



Prepared for Rogue Valley Manor, Inc. September 30, 1993

Prepared by EMCON Northwest, Inc. 1150 Knutson Road, Suite 4 Medford, Oregon 97504-4157 state of Oregon .vl:PARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENfAL QUALITY rD) rn .;~ ~ 0 ,V] 12 rID Project 0857-001.02 LnJ . cP ,) 0 1993


Site Characterization Report Former Kogap Landfill Medford, Oregon r I I The material and data in this report were prepared under the supervision and direction I of the undersigned. r' I I ,

EMCON Northwest, Inc. I' i r

r '. , .

M/l/RVMANR-R.930-93/DG:0 Rev, 0, 09/30/93 0857.ooL.02 ',' ")''J' " ~ •• c.' ii ; • ( • / -. ; c•• ,.;I "• ~ ~ • -.t. '. L ! ) .' iL ,



1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Regulatory Requirements 1 1.2 Site Background 2

2 PERMIT REQUIRED INFORMATION 3 2.1 Location Description 3 2.2 Legal Description 3 2.3 Site Map 3 2.4 Hydrology 4 2.5 Water Well Inventory 4 2.6 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology 4

3 EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS TO GROUNDWATER 7 3.1 Previous Sampling Work 7 3.2 Summary 9



APPENDIX B SITE MAP (from Fetrow, January 1991)


APPENDIX D WATER WELL INVENTORY (from Fetrow, February 1991)



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1 Site Location Map r 2 100 and 500 Year Flood Plains of Bear Creek 3 Geologic Units in Vicinity of Site


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Rev. O. 09130193 MllIRVMANR-R.930-93IDG:0 0857-001.02 iv l . , . \ \ ~ ,


1 .1 Regulatory Requirements

The purpose of this report is to meet the intent of Schedule C, Condition 2 of Solid Waste Disposal Site Closure Permit 1082 (the Permit) for the former KOGAP woodwaste landfilL The Permit was issued to the Rogue Valley Manor (the Manor) by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ or Department) on August 14, 1992 (see Appendix A). Condition 2 of the Permit requires that the Manor prepare a report that includes information from applicable subsections of Section II (Site Characterization Report) of the DEQ's Landfill Permit Application Instructions (LPAI). Applicable subsections, as specified by the Permit include, Subsection II.2.1 (Location Description), II.2.2 (Legal Description), II.3.1 (Site Map), II.3,4 (Hydrology), II.3.6 (Water Well Inventory), and II.3.7.1 (Regional Geology and Hydrogeology).

This Site Characterization Report is organized into four sections as follows:

• Section 1 - Introduction, provides a description of the Permit condition that this report is intended to satisfy, and a discussion of the Site history.

• Section 2 - General Site Characterization Information, includes the information to address the applicable LPAI subsections listed above.

• Section 3 - Evaluation of Potential Impacts to Groundwater, describes environmental sampling work previously conducted at the former landfill site. Summarizes the status of site characterization information available to date and provides recommendations for future additional work as appropriate.

Preparation of this report has relied on ilitfollowing sources of information:

• Discussions with Manor personnel.

• Discussions made with DEQ personnel during telephone conversations and visits to the site.

• Consultant-prepared reports

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• Geologic reports prepared by Oregon state agencies (see attached reference list)

• Observations made at the site.

Most of the information required by the Site Characterization Report has been included in previously prepared reports. This report has been prepared to provide the Manor and DEQ with a single document containing the information referenced by Condition 2 of the Permit. In addition, the report summarizes the results of previous environmental work conducted at the Site and provides recommendations for future,site characterization work, J as appropriate. L. j ; 1.2 Site Background j ,­ 1 The former landfill was previously owned and operated by KOGAP Manufacturing, Inc. ; (KOGAP). KOGAP operated the Site as anwoodwaste disposal facility from January 1968 to June 1989. The Site operated under Permit 1082 beginning in 1973. Past permits have allowed up to 6,000 cubic yards of woodwaste to be disposed of annually. Reportedly, disposed materials consisted of mixtures of woodwaste, soil, gravel, and organics created by the decomposition of the woodwastes. The dominant material deposited in the landfill was log-sort yard debris consisting of woodwaste mixed with varying proportions of coarse-grained soils, concrete, and debris from "tee-pee" burners (Fetrow, 1991). .,! 1 In January 1991 the Manor acquired ownership of the Site from KOGAP. As part of the overall development plan, the Manor was in the process of constructing a golf course and residential development on their property. The area including the former landfill was [ incorporated into the development design as the driving range for the golf course. The Manor originally intended to use the woodwaste as a soil amendment for the golf course. The total volume of woodwaste material utilized for golf course construction was 105,000 cubic yards. Approximately 170,000 cubic yards of woodwaste remained following golf course construction, indicating that 275,000 cubic yards of material was disposed of at the Site. The Manor arranged for excavation and removal of the L remaining woodwaste to an offsite location during the spring and summer of 1993. Following review and approval by DEQ the Manor plans to mix the relatively small quantity of remaining woodwaste with im;jlOrted soils. This mixture of materials will be ''''r used as fill during construction of the driving range. [


r M/IIRVMANR-R.930-93/DG:0 Rev. 0, 09/30193 L 0857-001.02 2 I b 2 PERMIT REQUIRED INFORMATION

2.1 Location Description

The Site occupies approximately 10 acres on the east side of the Bear Creek valley. The Site'isibordered by a golf course to the south, residential developments to the east, a residential trailer park to the north, and Interstate 5 (I-5) to the west.

Access to the former landfill is via 1-5 from Exit 27, east approximately 112-mile on Barnett Road, and south approximately 1/4-mile on Ellendale Drive.

The Site topography gene~ally slopes west towards Bear Creek. The climate of the Medford area is characterized by hot, dry summers and cold winters. Annual average precipitation is approximately 18 inches per year.

2.2 Legal Description

The former KOGAP woodwaste landf11lis located in Jackson County in the southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 37 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian (see Figure 1). The Site is situated in southeast Medford, Oregon in Tax Lot #3601.


2.3 Site Map

In February 1991, Fetrow Engineering (Fetrow) completed a report entitled Geoenvironmental Report for Rogue Valley Manor Foundation Landfill Closure. 'This report included facility site maps illustrati;}g the local topography, natural and man-made features, and boundaries of the former landfill prior to golf course construction and excavation and removal of the remaining woodwaste. These figures are contained in Appendix B.

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2.4 Hydrology

The principal surface water body located in the vicinity of the Site is Bear Creek. Bear Creek is a north-flowing year round stream positioned between 200 to 300 feet west of the Site. Monthly and annual statistical summaries of mean daily discharge for Bear Creek for the period of 1924 through 1987 are provided in Appendix C.

Two tributaries to Bear Creek, Larson Creek and Payne Creek, are located approximately 1/4 mile north and 2 miles south of the Site, respectively. Figure 2 shows the boundaries of the 100 and 500 year floodplain for Bear Creek and Larson Creek in the vicinity of the former landfill, and is based on information available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

2.5 Water Well Inventory

As part of the work completed previously (Fetrow, February 1991), a water well r inventory was conducted within a one-half mile radius of the Site. Reportedly, twelve domestic and industrial water wells were located. Appendix D contains well logs and a report figure showing each of the located wells. I L Fetrow's review of well logs indicate that wells were drilled to depths ranging between /60 to 305 feet bgs. Water well logs indicate that most of the wells in the area are b~?(; ')-<>'" completed as open boreholes with generally the up'perm~st. 20 feet of borehole cased and , g~0;Y' sealed. Depth to first water encountered whIle dnlling ranged between 47 and :>5' s"," 159 feet bgs. Static water levels generally ranged between 3 and 40 feet bgs. Based on review of the well logs, groundwater in the area of well inventory occurs in bedrock. Water-bearing zones are apparently less than ten feet thick. Well yields between 2 r gallons per minute (gpm) and 70 gpm are reported by the drillers (Fetrow, February 1991). L 2.6 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology l 2.6.1 Regional Geology <;1s> J The former KOGAP Landfill Site is regionally surrounded by late Eocene to Miocene lavas, pyroclastic, and volcaniclastic rocks of tlIe Western Cascade Province to the north and east, and pre-Tertiary metamorphic and intrusive rocks of tlIe Klamath Mountains [ Province to the west and south (Baldwin, 1981).

Geologic units in the general vicinity of the fonner landfill include recent and older L alluvial deposits of Bear Creek; Eocene nonmarine arkosic and micaceous'sandstone and conglomerate of tlIe Payne Cliffs fonnation (informal nomenclature of McKnight, 1971, 1984); and late Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of tlIe Hornbrook I

M/IIRVMANR-R.93(}-93/DG:0 Rev. 0, 09/30/93 0857-001.02 4 Formation. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the local geologic formations (Robison, 1971).

The recent alluvial deposits in the Bear Creek Valley consist of unconsolidated sand, gravel, and silt deposited in the flood plain and river channels of Bear Creek, and are deposited on top of both bedrock and the carbonate-cemented older alluvial deposits.

The older alluvium is composed of carbonate-cemented alluvial fan and base-slope colluvium near the margins of the Bear Creek Valley. Thicknesses of the older alluvial deposits range up to 60 feet and form many of the alluvial terraces above the level of flooding in the Bear Creek Valley (Fetrow, 1991). The older alluvium is in depositional contact with bedrock in the Bear Creek Valley (Robison, 1977).

The Payne Cliffs formation consists of a sequence of nonmarine arkosic and micaceous sandstones and conglomerates and volcaniclastic sandstones of probable late Eocene age (Bestland, 1985). McKnight (1984) estimates the formation to have a maximum thickness of approximately 2,600 meters, and interprets the formation to be the product of a northward flowing braided river system. McKnight also observed a transition from almost exclusively arkosic sediments in the lower Payne Cliffs, which rests conformably on the Cretaceous Hornbroqk Formation, to dominantly volcaniclastic sediments in the upper section.

The late Cretaceous Hornbrook Formation consists of thin to medium-bedded friable, silty, mudstone and fine-grained arkosic and micaceous sandstone. Thick beds of massive sandstone with basal flute casts and sandstones with cross-bedding arecommon (Bestland, 1985). The Hornbrook formation unconformably overlies Klamath province basement rocks to the west of the Site.

Based on observations made at the site by Fetrow (1991) and during test pitting conducted by EMCON Northwest, Inc. (EMCON) personnel in July 1993 the former landfill was developed directly on native soils and/or sedimentary bedrock. Outcrops of weathered and fresh sedimentary rocks were observed north, south, and beneath the landfill following removal of the woodwaste. Based on exposures observed in the vicinity of the landfIll, sedimentary rocks consist principally of sandstone. .... 2.6.2 Regional Hydrogeology

Little work has been performed to assess the regional hydrogeology of the Bear Creek valley. Based on work by Robison (1971), groundwater in the valley occurs in two principal hydrostratigraphic units, alluvium and bedrock. Based on a review available geologic information, the upper-most water-bearing material in·the vicinity of the Site is alluvium. Alluvium is considered the most productive water-bearing material in the area. Water-bearing alluvium is restricted to the Bear Creek valley and along its tributaries. Regional movement of groundwater appears to be from areas of higher

MIlIRVMANR-R.93Q-93/DG:0 Rev. O. 09/30/93 0857-001.02 5 , " elevation to areas of lower elevation. Given this information, the general pattern of groundwater flow movement is from tributary stream valleys towards Bear Creek.

Groundwater occurs in bedrock along the margins of the Bear Creek valley and beneath the alluvium within the valley. Yields from bedrock wells are typically more variable and lower than wells completed In the alluvium. Regionally, bedrock is recharged by precipitation as rain and snow on topographic highs surrounding the valley. As such, the regional pattern of groundwater flow is probably from topographic highs to topographic ,-­ lows. Figure 3 provides Robison's (1971), interpretation of general pattern of groundwater flow in the region. Recharge to bedrock, as well as local patterns of L groundwater flow can be influenced by outcrop area, heterogeneities within and between rock units (e.g., layering, cementation, grain-size), and structural features, such as faults and fractures. ' r An evaluation ofthe groundwater gradient in bedrock was conducted using data from I I Bear Creek and selected water wells located north of the landfill by Fetrow (1991). The evaluation compared the water elevation at Bear Creek with interpreted groundwater elevations of four, wells located immediately north of the former landfill (I.e., Well 5 through Well 8)'(see Appendix D). The elevation of Bear Creek was estimated to be approximately 1,380 feet mean sea level (MSL). Static groundwater levels reported by driller's ranged between Ie feet bgs to 18 feet bgs at the four wells. Groundwater elevations in the area of Well 5 through 8 were estimated to be approximately 1,430 feet MSL.Based on this information, the hydraulic gradient of groundwater occurring in bedrock was interpreted to be to the west or northwest near the Site (Fetrow, February 1991). r

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3.1 Previous Sampling Work

Site-specific environmental sampling work has previously been conducted on behalf of the Ml!1lorby EnviroScience (August 1990) of Lake Oswego, Oregon. Reportedly, on­ site work has consisted of sampling landfill materials, fluids within the landfill, and soil beneath the landfill. In addition, groundwater samples have been collected for analysis by DEQ and the Manor from selected local domestic wells. A chronological description of the sampling work completed in the vicinity of the former woodwaste landfill to date is provided below.

During July and August 1990 sampling was conducted at the Site by EnviroScience. LandfIll materials were collected from six test pits on July 18, 1990. Discrete samples oflandfill material were collected at depths of 3 feet bgs, 6 feet bgs, and 12 feet bgs and composited prior to laboratory analysis. Four of the test pits were subsequently deepened to bedrock on August 14, 1990. Samples were collected at the interface between soil and bedrock at this time. In addition, on August 14, 1990, a fluid sample was collected from one of the test pits for analysis at the request of theDEQ. 50\ L Samples collected during each event were analyzed to evaluate the potential for material to fail characteristic hazardous waste criteria (1. e., corrosivity, ignitability, reactivity, EP toxicity) and percent organics. Samples were analyzed for eight regulated metals (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, , selenium, and silver), and chlorophenolic compounds using the EP toxicity procedure (I.e., EPA Methods 1310/6010 and EPA Methods 1310/7000 series). The fluid sample was analyzed for tannins and lignins. A C?~y of EnviroScience's August 1990 report, including analytical results, is provided in Appendix E for reference.

Using the EP-toxicity procedure, 'tw6\;hlorophe~~unds (I.e., GhktFephenol and 2-methylphenol) were detected in samples collected near the soil/bedrock interface in selected test pits. Although·the text of the EnviroScience report notes that pentachlorophenol (PCP) was detected in all samples, review of the laboratory analytical reports indicates that PCP was not detected at or above the laboratory method reporting I '\ limit of (MRL) 0.005 milligrams per Liter (mg/L or parts per million). .chloIUj:JherTbh ~Lt(Mo' was detected in one soil sample collected at one test pit location at a concentration of

M/l/RVMANR-R.930-93/DG:0 . Rev. 0, 09/30/93 0857-001.02 7 , .' 0.0090 mg/L. 2-Methylphenol was detected in soil samples collected at two test pit locations in concentrations ranging from 0.0072 mg/L to 0.055 mg/L. j-' Barium and arsenic were detected in all of the samples collected during this evaluation. , Barium was detected in concentrations ranging from 0.10 mg/L to 0.68 mg/L. Detected concentrations of arsenic were between 0.002 mg/L and 0.016 mg/L. Tannins and lignins were detected in the fluid sample at a concentration of 41 mg/L.

EnviroScience concluded that based on the results of the analytical work, samples did not fail characteristic hazardous waste criteria. Inaddition, the report concludes that landfill samples should not be considered toxic. I . I In August 1992, groundwater was collected from two domestic wells located near the I landfill. The DEQ collected one water sample on August 13, 1992 from one well located at 1100 Ellendale Drive. This well is located north of the Site approximately one quarter mile. The water sample was analyzed for the following:

• pH • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using EPA method 8260 • Nitrate and Nitrite I' f • Coliform L: • Total suspended solids (TSS) • Ammonia as nitrogen , • Lignin and tannin • Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) • Oil and grease r-: • Conductivity L~

VOCs, nitrate, coliform, TSS, tannins and lignins, and oil and grease were not detected at or above appropriate MRLs. BOD and ammonia were detected at 3 mg/L and 0.02 mg/L, respectively. Conductivity was measured at 650 micromhos per centimeter . (JLmhos/cm), and pH was measured at 8.0. The laboratory analytical report for this sample is provided in Appendix F. I~

On August 14, 1992, groundwater was collected by the Manor from a domestic well I located at 1021 Ellendale Drive, approxin.'1ltely one quarter 'mile north of the Site. This k sample was analyzed for the following: fe.... • pH • Boron L • Hardness (as CaC03) • Manganese • Specific conductance • Chloride 1'1 • Iron • Nitrate ~ • Arsenic • Fluoride • Lead • Sodium

MllIRVMANR-R.930-93ffiG:0 Rev. 0, 09/30/93 0857-()01.02 8 « I l, \'

Lead, .arsenic, and iron were not detected at or above the appropriate MRL. Boron, fluoride, manganese, and sodium were detected at 2.52 mg/L, 0.444 mg/L, 0.765 mg/L, and 42 mg/L, respectively. Chloride and hardness were detected at 48 mg/L and 232 mg/L, respectively. The laboratory analytical report for this sample is provided in Appendix F.

3.2 Summary

3.2.1 Findings

Review ofthe available information regarding historic Site development, regional geology and hydrogeology,and sampling data indicate the following:

• The Site was operated as a woodwaste landfill from January 1968 to June 1989.

• The Site was developed on native soil and bedrock. Bedrock was exposed at the base of the landfill during excavation and removal activities performed by the Manor in 1993.

• The apparent direction of groundwater flow in the vicinity of the Site is towards Bear Creek to the west.

• Leachate within the landfill was observed during test pitting activities conducted in 1990.

• Analysis of samples of material collected from within the landfill, and soil samples from near the base of the waste detected chlorophenol, 2-methylphenol, arsenic, and barium.

• Tannins and lignins were detected in a fluid sample collected from a test pit excavated in the landfill.

3.2.2 Conclusions

Based on the findings listed above, the following conclusions can be made regarding potential environmental impacts in the vicinity of the landfill:

• The potential exists for groundwater to have been impacted by releases from the former landfill.

M/l/RVMANR-R.930-93/DG:0 Rev. 0, 09/30/93 0857-001.02 9 r: I. ' -, 'i

• In the event groundwater impacts have occurred, groundwater in bedrock has the greatest potential to be impacted. ,,-­ • Potential impacts to groundwater could include organic (e.g., tannins and lignins, chlorophenolic compounds) and/or inorganic parameters (e.g., barium, arsenic).

p, 3.2.3 Recommendations , ; L.. EMCON recommends the Manor consider further evaluating potential impacts to groundwater beneath the site by proceeding with the following:

• Drill and install a single monitoring well within the footprint of the landfill. Drilling within the footprint should allow the. Manor' to .assess groundwater chemistry in bedrock directly beneath the source of potential contamination.

• Collect waterlevel elevation data from the onsite monitoring well and two water wells to assess the direction of the groundwater gradient in the vicinity of the Site.

• Collect groundwater samples from the onsite monitoring well for analysis of VOCs and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs). Detections of VOCs and/or SVOCs could indicate that groundwater beneath the Site has been impacted by man-made chemicals.

• In the eventVOCs and SVOCs are not detected, groundwater samples from the onsite monitoring well and a selected water well should be analyzed for inorganic parameters consistent with DEQ's current list for solid waste sites. Comparison of the chemistry of the two wells will be used to evaluate potential impacts to groundwater beneath the former landfIll. • Prepare a report summarizing the observations made during monitoring well t installation and the results of groundwater sampling at the monitoring well and water well. If sampling results indicate that groundwater impacts have not occurred beneath the landfill, az:;,4 closure of the Site is complete, the Manor J should meet with the DEQ to discuss terminating the Permit. [

M/l/RVMANR-R.930-93/DO,0 Rev. 0, 09/30/93 0857-001.02 to

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Baldwin E.M., 1981. Geology of Oregon. Third Edition, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Inc., Debuque, Iowa, 170 p.

Bestland, E.A., 1985. Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Oligocene Colistin Formation, Siskiyou Pass Area, Southern Oregon, Master Thesis, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon

EnviroScience, Inc., August 1990. Environmental Evaluation Woodwaste Landfill

Fetrow Engineering, Inc., February 1991. Geoenvironmental Reportfor Rogue Valley Manor Foundation Landfill Closure

Fetrow Engineering, Inc., March 1991. Levell Environmental Site Assessment, Rogue Valley Manor

McKnight, B.K., 1971. Petrology and Sedimentation of Cretaceous and Eocene Rocks in the Medford-Ashland Region, Southwestern Oregon (pHD thesis): Oregon State University, Corvallis, 177p.

McKnight, B.K., 1984, Stratigraphy and Sedimentology ofthe Payrre Clijft Formation, Southwestern Oregon in Nilsen, T.H., ed., Geology of the Upper Cretaceous Hornbrook Formation, Oregon and California: Pacific Section Society ofEconomic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, v. 42, p. 187-194.

Robison, J.H., 1971. Availability and Quality of Ground Water in the Medford Area, Jackson County, Oregon, U.S. ~ological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-392.

Wells, F.G., 1956. Geology of the Medford Quadrangle, Oregon-California U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-89

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LEGEND --+ Direction of Regional Groundwater Flow Ts Eocene Nonmarine Sedimentary Rocks o 5280 10560 Kh Cretaceous Hornbrook Formation ~ Tra Applegate Group Qa Quaternary Alluvium Base Map From Robinson, 1971 SCALE (II)


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fJEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Richard McLauglumV Director of Development Rogue Valley Manor Foundation 1200 Mira Mar Ave. -Medford, OR 97504

Re: KOGAP Lancl.lill S.W. Pennit No. 1082 Jackson County

Dear Mr. McLaughlin:

On June 26, 1992, proposed Solid Waste Disposal Site Closure Pennit No. 1082 was mailed to you for comment and put on public review. One comment was received in a telephone discussion with your associate Brian McLemore on August 13, 1992. Mr. McLemore requested that we modify penllit condition E.l to reflect the day earlier acceptance by Dennis Belsky, SWR, of a proposed change in the conceptual closure plan. We agree, and have modified E.l accordingly.

