Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Central Statistics Organization SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECONOMIC SURVEY DAYKUNDI DAYKUNDI For more details, please contact: Central Statistics Organization Name: Mr. Eidmarjan Samoon P.O.Box: 1254, Ansari Watt Kabul,Afghanistan Phone: +930202104338 • E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: Credits Production : Julie Pudlowski Consulting 2 Cover and inside photos: © UNFPA/CSO Afghanistan/2012 SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECONOMIC SURVEY DAYKUNDI MESSAGE FROM CSO The Central Statistics Organization (CSO) celebrates the publication of the Socio-Demographic DQG(FRQRPLF6XUYH\ 6'(6 IRU'D\NXQGL7KLVLPSRUWDQWVXUYH\ZDVÀUVWFRQGXFWHGLQ%DPL\DQ Province in September 2011 and subsequently in Ghor and Daykundi Provinces during September ZLWKWKHÀQDQFLDODVVLVWDQFHRIWKH*RYHUQPHQWRI-DSDQDQGWKHWHFKQLFDOVXSSRUWRI81)3$ 7KH6'(6SURYLGHVWKHÀUVWGHWDLOHGDQDO\VLVRIWKHDJHDQGVH[FRPSRVLWLRQRIWKHSRSXODWLRQRI each province to the district level, as well as literacy levels; the highest educational class completed; employment ; previous residence; deaths during the previous two years; estimated infant and under- ÀYHPRUWDOLW\DQGKRXVLQJDQGKRXVHKROGFKDUDFWHULVWLFV:KLOHSRSXODWLRQFRXQWE\GLVWULFWLVQRW included in this report, the data is available from the CSO on request. To help all stakeholders and sectors take full advantage of this unique data, CSO, in collaboration with the local government and concerned ministries, will undertake further analysis to interpret it. This report is a testament to the commitment of the CSO staff in Daykundi and