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W&D 06 299 Publieksverslag ENG06.Indd annual report 2005 > Basic Needs > Education > Job and Income > Emergency aid C o n t e n t s 1 Word and Deed Profile 6 2 Basic Needs 8 3 From Boarder.. 11 4 ...to Breadwinner! 14 5 Emergency aid 17 6 The Netherlands in action for Word and Deed 20 7 Commited Business People 23 8 Subsidies and Cooperation 26 9 Management Report 29 10 Money and Quality Assurance 32 11 Future 34 12 Figures 37 Appendices 42 Many thanks for your contribution and commitment in 2005! This publication is a summary and an adaptation of the extensive annual report. Interested in our Dutch extensive annual report? Send an e-mail to [email protected] or call +31-183-611800. Our annual report can also be downloaded from our website: www.woordendaad.nl 2 Woord & Daad > annual report 2005 Word and Deed - Chain Approach Job & Income Job Basic needs Basic Education life course: > from boarder > to breadwinner In a glimpse �� �� ��� ��� Income 2005 > �� �� From Amount Percentage ��� ��� Private persons 15,874,646 67 Companies 1,916,736 8 Institutional donors 5,789,215 24 ��������������� Various 232,195 1 ��������������� Total 23,812,792 100 ��������� ��������� �������������������� �������������������� ������� ������� Expenses 2005 From Amount Percentage �� Basic Needs program 2,573,362 11 �� Education program 10,039,699 44 ��� ��� ��� ��� Job & Income program 4,679,005 21 > Emergency Aid program 5,295,962 23 Various projects 180,183 1 ��� ��� Total 22,768,211 100 ��� ��� �������������������� �������������������� Overhead 2005 ����������������� ����������������� ���������������������� Monitoring and counseling costs 777,684 ���������������������� Information and education costs 398,244 ��������������������� ��������������������� Fundraising costs 784,959 ���������������� ���������������� Various fundraising costs 118,371 Total overhead 2,079,258 Total income 23,812,792 Overhead in % of income 8.73 Woord & Daad > annual report 2005 3 > Name: Jan Lock > Age: 50 INTER > Position: director of Word and Deed VIEW > What is appealing about Word and Deed’s work? specialists. We now have an Advice and Research- Being there for the underprivileged and the vulnera- department. With that department, we will make our ble. Not only helping them but also challenging them own evaluations, so that we can spot in time what to take responsibility for their own lives. Point out should be changed or improved. We don’t have to the talents they’ve been given and let them work know everything ourselves, so we want to cooperate with them. That’s one side. intensively with companies and vocational schools. Word and Deed is not confi ned to the human factors but is allowed to do its work in the perspective of > Donations for good causes are diminishing. God’s Kingdom and justice. This also guards you for How do you deal with this in W&D? any unrealistic expectations from people living in a We don’t notice much of a decrease in donations. On broken world. the contrary. Nonetheless, we are neither blind nor The open and transparent contact with one another deaf to the general tendency: support for charities is and with our partners is very appealing to me, under pressure. The entire organization of Word and as well was the involvement of the young, which Deed works from the conviction that everything we stands in contrast to the general trend. For this I am receive is a blessing. The money has been raised for proud of our supporters. a cause and donors have the right to know why their money is needed for that cause and how we use that > How do you look back at 2005? money. It is important to communicate that. With mixed feelings. At the start of the year we Aside from that, we are still operating very cheap were in the middle of the tsunami, the greatest and effi ciently, without selling our highly qualifi ed humanitarian disaster in recent history. It was staff short: they receive a fair worker’s pay. heartbreaking. At the same time, we saw how our We invest in good computer systems and coordinate supporters, our offi ce team, and our partners in the processes all the time so that there’s no overlap in fi eld were able to do so much in a short time. We our work. Colleagues know each other’s activities, so are grateful that we could achieve a lot because of that external communication is consistent, providing the short lines between our partners and us. That a good basis for trust. was heartwarming. A remarkable thing was that we acquired more re- > Please give your thoughts on the following sources than we had hoped for, both for the tsuna- issues with regard to your work mi and for our activities in general. We anticipated Tsunami. a shortage of resources that would make us