Enclosed, is the Solid Waste Disposal Site Closure Permit for the KOGAP lancl.lill. You are urged to carefully read the permit and comply with its conditions.

If there are any questions regarding the pennit, please contact Dennis Belsky of the Medford DEQ office, at 776-6010, or Fred Bromfeld of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Division, Portland, at 229-6210.


Stephanie Hallock, Administrator Hazardous and Solid Waste Division

Enclosure -fa cc: Denriis Belsky, SWR ~

811 SW Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204-1390 (503) 219-5696

DEQ-l \trl,'" Permit Number: 1082 ' Expiration Date: 10/31/96 Page 1 of 5 Pages


Department of Environmental Quality 811 S.W. Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204-1390 Telephone: (503) 229-5913

Issued in accordance with the provisions of ORS Chapter 459 and subject to the land use compatibility statement referenced below.


Rogue Valley Manor Foundation FACILITY NAME: ,­ 1200 Mira. Mar Avenue , Medfora, OR 97504 KOGAP Landfill ,I

OWNER: Rogue Valley Manor Foundation FACILITY TYPE AND LOCATION:

OPERATOR: Rogue Valley Manor Foundation Class ill-bow Risk Woodwaste Landfill Section 32, T37S,RIW, W.M. L Jackson County ISSUED IN RESPONSE TO: An application dated February 14, 1991, and a Land Use Compatibility I Statement dated June 10, 1992.

The determination to issue (his permit is based on findings and tecl:inical information included in the permit record. .


PermiilM Activities ..I Until such time as this permit expires or is modified or revoked, the permittee is authorized to close and maintain a solid waste land disposal site in conformance with the requirements, limitations, and conditions [ set forth in attached schedules as follows: Page Schedule A-Authorized and Prohibited Activities 2 L Schedule B-Minimum Monitoring and Reporting Requirements 2 Schedule C-Compliance Conditions and Schedules 2 Schedule D-Speeial Conditions 3 Schedule E-Closure and Post-elosure Maintenance Requirements 4 Schedule F-Fmancial Assurance Requirements ' 5 General Conditions and Disclaimers Attached This permit does not relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with other applicable federal, state, or local laws, rules, or standards. ' ,.' r' ',' t"'

Permit Number: 1082 Expiration Date: 10131196 Page 2 oC 5 Pages


Authorized and Prohibited Activities

1. The permittee is prohibited Crom accepting solid waste as defined in ORS 459.005.


Minimum Monitoring and Reporting Requirements

.~ ~ to February 1, oC each year that this closure permit is in effect or as otherwise required by . . the Deparirnent, the permittee shall submit a report to the Department which contains, but is not limited to:

a. An evaluation oC the approved closure plan discussing the current status, unanticipated occurrences, revised closure date projectionS, necessary changes to the plan, completed and planned closure and post-closure maintenance activities.

b. Other inCormation requested by the Department to determine compliance with the rules oC the Department.

2. The permittee shall report to the Department any changes in ownership of the disposal site property,or of the permittee's or operator's name Or address within ten (10) days of such change.

3. All groundwater monitoring, assessment and corrective action shall be done in accordance with the Oregon Groundwater Quality Protection Rules (Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340 Division 40) and Subpart E, Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action, of 40 CFR Part 258, Criteria·Cor Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. ~.'

SCHEDULE C Compliance Conditions and Schedules ,... 1. The permittee shall close the landfill as described in the April 5, 1992 "Conceptual Plan Cor the Disbursement of the KOGAP landfill" and amendments thereto approved in writing by the Department. . ..~ Within 180 days oC issuance of this clOSure permit, the pennittee shall submit to the Department a Site Characterization Report. 1JW Site Characterization Report shall Collow the organizational Cormat and include all applicable inCormation requested by Section II oC the Department's "Landfill Permit Application Instructions." Applicable subsections oC the instructions consist of: Subsections II.2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.4, 3.6, and 3.7.1. r" I .F , 1 \l, Permit Number: 1082 Expiration Date: 10131196 Page 3 of 5 Pages

Within 180 days of issuance of this closure permit, the permittee shall submit to the Department , General Facility Information. The General Facility Intonnation shall follow the organizational format and include all applicable information requested by Section ill of the Department's "Landfill Permit Application Instructions." Applicable subsections of the instructions consist of: Subsections ill.2.6, and 3.2. , Within 180 days of issuance of this closure permit, the permittee shall submit to the Department , -

updated Engineering Design Plans. The Engineering Design Plans shall follow the organizational r -, format and include alI applicable information requested by Section IV of tbe Department's i "Landfill Permit Application Instructions." Applicable subsections of the instructions consist of: I Subsections IV.2.3 (depicting final facility closure contours to be maintained throughout the post­ closure care period), 3.5.5, 3.5.6, 4.2, and 6.3.

Within 180 days of issuance of this closure permit, the permittee shall submit to the Department an updated Operations Plan. The Operations Plan shulI follow the organizational format and include alI applicable information requested by Section VI of the Department's "LandfilI Permit Application Instructions." Applicable subsections of the instructions consist of: Subsection VI.8.0.

6. The permittee shall, after Department review and consideration of regional geology and hydrogeology information, and/or documentation of the presence of leachate in quantity and proximity so as to represent a threat to groundwater, submit an Environmental Monitoring Plan if requested in writing by the Department. Groundwater monitoring wells shall be instalIed at the locations specified by and in a manner approved by the Department. Driller's logs and well construction information shall be submitted to the Department within thirty (30) days of ~ installation of the wells. The Environmental Monitoring Plan shall follow the organizational I :-.', format and include alI applicable information requested by Section VII of the Department's "LandfilI Permit Application Instructions." Applicable subsections of the instructions consist of: Subsection .VII.3.0.

_... '-'- 7. The permittee shall pay'the Annual Solid Waste Permit Fee prior to July 1 of each year this pertnit is in effect. An invoice indicating the amount of the fee, set in accordance with the I Department's regulations, will be mailed prior to the date due. (See OAR 340-61-115 and 340-61­ 120 for details.) L .;. .. SCHEDULE D

Special Conditions G I is , 1. Based on the fact that the permittee's disposal site closed, the permittee is exempted by rule L. (OAR 340-60-065) from the requirements of ORS 459.250 to provide a place for receiving source separated recyclable materials.

2, Erosion of soil shallbe controlled so that waste covered with final cover is not exposed and so that sediment entering off-site surface from the disposal site is prevented to the maximum extent practicable. 3. The permittee shall not allow the release of any substance from the Uutdfill into groundwater which will result in a violation of any applicable federal or state groundwater or drinking water rules or regulations beyond the solid waste boundary of the disposal site or an alternative boundary specified by the Department after consideration of OAR 340-40 and OAR 34G-61-

4. In the event that any occurrence causes a violation of any conditions of this permit or of the Department's rules, the pennittee shall:

a. Immediately take action to correct the unauthorized condition or operation.

b. Immediately notify the Department's Medford office at 776-6010 in so that an investigation can be made to evaluate the problem and the corrective actions taken and to detennine if any additional action must be taken. '


Closure and Post-Closure Maintenance Requirements

1. The pennittee shall close and maintain the disposal site in accordance with the conceptual closure plan dated April 5, 1992, and any approved modifications thereto, and the conditions of this permit.

2. The permittee shall establish and maintain suitable vegetation over the closed areas of the disposal site consistent with the proposed final use.

3. The permittee shall operate the disposal site in a manner which avoids, to the maximum extent practicable, leachate production. Leachate shall be collected, evaporated or otherwise treated and' contr'olled in amanner &.pproved by the Department, so as to prevent malodors, public health hazards, and escapement to public waters in violation of any applicable state or federal water quality rules' or regulations.

4. The permittee shall protect and maintain each groundwater or surface water monitoring well or device so that samples representative of actllJl1 conditions can be collected. Any damage shall be reported to the Department, wjth a descrip~n of the proposed repair or replacement measures .. and a tjme schedule, in writing within fourteen (14) days. The replacement or repair must be completed with a written inSpection report cielivered to the Department within sixty (60) days of discovery of the damage.

5. The permittee shall divert surface water drainage away from areas where solid waste has been placed and shall maintain surface water diversion ditches or structures free of obstructions and debris at all times.

6. The permittee shall maintain the closed disposal site so that it is reasonably free of litter at all times. r Permit Number: 1082 Expiration Date: 10131196 Page 5 of 5 Pages 1 _

7. When closure activities have been completed according to the closure plan, the permittee shall submit a written request to the Department for approval of the closure. .­ , 8. Any future use, activity, or construction of buildings, structures, or utilities on this disposal site !; shall be done in a manner which protects the integrity of. the final cover soil, and protects the operation of any environmental control devices, such as leachate or landfill gas containment, collection, removal, or treatment facilities and surface water drainage diversion facilities.

9. The permittee shall rehabilitate and maintain the disposal site in accordance with the approved closure plans and Department post-closure rules, and shall limit post-closure use to uses consistent with ,the approved closure plans. r-­ ! 10. This closure permit remains in effect and is a binding obligation of the permittee until it expires or until the Department terminates the permit according to OAR 34Q-{il-{l28(6) or (7), or upon issuance of a new closure permit for the site to another person following receipt of a complete and acceptable application.

n. The permittee shall maintain this disposal site for a period of 5 years after receiving written ,i·" approval from the Department for completion of the final closure activities specified in the closure L plan. The permittee shall apply to renew this permit, if necessary, to keep the permit in effect until the 5-year maintenance period has been completed. The Department may amend this permit to extend the expiration date beyond that time if it finds that there is a need to protect against a significant hazard or risk to public health or safety or the environment.


Financial Assurance Requirements

1. This---land disposal site meets the criteria in OAR 340-61-028(2) and is exempt --from the financial assurance requirements. This exemption does not relieve the pennitteefrom the responsibility of financing and completing closure and post-closure maintenance of the site in accordance with the approved closure plan and the terms of this permit.

2. The exemption from the financial assuranctiwequirement will remain valid only so long as the site continues to meet the exemption criteria in OAR 340-61-028(2). If the site fails to continue to meet the exemption criteria, the Department may modify the closure permit to require financial assurance. .

PSW1082B (6/92) ,- (

General Conditions and Disclaimers

Gl. Terms in this permit apply as defined in Oregon Administrative Rule 340-61-010.

G2. Conditions of this permit shall be binding upon the permittee. The permittee shall be liable for all acts and omissions of the permittee's contractors and agents.

G3. The disposal site shall be operated in compliance with Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 61, regarding disposal of solid waste; Division 62, regarding waste tire storage; Division 25, regarding disposal of asbestos.

G4. The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any violation of federal, state, or local laws or regulations.

G5. The Department,its officers,agents, or employes shall not sustain any liability on account of the issuance of this permit or on account of the construction, maintenance, or operation of facilities pursuant to this permit.

G6. The permittee shall allow representatives of the Department aCcess to the disposal facility at all reasonable times for the purpose of making inspections, surveys, collecting samples, obtaining data, and-carrying out other necessary functions related to this permit.

G7. . This permit may be modified, suspended, or revoked in whole or in part at any time by the Director during its term, in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes 459.255, for reasons including but not limited to the following:

a. Violation of any terms or conditions of this permit or any applicable statute, rule, \ standard, or order of the Commission;

b. Ob'Glning this permit by-misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all reievant facts;

c. A significant change in the quantity or character of solid waste received or in the method of disposal site operation.

G8. This permit, or a photocopy thereof, shall be displayed where it can be readily referred to by operating"personnel. ~ .. G9. This permit supersedes all previously issued permits for this disposal site.

GI0. Violation of permit conditions shall subject the permittee to civil penalties of up to $10,000 for each day of each violation.

SW.GC (9109/91) ,,, ,J

,.; .. i L r [ [ I r

L I [

L ..L [ ~"


I I i ~, , " [.

,- i L. APPENDIX B I' SITE MAP ~. (from Fetrow, January 1991) ,; [,j 1 ..-' L'


".'"' 1"1L I,

,•••. [ 'L I l_. L , " .._ ..•.•. - •••.•••,., -•••• ,f X' I ;.' ".'-', STATE OF OREGON JU. i1h.-l U ...... ;.., 1 I' ' ...... (0 ......

p OWNER: (10) LOCATION OF WELL: - ) Richard A. Schaefer atne County ,Jackson Driller's well number 8)-39 Dr~ve 3030 Eldorado "' W.M. Oregon Medford State Tax Lot.. 4$08 Lot Blk Subdivision ) Address at well location: 2) TYPE OF WORK (check): Barnet.t Rpad Medford, OregoD

';W Well C{ Deepening 0 ~nditioning 0 Abandon 0 (11) WATER LEVEL: Completed welL \'"ban~d"'o"'nm~e"n~t'-."do=n~,,·"'be~~~"'="riT.'-1~an~d~p~1oced~~ure~'-''.':·n'-l~te~m''O..1~2". _ j- Depth at which water was first. found 159 ft. TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Staticlevel 150 ft.belowlandsurface.Date 6 8 83 ""'.;u-yAirXMX Driven 0 Domestic <1i; lndustriaJ 0 Municipal 0 Artesian pressure Ibs. per square inch. Date rMud 0 Dug 0 lrrigatlon 0 Test Well 0 ou,,, 0 .;le a So"", 0 "'Thermal: Withd.rnwal 0 Reinjection 0 (12) WELLLOG: Diame""ofwellbelow"";ng ~ 0".11 .. Depth drilled j05. 5 ft. Depth of ..mpleted well j05· 5 ft. CASING INSTALLED: S"",I 0( Plastic o Threaded 0 Welded Formation; Describe color, texture. grain size and 3tructure of materials; and show 'X thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with atlea.st one entry ...... ~Diam. from tZ. ft..to 1.8. ft. Gauge .250 (or each change of formation. Report each change in position 6l Static Water Level ...~ Dia.m. from : ft. ~'.~ ft. Gauge and indicateprincipaJ water-bearing strata. ~ LINER INSTALLED: From To SWL ...~ Diam. (rom.~?. . (Lto ]05....; ft. Gauge ·.....2.50 ... soil brown 1 sandstone-brown °1 12 Perfo~ted?XJ PERFORATIONS: Yes 0 No 21 ':e of perforator used skill saH 12 -blue 21 '.of perforations 1/8 in. by 6 in. 29 28 . 175 j05 -brown 20 ...... 60 perfomt:ons from ·..22·0 ft. to '240 ft. -blue 39 .., perforatIOns from ,_ Ct. to .ft. -green '39 45 ...... ,. perforations from : ft. to. . ft. -brown 52 SCREENS; Well screen installed? 0 Yes geNo ·.

.:~'Sl 10 gaLlIDin. with drill stem at304 ft. 1 1=. - L rae CLLLC:u" '5 .L UL·JIt' C.LU Jl ;'-;rtcsl galJmin. with ft. drawdown after 1=. ;,ian flow g.p.m. Depth artesian flow encountered .. ' flo Work started 6 8 19 83 Completed 6 8 ",CONSTRUCTION: ~'I standan±;o Y~ 0 No ex Date well drilling machine moved off of well 6 8 ';seal-Material used ~.?~.~ ~.~ ~.'::~.~!.J:~ _. Drilling Machine Operator's Certification.: lsealed from land surface to . 1.~ . . ft. • TIUs we~ls constructed under my directsupervLSlOn. Materials used b.,.~9 and mforma 0 re rted a true y best knowltge and be~ef. '!eter of well bore to bottom of seal in. ~£~..( ,eter of well bore below .seal in. [S;gnedl . ';t.;:...... Dale ..-.-.9.... 19 j. 6 IDrilh"8 Machine Operutorl ,her of sacks of cement used in well seal DrillIng Ma: ne Operator's License No ~~.~.~.. ... · ascement grout placed? p.!~.~!?~~ ~~~~ . Water Well Contractor's Certification: 1 ·..··.. ·· .. TIus well was drilled under my jurisdiction aJld this report is tnJe to the best of my knowledge aJld belief. 'WTlp instllltecl? no Type HP . Depth ft. Name .Studebak.er.. Drilling,...Iru::...... , drive shoe used? 0 Yes ~ No Plugs.. .. Size; locatiorJ...... rL lV stratll conUlin unusable water? 0 Yes 0 No Address 48~'. Er.({/)4~~~9~O ,r \Voter? depth of strata [S;gnedJ . ~~ '<..-I of sealing strata off 0 ,.ell gravel packed? 0 Yes cXNo Sire of gravel; Contractor's' cense No ~?r~.~a::~I.~~:~~:...... ~~? .. ,19~~ .! placed from ft. to ft. NOTICE TO WATER WELL CONTRAcrOR WATER RESOURCE'S DEPAR'I'MENr. Sf"'" 12658-690 The origiNlI and first copy of Lhis report SALEM, OREGON 97310 are to be filed with lhe within 30 days from lhe date of well completion. STATE OF OREGON State Well No. ~~..::.:... _. ~..' ! "lATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT. AUG 171981 ~_······· ······,~r ''11 SALEM. OREGON 97310-' (Please tYPe or print) .. I within 30 days irom the date­ :lbov~l&t~) ol well completion. '(DO not write RESOURCES DE

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision comer (2) TYPE OF WORK (check): /rl7-- () 1 lyC () New Well 0' Deepening~ Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 Ii abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12. (11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. (3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check) : Depth at Whic~~t~was first found [ Rotary ~Driven 0 Domestic ~Industrial 0 MLinlcipal 0 Static level 7'-0 f ft. below land surface. Dat~ ~ "'l Cable D Jetted 0 S-.... li Dug Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 j 0 _A_'_'_e_'_"_n_p_'_'_"_u_'_e lb_'_._p_e_'_'_Q_u_'_'_e_'n_c_"_.__D_a_'_e -.,-_[,: \ CASING INSTALLED: Th,,"ded 0 W"ded 0 (12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing .....0. /J D~~~IJ:I7P'Ilt0J... ,.20 06:. ;),.::::::ovz.al"ac... Depth drilled ft. Depth of, completed well r ~'!_ Gage.. •••• w Dlam. from .....: ft. to fl. -F-o~'~m.c...'-li-o-n-'-D~e~'~,-,uibLe-,Lo-IO-'-..c...,'~x-,~u~,~e~.~g~,~"~i~n~'-i~z~,~'~n~dc=.'-'~ru-"',~tu-'~e;6o~,.a...m-'~'~e-'-iJ

•• W Diam. "lrom . ct. to ft. Gage and show thickness and nature oC each stratum and aquiCer penetrated with at least one entry lor each change,of [ormation. Report each chanl:"e ir position of'Static Water Level and Indicate' principal water·bearinl:" stral f PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes Type of perforator used

Size of perforations In. by in.

perforations trom . ft. to ft. perloratlons from. ft. to fl. penorations 'Crom ft. to CL

(7) SCREENS: Well screen lnstalled1 0 Yes A No ManuCacturer's Name Typ' Model No. Dlarn. Slot size ... Set from .. Ct. 10 .. fl. Dlam. Slot size. Set Crom . ft. to II.

