CONSUMING GENDER AND DISABILITY IN INDONESIAN FILM Novi Kurnia Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi Fisipol Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Sosio Yusticia Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281, No. Hp. +628169413961, Email:
[email protected] Abstract This study aims to examine the film audience reception on gender and disabilities representation towards What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Love (Yang Tidak Dibicarakan Ketika Membicarakan Cinta, 2013). This film directed by a prominent Indonesian woman film director, Mouly Surya, and produced in 2013. Such audience study is very important in the scholarship of women and Indonesian films dominated by studies on women representation in the film and women filmmakers. Employing reception analysis based on Stuart Hall’s work, this study involves six Indonesian students as informant of a series of in-depth interviews. The study finds that the personal experiences and knowledge of informants, as well as their film habits, but not their gender, influences their interpretation toward the issue of gender and disabilities in the film. Keywords: gender, disability, film audience, reception, women director Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemaknaan penonton film terhadap representasi gender dan kaum difabel yang terdapat dalam film What We Don’t Talk About When They Talk About Love (Yang Tidak Dibicarakan Ketika Membicarakan Cinta, 2013). Film ini disutradarai oleh salah satu sutradara perempuan terkemuka Indonesia, Mouly Surya, dan diproduksi pada tahun 2013. Penelitian mengenai penonton film ini sangat penting dalam kajian perempuan dan film Indonesia yang didominasi oleh beragam penelitian mengenai representasi perempuan di film dan pekerja film perempuan. Dengan menggunakan analisis resepsi hasil karya Stuart Hall, penelitian ini melibatkan enam informan dari serangkaian wawancara mendalam.