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march 2006 Published by the American Recorder Society, Vol. XLVII, No. 2 XLVII, Vol. American Recorder Society, by the Published The world’s most dependable and chosen recorders are also the most playful that students are sure to enjoy. Sour Apple Green, Cotton Candy Blue and Bubble Gum Pink colors add that extra fun for students beginning their music education. Yamaha 20 Series Recorders are specially designed for beginning students and are easy to play in every range. They offer the ideal amount of air resistance for effortless control and an accuracy of intonation that provides a rich, full sound. Playful with serious quality Yamaha is known for, Yamaha Recorders are the thoughtful choice for teachers that care. ©2006 Yamaha Corporation of America.©2006Yamaha All rights reserved. www.yamaha.com Edition Moeck 2825 Celle · Germany Tel. +49-5141-8853-0 www.moeck.com ZZZPDJQDPXVLFFRP 350+DQGHO0XVLFIRUWKH5R\DO)LUHZRUNV 66$7% .LQJ*HRUJH,RIWHQDVNHG+DQGHOWRFRPSRVHSLHFHVIRUVSHFLDORFFDVLRQV7KLVLVRQHRIWKHVHSLHFHV,WZDV FRPPLVVLRQHGWRFHOHEUDWHWKH7UHDW\RI$DFKHQZKLFKSXWDQHQGWRWKH:DURIWKH$XVWULDQ6XFFHVVLRQLQ 3509DXJKDQ:LOOLDPV6XLWHIRU3LSHVRU5HFRUGHUV 6$7% 9DXJKDQ:LOOLDPV ²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pGHYLOOH6XLWHIRU6RSUDQR5HFRUGHUDQG%DVVRFRQWLQXRLQ*0DMRU 7KLVZHOONQRZQVXLWHLVDQDUUDQJHPHQWRIKLV'XRVJDOODQWV7KHPXVLFLVH[KLODUDWLQJDQGOLHVZHOOXQGHUWKH ILQJHUV '2:GHOD%DUUH6XLWH1RIURPÅ'HX[LqPH/LYUH´IRU6RSUDQR5HFRUGHUDQG%DVVRFRQWLQXRLQ *0DMRU7KLVLVDVKRUWVXLWHLQWKH)UHQFKVW\OHZLWKDQH[WHQGHGDQGKLJKO\JUDWLI\LQJFKDFRQQH '2:*37HOHPDQQ7ULR6RQDWDIRUWZR$OWR5HFRUGHUVDQG%DVVRFRQWLQXR7:9)LQ) 7KLVGHOLJKWIXOWULRVRQDWDSODFHVHTXDOGHPDQGVRQWKHWZRUHFRUGHUSDUWV+HUH\RXKDYHWKHRSWLRQRISOD\LQJ HLWKHUDOWRRUDOWRSDUW1RVHFRQGSHUVRQLVQHHGHG '2:+RWWHWHUUH7ULR6RQDWDIRUWZR$OWR5HFRUGHUVDQG%DVVRFRQWLQXR2S1RLQ&0DMRU +HUH\RXKDYHWKHRSWLRQRISOD\LQJHLWKHUDOWRRUDOWRSDUW1RVHFRQGSHUVRQLVQHHGHG '2:5HFHUFDGD,LQ*PLQRUDQG,,LQ*0DMRUDQG*UHHQVOHHYHVWRD*URXQGIRU$OWR5HFRUGHU DQG+DUSVLFKRUG%DVVRFRQWLQXR7KLVFRQWDLQVVHYHUDOFKDOOHQJLQJSLHFHV '2:3DXO V6WHHSOH 7UDGLWLRQDO DQG)DURQHOO V*URXQG )ROOLD IRU$OWR5HFRUGHUDQG%DVVR FRQWLQXR '2:0DUFHOOR6RQDWDIRU$OWR5HFRUGHUDQG%DVVRFRQWLQXR2S1RLQ'PLQRU '2:*)+lQGHO6RQDWDIRU$OWR5HFRUGHUDQG%DVVRFRQWLQXR2S1RLQ*PLQRU '2:*)+lQGHO6RQDWDIRU$OWR5HFRUGHUDQG%DVVRFRQWLQXR2S1RLQ&0DMRU +DQGHO VVRQDWDVSURYLGHDQLQLWLDODFTXDLQWDQFHZLWKKLVZRQGHUIXOPXVLFDQGWKHUHIRUHEHORQJLQWKHVWDQGDUG UHSHUWRLUHRIHYHU\UHFRUGHUSOD\HU '2:*3K7HOHPDQQ6RQDWDIRU$OWR5HFRUGHUDQG%DVVRFRQWLQXR7:9&LQ&0DMRU 7KLVVRQDWDIRULVYHU\ZHOONQRZQDQGFRPHVIURPWKH*HWUHXHU0XVLNPHLVWHUDPXVLFDOSHULRGLFDOHGLWHGE\ 7HOHPDQQKLPVHOI 0DJQDPXVLF'LVWULEXWRUV,QF 32%R[6KDURQ&73KRU867ROO)UHH EDITOR’S ______NOTE ______ ______ ______ ______ Volume XLVII, Number 2 March 2006 t comes as no surprise to those of us FEATURES I involved in making music that the arts, Recorder Charmer . 