. , Drawdown is amount water level ls (8) WELL TESTS: lowered below static level Was a pump test made? 0 Yes ,l:!tNo Ii yes. by whom? Yield: gal.lmin. with ft. drawdown alter "cs. ~~~~------~-----f--~-j----+---;{r~~

"cs. Arteslan..!low '...... g.p.m. r' ,erature of water Depth artesian flow encountered fl. Work started 19 r I C~mpleted (9) CONSTR>UCTION: Date well drilling mach1ne moved off oC well J Well seal-Material used .}J.O ;e:e,t-6}/. 57/1 \(.'G.7..;i;ilfY...... ;•.. Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: l' W~lI This well was constructed under my direct supervisi ." seilled from land surCace to N e.&.. e-!!..S/}-/Z-.-f".... O./'/. H. Materials used and informatton repor~eda ove arc true to my I Diaml'ter of well bore to bo.t1om o[ seal W;;;'·';!C-.·· S:et9-L best knowlcd an ~iet; 8"-/3 ,J Diameter of well bore below seal in. (Signed] ju... 0 .. Date ...... • 1$- CDrlll g Machine peralor) . ;-.lumber of sacks of cement used in well seal sacks 3 y-0 ... ··L Drilling achine Operata License No /. . "1 How was cement grout placed? 1 ". Water WeIl Contractor's Certification: This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Was a drive shoe used? 0 Yes '~o Plugs. Size: lOcation fl. Narne .. T~I.:c;,., .. Ll.&2l:.(.7r.!.:Zc..... :5.1..(Person. lirm or corporation) (Type or printJ L Did any strata contain unusable water? C; Yes ,D(No Type of water? (::JO(l-lftP,L-t!.- depth o[ strata Addres~.p_..,...8. O:J',o, .... ~L77/cr:!.T.·C?/Z;: . I Method o[ sealing strata ocr j [Signed] .. :/..cZ,.. . ., ~""""1 , Was well gravel packed? rYes ~'1o Size of gravel: ter Well Contractor) J

Gr~vel ~.~ placed [rom ft. tn ". Contra or's License No. ..'lz3.. Date /3 1-;' (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF :fECESSARY) SP"4S65-S,'" I I The original and !trst caprJ'?-. ot,this report are to be Ci U ,iUI .10-19'7t"gER WELL REPORT , ' , i I t tlled with the _ STATE OF OREGON State Well No. .~.".7._S.. iL.~:.:. ~ :-::_.i-_: STATE EN'GINEER. SALEM. oIt&GoN'''97':n11.::' E. f'J ~. '. ~ S~ase type or print) within 30 days trom the date_- u. I .:. ~ II ·(Do- not write

(1) OWNER: (11) LOCATION OF WELL: ~Ar/( \ /_ I r In L! f ')Ize of perforations In. R Lu e SAA,J.fc""e -,. - ;L '(.; 1", . 7) SCREENS: Well screen LnstAlled 0 Yes ){ No ~ .. nufacturer's Name. '''--~--~ r- .. fpe ...... Model No. I i :.lffi. ... Slot size . Sey om ...... ft. to It. - - I _.- Slot size . ~t from .. ft. to . ft. -- (8) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. I I

? ita tic level . ~ ft. below land surface Date.) 4'. L. ".j ;~) 1 .~.v~te=,:i.~n:..."p~ee""~'~u::e=-e__~====-~ib'-',:-.-"p'-'e::e-""'Q~u:.:''':..!'in'':':'h'---r:D':.~te=--:====-_ I Iil) WELL TESTS: Orawdown ts amount water level is ; lowered below static level i (as a Rump test maa.1 0 Yes' g, No H yes, by whom? - Work started JAtY 197'L.. Completed:2 6 JI1 fl.' 197 L Yield: gal.lmin. with / It. drawdown after hrs. If Date well drilling machine moved 0(( o[ wellNoT v.".f t1tV.cJ 19_ 1" ~ - - --.., I" -;./" - " DrillIng Machine Operator's Certification: /~ ,~ This well was constructed undcr my direct supervision, Mate­ BaUer test gal./mln. wtu,JC ft. drawdown after3 h". rials used and information reported above are true to my best' t Irteslan now _ g,p.m, Date knOWledge~belief. a L;/ ----= ,2._~ : femperature Of water ,~ Was a chemIcal analysts made? 0 Ye, ~NO [Signed] .... c.1f..-.'J}',._ .. wtlf{:A_"" Da te ..h.n_.:.... 197...?,..- IDrllllnli: Machine Op~utor) T' ~ flO) CONSTRUCTION: _ Drilling Machine Operator's License No. ./0. ../. .. Jell seal-Material used ....G .. c:...1t,L.1(L:.t.c:_...... 0.f?.J1..l...... epth ot seal ...... _.. _...... ft. Water Well Contractor's Cerlltication: Dlameter of well bore to bottom of seal ...... tn. This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is -'T b~lie~ ~ true to the best of my knowledge and • :'ere any lOOse strata cemented of!? DYes ~No Depth ...... NAME Pd::: ..lLC. Y;,I / {".V.J)i?l.f...ul_r:i...(r:.._: ...... _.. Ja.-s a drive shoe used? ~Yes o No ,.} (Person. firm or ~J:.~o~tionl n'ype or print} o id any strata 'contain unusable water? DYes d! No , Address 2C.d.:5j;:_:!Le)."' ..c;.5"-.. !C ...,, __ .. .!i.e./F~d.;. ..CA.'e" .. _... _. :lype ot waten .depth 01 strata '-- > i : )ethod of sealing strata oll [Signed] ·~cl1:..;1i!;.f(c:h,L . -Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes M No Size of gravel: .-:--- _',:1'--' (Water Well Contractor) 7 ") ~1 . ' :~JL._ ~ jravel placed from , it. to ...... ft. Contractor's' License Nol].h .. Date 2£.. _. 19 .. j (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) / ..... The original and llrst <;:0l,1'_.)'~. W'" """'R WELL REP0 ':1 0' this report a," to hoi:" J UL 1 0 1972 e'.cJ'~ . RT . mer,! with the STATE OF OREGON -;~!.i...!.~"~""""~J'-'~:-::" State Well No / __ " I lTATE ENGINEER. SALEM, o@qon. ~l1"Jfi[ E f'J ~': ..' :.:r:- 5aease type or print) within 30 day, ' WELL, .. "," !~ Reid )/\ I i I!.c; County :fA cf<5'<: It( Driller', well number te" ELL.b"dM" r/cd grell, Ct\' e !\ ;luu !\ seet!on]2. T .. 3 7S R. U&/ W.M. Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner 2. 0'/ lot.:

Abandon 0 ~ i i 3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): :-..~ry 0 Driven 0 (12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing ...... ~ '...'..... Domestic ~ Industrial 0 Municipal 0 . ~e ~ Jetted 0 Depth drUied ,;). {} C ft. Depth of completed well ~ it. ._;" tf Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 [ Formation: Describe color, texture. grain size and structure of materials: and show thlckness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, ~~l CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Welded §l with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change ! S:- '" Dlam. from Q : it. to .:]..1 ft. Gage .. J ••J-S.L.... In position of Static Water Level as drilling proceeds. Note drilling rates. Dlam. trom ..::" ft-. to ...... __ it. Gage MATERIAL From To SWL Dlam. [rom ft. to ft. Gage

i PERFORATIONS: pertorat~1 0 Yes ))(No. C'ype of perforator used

."'1 of perforations In. by In.

...... perforaUo tram. it. to . it...... perforations f it. to ft. : _ perforations fro it. to It.

pcrforallon~om _...... : . it. to it. ·s . perforatiofu {rom. .. ft. to It.

(" J SCREENS: Well screen Installed? 0 Yes p\ No ~u{acturer's Name ~ I Type .. . .. Model No .. .-.=--+-=I==r- L r" ~n. . Slot size _ t fro . _ . it to it. .. I ;n Slot size Set from .. .. it to it. -----,--, (8) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. / ic level 3_~ ft. below land surface Date ;sian pressure ._. lbs. per square Inch Dale

Drawdown ls amount water level ls (9c', WELL TESTS: lowered below static level -1 ! la pump test-made')..Q,Yes ti No If yes. by whornl Work startet!jf:'O vl!!:1hrI lOll Completed /. .7IlA,'. 1972 gal./mln. with ft. drawdown after hrs. l Date well drilling machine moved 0([ of well S lJ! J\. \

DrllIlug Machine Operator's Certification: C /"1 .. -'. ~ This well was constructed under my direct supervision. Mate­ Baller test awdo'wn after hrs. nals used and information reported above are true to my best knowledge...a-Q.d be)ief. ~ . :' · Isian, flow g P ill Date ./-c-)..{:~I, --,<-,'--/.,L.t'!1,;.~. , ' · Jperature o{ water ---Was a chemical analysls made? 0 Yes (Signed) 'f...,. cL,If..h.{Z'l ..:.. / .. Dale-'·J.]./{IL.. £!No ;' (rll 1m: Machine Operator) nO) CONSTRUCTION: · , Drilling Machine Operator's License No. /P '1 ;. .'1 seal-Material used ( .. C...?~ ...;:.f.:;,.-i...t.:.:..... 'il1\h of seal J...L: ~ . It. Water Well Contractor's Certification: Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal 1...... In. This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is t str~ta true to the best of my knowledge and belZ''t. ;'1" any loose cemented oUl 0 Yes 1;iI. No Depth .'1. ..J 1 f . . J) . /. / NAME A.k.C.. kC.':' LAl\Jo.C. v. .lU ll?if.. (..C••.•...•....•. .. _J a driVe shoe used? ~Yes 0 No (Person. firm or corporli"ion) IType or prlOtI Did any strata COntain unusable waterl 0 Yes c£r No l Address ~.5...k.?1..?l.S..5 j~.f.../" ..(:ki ,t,'.c!,. ..r il../;. ~~ -;e of Water? ~e-pth of strata --:-- F '. .1 J_."o"d,-o"-t,--",e"a",,,ln,,g~,,,,,,,a,,taC.".o<~< ~~_....:'-__ ,_£1.u~ t!ti;(:~:. --=== _ [Signed) "'r' .. ,I11:c:~-:i:~ u u·.· .. Well Contr"ClOr) Was well gravel packed? DYes C(NO Size of giavel: l. 7~ · 1 ~ . ~ jvel placed from it. to ...... ft. Contractor's License NoJ.z ..~ Date 2.6.. _: .,.7>,. 19": . j - (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) -, ~,/I W - .J ~ .0 WATER WELL REPORT File Original and Sta~e Well No G..-::...9..SCl. _ __ _._. First Copy with the STATE ENGINEER, STATE OF OREGON ALEM. OREGON State Permit No S2..:..a..?.1. _.

1) OWNER: (11) WELL TESTS: Drawdown Is amount water leve,'t' lo::v:.red below staUc level _V ';',me --i:l#'a(!,{l L,o oJ. ViJ7ma Roof Was a pump test made? 0 Yes tiYNo Ii Yes, by whom? _ e~-"-l7da dd,ess }0-:2 5' I" Dl"jv.e Yield; gal./min. with (to drawdown aiter "hrs. , (2) LOCATION OF WELL: Bailer test gaL/min. willi j~ it. drawdown hrs. - ounty j'tr..C.k5"Oh Owner's number, 1I any- /..;1. alteq IV""; \~ NE \, S"tion 30< T. 37 SO R. I w' W.M. Artesian flow g.p.m. Date Bearing and distance from section or Subdlv:"i"",,·o..n,-,oco"'r,,n'-'e'Cr.--=o-_~~ _ /0 ",'" S, cr 1/5/ E 0 i',--,'TJ ME, ew Diameter of well 6.. _ inches. Depth of completed well ?4% ft.

MATERLAL FROM TO (3) TYPE OF WORK(check): (T. / .... ·eW Well ~ Deepenin/f 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 abandonment. describe material- arid procedure In Item 11.

'. I PROPOSED USE (check): (5) TYPE OF WELL: omestic ~ndUStrial 0 Municipal 0 Rotary o Driven o Cable ~Jetted o <~rlgat1on JY'Test WeU 0 Other 0 . Dug o Bored o ----- (6)2~~~~~. ~:'::~~~~~:It toTZ~~~°lt. ::::d~~.'?

...... " Dialn. from ft. to CL Gage _ ...... Diam. from. ._ f1. to . . fl. Gage .

T) PERFORATIONS: PerCorated? 0 Yes ~'10 i'ype of perforator used S~ZE of perforations in. by in. ... perforalions from ... ft. to ... ft. perforations from ft. to _ . It. perforations Crom ft. to il. ..;T. . penoratlons from ft. to It. _oj perforaUons from fL to iL

I~) Well screen installed 0 Yes fiNO SCREENS: ------'------1---1--- ~nufacturcr·s Name }pe :.::._ :~. Model No . Dlam Slot size ...... Set from _ ft. to . It. -W-O-'-k-,-'-"-'e-d-q"---Z-r;Lcc..;c.-C:'>-,-,~fi"'.-;c.·~c-o-m_-p-le-'e-d--c;f~--I-,--y7::,----I-~-.-,i 1 ...... Slot size ... .. Set from .... ft. 'to It. r ,..:,._------,J) CONSTRUCTION: Y!>(13) PUMP: ;l1h-!Q.{' ~ .. wf:v:C:lla:::v:~o:C".~d? 0 y" ~f.~o Size of gcavel,;;. ~;:,fa~'U7k5.'~'~ ,.Ls a surface seal provided? 0 yes ;;rrNo To what depth? ft. ~aterlal used in seal- Well Driller's statement: an,.' strata ("o~t/ ..\rtesian pressure Ibs. per square Inch Date Driller's we/hr'!'l:>~ )"£fr...... jlg Accept;1,ed by:.; 2/'['-' - [Signed1 .: .....a;/,f.;6....i...... ,d..it.,.\{v..,.·'.'zD.':C,.,.I~,;.,., '~.""~""'~ .. · .. ;7.·~' ~·~ignedJ :). :t :.d::::i-r /:. It:!~ate.. j ••b.·..- :.f... c,'...... 19._....'i1 L' N t1 "/ 0 t' A''~. .. . 19 /,J ,-, . V (Owner) lcense o _...J...... a e ;..;r.;:..•.. .••"' .•:••...•••••••...•• ,'...••• , Cf~- '... "j /.7,)(' tf7,~f- /r-G£~- v (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) J '~ 'I WATER WELL REPORT he Original· and­ r'lrst COpy with the STATE ENGINEER. STATE OJ;' OREGON SALEM. OREGON State Penult No ______..

D~rawd:own Is amount water leveer (11) WELL TESTS: loweI ed below static level 6 Was a pump test made? 0 Yes 0 If Yes, by whom? _ YIeld: gal./min. with It. drawdown alter ~s. C~'~ LO"'TIf)N OF WELL: ,~,' "" :.'_,. " ' .. ,l:~_ (Z) ....~. -)1 A . •': .... i- ... • ."r::,'~". Baller testA ·7 gal./mln. with /~-:;;/'1 It. drawdown a1ler.~ hrs. -,unly Owner's number -. -rv: ..~ I Artesian flow g.p.m. Date \, SeeUon ,"7,)' T, ,::;> 7....rR. fTT! W,M, " Temperature oC water;(\7 ;gas a chemical anal~sis made? Q Yes .Mty o~arlng and'. distanCe (rom section or subdIvision corner

,;:1 {7y717, P 'z,r lP /,? (12) DI,m"" of well ,.,..... - .. inch"" z cstE WELLll!P: b ..TI ,~ Depth drilled / L :/. ft. Depth of completed well /.(f <1 ft. ," '; '7/ 22V t:: :32 Fonnatlon: Describe by COIOT, CharaCter, size of material and stnu:ture, and show thickness of aquifers and the kind and nature of the materia! in each stratum penetrated, with; at least one entry JOT each change of fonnatlon.

FROM TO ,3) TYPE OF WORK (check): 1/.)(/ /l ,~/ N~w wellfr Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 (/ 'lbandonment. describe material and procedu.r~ In Item 11. /t< ," 6> .'? / 'L /

vi) PROPOSED USE (check): (5) TYPE OF WELL: /1 I/. ( r Rotary Driven 0 '": )meslic fr'IndUStrlal 0 Municipal 0 o / Cable o Jetted 0 ~. ") .igatlon 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 Dug o Bored 0 II II:'" 1 J..J / (~) CASING INSTALLED: TJyead~d 0 Welded ~ , r /\ 2.'1_ d{,j ).... Dlam. from ..... lj..._.__.... tt. to /t:.-fft;...- fL Gage,/~ .... _ _.. Dlarn. (rom .... ft. to .. _.. _.. ft. Gage _.. .. _...... _.... Diam. irom ...... tt. to ...._ it. Gage .

b PERFORATIONS: PerIorated? O·Yes yNo I I . jpe at perforator used '11 /:';0' SIZE of perforations in. by In. It ,~< I / ~ penorations irom ..__.._..._... ft. to ...... iL /1 /1 1/"'7''' 1/ C;-0 perforations from ...... _._ .. it. to fL perforati'ons irom ...... it. to fl. perforations tram .... ft. to ...... it. .. perforations from ...... ft. to fL

(8) SCREENS: Well screen installed 0 Yes po .. :~nutacture.r·s Name

, pe ...... ::':":'"": _.._ Model No . . Slot size. .. .. Set tram _. ft. to ...... it. r ~un Slot size . Set from . .. it. to ...... ft. Work starte&--l Cl 19_ff-comPleled z- L (. ) CONSTRUCTION: Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes ~o Size oC gravel: ~V:ls:::::: ;::~p~·~~·~~·~·~;····~·;~~{t~~ ;~· :~·~~··~·~~t~t; ...... ft. ~aterlal used In seal _~~__ Well Driller's Statement: J)l-:t any strata ('ontain unusable water? 0 Yes £0 This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is >e of water? Depth of strata true to the best of my knowledge and belief. •. :, ,;.}thOd of sealing strata off "-" NAME s.:flv.bI5~Br.~.?:,}I:;;((.E.?:::::{q~~..... , t~enon._.pnn. ~r ,or-~in0zf' t • '. c.orpo·ratiOnJ _ ._ (TYpe ("0) WATER.. !&VELS: . )", Address ;JLj!:f.J{:t/)':.f<.'~~.Q/""0;(.??.... otic level // ft. below land sUrface Dale7- L!-.. '7 '~rale,;ian pressure Ibs. per square inch Date Driller's er WCl2l!J;;oumr ... .ll:,'. / ..~.;..-;.!':...... :jj4:~!;jL [Signed] .. , , m . 1':-- (Well Driller) <:~ ~ Q ~ 19 ..5'] ..:.z, License No 1.(-.2 Da'te .K::::..: .1. , 193.)7 L

(USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) .' ~ .-- '. -. !" " - , , C" ",.-'r" _ _ - ~ .._ _-- I :' _." t;..-::: I . level is \ \ '\..s:, er 'hrs. 1 I \r.. " I "i " \ : , hrs. , .r,Yj ,Y'£- .hi Yes iJM0 }

" \ \ z~·~· inCh::: 1

I structure, and aterial in each of formation. 'I I 'M

; q) } i '- "



, . •I J

J...... , . 'j -X"., ,,] 5 report is ~,',:..

, , 'j

~", :.~J. ",1 c "v, .,..•..,.1 vale .t.:. ,, 19,;5.) ' ,J, '/ (USE. ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSAR;{) .;') i . - . " ,, ,f." JNOTlCE TO WATER WELL CON'l'RACtF!\' The original and first copy G... ,'ij h; , co,..., of this report are to be , WATJ!:R.,\"ELL REPORT . : filed with the ~ State Well No. I STATE ENGINEER, sALEM 10, OREGON ., STATE" OF OREGON (Ple~se type or print) : within 30 days :from the dale Slate Penoit No...__ ....__.. of well completion

(II) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water levee'(-; ) low$I"ed below static level I Was a pump test made? 0 Yes [J-iIfo If yes, by whom?

Address Yield: gal./rn1n. with it. drawdown after ,~==~,vt~t,E~:i;J:"cl~~r-,(~'~~_~ 1'(~)~iE'",,~

MATERIAL FROM TO f- (3) TYPE OF WORK (check): • ?';n I/ () C I ~ew Well V Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 r , bandorunent. describe material and procedure in Item 12. ::X-1.-"~ ,---t{' '~ {)<'lij, I r STt'c><.' t' "" C\ I 'I )I ;(6) CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 \Velded e--- " .::::\ I' I ~ 0_1 I I l--eU. r~ {,!-JLI.?I::Y :1'<- -/} 1) /40-' _ 0_.."Dlam. from 0 it. '0 Y rt. Cage ,.?".S.O r"I ._ _ Di3ffi. from. . H. to it. Gage _.. }._ ,_ _." Diam. from· ...... ft. to _._._ _.. _. it. Gage .....•.•.•... __ . --.---,--r-(--(7,~.J....,------+--j--f ,(7) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes ~ (Jla5-Je--K. ,\L:-<'-'C:r.\:~lq lZ7' /:::c:; '5 "Type of perforalor used -Size of perforations in. by in. _____. \_'t__+--_--1 [ perforations trom ..__.._. Ct. to ,_ ,_ __ ft. .... perforations from ft. to _ ft. ------+---t----:t! .. _ penorations from _ _ ft. to. •.••••••••.... Ct • t~ ....._ perforations from _ _ ft. to ...... _. Ct. ------,~-_t_- perforalions Crom .. _._ _ __ ft. to _ _ _ ft. r ~-~------+______il__-I '(8) SCREENS,-- Well screen installed? 0 Yes Manuf~cturer's Name , ·-ue . ._ _ Model No _ . .n. _.. .. Slot size Set from ..._.._ .._...... ft. to ..... J ...... ft. Work started 19 C-.'{'Compleled ? - :? 7 19 "'[ Dlam...... Slot size Set from ~. ft. to f~~ Dilte well drilling machine moved off of well ? <' 7 19 (.1" kg) CONSTRUCTION: 11 ~vel1 ~.f1:~ k"~~ ~ M~~~~ac~~~~p~ame seal-Material used l.r;...r...... _ : _._ _.._._._..L Depth oC seal .(../) Ct. Was a p~cr used? Type: ...... __ H.P. ~D[1r ,kno and(beliel jf .Gravel placed from :. £t. to Ct. NAME :.•~J.. ...J ) lX~:-'£.E':tDLSW.., .1~1L~2I Did any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes 0 No .ft"'''lr. H,m "'f"""""'"' ri] IT>f,[::\i'. L, . :.~lType oC water? Depth of strata AddressL(7.Lb.. ..'LJllU5~,j:rcq' .-..!..~ ... !Method of s~aling strat~ off Drilling Ma: ine O""'n'r'cLicensewo.••...••. .'(f·,~~~L (10) WATER LJ,Y.E;L'S: oL"~"{;;~;o/;i/c~~' ;;,~;f·~·······Z· Sttl.t!c level (X" it. below land surface (Signed] .• t.L Contractor's License Nd£../. D~te d.. '":.? 7 19 ::/ (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF "1i~CESSARY) "1 '~OTI~~ ''l'0 WATER WELL CON'I'RAC'r01\ The origmal and first copy'-:" " of this report are to be WATER WELL REPORT -"1; !1led with the STATE ENGINEER, SALEM 10, OREGON STATE OF OREGON within 30 days from the date ,. (Please type or print) of well completion. Slate Permit No. __ _.._. _ . (11) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level(8;) lowered below static level Was a pump test made? 0 Yes ~ 1£ yes. by whom? Yield: gal./min. with ft. drawdown after - hrs.

(2) LO):d\TION OF WELL: ,/ Baller test 5...... gaL/min. with A (d:::it. drawdown after hrs. ~c..L{" ) County R.5 61"L,...J Drlller's well number T Artesian !low g,p.rn. Date j, . D W~cctlon ;:::; [I T. ·3 / .5 R. I LLi w.M . '1 Temperature of wate£..2 'lWas a chemical aI!alysLs made? p Yes ~ Bearing and dist~nce from section or subdivision comer TI'J ' (12) WELL iL.c:.G: Diameter of well below casing } ...~:_...... _ ...... Depth drilled f rr £! it. Depth of completed well / f-.j- () it. Formation: Describe by color, character, size of material and structure and show thickness 0/ aqtli/iers and the kind and nature oj the materia! in'each stratum penetrated, with at least one entry for each. change Of fonnation.

i\1ATERIAL I FROM TO (3) TYPE OF WORK (check): "76' i I () .;2-- ." Well ~ Dee;~nlng 0 . Recondit"loning 0 Abandon nCL+~~;::==::::;':~~~~~==4=;:::-;;~===t=;~':::t~:= ?andonment. describe material and procedure In Item 12. ..fS rC l'-..J 1-\ ~·7..:"..-{..-i-ld '7 i=--l!lL(.----. -:z / /J i • (4) PROPOSED USE (check): (5) TYPE OF WELL:~Mr7'.. t-1(,{,-",,~-~7C-='""'--,c-'l.ccl!.(c-.c-d::t-.~__;c-I-i"1{/="'C7lfc:c=~_~+/~{~·lrl-~/~"C' Rotary if Driven 0 <.,- F'- - "'.y- Domestic s-r;;dustrial 0 Municipal 0 Cabi~ 0 Jetted 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 Dug 0 Bored 0 /Y-/,

Threaded 0_ welded~'n to ?:.D it. Gage ~.~.>. : ...... " Dinnl. from it. to Ct. Gage ...... _ it. to it. Gage .. r ?- J I '52.- ...... ••• w Diam. from <') (7) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes T .... pe of perforator used Size of perforations in. by In...... perforations from . !t. to it. . perforations from . ft. Lo . Ct. :.: perforations from - flo to . it...... perCoratlons from It. to it...... perforations irom it. to . ct.