unable A disaster that revealed the limitations of our to implement all programs. In the end, the shortage capabilities as humans. proved much smaller than we feared: an indication Increasing tensions between religions. of the trust that our supporters have in us. This A fact that we have a tough time dealing with as challenges board, staff and partners to show that Christians. This is because we denounce violence they are worthy of this trust. Every day again. from our conviction, while others legitimize violence on the basis of religion. Our work contains the chal- > What would you like to do differently in 2006? lenge to show that, from your Christian conviction, Last year, we had two extensive evaluations of you are signifi cant for all humans, without writing our work. In these evaluations, outsiders gave us others off. positive reviews. Our Christian identity was seen as Rise of India and China. positive and constructive in these evaluations. A positive point that will strongly infl uence the sta- At the same time, we are challenged to take on a tistics on poverty and wealth in the short term. This different approach. For example, about the position does not mean that this issue is solved then for the of business development in our work. Until last affl uent West. year, this was woven into the system as a whole. As long as poverty exists, and with it the divide It turned out that this did not work well. That is between rich and poor, there is injustice. why we have a separate department in 2006, with business people who set up businesses to create > What are your plans for the future? employment for the underprivileged. Word and Deed wants to give shape to the idea of making policy together with the people we work Another issue. Our staff members are working in for and with. These are the partner organizations, too many areas of expertise at once, on account of our supporters in the Netherlands, the companies which they are sometimes unable to provide solid and the schools. In 2006 we will once again try to advice with regard to contents or they are unable to get subsidy for our work. In our application we will make knowledge accessible for partners. Therefore, continue along the lines I mentioned, and continue our staff has been expanded with a number of this approach into the future. 4 Woord & Daad > annual report 2005 > Name: S. Jeyanasan > Age: 55 > Position: director of CSI (Church of South India) INTER VIEW > What do you fi nd appealing about CSI’s work? > Please give your thoughts on the following Working with other organizations from the West issues with regard to your work: so that, through our combined efforts, we can Tsunami. grow as an organization on behalf of the underpri- A horrible day that I hope I’ll never experience vileged and are able to learn from each other. CSI again. It is unimaginable what happened there. has only recently begun to cooperate with Word Increasing tensions between religions. and Deed. After the tsunami, Word and Deed was Tolerance will solve a great deal. Respecting the fi rst to contact us and make fi nancial pledges. others in their ways. I learned a lot from Jesus In emergency situations, these fi rst moments are who also accepted people as they were. He loves crucial. Relief should be getting under way fast. me as a sinner. If I, as a sinner, may know the love Our cooperation is very enriching. of Christ, I can also accept others from that point of view. > How do you look back on 2005? Rise of India and China. The start of this year was hard. 2004 ended in a These will become the powerful states in the terrible way. It was horrible to see so many ho- world. It is a good thing when one country does peless and helpless people. We ended 2005 with not remain a superpower for centuries. Take for a thanksgiving. We can look back with gratitude example how Rome and Great Britain determined at what we achieved. The tsunami was the most the course of history in the past. Now it seems impressive event of 2005 for me. Never before that the USA is going to have to step aside for have I seen misery as grave as that of the tsunami other world powers. In the fi eld of technology, victims. this is going to be China, and in the fi eld of ICT, India is going to make a leap forward. Slowly but > What would you like to do differently in surely they rise from poverty and go on to victory. 2006? Now the time has come for Asian countries to We will keep on focusing on aiding the tsunami take the lead in the world. projects, and we will give special attention to women and children. > What are your plans for the future? I also want to invest in contacts with other orga- I have three dreams that I would like to work with nizations.
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