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Nutrition Information with the i Afghanistan SAFANSI Nutrition Solutions SeriesPilot Cash Transfer Program Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Nutrition Information with the Pilot Cash Public Disclosure Authorized Transfer Program Nutrition Information with the ii Pilot Cash Transfer Program Nutrition Information with the Pilot Cash Transfer Program January 2014 Nutrition Information with the 2 Pilot Cash Transfer Program © The World Bank Group, Afghanistan All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Published by: The World Bank Group Afghanistan Office The World Bank Street No.15 House No. 19, Opposite Palace #8 Kabul, Afghanistan www.worldbank.org Design and Processed by: Print Communication, Kathmandu Printed and bound in Nepal Nutrition Information with the 3 Pilot Cash Transfer Program A$%&' '() A*+(,-./',- S%&'( A/., F%%0 ,-0 N&'1.'.%- S)2&1.'3 I-.'.,'.4) N&'1.'.%- S%5&'.%-/ S)1.)/ he Afghanistan South Asia Food and relevant sectors. #ese solutions are generated Nutrition Security Initiative (SA- by combining global evidence with in-depth FANSI) Nutrition Solutions Series knowledge of the Afghan context. Each of the is a collaboration with program im- notes in this Series is the result of careful review Tplementers and policymakers in Afghanistan of evidence, additional information gathering to identify and re!ne promising programmatic in Afghanistan, and engagement with a range of platforms for scaling-up e"ective nutrition solu- stakeholders. tions in the country. #e overarching frame- work for the Series is the Government of the #e Series is !nanced by the South Asia Food Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s Nutrition Ac- and Nutrition Security Initiative, a trust fund tion Framework. #e Nutrition Action Frame- at the World Bank supported by AusAid and work outlines a multisectoral approach for ad- the Department for International Development dressing, in a sustainable way, the alarmingly (DFID)/UKAID. #e South Asia Food and Nu- high rates of child and maternal malnutrition trition Security Initiative seeks to increase the in Afghanistan. #e Series builds on the global commitment of governments and internation- knowledge base to support Afghanistan-specif- al agencies in South Asia to more e"ective and ic analysis, technical assistance, and pilots that integrated food and nutrition security policies generate contextualized nutrition solutions in and programs. Nutrition Information with the 4 Pilot Cash Transfer Program T,$5) %* C%-')-'/ About the Afghanistan South Asia Food and Nutrition Security Initiative Nutrition Solutions Series -----------------------3 Acknowledgments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Key Messages -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 I!"#$%&'"($!—G)!)*(* $+ ",) P#$-)'" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 S".") $+ N&"#("($! (! A+/,.!(*".! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 P(0$" D)".(0* +$# ",) N&"#("($! .!% H1/()!) 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Julie McLaughlin and Kees this work and responded to queries with helpful Kostermans provided overall guidance while information. Tawab Hashemi and Oleksiy Sluchynskyy pro- vided valuable inputs as part of the task team. #is work was made possible by the dedicat- Rachel Rosenfeld, consultant, was the main au- ed e"orts of the nutrition community in Af- thor of the report. Appreciated contributions ghanistan and internationally that provided into the planning of this Afghanistan technical excellent support for this endeavor. #ese part- assistance task were made by Johannes Jansen, ners included those at the Ministry of Public Claudia Rokx, and Meera Shekar. #e peer re- Health-Public Nutrition Department; the Min- viewers for this report were Leslie Elder and istry of Labor, Social A"airs, Martyrs, and Dis- Claudia Rokx. abled; and Oxfam International. Nutrition Information with the 6 Pilot Cash Transfer Program Key Messages Nutrition interventions in conjunction with sessions were held); hygiene interventions are among the most - Increasingly focus on targeting tools for cost-e"ective interventions to enhance wel- husbands and mothers-in-law; fare and reduce poverty.1 - Scale-up the communications campaign #e Pilot Program to Support Poor Fam- and develop more innovative communi- ilies-Afghanistan Safety Nets Project has cations tools that could stay in the com- been rolled out in 300 villages in Daikundi munity between contact points (e.g., Province, Afghanistan. #e Nutrition and a battery powered mobile phone that Hygiene Awareness Campaign component projects short refresher !lms); was piloted in 20 of the 300 villages. - Focus increasingly on the quality of #e Nutrition and Hygiene Awareness training and supervision for the deliv- Campaign focused on two areas: (1) exclu- ery; sive breastfeeding and breastfeeding with - Based on careful qualitative research at complementary feeding [nutrition]; and (2) the outset, develop a shorter set of mes- hand washing before preparing food and sages (e.g., 2-4 simply worded messages eating and a:er using the toilet or cleaning a on key behaviors, such as “Your baby child’s feces [hygiene]. needs solid food in addition breastmilk For future scale-up, the Ministry of Labor, starting at 6 months old” and “Wash Social A"airs, Martyrs, and Disabled should your hands every time before feeding consider the following key points: your baby”); and - Increase the contact points between the - Consider adding some interventions villagers and the nutrition !eldworkers such as micronutrient supplementation (in the current design two educational for women and children. 1 Tracking Progress on Child and Maternal Nutrition. UNICEF. 2009. Accessed from www.unicef.pt/docs/Progress_on_Child_and_ Maternal_Nutrition_EN_110309.pdf. Nutrition Information with the 7 Pilot Cash Transfer Program Introduction—Genesis of the lot program initially targeted the poorest 10% Project (now the poorest 20%) of rural families with #e Nutrition and Hygiene Awareness Pilot is a children (0-14 years), disabled, widows, and part of the Afghanistan Safety Nets Project, an elderly (65+ years) who are dependents. #e unconditional cash transfer that has been pi- selection, however, was done purely on the ba- loted in various phases over the past two years, sis of a quota of maximum 20% of the families under the leadership of the Ministry of Labor, in each particular village. Each community’s Social A"airs, Martyrs and Disabled with sup- Village Selection Committee and Village Veri!- port from the World Bank. #e Nutrition and cation Committee decided which families were Hygiene Awareness Pilot has been added as a the poorest. #ere was no guarantee that the so: conditionality in twenty select Communi- selected villagers were the 20% poorest, howev- ty Development Councils and their villages in er, because such a !gure only can be measured Miramor and Shahristan Districts in Daikundi by a consumption survey. #e Ministry of La- Province, Afghanistan. #is knowledge brief bor, Social A"airs, Martyrs, and Disabled and discusses the implementation of the Nutrition the World Bank formerly distributed criteria and Hygiene Awareness Campaign, its success- for the selection of the poorest families, but in es and challenges thus far, and suggestions for recent years the villages have decided without the future. #rough the Afghanistan South these criteria. Asia Food and Nutrition Security Initiative Nu- trition Solutions Series, this knowledge brief Community Development Councils, a group of provides background and technical advice for community members elected by the village to similar campaigns throughout Afghanistan. serve