(8), SCREEN&:-- - Wen scr::::::::::~:::: Type: ...... H.P. . \ Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal ::./ In. i .j Were any loose stl'ata cemented off? 0 Yc:s a< Depth ,,';lLer 'Veil Gontr:ldor's Certification:- W E:'-IGE'-lERiii"ATE OF OREGON t within 30 days from th-e:-'da~e _ • ," •. , ~ . _ .... , N~~(P'ease type or prlot) .J of well completion. S;:..._ - .";, uf~' .:J State Permit· No, -?4. ) j Drawdown is amount water l~ (1) OWNER: (11) WELL TESTS: lowered below st:alic level '~ l Name Bessonette Construction Co. Was a pump test made? 0 Yes 12J.:«0 If yes, by whom? f j Address Yield: gaL/min. with ft. drawdown aller hrs.! Pi2eillorii,fe. 0 :BOO!; i-g" 1(2) LOCATION OF WELL: ) B~all"''''''-"t'''e',,t'-_~2''-_--"g'''a'CI.!../'!m'-'I'-'n~.-"-w",ICO'h".,..:'5J2..jP",,,·"t.--"d',.a"w"-de:o;cw""n..-"a"ft,,'-"--'-/:...... -':h..,'''-sl C~o"u"nsty>:..----,J.uJauc::.kK..ESl.JO::lLnL D~',!Il,!le",-,·,:"w,""e.eU"n",u",m'!'.'!b",e~, _ Artesian flow g.p.ro. Dale W.M, l'Ii Temperature of water Was a chemical analysis made? 0 Yes ~ (12) WELL LOG: /' ; Diameter of well below casing f,.::? ,! Depth drilled /"1={] ft. Depth of completed well /¥:O it~- 'i] ~ --'- _ Formation: Describe by color, character, size of material and structure, and ,-! show thickness of aquifers and the kind and nature Of the material in eadf :' ------~---stratum penetrated, with at least one entrY,foT each change of fonnatlOnl ,". I I. MATERIAL. I FROM I TO . (3) TYPE OF WORK (check): r;t ..... Well ~ Deepening 0 Recond.1tlonlng'O Abandon 0 ,,:;;->5'/202 'STO/V6 A.eO

(6) CASING INSTALLED: Threaded _ 0 Weldedz:r­ i I ~ ~r/. I ' •••••••• ••• •• N Diaffi. from _ft. to /7:. _ft. Gago -..?£..Q.. ------. L .. Diam. Crom ...... ft. to Ct. Gage ...... Diam. from ...... ft. to ...... ft. Gage,

(7) PERFORATIONS: ~ Perforaled? 0 Yes ze j Type of perforator used Size of perCorations in. by in. perforations from ...... ft. to H. ... perforations from ft. to H...... penoralions from .. ft. to , . ft. perCoralions from ft. lo .. fl. L ...... ;.... perforalions from fl. to ft.

,'! (8) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes ~o ; - '.-.... Manufacturer's Name _ . , T ..., . Model No. DI..m. _ 'Slot size ...... Set from .. ft. to ..... ft. J Work started I.e - 28 19 65 Comole"d l?-?A Diam Slot size Set from. H. to ...... c-.ze.It. Date well drilling machine moved off of well 12-28 19 I (9) CONSTRUCTlO!'I: (13) PUMP: ; W,1l "al-Mat"lal u"d In 'eal ~Zc2LZYLC.;£.".CL/.Z-/dLtI:<-Manu'a"m,,·, Name . . --[ Depth of seal /2. ft. Was a packer used? c.1:'::'.P...... Ty~p_e_:_.. .._ ___.._ __..___ __.. ._..•_.._H_.P_.__.._ ~.._ _ '.1 Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal ...... ?~.? In. Water Well Contractor's Certification: l Were any loose strata cemented ote? 0 Yes Q-No Depth . ; Was a drive shoe used? 0 Yes frNO This \.... ell was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report l true to the best of iny knowledge and belief. Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes ~ Size of gravel: Gravel placed from ft. to ...... ft. NAME .QH.A.?:.E:fi... '!I.J>!...... I;.,,:.k.."... .. QI:. ".".. L. ;'1 Method of sealing strata off Mac~~/perato~cep:;~···· .2~~c.. (10) WATER LEVELS: Drilling .. ·.. "i [Signed] rL/.. (;2..<1."cd.£'d~ . Static level ft. below land surface Date 12 28- 65 (W;llec Well Contractor) Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch Date Contractor's License No ~.? Dale /:::/(7 ". 191-· (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) ,

.. "" n \j. '., '., ~\ ~_.... ". ~ ~- TO WATER WELL cl~~l::. Ub ~ ~~) t~ ',., h,< ii :J ~~ ! "\ . ,r':,~~~lil'fi~i;i:a;ti~ y JAN '!-7 i965 , TERTEWoEFLL R~,-:lh~i::i3 7 ;9q§teL~uNo,3.7./.. 1..~.::::::_{J. ..S .._. ENClNEER. SALEM.~RE.GPJ:lAZ3.10E'"-j .... p;;;''''.':s;I'A ORE""""I .11 E ~r\IGjNE.'''''R . 'ithin30daysfrom. ~qa!-O\ It:.. J"J\.;:l l"'~-~I.'PleaselypeOrprin'i) .' .•..'-1 . r::' . of well ,omplet, . S,o,LE:;4.0RFGQ!\i 5.'AI.• <.c;e Depth drilled • ~ it. Depth of completed well /90 (t. FOrmation: Describe by cotor, chaTacter. size 01 material and structuTe. and I show thickness of aquifers and the kind and nature of the material in each stratum penetTated. wtth at teast one entry lOT ead! change 01 formation. I ----.-­ . MATERIAL l FROM I TO -r-YPE OF WORK (check); 'en 0 Deepening ~ Reconditioning 0 Ab:llldon 0 ,',ldonment, describe material and procedure in Hem 12.

PROPOSED USE (check): (5) TYPE OF WELL: Rotary .,.a--Driven 0 tic ~dustrlal 0 Municipal 0 Cable 0 Jetted 0 ion 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 Dug . 0 j30red 0

CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Welded~ --";;1~ {;...... " D,'am. [,om ...... L /6'..Z ... ft. to ...... :>..= ..... ft. Gage ...:?:.-$:"3? .. ..." Diam. from 1••••.•••••_•• !to to ft. Gage _ ...:' Diam. from '" ...... ft. to .. ft. Gage

PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes ~ e o{ perforator used

':'! of perforations in. by In. _.::.•...... ~ perforatiOns from :. ft. to ft. ..:..: perforatiOns {rom ft. to ...... ft. .. perforations from ft, to ft. ~} ) perforations from . ft. to .. _ ft. .

} .. ... -perforaUAns from ft. to ft.

J) SCREENS: Well screen Installed? 0 Yes ~ 1 _jlufacturer's Name ...... Model No .

._.11 Slot size Set from ft. to ...... fl. r.!Vwork started .-"-"'-'~'--""'..--"~"----"'-"-~="""--T~:!-.-E....7i1-24 19 66 Completed 1-24 19 66 1m. . SIOl size Set. !rom . ft. to ft. Date well drilling machine moved off of well 1-24 19 66 "" ,,:) CONSTRUCTION: (13) PUMP:

.~II seal-Materi"al used in seat#6~ZO./l('/Z::O-'. Manufacturer's Name pth of seal 38 ft. Was a packer used? &!..a . Type: . . H.P . ~meter of wel1 bore to bottom of seal .fi:. in. 'Water Well Contractor's Certification: ··;ore any lOOse strata cemented off? 0 Yes..zr«o Depth )s a drive shoe used? 0 Yes ~o This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. lS w\!ll gravel packed? 0 Yes ~ Size of gravel: . CRATEd "ELL DRILLING, INC. 'avel placed from Lt. to ft. NAME . (Person. [irm or-corporation) lType or print) «j any st~ata contain unusable water? ~ 0 No };.~. !'.ll..\';.~ ~ .~f. Q.~ ~ ·/pe of water? ~/2L2Y depth of strata ,,22' 4:16 Addre55 3.9.!1),....c.'.!!' F...... AYo ..,.,.1<1." (eoe--=ldY It abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12. 75-oYd )3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): (12) WELL LOG: ;otary ~DrivenO Diameter ot well below casing .<::2 ...... T Domestic ~dustrial 0 Municipal 0 , Cable 0 Jelted 0 Depth druted ,..;;' (2 it. Depth of completed well ct. L. Dug 0 Bored 0 Irrlgatlon#est. Well 0 Other 0 GQ "j Formation: DC!icribe color. texture. grain size and structure of materials; and show thickness and nature ot each stratum and aquUer penetrated, :~ , CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Welded ~ .. with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change :... 6 Dlam. from, .:1::.1...>.... ft. to /'7 .... ft. Gage ../..doS-O .. in position of Static Water Level as drUlIng proceeds. Note drilling rates. 1 - Diam. from ...... -...... ft. to ...... ft. Gage ...... MATERIAL From To SWL .. Diam. from ...... ft. 10 ...... ft Gage ...... -<. ./ - .-;""Ioc!v /-. k /A <') .:7 /7'/-, ,/, - ~ 0",.-'.// h' ..? Y . PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes pr1'io. r L.-; p ,<;·UVI--I ::'ype of perforator used ,,?'.//,/ ',..-/ /r:/, /;. h'/"dJH 9- /3 j!ze of perforallons In. by In. e-..r /.I.d/ - h--7 ~/.//7.:7 /,'1 // . perforations trom _ ...... - '._ tt. 10 ...... ft. ..- ... ~;V '5aJI/'/C ,c't- ~/// /..". /0' /7 perforations from ...... tt. to ...... , .. ... ft. A/>,,,_,//- ~ =-J.--

Y-i' perforations tram ...... tt. to~ ...... It. "-" /~?"?,,, 19O? .. - " " ,. Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: [ - ~ Mate- ~-.-----L' This well was constructed under my .direct supervision. 16 aHer_ 'S gal./Olln. with "'/3 ft. drawdown aller / hrs. ciaIs used and informali7/orted above are true to my best :A ~lief.;l .._--rtesian llow g.p.m. Date knOWledge(SignedJC.-~~,· ':~«X&Da(e//7 . T emperature ol water Was a chemical analysis made? 0 Yes rrno 2c:..i!2::; 190)[ (. (Drilling M chlne Op~r"lorl ] I( 10) CONSTRUCTION: ...... ), Drilling Machine Operator's License No. .::.37.51. Veil seal-Material used ...... AC.~L.z:;LZ.(..~.?::.y...... -

Depth o{ seal /. ;1. . Water "Veil Contractor's Certification: l !t : Diameter of well bore to bottom ot seal .... Lt?... . In. I This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ! )were an>' lOose strata cemented ott? 0 Yes s--No Depth . /' NAME CRATER .. JlELL DRILLlNG., I1l.C.•,.: '.. Was a drive shoe used? 0 Yes W'No IPerson. flrm or corporilllon) IType or printl ".~IDid an>' strata' contain unusable water? 0 Yes e--No . jType of waler? depth of strata

Method of sealing strata off

"1 Was wen gravel packed? 0 Yes ~o Size o{ gravel: ~!. _ ) Gravel placed (rom...... It. to .. . fl. Contractor's'License No ·Date 'ob2 ! I USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) ',] _~'oTICE 10 WATER WELL CONTRACTOR ,, The odglnal and Clrst copy _ of this report are to be .. TI41'ER WELL REPORT CIIed with the ,sTATi OF OREGON ", _:"'} (p)ea.~k! type or printl 1)1 STATE ~~t~II~~:~~yStf;::·t~R:a~~N~9~~.~\O . t' i ..Qjb notwrite above thJs line) ot well completion. State Permit No.

.OWN~:, :;;'r..: '; Yl. C,nEGOf-J (11) LOCATION OFvJELL: l!N(l ) I ~5 am, ~. C- t< b hee..~ ~ County ":Yi G- C1 Driller's well number A":dd:,~,~,,~~;Cl:;;:'~b~;;;;c~;~:,:;::c~U-:;:=:-=;~!::::4:::,:o~C'~,",~,:.~X:2:'~Q~~K::

SCREENS: Well screen installed? DYes o No Manufacturer's Name '; ~ Type ...... lviodel No . J Dl.;m. ... Slot size Set from . tt. to . 1t. Diam...... 516l size . Set (rom . ft. to. tt. I (8) WATER LEVE):.,: Completed well. . I Sl~"": ~ .~ £1' . c/ I ! lo::vd ' ft. below land surface Dale L-'-/:;-f) -----~---~------.-_r__ I -i"--- ~ ------v , i I , ) A ••.:sian prt:$sure lbs. per square inch Date ------.---+--1_=:J I (9) .WEbL TEs:rS: Drawdown is amount water level Is low~ below static level --~------E_L~-- Was a pump test made? 0 Yes wNo Jf yes. by whom.c'_. _ Work started 'J _. 6 19t: If Cr"lmplct\!d '1' - 6/ '1 .'\,j~ ,g,c'~'~./~m~m~·~.~w~'~'h"_ ~"c.~d~"~~~·~d~o~w..~ .~~~ hrs. J --- Date well drilling machh\e mtlvcd all of well f - C'"j

, Drming Machine Operalor'g Cerlifical\on: ~ ~;"I:: C.~ ThiS well was constn-!.c.!.ed under r,ly dJrecl supervision. Mate­ 1 -02- ga!.Imin. with I£.Jirawc-own alter hrs. rials used and mf?rmallOri, reporteg., above are true to my best kll(Jv.led~h~f '/' /} 1 Art

] (10) CONSTRUCTION:, , Drilling Machine Operator's License No. ::~"h':"'~~::'''i'l u"d;K~ fy• .. :::r":'.Y.3\,;. ''';:7' ft. Water 'Veil Contractor's Certification: ~ Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal In. This well was drme2!nder my jurisdiction and lhis rep~r;- is J true t~~t of my:::kno\ ~dge and, belief." ~ Were any loose strata cemented oll? 0 Yes [Y1'1o' Depth I! .\) .' . -0 ~'il' I. . r-:.. ~ u,' eLlc-: \' y g(. '.J-A. I 'f 1 Was a drive shoe USed? 0 Yes ~ NAME +:···;;e·;;;;;;\i~·~·~r :;~~~~~·)..~···:::············:T;P~-~; P~·i~t·I······,··;·)'\J j Did any strata contain unusable water? 0 Y.es flY?'o Address .. j/~"«.:.o? ~~...Q Lt.: Type of water? depth ot strata 1..L.s:.J.0. <:- >f-----:::>" r:) ; .\ t Method of sealing strata of{ [Signed1 ... :1i;::::"_.,?)c--...... ~--:::;;:L x.'f..,-. t:.::!:~~ Iw.. te~·;bell Contractor) Was well grrivel packed? 0 Yes Q--No Size of gravel: ~~ lif:?8~ Gravel placed from . ft. 10 fl. Contractor's License No3s:-..:'t. Date ...... 0 ..., •, ,r Ma 7~voottL-/ I . ~~ #7 ~Tr:fl I ::£?..tiL ';0 /11/:5 u !fI c-)67V/ ~.A-rXL- r ~ 1 j f •.." :j [

. , "'1.p ';1 r' ,I, 1 r


: ,;

'Yl '. jj

. ljJ TI~-Td wAn.."R WELL CONTRAcrOR The od~inal and first copy WATER WELL REPORT 'of this report arc to be filed with the ... ~STATE OF OREGON rATE ENGINEER. sALEM 10, OREGON c.;:'" (!.'lease type or print) within 30 days from the date . of well completion. . ., ,Q -, State Pertnlt No. __ _ _.•.....

(11) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level Is lowered below static level c--. Was a pump test made? !i=a Yes 0 No U yes. by whom? ") EL ;:. Yield: 8' gal./min. with S- ft. drawdown after .2 h~.

" . ) LOCATION OF WELL: Bailer test gal./mln. with ft. drawdown after hrs.. .mt".1 JIJ (l K f:) £} )J Driller's well number Artesian flow g.p.m. Date W.M. Temperature of water Was a chemIcal analysis made? 0 Yes ring and distance {rom section or subdivision comer

(12) WELL LOG: DIameter of well below cas.ing 2:.1:_ . . Depth drilled .1 'l ft. DepLl-} of completed well :2. I ft. Formation:,Describe by'coior. character, size of material and structure, and show thickness of aquifers and the kind and nature of the matenal in each . stratum penetrated, with at least one entry for each cha.nge of formation.

) TYPE OF WORK (check): q Well)'S1 Deepening 0 Recondltlon.lngO Abandon. 0 dbandonrnent. describe material and procedure in He.m 12.

) PROPOSED USE (check): (5) TYPE OF WELL: :nestle 0 Industrial 0 Municipal 0 Rotary 0 Driven 0 Cable 0 Jetted 0 ~'iga tion ~ Test Well 0 Other 0 Dug 0 Borcd 1&.

Threaded 0 Welded [g ) CASING INSTALLED: ! i .2:.....· n,= (rom /.~!A,IU., it. to at.fl f~. G;ge _t.=:?.. ------~r ...... ~ Diam. iroln . .. ft. to ...... it. Gage . I ...... ,'. Di9.:TI. from _ ft. to . .... ft. Gage ...... -·------+--11--- 1) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes i"l No "'Pe of perforator used GAS' e of perfor.:ltlons ~. X _3 In. by In. .X ...... 3.... perforations? from /'"v, . . ft. to .20 ..... ft...... perloratlons from ...... It. to ...... _. it...... perforations from ... ft. to . .... it...... perforations from ._ it. to ct...... perioratlons {rom _ _.. ft- to _ . .... it.

D SCREENS: . Well screen Lnstalled DYes lS3" No ------_._----- .. Model No. ---/---. , ;m. ... SkIt size . .. Set from ft. to ...... ft. Wnrl(s!:lrted 9·-11 - 1!1(.'1 Como'leted2- /~ 19 t, "> i ).-n. . Slot :;ize ...... Set from. .... Ct. to . . ft. ci-ate well drllling machine moved off of well,f / :S. 19 C. ..3'

9) CONSTRUCTION: (13) PUMP: • .J7~ZU ..J A-C ",:1,2' I 1" sea~-;...[aterl<'.1 used In seal (A)~..(B.[[t:.. /f/:::~!... . Manufacturer S N:lme , ~j.:. . ;,pth of ~~al .... I..f...... !:.1!..'f.t:.... ft. Was' a packer used" ..../2.:"': . Type: .J.c::::r.. t:..-L§..5:..):..H ..e..E /.~ i.b.I..P.... H.P. .. "'? ;ar.lctcr o!" w~l~ bore to bottom of seal 2..1. In. ~re any loose str-:;ta cemen~cd o{f? 0 Yes.@. No D:?pth 'Vater ""VeIl Contractor's Certification: . Js a criv~ shoe u-s-d? 0 Yes $I No "j.. This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my lmowledge and bellef. :as well gravel packed? til Yes 0 No Size of gravel: /...:::._ .. we1 placed fror.1 ..../£.. -1...... Ct. t::l .....2 ...1...... ct. NAME 6..::! ..W ?:.:f..?Zd .P...£!.!.!.:J..P.<..f...... (Person. flrm or corporatiollJ (Type ur print) ;I allY strn:a eent~in unusable w;;ter? DYes g; No .!..~ ~ ~.~ ~: ~~ (!!.!!:.Q.~~.:?Q .e:~ Depth r-i strat.:! Address ?-...... /.!!F... !:-:.q.: t;.

i Drilling Machine Operator's License No f ..:!!. : . ;0) WATER LEVELS: [Signed] ct.~tf~~~~., ~atic ·lj'7.d'...... ·_..·..··..······· ..··..··· level I (> ft. below land surface D,te £-10· (.3 eoslan pressUre Ibs; per sqll... re Inch Date Contractor's License No. .:3../1.(·..... Date ....It: ...... !.L... 19.0..5' (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) '11 T:~ ~~~;U::~;;;~a;;;~ ;'-JH. JUL 18 1~/dYA'i'El~ W.I!:LL KM'UtH ~'RE No.~ . filed with the ENGI N OF OREGON Stale Well ...L.; ,.\ ..::::.,: _ ,./- STATE ENGINEER, SALEM, tr ;;r3~M 0 CO) -:: _ ...... ,,{rlease type or print) , " ofid:::. ~ ~J within 30 days from the dat'bA LE: . . -, _. I Slate Pennit No . . _ -•... -'1 of well completion. (Do not write above this line) .jf..'-'------,------(1) OWNER: (10) LOCATION OF WELL: 'T'ame b. vJ 5"A-fi £~f$ County J fj ( f)'S c "'-..brill"', weI! number .hddm,/;'Y ::-, I (JA)U u . , '" ,- \, \, S..tlon 3' I T. '3 Z S R. Ie / v.....I W.N!. PJ~~"';- L _ (?fJ-;:-rWkL_ _- Bearing and distance irom section or subdivision corner .12) TYPE OF WORK (check): :New Well 0 Deepenjn~)1 RecondJtioning.O Abandon 0 ,. ~f abandonment, describe material and procedure in Item 12. (11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. I ~P) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Depth at which water was first found H. }~otary,.gt Driven 0 r- Domestic ..qr Industrial 0 Municipal 0 Static level ft. below land suriace. Date ; .. .cable 0 Jetted 0 /0 Dug 0 Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch, Date L

CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Welded 0 (12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing ...... Dlam. irom ft. to ft. Gage ., Depth drilled ft. Depth of completed well ft. .. Dlam. from it. to ft. Gage Formation; Describe color, textllre, grain size and structure of materials; ..... Dlam. from ft. to ft. Gage and show thickness and nature of· each stralum and aquifer penetrated, .._ with at leas.t oneenlry for each change of"fonnation. Report each change in f position Of Static 'Water Level and indicnte principal wa(er~bearing strata. ~) PER.FORATlONS: Perforated? 0 Yeo .l8;-No. -~'lType of perforator used l\-IATERIAL From To SWL ! :Size of perforations In. by in. (':'J? €. y sA Wd '+0 Af ~ ...... perforations from ft. to . ft. .j .' //f' AA I .J. A V " ~"<; ./ p. /) ,,/0 ',6 ~ ...... perforations from fL to it. . . ."i-s ... perforations from ft. to ft. , (7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes @""No I. ~Manufacturer's Name ,'l'YPe Model No. Dlam...... Slot size ...... Set {rom It. to it.

