an injured knee. He only "lias one Republican on his office j was rushed to a Xenia hospital and Entered at the Post Office; Cedarville, Ohio, October 31, 1887, staff, he has issued an edict that lijs ;knee was placed in a cast which : The Kensingib ju second class matter.______^ Forest Shoup would- be “ Given the w ill keejt him hub of fhjgggmg'^pi!? the , J7th.a,t the l um’ ______FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1939 ______Air,*' As far ns the Republicans are f&Mf of 4!]ih?3#asobj.; ■ ■. ■; '■ •' ;k>.- Miilan. niiiiMiiMimijiiiniMiy'iniiniiiiiii’""""'r*""’'1Ii"iirii;ri‘fiinii'iiiiBiiiaiauiiiiMMW concerned that is a matter between Fanners in Northern Ohio, in the Judge and his appointee, The Mrs, Doiuilij , AMERICA FOR FOREIGNERS ONLY s a l e oIFBOT f b o n d s Michigan and , that are en­ peculiar thing is that Democrat Judge members of the There was a time when every pupil in the public schools gaged in growing sugar beets are be­ Henrie wants the Republicans to keep. , LEGAL NOTICE at-her home Tu was told that every American born boy had a chance at the ing called to Detroit this weiek to dis­ cn the state payroll one divorced by cuss wages for workers with repre­ his wife in Common Pleas Court on Scull'd pr’ojmKnls w ill Bo rurcivcd the presidency, something' that could not happen to boys in nations iitlU'O-of the Viliam* Clerk of .tho Village of Mr, Russell M. .with a different form of government. sentatives of Sec. Wallace, who also a charge of adultery... We imagine IVUarvMRv t’etlarvllji}, Oltltf, -unfit twclYo noon Vt., '36, Cedar will fix the price to be paid the farm­ the femine section of Judge lien tie’s (t « N.) of tli« ltitli day. of January, HIM, with friends her Such a theory as’ that has been wiped out by the New r«V the purpose of- Issuance. of bowls of the Deal when Franklin D. Roosevelt named Felix Frankfurter, ers for sugar beets. No sugar beet office staff will frown on placing the said Village In the augre^ate sum of Thirty- foreign born of the same blood line as the Austrian Hitler, now bonus unless growers and farmer deposed highway Democratic appoint- dU' Hundred Doilur* (f:it5U0 00), dated t\m IM Mr. and Mrs, C ; meet .the union scale of wages. Some tee even as messenger boy in the. diiy of 4au(|'tirv, HIM. Said, himdn -ivHI he ten hoi ding -Germany under, his- heel, was nominated for the high­ (l(i) in uuiuhcr .uiiii nundicml Trmn iinu. ( i ) to bus pike, are-am est court in the land. . - of these days Roosevelt and Wallace- Probate office. Ton (!()), .both Imduslvtv Kaoh of Kidd tmmL !v a daughter, Ann; One year ago Roosevelt was determined to pack the court will fix union wages for all farm will hu In the denomination of Three' Hundred Saturday, amt VIfty Dollars ($350.00), and will draw with his Communistic followers but his own congress rebelled labor where the farmer signs up fob Highway Director Ivan ' Ault, D, fiUyruiit at iliv .I'iitc of four and unu-halt' (rlMi) and checked his plans. Rather than stand defeated he fills crop control' and other crazy Ideas was convicted for violation' of (he i r, centum per mitiiitn, paynhlc scmlrammaUy Miss Loise Ke in (liu days or. April am! October « f each under the AAA. Gradually step; by corrupt practice act. Immediately S. O, Home, Ne .the vacancy on the court with one who when he came to this iipou iircicutatlon ahi<1 surrender o fD ie country at the age of-five cauld not speak a word of English. step the New Deal is tleing the farms Gov.' Davey gave him a pardon. Latei Interest coupons to he aUached ,io said bonds. end with her unc It was bad enough to name Horrible.iTarry Hopkins to a era-to. the CIO. .he named him-to a.new job, announc­ .-■Any out) lU’sUIim to do sd may present Mrs,. George "Moi ing that he wo'uld not stand for con­ bid or bids* for salt! bonds, based on and' cabinet seat' but the naming of one who is an avowed Com­ brarlm; a dUl’erent rate of lutertmt than that munist belongs to un-American organizations; has written .pub­ Last week this column made men­ viction of a man under . an obscure al>me speiiAod, ’ provbled that .’ whore a frae- . Dr. Paul V. V; ' Errol Flynn Is the daring leader ^ ja n u S - lications’ on liberalism that defy the ideals of our form gov­ tion of an effort ’ not only in Greene law. Democrats made a; desperate tbmal'(nfere.-it rate la bid utieb fraction sliall great W a rn er Bros. ■ spectacle-which will open Sunday, Japii i y the Gray .propeit county but other counties to urge an bo one*t]iiartor of onu per pent (%. of 1 por ernment, and, ignores all forms o f ,the Christian religion, is a attempt to (hold.-.3,000 social security ctmi) or multiples' thereof. Said bonds - will "15 at the deluxe Xenia theater, in Xenia, , for a three^ay engage will have his din stroke frpm which the nation will suffer, for'years to come; endorsement of Lawrence Wood dell jobs, that; will face the ’‘ripper,’-’ ,bu tbio aiul payable as follows, ’tt>-wit.:”-One. ment. Supporting Flynn is a dashing squadron of fam^ tion.witli the refei including Basil Rat!)bone, David Niven, Donald Ciisp and by local Fish and Game Associations." Hundreds of these johs will - pay from nmid.i on October 1st in each of the yea Frankfurter is an advocate of a brand of liberalism that JrornJl-Jfl'Hl Jp l'iil!i, both inc)i(Slye, All bonds ' is repugnant to the early ideals in the formation of the nation. .Some counties not knowing what was $:L(500- to, $5,000: yearly. /Republicans hi bii callable, on and after Oetober J, HJ-10, , Vm m r v 'v l d fi.iv poi-traya Iho llV « ft M y l l Miss Nancy Fi He has no use, for patriotic organizations such as the D. ,A. R;, •back of the movement fell for the.en­ niusit keep in. mind that hundreds of ■ Sidd bonds are Issued fi>r the .purpose *of roared through the dawn with death on ;tl,e‘rH* ”s“fa “ {j , visiting at horn jiunimslnji, Klro . Piehtlnj? Apparatus aud dorsement. but Tuesday this week, jobs in the list of 30,000 state em­ on tlieii" lips. Tho picture emphasizos the. futility of wai and fraternal organizations that recognize the Christian religion. KijutiMiient «m l ♦ under authority of laws of its misery and foolishness and can honestly be recorded ns a Mrs. E. E. .Finn John T. Brown, state .-.director-of-agri­ He believes the constitutibri: is a rubber band to be bent as one- ployees will -never be , filled. Four, Ohio,' am! of The 'filifo rm Hontl Act, .ainl. perior production. . , returned to Cinci culture, „ announced the appointment years ago Ohio only had 12,000 people MUdcr and In accordance ,wlth. a certain ordl- might find it necessary, each and everyone -t . being permitted n.iuce oi the.,said Viliam.' entitled "OltDl- «e is. a student. to bend it to his or her own needs and desires. of Don, Waters',' Elmore, Ottawa on the payroll. X \N0R * SO.J'M, 'A-X.DKDIXAX( ’ K PltOVSI)*- You simply cannot mix. the blood lines- of the foreign county, . Republican - chairman', suc­ I.N(J l’,OU T1IK lSkrANCK OK IHJXJi.S OF THIS Miss Arminta ceed Mr, Wooddell. VJDhAOK OK' t’KDAltVthhF, OHIO, FOIt THK born.to meet the ideals and moral standards of the American It has been costing Ohio about " $5,-- m u M >tsK o f rrnriiASixo f iu k f io m t ix o died in ’ Dayton bom citizen who has a desire, to uphold jhis political and re-.. C00 a day for gasoline for more than A l’ FAMATl'vS a .N’D KtttMPMKXT," passed on buried Wednesday llic 'J|st day ,of Xoviimiicr, 1ii33..... ' ligious freedom. ’ ' Wo were interested this week in a 3,600 trucks and automobiles, high­ resident ) of Ceda statement of a representative of big WilUL bonds will be- sold to l be id nil eat bidder [The latest, appointment to the high court is a death blow way equipment-.n Under>the-.-nevfc.order, for not" less . ihrt.jV the , face value, thereof and vived;'by lier moth to our religious and educational institutions. It is entirely in coal interest. Under a. New Deal coal •'tale employees- will soon, he riding aciM'uctl Interest. v . . .' and two nieces; M law, Guft'y act, the Democratic politi- ,,Ajt bids imun, sfale the ulimher-nf bonds bid keeping with Roosevelt in destroying all v'estage of whatever on their own gas, or four cents a mile and ilm gross amount or .bid-and -necrmal Inter- Mrs. Maggie .Jon our ancestors laid out,for us after having come from nations tieiiins, Union Labor and mine owners allowance. From now on when you • e-t, Jo ,date i»f dellvcnv. All bills, to bc ac- where religious freedom could not be practiced. are empowered to fix'coal, prices and see- a state car Out oil! Sunday, you .eo.&ipfinleii, ivltli, a bbnil- or cvrt l(\ed check* pay*- A telegram war a heavy penalty .is provided for yiola- able to the -VlliaMe of.jt'ediirvIOc; Oldp; ..fiir ' To meet the Roosevelt standard none co'uld have been can -guess that .Ohio is not' paying for “Him ' UiinUrefl find . L ift D o lb ir a ' ($:t50,()0), by J.; E. Hastin - found that more complet'd;T fills the bill for the court than tion. Twice this winter an attempt Uie-gaa.'i - . ■ ‘ ■■ • > upon' cohdlUon H iai.'IfD ie’ bid U aceeiited tlie - death of J. W. Ra< has been made , to announce the in­ bidder \vJ II reeeiyo' iuul pay for spell hoipls as in Celina. lie wa Felix Frankfurter, the Austrian .born Jew. o ly he Njnnd as nbmo set tmth, wlihtu ihlrt\ creased prices but no sooner planned . MOl vduys f'roiii ibe ifme ot avvardi sal(lv bo’nd ' o f this -.place-..and REPORT OF SALE to be Mcfilled i.»r .said cheek- io lie retained than the weather' man sends up ". . . 'i widow-, " a brotl .WILL THE STATE APPROVE NUMBERS RACKET^ Florida weather and the bottom drops In ihe VUIfttce, if said condition is not fulfilled, Monday, January 9, 1939. , bids should.- be. aealed aijd endorsed 'MUds For Charles, West Mil , , , / ■ • s T,he people of not only Greene county, as well as the state, on t of the market, a p retty good proof Springfield Live -Stock Sales Co. Fire FRdiifm.' ApiTaratiis- Honda,'*. ", Record in that . ( that /supply-, and demand will regulate ' lMKKKK Jl‘ Mct'OHKKiiL, have' every reason to feel that sinster forces in the state will ViUa|?rt Ht/rk, of'Village «>f (Vitarvitlc. Ohio, will' be held Sulu not have inside protection, information-or whatnot, so neces­ is given a free-hand chance.., It'was ■HOGS— 1294 head'. it-Lik-siD . * • • • V- Celina, writli bum sary to those who must dodge the law day by day. not so long ago that Sec. Wallace 160-180 lb s . ______8.05 . ■ ■ , etery, 'Cedarville. plowed under the crops; then came The latest test for this community is the opening of head­ 180-200 lbs. ' ______8.00 LEGAL NOTICE reach this place - quarters for the “ Number Racket,” a new form (if gambling a dry spell that upset- all the brain- '200-225 lbs. ____ .7.85 , truster ideas. Monkeying with the- that is sweeping the country. . 225-250 lbs. _ L „ , -.„;_-7.60. " ■Margaret Stevens, whose place'-of Mrs. II. 11. Bi cotton crop Uncle Sam . how owns' We do not believe this county will approve'the latest step 250-275 lbs. _____ 7.25 u siflence is unknown, will take notice' the Past Matron' more than 11 bullion bale's of cotton by those who have just been driven out of Xenia and Spring- ■275-1100 lbs. ; ____ that John Stevens has. fded his peti­ chapter qf O. ’ E. and- the New Deal .loans broken-down field. This form of gambling cannot exist.other than by use of .300 lbs. u p ______'___6.00 down tion for divorce in Case No. 21,840 of .ning. ; The presi China : millions to purchase ..surplus the telegraph or telephone, the latter being the .most secret and '.1-10-1 GO lbs."___ __ 7,5r> the Court of Common Pleas of Greene - Masters, jappointe wheat and cotton with our own money,- the quickest. Most headquarters in this section are connected Feeding pigs. __ k _____ 8:70 (1'pw.n County, Ohio, on the ground of- wilful year- and plans, we by direct line into Columbus. Fat sows ______5.60 to 6.50 absence and that the case will come up benefit of the Gird It is our belief that if those who oppose this form of gam­ Newcomcrstown, O., wants to Stags .'l.J .i ______4.75.10 4.80 the business nice secede due to heavy taxation in pay­ i‘ni hearing on or after’ January 14th, bling would acquaint Gov. Bricker, he could put the Public. SHEEt’ '& LAMBS—83 head. 1040. .. , - . was enjoyed , and Utilities on the spot with stricter regulations o v e r the use. of ment 'for flood protection, which , she Top lambs ______0.25 ' ni'ents - were serv says she does not need. The town • FORREST IHJNKLE, ■private lines for gambling purposes, hard sledding would be ■itconds____i ___-J____i<_8.50 112-fl-ijt-1-13-39) Attorney. . members presen ahead for.the operators of the game here or elsewhere. mayor says there never has been, a Mediums 8.25 - Masters, Mrs. Ai .'flood that has - cost the town $10,000. It is going to be hard to operate, the game from . a head­ Yearlings '._:3.75 to 6.20 , - Stormont, Mrs. . The assessment for flood, protection quarters here under any circumstances. That-must be under­ CATTLE— 178 head. ■ LEGAL NOTICE ■ Hazel .Edwards,- in -addition to regular taxes is $881-,- stood today. Local and county officials might take notice. Best steers ______8.90 to.0.15 Miss Josephine - ,000. The .mayor- urges,- citizens not Other s tee rs______7.05' .dowii H. Ervin Darner, whose residence Brown.' . I'iic ne to pay tax - this year. He says the Best heifers-__ 0, ______7.50 to 7.80 is unknown,, is hereby notified that held the first- Mon W HY NOT FACE THE FACT'S? Methodist Church has been assessed Other .h eifers______,7.45 .down- Demi Harrier has - filed her . petition ruary at the horn $7-,000, when* it cannot even - pay ..its' Public spending has reached a point where no one man. in Stock heifers ______-7.20 to 8.10 against him for divorce, to obtain pos­ mont, preacher-what is due on back salary;; spite of his best efforts and intentions, can call a halt, ■ A halt Best fat cow's ______5.05 to' 6.60 session of certain personal property, A number of other towns in the Mus­ can only be called, if at. all, when the public wills it. And Medium 'co\vs _ — ..'...4.25 to,‘4.75 restraining orders, and equitable re­ Albert Burr kingum Valley watershed .to be bene­ unless the public wills it, the country faces national bank­ Cutter cows . ___n— 4.00 down lief-, in case No. 21851, of the Common fited! by,the storage, dams . ha ve joined ruptcy. That is the plain unvarnished truth! Best bulls ______'...7.05 to 7.35 Fleas Court, of Greene County, Ohio, Albert Burrell, the tax strike. Other, h u lls__ _ .6.00 -down and that said cause will 'be for hear-, maining Civil war VEAL CALVES-- 175 head. ing on or after-the 28th'day of Jan­ ■' county, .died'.at 1 The government loaned China twenty-five million to pur- uary, 1938. ' „ Over at -Tarentum,-Pa., a new ex-. Top calves ___ i ___ 11.30 ..' at' his home..on t ! chase our surplus cotton and wheat. This week China gives an . NEAL ;W. IIUNTER, ■ periment is being tried out where Dr, Good and choice ^.10.000 Oto 11.00 ton, piker He li Eastern company an order for 2po war planes to cost more than Attorney .for Plaintiff. F.i ,Wi ltochstetter has a plan- .for Medium - ___ ■_____-._8.80 try-0.00 Saturday of pneu eight milliejn dollars. { 12-17-7t-l-28) making news prin{: paper out of wheat Culls ---- .....-----. . . . ___,7.00 down Mr.'Burrell sei /. war with Co.' H» straw grown in that section. .To date ■The supply of hogs,at this'sale to­ ...... IMIIIHI...... UIIIIMMH... . f(, ' was the last con inewa print has .been made most suc­ day,was large, with mory-weightier* LEGAL NOTICE Post,. No. .'347, G. | SPOT CASH PAID FOR j j cessfully from wood pulp grown' in butcher hogs than usiial.,' Light • was born near P Glaser’s Beauty the north woods. -Last year an effort l.ight weights being scarce. Weights Ruth - Shirk, whose residence is un- | HORSES — — — COWS | | sided on the far.n was'.made to use southern pine but averaging' 172 lbs: cashed. ,nt 8.05, ,known, is hereby notified that A, M-, ' 71, years. , I - (O f Size and "Condition) J \ it was not as successful ,as northern ■while, 185 lb.,,ayei-ages sold a t.8.00,: Shirk' has filed his petition against Shop Funeral-service pine.' The, southern pine is best suit­ and 145 lb, averages at 7.55, 200- her. for .divorce and-equitable relief, in­ I; I All Lines of BEAUTY CULTURE | - .home at .2 p. m. . | ; Prompt removal of ed for what is known as kraft paper ,225'lb, ranges, sold at- 7.85r and 225- case No. 21848, of'the Common Pleas in Woodland cem t §: J Shampoo, Finger W ave f To be able to make print paper from £50 Ib> kinds -nL17.G0. 250-275 .weights Court; of Greene County, Ohio, and' § Hogs, Sheep, Calves, elude one son, Oi ,,and Manicure ...... 7Sc | straw and-have a good sheet will .sold at 7.25, and 275-300 ib, kinds at that said cause will bo.-for hearing, on five daughters, ,5l ' j . Colts make interesting reading here- where .6.05. Heavier weights, over 300 lbs. or. after t he 14 th day o f January, 1039.. I'! PERMANENTS- $3 and $5 j Cleveland; Mrs. we have a straw, mill that has made sold downward from 6.00. Feeding NEAL W. HUNTER, | . Telephone 454 ton; Mrs. Albert Ijs 517 First National Bank Bldg. I all kinds of. straw paper and board for pigs, with a large supply cashed at Attontey for the Plaintiff,:. • Miss Maude Bui s XENIA FERTILIZER & .1 Phone: M. 21U-J or M. 1625-J f many years. If the invention ■ or 8.70 , ilo'wn; Fat sows ranged from (12-0-1-100) • . Burrell, at home. TANKAGE CO. || I SPRINGFIELD, O. {. proper formula is found in the Tar- 5.00 to 0.50, and stags 4.75 to- 4.80, l onturn plant, lets hope a. brighter, day The supply of sheep and Iambs was is ahead and that the New Deal crepe nominal today, Top fat lambs cashed Dr. H. N. Williams rri'iUt'V can be removed from the door of the at 9.25, seconds at 8,75, and mediums * Vi?.:;*! local plant. at 8.25. -Yearling lambs sold at 3,75 to 0.20. DENTIST A Receipts, o f cattle consisted of Govf Davey and his highway ■-di­ Yellow Springs, Ohio * VI,.* v»!«»..!! rector. look time off Saturday to let cows and heifers, with a few good Hup Vrrt steers which sold at 8.00 to 9.15. Best X-RAY .EQUIPMENT U h i - c a few contracts just before he took 1m hrtr tlit* ki COAL! heifers offered -were only fair and his. hat to leave. They let contracts ' TfirW-nLi V-mt I lifAp for automobile tires amounting to cashed at 7,50. to 7.80. Some good oGpfalc th.rt f * '<* * , v , , . , • $150,000, 75,000 gallons of motor oil, quality native stock heifers sold up HEADQUARTERS to 8.10, Best fat colvs ranged from FREE: and 50,000 pounds of, grease. One for '■ . . ■ .* -.-A 5.05 to 6.00, and medium grades from too much c of the fii-s't acts of Gov, Bricker — were yc .Tuesday was to order a cancellation ^1.25 to 4.75, and cutters from 4.00 EVEREADY PRESTONE winter? Feed!. **___ , - ' ..... __ Grain! lown. Best bulls sold front 7.05 to troubles, of .all contracts through Robert S. a n t i -f r e e z e Beightler, new- head of the highway 735. and others 0.90 down. Top vcal- department. . ers" cashed at 11.30i with other good, f o r d a n t i -f r e e z e • Let us Grind and Mix your grain with Purina md choice kinds at 10.00 to It.00. Medium kinds sold at 8.80 to 9.00, and Woodrow Ford Agency Where’ will the newspapermen'll-; culls from 7i00 down, Supplement and see'the difference PURINA round Columbus get news from now .On as' Gov, Davey, is Lack in his dear old Kent? As a creator of nows .MODERN HEROES AND THK niakeB. - \r . - Davey. took all honors.. The 'New Deal ( I WANT A MAN j FORGOTTEN COMMAND t ’ T f‘ ' holds a 'good record for news. You s —with car; full time calling cm jj will get a different kind of news under CHICK SEASON W ILL SOON BE HERE On Sunday evening" January, 15, | farm homes in Greene County..No f John- W-, Bricker, ' Instead of enjoy-, 1938 at 8:30 in the Methodist Church, I experience required, Must be satis- |- ing a holiday spending other people’s The thrilling story of hOw missionary | fied with $30 a week to start, but | money and heaping both state arid na­ See us about Embryo Fed Chicks. ministers, doctors and nurses of all | excellent chance to double earnings-f tional deficits, Bricker is going to denominations arc conquering the old­ | with company helps—sale*;, special I make good by reducing the cost of est, time-recorded disease—leprosy. | teals, attractive premiums (silver-" state government. He promised the Hear Dr. George C. Southwell, | ware, coffee percolators, sauce | people in his campaign that. "Ohio Cleveland, Secretary of The American | pans, etc.). We supply complete i needs a Clean Sweep.’’ He also said Mission To Lepers.- See the stere- | stock of products—you pay when | “ No Mew Taxes" and he means it just optican .pictures of leper work in ’ | sold, Immediate earnings. No dull as much today as back in tho cam* many nations,of the World— United 1 1 seasons—big business all year with I paign. School’ fund 17 million dollars Stale too. -See the 15 foot python . | wellknpwn; line 250 daily necessities'! C. L. McGuinn in (ho red and millions of dollars snake Skill" from Africa.- Soo the I —coffee, flavoring extracts, homo | Thd Pu-Ri-Na Store worth of unpaid, hills, some five “ million dollar pig," See-the clinul- | iiicdicifies.'etc'.^Dctails mailed free I TELEPHONE— 3 months old, will’ (Jest the Bricker moogra seeds from which the miracul­ ability to. make good,, He is going to ous' curative oil for "leprosy is secured. f —no obligation. Give, your age, | South Miller St. Cedarville, O. abolish thousands of offices Created Coinc early with all the family. There | kind of car, etc. Address -Box A, | for political purposes and put Ohio •is no admission and there will be no | care" of this paper. I ‘HERALD WANT AND SALE ADS PAY* back whore she was some yeijrs ago. special collection. fiiiluiuuiHMinmiiimiiMdmmoiimrfiiiiHimHHMiimiiM'tv | S


