vllg.com Local Gothic SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic ABOUT vllg.com

Details / 2005 GIORGIO SANS was designed by Christian Schwartz. It is available as a cross-platform, feature-rich OpenType font. Giorgio Sans is available in Roman & Italic with eight feature-rich weights with plenty of stylistic alternates. Please contact us for information on webfonts licensing.

SUPPORTED LANGUAGES SO 8859–1 / LATIN 1 Local Gothic offers extensive language support… , Albanian, Basque, Breton, Catalan, Danish, English (UK & US), Faroese, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish (new ), Italian, Kurdish (The Kurdish Unified ), Latin (basic classical orthography), Leonese, Luxembourgish (basic classical orthography), Norwegian (Bokmål & Nynorsk), Occitan, Portuguese (Portuguese & Brazilian), Rhaeto-Romanic, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish & Walloon

ISO 8859–2 / LATIN 2 Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian (when in the Latin ), Slovak, Slovene, Upper Sorbian & Lower Sorbian

ISO 8859–3 / LATIN 3 Esperanto, Maltese, Turkish

ISO 8859–4 / LATIN 4 Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Greenlandic & Sami

ISO 8859–9 / LATIN 5 Turkish

ISO 8859–10 / LATIN 6 Nordic languages SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic ABOUT vllg.com

Local Gothic / page 1 of 3 While I was in college I took several classes at Pittsburgh Filmmakers, and I had to walk by a Rally’s Hamburger stand to get there. Their sign was amazing — it looked like they had bought their movable letters on three or four separate occasions and didn’t care that they didn’t match. It gave me an idea for a very distressed typeface that was made up of completely undistressed characters. The uneven texture would only be apparent if you looked at multiple characters at a time. I lOOsely based the individual characters on the four most popular sans serifs in American vernacular design: Helvetica Bold, Futura Bold, Franklin Gothic COndensed and Alternate Gothic No. 2. Ultimately it’s more a special effect than a typeface, but I think it’s a pretty cool special effect. SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic ABOUT vllg.com

page 2 of 3 I had abandoned Local Gothic as a relic of the 90s—an interesting idea that didn’t really need to be finished— until 2005, when I was convinced it might deserve to be released after all. First, it ended up a central part of the graphic identity for TypeCon New York, lending it a certain haphazard charm. While all of the TypeCon stuff was in the works, Tal Leming at Type Supply contacted me because had been playing around with a simple OpenType randomizer, & the font he had built as proof of concept reminded him of Local Gothic. We applied Tal’s code to Local Gothic, and the change was subtle, but reinforced the illusion that the pattern of styles was accidental. Sometimes matching characters appear next to each other. Some alternates end up being used more often than others. The texture is willfully uneven. SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic ABOUT vllg.com

page 3 of 3 Local Gothic supports the full CE+EU3 set of languages, and includes a set of arrows, nut fractions from half to sixteenths, a handful of dingbats, and an extra set of alternates to make your text look especially clumsy. SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic UPPERCASE / 140 pt. vllg.com ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRSTUVW XYZ SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic UPPERCASE ALTERNATES / 140 pt. vllg.com abcde��fg� hi�jklm�n o�pqr�s� tuvw�xyz SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic SAMPLE TEXT SETTINGS vllg.com 2 for 1 welCom� sale price SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic SAMPLE TEXT SETTINGS vllg.com one Day ONly!� everytHing �ust go *soup and sandwiCh COmb�* now playing: Batman returns again today's : Roast beef, cream of barley soup vegetarian Chili, grilled shRimp salad & appl� pie Add+ mixed greens Or a side of vegetables for 89¢ SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic ACCENTED CHARACTERS vllg.com ÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄæàáâãäåāăąÆ ĆĈČÇĊćĉčçċĎďĐđÈÉÊĚĒËĘĖ èéêěëēėę��������ĜĞĠĢĝğġģ���� ĤĦĥħìíîïīį�ÌÍÎÏĪĮİ�������ĴĵĶķ ĹĻĽŁĺļľłŃŇÑŅńňñņÒÓÔÕŌŐÖŒ �������øóòôõöōő �������ØœùúûüŔŘŖ ŕřŗ���ŚŜŠŞȘśŝšşș�����ß ŤŢťţÙÚÛÜŪŬŮŰŲūŭůűųýÿÝŸ źžżŹŻŽþÞÐð SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic CHARACTER SET vllg.com