-P 1am. .... Slot size Set from. ft. to . ft.

Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

Was a pump test made? 0 Yes 0 No If yes. by whom?

gaL/mm. with (t. drawdown after he;. . j

-:.:,->.;: c: .~ FJ Z I ,_ . ,~test 'Y-z..- gaL/min. with i..) ft. drawdown after 7 ., Artesian flow g.p.m. I . : 1 'mperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered n , 1.1 ;L... Date well drilling machine moved oil of well l,v 31 . . )(9) CONSTRUCTION: Drilling Ma.chine Operator's Certification: Well seal-Material used .t I This well was constructed under my direct supervision. sealed from land surface to n. fell Materials used and information reported above are ~~e to my r"":~' IDiameter of well bore to boltom of seal in. ;=;;:e:~\\:~~.~~ Diameter of well bore below seal in. ..,... Date .Z:~.. :5 197..:L (Drilling Machine Operator) !Number of sacks of cement used In well seal .._. sacks Drilling Machine Operator's License No. .7>---- ~ jNUffiber of saeks of bentonite used in well seal. . sacks Brand name of bentonite Water Well Contractor's Certification: lNumber of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is ~of water . lbs./WO gals. .~~'Jwas a drive shoe used? 0 Yes 0 No Plugs .. Size: location ...... It. ~::etOII:~~rrc.°iJ.~J.7~IQeR.;?/t~~~>·····\·«··.... ······· ..1 Did any strata contain unusable waler? ~ Yes 0 Nu t~~rson firm .;I~orporallon) (Type or print) /" ---:_ ·.i;-'1 "'-''''------'. ~ '"Type of water? depth of strata Addre5sJ9./;7 .. w) ..•.../ .. +./'.~ ... r..!'jr':/···~!~r , J '> .. .; Method of sealing strata off [Signed] CL .1. "~"I (Willer W'ell COnlractor) .- _. Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes 0 No Size of gravel: .

: lGravel placed [rom ft. to H. Contractor's License No. 53 i. Date "7.:::: 7 , 19.??- 'J SP..~56:>6.119f .~_ .. (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) i:'f Sq .~.~ j9 ~ J L!:~~ WATER WELL REPORT '~irtglnal l..'nd S-.-:-.. .:.. - \ .--:jt·fl="l-:q· Copy with the .-._~ "1. ENGINEER, .. , 'c· .. ,,--;. STATE OF OREGON ;1. OREGON --,,-_.. _, '- ,q State Permit No _._.._ : .. (11) WELL TESTS: Drawdown Is amount water level is lowered below static level Was a pump test made? 0 Yes No Ii yes, by whom? _

Yield: .--·-··-----gal./min. with Il tira\1ldown aftet hts.

T·.oCATION OF WELL: ;TAc,fscIII Bailer ",,' ,I 2 Artesian flow g.p.m, Date Temperature of water ~as a chemIcal anal:Ysls made?

(12) WELL LQG: Diameter of well_ b. inches. Depth drilled ,,'" " fl Depth of completed well tJ(; ft. Fonnation: Describe by COlor.• charader. size of material and structure. and show thickness of aquile-rs and the kind and nature of the material in each stratum penetrated with at least one e-ntrv fOr ea-ch change of fonnation.

MATERIAL FROM TO TYPE OF WORK (check): -TOP e:u tI. a :v ?,f I lell ~. Deepening 0 , ,'Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 'y e.10., ,:LJ r:~ ..p K,,, tI ~ ( c . '// donment. describe materlal.;111d procedure In Item 11. 'f?14c ) .%1 ;; I?Y 'MYtf '?

·:ASING INSTALLED: ....." Diam. from C._ _.~ ft. "'Z25.~D,t.:::~'-gt_ ..._.." Dlan1.. from _ _ _.._.. ft. to "'''_ ft. Gage' ....." Diam. from ft. to . .. ft. Gage

'ERFORATION,.:::S:':__---'p"edo'"'ed? 0 y", ~ No 'Jf perforator used 'l perforations , in. perforations fr rn _.._ .. ft. to ...... ft. ft. to ... ft. It. to ...... ft. fl. to ...... it...... pertora ns Cram ...... ft. to It.

··CREENS: Well scre-en installed DYes lsl No . ,durer'S Name ...... :~....__... " ·e Modei No...... _..... Slot size ..... S rom ...... it. to ...... ft...... Slot size .. Set from. .... ct. to . .... it. Work... started Compieted ?sp;; CONSTRUCTION: (13) PUMP: ~ }Il gravel packed? 0 Yes No Size of gravel: Manufacturer's Name~:.. ~~ 'jplaced from ct. to .. ct. TYpe: .... H.P. a·surface seal provided? 0 Yes )& No To what depth? ft. >)'"\:1.1 used in seal __ Well Driller's Statement: l ' ,. - :l strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes lX" No_ This well \vas drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is , water? Depth oC strata true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ! of sealing strata oU NAME K(,~G.y.~.yfl..~Lli.J... Qgjjl1/G... H(.c.. . per!on_~. ,:,r corporatlQnl (Type or print) ,IVATEIJ_LEVELS: Address ·revel Cl. below land surface Date .1.J.:'J..5vifli3..... AJ./l!.i:.. Ibs. per square inch Date Driller's W2aber .JI1.c.~j£.<2/td: u.. K.4.H . :i~cepted by; . [t1rfj It., J I -;(:.0.:.: 4..~k>-ThHe LSignedlN.H /1. 'W;II ~. H .. :d /P""'k·~;;:n,,) sfi.C1Y.1/.., lip.. iz··· i DD'''''' 7"'"~..(l .. ) .. ,// J lcense 1 • ...... ••... .•..• .•• a e ...... , 19]../J.

~ . (~SE ADDITIONAL sHEETS IF NECESSARY) .~ "3" /, WATER WELL REPORT !,",\'/ -' 3'2.., File original and _. State Well No . / . . First COpy with the II /..' STATE OF OREGON , "l STATE ENGINEER, . I SALEM, OREGON t ...... Slate Pennit No. _. ..j ~ (11) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is (1) OWNER: 1.1 (1{ L/-'~'.YI, lowered below static level Nama !1; ,.J.. IL. ~w.'-"as'-"a-'p"u"m""p-'l"es'"I"'m=a"'d:'.e?'-JO,Ly-'..

...... ::...--r-;---.::.-..-~=--,~--~--...,.,.--=-·r BaJ.ler-test 1/ gal./min.with 1...... ':-"7 it drawdown after YCl hrs.j ~A'-'rt:'.e"'s"I".an~f:'.lo"'W'C... ==,.----g~.J'P".m~. --,D~a~le,- W~M. S Temperature oi water Was a chemical analysis made? DYes .ANo Bearing and distance (rom section or subdivision corner 57 /. 1 (12) WELL LOG: Diameter oi well ._.. ~:': _inches. 1 Depth drilled ...... /Z~9 it. Depth oi completed well j 'J ~ '-7' it. --. Formation: Describe bV color, character, size of material and structure, and show thickness 01 aquifers and the kind and nature 01 the material in each I I.,:."., stratum penetrated, wir~ at least one entry for each change of formation. /I MATERiAL FROM TO I .. I ... (3) TYPE OF WORK (check): :!C~')H'/=.··==~dv::7~~'~/~~·~,~,~======~=~~~t-_:3~~...!· J;tV' , ..".. L'f ~'!' (., New Well V Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 r U abandonment, describe material and' procedure in.Item 11. I"'f.:",....,...._ /i~zjr;;,ZC;;V/ ... '1" 7 " ~.~.,si: ~'i.-<:L ( 7 q / .\,) PROPOSED USE (check): (5) TYPE OFWELL: -'I _ ") A"-T-=) h,· J.1,--~~~-/"'J·P-"'(L/1.~cJ(c..ff-·~~~ __--{.-~t'-+~H9l,,:L- . DomesUc iJ'Inctustrlal 0 Municipal 0 Rotary o Driven 0 Cable ft- Jetted 0 'Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Olher 0 Dug o Bored 0 ~ I 3I?~4?V''-7'-~-----c~;;;-::-~r"fc--?-~ I ~""7».-I-T"I'-'7( L ...... Dlarn. from. .. it. to _.._._.._.._ ·ft. Gage _ . l (1..-£.1, ";/?fi'-''''<'~' YC /,L') ...... Dial11. from ...•...... _ it. to _.. _ it. Gage ~ .

.. k7) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? DYes jrNo . Type ol perforator used :"SIZE oi perforations In. by In. ', ·perforations irom . ... it. to .. Ct. [ ... penorations irom it. to . Ct...... perforations irom it. to _. et...... perforations irom it. to ...... it...... _perforations {rom ... it to IL

. i8) SCREENS: Well screen installed D-Yes yrNo ,:1anula.cturcr's NaJ1WJ'-., Type .._ . Model No. l' "'m slot size Set irom - it. to .. ft. ])1'. ·1 .1m. . .. Slot size Set (rom- it. to fLW'~O~'~k~s~t~a~"~e.~d~'Z,,~~-~;;..~<~%''=,==~1~9=:S~·~f=.~c~o~m~p~l~e~t'~d~=(~?=-==::..~?~=~191" ~'. ' J..'---~------."';oJ.0 (9) CONSTRUCTION: (13) PUMP: 6~o {as well gravel packed? DYes Size oi gravel: Manufacturer's Name ,,, jravel placed _from . it. to it. . Type: _ .. :.~ ... ;"..,...... ! .•:.~'.., .•..: ...: ....~ .• H.P. [ "Was a surface seal provided? 0 Yes ff"NO To what deplh? ... It. Material used In seal Well Driller's Statement: ,. rid an}' strati! ('ontain unusable water? r'1 Yes D No This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is . :', Jrpe of water? De~th oi strata. true to the best of my knowledge and belief. _ ~ 7' L "Method of sealing strata oil C-cr--.j..,,-';,..-.-£'. ~~ S!!l?::T5B('/ [Signed) ···················.io;.;..~~~.i ~~ ...... , 19.. Date . License No. . :L:j= Date .9 - :!I:..... 19.~?.7. , J (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) L. , - '.... \ . ; I \f.l'lL])~.~!..... a:~.1. i zabet. IlaY'tley This Indenture Witnesseth, That I.1.. El:V: ... ':"':'?: ..l':l...... _ ~ 11 . Hugnand and ~if'o ...... ,..~ _ .

hereinafter known as grantor. S.... for and in consideration of the sum of ot~oer val \lable considerat.ion ren Dollars and ...... ~. .,' to . us .. .paid. ha .v..'!C bargained and $Old. Glld by these presents do grant, bargain, ..ell and convey un to .J!,,:r(lld.:J.1~::r.t(l!'...... a.::J?:.... !..:..~ s._J.l~'.:~?~.~I~:::':t:>a.:~.':~~.\~~E~_ .... _._.._...

...... , , _.._--_._ .- _ _ _..- _ _-_ _ -_.- t.h'~.~.~ heirJ and assigns. the following describeti..premises. to_wlt:Berlnninp.: at a point on tile P.ast line of Donation Land Cla:l.m 1f'n0 ,in TO'mship :J7 south,'1ane:e 11fe of the Wil] arnett-O ?ror~rtian, in Jaokson Count;v, Ol"oiwn,flaid point bei nil: 80 O~d.el!T"co" n l' Ea(lt j ~ 1 7.R roet rr= the Hort.heast oQrner or ....1'f D.L~O. #fiO,and runni,nl! thence IJeAt :>l().O rflet; thence North () n.O!!:l"Of.l9 (l) \1091; -:1)7.B rflet· to tile centor of' " Creek; thence al on I': the cont"r of' the oha.""''''ll or gaid ar'(e:kas fol1o\1s;Gnuth 74 dO!!'""flfls 1 II' East :11 ,I'l fc.ot;!'!orth (17 dOl!'reOB 1.0 f'eot ~o ~11f) r] aco of betdnn1.np:; RESEnVIiiG tho East :10 root ror a possible County 'loarl.way· ALSO Fro", the l'lort,hoa.s~ cornor of' Donation Land Olaim tr;o, in 'rownship :'17 South, nanro J WOgt of the \'Ii] ]aPlCt+.,., Meridian, i.n Jackson a .. ounty, OY'ei!on, rlln thence alonl': the Eagt Ijn" or said D.L.C. South a del""ees 01' I;ast 1 !S17,~ f'f'et.; thl'nce '1<'st. RO.n ree~ to the plac of' be~nni.nr. Anrl runnjntr-tl:r>ncfl South 0' del!T"eos (} I' East '\M,5 f'eet;tllen South 1'l2 de !!:l°ces ()fl' \lest 1 15 1 .4 f'eot; t Ilence North (l de V"oes n l' 'lest 6\10 1 fcetjthence East 1 !'lO." feot to the rlace of bepnninl!:. The parcel f'1 rst above n.escribcd beine subject to an easomp.nt of' 'I'he Calit'ornia OreR:On Po·.rer Company for the distribution of' eleotricity • .AlSO; Bep:inni n~ at a roin'. on the ~ust l:!.ne of' Donation Land Claim No 50, in TOlf11Bhip :)7 South, Range 1 \feRt. of the \l'illarnet,te ?leridian , in Jackson COl1nty,O""<}eon , c;atd potnt bo~nl! South 0 del':"'eos 0 l' East 1 5 1 7. :teet f'rom tho Northeast oo~ner of' said D.L.C. 1'10. !'jO, and running south o de~es 01' P.ast ",(l.O :fret; thrmce s611th fl:l n.eJ>:T"ocs nt'l' Wost :>lb./'} reot; thenae North 0 do r:rees 0 1 'lest .~~ ,1"\ f'p.et; thence East RO.n feot to the pIace of' be d nn:l.n~. Roserv1 ne: ',he East :j(/ f'eet of' s aid property roY' a poee1ble OOtlnt;v noarl.vray.


! J ..... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ihe _,aid premises with their appurtenGllces unto the said gr

....t1.]~.~.~ heirs and assigns fr)rever. And ,!

I STATE ENGINEER Well Record STATE WELL NO...37./J_H-,,32B.....r" Salem, Oregon "COUNTY J.acks9U " , t "I GR-- l664 APPLICATION NO... !3:&- 17.l5, .. MAILING OWNER: ful.rr.Y...!< :g.a,'{;\..\t Ar.\ .. Q.:r.~gQf.l. ..g.9.n< ADDRESS: J:, Q., tl9~ 7.J2. 1 CITY AND ' LOCATION OF WELL: Owner's No _ STATE: k!~9;f.9.t9_., 9.r~gQ.r.L -,- 1:K E. ' ~ I ...... v...... mi..v. Sec.....3.?-.. T...... 37.. S., R...... 1 ... W., W.M. ! I I I I "Bearing and distance from section or subdivision I I ------~----- 1----:----- ,~ N..~ QR;r.A I I corner J.7.9.' ,'?, §;.. 55' W. f.l':9.m.. PLQ..1f.'*1.. . I i I I I I I ,I ,; ; I I ,I ...... , , - _____-1-_ ~ ••...:_ ------"----, 'n Altitude at well _ lLr10.' .. ,I I , \{;.vvf TYJ?E OF WELL: 'Qvg Date Constructed .P.r.io.r: to 1900 : \I' r. i ,'- Depth drilled J.-.IJ:.' Depth cased . Section ._:.:....32...... CASING RECORD: 7 72"

======~======I FINISH: L


WATER LEVEL: 12' ""f·" ======L.. 9~gt." )?.~;r;:k~1(jy ~.,10 ,i PUMPING EQUIPMENT: Type ..? ...... 1t'.' &..DeJUi.ng..2." H.P 5 :. ~-~C=a;;p.~~;;;,ci~ty=..;;.•.=..9=..9=...~*'=...=J~9.=Q=...~.. =G~.~P=.M=. ===='======1 WELL TESTS: Drawdown :LLr ft. after _ hours ...... 250 . G.P.M. j Drawdown .7.. ft. after ""' hours ...... 19.0 __ .. G.P.N1[

USE OF WATER ..J:!m.v.:t'ii-c.t.w::ing & Pome.stic Temp OF - -- , 19 . SOURCE OF INFORMATION GiLRe.C9r.d __ 1. DRILLER or DIGGER .. __ __ L_ ADDITIONAL DATA: Log ..1:I,.1\.., Water Level Measurements Chemical Analysis Aquifer Test -1"" REMARKS: L l [ l J Slate Printing 89316 '"'~i lhi;'report are to be WATElt WELL RI<;/:,U1tT " ~ filed with the STATE OF OREGON State Well No. ENGINEER. SALEM. OREGON 97310 (Please type or print) within 30 days from the date State Pennlt No. of well completion. (Do not write above this line)

(1) OWNER: (10) LOCATION OF WELL: • J ' :-rame County fa<~kSQt/ Driller's well number .ddress \\ S"tion 3:< T. ,V R. //t:/ W.M. section or subdivision cornerc<-3 / A 2) TYPE OF WO (check): iew· Well 0 Deepening ~ Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 : abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12. (11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. 3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Depth at which _water was first found \~~--- otary ~riven 0 Domestic ~dustrial 0 Municipal 0 Static level it. beJow land surface. Date \ '\ 'able 0 Jetted 0 o Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 Artesian pressure Ibs. per square inch. Date

Threaded 0 Welded 0 (12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing ~ . ft. Gage Depth drilled \ ~ 0 it. Depth of completed- well ~

.() 1"e of perforator used MATERIAL _ From To SWL

;ize of per(orations in. ~ .~ ,,-. ~ ~ ,.F 1\'2" . ":"-,...::- :2.\ (Y",~.:.. ~ perforations from it. to .. it. 'S. \y'::-{V' Q .::>.. -.r_, '.01 '~L,,- perforations from ft. to fl. ~~. :<'"':·~.... R \~ \-<1,;7 .~ perforations from ...... it. to ft. <:::~s=~ \<\-1 c..~:,-> ,\:>.(7..D ?--. ~r:s-. 0..;\ (7) SCREENS: DYes 0 No <:: ~~ ~ =' ::x:=, yt.'-j ;)\ Manufacturer's Name W~ll'7~C:::::1 --s: r,. , -?-,l_:--J;' ::AS Ljt-,r Type ... No. Dlam. Slot size .. Set from ft. to . ft. Diam. Slot size ...... Set from it. to . ft. , .. n -. - - , , .(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amoul1t water level is -. lowered below static level .'C i. '; W-'lS a pump test made? 0 Yes ~ If yes. by whom? .. "v.;.. .. '- ~,~ I .. , ( . ...

ga1./min. w~8Ct:'drawdown alter , h~. . .

~slan (Jaw g.p.m. ..

T ... mperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered ft. Work started 19/6 -'---~"'-"'-=c::...._-=.=.:...:::===~===::...:::===.::. -'/ -/3 1976 Comple'ed -;/-/-3 ,j Date well drilling machin.e moved oC! of well 'i- / J 19 ]:~J CONSTRUCTION: /'0 ~ #I 'Yell seal-Material used . ... Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: This well was canst rInder my direct supervision. ell sealed from land surface to . ·-1 i' ft. l\'1ateria5Sed and in rma on reported above §;true to· my piameter of well bore to bottom of m. best knowlc and be iet. ' ; "Diameter oC well bore below seal In. [Signed ...... L~\. ... ~le\4,.\.. · .\ll-...-1~.(,. (Dr~chlne Operator) to ··rumber of sacks of cement used I e seal .... sacks Drilling Machine Operator's License No .-..: Q.\.b . ,-;'rumber of sacks of bentonite us CI in well seal sacks Brand name of -bentonite _ ". Water Well Contractor's Certification: Number of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons ~f This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is , water Ibs./IOO gals. ;VllS a drive shoe used? 0 Yes 0 No Plugs Size: location H. ~::e'O{:;:;;J-c./:..&;£.a~&;!~_.-!.:./?X::.< . 'Did any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes zttTo /.Y_Z1.~2.1~7~(fon)~k/;x.R.,~.d¢.t/k "':hpe of water? depth of strata Address' !/cJ 'I . . ';;' /. ~ethod of sealing strata off (SignedJF;;z:;.d-~L ~f7~Zc:!/.J:!.~'.~2 ... .n ..... nU"~~;) yas well gravel packed? 0 Yes 0 No Size of gravel: (Water Well C ~~"~ate ?; placed from ,_._... ft. to ...... it; Contractor's License No. ::7.(::::/7...... , 19.20 .i (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) .:1 I ( ''i0TICE TO WATER WELL CONTRAcrOR , , The orip.ina~ and iirst copy . -, ,..,..~ ",,', ";C'/WATER WELL REPORT of this report nre to be '-' '>.-1 \.. I I~UJ.... -:?t;/ filed with the 1 STATE OF OREGON State Well No, I/W- 1o TATE ENGINEER. SALEM 10, OREGON {Please type or print) ._------_...- .: _withIn 30 days from the date , of well completion State Perm1t No, '_"". L (ll) WELL TESTS: Drawdown [s amount water level Is lowered below static level Was a pump test made? 0 Yes d(No It yes, by whom1 r Y1eld: ga1./min. with ft. drawdown after MS. I

r ) LOCATION OF WELL: j Bailer test /2 gaL/min. with ~""'K ft. drawdown after I hrs. :ounty '- ((7 C!-.( 5erYI Dr1ller's well number I Artesian flow g.p.m. Date 1 ~; ~~ Section .... 71/] T •.17 R. / if) W.M. Temperature oL water Was a chemical analysis made? 0 Yes· @'No

:.n"~'sg~:;%f$~?i;~(~:f (12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casIng ...__.... ~...... _ Depth drilled 0517.- ft. Depth ot completed well b s= fL Formation: Describe by COIOT, chaTacter, size of material and structuTe and :' show thickness of aquifers and the kind and nature of the mate-Ttat In'each . stTatum penetTated, wlth at least one entry lOT each. change of lormatton, I ) TYPE OF WORK (check): r "-v Well.Qi:l.· Deepening 0 RecondItioning 0 Abandon 0 Jandonment, describe material and procedure In Item 12. I

-) PROPOSED USE (.check): (5) TYPE OF WELL: r Domestic" ~ Industrial 0 Munlcipal 0 Rotary o Driven 0 Cable ~ Jetted 0 ~gaUon 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 Dug o Bored 0 ____/__. / 81HtR !H(i !