10 and music in particular, help our brains The third interview in a series on jazz and pop recorder players, remain nimble as time marches on. in which Dudley-Brian Smith describes playing recorder in Whether the study is of nuns and priests. Charmer and Smithfield Fair, or seniors in Sweden, whether the results by Frances Feldon are reported from Australia, the U.S. or the 10 U.K., the conclusion stays the same: The First Recorder? Some New Contenders . 14 music, especially playing music with oth- by Anthony Rowland-Jones ers, helps retain brain function as we age. Living proof of the truth of that axiom Summer Workshops ... and Beyond . 21 is Anthony Rowland-Jones (below), who turned 80 years young on February 17. (The report is DEPARTMENTS that he was 14 Advertiser Index . 48 fêted with a Chapters & Consorts . 34 wild boar feast in cele- Classified . 48 bration of Compact Disc Reviews . 32 the event.) In this issue’s Music Reviews. 38 article (page On the Cutting Edge. 29 14), one of a 34 Opening Measures . 30 series he has contributed President’s Message . 3 to AR that are ON THE COVER: Tidings . 4 accompanied Angel playing a duct-flute (?recorder) Awards: Distinguished Achievement Award to Marion Verbruggen with dazzling in the Rosary windows visuals, he continues his quest via of Evreux Cathedral, and Presidential Special Honor Award to Constance Primus; France (probably iconography to find the “first recorder.” c.1387-1400). Philomel, Carolina Baroque and other ensembles in the news This issue is full of reports about Photo: Christian Brassy. recorder players, young and old—news of © 2006 another octogenarian, Dale Higbee, and Carolina Baroque (page 8); an interview with the rather younger Dudley-Brian GAIL NICKLESS, Editor Smith, who plays recorder in Scottish Contributing Editors folk-pop group Smithfield Fair FRANCES BLAKER, Beginners; JOHN H. BURKHALTER III, Book Reviews (page 10); and announcements of THOMAS CIRTIN, Compact Disc Reviews; JODY L. MILLER, Education awards to Marion Verbruggen and CONSTANCE M. PRIMUS, Music Reviews; CAROLYN PESKIN, Q & A Constance Primus (page 4). Connie TIMOTHY BROEGE, 20th-Century Performance LISA SCHMIDT, Design Consultant keeps music reviews moving smoothly through AR, in the same way that Marion Advisory Board keeps notes flowing smoothly through her Martha Bixler • Valerie Horst • David Lasocki recorder performances. Bob Marvin • Thomas Prescott • Catherine Turocy Last, and certainly never least, is Kenneth Wollitz the annual compilation of recorder Copyright © 2006 American Recorder Society, Inc. workshops (page 21)—mostly occurring Visit AR On-Line at <www.recorderonline.org> during the summer, although this time the American Recorder (ISSN: 0003-0724), 1129 Ruth Dr., St. Louis, MO 63122-1019, is published bimonthly (January, March, May, September, and November) for its members by the American Recorder Society, Inc. $20 of the annual $40 U.S. membership dues in the American Recorder Society is for a subscription to American Recorder. Articles, reviews and letters to the editor reflect the viewpoint of their individual authors. Their appearance in this magazine listings start in late