Wienerberger Brick Award 2014

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Wienerberger AG Marion Göth Wienerbergstraße 11, Wienerberg City 1100 Wien Austria

Ihre wichtigsten Daten / Your Basic Information

Architekturbüro / Firmenbezeichnung 2A+P/A (Gianfranco Bombaci, Matteo Costanzo), IaN+ (Carmelo Baglivo, Architect / Company name Luca Galofaro, Stefania Manna), ma0/emmeazero (Ketti Di Tardo, Alberto Jacovoni, Luca La Torre) and Mario Cutuli

Kurzform des Architekturbüros zur Veröffentlichung im Buch brick‘14 2A+P/A, IaN+, ma0 and Mario Cutuli Short Version Architect for publishing in book brick‘14

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Wienerberger AG, A-1100 Wien, Wienerberg City, Wienerbergstraße 11 T +43 (1) 60 192-0, F +43(1) 60 192-10425 | |

Wienerberger Brick Award 2014

Baudaten / Building Information

Projektbezeichnung Maria Grazia Cutuli Primary School Project name

Standort Kush Rot Village, Injil District, Herat, Location

Fertigstellungsjahr April 2011 Completion Date

Bauzeit June 2010 – April 2011 Building Time

Nutzung Primary school as 'sign of peace', named after Maria Grazia Cutuli, a prominent Italian journalist who Building’s Purpose was murdered in Afghanistan in 2001, to commemorate 10 years from her death. m2 Nutzfläche 650 sqm Useable Floor Area

Bauherr „Maria Grazia Cutuli” Foundation Client

Ziegelverwendung Hersteller Behsazan Sharq Building & Construction Co. Brick Type Manufacturer

□ Fassadenziegel □ Tondachziegel □ Sonstige □ Facing Bricks □ Clay Roof Tiles □ Other

□ Hintermauerziegel □ Keramische Fassadenelemente √ Clay Blocks □ Clay Façade Panels

Kurzbeschreibung des Projekts / Brief description of the project mind. 1 DIN A4 Seite auf Deutsch oder Englisch beilegen please enlcose min. 1 page A4 in English or German Aufgabenstellung What was the design task? Art der Umsetzung How was it implemented? Warum Material Ziegel? Why brick as building material? Etwaige geografische Schwierigkeiten Any geographical difficulties Bautechnische Besonderheiten Construction characteristics

Design task - In 2001 Maria Grazia Cutuli, a prominent Italian journalist correspondent for the -based daily Corriere della Sera, was murdered by a group of gunmen who ambushed her convoy in Afghanistan. After this tragic event, her family established the Maria Grazia Cutuli Foundation that aims to support programs on the fields of education and social promotion, for children and women, in those countries devastated by war or natural calamities, especially in Afghanistan. The beauty of the landscape, described in Maria Grazia’s articles, gave us initial suggestions for developing the concept .

The school stands on a dry landscape, 12km from Heart, characterized by the brown colour of the soil and the intense blue of the sky. Few constructions come out from this flat and dusty territory, as enclosed islands surrounded by border walls. The northern skyline is defined by the dark Hindu Kush mountains.

Wienerberger AG, A-1100 Wien, Wienerberg City, Wienerbergstraße 11 T +43 (1) 60 192-0, F +43(1) 60 192-10425 | |

Wienerberger Brick Award 2014

The first challenge has been the research of a layout able to match functional needs and evocative spaces to achieve an innovative educational space as an alternative to those models related to the after-war reconstruction emergencies. The building is made up of a boundary line formed by a seemingly random arrangement of linked modules containing eight classrooms (30 pupils each), the connection corridors, the secretary’s office, staff rooms and the caretaker’s house. The only two-floors volume is the library, which acts as a symbolic landmark for the village: it shows there is a place for learning both for girls and boys, for local defiance of age-old history of conflicts, for an attempt of a semblance of democracy. A place for peace here now.

The border walls, which were required for security reasons, define, together with the boxes, a complex sequence of voids and built volumes. Both external and internal spaces give shape to the educational environment. There are small and intimate outdoor areas between the classrooms where kids can stay, play and relax under the shadow of about fifty trees. The main courtyard, embraced by the building represents the most relational space of the school. Almost embraced by the buildings all around, the main courtyard represents the most relational space of the school. Inside the school area and protected by the walls, there are also different vegetable gardens as a natural extension of the classrooms. On a total site area of 2.000sqm (40x50m), 650sqm are occupied by the school. The orientation of classrooms and the pattern of windows, which are framed in iron painted red contrasting the blue of the walls, assure the right amount of interior daylight and natural ventilation.

Project implementation - After the first stone setting, in June 2010, the works started immediately and proceeded very quickly. With a short interruption in December during winter season, the school was inaugurated in April 2011. The school opened just under a year after the workshop started. It was a thrilling, meteoric experience and an object lesson in the problems facing war- torn countries. The Provincial Reconstruction Team in Herat, in its military and civil components, sustained the project choosing the right location for the building and giving logistic support during its implementation. A synergy between PRT and the cooperation representative of Italian Foreign Ministry in Herat provided contacts with local authorities to get the authorizations.

Afghan workers carefully followed the drawings sent from Italy, but they used their own local construction processes. They construct all the elements in at once: foundation, pillars, walls and, only at the end, concrete beams and roof. In a certain way their construction methods are similar to the ones used in Italy during reconstruction after Second World War. Every week the site supervisor sent reports, pictures and updated percentage of realised works in Italy. It has been not so easy to control all details at such a distance and thus, at the end of November 2010, three architects of the workgroup visited the site to define the last finishing.