w ram iE irnmc, trtd'a y , j a n o t r y is, im The Singing Sweethearts At Regent Local and Personal Ohio Governors % ’ Down To Date The Kensington Club will meet Jan. 17th at the home of Mrs. Melvin Mc­ 4 Great Sales CHURCH Millan. John W, Bricker was the fiftieth in­ Ralph A. Jamieson. Minister dividual to become governor ,of Ohio/ : Mrs. Dorothy Wright entertained . Sabbath School,, 10 - g; m, Supt. Monday. ’ When, he took the oath of. D u r i n g O u t . . . members of the Dinner Bridge Club Meryl Stormont. • office it -was the seventy-sixth time at, her home Tuesday evening. Preaching, 11 a. ‘ m. Theme: such an oath, has been given in the. *JDh.bmpi^pfgnt3.-'.; j,;'- ’ " ' vt state. ■ . Mr. Russell Murray of Graniteville, Y. P. C. U„ 6;30 p. m Subject: Four . Ohio governors . have ■ served ) ' Yt>» 36* Cedarville College,'' visited “ FindinjJ Hidden Treasurers.” ; non-consecutive terms as chief exec­ with fronds here the past week. Union Service, 7:30 p, m., in the. utive. Among those serving such TWIGE-A-YEAR Methodist Church. Illustrated lecture terms were ., Wilson Mr, and Mrs. Charles Acton. Colum­ by Geo.'C, Southwell, a representative Shannon, .Rulherfur B. Hayes, Jntpes bus jpike, are announcing the birth of of ‘‘The Atnerican Mission toLepers." M. Cox. - ' v i a daughter, Anna Mae, at their' home, Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at the Here are tile governors of Ohio, Saturday. ’ . . home of Mr, and Mrs. J. M, Auld: tlieir political parties, terms and home Leader, Miss, Mabel Stormont. .counties, all of which' is -.good, fo r Miss Loise Kennon of the O. S. & Choir Rehearsal, Salurday, 7:30 p every, home scrap, book: This semi-annual event is looked forward to by all S.' 0. Home, Xenia, spent' the week­ m.. jn the Church. 'S- . L. ' Edward. Tiffin, D.,' -Mar, 3, 1803— who respect exclusive merchandise of a fine order. The Calling Campaign being con: end with her uncle and aunt,' Mr. and Jail, 1, 1807, Ross. Every item on sale is from our regular stock . . . no Mrs,. George Morris. 1 ducted by* the Elders. and Pastor is Thomas Kirkcr, -D., Jan. 1, 1807: special purchases have been made. going forward with, a fine spirit. of - Dr. Paul V, Volkert has purchased1 Cood Will. .The rural canvas'will .be Dec, 12, 1.808,-, Adams. the Gray property on Xonin ave., and! e'onipletcd this week, and the canvas • - --'Samuel;Huntington,-. D-,, .’Dec, 12, 1808— Dee! 8, 1810, Trumbull. * wjll have his dental office in connec- • >n the village will be made next week, Jeanelto MacDonald and' Nelson Eddy; romance in .-modern Vogue Shop Has One Return Jonathan Meigs, D., Dec. 8,’ tioii with the residence. . . • 1 if weather and health permit. dress .in tlio1 technicolor, production of "Sweetliearts”-. which wjll 1810 --Mar. 24, 1814, Washington. open''at Regent theater in Springfield for a week’s engagement. . The Moderator's Team of the olftu'ch Florence Rice, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, .Mlscha Auer'.and ' Othnicl' Looker, D., Mar. 24, ,1814 Sacrifice Sale A Season ..Miss Nancy Finney, who has been' at large come to Xenia, January 25th -Herman Bing head the brilliant supporting cast of '‘Sweethearts," -^■Dec. 8, ‘1814, Hamilton. visiting at home with her mother,' for-this end of Xenia Presbytery, with; Tl|'p gay story- concerhs two,fanre-weary .Broadway musical comedy, Tliouias- Worthington, D., Dix-. 8, slurs wfiiQ are in love off (lie stage as w;e,il as. on, but. do.not realize Mrs'. E. E. Finney and family, has an afternoon and 'evening program. 1814-- Dec. 14, 1818, Ross. It until a conniving producer trys to' separate them. returned to Cincinnati U., w here’she 1,1 is desired that a great number- from 1. Clothing Clearance is a student. . . ' , 1 bur congregation miry be able to bene­ ' , , D., Dec.-.4, f p , f ’ ;*• ■ , ’ s ' fit from this meeting. 1818---Jan, 4, 1822, Hamilton. , . BIRTHS REGISTERED FOR ■■•AllenTrimble,1 F., Jan. 4, 1822— Our entire stock of suits and topcoats by such .Miss Avminla Ladd, 50, cplored, • The women -members of-Mrs. Mc- Dec. 28^ 1822, Highland. MONTH OF DECEMBER 1938 as Hickey-Preeman, Michaels-Stern, Fashion Park died • in Dayton,, Friday and w,as Kibbons Sabbath. School c l a s s ■ , D.,- Dec. 28, and Kingbrook has been drastically reduced for this .'bui’ied’ Wednesday. . She was a former held an all. day sowing , and noon Nexl Allen Pettit, Jamestown. 1822— Dec. 19, 182G, ■ Wari-en. event. lesident of Cedarville. She is sur­ luncheon at the- hoino of Prof, and I ; « .Myrna Jean Primmer, Jamestowii. a meeting, of jhe Dramatics vived by her mother, Mrs. Lydia Ladd, Mrs. Q.. K. S^yallon, Thursday: ’■ / - Alien - Trimble,. • -F., Dee. 19, -1820-.- Dec. 18, 1830, Highland. 1 Arthur' Fred Bowel-master/ Cedar­ Monday evening, Miss Gienna and two nieces, Mrs. Dora Tracey and ville. Duncan .McArthur'; , F,', Doc. .18,- '.Basote. gave several readings Which 2. Manhattan Clearance Mrs. M aggie. Juries. THE METRODIST EPISCOI AL . Janies' Loon Hardeman. 220 E. Oak I83Q— Dec. |7, 1832, Ross.1 included a one act'play. Election of ' . , CHURCH St., Union City.'. . .' Rol.iert Lucas, D., Dec, fJ 832- the officers for the second 1 semester Manhattan's twice-yearly authorized sale has be- A telegram . was received Thursday . Bertie Mae. Prodan,. Jamestown Rev. David H. Markle, Minister .Dec. 12, 1830, Pike. was potsponed until next meet. ' come a tradition in Springfield and vicinity; Over by J. EJ Hastings announcing the Thomas Winferd Howard 73 Xcriia ..'-Sunday-. School, .10 av m.. • . Joseph Vance, W „ Dec. 12, 183(5— 4000 shirts, pajamas and shorts and shirts have been 'death of J. W. Radabaugh at his home- •Drive, Fairfield.- .- ■■ ■ j - Morning Worship, 11. a. ■ m. Dr. Dec 13, lhJ8, Champaign, / The College basketball team- scorecl - greatly reduced. in Gelina. He was a former' resident Donna Mae Hcider;-90 N. Main ,/St., - Charles E.Turley of Wilmington Dis­ , 1)., Dee. 13, 1938 mother viettiry against the Y. M. C. of this place and is survived by -his Fairfield. / . ' .' * - ■ trict- will 'preach - and conduct a brief — Dec. 1(5, 18-1(3, Belmont, A. Triangles Tuesday night ■ at widow, a brother, Tom, Dayton; session .of the Quarterly-Conference., , W., Dec. 10, 1840 Ronald 'Lee Reese’, R. R. 2, Dayton. • Springfield, The final scor-e' was .37- Charles, West Milton, publisher of the 3. Hat Clearance Epworth League. (LUO p. m , -Dec, 14, 1842 Wan-.en.• Harry A. McAtee, 31(1 Central. 1-1. The .reserves also won ■ their Record in thilt place. ■ 7be funeral Youth Foi-um, 0:30 p. m. Avc., Osborn. '. • |game with ;; score (if 22-20. The lat­ will be Held Saturday at 1 p. m„ in Wilson Shannon, ;TL, Dec. 14, 1842— Evening . Worship, 7:30. p. m,'.Union Apr. 15,' 18-14, Belmont.' Sarah Loii GantTni; Osborn. . ter part of this week, however, more With but few:exceptions our entire stock of fine hats Gelina, with burial ' at North Cem­ Phyllis-Jean 'Massie, 3(5 N. Pleasant by Dobbs, Mallory, Wilshire and Berg is included in SorVice in Methodist Church. Di. 'lhom.-i> Bartley. D,..Apr. 15, 181-1 formidable foes in Ashland Thursday etery., Cedarvillo. The body should St., Osborn, this outstanding event. Your savings here are George (,\ Southwell of Cleveland Mordeoia Bartley;- W,, Dec. 3, 1344 night, and Rio Grande Saturday night reach this' place about four o'clock.’ James Warren Gilley, R. R., Osborn. important. ' will be the speaker. —Dec. 3 1844, Rishl.and. will he met. The loss of Clyde Walk­ - - r7 - j David Albert Sheehan, Waynesville. Monday, 4 p. m., Junior Ciioir., —Dee. 12, 184(5, Richland. er, captain a four 'year veteran,'will Mrs.- If. II. Brown was hostess to Mary Leah Smith, R. ’R, ,2, Spring Monday, 8 p. m., County Brother­ " William Bebh, W „ Dee. 12, 1.840- piobnbly be severely fell in these the Past Matron’s Circle o f the local Valley. -'V. hood at New Buvlington> Jan. 22, 1849,' Butl<*r. two games.’ -Walker has his leg in a 4. Shoe Clearance chapter of 0. E: S., on -Monday eve­ David Milo Beal, R.. R.-2, Waynes­ Wednesday,'7:30 p. ni., Aldersgata . W.; Jan, 22, 1849- oast• its ' the result of :td'rn 1 iga'men.ts ning. The president, Mrs. Kathryn ville. Group. ‘ Dec. 12, 1850, .Geauga. ’ retjoived in the Wilber force game last This semi-annual clearance of Bostonians, Foot- Masters, appointed committees for -the Thomas'.'..Daniel. Griffis, R. . R. 3, Thursday. H):00, 2:00, 7:30, Meth­ , D., Dec. 12- 1850- Saturday, and will be out for (lie rest savers and Mansfield shoes for men is your oppor­ year and plans were discussed for the Xirnia. | odist Fellowship at Memorial Hall in' July 13, 1353, Cuyahoga. of the season. tunity for tremendous savings on shoes that - are benefit of the,Circle and Order. - After: Oliarlcs Frederick Dean, It. R. 5, Springfield, with Bishops'.- Smith, William -Mediil, D„ July 13,. 1853- famous for comfort, style and fit. tire business meeting- a . social hour Xenia, Miller, and -Keeney, also D r.. Burg; Jan. 14, 1850, Fail-field. : Rev,*Thomas Talbot of Kentucky -Avas enjoyed and. delicious - refresh­ Linda Lu • (flemans, R. R;-1,; Janiesj stahlef, President-elect- of Ohio W es­ Salmon P. Chase, R., Jan. 14, 1850 spoke to the members of the Y. M.- C ments were .served to the following town. 1 leyan. - --Jan,- 9, 1800, Hamilton. A., Wednesday morning. members present: Mrs. Kathryn Janet. Louise Butts, R. R.- 2, Xenia. i Friday,'4:00 p .‘m., Torch Club. Wilham Dennison, R. Jan. 9. 1800 ■Masters, • Mrs. Anna, Little, Mrs.' Ada Ruthann. Darner, Yc-llow Springs. --Jan, 13, 1802, Franklin, The Obi Sigma Phi sorority held a Stormont, Mrs.- Ruby Murphy, Mrs. James Charles- Hilderbrandt, R.' R. , R,,Man. 13 1862-—Jan* rush party -at, the home of Mrs. ■ Hazel Edwards, Mrs. Zora Ritenour, THE

