/ SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT FORMER KOGAP LANDFILL MEDFORD,OREGON ..~ Prepared for Rogue Valley Manor, Inc. September 30, 1993 Prepared by EMCON Northwest, Inc. 1150 Knutson Road, Suite 4 Medford, Oregon 97504-4157 state of Oregon .vl:PARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENfAL QUALITY rD) rn .;~ ~ 0 ,V] 12 rID Project 0857-001.02 LnJ . cP ,) 0 1993 lQUJHWEST REGION OFFICE r,· " Site Characterization Report Former Kogap Landfill Medford, Oregon r I I The material and data in this report were prepared under the supervision and direction I of the undersigned. r' I I , EMCON Northwest, Inc. I' i r r '. , . M/l/RVMANR-R.930-93/DG:0 Rev, 0, 09/30/93 0857.ooL.02 ',' ")''J' " ~ •• c.' ii ; • ( • / -. ; c•• ,.;I "• ~ ~ • -.t. '. L ! ) .' iL , CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES iv 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Regulatory Requirements 1 1.2 Site Background 2 2 PERMIT REQUIRED INFORMATION 3 2.1 Location Description 3 2.2 Legal Description 3 2.3 Site Map 3 2.4 Hydrology 4 2.5 Water Well Inventory 4 2.6 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology 4 3 EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS TO GROUNDWATER 7 3.1 Previous Sampling Work 7 3.2 Summary 9 REFERENCES APPENDIX A SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL SITE CLOSURE PERMIT 1082 APPENDIX B SITE MAP (from Fetrow, January 1991) APPENDIX C STATISTICAL S~Y OF MEAN DAILY DISCHARGE FOR BEAR CREEK APPENDIX D WATER WELL INVENTORY (from Fetrow, February 1991) APPENDIX E ENVIROSCIENCE, AUGUST 1990 REPORT APPENDIX F ANALYTICAL RESULTS FROM SAMPLING WATER WELLS, AUGUST 1992 M/l/RVMANR-R.930-93/DG:0 Rev. 0, 09/30/93 0857-001.02 iii ,r LIST OF FIGURES I r L Figures 1 Site Location Map r 2 100 and 500 Year Flood Plains of Bear Creek 3 Geologic Units in Vicinity of Site [' I. [ I J [ t l Rev. O. 09130193 MllIRVMANR-R.930-93IDG:0 0857-001.02 iv l . , . \ \ ~ , 1 INTRODUCTION 1 .1 Regulatory Requirements The purpose of this report is to meet the intent of Schedule C, Condition 2 of Solid Waste Disposal Site Closure Permit 1082 (the Permit) for the former KOGAP woodwaste landfilL The Permit was issued to the Rogue Valley Manor (the Manor) by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ or Department) on August 14, 1992 (see Appendix A). Condition 2 of the Permit requires that the Manor prepare a report that includes information from applicable subsections of Section II (Site Characterization Report) of the DEQ's Landfill Permit Application Instructions (LPAI). Applicable subsections, as specified by the Permit include, Subsection II.2.1 (Location Description), II.2.2 (Legal Description), II.3.1 (Site Map), II.3,4 (Hydrology), II.3.6 (Water Well Inventory), and II.3.7.1 (Regional Geology and Hydrogeology). This Site Characterization Report is organized into four sections as follows: • Section 1 - Introduction, provides a description of the Permit condition that this report is intended to satisfy, and a discussion of the Site history. • Section 2 - General Site Characterization Information, includes the information to address the applicable LPAI subsections listed above. • Section 3 - Evaluation of Potential Impacts to Groundwater, describes environmental sampling work previously conducted at the former landfill site. Summarizes the status of site characterization information available to date and provides recommendations for future additional work as appropriate. Preparation of this report has relied on ilitfollowing sources of information: • Discussions with Manor personnel. • Discussions made with DEQ personnel during telephone conversations and visits to the site. • Consultant-prepared reports <available in the Manor's fIles and previously submitted to DEQ (see attached reference list). l Mll/RVMANR-R.930-93IDG:0 Rev. 0, 09/30/93 0857-001.02 "·1 • Geologic reports prepared by Oregon state agencies (see attached reference list) • Observations made at the site. Most of the information required by the Site Characterization Report has been included in previously prepared reports. This report has been prepared to provide the Manor and DEQ with a single document containing the information referenced by Condition 2 of the Permit. In addition, the report summarizes the results of previous environmental work conducted at the Site and provides recommendations for future,site characterization work, J as appropriate. L. j ; 1.2 Site Background j ,­ 1 The former landfill was previously owned and operated by KOGAP Manufacturing, Inc. ; (KOGAP). KOGAP operated the Site as anwoodwaste disposal facility from January 1968 to June 1989. The Site operated under Permit 1082 beginning in 1973. Past permits have allowed up to 6,000 cubic yards of woodwaste to be disposed of annually. Reportedly, disposed materials consisted of mixtures of woodwaste, soil, gravel, and organics created by the decomposition of the woodwastes. The dominant material deposited in the landfill was log-sort yard debris consisting of woodwaste mixed with varying proportions of coarse-grained soils, concrete, and debris from "tee-pee" burners (Fetrow, March 1991). .,! 