Construction cost is about 150.000 €, including expenses for the realization of the garden. Maria Grazia Cutuli Foundation has provided for all the funds. After the school has started to be used, the Italian daily newspaper “Corriere della Sera” donated fifty computers and the Provincial Administration of () granted the realization of the school playground.

Brick materials - Brick, as well as all the other materials and the applied technologies have been defined according to the local uses. Walls are made of solid brickwork, while the structure is a reinforced concrete frame. All the brick façades and the border walls has been painted in blue, a color which is traditionally used in Afghanistan for ceramics, giving a sense of rootedness.

Brickworks are part of that what we call “inevitable sustainability”. Due to project low budget and given external conditions only local Afghan workers, developers and suppliers could operate on site. Painted colouring for brickwork was used instead of render to keep costs down. Three different shades of blue draw attention to the complex layout of the building. The Italian colour firm “Colorificio San Marco” (Venice) donated the whole amount of wall paintings.

Geographical difficulties - First key point of this project, which is related to the specific location of its site, is the condition of operating in one of the most difficult war zone of the world. Construction in war zones raises a number of issues, especially about the rebuilding of social relationships by providing activities and places that can stimulate community growth. Till Maria Grazia Cutuli School was built, children had to attend lectures inside stables or under a three. The Italian Ministry of Defence provided for the necessary protection of the all operations related with the implementation of the project, untill the opening ceremony. Second key point is rethinking the meaning of architecture in such political and social circumstances. At a time when it is the image of architecture rather than architecture itself – buildings – that are the centre of debates, it was important to rediscover the importance of reinstating one of architecture’s other roles. The school doesn’t claim to solve big problems by applying political theories and utopian concepts; it aims merely to meet the needs of the moment.

Construction characteristics - All the materials and the applied technologies have been defined according to the common uses of the Afghan developers. Structures: reinforced concrete Walls: solid brickwork Masonry Outside finishing: blue painting Inside finishing: plaster and white painting Roofs: reinforced concrete Windows: painted iron frames/single glass Pavements: grit tiles

Wienerberger AG, A-1100 Wien, Wienerberg City, Wienerbergstraße 11 T +43 (1) 60 192-0, F +43(1) 60 192-10425 | |

Wienerberger Brick Award 2014

Publikationen in anderen Architekturbüchern/ Magazinen Abitare (ITA June 2011) Publications in other architecture books / journals Abitare CINA (CN Sept 2011)

AR The Architectural Review (GB Oct 2011)

TESTIFY! The Consequences of Architecture (NL exihibition cat. 2001)

Landscape Design (RC Jan 2012)

Boundaries (ITA Jan/Mar 2012)

Costruire in Laterizio (ITA Mar/Apr 2012)

TEGL (monography DK June 2012) (web/GB 2012)

Persönliches Kurz-Statement warum Ziegel verwendet Personal short statement why brick products were applied The use of brick products as well as of local technologies and construction materials is a way to make the school part of the local culture and landscape more than an imposed object. The simplicity of this materials and of the forms it shapes makes this architecture almost a primitive and primordial act of settlement. In this simplicity the symbol, the abstraction, nature and landscape coexist.

Wienerberger AG, A-1100 Wien, Wienerberg City, Wienerbergstraße 11 T +43 (1) 60 192-0, F +43(1) 60 192-10425 | |

Wienerberger Brick Award 2014

Erforderliche Unterlagen / Necessary Material

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□ Architektenfoto - Name der abgebildeten Person(en) nr. 4 pictures Fotograf

√ Picture of architect - Name displayed person(s) 2A+P/A (Gianfranco Bombaci, Matteo Costanzo), Mario Cutuli, IaN+ (from left: Luca Galofaro, Carmelo Baglivo, Stefania Manna)

Ma0 (from left: Luca La Torre, Ketti Di Tardo, Alberto Iacovoni) Photographer None

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Name Fotograf Giovanna Silva, Antonio Ottomanelli, Gerald Bruneau Name Photographer

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Pläne / Plans

□ Grundrisse relevanter Geschosse (projektabhängig!) mit Raumbezeichnung und Nordpfeil im Maßstab 1:200 √ Floor plan of project relevant floors with caption and north point on scale 1:200

□ Schnitt im Maßstab 1:200 √ Section on scale 1:200

□ Lageplan im Maßstab 1:1000 □ Site plan on scale 1:1000

□ Details zur Ziegelverwendung (Wand-, Fassaden-, Dachkonstruktion etc.) √ Application of brick products (e.g. wall/facade/roof construction) Wienerberger AG, A-1100 Wien, Wienerberg City, Wienerbergstraße 11 T +43 (1) 60 192-0, F +43(1) 60 192-10425 | |

Wienerberger Brick Award 2014


Architect : 2A+P/A, IaN+, ma0/emmeazero, Mario Cutuli

Project : “Maria Grazia Cutuli Primary School”, Herat (Afghanistan)

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Rome, 17/05/2013 ...... Signature (Arch. Carmelo Baglivo – IaN+) On the Behalf of the group of Architects

Wienerberger AG, A-1100 Wien, Wienerberg City, Wienerbergstraße 11 T +43 (1) 60 192-0, F +43(1) 60 192-10425 | |