1 KAUJJI 1B B yi.V JANUARY,-ia, 11BR CKDA.UVJtJ-Ii ynin.VVf A LB. | ih l.o or blt, v sal poete bs f eea | abuse federal of oppose'the \ve shall our.ability, of all. With “ | ' ■ ■ ■;! •■ .. ■ ■ ■ “ That (relief) program, in co-operation .with federal and local ] ] local and federal co-operation .with in program, ■■ (relief) That ■;!•■..■■■ “ ,| hbltto o Oi arclue n idsr. . I . industry.” and agriculture Ohio of habilitation ',|. |. ' . ■ h frt/uy f n:euainl rga i t'tah epe f people teach to' 'is program educational any: ■; /duty of first The “ ...J

<\ H H IM liM I; gvrmn; * I * ' government;” | “Wse n uncsay xedtrs ut e lmntd | eliminated. be unnecessary must and expenditures Waste “ E | o al o diitr o t amnse ufil, nce lw than. /§ laws enacted unfairly, administer to or administer, to. fail to ■| | .i i es t sed oe ad xad oenet If s ii- j difii- is f I government. expand and money spend to easy .

, . . j \ z

. M L / M i l S ee, o ad hn? • when and? how pened, t nevl fr ay ots Some months. many for intervals at rvt mrl. h Nwpa points peal New The morals. private drew a gun. This was tlie signal for for signal tlie was This participant one gun. a and drew game a place during took an’ argument ago weeks ie pn Te e rsl ws he was result net The open. wide the put be­ ' started 200-pounder and nervous One came get-mvay. a Tee ut e oehn ? this ?n something be must There - eod tr ro do bfr i was it before door room second story oe gm I a sal atr under matter small a' Is game poker there should not be any. The fact fact The any. be not should there ok or n do fae ih him. with frame door and door took hns hr citizenship -. where bethings •can pur­ h Roeet oe f ulc and public- of code Roosevelt the Democrat’sSoil: Bings las t tk i a oe game. poker a is in stake that at always thing same the with chased bigger and better more to way tlie, ht fw e gte fr stud a for gather men few a that tiemri' connected with the Old .Age; .Age; Old the with connectedtiemri' ony ifrn ta ohr months at other county, than different Greene in ,Jatiufiry-May .Atmosphere t■ bcue c ae nee te bock the entered it ■ have wc because and every­ here foggy," gone“ haveto W ro a e dy ao Loaded ago. days few a roof oWn er season?beer is Or' administrations?'. min'd change'of to due of state a be it Cap where, seems Everything season. same the ■ir le oiiin rud h cs-and case- the ■ argued Tlie politician this^ politician reached home, at at home, reachedthis^ politician his under even territory,. much top Pension-department' evidently1 took;iiv CEDARVILLE FEDERAL SAVINGS SAVINGS FEDERAL CEDARVILLE ht sn' h od a it slumber into man old the sent' that: deter­ Rooseveltiah genuine that with picture. Deal fit.in.: to New genuine a seenf not did wife good thetime when with good, old.' Roosevelt tangle- foot foot tangle- old.' good, Roosevelt with a md hs at rp rud Greene around trip last his made has D,eale.i'..New sameDemocratic • .Tilts ad • land. ap­ Boy” ‘Sonny, but “ wife for - the made somebody” ‘‘.fightmination • to ie ’p a e bfs i Pp’ jaw: Papa’s oiv biffs to, few a 1’apa time in give just scene the on peared NOTICE TO SHARE HOLDERS, HOLDERS, SHARE TO NOTICE ■ Gen cut Dmcai poli- Democratic county Greene '■ A ne i oe.h meig ' lievnme meeting. fore .the Federal' Cedarville of holders .-hare lcin f or ietr ad any and' directors four of tlection m., p. on o’clock 2 Ohio, at Cedarville, be will Association Loan & Sevang# sn ■■■. ■ ... . '■ ■■■■■'. Assn. Savings Federal 'darville. other hiisiness that, may'' ‘properly ‘properly may'' that, hiisiness other 1939,January; 18th of thethe(for day i uti rig o cr od g pon- age old scare to liuntyi trying ed t ter fie n . an St;, Main. N. on office 'their at held oe t la'n el sae Ce- Estate. Real loan'on to money il Fdrl aig & on Assn.- Loan & Savings Federal ville o yt la o Ra Ett. Cedar­ Estate. Real on loan to ay Mo The poker poker The ii",nets. to '‘ Vote .Straight ';l>empc'rat .Straight Vote '‘ ii",nets.to o hre hv be fld and filed been hove charges No o eso:’ ■. \ Pension:'’ No le eua ana meig f the of meeting annual regular Tlie V h nt u a oe W have We home? a buy \V[hy not page) first from (Contmtled V wl hl yu o u a home, a buy to you help will 'Ve POKER GAME GAME POKER HARDLY A DRAW A HARDLY dls ny 5 'i- P M, P; 2 15c 'Til- Only Adults rdy Saturday — Friday “Bank Night” “Bank . ’ . * , . * f., ’ . r. Continuous Daily Shows PIG MADNESS” SPRING “ pn Sunday Opens are O’SullivanMaureen —SRE— • SCREEN— — ' LA ASSN. LOAN & HREE DAYS E E R TH Lw Ayrea Lew . gt d m \me lias been operating \me operating beenlias i. C.’ ilAVIS, -Secv. C.’ilAVIS, i. Papa On Jaw On Papa U I I v . & Loan


, © Western Newspaper Union. Newspaper Western © , wie e n hs rtrn noe a enjoyed brethren his and he /while tk fo te te oc of- mirth, voice the them from ; take idr lae eun o undersigned. to return please Finder n te oc o gans . .•and . . gladness of voice the and' ere , hods is en lost. been fins Shvoades A, George ogn t te sae f h late the- of estate the to longing be­ Xenia, of Company, Loan niul ing .apart,.” We may not ,be able: to able: ,be not may We .apart,.” f pect help—to' the followers.of Christ. fhelp—to' pect followers.of the —John 1:14. —John street,‘ modern. Phone 174-F2, €, W. W. 174-F2, €, Phone modern. street,‘ lr a o h only the of as glory !\1n(l.,.Jamestown, 0. studying, are we life whose Peter, formality, empty an but nothing be .a.h kn o Bbln m serv­ my Babylon, of king '.zar.lhe emsin : ■ , ’ ■ l : permission. etd n cprgtd y International by copyrighted and lected f rnfgrto, e cannot We his life in days of day that duplicate Transfiguration, of as experience an such came* there .of vision a by is., backed it unless of anyone, help to really experience inability one’s disappointing a and oni o Rlgos dcto; sd by used Education; Religious of Council ufruae edny o ak when talk to ■unfortunate tendency ev a or rncnet od . we Lord. whom transcendent and our as are serve we whose Him quiet that to withdraw must, we yes To glory/ His all in Saviour the place where, we may spiritually see see spiritually may where, we place may, we but (sense, physical any in Mount the to the. with Lord went he e ed o ad hn o oe up come to then and now need We ils ‘u it a ih mountain high a into ‘‘up dis­ three the ciples, did He as ready take, usis Jesus to renewed. spiritually valley. the in is Christians .of walk who miss the supreme - blessing of of - supreme blessing the miss who Him^ reveal glory; will His all He in There seif spirits Him. our .but bodies, our move be may we where places high the to 1-3); u h i a ersnaie f those of representative a is he But know. not do quiet,-we be shouldhe his of, expression it- another if but or was experience, remarkable the with heights sublime to soar may INTERNATIONAL UNIFORM ' - 2. Impotent Christian- workers workers Christian- Impotent '- 2. hnve reigned supreme in the earth, earth, the in supreme reigned hnve the for redemption any been have er nev­ would there Lord our by cepted S la,ad hi od . . . Lord. their and Elias, and Moses with fellowship of season ua rc. i ad orw would sorrow and Sin race. human done.shouldbe what God tell by-to trying, moment priceless a such only.” than, sharper “ plain,- powerful, is It resolve to vain in sion, 'struggle . confu­ We pliilosophical and theological supremacy, His and Son,” beloved declar­ by thinking men’s fusion. of epi; n tee w tig just things two these and despair; take! all the families of the North, North, the of families the all take! eoe cid f God. of child a become t/-de sod" , ^ . ', sword." tv/o-edged a God. of Word the to any appeal us by Let teaching of..the by or men., devices arguments erroneous from resulted has which jchaos moral the of days in live We ' him.” ye "Hear niy is This “ Jesus, of deity the ing oe ad atfl evc t Christ. to service faithful and voted those especially and Christ, follow confirmed the even that need perate a’h h Lr, n NebucMadnez- and Lord, the h sai’ pat away, and that by faith he will will he faith be by that and will sin away, pat his that assurance he full that sinher the tell may we so' Justhour, very that at andneed full iin Vso i gvn s ‘prep­ a‘ as given is Vision vision. , Words do not suffice to describe describe to word bothby must we suffice yet and notHim, even do shines need. Words of but in. valley the brightly the glory, more on only of not ■ 'mount appears Lord ;our of . supremacy parted.- absolute . The • , it! claim us Let with de­ in power is prayer/power in There power God, needy men. our fellow toward gestures potent, serv­ His are we that us, to say of who profess who We unbelief; that verse then wonder Little hjm. help humanity, in was father -his sick/ was boy The sorrow. and them sin oblivious-tovits .cannot-make passes colored f ayo, eet, years.—Jere­ seventy, Babylon, of hosts:- Because ye have, not heard heard not have, ye Because hosts:- a cm t te aiu wt the with Saviour the to come may ■ met boy’s Jesus' the need. man's rto fr evc. - service. for aration ey or”' hour.” very Saviour. and world Lord tlie living to its as Him proclaim life and im­ our of ashamed be shouldants, per­ in still’ were them aroundthose to faith without ex- he them But"found to right a had he where place of most of. need the up sum about rose- their that see to beginning optimists are world” the with well all’s “ ih 25: 8-11,miah y od, eod.I il ed and send will behold,. I words, my “ hope to help you” effort to meet meet to effort you” help to hope “ hs ntos hl sre h king the serve shall nations these this land . /■ . .Moreover, I will will I .Moreover, /■ . them . 'against land bring this will and ant, PETER SEES CHRIST’S GLORY. CHRIST’S SEES PETER v, 6.1) • - . • 16,. 17). (vy, GO LDEN TEXT—We beheld his glory, the glory, his beheld TEXT—We LDEN GO ESNTX—ate 17:1-9. H-18. TEXT—Matthew LESSON se­ texts Scripture and subjects Lesson:' NOTICE ■ Lesson for January IS I y r a u n a J r o f n o s s e L . 1 A ed su (v 1, 15). 14, (vv. soul needy A .1. ps ho o Te Pols Build­ Peoples The’ of hook pass A evc i tenm fCrs can Christ of name the in Service , Vso o Goy v. -) ,. 1-9). (vv. Glory of Vision A I, Seven room bouse on North . North Main on bouse room Seven o mc o te al lf and life daily the of much Too . -msae attd (. )- , 4).- (v. attitude A-mistaken 2. (vv. experience mountain-top 1. A a Ptrs ugsin en ac­ been suggestion Peter’s Had o spe n satrd h con­ the 5-7). scattered and sppke (vv. God testimony divine A 3. by confused was Peter Whether evc sol nvr precede^ never should Service 8,9). (vv. result glorious 4. A , goiu rsl (. 18). (v. result glorious A 4, the to son his man .brought The II. II. ee s o ata slto, ho solution, partial no is Here de­ demon the and spoke, Jesus 3. des­ such of world a in live We hy sw o a sv Jesus save man no saw They, “ Therefore thus' saith’ the Lord of of Lord the thus' saith’ Therefore h cid a crd rm that from cured was child The “ By HAROLD L. LUNDQU1ST..D. D, LUNDQU1ST..D. L. HAROLD By h onptn aiu (. 18). (v. Saviour omnipotent The Dean of The Moody Bible Instllula Bible Moody The of Dean l o o h c UNDAY alt evc (v 14-18). (vv. Service to Call A Svny er' Capacity .Seventy Years' ^ ‘ of Chicago, of ‘ ^ S. IMPROVED FOR RENT FOR . WRIGHT. C.