1 In January 1991 the Manor acquired ownership of the Site from KOGAP. As part of the overall development plan, the Manor was in the process of constructing a golf course and residential development on their property. The area including the former landfill was [ incorporated into the development design as the driving range for the golf course. The Manor originally intended to use the woodwaste as a soil amendment for the golf course. The total volume of woodwaste material utilized for golf course construction was 105,000 cubic yards. Approximately 170,000 cubic yards of woodwaste remained following golf course construction, indicating that 275,000 cubic yards of material was disposed of at the Site. The Manor arranged for excavation and removal of the L remaining woodwaste to an offsite location during the spring and summer of 1993. Following review and approval by DEQ the Manor plans to mix the relatively small quantity of remaining woodwaste with im;jlOrted soils. This mixture of materials will be ''''r used as fill during construction of the driving range. [ I L r M/IIRVMANR-R.930-93/DG:0 Rev. 0, 09/30193 L 0857-001.02 2 I b 2 PERMIT REQUIRED INFORMATION 2.1 Location Description The Site occupies approximately 10 acres on the east side of the Bear Creek valley. The Site'isibordered by a golf course to the south, residential developments to the east, a residential trailer park to the north, and Interstate 5 (I-5) to the west. Access to the former landfill is via 1-5 from Exit 27, east approximately 112-mile on Barnett Road, and south approximately 1/4-mile on Ellendale Drive. The Site topography gene~ally slopes west towards Bear Creek. The climate of the Medford area is characterized by hot, dry summers and cold winters. Annual average precipitation is approximately 18 inches per year. 2.2 Legal Description The former KOGAP woodwaste landf11lis located in Jackson County in the southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 37 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian (see Figure 1). The Site is situated in southeast Medford, Oregon in Tax Lot #3601. ,;'-- 2.3 Site Map In February 1991, Fetrow Engineering (Fetrow) completed a report entitled Geoenvironmental Report for Rogue Valley Manor Foundation Landfill Closure. 'This report included facility site maps illustrati;}g the local topography, natural and man-made features, and boundaries of the former landfill prior to golf course construction and excavation and removal of the remaining woodwaste. These figures are contained in Appendix B. M/l/RYMANR-R.93Q-93/DG:0 Rev. 0, 09/30/93 0857-001.02 3 . " 2.4 Hydrology The principal surface water body located in the vicinity of the Site is Bear Creek. Bear Creek is a north-flowing year round stream positioned between 200 to 300 feet west of the Site. Monthly and annual statistical summaries of mean daily discharge for Bear Creek for the period of 1924 through 1987 are provided in Appendix C. Two tributaries to Bear Creek, Larson Creek and Payne Creek, are located approximately 1/4 mile north and 2 miles south of the Site, respectively. Figure 2 shows the boundaries of the 100 and 500 year floodplain for Bear Creek and Larson Creek in the vicinity of the former landfill, and is based on information available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 2.5 Water Well Inventory As part of the work completed previously (Fetrow, February 1991), a water well r inventory was conducted within a one-half mile radius of the Site. Reportedly, twelve domestic and industrial water wells were located. Appendix D contains well logs and a report figure showing each of the located wells. I L Fetrow's review of well logs indicate that wells were drilled to depths ranging between /60 to 305 feet bgs. Water well logs indicate that most of the wells in the area are b~?(; ')-<>'" completed as open boreholes with generally the up'perm~st. 20 feet of borehole cased and , g~0;Y' sealed. Depth to first water encountered whIle dnlling ranged between 47 and :>5' s"," 159 feet bgs. Static water levels generally ranged between 3 and 40 feet bgs. Based on review of the well logs, groundwater in the area of well inventory occurs in bedrock. Water-bearing zones are apparently less than ten feet thick. Well yields between 2 r gallons per minute (gpm) and 70 gpm are reported by the drillers (Fetrow, February 1991). L 2.6 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology l 2.6.1 Regional Geology <;1s> J The former KOGAP Landfill Site is regionally surrounded by late Eocene to Miocene lavas, pyroclastic, and volcaniclastic rocks of tlIe Western Cascade Province to the north and east, and pre-Tertiary metamorphic and intrusive rocks of tlIe Klamath Mountains [ Province to the west and south (Baldwin, 1981).
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