Sexism Towards Women in English Tempo Online Art and Culture

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Sexism Towards Women in English Tempo Online Art and Culture SEXISM TOWARDS WOMEN IN ENGLISH TEMPO ONLINE ART AND CULTURE ARTICLES Neschya Hertian Taher 2225126256 A “Skripsi” Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of “Sarjana Sastra” ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS STATE UNIVERSITY OF JAKARTA 2016 i ii LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Sebagai civitas akademik Universitas Negeri Jakarta, saya bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Nama : Neschya Hertian Taher No. Reg : 2225126256 Program Studi : Sastra Inggris Jurusan : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni Judul Skripsi : SEXISM TOWARDS WOMEN IN ENGLISH TEMPO ONLINE ART AND CULTURE ARTICLES Demi mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan, saya menyetujui untuk memberikan kepada Universitas Negeri Jakarta Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusif (Non- Exclusive Royalty Free Right) atas karya ilmiah saya. Dengan Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusif ini, Universitas Negeri Jakarta berhak menyimpan, mengalih media/formatkan, mengelola dalam bentuk pangkalan data (database), mendistribusikan, dan menampilkan/mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lainnya untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin dari saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis/pencipta dan sebagai pemilik Hak Cipta. Segala bentuk tuntutan hukum yang timbul atas pelanggaran Hak Cipta dalam karya ilmiah ini menjadi tanggung jawab pribadi. Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Jakarta Pada tanggal 29 Juli 2016 Yang menyatakan, Neschya Hertian Taher 2225126256 iii ABSTRAK Neschya Hertian Taher. 2016. Bahasa Seksis Terhadap Wanita di Tempo Online Berbahasa Inggris Artikel Seni dan Budaya. Skripsi, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana linguistik seksis diekspresikan di Tempo Online Berbahasa Inggris Dalam Artikel Seni dan Budaya dan untuk menguraikan bagaimana citra karakter perempuan dan laki-laki dideskripsikan di Tempo Online Berbahasa Inggris Dalam Artikel Seni dan Budaya. Penelitian ini menganalisis 50 artikel yang mengandung seksis dari bulan Juni 2015 hingga Mei 2016. Penelitian ini menganalisis tulisan dan gambar menggunakan Gaya Bahasa Feminis dari Sara Mills dan Denotasi dan Konotasi Semiotik dari Roland Barthes dengan penulis sendiri sebagai instrumennya. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Tempo mengekspresikan bahasa seksis yang mendiskriminasi karakter perempuan dalam cakupan profesionalitas pekerjaan dan mendeskripsikan karakter perempuan berdasarkan penampilan fisik, hubungan dengan laki-laki serta perannya sebagai ibu sedangkan karakter laki-laki dideskripsikan sebaliknya, berdasarkan profesi. Berdasarkan analisis semiotik dari gambar artikel dapat disimpulkan bahwa Tempo menggunakan penampilan fisik dan daya pikat sensual untuk mendeskripsikan karakter perempuan sedangkan menggunakan kekuatan dan profesionalisme untuk mendeksripsikan karakter laki- laki. Kata Kunci: gaya bahasa feminis, bahasa seksis, media, Seni dan Budaya. iv ABSTRACT Neschya Hertian Taher. 2016. Sexism Towards Women in English Tempo Online Art and Culture Articles. Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Jakarta. The study aimed to describe how linguistic sexism expressed in English Tempo Online Art and Culture articles and to elaborate how the image of female and male characters are described in English Tempo Online Art and Culture articles. The study analyzed 50 articles that consist of sexism from June 2015 to May 2016. The study analyzed texts and images using Feminist Stylistics by Sara Mills and Denotation and Connotation Semiotics by Roland Barthes with the writer as the instrument. From the study, it can be concluded that Tempo expressed sexist language that discriminates female characters in terms of occupation professionalism and described female character based on physical appearance, relationship to male and role as a mother while male characters were described by the opposite, based on their profession. Based on semiotic analysis from the image articles, it is found that Tempo used physical appearance and sexual attractiveness to describe the female characters while used power and professionalism to described the male characters. Keywords: feminist stylistic, sexist language, media, Art and Culture. v ACKNOWLEDGMENT The writer would like to thank Allah SWT for the blessing so the writer could finish the thesis on time. The writer would like to thank and give gratitude to the following people who have given lots of contribution, help, support and knowledge in doing this thesis from the first time until the thesis completed and submitted: 1. Bapak Dr. Ifan Iskandar, M.Hum as the thesis adviser for his guidance, advices, motivation and his precious time that he spared to help the writer in doing the thesis. 2. Dearest Mom and little sister for the support. Dearest Dad that always sends his support from the heaven. 3. Abay, you know I never meant to miss your graduation. Thank you for the understanding, support and motivation during finishing the thesis. 4. The Sukentul’s family, Mamah Ela, Mba Lulu, Bu Asha and Kakak Nari that always help me going through the ups and downs for the past 4 years. These last months have been beautifully amazing! 5. Bu Asha, my thesis mate. Thanks for the sadness and happiness in pursuing our degree. 6. ASPEK members, Mutiara, Aini, Shanti, Dini, Dita, Olivia, Sari, Tita and Uut, we nailed the last time we had in the uni! 7. Sudah Tidak Populer girls, Eel, Cucum, Ulul, Asha and Nanar for the time we have shared. vi 8. The Jelly’s, Melisa, Windy, Hadi, Lana, Joy, Rahmad, Bang Audi and Wildan for the coffee time and support during finishing the thesis. 9. Konferensi Asia Afrika gank, Kakak Yayu and Mas Diki. Thank for nothing but support! 10. Mampu(s) Tanpamu’s member, Anesya and Febianti. Thanks for the encouragement. Sorry I missed several movie dates! 11. 12 SA Mandiri friends, thank you for the four years! 12. All people whom cannot be mentioned for all the supports, prays and contribution. July 2016 Neschya Hertian vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Lembar Pengesahan ................................................................................................ i Lembar Pernyataan.................................................................................................. ii Lembar Pernyataan Persetujuan Publikasi ............................................................. iii ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. iv ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. v Acknowledgment ................................................................................................... vi Table of Contents ................................................................................................. viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1 1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................................... 1 1.2 Research Question .............................................................................................. 3 1.3 Research Purpose ............................................................................................... 3 1.4 Scope of the Study ............................................................................................. 3 1.5 Significance of the Study ................................................................................... 3 1.5.1 Theoretical Research Significance ............................................................ 4 1.5.2 Practical Research Significance ................................................................ 4 1.6 Previous Related Studies .................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................. 8 2.1 Sexism ................................................................................................................ 8 2.1.1 Sexist Language ........................................................................................ 9 2.2 Feminist Stylistics ............................................................................................ 11 viii 2.2.1 Word Level............................................................................................... 12 Generic Pronoun .......................................................................... 12 Generic Noun ............................................................................... 13 Naming ......................................................................................... 14 Semantic Derogation of Women .................................................. 14 Gender-Free Language................................................................. 15 2.2.2 Phrase Level ............................................................................................. 17 Ready-made Phrase ...................................................................... 17 Metaphors .................................................................................... 18 2.2.3 Discourse Level ........................................................................................ 18 Character or Roles.......................................................................
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