b< Lesson o s s e L eotn f h Father. the of oegotten m m * t ...... ‘ “

aln fo te oc o hr home 7, her January Saturday, of away porchpassed the from falling xed hi smah. " ’ to sympathy. their wish extend 'Schools Cedarville of dents grade, after suffering for about five five about for suffering after grade, ots rm n nuy utie by sustained injury an from months o e fml, h fcly m stu­ ami faculty the family, her To Loretta Varvel a pupil of the sixth. herald, herald, sixth. the of pupil a Varvel Loretta (Continued first frompage) S W E N L O O H C S A O I N I R A L M O T O R S V A L U f i January 20, Last Day For Last Day 20, January :'s . VASTLY IMPROVID IMPROVID VASTLY . :'s . CUITP CABS' COUPI-TYPI . STYLING . . TRUCK I N U MASSIVI N IW SUPRIM-' SUPRIM-' IW N MASSIVI OnFL HYDRAULIC POWntFUL , • VALVt-IN- FAMOUS ; uy oei only. modeli Duly '; THE NATION’S LARGEST LARGEST NATION’S THE 19 39 DOG TAGS FOR SALE AT THE FOLLOW ING PLACES: ING FOLLOW THE AT SALE 1939 FOR TAGS DOG urd ylw ob olce b i. - ^ _ - ’ “ ■ ,. ' *' . - ■ him. by becollected to law, by quired h Cut Adtr hl asss pnly f n Dollar. One of assesfs shall penalty a Auditor County the ony eea’ rln...... i ruling. General’s torney lected from those who fail to obtain' obtain' their,licenses. to fail who those from lected tD TRUCK CNOINI, HtAD . TRUCK.IRAKIS TRUCK.IRAKIS . Avdllabla on Heavy Heavy on Avdllabla VISIBILITY | FULL-FLOATING ULE O TRUCKS OF BUILDER ■ IR AXLI RIAR BEAVERCREEK, • - CED AR VILLE VILLE AR CED D O O LLW O N K A T .... .1. N W STO E JAM BELLBROOK SPRING V A L L E Y ..../ Y E L L A V SPRING / ERSVILLE BOW Y E LLO W SPRINGS SPRINGS W LLO E Y FAIRFIELD h Gnr] oe rvdsta fte e, s o pi o o bfr Jnay 20, January before or on fee,, paid not isthe if that provides Code Genera] The The County Auditor has no alternative but to enforce this ruling.this enforce butto alternative no has Auditor County The t pcfcly obd a Adtr euig aaig r eitn ay eat re­ penalty any remitting or abating reducing, Auditor an forbids specifically It f o.pi te te uio ad i bnsa ae ibe codn t te At­ the to according liable are bondsman his and not. Auditor the then If paid col­ mustbe $1.00 penalty the Ohio, of General Attorney the by ruling a Under UMNS CHEVROLET CUMMINGS , ’ _ . • ^ ' ' ' _ ' . ' \ ^ . • * . ' _ T ’ f " ■ ; / ■■ .' • Brings You Higher Quality Quality Higher You Brings t s i w t rcs tLwr Prices Lower At Trucks Females ..... Females Spayed iessfr ifiales. for Licenses Kennel O O NERS OW DOG H THRIFT-CARRIERSTHE THE NATION FOR - ie o ueiae tuk value, truck uneqiialed you 'give ...... E YU LCL HVOE DEALER CHEVROLET LOCAL YOUR SEE wiill alI llie tnodcrii truck advantages advantages truck tnodcrii llie alI wiill itd here.' listed economy.- and un­ ability an .'you brings Engine Triiek trucks in the entire low-price field field low-price entire the in trucks reli­ power, of combination matched the at offered n (uii. , (juaiiiy. outstand­ such ing of trucks on quoted iiMairlv nbe Cerlt to Chevrolet enables iiiiKMiatiirallv • ("bevrolel trucks are the the are trucks ("bevrolel • lerll rcs o 13 arc* 1939 for trucks Glievrolel • • Chevrolet's uncqiialcd truck truck uncqiialcd Chevrolet's • Again ...... Clievrolcl’s famous Valve-iri-ITead famousValve-iri-ITead Clievrolcl’s .... ,

Final Notice to Notice Final REE ONY AUDITOR COUNTY GREENE ...... w e n ...... HT jQia j f g ...... en eevd o te re uc fund lunch free the for received been odr o Te ei Ntoa bank, National Xenia The of holders $10.00;Church, $7.51; Methodist High col aut,$85; oa, $51.51.$28.50; Total, Faculty, School Friend, A $7.50; Lodge, filasonis ■ ic te at'rpr n h Cedarville the last,'in thesince report ...... The following , contributions have have contributions , following The te nul etn, f stock of meeting, annual the t A G ! AK IETR ELECTED DIRECTORS BANK ...... re uc Fn Cnrbtos , Contributions Fund Lunch Free - T - • ......

...... Cedar le, io h O , ille rv a d e C , SALES

y n a m r e ...... oet prices lowest .... < ‘ . ■ - , * « . • ; • • .. «, *, ‘ , . *■' V -

. Curlett J. ■ala : ever ever only ...... ' . . . . . vol- .C MLE, ILN TTON STATIO FILLING MILLER, C. A...... ' : : i .....

...... ofJoo corti; S«« rw f M m l OimreM OimreM l m M f rw S«« corti;ofJoo mn/ otrtdy ' ' ' doatortoday! »>r««fo|decarnMnlM b »»fro of Offertnfl amoilno IN0INI CAR-OVIR......

...... lower

.. ..; .... . ; . ; . [ . ; * " ......

...... GROCERY REESE . W F...... , ...... ptlcvi, Nmw ROL PELT N A V LD O AR H ...... the present directors were re-electedi re-electedi were directors present the Attorney J. A. Finney, Henry Flynn Flynn Henry Finney, A. J. Attorney lce: , , ed’s ahe; . B. F. cashier; ’is Wead O, R, elected: Jme, n W. . rvr assist­ Fraver, B. Wm. CJemmer, and . n F Lo Sar I te e organ, new the In Spahr. Leon F. and zto ti fre ofcr wl b re­ be will officers former tlie ization ant cashier.' H, E. Eavey,. President. Eavey,. E. H, cashier.' ant II.< E, Eavey, ill's. Mary Little Dice, Dice, Little Mary ill's. Eavey, II.< E, weekly rates on board androoms, boardon rates weekly 4) ER’ HOTEL. SEARS’ (4t) .... and CfovroltMuM . Sunday ' Chickent, Dinner-r-Spedal Dinner-r-Spedal Chickent, ' Sunday ...... ERL TRlfT R T . .MERRILL N E WETZEL E Z T E W IE INN M AUDE CHITTY H C E D U LA C EN DET N EATO D LENN G :.... tuaplionally lowopr- AE BAIEY ILE A B JAMES trlph 1.00 0 . 1 , . . GEORGE L. R. ^ $ 1.00$ 3.00 otg... An . . iovtngt. tll O O 'M j odto, ‘ lj) load tpon, , 10.00



PRICE, $1.50 A Y E A R SIXTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 7 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1939 DEMOCRAT DAPS Sen. Taft Says JOHN W, BRICKER Headquaters Tq SUNDAY A, M, Republicans Will Be Opened Here POKER DAME WILBERFORCE U. Write Farm Bill TAKES SEAT AS SaysDopsters Injured in a accident! more than two | ; . — — • Assembly ’ years ago, Sam Christy, Xenia, R. R, Sen. Robert Taft stated in Colu n- Reports are in circulation that the Points of interest visited and im­ PRESIDENT!4, has filed in common jpleas court ait bus Monday that the Republicans will OHIO GOVERNOR head of the “Numbers Racket” in this pressions of Southern life gained dur­ appeal from, an adverse decision of the accept the challenge of Sec. Wallace section of the state has been casting ing the Christmas holidays was ihe industrial commission, which disallow­ on what they have to offer on a farm about for local headquarters, think­ subject of the three talks given at the The early hours of the last Sunday, Rep. Chester K. Gillespie, Demo­ Bathed in bright sunshine with a ed his compensation claim. bill. ing. this would be a safe place to con­ regular assembly, Friday morning, around four A. M. to be mom exact, crat, colored, Cleveland, demanded of Florida temperature the inaugural Christy, who seeks to participate in Taft stated that the Republican duct operations. Miss Hanna and Mrs, Edwards, found the night life of the peaceful the Ohio legislature Tuesday,, that the ceremonies for John W. Bricker as benefits of the state insurance fund, bill w^li have no restricting and that high school teachers,- related many village unveiled to a populace sound House finance committee, reduce the governor of Ohio took place on the The head has been in court in Xenia declares he was disabled for more a subsidy will be paid farmers. experiences they enjoyed on an HVtQ” in slumber and unmindful of what can six months appropriation, of $30,000 west approach of the state capital, arid Springfield of late, the Clark than seven days by reason of an ac­ Foreign importations will be checked mobile trip through the South during happen after nightfall. to $10,000 and that the student fee | Monday afternoon. The event was ob- county plant being raided by the cident, Sept. 12,^.1936, at the Miami and a foreign market developed in the Christmas vacation. MiBS Grace A little poker game among friends estimated be raised [from $7,000 to Prosecuting Attorney last week. He Fertilizer Co. plant, where be was em-j countries that must purchase farm j. , y ,e crowd ever Byrd, a member of the junior filass, with a good stake leads to a record., $10,000. is now out on bail. Xenia recently ployed. He was pushing a two-wheel*i products beyond what they can pro-' nown or * s“n“ ar m tj* Ws* gave some impressions of Sosth®P that calls for not only a written his­ Gillespie charged that the institu* ed truck, loaded with four 125-pound; duce, *orytory of the e atate. state. Fallen Police estimated} estimated f hanKed thc city ordinwlf on eaxtb- life which she observed on » visit tory but the stories of what topic tion was steeped with politics and that , ...... , .. , the crowd from 20,000 to 25 0001,ln* 50 thnt ,fc wou,dl 1,01 in Tallahassee, Florida. place. .. » Dr D O Walker Davcv amwintee S8CkB ° f fert,Il2er*. UP a Platform; f * ' . f y PP^ * wlinnwhen hphe slippedttlirmpfl and nntl fell f « U backward,! linplfwnvrl t people that were massed from 'the ^ hf ve jury trialis with * Hroit p t The preliminary devotional pre­ Two different stories are afloat.as ’ should bo retired. For months colored the truck handle striking his left P e n H S y R a i l r o a d C/0 , northwest gate entrance to the south- ! 5''0 f,nes' gnant was announced by Ruth Irvine to what happened, who the partici­ ministers and educators have protest­ west gate entrance. I It is not likely that this community; groin, according to the petition. War-i ■ . _ . t .. , . , , . . . and included Scripture reading by pants were, where everything hap-1 ed the Walker management of the in- ren A. Smith, Columbus, is attorney! S i g n a l s a t C r O S S i n g S j , administered by Chief tolerate tong what has beenFloyd Harper, Lord’s Prayer and pened, and # dozen and' ope ofher . stitution. Last fall threats were ■ ______** i Justice Carl V. Weygnndt of the dnven out of Xenia and Springfield. for the plaintiff. Weygiindt Salute jso the Flag. little things ;has paused the coinmun- r made against those who would sup­ 1 A. W, Duke and G. H. Lefold, rep-!i f,um'state, *uPreme supreme c court, i -Gov. Bricker | A chorus of the seventh grade ity much nnnoyapee, unless -it was port Republican nominees at the elec­ DIVORCE SUITS FILED resenting the Pennsylvania Railroad* ^as " H KviiwiaiHwunderful voice < for the loud i f • » p • f , - » pupils delighted the audience with a Sheriff Henkel, w W j|°e? tion. . , speaker and his speech was heard as - 1njlirCG w ill lllcU Charging gross neglect of duty an d for by tftr rail company following ' ------Thursday and Friday of this week a lavish democratic dinner with-the withi Hitler and Down with Walkerr."ithe Westl.rn ^ u til ,R. the deth *t tovrral W crw.*- ■ ihr novTH- Monday afternoon, with will bo devoted to exarnuustians over fc*up that o.heqrs cost the diners $100 ILast year the trouble reached the; „ . . .. „ M i s s o u r i I ^ a t i d o w n e r s LurtsJ iaking place in Clinton county. ____ _£__^ .fgurUttee Co,t Proclnnati, - • v»«g thgii ulnr A w ir the first Homester’s w-ork. “ Student*, a plate. (Oyer ;ip ,CoIumfms Ohio New courts when a number were expelled.< . ... , .. - . . . , ' ‘gwmtty. - ' _ , . . . , , The plaintiff requests smienm per- tntta*, tncro r,ax teen but tme arctdeitt' not having an unexcused absence and Dealers tfrmt jimibibing that which In as much as the students were hem-•, i ... , y , „ . . Fire Sharecroppers , .. .\ , tformance of av life in»uranr« contract amt natneruaii arcMtohto havn twgn. having satisfactory attitude grades, vcould drown rirfent /pqd ,S0ig1ojv jst less, the Democratic machine rode . . - , . , , . . . „ ,, ,...... * . . . . whereby the defendant, avaertodly ». - averted by patcAnticu, enjoyed a two-drty .vacation ;if ,their $25 a plate. All ;i? pftrt.qf ,^ e over both students and parents to , ,, , ■*+»* ■ . »«’ "... i greed to pay $1^0 at the wpazthti r«r nne itocafenii war* »■ c»„i, # John W. Walker gratfes averaged B in their class work. New Deal program- .