NUMERALS 0�123456�789


FRACTIONS Prebuilt fractions in sixteenths, eighths, quarters, thirds, & half ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ¾ µ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ π 3⁄16 5⁄16 7/16 9⁄16 11⁄16 13⁄16 15/16




PUNCTUATION & SYMBOLS `´ˆ¨˜˚ˇ¯˘˝˙¸˛ .,:;…!��¡?�¿’‘”“‚„‹›«»� *†‡&�§¶°^~_'" @©®™ªº#⁄ %‰ +−×÷=()[]{}/\|¦•·-–— <>��↑↓ SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic SELECTED SUPPORTED LANGUAGE TEXT SETTINGS vllg.com

CESKY Všeobecnou deklaraci lidských práv jakožtospolečný cíl pro všechny národy a všechny státyza tím účelem, aby se každý jednotlivec a každý orgán společnosti, maje tuto deklaraci stále na mysli.

DANSK Plenarforsamlingen derfor nu denne verdenserklæring om menneskerettighederne som et fælles mål for alle folk og alle nationer med det formål, at ethvert menneske og ethvert samfundsorgan. SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic SELECTED SUPPORTED LANGUAGE TEXT SETTINGS vllg.com

DEUTSCH Verkündet die Generalversammlung diese Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte als das von allen Völkern und Nationen zu erreichende gemeinsame Ideal, damit jeder einzelne und alle Organe der Gesellschaft.

ESPAÑOL La Asamblea General proclama la presente Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos como ideal común por el que todos los pueblos y naciones deben esforzarse, a fin de que tanto los individuos. SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic SELECTED SUPPORTED LANGUAGE TEXT SETTINGS vllg.com

FINNISH Antaa tämän ihmisoikeuksien yleismaailmallisenjulistuksen kaikkien kansojen ja kaikkienkansakuntien tavoiteltavaksi yhteiseksi ohjeeksi, jotta kukin yksilö ja kukin yhteiskuntaelin pyrkisi, pitäen alati.

FRANÇAIS L’Assemblée générale proclame la présente Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme comme l’idéal commun à atteindre par tous les peuples et toutes les nations afin quetous les individus et tous les organes. SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic SELECTED SUPPORTED LANGUAGE TEXT SETTINGS vllg.com

ÍSLENSKA Fyrir því hefur allsherjarþing Sameinuðu þjóðanna fallizt á mannréttindayfirlýsingu þá, sem hér með er birt öllum þjóðum og ríkjum til fyrirmyndar. Skulu einstaklingar og yfirvöld jafnan hafa yfirlýsingu þessa í huga.

NYNORSK Den internasjonale fråsegna om menneskerettane, som skal peike mot eit sams mål for allefolk og nasjonar. Fråsegna må alltid vere i tankane til den einskilde og dei styrande og få dei til å styrkje vørdnaden. SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic SELECTED SUPPORTED LANGUAGE TEXT SETTINGS vllg.com

POLSKI Przeto zgromadzenie ogólne Ogłasza Uroczyście niniejszą Powszechną Deklarację Praw Człowieka jako wspólny najwyższy cel wszystkich ludów i wszystkich narodów, aby wszyscy ludzie i wszystkie organy.

PORTUGUESE Todos os seres humanos podem invocar os direitos e as liberdades proclamados na presente Declaração, sem distinção alguma, nomeadamente de raça, de cor, de sexo, de língua, de religião. SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic SELECTED SUPPORTED LANGUAGE TEXT SETTINGS vllg.com

SVENSKA Envar är berättigad till alla de fri- och rättigheter, som uttalas i denna förklaring, utan åtskillnad av något slag, såsom ras, hudfärg, kön, språk, religion, politisk eller annan uppfattning, nationellt eller socialt.

TÜRKÇE İnsanlik topluluğunun bütün fertleriyle uzuvlarının bu beyannameyi daima gözönünde tutarak öğretim eğitim yoluyla bu haklar ve hürriyetlere saygıyı geliştirmeye, gittikçe artan milli ve. SCHWARTZCO Local Gothic ABOUT vllg.com

LOCAL GOTHIC / SCHWARTZCO ©2015 Village Type & Design All rights reserved For evaluation only