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Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1969-10-15 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1969). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 328. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/328 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. a vier tillS Vol. LIV XAVIER UNIVERSITY; CINCINNATI, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1969 Number 4 XAVIERby JOE CORMIER, Associate EditorPIONEERS COMPUTER Xavier University has been pro- Inc. Xavier, ACTS, and Hypermation L. O'Connor, S.J. The two men largely in less than a year the GE-430 was Actually, each terminal is a porta jected into a position of national atten- plan to continue joint activity and co responsible for bringing it to Xavier delivered. ble computer in itself, consisting of a lion as a pioneer in the area of aca-· operation to increase time sharing are Dr. Frederick G. Werner, pro- The uses for students on this com teletype machine and an acoustic coup demic time-sharing computation by use in the Cincinnati area, especially fesso~ of Phy~ics, and Dr. ~i~liam .1. puler are almost limitless. Courses in ler. All that is needed for a hookup is the acquisition of a General Electric with regard to educational environ- Larkm, Ill, dnector of Xav1er s com- mathematics and the natural sciences a telephone. 430 Time Sharing Computer. ments. puter center and chairman of the Math will have more extensive applications, Insofar as arithmetical and logical What significance does time shar Plans for the current system have Department. Professor w.erner a~ti- but time sharing can also be utilized information are concerned, the time ing hold in the educational scope?. It been developed in the last year with vated ?n c~m~us t~e first tlme-shanng by Business Administration students, sharing computer can think for itself· is comparable to a complete and com the full endorseq1~nt _qf President Paul grant m Cmcmnall last October and along with those in such courses as and go about solving problems in frac pact library. Any student can walk into Geography, music and languages, to tions of seconds when requested to the library and browse among the in mention a few. by the time sharing user. At the real formation, do research, or take some There will be twelve time sharing core of academic time sharing, how information home without going term.inals on the Xavier Campus and ever, computation resides in the per through any red tape to get it. four in the affiliated high schools. Five son of the student at a teletype termi By the same token, student on the terminals will be located in room 101 nal. In this system the student teaches campus or in the specific high schools of. the Alumni Building, two in the the machine, and only if the tool is associated with the program can enter graduate office in Alter Hall, one in used creatively and intelligently will any of the 16 ter_minals and collect and Logan 301, Elet 308, Dr. Werner's it function productively. It serves as a organize his information. office and Dr. Larkiris, along with catalyst in a creative extension of the intellect. The concept of time sharing was the master terminal in the Computer· (Continued on page 4) first developed by Dartmouth College Center. in Hanover, New Hampshire. The network there currently includes SC Endorses Jeb Surveyb, DENis F. wALsH over fifty high schools and sixteen Endorsement of the proposed Jesuit October 15 Day of Awareness, SC mem colleges in the New England region. effectiveness survey was attained at bers --generally agreed that ·a large It is therefore feasible that with in the Thursday, October 9, Student Coun amount of money would be needed to creasingly wider use, with these new cil meeting. The meeting also pro draw top-name speakers to the Xavier time sharing· facilities, Xavier Uni duced unanimous SC approval of a campus for the program. A maximum versity may emerge as a "Dartmouth $1400 budget for Awareness Day budget of slightly over $1400 was un of the Mid West." speakers. animously approved by SC to pay the Three local high schools have al Fr. Pete Carey presented SC with speakers. ready been ~rough! into Xavier's the background information on the system: Cincinnati Country Day, St. Jesuit effectiveness survey. The WCXU Returns operation for all areas with Xavier's Jesuits, he said. are presently in Broadcasting from six to twelve GE-430, valued at $750,000 and as volved in a re-evaluation of each of Sundays through Thursdays under the sembled at Phoenix, Arizona, should their communities and its contribution management of Dave Schackmann and begin by October 15. · to the province. Fr. Carey stressed program direction of Harry Traynor, The three high schools were that the Jesuits at Xavier are in search XU's radio station is back on the air. brought into Xavier's system through of "hard data to judge our effective Using a program of basically top forty -the efforts of the Educational. Se_rvjce __ ness.'