[ back Walker and Ransom...... , ...... f L iJI. • t o m . t m m te H lm m iJ w t ...... of twenty-ydar period. . DeArhttg .the watrhman wfco- dri r >~ w , »,..» . _ ^ „ ,, Postmaster R. C. Ritenour is Raid - . r . _ •. , ...... , . Dwil imm m 'M m :, . Died ___ Friday______\ . _ . We hear that » « ttack J, ihK Z~xu, a ™-,, *h. ^ ihsti *»** * $**< pt'Mem, Silrerrreck to have given out the report that jbe lican management took place at W il-l""’, ,, r ,u <»,« «s5 i ^ i m w * Sv * 5*r* ** »«n h tme ever1 — • . I . S. »«. berforce before the student body this! " ” 1 ft. M^bapt. % «, *«« *fe tonanta,] *lW rtvrirfcnto of this — *h« - ^ « n? contest , , of ^ 1939 suffered a motor accident, on his re­ week. Dr. Walker is credited with‘th^ ^ f ™ W » * - * • ^ ** « » JE» might W%X * « ■ --mMcmd to hear of «m>pa«gn fori the Greene turn from' the famous Columbus m^Tril-thb Sfebrihenfc that Wllber-|!i^ l 1 * * * * , ^ ^ W, Welker of Souifaf County **m l -whotastic league, _the C Demoas&tic dinner Saturday night, ■H. S. quitriet wha’defeated by Silver- resulting'ip? a lot of repair work §t force toutd get along without- 80 ^ ^ ^ *** JSf* ^ ^ "**£*£*1* ™ ~ t f ^ 'T '1-™ ** ***** i l * trim***. Owtfcmn* Jan, «. Mr. Walker « ------* • l m ' wb sum for which tt should feavp fnewst a local tntwn was' ktftei onto ght-f jurarimy tfcst laari owpeto nsaxt divide,,'laest pwnm-r familim of this county. would bo nqtqral for a New. Deal .. . • »». • She • w »» sever mxonnml w « h i w # twin. the situation this year may be Dr. . , . , . , .. , tenanto m « w j k petxtmM* -viwl* *»*.• ctlsiroicd in the lx*ban«n The local rezerves won 13 to 3 and postmaster to -ijae present af such an , ,, ' : any ■ sucit mistake over ths« tv'v-nty . , . "**« jsays^.M i:«Tc; Ji.bn aiid Earl of fcdarville ^u' baskctecra for honor in how much damage was. done .to the ’ ...... , . . * warded hy the court «,•' follows: Off Highway tor* hjrvd help $2d a ig-oftth and 'hoquef ;md thtn* gjaiwlchibfoen survive the local gym, Friday, January 13, Ritenour auto, if any? * With the institution not « c«»v,n5|| Howard (Hirkett from Ireae llacksti, toqt ? , 5» Sir.me. Walker niuMn wwi was n 87 years1 years o■ of f ago, First, game will begin at 7:15. financial support from the A. M. h % m of Elfiza- A. W Duke, Cmcmnatt, ftWnimt Next week’s game will be played at , To sum up. the auto accident story - Church, and none from Ohio, it lo o « brf(] Fill)U;r< from clsit^ tagtreV ifoir mnp« okldded ftr.m R>iuit< 41, Opened Saturday to*t Sunday afternoon Special Course I heered it,’’. • • |G, W. Terrell,' on. grimin'* of wilful war she E»«l Twist Sriw.i-i, and binsnS in Giin-nlftwn cemetery. Seventeen farmers attended the { uhseitce,bsjence, with with the the plaintiff plaintiff awnrdixl jifaisgwi ittsn the Iwl of a shaUow — v - a i j (Greene Sales Tax , . , . The vr parte*- following tfcei evening course Tuesday at 8:00 p. m. Story No. 2 ■ j.custody of a minor child and the de* * m vk Mwiftlay night r i e < rtteir,^ re*aU of the- eteetian wa* opened] - i«v,{ a cut «n ■ Uw- tun* to. examine pedigree records and ex­ In a room over the Rigio podiTroom Receiots Decrease ftnriont divested of «n right* in hi* under She name of the -Rrulf.* arid | )r . W a i T e f l M o O f C h e a d ; The fincintMiit m< n wan* returning change viewpoints on other breeding is the headquarters of those who like *• j wife's mil eaestate, household goods Bit” Inn ■ The Democrat* pushed, t , . . '■ <; I ' from a meetifl’g of .tile Cedarville problems. Next Tuesday the discus­ to indulge in a quiet game of stud 'Although an upturn in December;nrui furniture.' everything to the limit, to get by the] Scientist, Dead ‘ council i nikd to' dwca-ifl, instoltati<>n sion will continue with special poker. Many were often a bit puZzled •sales reflected a better Christmas buy- . wire before John Bricker got In. offi«e.! —— —» v • ■ >f fla«her rtgnal.'i »t vdlajfe rsrirusd emphasis on thc anatomy and func- why go many cars were parked in that ing season than a year ago, purchases, L M AT hN A ,l.LU rise Immse u held by a man named; D-, Warren King Moorvhcad, 72,i }io^ o{ rcproductive orgtuw in the section with no places of business crowing*, when ti?e westbound car •of prepaid sales tax stamps at the; *°uir states have Wen appraised Enrharl, formerly Vw-atcd- in Yellow j fortm-r Xehi.-tn, well known nrehneo- open. ‘ , swervul from she htghwa , cranked dairy nnimat. Any farmer interested Greene county treasurer’s office in '“»««"■ COV!rt diction as fob Spring* h.gi«t and head of Hit- archaeological •hnnigii a fuue, ran.down » 10-fool is welcome to attend. With day break near the four 1938 showed a $30,995.81 reduction, !»w»: la>cai Jh nwcrafo that hnd their eye' A>partmr-nl at i’li’llip'r - Andover mhfti/kmenf, cnnud a creek fo'/i and o’clock hour confusion aroused those from 1937 ‘ hutute of .Sarah Ryan: gio-oi value, on thc U-cr businex* mutt.face more* Acr.de?ny. Andwer*, Mass., for thirty nosrd into the embankment r,n thc Part-Time Class slumbering in the neighborhood, so "Treasurer H. J. Fawcett reported, obligations, $501.99; net value, competition with the importedi one yearn, died Thursday-night. He njirwitte side The machine did not This group has now completed 26 much so that someone called the the sales tax stamp business last; foteigner. jhad retired frortr teaching and lectur- meetings in all with an average-at­ Sheriff's office. There was a rush year amounted to $122,914.99, com-’ J f i W frank Kingrgnm value, • AH will face new regulation* when I ing In^t .June ami with his wife spent tendance of 10.5 and a total enroll­ here and there and soon a nearby pared with $159,909.83 in 1937, a ’ ? ^ 0; obligations, $1,371.90. jibe pieicnt legislature get* through;, two months abroad, being first ment of 24 boys. doctor’s office was in full operation. stricken while abroad. He was one of shrinkage attributed tti exemptionS( *’9ta‘Y “f C- J \ . BaW4To-r ^ Missouri Rabbits i ‘ ______The following officers were elected There were some present at the on food and other articles previously, vaJ*JT,i ‘ht> opcnln* bt ’ thc 'Ianunry Denison University, and spent three evenings until March 8 . When the local physician completed Council Gives Strict Xenia, without bond, J. .K Curiett.. ■ - Bj I 1 / term of the grand jury until January I \ otirtt under Dr Thomm* Wilson, liis work it was found that Unde .!. A. Finney and R. O. W „ d » WC ^ 1 «•*«• *»• fmn„ ^ Thnj' I ^ T v w S T Monday evening, David Bradfute Orders For Order will explain how the government Sam’s Postmaster had been the victim, appointed appraisers. ; « . ! delay will also permit the appear- lf(, i^p^ted n number -«-f Ohio photographed Greene county in con­ badly cut and bruised over one eyt)„ At a meeting of council Monday Lawrence E Laybourne has been np-, ^ ; btroup, county game wn>**) ancc of Mrs. Emma Hildcbran, 40, to* mounds, the nearest at Fort Ancient, inti the bunnies came in 140,-' junction witlr the farm program. The mystery is what part did Eddie evening there was, some pointed dls- pointed executor withoul bond, of the;-111' appear for investigating of the charge nnd jH. Wfts iR<,trumentnl in the state Wednesday evening, Arthur Evans Harper have in an affair with the P, mission ns to .enforcement of ordi/ v«tnte of Attorney A. Broadatonc,, ' ?f fih,,ot,inf? ,wii h in' l nk to. ki11 ^ " ‘ 1 taking over that park. He was a will lead a discussion on hog diseases M.? nances dfcnling with drunks, boot- hite of Xenin. M, L. Wolf, Idccm."“V"" %v;,s nmuv ls n:,r" 'n.1u-r husband, Rosa Twp. farmer, who member of the IT, S. Board of Indian were onur- *««» «*rii 38 crates;, is out on bond and measure of control. Visitors arc Story No. 2 ends when we learn legging, etc, . j Spahi* and Oscar MiDormnn Commissioners for twenty-six years. Greene and (’lark, each 32 crates welcome nt both meetings. that trouble started in the poker The deceased was married to Miss Council ordered Marshal McLean to Sport^inen''vol^toerefi'thtlr aerviee*! . T|hc wifP, 5s g o r i n g from gun , Last week, John T. Brown, farm game between players aitd that keep thc streets dear of drunks and; J. Walter Slpe was deviated UnlomI, l|w <;oltonl(lils nni, llb|l|J **"* wjunda suffered three weeks Eveiyin Ludwig, CIrcleville, ()., Nov- editor of the Springfield Sun, took Harper wrapped a bottle, no one has keep a closer watch on bootleggers. | executor of the estate of Walter N .,nf. lhpm in vnriouq mtionq< 1‘dto- The husband claims it was nc- 10, 1892. Besides ids widow 3u- is representative pictures of the boys yet said it whs a milk bottle, around survived, by two sons, Ludwig King We also learn that Sheriff Henkel, Sipe, late of Bath Twp., without bond.. new Mi-ouri rabbit “hlond": ci< Pntal but n(lmitted 1,0 1,ful lK“en projects .which were published in the the Postmaster’s head with the Usual Mor.rchend, New Canaan, Connl, and has refused t. „ive .id here until h *.!! Antheny m tfck, WlUlum .h e t s f ! — • January 9 Sun. result of the innocent bystander. .oincera get busy. It seems the sheriff-*>n* ------and Thomas------.... Theen...... were. named'...... - - timi, in nnd thc imported* stock,! L Singleton Peabody Moorehend, Wil- Mr. F. B. Fiddler of O. S. U., Co­ The patient was taken home after does ppt relish private calls after the. appi a^ei s. ! Warden strnup said, has given the liamsburgli, Va„ two sisters, Mrs. FATALITIES DECREASE lumbus, State supervisor of evening repnirs. Tho Sheriff had returned midnight hour on' complaints herci David R, Webster was appointed icrop « nuilt, a jift». Van dor Veer Taylor, Miss Margaret courses in Ohio, visited our depart­ to his slumbers; Marshal McLean Whefi local officials are not on the job,! administrator of th* estate of Robert! '______IN COUNTY FOR 1938 Moorehend, nnd a brother, William ment Thursday, January 5. failed to find a damaged automobile. A Sunday mordihg scrap in a gam Murray, late of Xenin, under $1,500 j Moorchoad, Xenia. The funeral whs Carl Watkins hns been selected to Dr. Donald Kyle cleaned up his in­ bling joint brought about thc sheriff’s bond, MRS. BRANDON DEAD held in Andover, Saturday, and burial A decline in automobile accidents, give a talk at O. S. U, during Farm­ struments and blew out the light. in Woodland cemetery, Xenin, Monday ■edict, both fatal and non-fntal, in Greene er’s Week at the State F. F. A, Lead­ The Postmaster is still Wearing the ROBINS READY FOR SPRING afternoon. * Services were conducted at the County during 1938, was reported I er’s Conference. Carl will tel decorations and stands crowned as a PUBLIC SALE Nngley funeral home Saturday last, Tuesday by the sheriff’s office! The about planning our summer tour and knight of old. Did Harper get the Miss Fannie McNeill reports that if for Mrs. Gertrude Brandon, widow department investigated 150 vehicu- All women of the commnnity who the annual F. F. A. program of our jackpot on his last six dollar bet? lar mishaps last year, a decrease of • are interested in “Floors nnd Floor Mrs. Bertha F. Ross will hold a numbers of robins means anything, of Steven Brandon, formerly of local chapter, But the lights burned in two Main f Finishes’’ arc invited to the Library public sale of livestock, feed and farm j spring must be dose at hand; Tues- Greene county, who died at the home 83 from 1937, nnd the number of W LW has invited our department to street homes long after all was quite, implements on Tuesday, Jan. 31. day Jan. 3 a flock of ten robins of her sister, Mrs. Hem . Morling, motor fatalities dropped from 18 in at 1:30 on Monday, January ifi, to participate in n farm quiz over the until the sun awoke a populace that Ferndale Farms announces a bred j stopped for a short lime on the Me* Bell Flow'd-, 111.. 1937 t 6 12 in 1938.. hear Mrs. Ruth ftnrford Bloom. air on their Saturday 8:80 a. m. Farm has sihee debated irt stores, society sow sale of Hampshire on the farm Neill lawn, One or more robins have Two other sisters, Mrs. Dovenia been reported by various persons. Hour Program, quarters and homes as to what hap- February 7th. Forty head of the Grubbs, Guilford, Ind., and Mrs. Money to loan on Real Estate. For Rent—Furnished . apartment. Florida hns nothing on Ohio this new type of Hampshire* will be Louise Ewhanks, near Xenia, are sur­ CedarviJJe Federal Savings & Loan. Two- rooms nnd bnth. Boa’s Beauty winter* placed in the sate, vivors, Burial in Woodland, Xenia. Assn. ■ / Continued on page four), (Continued on pogo fpuo$ Sh°P* / , b I i