May and go right does not imply official endorsement by the ARS. Submission of articles and photographs is welcomed. Articles may be typed or submitted on PC discs (Word for Windows 95, or RTF preferred), or as an attachment to or text in an e-mail message. They should be for the exclusive consideration of AR, unless otherwise through to November. What better way to noted. Photos may be sent as color or black-and-white prints, or 300dpi TIF files. Advertisements may be sent in PDF or EPS format, with fonts embedded. Editorial office: Gail Nickless, Editor, American Recorder, 7770 South High St., Centennial, CO 80122; 303-794-0114 (phone & fax); keep those little grey cells active and <[email protected]>. Deadlines for editorial material: November 15 (January), January 15 (March), March 15 (May), July 15 (September), and September 15 (November). Books for review: Editorial office. Music for review: Constance M. Primus, Box 608, 1097 Main St., Georgetown, CO 80444. Recordings for review: Thomas Cirtin, 8128 N. Armstrong Chapel Road, Otterbein, IN 47970. Cutting Edge: Tim Broege, 212 Second Ave., Bradley Beach, healthy than to attend a workshop? NJ 07720-1159. Chapter newsletters and other reports: Editorial office. Advertising: Steve DiLauro, LaRich & Associates, Inc., 15300 Pearl Road, Suite 112, Strongsville, OH 44136-5036; 440-238-5577; 440-572-2976 (fax); <[email protected]>. Advertising Closings: December 1 (January), Gail Nickless February 1 (March), April 1 (May), August 1 (September), and October 1 (November). Postmaster: Send address changes to American Recorder Society, 1129 Ruth Drive, St. Louis, MO 63122-1019. Periodicals postage paid at St. Louis, MO, and at an additional mailing office. ARS Chapters ALABAMA HAWAII NEW YORK Birmingham: Ken Kirby Hawaii: Irene Sakimoto Buffalo: Charles Hall (716-835-5573) (205-822-6252) (808-734-5909) Hudson Mohawk: Darleen Koreman (518-482-6023) ARIZONA Big Island: Roger Baldwin (808-935-2306) Long Island: Margaret H. Brown AMERICAN Phoenix: Linda Rising (602-997-6464) (516-765-1867) Tucson: Scott Mason (520-721-0846) ILLINOIS New York City: Michael Zumoff ARKANSAS Chicago: Larry Johnson (212-662-2946) RECORDER (773-631-6671) Aeolus Konsort: Don Wold Rochester: David Tilley Chicago-West Suburban: (501-666-2787) (585-259-5583) SOCIETY Laura Sanborn Kuhlman Bella Vista: Barbara McCoy Rockland: (630-462-5427) INC. (479-855-6477) Westchester: Carol B. Leibman (914-241-3381) Honorary President CALIFORNIA LOUISIANA Baton Rouge: John Waite ERICH KATZ (1900-1973) Central Coast: NORTH CAROLINA (225-925-0502) Margery Seid (805-474-8538) Triangle: Mary McKinney Honorary Vice President New Orleans: Chris Alderman East Bay: Helga Wilking (919-489-2292) WINIFRED JAEGER (410-242-3395) (415-472-6367) OHIO Statement of Purpose Inland Riverside: Greg Taber MARYLAND Greater Cleveland: Edith Yerger The mission of the American Recorder Society is (951-683-8744) Northern Maryland: Richard Spittel (440-826-0716) to promote the recorder and its music by Monterey Bay: