E-Government Services an Exploration of the Main Factors That Contribute to Successful Implementation in Libya
E-Government Services an Exploration of the Main Factors that Contribute to Successful Implementation in Libya By NASSRADDEEN AMER AL I. O. SWEISI (Libya) This Thesis was submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree at the School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. September, 2010 School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Buckingham Building, Lion Terrace, Portsmouth, PO1 3HE The United Kingdom , September, 2010 To my Family for their Love and Support 2 DECLARATION I, Nassraddeen Amer Sweisi, declare that the PhD thesis entitled E-Government Services an Exploration of the Main Factors that Contribute to Successful Implementation in Libya. The results and conclusion embodied in this thesis is my own work. Signature: __________________________ Date: ___________________ 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS After sincerely thanking Allah and then my parents for all blessings and bounties, I would like to extend my deep thanks and gratitude to all the people who contributed to enrich my knowledge and improve my competencies. First of all, I am grateful to my Parents, family for their daily prayers and enormous efforts to make me who I am. Foremost I would like to thank my , family Hana, Abdalaziz, Abdulraheem; Tasneem and Zinalsharf who accompanied me along the happy journey of knowledge, and who wonderfully created the right atmosphere for me to bring this research to fruition while they were suffering from my absent away of them. Also I would like to thank you Mr. Abdalmounam Yousef, the d irector for media department at Libyan Prime Ministry for his support . I would like to show my deep thanks to the Director of the Study Dr.
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