\ CpnAfcV'UE ITCRALD, FJMMY, J A W -'Y 13* 1030 Tigiri,, THJE. CEDARVILI.E HERALD d«dcc liutuM is u*iu;T his i,ZoA »' Clyde lValkar, basketball star of to save a Democratic appointee. He the Yellow Jackets, was injured last Thrill* In tba Sky WW» Errol Flynn KARLH BUI*L _ --."IfpiTQK AND PUBLISHER has appealed to seveaal Republican ‘ Saturday night in the Wilberforce IA«MM OMf K«w(Pftj«r Auto-I » • * ! Y«ta* ***** **»*• leaders, In at mock as the Judge game, suffering an injured knee, He £ only has one Republican on his office} was rushed to a Xenia hospital and ' altered, at the Poet Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 81.1887j staff, he has issued an edict that hig.kr.ee was placed in » cast which fu ieecond ctaw matter ...... Forest Shoup would*' be “ Given the will keep him out of the game for the FRIDAY, JANUARY* 13, 1939 Air," As far as the Republicans are rest of the season. concerned that ia a matter between' ------— ...... - Farmers in Northern Ohio, in AMERICA FOR FOREIGNERS ONLY the Judge and his appointee. The! Michigan and Indiana, that are en­ peculiar thing is that Democrat Judge. SALE OF BONDS gaged In growing sugar beets are be­ There was a time when eve^y pupil in the public schools Henrie wants the Republicans .to Ktap LEGAL NOTICE Was told that every American born boy had a chance at the ing called to Detroit this week to dis­ cn the state payroll one divorced rSy < presidency, something that could not happen tP boys in nations cuss wages for workers with repre­ his wife in Common Pleas Court on Sealed proposal! will bo received at. tl>« office of the Vlllace Clerk of the Village of with a different form of government. sentatives of Sec, Wallace, who also a charge of adultery. vTe imagine CedarTlIlo, Cedarelllv, Ohio, until twelve noon Such a theory as that has been wiped- out by the New will fix the price to 4>e paid the farm­ the femine section erf Judge Hehrie’s (13 N.) of the 18th day of January, 1839, ers for sugar beets. .No sugar beet foe the purpose or Issuance at bonds or the Deal when Franklin D. Roosevelt named Felix Frankfurter, office staff will frown on placing the said Village lu the aggregate aunt of- Thirty- foreign born of the same blood line as the Austrian Hitler, now bonus unless growers and fanner deposed highway Democratic appoint- five Hundred .Dollars (JS.r.OQ.OO), dated the 1st holding-Germany under his heel, was nominated for the high­ meet the union scale of wages. Some tee even as messenger boy In the day- of January, 19S9. Said bonds will be ten (10) In number and numbered from One (1) to est court in the land. - of these days Roosevelt and Wallace Probate office. Tea (10), both Inclusive. Kach of raid bonds One year ago Roosevelt was determined to pack the court will fix union wages for all farm will be in the denomination of Three Uundred labor where the farmer signs up for und Fifty Dollars (ffSSO.M), and w(U drew with his Compiunistic followers but his own congress rebelled Highway Director Ivan Ault, D. Interest at the rate of four and one-lull (1%) •,s8' .' . v and checked his plans. Rather than stand defeated he fills crop control and other crazy ideas was convicted for violation of the per centum per annum, payable semi-annually the vacancy on the court with one who when he came to this under th» AAA. Gradually step by corrupt practice act. Immediately on (lie days of April and October of each year, presentation and surrender of the: country at the .age of five could not speak a word of English. step the New Deal is tieing the' farm­ Gov. Davey gave him a pardon, Latei interest coupons to be attached to said bonds, It was bad enough to name Horrible i.'arry Hopkins to a ers to the CIO. he named him to a new job, announc­ Any one desiring to do so may present a cabinet seat but the naming of one who is an avowed Com­ ing that he wduld not stand for con­ bid or bids* for said bonds, baaed on and bearing a different rate 'of Interest than the* munist belongs to un-American organizations; has written pub­ Last week this column made men­ viction of a man under an obscure above specified, provided that where a frac­ Errol Flynn is the daring leader of The, lications on liberalism that defy the ideals of our form gov­ tion of an effort not only in Greene law. Democrats made a desperate tional Interest rate- Is bid sueh fraction shall great Warner Bros, spectacle which will open Bmday, JMuay county but other counties to urge an be one-quarter of one per cent (Vi of l per ernment and ignores all forms of the Christian religion, is a attempt to hold 3,000 social security cent) or multiples thereof. Said bond* will -16 at the deluxe Xenia theater In Xenia, tor a tb'® % Itara stroke from which the nation* will suffer for years to come., endorsement of Lawrence Wooddell jobs, that will face the “ripper." bo due and payable as follows, to-wlt:—One ment. Supporting Flynn 1b a dashing squadron ot *an,“W® Including Basil Ttathbone, David Niven, Donald Crisp and Me Frankfurter is an advocate of a brand of liberalism that by local Fish and Game Associations, Hundreds of these johs will pay from bond on October 1st’ in each of the years from 1948 to'1919, both Inclusive. All bonds is repugnant to the early ideals in the formation of the nation. Some counties not knowing what was $3,600 to $5,000 yearly. Republicans to be callable on and after October 1, 1919. V,,,0Th°s°PvIvld film portrays the lives of daredevil H e has ho use fo r patriotic organizations such as the D. A. R., hack of the movement fell for the en­ must keep in mind that hundreds of Halil bonds are Issued for the purpose of roared through the dawn with death on their ^ ‘“gB puretiaslng Fire Fighting Apparatus and fraternal organisations that recognize the Christian religion. dorsement but Tuesday this week, jobs in the list of 30,000 state em­ on their lips. The picture emphasizes-the futility ° t war and a » /(equipment and under-authority of laws of Its misery and foolishness and can honestly be recorded a He believes the constitution is a rubber band to be bent as one John T. Brown, state director of agri­ ployees will never be filled. Four Ohio, and of Tho Cnlform Bond Act, and perlor production, * . might find it necessary, each and everyone being permitted culture, , announced the appointment years ago Ohio only had 12,000 people under and In accordance with a certain ordi­ nance of the said Village entitled "OHM* to bend if to his Or her own needs and desires. of Don Waters, Elmore, Ottawa on the payroll. XtXCK .NO. 20S, AX OIIDINA.WK FJtOVII)- You simply cannot mix the blood lines of the foreign county, Republican chairman, suc­ (M i FOR THU l.SHl’ANt'E OF BONDS OF TUB ceed Mr. Wooddell, VILLAUK OF ('BDARYIMifS, OHIO. FOR THK born to meet the ideals and moral standards of the American It hag been costing Ohio about $5,- ITHCOSK OF lTRCIIASINO FIRE FIOHTIXfl bom citizen ,who has a desire, to uphold his political and re­ C00 a day for gasoline for more than A IT Alt AT VS AND El)V>H"MEST.*‘ passed on the 2UI day of November, 1938. ligious freedom, We were interested this week in a 1,600 trucks and automobiles, high­ statement of a representative of < big Sold bonds will be sold to the highest bidder The latest, appointment to the high court is a death blow way equipment. Under the new order for hot lens than tlie face value thereof and to our religious and educational institutions. It is entirely in coal interest. Under a New Deal coal -tate employees will soon be riding accrued Interest OltIVE INTO keeping with Roosevelt in destroying all vestage of whatever law, Guffy act, the Democratic politi- All bids tonat slate the number of bonds hid cn their own gas, or four cents a mile a-)d I bo grew amount of fct«J and arerucil Inter­ our ancestors laid out for us , after having come from nations ticians, Union Labor and mine owners allowance. From now on when you est to dale^ of delivery. All bids to be sc- where religious freedom could not be practiced. are empowered to fix coat prices and see a state car out on Sunday, you rump*nted with a lewd or certified cheek,vAr­ Springfield a heavy penalty is provided for viola­ abia to I he Village or Vodsrrflle, Ohio,Tor To meet the Roosevelt standard none could have been can guess, that Ohio is not paying for Three Hundred snd Fifty Dollars (fA'/OBO), found that more completely fills the bill for the court than tion. Twice this winter an attempt the gas. noon condition that it the bid l* accepted (lie ^AND ENJOY A Felix Frankfurter, the Austrian born Jew. has been made to announce the in­ bidder will receive and pay for such bonds as u>»y l e l-jtiicd as aft»ra net forth, within thirty creased prices but no sooner planned 1,(9) days from the time of sward, ‘said ixthd than the weather man sends up REPORT OF SALE to be f srfdtrd nr said cheek to be retained WILL THE STATE APPROVE NUMBERS RACKET Florida weather and the bottom drops bv u,e Village, If said umilllbm is not ruirtlled Monday, January 9, 1939 Did, siro/id he sealed and endorsed ‘'Bid* For The people of not only Greene county, &s well as the f tate, out of the market, a pretty good proof Springfield I,ire Stock Sales Co, t-im Fighting Apparatus Bonds." that supply and demand will regulate IMiiKliK J, AlHORKKhb. have every reason to feel that sinster forces in the state will Mila#* t'krk, or Visiarv* id Odarrllie, Ohio. not have inside protection; information or whatnot, so neces­ is given a free-hand chance. It was HOGS— 1291 head it* ’ sary to those who must dodge the law day by day. not so long ago that Sec. Wallace UHM80 lbs. ..,.8.05 plowed under the crops, then cams- The latest test for this community is the opening of head­ 18&260 lh s „ ______8,00 LEGAL NOTICE quarters for the “Number Racket,” a new form of gambling a dry spell that upset all the brain- 10a.]>25.>lbs...... 7,85 truster ideas. Monkeying ,wf£h the that is sweeping the country. 225-250 lbs...... ,;,.7.80 Margaret Stevens, whose' place of cotton crop Uncle Sam owns W e.do not believe this county will approve the latest step 250-275 lbs, — J- tmdtace {.« unknown, will take notice by those who have just been .driven out of Xenia and Spring- more than 11 million tales of cotton 275-300 lbs. .. .6.05 that John Stevens has filed his peti­ “ and the New Deal loapsHbtroken-down snxntms-- field. This form fof gambling cannot exist other than by use of >00 lbs. up ..fl.00 down tion for divorce in Case No. 21^-16 of China millions to epurcha.ye surplus the telegraph or telephone, the latter being the most secret and UO-160 lbs. ....7,55 the Court of Common Plea* of Greene the quickest. Most headquarters in this section are connected wheat and cotton with our own nioney, deeding pigs ___ 8,70 down County, Ohio, on the ground of wilful . .W lf iS r -* - by direct line into Columbus. ^at sows to 0,50 absence and that the ease will come up » i » j * * y It is our belief that if those who oppose this form of gam­ Nvwcomerstown, - 0 , wants' to, Stag# ___ 4.75 to 4,80 £tlS1 secede, due to heavy taxation In pay­ tor heating on or after, January llth, bling would acquaint Gov. Bricker,. he could put the Public SHEEP & LAMBS—83 head. Utilities on the spot with stricter regulations over the use of ment for flood protection, which she Top Jambs ,.,,.9 5 5 FORREST DUNKLE, •private lines for gambling purposes, hard sledding would be says she does not need. The town ■j«oads} mayor says there never has been a ' ! Attorney, ahead for the operators of-the game here or elsewhere. Medium*___ flood that has cost the town $10,000, It is going to be hard to operate the game from a head­ Yom rUsg* .3,75 to 6.20 The assessment for flood protection quarters here under any circumstances. That must be under­ CATTLE—178 bead. LEGAL NOTICE fn addition to regular taxes Is 9881,* stood today. Local and county officials might take notice. Best atoera 4 D.MJW 000. The mayor urges citizens not Other steer# **;•,** down ,, B. Ervin Harner, whose mtdence to pay tag this year. He says the Beat heifer* i« unknown, hereby notified that ^ ‘ALGIERS” W HY NOT FACE THE FACTS? Methodist Church has been assessed Other heifer# ...... 7,4-5 down Dt-na Hamer o#ls filed her petition with 97,000. when it cannot even pay its against him for divorce, to obtain pos- Public spending has reached a point where no one man, in Stock heifer* ,JMU 8-10 Chwfles Boy®1 preacher what is due oh tack salary, spite of his best .efforts and intentions, , can call a halt, A halt 'Best fat cow# ,J»,05 to 6.60 *e»ion of certain personal property, And '■.■ A number of other towns in the Mus­ can only be called, if at all, when the public wills it. And Mediant cows to 4,75 restraining order#, and equitable re­ kingum Valley watershed to be bene­ unless the public wills it, the Country faces national bank­ Cutter cow* . ..*...,-,..4410 .down lief, in caw No. 21851, of the Common fited by the storage dams have joined ruptcy. That is the plain unvarnished truth! Beat ball* ,, JJSto 7.-15 Tie## Court, of Greene County, Ohio, the tax strike. Other bails ...... ___6.90 down • and that said cause will be for hear­ VEAL CALVES— 176 head. ing on or after tlw 28th day of Jan- The government loanud China twenty-five million to pur­ uctry, llifJS. Over at Tarerttum, P#„ a new ex Top calve* ...... 11.30 chase our surplus cotton, and wheat. This' week Ghina gives aft NFAL W. HUNTER, periment is being tried but where Dr, Good and choice .i.lO.OOfl Oto 11.00 Eastern company an ofder for 200 w ar planes to cost more than Attorney for Plaintiff. F. W. Hochstctter hrts a plan for Medium ...... ,.8J!0 u# 9.00 eight million dollars. , <12-17-71-1-28) - making news print paper out of wheat Cull* ...... 7,00 down straw grown in that section. To date The supply of hog* at this *alo to­ news print has been made most sue day was large, with more weightier LEGAL NOTICE SPOT CASH PAID FOR cessfully from wood pulp grown in butcher hogs than usual. Light i i ® Glaser’s Beauty II the north woods. Last year an. effort Light, weight* being scarce. Weight* Ruth Shirk, whose residence is un­ HORSES------COWS E S was made to use southern pine but 5 = averaging 172 lbs. cashed at. 8.05, known, ir! hereby notified that A. S 5 i (Of Size and’Condition) BfS Shop It' was not as successful as northern while 185 lb, average# sold at 8,00, Shirk ha* filed his petition against pine. The southern pine is best suit­ and 145 lb, averages at 7.65, 200- her for divorce and equitable relief, in All Lines of BEAUTY CULTURe J Prompt removal of | ed for what is known as kraft paper. 225 lb. range* sold at 7.85, ami 225- case No. 21848, of the Common Pleas Hogs, Sheep, Calves, | Shampoo, Finger Wave I To be able to make print paper from 250 lb. kind* at 7.60. 250-275 weights Court* of Greene County, Ohio, and and Manicure ...... 75c | straw and have a good sheet will sold at 7,25. and 275-300 lb. kinds at that said cause will bo for hearing on Colts | make interesting reading here where 0.9). Heavier weights, over 300 lbs, a PERMANENTS—-$3 and $5 or after the 14th day of January, 1939. Telephone 454 f we, have a straw mill that has made sold downward from 6.90. Feeding NEAL W. HUNTER, 517 First National Bank Bldg. f alt kinds of straw paper and board for pigs, with a large supply, cashed at Attorney for the. Plaintiff. XENIA FERTILIZER & j Phone: M. 2111-J Or M. 1625-J | many years. If the invention or 8.70 down. Fat sows ranged from <12-9-1-13d) TANKAGE CO- | . SPRINGFIELD, O, I _ e proper formula is found in the Tar- 5.60 to 6.50, and stags 4.76 to 4.80. ktiiiiiiiiiim in, mi, f, entum plant, lets hope a brighter day The supply of sheep and lambs wa# is ahead and that the New Deal crepo nominal today. Top fat lambs cashed can be removed from the door of the at 9.25. seconds at 8.75, and mediums Dr. H. N. Williams BOV b o o ^ » „ local plant at 8.25, Yearling Iambs sold at 3.75 to 6.20. DENTIST HQdieU 0 W ?BATURe On HO • Gov. Davey and his highway di­ Receipts of cattle consisted of Yellow Springs, Ohio rector took time off Saturday to let cows and heifers, with a few good X-RAY EQUIPMENT a few contracts just before he took steers which sold at 8.90 to 9.15. Best COAL! heifers offered were only fair and his hat to leave. They let contracts for automobile tires amounting to cashe(laO7,50 to 7.80. Some gootl $150,000, 75,000 gallons of motor oil, (lualiyy native stock heifers sold up to 8.10. Best fat cows ranged from HEADQUARTERS and 50,000 pounds of grease. One for of the first acts of Gov. Bricker 5.05 to 0.60, nnd medium grades from Ontstandlng- “gu» ^4 Feed! Crain! Tuesday was to order a cancellation 4.25 to 4.75, and cutters from 4.00 EVEREADY PRESTONE of all contracts through Robert S. lown. Best bulls sold from 7,05 to *-J>mJJuLurea' ANTI-FREEZE Beightler, new head of the highway 735, anti others 6.90 down. Top veal- department. era cashed at 11.30, with other good FORD ANTI-FREEZE and choice kinds a t'10.00 to 11.00. Let vlb Grind and Mix your grain with Purina h Technicolor Medium kinds sold at 8.80 to 9.00, and Woodrow Ford Agency Where will the newspapermen a-* culls from 7.00 down. VH iffljU'L*!?. Jgg Supplement and see the difference PU R IN A Found Columbus get news from now on as Gov. Davey is back in his dear 3 ! ^ Of the Worth” old Kent? As a creator of news MODERN HEROES AND THE makes. Davey took nil honors. The New Deoil I I WANT A MAN FORGOTTEN COMMAND holds a good record for news./ You 8 a, 5 —with car; full time calling on % will get a different kind of news under On Sunday evening January 15, | farm homes in Greene County. No | CHICK SEASON W ILL SOON BJE HERE John W. Bricker., Instead of enjoy­ 1938 at 8:30 in the Methodist Church. i experience required. Must be satis- \ ing a holiday spending other people's The thrilling story of how missionary | fied with $30 a week to start, but f money and heaping both state and na­ ministers, doctors anil nurses of all | excellent chance to double earnings | See us about Embryo Fed Chicks. tional deficits, Bricker is going to denominations are conquering the old­ i with company helps—sales, special * make good by reducing the cost of est, time-recorded disease-—leprosy. | ieals, attractive premiums (silver- | state government, He promised the Hear Dr. George C, Southwell; I ware, coffee percolators, sauce | I I I 1PIAWEEK 1M.V6 I K people in his campaign that “Ohio Cleveland, Secretary of The American | pans, etc.) We supply complete | needs a Clean Sweep." He also said Mission To Lepers. See the stere- 3 stock of products—you pay when | “No New Taxes” and he means it just optican pictures of leper work in | sold. Immediate earnings, No dull | as much today as back in the cam­ many nations of the World— United I seasons—big business all year with f paign, School fund 17 million dollars C. L. McGuinn State too. See the 15 foot python | wellknown line 250 daily necessities 1 in -the red and millions of dollars snake skin from Africa, See the | —coffee, flavoring extracts, home! The Pu-Ri-Na Store ■worth of unpaid bills, some five “million dollar pig.” See the cliaul- | medicines, etc, Details mailed free | TELEPHONE— 3 * months old, will Best the Bricker moogra seeds from which the miracul­ j ability to make gootl, He is going to ous curative oil for leprosy is secured. 5 —no obligation. Give yoflr age,| South Miller St Cedarville, O. j abolish thousands of offices created Come early with all the family. There I kind of ear, etc. Address Box A,| for political purposes and put Ohio is no admission and there will be no 1 Care of this paper, * ‘HERALD WANT AND SALE ADS PAY' back where she was some years ago- special collection, iH)iti“>,ll»ll"tlS‘"i“»liiiniiiiiiiiiiitiiliiiiimilmimmiii 1- 4

iromhaai room vs, w» jFtynrt TKe Singing Sweethearts At Regent Ohio Governors Local and Personal * Down To Date The Kensington Club will meet Jan. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN 4 Great Sales 17th at the home of Mrs. Melvin Mc­ * CHURCH Millan. John W, Bricker was the fiftieth in­ Ralph A. Jamieson. Minister dividual to become governor of Ohio' Mrs. Dorothy Wright entertained Sabbath School, IQ a, in, Supt, Monday. When he took the oath of During Our... members of the Dinner Bridge C]Wb Meryl Stormont. t office it waB the seventy-sixth time at her homo Tuesday evening, Preaching, 11 a. m. Theme: such an oath has been given in the ^Unemployment/* • state, Mr. Russell Murray of Graniteville, Y,. P, C. U., 6:30 p, m Subject; Four Ohio governors have served Vt., ’36, Cedarvilla College, visited “Finding Hidden Treasurers.” non-consecutive terms as chief exec­ with friends here the past week. Union Service, 7:30 p, mu, in the utive. Among those serving such TWICEA-YEAR Methodist Church. Illustrated lecture terms were Allen Trimble, Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Acton, Colum­ by Geo. C, Southwell, a representative Shannon, Rutherfor B. Hayes, Jaines bus pike, are announcing the birth of of .“The American Mission to Lepers.” M. Cox. a daughter, Anna Mae, at their borne, .Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at the Here are the governors of Ohio, Saturday. home pf Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Auld: their political parties, terms and home CLEARANCE Leader, Miss Mabel Stormont. counties, all of which is good for Miss Loise Kennon of the 0. S. & Choir Rehearsal, Saturday, 7:30 p every, home scrap book: This semi-annual event is looked forward to by all S. 0. Home, Xenia, spent the week­ m,» in the Church- , D„ Mar. 3, 1803— who respect exclusive merchandise of a fine/ order. The Calling Campaign being con­ end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Jan. 1, 1807, Ross. Every item on sale is from our regular stock . . . no Mrs.. George Morris. ducted by.the Elders and Pastor is special purchases have been made. Thomas Kirker, D., Jan. 1, 1807- ( going forward with a fine spirit of Dec. 12, 1808, Adams. Patrol,” the Dr. Paul Vi Volkert has purchased 1 Hood Will. The rural canvas will be Samuel Huntington, D., Dec. 12— o ■ay, January the Gray property on Xenia ave„ and' Completed, this week, and the canvas day engage* 1808—Dec. 8, 1810, Trumbull. * Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy romance in modern Vogue Shop Has One .V mums stars will have his dental-office in connect”1 the village will be mtfdc next week, Return Jonathan Meigs, D,, Dec. 8, dress in the technicolor production of "Sweethearts” which will nl It and tion with the residence, J if" weather and health permit. 1810—Mar. 24, 1814, Washington. open at Regent theater in Springfield for a week’s engagement id The Moderator's Team of the cAu'ch Florence Rice, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Misclia Auer and ilrinen who , D., Maf. 24, 1814 Sacrifice Sale A Season Miss Nancy Finney, who has been at large come to Xenia, January 25th Herman Bing head the brilliant supporting cast of "Sweethearts.” uul laughter —Dec, 8,1814, Hamilton, The gay story concerns two fame-weary Broadway musical comedy war and all visiting at home with her mother, for this end of Xenia Presbytery, with Thomas Worthington, D., Dec. 8, stars who are In love off the stage as well as on, but do, not realize l( d as a su* Mrs. E. E. Finney and family, has an afternoon and evening program. 1814—Dec. 14, 1818, Ross. It until a conniving producer trys to separate them. returned to Cincinnati U., where she It is desired that a great number from 1. Clothing Oearance Ethan Allen, Brown, D„ Dec. is a student. ' our congregation may be able to bene­ 4, 1818—Jan. 4, 1822, Hamilton. BIRTHS REGISTERED FOR fit from this meeting. Our entire stock of suits and topcoats by such Allen Trimble, F., Jan. 4, 1822— Miss Arminta Ladd, 60, colored, The women members of Mrs. Mc- as Hickey-Freeman, Michaels-Stern, Fashion Park Dec. 28, 1822, Highland. MONTH OF DECEMBER 1938 died in Dayton, Friday and was Kibbens Sabbath School class and Kingbrook has been drastically reduced for this Jeremiah Morrow, D.f Detf. 28, buried’Wednesday. She was a former held an all day sewing » and noon Nod Allen Pettit, Jamestown. event. 1822—Dec. 19, 1826, Warren, a ■ resident of Cedarville. She'is sur­ luncheon at the home of. Prof, and Myrna Jean Primmer, Jamestown. At # n)eotinff of lhe Dramatics Jf ‘ • vived by her mother, Mrs. Lydia Ladd Mrs, 0. K. Syvallon, Thursday, Allen Trimble, F„ Dec. 19, 1826— Dec. 18, 1830, Highland. . Arthur Fred Boyvcrmaster, Cedar- CJub, Monday evening, Miss Glenna and two nieces, Mrs. Dora Tracey and Duncan McArthur, F., Dee, 18,, v^ tv ■ Basore gave several readings which 2. Manhattan Clearance Mrs. Maggie Jones. THE METRODIST EPISCOPAL 1830—Dec, 7, 1832, Ross.* James LRobert Lucas, D., Dec. 7, 1832— Manhattan^ twice-yearly authorized sale has be­ Rev. David H. Marklc, Minister Dec. 12, 1836, Pike, Bortic Mac Prodan, Jamestown. | was potsponed until next meet, by J: E. Hastings announcing the, come a tradition in Springfield and vicinity. Over Sunday School, 10 a, m. " Thomas Winferd Howard 73 Xenia ! • ■ death of J. W. Radabaugh at his home- Joseph Vance, W„ Dec. 12, J836— 4000 shirts, pajamas and shorts and shirts have been Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Dr. Dec. 13, 1838, Champaign. Drive, Fairfield. . j The College basketball team scored greatly reduced. in Celina. He was a former resident , _ _ , . . - Donna Mae Hcider, 96 N. Main St.,^ another victory against the Y. M. C. of this place and' is survived by his Tur,f Wilmington D ,8- Wilson Shannon, D., Dec. 13. 1938 widow, a brother, Tom, Dayton. -tn<* P»ach and conduct:a brief —Dec. 16, 1840, Belmont. Fairfield, ; A. Triangles Tuesday night at Ronald Lee Reese. R. R. 2, Dayton. Springfield. The final score was 37- Charles, West Milton, publisher___ of* ...the session of the QuarterlyQuarterly Conference. Thomas Corwin, W„ Dec. 16, 1840 3. Hat Clearance, Epworth League, 6:30 p. m , -Dec. 14. 1842 Warren. Harry A .. McAtee, 310 Central j4( The reserves also won their Record in that place. The funeral Youth Forum, 6:30 p,, m, Wilson Shannon, D„ Dec. 14, 1842— Aye., Osborn. •. , {game with a score of 22-20, The lat-. will be Weld Saturday at l p. m„ in With but few exceptions our entire stock of fine hats Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m. Union Apr. 15, 1844, Belmont. Sarah Lou Cantrill, Osborn, . | ter part of this week, however;' more Celina, with burial at North Cem­ by Dobbs, Mallory, Wilshire and Berg is included in Service in Methodist Ohnrch, Dr. Thomas Bartley, D., Apr. 15, 1844 Phyllis Jean Masaie, 36 N, Pleasant, formidable foes in Ashland Thursday etery, Cedarville. The body should tlm outstanding event. Your savings here a r e . George C, Southwell ■ of i Cleveland Mordecia Bartley, W., Dec, 3, 1844 St., Osborn. j night, and Rio Grande Saturday night reach this place about four o'clock. important. will be the speaker. — Dec, 3 1844, Risbland. James Warnen Gilley, R. R., Osborn, i w5ll l)e met. Tlve loss of Clyde Walk- David Albert Sheehan, Way-ncsville, Monday, 4 p. m., Junior, Choir. — Dec, 12, 1846, Richland. cr, captain a foui* year veteran, will Mrs. H. H. Brown was hostess to Mary Leah Smith, R. R. 2, Spring Monday," 8 p. m„ County Brother­ , W„ Dec. 12, 1846— probably lw? .wverely felt in -these the Past Matron’s Circle , of the local Valley. hood at New Burlington.-* Jan. 22, 1849, Butler, two gome*. Walkor has his leg in a 4., Shoe Clearance chapter of 0. E. on Monday eve­ David Milo Beat, R. R. 2, Waynes- . Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.> Aldersgotc Scabury Ford, W., Jan. 22, 1849-— east as the result of torn ligaments ning. The president, Mrs, Kathryn vilie. Group. Dec. 12, 1850, Geauga. received in the Wilberforeo game last This semi-annual clearance of Bostonians, Foot- Masters, appointed committees for the Thomas Daniel Griffis, IL- It 3, Thursday, 10:00, 2:00, 7:30, Met’b- Reuben Wood, P., Dec. 12 1850— Satunlay, and will be out for the rest savers and Mansfield shoes for men is your "oppor­ year and plans were discussed for the _ „...' ’ 1 ’ ‘ ' „ . Xenia. ‘ ■ ■July 13, 1853, Cuyahoga. ■at the season. tunity for tremendous savings on shoes that are benefit of the Circle and Order. After f lst ^ o w s h ip at Memorial ITall m Charles Fmlcrick Dean, R. R. 5, William Mcdill, D„ July 13, 1853— famous for comfort, style ahd fit. the business meeting a social hour ^ r.,nBfieW. T*' B'sh°pS Xenia. Miller, and Keeney, also Dr. Burg- Jan. 14, 1830, Fairfield. Rev, Thomas Talbot of Kentucky was enjoyed aild delicious refresh­ Linda Lu Clemans, R. R. 1, James­ stahlor, President-elect of Ohio Wes­ Salmon 1*. Chase, R„ Jan, 14. 1856 spake to the members of the Y. M. C. ments were" served to the following town. ■ leyan. —,lan. 0, 1800, Hamilton. A., Wednesday morning. members present: Mrs". Kathryn Janet latuisc Butts, R. R. 2, Xenia,! Friday,. 4:00 p. tn., Torch Club’ Wtliwim Dennison, R, Jan. 9. 1860 Masters, Mrs- Anna.Little, Mrs. Ada' Ruthann Darner, Yellow Springs. — Jan. 13, 1862, Franklin. Thy Chi Stgma Phi yorority bebl a Vogue Shop Stormont, Mrs. Ruby ^Murphy, Mrs.' Jmocs Charles Iliidcrbrandt,. R, R. Davit! Tod; R., Jon. 13t 1862—Jan, ru«h party at the. home of Mrs, 8 Hazel Edwards, Mrs. Zora Ritenour,'. THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 2, .iwtt*. 20 tfKl 22 South Fountain Avo. •priflffiolcl, Ohio (1 1864, Mahoning, Robert Townalvy, Wednesday eve­ Miss Josephine-v-Randall and Mrs. CHURCH Carol Rae Limes, 103 Chestnut St., John Brough, R„ Jan. 11, 1864— ning, . In addition to the members of Brown. The next meeting will bej Kl.v. pc„jatniu jl Adams. Minister Xenia.... . ■ ■ 1 Aitg. 29, 18«>5, Cuyahoga. tie- sorority, fhe following guests held the first Monday evening in Feb. Peggy Lon Fudge, 758 ,S. Monroe Sabbath School, 10 a. m. lesson: Charles Anderson, K,, Attg. 29, were In atu*ndft!iee; Misse« Jnnettc ruary.at the home of Mrs. Ada Stor­ St., Xenia. "peter Sees Christ's Glory,'' Mat. 1865 —Jan,.8, 1800, Montgomery. Neal, Betty Nelson, -Helen Ross, mont. Warren Holiy Bennington, 42 17:1-18; II Peter 1:16-18. Jacob I>. Cox. It., Jan. 8, I860—Jam Kathrine Ronvlnll, Anna Louise Rit- Charles St., Xenia. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Theme: 13, 186S, HamUtoir. enour, Janife Ftnke, Hazel McClellan, Max Robert Barney, 49 Xenia Avc„ Albert Burrell Dead At 92 "A Peculiar People.” Sermonette: Rutherford B„ Hayes, ,R„ Jan,. 13, Anna Mary McClellan, Isabelle Mc- Xenia, "Tree Surgery." l8tPi._jan. 8, 1872, Hamilton. Clcihin, Ritehr! Harriman, Mary Bat- Albert Burrell, 92, one of four re-; l^itry Lee Groom*, 239 E. 3rd St. • Christian Endeavor, 6:30 ap. m. Re- .. Kdwnril F. Noyes, R., Jan. 8, 1872 dorf, Vona fhvens and Beatrice Col­ maining Civil war veterans in Greene , Xenia. —Jan. 12, 1'874, HamiUon.- ■ • lier. county, died at 1:40 a. m. Thursday ceptmn of Neu Wyonn May Camp. 425 E. Market Union Evening Service,, 7:30 p. tn. William Allen, l)., Jan. 12, 1874— at his home on the Wilberforce-Clif- St,. Xenia. since Hr. George Southwell of the Ameri­ Jan, 10, 1876, Ross. * Dr. niei Mr*. \V. R. MeCbcsney ton pike. He had been ill Francis Eugene Sturgeon. 50 Lynn ,nv.nt thl, ,,.4t5y part ftf kk. weck ftt can Mission to the Lepers will speak Rutherfor B, Hayes. R„, Jnn. 10, Saturday of pneumonia. , . . ~ . St.. Xenia. 1876—Mar. 2, 1877, Hamilton. Columbus where they attended the in­ Mr. Buireli served during the Civil ; , * ' . CJorie Janetta Scott,, 1119 E. Main augural ceremonies of Gov. Bricker. ... „ it 'irn v tin Chovr Rchersals, Junior Choir, t Thomas h. Young, It., Mar. 2, 1877 war vnth m . Senior Choir, Sat. St., Xenia. —Jan. 14, 1878, Hamilton., was the last commander of Lewis ' . ‘ Maynard Edgar LeMar. 709 8. De­ Richard M. Bishop, D„ Jnn. 14, 1878 QUEEN* ESTHER troit St., Xenia. Post, No. 347, G. A. R ’ * en“\ J*e , "sabbath School Workers Confer- — Inn. 12, 1880, Hamilton. 1 was bom near Pamtersville, and ^ ^ p m; Judith Arlene Pierte, 86 Homo Ave., The Misties Alnuia Hairper and Charles Foster, ft,, Jan. 12, 1889— Norma Dean entertained the Queen sided on the farm where he died for Xenia. Notice of Presbyterian Meeting, Jan. .14, 1884, Seneca. Esthm. Wednesday evening! nt the 71 years. Sharon Ann Weaver, R, R. 1, i years. ^ _ *t,„"Presbyterinl will ..meet Jan, 19 George Deadly. R., Jan. 14, 1884— tome of Miss Alnseda Harper,'"with Funeral1 servicesAvillservices'Will bebo held in the ^ at l0;fio B< at tho West- Yellow Springs, Jan. 11, 1886, Hamilton, 2 p. m. Monday with burial ITnW Rayleen Ellen Owen, 503 W, Main fifteen members present. h0w ^ ° " da q , ^ v o « in minster Piesbytorian Church at Day- Joseph B, Foraker, R., Jan, 11, 1886 The president, Miss Betty Irvin, in Woodland cemetery. Survivors in ____iu> St., Xenia. ’ “ r ^ n S l T a a d “ Reservations should be handed elude one son, Omer, Spnngfield^ and ^ ^ not lat*r than Monday «-Jan. 13, 1890, Hamilton. presided, and devotions were lead by five daughters, Mrs. F ^ CTiarters, , h ^ ^ 40 ccntg. VhnM Jaines E. Campbell, D., Jan, 13, Misr Grace Deck. The study book The luncheon will be 40 cents. Please Cleveland; Mrs. Carrie Winters, Day 1860—Jnn. H , 1892, Butler. Cedar Cliff Chapter was reviewed by Miss Marjorie Fin­ let Mrs. Furst know as softxf as pos­ ton; Mrs. Alberta Frame, Cedarville; William McKinley,. R., Jan. 11, ney. sible what cars will be available for D. A. R. Meeting Miss Maude Burrell and Miss Edna 1892-Jnn. 13, 1806, Stark. After the meeting, a social hour transportation. * Burrell, at home. Asa S. Buahnell, R„ Jan. 13; 1896— Delegates and alternates to the wn« enjoyed with delightful games WELCOME TO A Jan. 8, 1900, Clink, - state convention of tltc Ohio Society, and tontesU, and delirious refresh r George K, Nash, R., Jan. 8, 1900 Daughters of the American Rovolu ment'j were served. — Ian. ll, 1904, Franklin. tion in Toledo, March 14-16, and the IN K W YEAR m care for furnace Myron T, Herrick, R., Jan. 11, 1904 nOY SCOUT MEETING c Continental Congress in Washington, —Jani 8, 1906, Cuyahoga. $ a WEEK Witt Buy A D. C.; the week of April 17, were Williamson TripMfe John M, Pattison, D„ Jan. 8, 1906 named by Cedar Cliff Chapter, D, A A very interesting Boy Scout meet­ 2 —June 18, 1906, Clermont, ing under Scoutmaster Robert Fitz- R., at a meeting at the home of Mrs. The coming of a New Year is always a symbol • Ths Willlanwon Heater Cotnpeay: Andrew L. Harris, R„ .Tune 18,1906 water and Ward Creswell, was held in n,ir Tri^l-lfe bwJcept our 1.ou»c Roger Henderson, of Clifton, Tuesday tlua it lm ever been, I found tf)*t J did nol IK*U —Jnn. 11, 1909, Preble. the Presbyterian Church, Tuesday to fire the (arnica a* often* afternoon, associated with the newest of things in general. Judson Harmon, D., Jan. 1.1, 1909 evening. First ‘ Aid requirements The Williamson Funtecejs best lo ok f« benting By reason of her office, Mrs. J. plant 1 lievc ever seen, The Furnace t* *«> ***/ » —Jan. 13, 1913, Hamilton. were the outstanding subjects of the But as a New Year is. ushered in we want to operate tliat a child couM foe it* ■ * Ervin Kyle, regent; will attend both Sijiwl—Hmerton WriKbt,U«tcio, Obitt James M. Cox, p„ Jan. 13, 1913—’ meeting under supervision of Dr. conventions and Mrs, Henderson, vice talk to our friends about something that is Fumsce Inspection. Did you bum Jan, 11, 1915, Montgomery, Donald Kyle. FREE: regent, will serve as regent’s alter­ too much coal, did you have too muchiimo** Frank B. Willis, R„ Jan. 11, 1915 Committeemen, games nntl the old-—Natural Gas and Electric service* Yes, —were your coal bills too high thte past nate. — Jnn. 8, 1917, Dvlnwnrc. Kangaroo Court provided entertain­ winter? We make free inspectiotii locate Other delegates to the state conven­ troubles* do repair Work.- Modest price*. James M, Cox, D., Jan. 8, 1917— ment for the evening. Dick Wright old but always new, too, because with the tion will be Mrs. M. J, Baltin, Mrs, Jan. 10, 1821, Montgomery. won the prize of a leather lariat for Paul Orr and Mrs, Raymond William passing of the years it becomes more apparent Harry L. Davis, R., Jan, 10, 1921— the best behavior and appearance, sen. Alternate will be Mrs. Mac Har­ Jnn, 8, 1923, Cuyahoga, Parents are especially Invited to the ris, Mrs. Paul 7 >wnsley, Mrs. Donald in the conduct of home life and industrial Vic Donnhey, D., Jan, 8, 1923—Jan. meetings. Kyle, Mrs. Harry Wright and Mrs. C. C. BREWER 11, 1929, Tuscarawas, activities that Natural Gas and Electricity, H. C. Aultman. Phone: Cedarville 125 Myers Y, Cooper, R., Jan. 14, 1929 SHERIFF JUST MUST KEEP Mrs; Fred Townsley was elected are destinted to play increasingly important —Jan. 12, 1931, Hamilton. HIS HAT HANDY delegate to the national convention George White, D,, Jnn. 12, 1931— parts in alt manner of progress! with Mrs, Belle Summers as alternate. Jan. 14, 1935, Washington, Sheriff George Henkel had another Other alternates will be named by the Friday and Saturday, Jan. 1S-14 Maritn L, Davcy, D., Jnn. 14, 1935 call this way Wednesday evening Our hope and wish for the New Year for our chapter’s council of safety. Thi Three Mesguiteers —Jnn, 9, 1939. Portage. when he took George Gordon in Interesting papers on “National customers is that 1939 will be a year of larger —in— ; John W. Bricker, R,, Jan, 9, 1939 charge and has him in his institution, T Defense” and '‘Aniericanlsm” were — Franklin. ■ . Thursday noon no charge Jihad been presented by Mrs. Belle Summers and happiness, increased prosperity and that our “Heroes of the Hills” D. Democrat. F—Federalist. W. filed, although intoxication - was Mrs. W, A, Turnbull, respectively, in H Whig. R. Republican. evident at the time the sheriff called, traditional friendly relationships may con* dlsd—NEWS—CARTOON and which they emphasized the necessity Counties listed arc those in which . “Hawk of the Wilderness'' for American women to be informed tinue and be strengthened. . .• * * ’ ...... E governor resided at time of election. on these subjects and to he prepared to take a stand on their convictions Sunday and Monday, January 15*16 F. L. NELSON, O. D. A DEMOCRAT HIGHWAY WORKER on such matters. The papers were “STABLEMATES” HAULED BACK “ LEGLESS* filed in the chapter's library for T future reference. OPTOMETRIST Dayton Power and Light Co. with ■— ’* Bystanders a few days ago were Mrs. M, J. Bahin discussed the Wallace Beery and Mickey Rooney R treated to a feat not usually witness­ work carried on nt Ellij) Island ant Jamestown, Ohio Added ed here, A Democratic highway exhibited u number of articles made J NEWS—MUSICAI^-TRAVELTAI.K E employee that had done the bidding by immigrants. Especial Attention Given Shows at 7 and 8:45 P. M. in primary and regular election of A social hour was enjoyed and re Admission 10c and 20a higher ups was lifted and carried to freshments were served by Mrs, School-Age Eyes PAY’ his boarding" house, Bystanders say Henderson, assisted by Mrs, Wallace “HERALD WANT AM ) SALE ADS PAY” the fellow must have been “legless” Rife.

