Center to Show Black Exhibit Illustrates Apathy Peak Last Wednesday Evening at Gin With, Or He Won't Know 7:00 P.M
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FIAT LUX ALFRED UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER • SINCE 1913 "The College should be a great smelting furnace for the refine ment of truth from error ."—Jonathan Allen VoL 57, No. 18 ALFRED, NEW YORK, MARCH 10, 1970 Phone 587-5402 Sparse Senate meeting Center to show Black exhibit illustrates apathy peak Last Wednesday evening at gin with, or he won't know 7:00 p.m. the Senate meeting anyway since no one really was due to begin. But at 7:00 bothered to ask at the meeting). last Wednesday evening only Next, votng was held for a stu- ' four persons were seated in dent representative to serve the parents lounge. At 7:30 on the Student Conduct Com- the Senate president wandered mittee. Do you remember the into the room. Chairs, tables, Student Conduct Committee and couches were not set up conflict of 1969—the one with for the meeting and were ar- -which so many protestors had ranged in their normal scatter- been so concerned only a few ed manner. months ago? Well, a "hand So began the Senate meet- vote" was taken for YOUR re- ing—without any arranged sea- presentative on that commit- ting, over twenty-five minutes tee. (I'm confident that by late, and in a formal atmos- merely raising my hand, my phere. Yet, it was a usual Stu- vote would have been counted dent Senate meeting. Apathy with all the other votes re- was mentioned often but the gardless of the fact that I was true sense of the word seem- a non-voting visitor at the ed most obvious when the ques- meeting). tion was soon raised as to whe- So far, in less than one-half ther or not a quorum of re- hour, our senate hdd given Shirley Black in her studio presentatives was even at the away $175, elected a student Bp JOEL WISH Mrs. Black paints chiefly in technical competence, stress- meeting. to serve on the Student Con- The American artist Shirley watercolors. Her work leans ing her willingness to depart Dr. Horowitz presented a duct Committee, and heard an Black will exhibit her work in heavily toward what Qne re- from accepted forms. 'brief review of the develop- appeal for money to help pay a one-man show at the Campus viewer called "fluid abstract "When paint and brush ments occuring in the moving the Terra Cotta. Later in the Center March 17 through 21. images" of female nudes, land- aren't enough," said the re- of the Terra Cotta. He explain- meeting someone made a mo- A preview of the exhibition scapes, underseaseapes, and view, Mrs. BlacK will scratch ed the necessity of raising tion that the senate give $500 will be held for the press and tilllife floral arrangements. the surface of the paper, for $15,000 which is needed to pay to help the Alfred Historical invited guests on March 16 In the 1950's she participated example, "bringing up fiber for the move. This money, he Society pay for moving the from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The show in a number of group shows in and producing added texture 'added, must be raised within Terra Cotta. The vote will pro- is open to the public without the New York Ct'y area and and dimensions." the next two years. bably be held at the next charge on each of the formal last October had her first one ARTSMAGAZINE described The president of the ski meeting; one of the reasons exhibition days between the man show, at New York's Alon- the exhibition in terms of "sen- club spoke for about three or for the delay being that with- hours of 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon, zo Gallery. In reviewing that suous out-lines" and "lush col- (Continued on Page 2) and again from 1 p.m. to 4 p. exhibition the magazine Art or." four minutes about the ski m. News praised Mrs. Black's Mrs. Black received her for- meet to 'be held at Alfred in mal training at New York's the near future and his club Art Student League and tlhe was given one hundred and Committee seeks Langer successor Museum of Modern Art, and at seventy-five dollars to help co- Dean Edward Mueller is the faculty members from the Col- comment." The only definite the National Academy of Art. , ver "costs" of the meet. (Ask Chairman of the Search Com- lege of Liberal Arts — Dr. statement he would make was Examples of her work are rep- your senator for the specifics mittee formed to appoint a William Engram, Dr. Robert that he "had no intention of resented in permanent collec- concerning the use of the new director of the Business Sloan; faculty members from leaving Alfred." tions at Alfred University