,;)"CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Wclded~ l L ;~: 6 "Dlam. from 0 ft, to _ 6. 1_ H. GageJ/y::

: ...... •.•.••n Diam. Irom _...... It. to _ _ ft. Gage . I ,~ ~ Di2.m. irom _ _ _ It. to _ ft. Gage . - (~) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes ~No :pe of perforator used _ le of perforations In. by In. rI ...... perforations from _. it. to _.. ft. .._ per(orations from .. . ft. to It.

; - . perforations irom . ft. to _ _.. ft...... perforations from "'"'__''' ...... _ ft. to _ ft. L .... ~ .._...... _...... perforations from ._...... __...... _.__ ft. to _...._ "" __ ",,, ...... _ it .,------~----_c_--'---- j) SCREENS: '- Well screen lnstalled DYes ~No Manufacturer's Name __._...._._._.. ._.__ .. _...... _.._..._,... ..__ ._.__ L ·h -...... ______Model No. j }m. .. Slot size _ S~t from !t. to flo ~ 19 el­ Dia!":"l. .. SI\'lt si::e ...... _..... Set from .. ft. to ft. 19 (, U' ·1) CONSTRUCTION: (13) PUMP: . -II ~e31-Malerial used In seal Be.l1/...TPAf.(.l~::: S!",.Y.";'&! Manufacturer's N.ame [ Depth of seal ";'" ft. Was a pflcker used? Type: ... H.P. . .!lmeter of wei! bore to bottom of seal In. i ,l:re ar:y loose strata cemented ofC?O Yes ANo Depth . 'Vater Well Contractor's Certification: r.~ Was a drive shoe uSed? 0 Yes ~No This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is L' true to the best of my knowledge and belief, '\s well gravel packed? 0 Yes ,B(No Slze of gTavel:

:lVel placed from ..... It. to . fC NAME ..Cfi.fl:T.E.&.....W.t<'i./...... 'OR1.£bJd..0...... J -Old "ny strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes .N N(. (Person. linn or corporation) (Typr: 0:- print! /) /VI> >~r~n )',""'H ~ Lh/:;:- MEnhiLU -.T:~:r~ ('( water? Depth of str'fl:::t Address 30J.O. ' .•••L.I. ~ f./. . 1••C.!i-._...L2 ., Drilling Machine Operator's License No g.(. " /;'c R. , r (0) WATER LEVELS: [Signed).=z;:ff?.. tfi?..~~;t£.(::x<,7.::z:::~ . ·'tic level 2? it. below land surface Date (Waler Well Contractor) .; :~eslan presSUre Ibs.pcr square inch Date ". ="-=="----__~""_l""_"i~~...="'- _ Contractor's License Noe..~ Date /t!..:::::::.i!!:.3... , 19 ..&.2:-1 (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) , NOTIC,f:. TO WATER WELL CONTRACTOR ~v " _ Thco original and fIrst copy I . I of this report are to be WATER WELL.REPORT filed with the ..'/ '. STATE OF OREGON .. State STATE ENGINEER, SALEM, OREGON 97310 (Please type or print) """-:',_:";'.! within 30 days from the date ;':.:. (-:, () 1\.1 State Pennit No __. otwell completion. (Do not write above this 'line) J. c. #2Jl-73W (1) OWNER: (10) LOCATION OF WELL: Nam, Clinton R. Phelps County Jackson Driller's well number Add",s 1328 Beekman Ave. \~ \'-1 Section 32 T. 373 R. 1 W W.M. Bearing and distance Crom section or subdIvision comer (2) TYPE OF WORK (check): ., New Well ijX Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 If abandonment, describe material and procedure in Item 12. (11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. 1 (3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Depth at Which water was £irst found 88 ft. Rotary ~ Driven 0 Domestic:xe} Industrial 0 Municipal 0 SIatic level Ct. below land surface. Date 4/23/7: Cable o Jetted 0 14 Dug o Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date 1, (. CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Welded e}X (12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing .... 6.~ ...... 6..~~....."Diam. from" .~ ..±.l.. ft. to ....?g...... ft. G,g, .....?.5.Q...... Depth drilled 100 ft. Depth of completed well 100 ft...... D[am. from ~.-":" .. ft. to ft. Gage Formalion: Describe colo.. texture, grain size and structure of mllteriais; •••••• H Diam. Crorn ft. to Ct. Gage ..... and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry Cor each change of formation. Report each change in PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes XJ{No. position of Static Water Level and indicate principal water-bearing strata.

Type oC perforator used z..-L\.TERIAL From To SWI. Size oC perforalions in. by in. b~wn clav ...... perforations from .. it. to ft. brown c1 av k T'n"k ...... ~ perforations (rom . Ct. to ft. ll:rav sandston A 1 c; . perforations Crom Ct. to ft. '" ,(\( (7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes JG:G.,ro Manufacturer's Name Type _ Model No. Dlam Slot size _ .. _ Set !rom Ct. to ...... Ct. Diam . Slot size _ Set Cram . ct. to Ct.

Drawdown is amourtt water level ls (8) WELL TESTS: lowered below static level ,-~:~ ., . Was a pump test made? 0 Yes Jt]CNo I! yes. by whom? . . Yiel"d~: ~__~g~a~l.~/~m~i~n~.~w"-""~h'-__.....f~t.'-"d~

.let EXiXr test gal./mln. with 86 Ct. drawdown after Artesian flow g.p.m. ) .J lerature of water Depth artesian flow encountered ...... it. Wo,k,tart'd 4/23/73 19 Completed 4/23/73 19 (9) CONSTRUCTION: Date well drilling machine moved oit of well 4/2J/7J 1'" ) Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: Well seal-Material used :.q~.m.~J1:t: .. This well was constructed under my direct supervision. ..,', ! Well sealed tram land surface to 2.9...... ft. Materials used and information reported above are true to my DIameter ot well bore to bottom oC seal 1.0 in. best knowledge and be~,1 .J.!/ /./ ' .J Diameter of well bore below seDI 6 in. (Signed] ...._...... '.: Co., . I Did any strata 'contaln unusable water? 0 Yesg No (Person. ({.on or cOrPoTa'rion) (Type 01' pdntJ i Type of water? depth of strata Address 10~~1J.....~.b;!T.~fo.r.d..... Or.e~ . ..9?S MethOd at sealing stratn off /J .' dl.f! > [Signed] /y - ·······(W;.ter.:w~li..c~~~~;;i~.~j . Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes e§" No Size ot gravel: . I Gravel placed from ft. to ...... ft. Contractor's License No .33.13. Date '*l?9J.7J , 19 . ::1\1 Original .Illd Stale well NO•...... L .. J. ••~ ..~ •.••••••..•• - :olteate with the ',\TE ENGINEER. STATE OF OREGON (.EM, OREGON State Pennit No...... _ ,., .. (11) WELL TESTS: Drawdown Is amount water level is :I)l)~N" lowered below static level ~ "!ne ' I- Was a pump test made? 0 Yes ~o If yes, by whom?

(L l Yield: gal./min. with il drawdown after hrs. =.~'~it:;z JL <

" LOCATION OF WELL: . Bailer test '5: gal./mln. with /i~ ft. drawdown alter ~_inty ~ 'fJ...~ /.A.. Owner';; number, if any ,I hrs. Artesian flow g.p.m. Date __~..-1\z_.,~:~ ~~ Section T. 2J7. ,) Rt W.M. Temperature of water Was a chemical analrsls made? Yes ~rln8 Q and distance from section or.subdivision corner r .~ (_'&'<--~50",--~~~~~- (12) WELL LOG: ; f Depth drHled C} /J - H .

. . - _.. MATERIAL FROM TO .:) TYPE OF WORK (check): So;·_'- <:) £ ;jv Well 0 Deepenipg 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 r C a'bandonment, deserib.o~{naterialand procedure in Item 11. i

I PROPOSED USE (check): (5) TYPE OF WELL: nestle ir- Industrial 0 Municipal 0 Rotary 0 Driven 0 . Cable Jetted ~~--~~~~~~~~~~"--I---·- -~-- ·0 J2--' 0 rrlgaUon 0 Test Wei," Other 0 Dug 0 Bored 0

., CASING INSTALLED: Th,eaded 0 Welded G-" ..... ~..4? " Dlam. from 0 it. to .2./2 _ ft. Gage '.l.:t?. -~~~~~~~~~~--~~-I-·~ --- .. " Diam. [rom it. to . ft. Gage ...... " Diam. from Ct. to _.. it. Gage

(7) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes ~ 'e of perforator used ;E of perforations - in. by in. I penorations (rom ft. to ft. I perforaUons from it. to it. perforaUons from it. to it. perforations from _ it. to ...... ft. . perforations from ft. to .. it.

SCREENS: Well screen installed DYes @-No ::JUfacturer's Name Model No. Slot si:z.e .. .. Set Crom H. to ...... ft. .m...... Slot siz~"'::: Set from _.. ft. to . .... it.

CONSTRUCTION: wcll gravel packed? 0 Yes SI:z.e oC gravel; ro Manufacturer's Name ;J,lvel placed from fl. to ft. 6 t~ype: H.P. .1 Was a surface seal provided? l1?'Yes DNa To what depth? ...... 6 ...... ;.. H. ~erial used In seal- -"-~~--~._----- Well Driller's Statement: r·- any strata ('ontain unusable wale!'"? l2f"Yes D No .__.~ _ j This well \V3S drilled under my jurisdiction und this rcrort is Type of water? ::::-I-v_ y V~·, G-L?~.e.!!}-0f strata--l1 _ true to the-best of my knowledge and belief. L " lhod of sealing slra~a off c... de S-'-lJ,f?3= __ NAME .&II.It..6_.&e?, ...;Y~LL.:/.: !:/f.J~.:>/.' , ~..?crs:m. firm. ar C:!)l"POI~~YQlll . (Type ~r prl~l) I ~) WATER LEVELS: Address B.Y.. ...7..{.L{"::.. (... LIJ!..::.. :.~.·.:c .." . L Static level /:0- ft. below land surface Date /!.p. csian pressure Ibs. p.e! square inch Date On!!cr's WAUlllbel: ; y : Q~l.. ~;;~iiD;ill~ [SIgned] ..:v< < r-'-,' License No, / .. ;;;> Dale .. , /..}.,;.·::t.. ~~-d.r~:.8; 19.~... ·· I i (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) NvTICE TO WATER W.t:;LL CUNTNA(,.-rOH ~ u 1nal CE c It ' The; o.rh:: an~ first copy l1Wj:l\ . WELL REPORT II 1 _ bi this report are to he REa. iIIe~ wHh the )UL 131970 STATE OF OREGON State Well No -;;;.~y./..;:!.::L ~:.? ..dJ STATE ENGINEER. SALEM, OREGON 9731 I ~l r=tF~ type or print) 1~'Ot , within 30 days (rom the da'5T ATE ENG write above this line) State Pennlt No . ; oC well completion. 5ALSM. OREGON

.i...-,_---,------,------(1) OWNER: (11) LOCATION OF WELL: )',me faA N /( S- c hAp !"\ A rV County J A c. tG , t! Driller', well number ( W.ld. .".t~dd:r:"~"~.6~-,:2~'l~7~/~'1~c:;r;:~.f~o~4~7'~6~j~,.~N~D~R==~~·~·.=F:-~M::E-I Sff \\ S£ \\ Seellon ,3;z. T. 3 7 R. I J-<./ =:= B"aring and distance from section or subdivision corner (2) TYPE OF WORK (check): irew well)8:'" Deepening 0 RecondltJoning 0 Abandon 0 If abandonment. describe material and procedure In Item 12. TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): 13) (12) WELL LOG: /2 f' :totary 0 Driven 0 Diameter ot well below casing. DomesUc 0 Industrial 0 Municipal 0 .. table % Jetted 0 Depth drilled ~ / ft. Depth of completed well it. Dug 0 Bored 0 Irrigation A Test Well 0 Other 0 L;-I Formation: Describe color. texture, grain size and structure of materials: and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquHer penetrated, \ CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Welded j:a/ with at least one enLryfor each change of formation. Report e~lch change :./2... Dlam. {rom - / ct. to ....3f. it. G,g, ,2..;j.~.

"!9) WELL TESTS: Drawdown Is amountwaler level is : .- • lowered below statJc level ~as a pump test mad'f'rO Yes ~ ~o It yes. by whom? I Work started ? -/'9 197() Completed li- ;Z b YI.. ld"-: .....g"'I"'./"m"-"ln"._w':"'lt"'h'-~_--'-'"I.-'=d"",,w,,d,,0e.w':"'n_"_""t"'e.'-'__~-"-'h"~~,, , . Dale well drilling machine movo:d off o( well 6 _ /. C" I· '.-J ~ Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: :....._-~---//------.,------/---'''l' This well was constructed under my direct supervision. Mate~ Bailer tesl 7A gal./mln. with U ft. drawdown alter ,_ hrs. rials used and information reported above are true to my best ': I"I,,',n {low g.p.m. D," knowledge a/~~ / L.------' .. temperature o{ water Was a chemical analysis made? 0 Yes No (Signed] L

[ I' r

I' t f:" [ ;,

[ I' APPENDiX D WATER WElL INVENTORY r (from Fetrow, February 1991)

; l, /-.,:1.. L r: [ [

L: r-' ... [


LOCATIOH.--Lat 42Q 19"IO-, 10nq 122°52' 10·, In NW 1/4 sec.JO, T.31 S., R.t W., Jack'lon County, Hydl"oloqic UnIt 17100308, on left bank 40 it upstream fr-om Haln streot Bridge, in Medford, and at milo 9.91.

2 DRAINAGE AREA.--289 rn1 •

PERIOD OF RECORD.--March 1915 to June 1920 (no low-flow records), October 1920 to September 1981, DecembOl" 1983 to 1981. Monthly.dIscharge only for :'lome ,periods, published in wsp 1318.

RE.VIS£D RE.CORDS.--WSP 1044: 19<14. WSP 1448: 1916, 1911{MJ, 1918-20, 1922, 1924, 1921(MI. 1928, 1930. wsp 1568: Drainage area.

GAGE.--Water-staqe recorder and concrete control. Datum of gaqe Is 1,341.96 tt above NatIonal GeOdetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Dec. 31, 1941, to Sept. 23, 1985, at datum 2.00 ft higher. See WS(> 1138 for history of changes prior to Dec. 31, 1947.

REMARKS.--Flow partly regulated since 1924 by Emigrant Lake. Numerous diversions for irrigation and municipal use upstream from station.

EXTREMES fOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 14,500 ftl/~ Dec. 2, 1962, gage height, 10.04 ft, present datum: maximum gage height, about 13.0 it Feb. 20, 1927, frOm floodmarks, present datum, site then in use; no flow at times.


[n ~ number of- values used tO,compute statistic.'J; month.'J are abbreviated; Ann =< annual)

Monthly and annual statistics ba.'Jed on mean dally discharge, In cubic feet pee second

Standa cd Percent of Month n Minimum Iyearl Maximum {yearl Mean devlat 10n annua 1 runof f

ace 'I 4.' 1932 215 1963 34 3l 2.' Nov 61 '.2 1937 290 1985 63 51 4.' D'c 62 11 1937 1140 1965 161 218 11. 9 i J.n 62 13 1937 1080 1965 219 236 16.2 t"; e.b 62 11 1931 1958 221 189 14.9 " H" 62 13 1931 18''" 1957 202 162 14. 9 Apr 62 4.9 1931 68' 1974 199 138 14.2 H.y 62 1.5 1931 391 1963 131 96 9. , Jun 62 2.1 1931 232 1953 13 54 5.2 Jul '2 0.5 1924 95 1971 31 22 2.3 Auq 62 O. , 1924 115 1976 32 21 2. , S,p 62 O. , 1931 91 1971 35 28 2.5

Ann ,. , 1931 1974 115 100.0 30' "

Flov duration statistics based on mean daily discharge

Discharge, In cubic feet pee second, which was equaled or exceeded for indicated percent of time

Month 95 90 85 '0 15 '0 '0 50 '0 30 25 20 15 10

ace 5.9 1.8 11 13 I' 18 22 25 29 34 31 41 54 12 'I Nov 13 I' 20 23 25 21 31 36 43 54 15 " 132 220 'I I •.: O'c 11 22 26 30 33 31 41 '0 82 121 148" 190 228" 322 519 62 J.n 23 31 36 '0 45 50 128 178 213 263 338 513 62 '[/, e,b 32 43 50 51 13 ~ 125" 166 228 211 325 m 536 '"'82 62'" 'c'J " H" 33 53 11 82" 112 13' 110 213 239 215 311 '01 5" 62 Ape 15 29 "48 85 100" 13' 111 203 242 26' 296 341 '22 62 H.y ,., 28 38 50 100 151 111 202 231 283 ,"394 62 :o " '0 '0 12' Jun 4.1 11" 15 20 26 31 41 53 103 119 142 166 20 , 62 •...:,.~•• : Ju1 11 13 14 11 21 " "31 62 ~-.,,' 2.' '.0 ,., 28 43 49 51 68 85 Auq 1.3 3.0 '.5 ,., 10 12 15 19 21 '0 53 62 91 62 SOp 2.2 3.9 , .1 9.3 12 11 23 32 51 " 99 62 '" " "52 " 19 Ann 5. , 10 14 18 23 28 39 53 12 10' 129 160 199 265 '0'


> " .,





! I I i I


Medford, Oregon

Prepared for


Prepared by Ron Rathburn ., ENVIRO SCIENCE, INC. . :- 11830 S.W. Kerr..Parkway Lake Oswego, Oregon (503)245-6341 ,

August 1990 "r r TABLE OF CONTENTS






This evaluation was designed to analyze the presence of hazardous materials within a woodwaste landfill for the Rogue Valley Manor. The landfill is located west of Ellendale Drive and northeast of Interstate 5 in Medford, Oregon. This landfill is presently operated and owned by KOGAP Manufacturing Company as a disposal site for wood waste originating from their manufacturing facility.

According from available information from the Oregon Department of \ Environmental Quality, this solid waste landfill has been in operation since January ) 1968 and is registered byDEQ according to SW, Permit #1082. This permit allows the placement of 6,000 cubic yards annually of roc!s. dirt and bark residues that originated from the log deck area. The depth of fill material ranged from 18' near the entrance area to a maximum depth of 30' at the margin of the fill siODe. Disposal and maintenance proceedures for the landfill were identified by DEQ according to Schedule D of the SW permit to protect surface runoff, dust and lechate issues. No \ problematic issues assocated with drainage and lechate contamination were / identified during various field visits by DEQ prior to the initiation of this evaluation. ;i

This environmental evaluation of hazardous and/or toxic conditions within the KOGAP landfill represents a reasonable approximation of chemical conditiOns within the fill area and provides a clear identification of any issues that may result in chemical liability associated with purchase and/or acquisition of the site. The information in this report is organized according to a Methodology section which describes the sampling design, a Results and,'piscussion section which summarizes the chemical data and a Recommendation section which identifies any concerns , with suggested approaches to the problem. Chemical information obtained from the laboratory is presented in the Appendix for review.


The sampling design was based upon an even distribution of 6 sampling sites within the landfill area to characterize the presence and extent of any chemical

·-:'1 EnviroScience, Inc. .[. contamination within the fill area. The distribution of these sample sites is presented in Figure 1. In order to adequately describe the vertical component of the landfill, three initial depth intervals (3', 6' and 12') at each sample site were sampled and composited for analysis. Upon evaluation of the initial results, a subsequent testing at sample sites 1 through 4 was performed inorder to obtain soil/water samples at the bottom of the landfill. The sampling depths during this second collection period ranged from 19' to 30' from the surface of the landfill.

The initial sampling of soils at the site was accomplished on July 18th with a standard backhoe provided by COGAP Manufacturing, Inc" which reached a maximum depth of 12'. Sample depths were measured and collected from the bucket of the backhoe. All samples were transfered via sterile scoop to prewashed containers provided by Pacific Analytical Laboratory for analysis of predefined hazardous substances. These samples were transferred to an ice chest for a period of 8 hours and then shipped to the laboratory for analysis.

The second sampling period was completed on August 14th using trackhoe equipment to reach the bottom of the landfill at the interface with natural soil/rock substrate. The collections and_depth profiles were obtained by Northwest Geotech, Inc. in coordination with Dick McLaughlin (Rogue Valley Manor). All sample pits were logged, classified and !1laced in the AppeGcix for rpview. During the sample collection, Kenan Smith of DEQ was present and requested a water sample be

obtained at site #2 and be analyzed for tannins and lignins. Each sample was placed ; in prewashed containers provided by Pacific Analytical Laboratory, stored in an ice I chest and subsequently shipped to the laboratory for analysis.

The collection, storage and transfer of samples conformed to standard QA/QC proceedures. The analytical approach involved an initial screening approach for .. ;) presence of hazardous substances within the landfill using ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity and EP toxicity criteria as discussed with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. In addition, the presence of pentachlorophenol/phenols and percent organics were analyzed. The methods for E.P. Toxicity were performed as per EPA 1310, 6010, and 7000 series~pentachlorophenol/phenols for E.P Toxicity conformed to EPA 8270; reactivity conformed to EPA 9010, 9030 for cyariide and sulfide; ignitability to measure flashpoint was per EPA 1010 (PMCC); " corrosivity to measure pH was per EPA 9045; and tannin/lignin was measured per Standard Methods 513. Results of the laboratory tests are presented in the Appendix.