?,■*> at t* s—r CEJDAnYtfXS TTBftALT^. v m AYf J AKtl ARY .lS,_10jj^ ✓ ■H U

;7 ^ ir::..1,..^l,^ : ...... Free Lunch Fuad Contributions the present “directors were re-elected! IMPROVED SCHOOL NEWS H. E. Envoy, Mrs. Mary Little Die*, m cH tiGirrs i n g o v e r n o r s a d d r e s s s h m u m . The following contributions have UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL — ------r y r------been received for the free lunch fund Attorney J, A.' Finney, Henry Elynn (Continued from first page) since the last report in the Cedarville and F. Leon Spshr. In the. new organ UNDAY I ization the former officers will be re­ „ y * — r f o A m T w. BrtcW. taM tal •**“ • toM S POKER GAME Herald. • * Loretta Varvel a pupil of the sixth elected. R. O. Wead is cashier; F. B. , +l^ ettiW 0f the statehouso Monday afternoon. c h o o l Lesso n grade, after suffering for about five! Masonis Lodge, $7.50; A Friend, S Clemmer, nnd Wm. B. Fraver, assist­ By HAROLD L . LUNDQUIST, D. D. . » I . * . revitalization o, Daan ot The Moody Bible institute > months from an injury sustained by $10.00; Methodist Church, $7.51; High HARDLY A DRAW ant cashier. H, E. Eavey, President. falling from the porch of her home School Faculty, $28.50; Total, $51.51, Tit. t a t la to redue. the coat ot ’ ' ’ i © Western Newspapar Union. passed 'away Saturday, January 7. The second {a the establishment of common honesty m the affairs of BANK DIRECTORS ELECTED Sunday Chicken^ Dinner— Special . Lesson for January IS To her family, the faculty and stu­ weekly rates on hoard and rooms, government.” (Continued from first page) dents of Cedarville Schools wish to <4t) SE'ARS' HOTEL, Lesson subject* and Scripture test* se­ At the annual meeting of stock • “Waste and unnecessary expenditures must be eliminated,” lected,,, and copyrighted. by International pened, how and when! Council ot Religious Education; used by extend their sympathy. holders'of The Xenia National bank, •“When the state’s business can he bought for a price, the in­ The poker game has been operating permission. PETER SEES CHRISTS GLORY stitutions of free government are imperiled,” at intervals for many months. Some weeks ago an argument took place LESSON TEXT—Matthew 17:1©, 14-18. SB “It is easy to spend money and expand government. It is diffi- | GOLDEN TEXT—Wa beheld his glory, the during a game and one participant glory as of the only begotten at the Father. cult to save and retrench,” | drew a gun. This was tKc signal for -Joh n 1:14. a get-away. One 200-pounder be­ “We are awakening to the blessings of liberty here by observ- | Service in the name of Christ can Final Notice to came nervous and started out the Ing the penalties of autocracy in other lands.” | be nothing but an empty formality, second story room door before it was and a disappointing experience of “Oar response shall be in making state government meet the | wide open. The net result was he one’s Inability, rgally to help anyone, took door and door frame with him. unless it is backed by a vision of needs of the people.” , § the’ Saviour in all His glory. To No charges have been filed and Peter, whose life we are studying, “No superman or dictator can point the way to the better life | there should not be any. The fact DOG OW NERS there came such an experience aa • * we seek. It is a democratic task.” 1 that a few men gather for a stud he went with the-Lard to the Mount i poker game is a small matter under of Transfiguration. We cannot “The election of last November indicated- a trend—nation-wide in J the Roosevelt code of public nnd duplicate that day of days in his life scope—away from' undue centralization of power in Washington, ac- | private morals. The New Deal points in any physical sense, but we may, yes we must, withdraw to that quiet January 20, Last Day For companied as it has been by reckless public spending.” | the way to more better and bigger place where we may spiritually see * 3 things where citizenship can be pur­ Him whose we are and whom we “With all of our ability, We shall oppose the abuse of federal | chased with the same thing that Is serve as our transcendent Lord. power, when it means the destruction of local self-government with- i always at stake in a poker game. I, A Vision of Glory (w . 1-9), Payment Without Penalty in its proper sphere.” \ 1, A mountain-top experience (w . 5 ’ .| 1-3). | “We shall propose a definite program to bring about the re- j Democrat’s Son Bings Too much of the daily Ufe and walk of Christians is in the valley. [ habilitation of Ohio agriculture and industry.” i B ' 2 Papa On Jaw We need now and then to come up | .“It is far more destructive of public confidence in government \ to the high places where we may be spiritually renewed. Jesus is ready 1939 DOG TAGS FOR SALE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES: ' | to fail to administer, or to administer unfairly, enacted laws than \ There must be something in this to take us as He did the three dis­ l ■■ , | it is to fail to enact them in the beginning.” \ January-May atmosphere in Greene ciples, “ up into a high mountain * BEAVERCREEK, NEW GERMANY...... F. W . REESE GROCERY county different than other months at apart,” We may not be able to § '“fhe first duty of any educational program is to teacli people j the same season. Everything seems move our bodies, but our spirits KNOLLW OOD ...... A. C. MILLER, FILLING STATION may soar to sublime heights with to have gone “foggy,” here and every­ | , to live together, respecting each other’s rights.” I Him. There He will reveal Him­ BELLBROOK ...... MINNIE WETZEL where. Can it be a state of mind due | " “High standards of universal education in our state must be j self in all His glory. to change of administrations? Or is 2. A mistaken attitude (v. 4). BOWERSVILLE...... CLAUDE CHITTY I maintained.” , it because we have entered the bock Whether Peter was confused by CEDARVILLE ...... JAMES BAILEY | "Tbit (relief) program, in co-operation with federal and local laser season ? the remarkable experience, or if it A Greene county Democratic poli­ was. but another expression of his FAIRFIELD ...... MERRILL TRlfT | government, must be continued.” unfortunate tendency to talk when tician connected with the Old Age . he should be quiet, we do not know. JAMESTOWN ...... R. L. GEORGE Pension department evidently took in .But he is . a representative, of those too -much territory, even, under his who miss the supreme blessing of SPRING VALLEY ...... HAROLD V A N PELT own roof a few days ago. Loaded such a priceless moment by trying with good ^!d Roosevelt tangle foot to tell God what should be done. YELLOW SPRINGS...... GLENNDEATON this politician reached home • at a Had Peter'a suggestion been ac­ cepted by our Lord there would nev­ time when the good wife did not seem er have been any redemption for the Licenses for males...... $ 1.00 Aladdinf • . ■ ! Outdone! * ' ’ • to fit in a genuine New Deal picture. human race. Sin and sorrow would The politician argued the case and have reigned supreme in. the earth, Spayed Females...... 1.00 | Remember the wonderment when you read the talcs of with' that genuine Roosevtdtian deter­ white he and his brethren enjoyed a mination to “fight somebody" made season of fellowship with Moses and Elias and their Lord. Females ...... +...... 3.00 Aladdin and his wonderful lamp ? -Those were but fairy tales for the wife but “Sonny Boy” ap­ ■ ■* .***. . ■ - . 3, A divine testimony (w . 5-7). peared on the scene just in time to ■r —his lamp a myth. God spoke and scattered the con­ Kennel ...... 10.00 give Papa a few biffs on Papa’* jaw fusion of men’s thinking by declar­ that sent the old man into slumber Under a ruling by the Attorney General of Ohio, the $1.00 penalty must be col­ But—the relief'to weary, tired eyes afforded by properly fitted ing the deity of Jesus, “This Is my ’and. beloved Son,” and His supremacy, lected from those who fail to obtain their licenses. . glasses is such a revelation that it makes you think that This same Democratic New Dealer “Hear ye him.” We live in days of theological and philosophical confu­ The. General Code provides that if the fee is not paid on or before January. 20, . the acts even of Aladdin might have boeh possible. ia$ made his last trip around Greene sion, We struggle In vain to resolve the County Auditor shall assess a penalty of.One Dollar. vunty trying to scare old age pen- the moral chaos which has resulted We use no magic lamp, only modern; scientific equipment ions-r* to “ Vote Straight Democrat from erroneous teaching by any It specifically forbids an Auditor reducing, abating or remitting any penalty re­ -nr No Pension," arguments or by the devices ot men. . which works the wonders of magic—and tells the truth about Let us appeal to the Word of God. quired by law, to be collected by him. i ■ ■ your eyes. • , ■* - NOTICE TO SHARP. HOLDERS, It is plain, powerful, “ sharper than, If not paid then the Auditor and his bondsman are liable according to the At­ a twi>edged sword*’ 1* CEDARVILLE FEDERAL SAVINGS 4. A glorious result {w . 8,9), torney General’s ruling. & LOAN ASSN. “They saw’ no man save Jesus only,1'*. ■ •- ■! . The County Auditor has no alternative blit to enforce this ruling. The regular annual meeting of the , - II, A Call is Service (vv. 14-18), D r. C. E. Service should never precede share holder* of Cedarville Federal vision. Vision is given as a prep­ Optometric Eye Specialist .Sevangs & Loan Association will be aration for service. James J. Curlett held nt their office on N, Main St., 1. A needy soul (w . 14, 13). Over VWoolworth’s— Xenia, Ohio Cedarville, Ohio, at 2 o’clock p. m„ on We live In a world of such des­ GREENE COUNTY AUDITOR the .IKth day of January, 1039, for the perate need that even the confirmed “aU’s welt with the world”'optimists tlrrtb'-n of four director* and any are beginning to see that their rose- other business that may properly colored glasses cannot make them cume before the meeting, oblivious to its sin end sorrow.. The !. C, DAVIS,-Secy. boy was sick; his father was in despair; and these two things, just W«* wifi help you to buy. a home. about sum up the need Of most of humanity. •Money to loan on Real Estate. Cedar- 2. Impotent . Christian workers villo Federal Savings & Loan Assn. DIET TRUCKS COAL (w . 18, 17). The man brought his son to the Why not buy a home? We have place where he had a right to ex­ P ocah on tas money to loan on Real Estate. Ce- pect help- to the followers of Christ. dnrvilie Federal Savings & Loan But he foe id them without faith to MASTER Assn, help him. Little wonder then that "S 3 " Carload On Track Now—7-inch Lump those around them ' .'re still In per­ SEDAN DELIVERY Track Price Very Low— Get Yours Now. ■ 9 verse unbelief. Wi who profess to follow Christ, and especially those of us who say that we are His serv­ MASTER. Friday —- Saturday ants, should be ashamed of our im­ DELUXE / v potent gestures toward our needy STATION WAOON “Bank Night" fellow men. There is power with FRANK CRESWELL __a a o e e u God, power in prayer, power in de­ “SPRING MADNESS" voted and faithful service to Christ. LIGHT Phone 100 Law Ayraa Let us claim ill DELIVERY .Mauraan O'Sullivan 3. The omnipotent Saviour (v, 18), MCXAJT Ccntlnuoua Show* Daily Jesus spoke, and the demon de­ Adult* Only 15c 'Til 2 P. M. parted. The absolute supremacy of LIGHT our Lord appears not only on the Building Tomorrow's ehjaJi*£A*c& DELIVERY mount of glory, but shines even PANEL more brightly In the valley of need. Again ’MilkMarkets. . . Words do .not suffice to describe X £ N I A Him, and yet we must by both word THREE- Dairying today is agriculture's greatest single and Ufe proclaim Him to the world QUARTER- ■onree of ferm income—largely because oi THE NATION’S LARGEST as its living Lord and Saviour. TON research, education, and developmsnt of new usea STAKE and new markets for milk and milk products. Opens Sunday 4. A glorious result (v. 18), “The child was cured from that TH R E E DAYS HEAVY very hour.” BUILDER OF TRUCKS DUTY Here is no partial solution, no CANOPY "hope to help you” effort to meet Brings You Higher Quality. EXPRESS 'V C 1 man’s need. Jesus met the boy's full need and at that, very hour. Just Trucks At Lower Prices sg we may tell the’ sinner that he HEAVY may come to the Saviour with the DUTY Th* futurs of dairying depanda on more research, full assurance that his sin will be FAMOUS VALVI-IN - © Chevrolet’s unequaled track vol­ STAKE more' ieduoatlon, more selling. We must work today put away, and that by faith he will MIAO TRUCK (N O IN I ume naturally enables Chevrolet to > EXPRESS to assure tomorrow's dairy income. . i become a child of God, • give you uncqualed truck value, 1 The Dairy World of Tomorrow, sponsored by Borden, FOWRRFUl HYMAUUC will show millions of visitors at the New York World's © Chevrolet trucks for 1939 are HEAVY Fair the bestin production and handling of milkrThus, Seventy Years’ Capacity TRUCK IRAKIS DUTY today's education builds tomorrow's milk markets. Therefore thus saith the Lord of • offered at the lowest prices ever HIGH hosts: Because ye have not heard MASSiVI NIW SUPI1M- quoted on trucks of such outstand­ RACK my words, behold, I will send and U N I TRUCK STVUNO ing quality, take all the families of the North, . . . COUM -TVM CABS © Chevrolet’s famous Valve-in-Head saith the Lord, and Nebuchadnez­ . . . VASILY IMPROVID zar the king of Babylon, my serv­ Truck ■Engine brings you an un­ \l » VISIBILITY CAR. ant, and will bring them against • matched combination of power, reli- • ability and economy. OVER- ASSOCIATED this land , , „ Moreover, I will FUU-FLOATINO M iA J A li take from them the voice of mirth, M lw ln l, COMPANIES RIAR. AXLI MODEL. l3 o n lM t/ and the voice of gladness , . . and © Chevrolet trucks are the only these nations shall serve the king AvailaM* *n Heavy trucks in the entire low-price field Dirty ithmI*I« only. of Babylon seventy years.—Jere­ with all the modern track advantages miah 25: 8-11. listed here. ' i CAB-OVIR-INGINI M O B tL I OftriM omeiln* mw trfeh Mvlrt*it..A* Arttfold mcomiIm of ufra bit hod tpon, Mw/oww prfo* and wtrapUniMMyhw ,p«r FOR: BENT Sg YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DIALER •Mm