~ So the questionnaire-type sur tunes with a probable "progressive slot Bureau of Cin~innati. During Septem vey would provide some tangible mea once a week, WCX U is planning a grad .ber and the first part of October, these sure of the Jesuits' role in the campus, ual expansion throughout the year. high schools have been receiving time local, and provincial communities. Service to Mt. St. Joseph begins on sharing service through Applied Com The Jesuit survey has already been Oct. 12. The News Program at six, XU Coed, Bernadette Nell, examines data from the new time-share computer. puter Time Share of Detroit and their tried at Cleveland's John Carrol! Uni followed by weather and sports, will be local representative, Hypermation, versity and the University of Detroit. reinitiated by Nov. 3 with the aid of our. Since the survey has already been pro own UP ticker tape machine. The new Rev. Kelsey Sees 'Logical Empiricism' As grammed and coded by computer, there staff is being trained to extend the would be few mechanical problems for broadcasting time ideally to twelve Western Man's Ph-ilosophy of Life Xavier to handle. hours a day-as it was last year-with better contests and prizes for listeners. by BARTH E. OKADUWA to man" to psychology. "Fredrick philosophy and Plato. "There is a good amount of oppo- sition among the Jesuit community to With regards to Xavier sports, Von Hugo," he said, "kept my theo Dr. Kelsey also stated that the The Rev. Dr. Morton T. Kelsey was logical door slightly open but did not modern world, as typified by the Dar- publicatio!l of the results," stated Fr. WCXU is planning to carry home bas the guest speaker at the continuing give me evidence to follow through." winian-Newtonian materialistic Carey. Should the evaluation be used, ketball and baseball games, and is in series of FA.S.T. talks presented to vestigating the possibility of having The Reverend pointed out that his rationalism of the 19th century, views though: "there are still always ways students and faculty last Friday, Octo .. · of gettmg them (the results) back to four away basketball contests broad own personal experience came while man from a purely matenahsttc, S d C . .. ber 10. The mission discussed religion, 1 casted. he was having difficulties. "The Eptc-• materna J, and rahona. J'tstlc • pom· t o f tu ent ounct. .. philosophy, and presented his personal copal Church at that time did not offer. view." Referring to the time of Des- After bnef d1scuss1on, .council ~n- There is also talk of the station's insights on modern thinking. any clergy who knew enough about cartes, he .said .that man w~s seen .not dorse.d the use of the ~~sutt evalua~to~ going FM. It applied in August to the Dr. Kelsey started by explaining human psychic potential, nor did 1 feel only as rationality but conscious .ration- una~tmously. ~he dec1ston of Xav1er s FCC for a license and, if this and suffi that religious interest in the western that the clergy manifested enough of ality. "Man was regarded as e1ther a JesUit commumty on the survey has yet cient funds come through; that program world was on the decline. He cited his the power of God " This fact accord- piece of matter or a rational piece of t.o be made. kno~n. would concentrate 'on easy listening · · . ' . "C · d· In deahng w1th the budget for the 19 years as the rector of a large parish ing to him, revitalized his mterest m · · · ' ontmue on page.8, music and educational broadcasts. and the Wall Street Journal (Thurs., Oct. 2, 1969(; -.which he humorously Homecoming Coming called "the most important theological --;' journal today," to support his con October 24th and 25th should prove unseating The Beatles ·for the- first tention. The article mentioned dealt to be two of the highlights of the entire time in four years. .with the sad state .of Western religion. 1969-70 Xavier social calendar. The The Association is definitely '"Bible sales in the last I 0 years have demand was for big name talent to where it's at . the top! It has won declined from 19 million to, 14 million make Xavier affairs more enjoyable six gold records; "Cherish," "Win as the population has increased." and worthwhile.