EnviroScience, Inc. ·2- .'I LOCATION OF SOIL SAlvlPLES Figure 1 :.1


This evaluation of eleven soil and water soil samples is based on a review of the c i laboratory results, consultation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency I (Seattle, Washington) and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Pertinent literature include the following: 1) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous Waste Regulations (Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations; 2) Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Hazardous Waste Management Rules (OAR . ; 340, Divisions 100-110, 120); and 3) Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 1... Regulations Relating to Water Quality Control in Oregon (OAR 340, Division 11). , 1 j' The results of the soil and water chemistry is summarized in Table 1 and reviewed in more detail in Tables 2 and 3. For the purposes of this evaluation, the data in Table 1 will be discussed and the reader can reference Tables 2 and 3 if requred. As r indicated in Table 1, the chemical parameters measured in this analysis provide a reasonable characterization of whether the waste is hazardous and/or toxic.

Corrosivity. Corrosivity is a measurement of pH or acid/base relationship. If the samples have an acidic pH of less than 2.0 or a basic pH greater than 12.5, then the I L waste or sample would be described as corrosive. All the composite depths from 3' below the surface of the landfill to the bottom had ~H values that ranged from 5.0 to 7.5 and would not be considered corrosive according to the EPA test criteria. 1

Ignitability. If the sample is volatile and ignites at temperatures less than 1400 F, r then this criteria is satisfied. According to the laboratory data, at temperatures in excess of 140 0 F, no flash was observed for any of the samples analyzed.

. Reactivity. This is a measurement of the chemical unstability of the sample and V:hether the sample produces toxic gases, vapors or fumes using cyanide and sulfide L compounds as criteria. According to the laboratory data, no reaction was observed for cyanide or sulfide among all samples analyzed. 'II> ...L EP Toxicity-Metals. A solid waste exhibits the characteristic of EP toxicity. if the values of metal concentrations exceed the maximum concentrations allowed by [ EPA. Only two metals (Arsenic and Barium) were identified in the analysis of all the samples. Arsenic values ranged from 0.002 to 0.016 mg/L for all samples analyzed, while the maximum concentration allowed for Arsenic according to EPA [ is 5.0 mg/L. Barium values ranged from 0.10 to 0.68 mg/L while the maximum concentration allowed for Barium according to EPA is 100 mg/L. All the concentrations were well below the acceptable limits of toxicity established by EPA I EnviroSciencc, Inc. I. ·3- 1 1 TABLEl , SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 1


CorrosivitY 1-6 oH 5,0-7.5 No

Ignitability 1-6 No Flash No

'! ReactivitY 1-6 No Reactivity No . EP Toxicity-Metals 1-6 Arsenic (0.001 to 0.016 mgjL) No

. Barium (0.10 to 0,68 mgjL)

Pentachlorophenol 1-6 Not Detected No

Other Phenols 1-4 0,(Xl7 mgjL to 0.055 mg/L No - , TanninsjLi!


· "

· ,,

· ,


1 Corrosivity pH Less TIwn 2.0 and •.... Greater Than 1.2.5 #1 5.0 #2 6.0 ....",. 0 #3 6.2 ,. #4 63 #5 7.5 i

0 #6 6.8

· .: 19nitability 0 Vigorously #1 No Flasb #2 No Flash ·;N.- #3 No Flash #4 No Flash #5 No Flash #6 No Flash I Reactivity Generates Toxic Gases #1 Cvanid;!Sulfide-None #2 -o;;.nide/Sulfide-None [ #3 Cyanide/Sulfide-None #4 Cyanide/Sulfide-None #5 &anide/Sulfide-None #6 CYanide/Sulfide-None

EP Toxicity-Metals 0 Exceeds Indicated Values #1 Barium@033 Greater than 100 mg/L I #2 Arsenic @ 0.006 Greater than 5.0 mg/L Barium @ 0.44 Greater than 100 m,,/L #3 Baril),\tl @ 0.48 Greater than 100 mg/L #4 Arsenic @ 0.004 · : Greater than 5.0 mg/L i Barium @ 0.57 Greater than 100 mg/L #5 Barium@036 Greater than 100 mg/L

o , #6 Arsenic @ 0.003 Greater than 5.0 mg/L I · ,! Barium @ 0.68 Greater than 100 mg/L k · :i ,,­

-:!, ...... - ·1 i



Pentnchlorophenol #1 Not Detected No Criteria #2 Not Detected · #3 Not Detected .. . · #4 Not Detected · ¥r,- #5 Not Detected · ,- #6 Not Detected · . % Organics #1 66.6% No Criteria . #2 43.8% · #3 29.2% · #4 26.3% · #5 31.9% · #6 19.2% . -'- · .- ~~__L_ -----_.". ---'-' ___ r _


." ~ J



.OJ r- ; CorrosjYily pH less lban 2.0 and I L. QreJ{cr (han 12.5 #1 7.1 #2 7.5 , r " . #3 6.5 #4 7.1 19nitability Burns Vigorous Iv - , #1 No Flash #2 No Flasb --c #3 No F1asb #4 No Flash React;v;t), Generates Toxic Gases

#1 Cyanide/Sulfide-None "L~ #2 CyanideIS ulfide- None #3 Cyanide /St.:lfirle -N ooe #4 Cyanide/Sulfide- Noae I. EP ToxicitY~~'letals #1 Arseaic @ 0.002 Greater than 5.0 mg/L r:: I<~ Barium @ 0.10 Greater than 100 mg/L #2 Arsenic @ 0.005 Greater than 5.0 mg/L Barium @ 0.21 Greater tban 100 mg/L #3 Arsenic @ 0.003 Greater than 5.0 mg/L 'Barium @ 0.25 Greater tban 100 m'giL #4 Arsenic @ 0.016 Greater"tban 5.0 mg/L . Barium @ 038 Greater tban 100 mg/L L Pentachloroohenol #1 Not Detected Greater lhan 100 mgfL r.' #2 ~Not Detected · #3 Not Detected · #4 Not Detected · {-----=- Tunnin;!Li[!nins #2 41 mg/L No Criteria 0/0 Organ ics #1 39.7% No Criteria #2 41.5% #3 7.7% #4 23.1% r 1_

, , for Arsenic and Barium.

Pentachlorophenol. This compound is noted as Penta and is a common herbicidal/fungicidal agent used historically within the lumber industry that has presently been discontinued due to its toxicity. This compound was detected among all the samples analyzed within the landfill.

Other Phenols. These compounds represent 14 possible chemical species that were analyzed within the soil samples e.xtracted at the bottom of the landfill. It appears ., that these compounds may have been utilized as a disinfectant and/or associated / I with other industrial compounds used within the KOGAP facility. The analysis of the phenol group detected the presence of 2,Methylphenol and Phenol at sample sites 1 (lA/IB) and sample site 3 (3A/3B) which are considered by EPA as hazardous. The concentrations of 2, Methylphenol was 0.055 mg/L (site #3) and 0.0072 mg/L(site #4). No federal or state criteria was available for determining the toxicity limits of this chemical species. The Phenol was only present at site # 1 at a concentration of 0.0090 mg/L. According to available standards for Phenols (U.S. EPA 1986), this concentration was below values identified as toxic to freshwater, aquatic life and public health.

Tannins/Lignins. These compounds '''~ 2..:s')ciu~ed with burk and woed products resulting in the production of tannic acid which contributes to the discoloration water. At present, no state or federal criteria has been. established for these compounds. A value of 41 mg/L was observed at sample site #2 which is below available toxic levels established at 200 mg/L. for tannic acid.

Percent Organics. The amount of organics throughout the landfill ranged from 7.7% to 66.6% based upon the available data collected at the site. These data are ., skewed and may not represent an accurate representation of the organic1evel in the soil. The skewness resulted from the removal of large pieces of bark or wood from the samples to ensure that the chemical analysis was not impaired.



The characterization of hazardous wastes based upon the criteria of corroslVlty, ignitability and reactivity did not support the presence of any hazardous substances. The EP toxicity analysis of metals did not indicate the presence of concentrations that would be toxic to aquatic life or human health through drinking. The analysis of phenols did indicate the presence of two phenol compounds, one of which was /i , EnviroScience, rnco 4- .1 :'1 ~ .r , 3. , below concentrations considered hazardous or toxic. The remaInIng phenolic compound did not have any criteria to evaluate toxicity. The tannins and lignins were not considered toxic at the concentrations observed, but may contribute to discoloration of water through lechating or drainage from the project. r,

1) It is recommended that the site be bermed during construction and the surface ! I water be collected, and prevented from directly draining into Bear Creek. A secondary drainage would then be constructed to minimize turbidity and control overflow into the creek. This would also provide an opportunity to monitor the pH L. chemistry of surface water draining from the site.

. , 2) A computer search by EPA of the phenolic compounds is being performed to substantiate the acceptability of 2-Methylphenol values. This information should be available this week and should represent the only issue of concern. Otherwise, I. would recommend that you present these results to DEQ for confirmation prior to acquiring the site.

3) The soils are acidic and should be treated in coordination with t~e landscape architect to ensure viability of !he plant material and eliminate any problems with surface runoff.

4) I would recommend that KOGAP Manufacturing perform the closing of the landfill perrnlt and utilize the data contained herein. This would provide DEQ with an opportunity to review the chemistry and provide another measure of agency acceptance. If any questions arose in the future regarding the site, the closure perrnlt, this evaluation, and DEQ's review would provide a strong support for a reasonable evalmttion of the issues.

, EnviroScience, Inc. ,.-- -5- 3 ,,' . .~ •



Chemical Analysis of Samples :-:-'1 0·-'; ,, r , ~~PClCIFIC I -~i;- 'J enVlronmentc)l ; ~ lClBoratort.jmc 9405 S.W. NimOUs Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005 (S03) 644-0660 FAX AI (503) 644.2202

July 31, 1990 r

"I Enviroscience, Inc. i 11830 S.W. Kerr Parkway Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Attn: Ron Rathburn

Re:JOB - Medford Landfill c PEL #90-1998 I

Enclosed is the lab report for your samples which were received on July 19, 1990.

r. Sample Description i L. six soil Samples

The samples were received under a chain af custcdy.

The samples were received in containers consistent with EPA protocol.

II. Quality Control

No _project specific QC was requested. In-house QC data is available upon request. III. Analytical Results ! Test methods may include minor modifications of pUblished methods such as detection limits or parameter lists. Solid and waste samples are reported onqo.an "as received" basis I unless otherwise noted. "" f Compounds not detected are listed under results as NO. L ,­ ,-, Sincerely, {I/~~ Howard Holmes Howard Boorse Lab Manager QA/QC Manager

-! Page 2 of 4 !------@~ PEL REPORT NUMBER: 90-1998 CLIENT: Enviroscience, Inc. JOB REFERENCE: Medford Landfill DATE: July 31, 1990 ITEMS: six soil Samples

METHOD: pH per EPA 9045 (corrosivity) Results in Standard units

Sample I.D. ,Comp-l (A, B, C) 5.0 Comp-2 (A,B,C) 6.0 Comp-3 (A" B, C) 6.2 Comp-4 (A,B/C) 6.3 comp-5 (A,B/C) 7.5 Comp-6 (A, B, C) 6.8 Range 0-14

METHOD: Flashpoint per EPA 1010 (PMCC) (Ignitability)

Sample I.D. FlashDoint 0 Comp-l (A,B/C) No flash to 200 F No flash to 2000 F Comp-2, (A,B,C) 0 Comp-3 (A,B,C) No flash to 200 F Comp-4 (A,B/C) No flash to 200°F ""1 No flash to 200°F Comp-5 (A,B/C) 0 Comp-6 (A/B,C) No flash to 200 F

., METHOD: Cyanide per EPA 9010 (Reactivity) Sulfide per EPA 9030 (R~ctivity) Results in mg/kg (ppm)

Sample r. D. cyanide sulfide

Comp-l (A, B/C) NO NO "' Comp-2 (A,B,C) NO NO Comp-3 (A,B,C) NO NO < • Comp-4 (A,B/C) NO NO Comp-5 (A,B,C) NO NO Comp-6 (A,B,C) NO NO Detection Limit 10 10

.I ~l " ...J Page.3 of 4 r

PEL REPORT NUMBER: 90-1998 CLIENT: Enviroscience, Inc. "· .~ JOB REFERENCE: Medford Landfill DATE: July 31, 1990 ITEMS: six soil Samples r 1. [

· . [' METHOD: E.P. Toxicity per EPA 1310, 6010, 7000 series Results in mg/L (ppm)

Comp-1 Comp-2 Comp-3 Comp-4 r Compound (A,B,C) (A,B,C) (A,B,C) (A,B,C)

Arsenic NO 0.006 NO 0.004 Barium 0.33 0.44 0,48 0.57 Cadmium NO NO NO NO Chromium NO NO NO NO L Lead NO NO NO NO Mercury NO NO NO NO Selaniurn. ~D NO NO 1'10 Silver NO NO NO NO I

Comp-5 Comp-6 Lab Detection [ compound (A, B,C) (A,B,C) Blank Limit

Arsenic NO 0.003 NO 0.003 Barium 0.36 0.68 NO 0.01 Cadmium NO NO NO 0.01 .' ~: Chromium NO NO NO 0.01 Lead NO NO NO 0.05 L Mercury NO NO NO 0.001 Selenium NO NO NO 0.01 Silver NO NO NO 0.01 ~ J. ".'- [ · , · .I i 1 I ! i! L J' ,', 'page 4 of 4 --~-~---~@~ ,- __ ",-,!~.PaClAC ~ ~'"'" . PEL REPORT NUMBER: 90-1998 CLIENT: Enviroscience, Inc. JOB REFERENCE: Medford Landfill DATE: July 31, 1990 ITEMS: six soil samples

METHOD: E.P. Toxicity by EPA 1310 Pentachlorophenol by EPA 8270 Results in mg/L (ppm)

Sample 1.0. Pentachloroohenol Comp-1 (A,B,C) NO Comp-2 (A,B,C) NO Comp-3 (A,B,C) NO Comp-4 (A,B/C) NO comp-S (A,B,C) NO Comp-6 (A/B,C) NO Lab Blank NO Detection Limit 0.005

METHOD: Organic Matter by Ash Method Results in percent (%) Dry weight basis

Sample 1.0. Organic Matter

Comp-1 (A,B,C) 66.6 Comp-2 (A/B/.C) 43.8 Comp-3 (A,B,C) 29.2 Comp-4 (A,B,C) 26.3 Comp-S (A,B,C) 31. 9 Comp-6 (A,B,C) 19.2 Detection Limit 0.1 :, r

0@PCJCIFIC ... ¢ ~ envlronmentCJl , . ,~ lCJ f30rc:J ton.j trlC. 940S S.W. Nimbus Avo. Bf.!av.3(lon. OR 97005 (503) &«-0660 FAX I (50:) 64--0(.2.202 r, ~ ,1

August 29, 1990 r t .._

Enviroscience, Inc, i-- .• 11830 S.W. Kerr Parkway Lake oswego, OR 97035 J' I Attn: Ron Rathburn I r­ Re: JOB #392.1.1· , PEL #90-2308 !

Enclosed is the lab report for your samples which were received on August 15, 1990,

I. sample Description "_~_J Four composite soil Samples

The samples were rec8:'-...-ed unde~


Howard Holmes Howard Boorse Lab Manager QA/QC Manager L " pa7ge 2 -of 4

:!i------@~ PEL REPORT NUMBER: 90-2308 CLIENT: Enviroscience, Inc. , 392.1.1 i JOB REFERENCE: ! DATE: August 29, 1990 ITEMS: Four composite soil Samples


i METHOD: pH per EPA 9045 ! Results in Standard units

Sample 1.0.

lA/lB Composite 7.1 2A/2B composite 7.5 -', 3A/3B composite 6.5 4A/4B composite 0-14

METHOD: F:ashpoint pe~ EPA 1010

Sample I. D. Flashpoint Composite No flash to 2000 F lA/lB 0 2A/2B composite No flash to 200 F composite No flash to 2000 F 3A/3B 0 4A/4B composite No flash to 200 F

METHOD: Cyanide per Standard Methods 412 B, C Sulfide per EPA 9030 .. ... Results in mg/kg (ppm) . , '. , ,.,.1 .",\ Sample 1.0. cyanide Sulfide , , lA/lB composite NO NO -.!-, NO NO '.- ~ 2A/2B Composite .~ ."f 3A/3B composite NO NO 4A/4B composite NO NO Detection Limit 10 10

- , , :i 'J • f Page J of 4 ------:------<@~ 'i-I1 'SI~r<. , I' PEL REPORT NUMBER: 90-2J08 CLIENT: Enviroscience, Inc. JOB REFERENCE: J92.1.1 I DATE: August 29, 1990 ITEMS: Four composite Soil Samples [

.J C·::_~ i METHOD: organic Matter by Ash Method ., Results in percent (%) ( Dry weight Basis Sample I.D. organic Matter (' J9.7 1A/1B composite , .. 2A/2B Composite 41. 5 I , , . JAfJB composite 7.7 ,;~~, 4A/4B Composite 2J.l l:i I 1J10, 6010, 7000 series '" METHOD: E.P. Toxicity per EPA (ppm) Results in mg/L ;.;; r:-~~, 1A/1B 2A/2B JAf3B composite composite composite compound ~ O.OOJ (::: Arsenic 0.002 0.005 0.25 Barium 0.10 0.21 ND ND cadmium ND , :i ND ND t' , chromium ND ND Lead ND ND Mercury ND ND ND r ND ~ ~ selenium ND ND ..: ND 12- silver ND .. ND f~' I" t . 4A/4B Lab Detection Blank Limit r'- compound composite \:'$ 0.001 Arsenic 0.016 ND 0.J8 ND 0.01 , Barium 0.01 j Cadmium ND ND I 0.01 I.. chromium ND ND ND ND 0.05 Lead 0.001 Mercury ND ND ND ND 0.005 Selenium 0.01 l silver ND ND page 4 of 4· . ------A~ W La6O«ltlXtj= PEL REPORT NUMBER: 90-2308 CLIENT: Enviroscience, Inc. JOB REFERENCE: 392.1.1 DATE: August 29, 1990 ITEMS: Four Composite Soil Samples

METHOD: E.P. Toxicity Extraction per EPA 1310 Phenols per EPA 8270 Results in mg/L (ppm) 1A/1B 2A/2B 3A/3B compound Composite composite Comoosite 2-Chlorophenol ND ND ND 2,4-0ichlorophenol ND NO ND 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND NO ND 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ND NO ND 2,4-oinitrophenol ND ND ND 2-Methylphenol 0.055 ND 0.0072 4-Methylphenol ND NO ND 2-Nitrophenol ND NO ND 4-Nitrophenol ~D NO NO 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol NO ND ND Pentachlorophenol ND NO ND Phenol 0.0090 ND NO 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ND NO ND 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND ND ND 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND NO ND •

4A/4B Lab Detection .Comoound Comoosite Blank Limit 2-Chlorophenol ND ND 0.001 2,4-Dichlorophenol N1ilo ND 0.001 2,4-0imethylphenol NO NO 0.001 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ND ND 0.005 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND NO 0.005 2-Methylphenol NO NO 0.001 4-Methylphenol ND ND 0.001 2-Nitrophenol ND ND 0.001 4-Nitrophenol ND NO 0.001 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol ND ND 0.001 Pentachlorophenol ND NO 0.001 Phenol ND ND 0.001 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol ND ND 0.001 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol NO ND 0.001 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol NO NO 0.001 :f J~ ~ . ~'-' paCIfICenVIronmental . ~ laBOlcJtof!.41f1C. 9-405 S.W. NimbUS Ave. ~aveflon. OR 97005 (S03) &4-4..ooso FAX 1/ (S03) 6-4-..(~2202

AugU"it 30, 1.990 r I

Enviro"icience, Inc. 1.1.830 S.W. Kerr Parkway Lake O"iwego, OR 97035

Attn: Ron Rathburn

Re: JOB #392.1..1. PEL #90-2308-A r

Enclo"ied i"i the lab report for your "iample which wa"i received on Augu"it 15, 1990. I . I. Sample De"icription L One Water Sample The sample was received under ~ ~~~i~ of custody. I The "iample wa"i received in a container conSi"itent with EPA protocol. [; II. Quality Control No project "ipecific QC wa"i reque"ited. In-hou"ie QC data i"i available upon request. " III. Analytical Results l~,' Test methods may include minor modifications of published methods such as detection limits or parameter lists. Solid and waste samples are reported on an "as received" basis 1 unless otherwise noted. ~ Compounds not detected are listed under results as ND. r"


Howard Holmes Howard Boorse L. Lab Manager QA/QC Manager [ l ."" .' Page 2 of 2 ~PaClFlC ------,------,-----~-W~ PEL REPORT NUMBER: 90-230S-A CLIENT: Enviroscience, Inc. JOB REFERENCE: 392.1.1 DATE: August 30, 1990 ITEM: One Water Sample

~ METHOD: Tannin and Lignin per Standard Methods 513 Results in rng/L (ppm) Tannin & Sample I.D. Lignin

2W 41 Liecection Limit 1

"I 1 < -',

S'V 'ON 3:CI08J3

"f'A~.~f ~ f /-}- -I'.l~~.JN ~ I~)j N /'0 N "tbl=:;J ~ ~ 1. ~ ~ '1- { t /r 1\J;:,f4:> C' IV" l' r ""'fP \'r-r I' ;: % f r~( . t t t ~o g.~ ... ~; !: .r ~~ ~ I i:5 1'.. f' \' P I'U Q\ IQ. \ IP ,\ '" .r:- __ ~ r:- '-C\ r<::> I~ ~ V> ~ ::or:: ~'} } } .~ f· ~ ~ g~ g :&\ i ti ~ ~ ~ r - ~ ~ - ~ p.- r .S l..'= ~ I I Com•. ~ ~r ..... ~ ~ ~, <~ ..F", - 0 0 0 II C;"u r = J ~ ~-'i;' ~ ~ t<> r- 6~ f f 1 I I~ I I I I ({ k-J r (\\~ ~.., ~ 10D • 1...... r- \-J 9J i l \;J \.> 1-) lJ Wr9...> r r \p ~ -.J 01 t-> \-> D --.{) -0 "-.\. ~ Cf'> ~ 11....- (Q. f;' " " \\ \\~\\\\\\ I~~ 1 ~~ [ r ~ IL~ 'I ~W ( L~ ~f..J r ~"~"r' -~ ;- ;- ~ ~ /-) ~ ~ ~. ~ '-~ .. ... ~ ;. ~ r. ~ 11 i~ !J 1 , r j j 'P" k, '6"' :>­ 1(., iii ~ M \ l.'\ _. Ie ~ ~ z - g c> \'- P o { ; ~ Ir' ~ ." n I j c: ~ ~ ~ ~.; V1 '\'- I--. -- - - - h I- 1_ - .... ~ =' 1 I ~- o 1 o ~. 1.. 1-++-+-+--+-+'-+-+-+-+-+-+'-+-J-1J--J--t-+-1 -t--t:"-:------1 -< ::> I~A~7RO?() m ;::. III II n i ., 1.. 1.. J--H-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-t-J-J-J--J--+-+-+--Fu...L.l.U.U..>L-.----1 o ! ::> ; ~ IIII . II nf6'M~~~fied o [ I ) ;~~~ol.~n~ . ) ""DO" r1 ?1 I ,, .... - 1 < I H I l l -t-- -I-- - -f---I-- - --I--j-- "p " • .. ;... ,. PCB's i-.i- ~'!: Ir,OR I RnAn f----j--{-I_t--T--". '.-:: 1---= 1--I-- - 1- ,_. "" - :- f=hlor. Solv. ~: 0-< 2' c'.:: \'onl/ROIO r'l [ t~: _ ~. -lashpoin[ V> • ~ s: ' ..' "" 1_ I,~n fl-j::' ":'.' - tv' I/~f ~ I..~ j i s ' ..' l/' ~ % ,1 . '" I~ :r: :+= ~ o l t- -I- .. :'f--I-I)t- -1- r&-f-- - -~-- e- - II(6J '"' r h ~, I- r !J lU 1- r-' IY ..