and $175—either your senator did Administration Division to re- the College of Ceramics —Dr. Granted, perhaps the Busi- Mt. Holyoke College, Soutli not attend the meeting to be- place Mr. Henry Langer who James Reed, Dr. David Jillson; ness Administration Division Hadley, Mass. has resigned as director. and members of the Board of does not yet have any speci- Mrs. Black is the wife of Eli Committee members are: Trustees — George Lawrence fic plans but are there not Black, Board Chairman of the McLane wins the full-time faculty of the di- and H. J. Mossien. enough interested students to AMK Corporation of New York vision — Mr. Langer, Dr. New- This committee has recently make it feasible to announce and also a trustee of Alfred ton Ro'binson, Mr. Edward been established and is now in some plans even if tentative? University. ECAC award Flynri; the Chairman of the the initial process of sending The Eastern College Athletic Liberal Arts Curriculum Com- out letters to get resumes to Conference (ECAC) has exten- mittee, Mr. Richard Lanshe; be screened before personnel ded special honor and tribute interviews can be initiated. Environment progress to James A. McLane, on inde- By IRWIN BERLIN in the Campus Center Parent's finite sick leave from his post Expert to discuss Two new faculty positions Several things are happen Lounge at 11 a.m. (I am sorry as athletic director at Alfred. have been authorized for the ing concerning the April 22nd that that "light class hour" is At the annual ECAC dinner particle radiations fall 1970 semester in the Bus- Environmental Teaoh-in at Al- not so light after all). in New Yoirk City, McLane was Dr. Alexander J. Dessler iness Administration Division, fred that you should know Exactly what are we going announced as the winner of the of President Nixon's National One of these positions will be about. Yes, we are going to be to do? We are trying to or- James Lynah Memorial Award, Aeronautics and Space Council filled by the new director. part of the national movement; ganize a grass-roots student given each year to a man who will lecture on space-related Present students have been however, we are going to con- movement, involving not only has achieved outstanding suc- problems in atomic physics at questioning in what direction centrate on the problems in Alfred students, but also high cess in his career and has made the Science Center, room 230, and where is the Business Ad- the Alfred area? school and even grade school an unusual contribution in the Monday at 8 p.m. His talk will ministration Division moving. WHAT? Alfred has an envi, students. As an environmental interest of intercollegiate ath- specifically cover the way in Faculty members have stated ronment problem? You must unit, we shall encompass an letics. which solar particle radiations this will be determined by the be kidding. I a mnot kidding. area that goes 'beyond Alfred. interact with the earth's mag- size of enrollment next fall. Have you seen the streets of Our first goal is to make an McLane was unable to at- This thought, however, does Alfred before and after those inventory list of local prob- tend the dinner. Alex Ytine- netic field. not provide much comfort to Monday morning garbage pick- lems. They exist. You can help vich, Alfred football coach, ac- Dessler's appearance on a person who will be a senior ups? Have you noticed the 'by either directly going out cepted the trophy for McLane. campus is under the auspices in the division next year. How lack of gabage cans on cam- and asking people about their Over the years, McLane has of the Visiting Scientist Pro-i can ,he plan his senior courses pus and in town? Hove you environment problems, or by served on dozens of ECAC gram sponsored by the Ameri- if nothing yet has been es- heard the noise pollution from being cooperative when people committees and was chairman can Geophysical Union. The tablished? several dormitories and frater- come around and ask you for of many. He has been associa- public is invited to this lec- The chairman of the Divi- nities? Right now Alfred is you imagination. We will show ted with Alfred athletics for ture without charge. sion, Mr. Langer has also re- blessed with a relatively clean your opinion. 40 years as coach and athletic In addition to giving the, fused to outline any future atmosphere, but it cannot and We would like to capture director. He has three champ- lecture, Dessler will also talk plans of the Division. The an- will not stay that way. you specially prepared films ionship teams in New York to physics classes and consult swer he gave to several ques- This is where YOU come in.