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I ,., _, 1, o . 10 o ;;,:.:. f' IJ ! ,.. Io , v>. b' "" ' " 0 '" , """11 '" j :J "



Soil Test Logs

J; ~'

.'\'" - 0, .v1·1 - 4H inches DATE: 8-14-90 , " · : I John & Wayne BUCKET SIZE: r , :' BACKHOE COMPANY: v; w .... U>_ I"" , w >- >- a: z . I ;~ :::~ '::: .... rt:-:,:- :>w -,'"'" SOIL DESCRIPTION ·"" I- w ' "';;: u>U> a:U>" t:;1-~ UU I · ~ J "'::i o Z Q _z- ;:'w «>", wI-z'" w- · , o~ oo -,'"-OJ TEST PIT NO. ELEVATION U> 0 0 ::iU 0- TP-1 U> .., 1--0 ''""'I: FflL: Dark brown, moist, decomposed organics with ~ i i ,S - organic debris consisting of wood chips, rootlets to. : roots, branches, and tree trunks up to 8" in diameter, , - I- includes gravel to cobbles up to 7" in diameter, ,I - organic odor I - :~i I' ; 5- I L - ..fil - ,. il \: - I . - r

10- I

o - r ' .. , - -

- 0 L 15 - - :; I < - X .. ... ~ - I: - [


- L " - X I· ';",: .- , ! L ; - , , 25- . . ~j X I -I- NATIVE: G%y green, moist, silty, slightly clayey, 1 coarse, SAND, includes gravel to cobbles up to 8" in , :! - X diameter and sandstone and conglomerate fragments ·1., - [ - X !,:;,~ )0 ..d, End of Test Pit TP-1 @ 29 feet I

PITS " LOG OF TEST FIGURE NO. A-I -:- ROGUE VALLEY MAJWR I ", PROJECT NO. 392.1.1 I I Northwest Geotech, Inc, l ., "'3 : , ..... j,­! ~l ,. , ;1 .,"

-, :! DATE: 8-14-90 BUCKET SIZE: 48 irlChes 8ACJ- a: z "'- -, :1:- t:1- :J w :5.j SOl LoEseR IPTION 1->- C)i a:"'u>-t= )-I-~ u. "-wwW «::E zW"'''' a z " ~z-- -,'" - w- oo -::> ELEVATION a!: a a :;

1 5- ), , - Dark brown, very moist, silty, clayey, SAND, includes - gravel and wood debris, high organic content, organic - odor -

10 - - -

.' - -


15- -

- X - - 20- - -. X i - - ., ... .:j - ~ 25- - @ 26' large sections of 6" thick concrete up to 3' long; water in hole due to seepage - X Sandstone, well cemented, - :.--- FORMATTONAL ROCK: medium to coarse grained, very dense, grey green color - X x ~ JO ------End ofTest Pit TP-2 @ 30 feet Groundwater encountered at 29.5 feet ',1, IJ Tt!!BT P1TtS ,J t..OC3 OF FIGURE NO. A·2 PROJECf NO. 392.1.1 I ROGUE VALLEY MANOR 1 Northwest Geotech, Inc. , , , , DATE; 8-14-90 \ r BUCKET SIZE: 48 inches BACKHOE COMPANY: John & Wa ne 1· " - wI- ~ w >- >- a: ~- i l:- z j,,; ",-' ':1- ~UJ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION I .-1- ,,~ ~~ r'=:= u~ ~w a:~v ~.-" wW ~~ zW o z ~ _z- wl- w- oo -;0 ELEVATION 0'0'0 ~ a 0 ::;:u 0--'''' TEST PIT NO. TP-4 ; ~o '" FILL: Light grey brown, dry, silly, sandy, CLAY f includes organic debris - ~ark brow!1' silty, sandy CLAY, includes organic debris, high organic content, gravel, and lenses of pure organics [

5- r" .. -, .~ - , r - F' .. ,

10 ------

15 - .. Grey, very moist, silty, slightly sandy CLAY with - X small amount of organics

X FORMATIONAL ROCK: Sandstone, well cemented, "'""'- ~edium to coarse grained, very dense, grey geen color 20- End of Test Pit TP-4 @ 19 feet -' , - f- .. - 25- .. ~ . - . - ..

30 L L.OC3 OF Te'BT PITS ROGUE VALLEY MANOR "/ FIGURE NO. ,\-4 PROJECT NO. J92.l.I I I ,: .... " Northwest Geotech, Inc. . .1 L - r·' I I' ( , I .

, "

I. I


1.":,' J' I . ( -'!

.... ., ~

" , I,- i,1


NRC# 92-6309 r TOP 12 CONTAMINANTS RECEIVED: 08-14"';92 I TIME: 10;46 REPORTEO: 08-21-92 ;'1,'-" (\1 """', •. ,

CLIENT MAILING ADDRESS: •. '\1 ~I'll\ur$AMPI.E LOCATION: Ij \~'!;l. ;...• Rogull Valloy Manor/Jill Collins .'"Ij) 1200 MIra MfH ~:L :) I i'.;9? /.)021 EII'ndol, Medford, OR 97504 .". -Medford, OR 97604

PHONE 770-6212



pH EPA 150.1 pH Units 8.0-9.0 7,(i2 TD L Spoclne Conductanco EPA 120.1 uMHO/CM N.L. 600 TO Ar~l}nlo, All EPA 206.2 mg(L 0.050 NO @OL~J TD I Boron,S EPA 212.3 mg/L 1,0-4.0 2.52 TD/KO

Chlorldl;ls, oj 8M 407 A moiL 250 46 TD/KO

Fluoride, F 8M ~13 C

Sodium, Na EPA

NO '" Nonn OEllcchH.J III l~vellndlcelgd. Rov/ow"" by: ~ /)1" :"MIi\ N.L. = No Limit I Approved by;...... -:;.4(, ,J...... vr: l ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS' ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 245 s. GRAPE: ST.• MEDFORlJ. OR 07501·3123· (503)nO·5670· fAX (50~)770'2901 r ,) '(I .--- "~I ( - _. "

':':"clre or v ..egolf vEPAF..T:.·~ ::"1":- ,~;: E:jVir.ONMENTAL QUALITY 00 ~ 8E? ;'~ -~ 1~~2 ~ rID


5W ~0ACL&lI.1 September 15, 1992 \Ct:l6-A-V

Dennis Belsky, P.E. Region Engineer Department of Environmental Quality 201 W. Main, suite 2-D Medford, OR 97501

Dear Dennis: Thank you for your- letter dated September 8, 1992. I have forward the information - to our consultant Bob Foster. Brian will be on vacation until september 23, 1992. I have enclosed a copy of the monitoring data which you requested. Please contact Bob Foster if you have any questions. Brian will be contacting you upon his return.



1200 MIRA MAR MEDFORD, OREGON 97504 (503) ne-5211 FAX (503) 770-9599 " -- ,( '1' I' {. ,f, r , ' {::l DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY LABORATOR J-: Analytical Records Report PAGE 1 of 1 MONDAY OCTOBER 5th, 1992 r l ,E NAME: 920715 1100 ELLENDALE lMITTER: Belsky, Dennis IN. COLLECTOR: Belsky, Dennis IN. ~D CODE: 3560 Groundwater Monitoring r I' rEM # RESULT UNITS TEST ------l'~

IL..;, 001 135' Well 08/12/92 @ 15:50 <5 cts/100 Enterococcus (counts 1 100 mil I' <2 MPN Fecal Coliform (MPN) <2 MPN Total Coliform 0.02 mg/L Ammonia as N ) 3 mg/L Biochemical Oxygen Demand-5 day (diluted) 650 umhos/cm Conductivity r , <0.02 mg/L Nitrate « Nitrite as N


[ '1~' ".

~ .," ['.

I.: L. De~~mentof Environmental Qualittl ,- .. , <., r- • Labvdltories and Applied Research .c_· Ge/MS

Volatile Organic Compounds Complies with DW Method 524.2 and RCRA SW846 Method 8260

Lab#: 920715 Analysis Sample #: 85408 Date: 20 August 1992 Item #: 28


<0.0005 Chloromethane 34418 74873 <0.0005 2-Chlofoethyl Vinyl Ether· 34576 110756 <0.0005 Vinyl Chloride 39175 75014 <0.0005 cis-l,3·01chloropropene 34704 10061015 <0,0005 Bromomethane 34413 74839 <0.0005 Toluene 78131 108663 <0.0005 Chloroethane 34311 754003 <0.0005 trans-' ,3-Dichloropropene 34699 10061026 <0;0005 Trlchlorofluoromethane 34488 75694 <0,0005 1.1,2·Trichloroethane 34511 79005 .<0.005 Acrolein (2-Propenal) 34210 107028 <0.0005 1, 1.2.2·T~trach[oroethylene 34475 ,127184 <0.0005 ',l·Dlchloroethylene 34501 75354 <0.0005 Oibromochloromethane 32105 124481 0.0158 Methylene Chloride 34423 75092 <0.0005 1.2·0ibromoethane (EDB) 81522 106934 <0.0005 trans.-1,2-Dichloroethylene 34546 156605 <0.0005 Chlorobenzene 34301 108907 <0.0005 1,1·Dlchloroethane 34496 75343 <0.0005 Ethyl Benzene 34271 100414 <0.0005 Chloroform . 32106 67663 <0.0005 1,4/1,3-0imelhylbenzene 77133 106423/108383 <0,0005 "1,1,1·Trichloroethane 34506 71556 <0,0005 1,2·0Imethylbenzene n135 95476 <0.0005 Carbon Tetrachloride 32102 56235 <0.0005 Bromoform 32104 75252 <0.0005 Benzene 78124 71432 <0.0005 1,1 ,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 34516 79345 <0.0005 1,2-0Ichloroethane 34531 107062 <0.0005 1,3-Dlchlorobenzene 34566 541731 <0.0005 Trichloroethylene 39180 79016 <0.0005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 34571 95501 <0,0005 1,2·0lchloropropane 34541 78875 <0.0005 1,2·0Ichlorobenzene 34536 106467 <0.0005 Bromodlchloromethane 32101 75274

j , OA SURROGATE Expected Actual Percent Recovery mg/L. mg/L 2·Bromo·1-Chloropropane 0,0100 0.0095 95 4·Bromofluorobenzene 0.0100 0.0085 85

TIC's: No other volatile compounds were Identified above tl:,i,forward search practical reporting limit of 0.005 mg/L " , Defr~·trnent of Environmental Qualit,~'. ".l,l' t; ,_ :::1 . • -.-' r Labudltories and Applied Research ,. Ge/Ms i

:", Volatile Organic Compounds f Complies with DW Method 524.2 ! and RCRA SW846 Method 8260

Lab#: 920715 ~ Analysis r Sample#: 85408 1\-" Date: 19 August 1992 Item #: 2A

CONC COMPOUND STOREr # CAS # CONC COMPOUND STOREr # CAS # moll moll II! J I <0.0005 Chloromethane 34418 74873 <0.0005 2·Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 34576 110758 <0.0005 ,'..vinyl Chloride 39175 75014 <0.0005 cis~l ,3--0ichloropropene 34704 10061015 [I <0.0005 i Bromomethane 34413 74839 <0.0005 Toluene 78131 108883 <0.0005 ;- Chloroethane 34311 754003 <0.0005 trans-' ,3-Dichloropropene 34699 10061026 <0.0005 Trichlorofluoromethane 34488 75694 <0.0005 1,1,2·Trichloroethane 34511 79005 <-J <0.005 Acrolein (2·Propenaf) 34210 107028 <0.0005 1, ',2.2-Tetrachloroethylene 34475 127184 <0.0005 1,1·0Ichloroethylene 34501 75354 <0.0005 Oibromochloromethane 32105 124481 0.0149 Methylene Chloride 34423 75092 <0.0005 1,2-0ibromoethane (EDB) 81522 106934 ,_.'I <0.0005 _ trans-- 1,2·0Ichloroethylene 34546 156605 <0.0005 - Chlorobenzene 34301 108907 I <0,0005 1,1-0ichloroethane - 34496 75343 <0.0005 Ethyl Benzene 34271 100414 I; <0.0005 Chloroform 32106 67663 <0.0005 1,4/1,3-0imethylbenze':1e 77133 106423/1 0836~l <0,0005 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 34506 71556 <0.0005 1,2-0imethylbenzene 77135 95476 <0,0005 Carbon Tetrachloride 32102 56235 <0.0005 Bromoform 32104 75252 l-! <0.0005 Benzene 78124 71432 <0.0005 1,1 .2,2-Tetrachtoroelhane 34516 79345 ' <:0.0005 1,2-0ichloroethane 34531 107062 <0.0005 1,3-0ichlorobenzene 34566 541731 I <0.0005 Trichloroethylene 39,.80 79016 <0.0005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 34571 95501 <0.0005 1,2-Dichloropropane 34541 78875 <0.0005 1,2-0ichlorobenzene 34536 106467 [.I' <0.0005 Bromodichloromethane 32101 75274

:_:~1;, OA SURROGATE Expected Actual Percent Recovery mg/l mgiL '--'-- 2-8romo-1-Chloropropane 0.0100 0.0083 83 4-Bromonuorobenzene 0.0100 0.0086 86 I

TIC's: No other volatile compounds were identified abo~the forward search practical reporting limit of 0.005 mg/L /., Qualit~ "I I Def0\tment of Environmental 'l, Lab~-rato~ies and Applied Research \ _: GCfMS

Volatile Organic Compounds Complies with DW Method 524.2 and RCRA SW846 Method 8260

Lab #: 920715 Analysis Sample #: 84472 ~\. Date: 20 August 1992 Item #: 18


<0.0005 Chloromethane 34418 74873 <0,0005 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 34S76 110750 <0.0005 Vinyl Chloride 39175 75014 <0.0005 cis-l.3-Dichloropropene 34704 10061015 <0,0005 Bromomethane 34413 74839 <0.0005 Toluene 76131 108883 <0.0005 Chloroefhane 34311 754003 <0.0005 trans-' ,3-0ichloropropene 34699 10061026 <0,0005 Trichlorofluoromethane 34488 75694 <0,0005 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 34511 79005 .<0.005 Acrolein (2·Propenal) 34210 107028 <0.0005 1,1 ,2,2-Tetrachloroethylene 34475 127184 <0.0005 1,1-0ichloroethylene 34501 75354 <0.0005 Dibromochloromethane 32105 124481 <0.0005 Methylene Chloride 34423 75092 <0,0005 ',2·Qibromoelhane (EDS) 81522 106934 <0.0005 trans-l,2-0Ichloroethylene 34546 '56605 <0.0005 Chtorobenzene 34301 108907 <0.0005 1,1-0ichloroethana 34496 75343 <0,0005 Ethyl Benzene 34271 100414 - <0.0005 Chloroform 32106 67663 <0.0005 1.4/1,3-0imethylbenzene 77133 106423/108383

4 <0,0005 10 1o1 Trichloroethane 34506 71556 <0.0005 1,2-0imethylbenzene n135 95476 <0.0005 Carbon Tetrachloride 32102 56235 <0.0005 Bromoform 32104 75252 <0.0005 Benzene 78124 71432 <0,0005 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 34516 79345 <0.0005 1oZ-Oichloroethane 34531 107062 <0.0005 1oa-Dichlorobenzene 34566 541731 <0.0005 Trichloroethylene 39180 79016 <0.0005 1A-Dichlorobenzene 34571 95501 <0.0005 1,Z-Dichloropropane 34541 78875 <0.0005 1,2-0ichlorobenzene 34536 106467' <0.0005 Bromodichloromethane ,32101 75274

QA SURROGATE Expected Actual Percent Recovery mg/L mg/l , Z·8romo-1-Chloropropane 0.0100 0.0095 95 4·Sromofluorobenzene 0.0100 0.0083 83


TIC's: No other volatile compounds were Identified above t!ll' forward search practical reporting limit of 0.005 mg/L ·, Delf?:'fme~tof Environ.mental Quali ']) r Lat:,~,.atones T .1 \) and Applied Research '._" GC/MS :--~.

1_.-; :"'.:.- Volatile Organic Compounds Complies with DW Method 524.2 and RCRA SW846 Method 8260

Lab #: 920715 Analysis Sample #: 84472 rf Date: 19 August 1992 Item #: 1A C' rr======;r======L.'


<0.0005 Chloromethane 34418 74873 <0.0005 2·Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 34576 <0.0005 Vinyl Chloride 39175 75014 <0.0005 cis·l ,3-0Ichlorgpropene 34704 <0.0005 :Sromomethane 34413 74839 <0.0005 Toluene 78131 <0.0005 . Chloroethane 34311 754003 <0.0005 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 34699 <0.0005 Trichlorofluoromethane 34488 75694 <0.0005 1,1,2·Trichloroethane 34511 ~O,OO5 Acrolein (2·PropenaJ) 34210 107028 <0,0005 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroathylene 34475 <0,0005 1,1·Dlchloroethylene 34501 75354 <0.0005 Dibromochloromethane 32105 <0.0005 Methylene Chlonde 34423 75092 <0.0005 1,Z·Oibromoethane (EDB) 81522 <0.0005 tr8Os-1,Z·Olchloroethylene 34546 156605 <0.0005 Chlorobenzene 34301 <0.0005 1,1-0tchloroethane 34496 75343 <0.0005 Ethyl Benzene 34271 <0.0005 Chloroform 32106 67663 <0.0005 1,4/1,3-Dimethylbenzene n133 <0.0005 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 34506 71556 <0.0005 1,2-0imethylbenzene n135 <0.0005 Carbon Tetrachloride j2102 56235 <0.0005 Bromoform 32104 <0.0005 Benzene 78124 71432 • <0.0005 1,1 ,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 34516 <0.0005 l,2·0ichloroethane 34531 107062 <0.0005 1,3-0ichlorobenzene 34566 <0.0005 Trichloroethylene 39180 79016 <0.0005 1,4·0ichlorobenzene 34571 <0,0005 1,2·0ichloropropane 34541 78875 <0.0005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 34536 <0.0005 Bromodlchloromethane 32101 75274

OA SURROGATE Expected Actual Percent Recovery mgll mg/L 2-Bromo-1·Chloropropane 0.0100 0.0083 83 4-8romo([uorobenzene 0.0100 0.0084 84

TIC's: No other volatile compounds were Identified ab~e the forward search practical reporting limit of 0.005 mg/L i; "">~~: ,..':;.

'> (;V-5A-U<:.$V11 DEPARTMENT OF ENV.IRONMENTAL QUALITyj,(Oc/;r-f@ q' <1 f) (~ .. ~'rM Request for Analysis Case No. _ L-D L Iv Location/Site:j([k2 [1~\I\~li-l ~;~~c"Cltate Sampled: Q;-\2,-qi..- Date Received in Lab: rJ; ~/9? Collected by1'f\'\~\5 B.eJ'7k.ry . Fund Code.: 52>17' 35&iJ Date Reported: OCT U8199Z . loA 0 _ . \AI1l"l>~~ purpose:J?§w ell ~ ((J po tJ 01 kn-..1 1"7." h. fAlol:/I.· R.e~~QJjJtV. ,l." AA .,",..,~) (., \ , I l 'J I '. ./ f'05<;"b!!'R \ Sample container according c.em D Sampling Point Description to testIs) requested Test(sl Required

3 .

5"''' -,~. jlEPARTMENT OF ENViRONMENTAL QUAlm L 4 ~rn@[gDW&rm nrr • c .nnn • " Inc. "-/ 5 SOUTHWEST REGION OffICE


Laboratory Comments: r'Ve, If(-f, 'c"fiJI SMIL.-t {.ex tee?' ,~. . oIJ \ .'\ rS -,,-. .... ~.:: -

- .::- "',·__1.... _ ~" ...... "nn"",.. s;lmnlinq containers and preservation procedure. (503) 229-5983